fja, February 3, THS DAILT KETTd PAGE FIVH CAROL HAVING 1NSPIRATI0NF0R nncerning the HECTIC TIME TUIQ PAIlMTIMr iinu i niiiiinu ngagement ing It mut mcure up to a, in Htandard. It may be rn!e i" design, moderate iir r. :c and yet It must be per-' u in every detail, iou do nt. need to be an expert udge to buy the suitable from us Whether you pay ?2i.00 or r moo. our reputation for cfi good value and a riinr. i , uece'iH dependn on .(iiidenee. rjEVELLEPvS iito iLilllC STOKC WITH THE CLOCrV Ml UIlllJll'Cli L of New Hats Just arrived t "Demers" I'nnne 27. P.O. Ilox 327. .itt m r.nvn ii'itPM nrmr r O hlAHS A fcTf At tVARM . HEART-TO KP r , rvio itai- dabt I A 'IIKERPUL hearth l hajipy home. Our .. ati's a warmth that cr vour heart and j rriilfn of Htixfai-- will thaw tho cold-' nherc. W : -e a yarJ full of ,;jccts of heat wait-our order. NAN A I MO, W K I.I.I N(2T( X and Mcl.EOI) HIVKIl SOOTI.ESS Albert & McCaffery i'nnnex lift rin.l 117 Closing : Out I SALE NOW IN I UM. HWINfi Many llarRalns In COATS DRESSES HATS J. BENT UclleH Iteadv-to-Wcnr T,''rd Ave. Phono C31 ANGER, the TAILOR 'Its made to n our nhop !l0W U3 $50 221 Sixth Plra IIIIMMlKltlXd HOIMAMAN I'niNCK AKK I'KOIMIION IKOM III I OltMCIt ,.IV I.OVK PAI118, Feb. 3. Former Crown Prince Carol, philandering exile from Boumanla. 1 again haa appealed to the Pari police, hm un protection from Madame Zlzl Lambrlrto, hla morganatic wife, and hla amall aon Mlrcea, JCri. during a year-long alege or police. Bou." maniana who would have him to Buch- rest, and newspapermen. Carol became i ! furioui, when Mme. Umbrlno and her jaon picketed hla villa, and the boy.i Handing outside the barred gates, called, "Papa, papa." The former royal heir to King Ferdinand' throne went Immediately" to the office of M. Dreot. on of the director of the police, and asked for protection agafnsl further auch Incident!. He asked that Mme. Lambrlno be deported. It wa Carol ae.ond call In recent weeks at the police office, previously when It wm erroneously reported that he bad left Pari, he (ought the aid of police In keeping newspaper reporters away from hi villa. ItlTOUT.lTION IMrOllliX H was told by Dresnot that deportation of Mme. Lambrlno wo Impoail-ble. but that she would be asked not to visit hU villa In the future. Two detective would be kept on duty there d.iy and night. Carol waa assured. CANADA HASNO REASON TO FEEL ASHAMED HERSELF TOItONTO, Feb. 3 That Canada has no cause to be ashamed of her standing with other nation of the world or of her contributions to the cause of public health and that the League of Red Cross Societies, representing 46 'countries, wtlh hesdnuarter In Pinc 'fJOVKHN.MKNT LIQUOR ACT." nutk i: or ai'I'LIcatiox tou iu:i:k I.kkmi; NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN that, on i he 10th day of February next, the un- , dtrsigned Intends to apply to the Liquor . Control Board for a licence tn respect of premises being pert of the building Known as Seal Cove Hotel, situate t the City of Prince Rupert. In the Pