I I . ! I DONE LOADING: HUH llflllllffellll- I! II I lilT Itl'iV IIC LUAIMl I OK I K (III tON-II 1ST YOOF.N .Milt l OOL ON IIKK1II r '.he British mt?nfeip Kmc 1.4 W long taste of grated this afternoon and the lear this evenly for tu iffl or continent Loading -a ''d bold with aacttr fain jisbed today. NSTER FOR CANADA NAMED "I'UI II. I-IIILI.II-S. I'UMKNT AM- 'l AllOU TO III I till M. MUX ui:rioF.T.liliF. io no- MINION W' I'l.-Jl'.TDV William H i 're-sent ainbaasador to Belgium ' tinder secretary of stale, ha "14 the first American min-Ciuada As soon as the neet-i .'':ntn-.- are completed, he his ofllce at Ottawa. Beverly, Massachusetts. 1878. Mr. Phillips graduaU'd I! . nd University uul Harvard 31 and ha had lig cxperleuc diplomatic stiiilce, mostly t iu'h he was SMlslsnt secre-i on two occawtins. He h 'm -ador'to the N norlands and e.iice U20. 7CA AAA TH AM i ii ii i rv fi i ROAD, ALASKA '"tOXlli 11V HOI !; Of IlKI'UKMIN-"lUlis AMI m;. t ON to j,V.S- ' - I.OCAI, CON HUM, lll I'AKT.MKNTAL ACTUlr.KJ wasiNQT0n7 Feb. 3.-A ivtolutlon " "W-hurire the construetlv. of k iVSO.- , roa or Beward ?tnlniul ktltou and Candla ck wu i!"?-!... ------ - oy tne House or representatives "oay and sent on to tho (Stmts 4n House atso bajm.rf in ih. n.i.atn bin ' - ...... ,rii "Ulnnztng the secretary of In- and th CAT I'KOIil.EM Is ()i:ttii M.Hioi s: IUieam: t'.tni(ii:it TORONTO. Feb. 3 The man-afr of the Toronto Humane Society, returning from America centre declared that the seriousness of the cat problem was worrying him. The cat. he said.? was undoubtedly a disease rrlir, and Near York was destroying as many as 9.AOO dally In the belief that they had been a factor In the spread of spinal meningitis epidemic among the children of that city. Till nnil Modification In Ll'liior Ij to ITotliip I'tir Nile t IWr Iralurrd Opening nf l.egMiiture Todiy 81 caerai minister or railways manes recom mendation to goxernment for intensive study relating to Bay railway tVPAIf'Kt.. February :t. The Manitoba Free Press enrried i .Mtif Ottawa apt ial yenterday: i f tisive study of Hudson StraiU In 1027 by a fleet of hydro-- being strongly recommended on the government by Hon. Dunning, minister of railways. If his recommendation is the Royal Canadian Air Forte, in co-operation with the I.uVV. will ChTTV OLt an I'ltpnsivp riamlnntlnn nf hn The government departments concerned have prepared anim utute providing for substantial tax-!todaT nn reductions leiturea me apeccn iran ihe throne st the opening of the Manitoba legislature today. NEW ZEALAND WINS , SECOND VICTORY IN , ; rwllent repreientatlea hsv silvtr Crest ... 'tllplft. sunvrviainn 'nirS nithmnnd Hi Alaska 'B.C. Telephone Asked ,J 823 1.73 1.53 .toi .0514 .13 198 .07 tlon. In addition a large tract of land situated between An ah am Lake and Chtlcotln comprising some 40.000 acres, would be available for settlement. This lsnd Is particularly adapted to aheep. cattle and horses, which are able to find their living the year around with out feed from the ranch. It la hoped that the government will see the bene ft of the road and work toward Its completion ,...?... i.AA,xx4,4.A4.4. I'H'i ill,. , , I ANII (IKlKllttrilKAi: AM-FCTS -aras Manitoba' taxation i 000 ton of ahem at it She will ttn proceed to complete with ther lor the Orient - vessel have been chartered 1: i;)crt and art due to ar-:i nest couple of week . "at ir up to thla after -ieti adwvd of tht boatv REDUCTIONS COMING : DOMINION LAND : SURVEY ASS'N. of OTTAWA. Ont.. Feb. 3. The twentieth annuat general meeting of the Dominion Land Surveyors' Association brings to Ottawa today experts from various parts of the dominion, for Informative and Interesting discussion. Mny of the addresses are of public WINNIPEG. Feb. 3--A referendum lnt,rtt. notably those of Canada . ith respect to the modification of the I progrfM t ,erl work, by J. A. Wilson. iquor law regarding the sale of beer iiid changes In the existing revenue secreury of the air board, and A. M. Narraway, chief aerial surveys engineer J. A. Pounder, chief engineer of the International Boundary Commission today will speak on Developments In Survey Methods In 1J0 'years, and J. B. Harklns, commissioner of Canadian National Parks, will tell of the national parks. The relation of the surveyor to earthquakes Is the subject of art ad- RUGBY GAME SERIES ittJrZFiZ VANCOUVER. Feb. 3. - The visiting New Zeiland Maori defeated University of British Columbia U tD 3 In the sec Charles Btewart, minister of the Interior: J. D. Craig, dlrector-ceneral of surveys, and F. A. Oaby. chief en El net r of the Ontario Hydro Electric. l6 series of four t0 i ond rugby game a commliulon. are speakers, be played here and at viciona. ti p D Henderson Is president of the New Zealanders, wno are nrre on L,soctatlon. wav home after a tour of Great Britain. wilt play one more gsme In Vancouver! and one In Victoria. SIX STEAMERS WILL RUN TO ALASKA FOR PACIFIC S.S. CO. - . i covins weekly sslllugs from Seattle I .. . B,iilhU'Mlaril to botn aoutfieasverii v r- Alaska- lorU. the Pacific Steamship Co. will operate a fleet or six vesscn uutm the comhig season In the Alaska service, commencing In March and continuing until October. The steamer Admiral Evans. Queen, Admiral Farragut. Admiral Watson. Admiral Rogers and Dorothy Alexander will be used In the service. VANCOUVKH EXCHANHE Bid. wheat ftfVi 1 jv.v Coast Copper B.C. Silver ...r. ... Dunwell 1.60 1.51 .10U .05 U .11 1.93 .OOU .14 aisoo HUDSON BAY CO.'S Til LAKI- .111 ' '' $900,000 to vovcr the cost of such an examination which snort tune a icod Dortion of the to. undertaken lor the purpose of determining whether fur-;ooo acre of the fine agricultural land X. t! on the Hudson Bay Raf.way is wsrrarled. which at the present tune Ilea vacant, , could be put under a state of cultlva- Nb JAMES IS BELLA COOLA. Feb. 3. At the annual meeting of the Bella Coola Farm-en' Institute here It was decided that the Provincial Government should be urged to continue the Mackenzie highway to connect with the Cariboo highway. This. It was painted out. would give the farmers a market for their products. The Bella Coola Valley is noted for the good quality of Its produce, especially potatoes, apples, rhubarb and practically all popular vegetables. The only reason no progress Is being made Is the lack of a market. If the road were extended It would mean not only market but the Influx of new set- to this place and no doubt In a tllllllM:.4 ON AKKI II. DOMINION, M ILL UK IIEAIlll RIGHT DISPUTED DOMINION ANI PIIOVINCIAI. UOV- LKN.MLNTN IIOI.U IT IS tfsOT KNTITIXII TO PKKt,IOlS .ML'TAI-N nulM KAItLV OM.NLU-'IIIP OTTAWA. Feb. 3. Argument waa finished yesterday and Judgment rc s;rrcd by the Supreme Court of Canada In the reference brought by the Dominion government to test the right ot the Hudson Bay Co. to claim ownership of precious metals In the lands they acqMlfed' In Western Canada In lifolKor days. The provinces of Manitoba and' Alberta' "were represented in 'the case, argument' of which lasted two days. Blonde hairs are finest, the barbers' supply convention announced, but they look like the Atlantic' cable when attached to a blue serge suit. ' . i , Ah, well perhaps a Russian had .10'. rather be; murdered by a "comrade" 920.00 i l hall ' 'iSrr'" O r 5 TAXI Ambulance 5b Boston Grill Large Upstair Dining Hall, Service with newiy IcIcX dancing Anywhere at Ah)4fiv floor, for hire. Exchange KuUJinj; NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. Stand; PRINCE RUPERT The latest and best for the MATT V1DECK. lro,i. least. Phone 457: Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper ..i.--.Lx -i. i vr XVII,. No- 23. VOL PRINCE, RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1927 ClrcuUtion 1627 Sales 468 Pries Vive Cents ON STRAITS TO BE EXAMINED OVERNMENT SHIPS TO PLY TRADE AGREEMENT ROUTE u i m m a m m m m m m m mm - " mm r i h mm mi m mi m mm I May be Utilized for BELLA COOLA ASKS HIGHWAY 1'KOl INCIAI. OOVF.KNMF..NT I IK1F.II Survey or New Koute ' '"r HT VALLEY JIOVjITOU, or lace lizard (Varanus Indiens) found extenively in Australia where It is known as the iguana. Specimens over 5 feet long are often found. Note the snake-like head which is common to the Komodo Dragons that Sir Alan Cobham saw In his flight C.G.M.M. Service FORMER LOCAL TUG SINKS AT VANCOUVER Clileftalii (iiien Down Mltlmut Manilng at Ikillanlyne Tin! and Now It IS ' I'eet Ilelow Mater The tugboat Chieftain, which many. years ago used to ply between Prince Rupert and Port Eulngton, moored at the Ballantyne Pier. Vanesuver, sank . without warning early last Friday morning and how lies under eighteen feet ! of water at low tide. i There was no one aboard and It Is believed ' a seacock may have broken. flooding the huU. The Chlettaln. now owned by the Pacific (Coyle) Towing Company, was built in Victoria twenty-five- years ago. EMMEUNE PANKHURST GIVEN NOMINATION IN ENGLISH CONSTITUENCY LONDON, Feb. 3. Mrs. Emmeline Pankhurst, one time militant suffragete leader, waa unanimously nominated Conservative candidate for Whltechapcl and St, Oeorge division of Stepney for the next parliamentary elections. to Continue Between West Indies and Dominion - OTTAWA. February 3. The government subsidized Canada West Indies aieamihip service will be continued by the Canadian government Merchant Marine it is announced. The contract under which the Canadian and West Indies governments helped to provide passenger, fritfbt anUmaiUer-ice-btween-Girriida-tid theMsirt34'b--jpje partially covered "by in lad expired and tenders tftererore were twice caiiea Dy iion, jamen Malcolm, minister of trade and commerce, who now announces that .he government Is convinced that the service can lie performed no,it advantayeously and economically by the C.N.R. management and that the services will be put Into operation as nearly as possible within the time stipulated In the recent trade agreement RELEASING OF LIQUOR BOAT STIFF l-AV.MENTS Mill HE MKT II TO HE HtKKO HAVE TO 4 ( IIKIST MOKI.l.KK VH'TOKIA. Irb. 3. I on the pay i.irnt of dule dut) bmnlH and all rM-n" In roiinertliin h Ith lh rliure of the whnuner Chits .Mitrllrr with her lliuir carpo (otal-lln; aiM"lmatfl) J.'ihi.ihm In talue, the Manltolia Krrinrrlrv Ltd. owner nf the verl, maj srrure her re-lru. uccurilliiR to liiMriirtlon re-rrMrtl by Collector f t'utimi Hate) (mm Ottawa. BIG WINNIPEG UNION MAN DIED TODAY IN SARATOGA, FLORIDA!- SARATOGA, Florida, Feb. 3. Asn more W Kennedy, aged 7. assistan. grand chief engtnecr of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, diei her today He came from Winnipeg. Budget Criticized by Tories; Jones of Okanagan Sees in It Forecast of Election Shortly Log Carrying Barge Drumrock Total Loss After Stranding at Takush Harbor Down Coast VICTOItIA, February 3.The big log carrying barge Drum-rook, driven ashore in Takush Harbor, Smith's Inlet, while carrying a .u 'ilion or more feet of logs in tow of the tug Cape Scott, has broken Jap and will be a total loss according to word received by the .Pacific bsivage Lo. ine tugs uape bcott ana racinc iionarcn were standing by the Drumrock but could not save her from destruction. The ; Salvage King was rushing to the scene but was too late. It is ex- i petted that most of the logs will be saved. I The Dnimrock, formerly a British sailing ship, was ac-(lulred about three yea', ago by the - 1 Hecate Straits Tewing Co. and converted I into log carrier. She has been In jPrtnce Rupert harbor and ha loaded logs ',1 lt Arm anrf Oiin fTharlntt la- I land points. Latterly she belonged to Ithe Pacific (Coylel Navigation Co. which absorbed the Hecate Straits towing ccmpany and other towing concern. The Drumrock, of steel construction. HIK.MF.K IIKIT1II i'UEMIF.K Is t.M- was built a a sailing ship by Ramage' i-u.Ti.Lt ti.NUic.tTt.il ikom it Ferguson at Lelth. Scotland, in 1895. iiutiiuts ut v.rr. rcTtit IS COMMERCIAL SPIRIT DETRIMENTAL TO PROGRESS ARTS TORONTO, Feb. 3. By Canadian Pre). "Resolved that the commercial spirit existing today In Canada and the GLADSTONE GETS LIBEL VERDICT She was originally named the Drum-, MKKillT rock but. changing ownership, was re- - named the Persimmon. Then she came, LONDON, Feb. 3. Verdict for Lord into German hand and wa again re- j Gladstone with cost waa returned to- named the Helwlg-Vlnnen. She miI 1:1 lnc UDe Interned off the coast of ChUe during Wright who. In a recent book, cast a-the war and about three years ago I perilous on the moral character of W. waa acquired by the Hecate Strait Tow- E. Gladstone, the great Victorian prime in! Co. and converted into a barge, re- minister and the plalntlfr father. The verting to her original name of Drum- verdict Included a rider to the effect roctc that the elder Gladstone had been The vessel wa of 3.100 ton gros. completely vindicated. Gladstone term-329 feet long. 45 fee; wide and 23 feet.ed Wright a liar, coward and foul fel-7 lnche draft. 8be 1 valued at about!?0" lor reflection upon hi (100.000 and U understood to. ave."- .-. s.. ?.,V? POLICE LOST LARGE PRIZE ICAITKE.MO.NT IIKOTIIERS SLUTKII AM AY FKO.M FKASEK VALLEY MIIII.E IDENTIHCATION MAS IIEINO ESTAIILISIIEII L'nlted States U detrimental to the , f.EW WESTMINSTER. Feb. 3. How development cf the arts." is the subject nvtlAs totalling approximately 118.000 trtoaea for the annual debating aerie of ;offered tor tne ciptUre of the notorious the Women"s Intercollegiate Debating D Autremont brothers, wanted in con-Union, which will take pla on February aectlon wltn Oregon mall car hold-5, with tesms competing from the TJnl-up ,n ,B23 Mpptli through the ringers verslty of Toronto, Queen University of tte proTH. police last November r.M McOlll University and debating ,tarne. at headquarters here. It Is It. iltaneously. CONSCIENCE MONEY OF $65 SENT TO C.P.R WINNIPEG, Feb. 3. The foUowlngi letter frcm Long Beach, California, to-) gether with three twenty dollar bill j and one five waa received by the pas- iseoger department of the Canadian Pa- i etflc Railway today. "Inclosed- you wUl I tind CS.O0 for a fare of a atx-year-1 t ciJ way I tooX over the Canadian Pacific road with out a ticket from Moosejaw. nada. to Long Beach, California. tliree years ago this Includes interest, -ivtr the coast route. I take this time to b,F jour forgiveness." KINDNESS TO CATS WINS SOCIETY A GIFT OF $90,000 wltlOAOO. Feb. 3. Because the Antl- .r.jelty Society of Chlcsgo gave care to j to the : elcht cat that she owned, Miss Anna i , Wells of Chicago bequeathed S90.000 to tho society, according to her will, which 'wax probated here , . . , , , i. ivr. H. J. Strelbert. superintendent of VICTORIA, February 3. "There must be an election coming," !th4 40Ciel,( Mid that several years ago commented J. W. Jones, Conservative member for South Okanagan . 40015 care of the cats from time to in the legislature yesterday in replying to Hon. J. D. McLean's ;une when Mis well took them to its budget speech announcing reductions in provincial taxation. lotfirt and that later the feline were Mr. Jones was the only speaker in tho budget debate and brought to the oclety for a permanent Hon. T. D. Pattullo, minister of lands, whose policy toward irrigation .home. .lll..!t. . ...t tW,wl ...III ...!.. Irwl n .. Nt Inn.a onntAniWl iSnt ' "" " " the Liberal government had doubled several taxes and Invented other jtANAUl AN lAtlrlt newijues during its ten years of office, the first signs 01 reductions coming only in 10J4. He also criticized , reduce taxation but had spent' the, snr. , the.stste-nent of the minister of finance plus. in regard to provincial asset and charged H. Despard Twlgg. Conservative. Vic- ! lack of constructive genius on the part;torla, moved his amendment to tint -.v. I ot the government In having to hand the Pacific Oreat Eastern Railway over (0 a group of Vancouver business men to tell them what to do with It. Although the minister of finance claimed Increase In revenue, M5. -Jones' a Id the' governmeutv had noli used theno to TO CONSTRUCT NEW HOTEL IN TORONTO solution of Premier Oliver on elr TORONTO. Feb. 3. The Canadian terma. He urged that a federsl ojwl Pacific Railway has purchased the Commission Investigate British Col-am- Queen's Hotel. The famous old hostelry bla'a case as had been done U. tne MirU jwlll be demolished and a new hotel of times. 'one thousand rooms constructed. The The debate was adjourned. by 11 G 'liel In the bualnea ectlon and H Perry, pberal. Fort Oeorge. 'not far' from the C.P.R. atatlon. j said that the trio disappeared while ithe authorities were securing sufficient ! evidence of their identification to war-jrant them being taken Into custody !at Fraser Valley lumber camps where I they were discovered. NEW EFFORT TO BREAK DEADLOCK I KESH INSTIU (THINS C.Mil.K.0 IIY UKITISH HIKEION OFFICE Of CIIAKCE ll'AFFAIKES AT H.VNKOM LONDON. Feb. 3. The British government cabled last night fresh Instructions to British Charge D'Affalres O'Malley at Hankow In an effort to break the deadlock which developed In Anglo-Chinese negotiations there when Cantonese Foreign Minister Chen questioned the right ot Great Britain to despatch a Shanghai defence fofce Far East USED GASOLINE FOR FIRE, DEAD AllI.F.V IL HAMKINS, FA KM I'll-IL OF I.OK1I KOONEVS FARM NHAK EII.MONTOX, KILLE1I EDMONTON. Feb. Hawkins. .33-year old 3. Audley R. country farm pupil who was training on Lord Rodney's farm at Fort Saskatchewan, was burned to death last night when he used gosollne In the attempt to start a tire. 'IUAKE AT MIAMIIIAI. SHANOHAI, , alarmed t)y this nwrutne 1 Feb. 3Th-K. city was fairly severerearthquake N.o damage U reported.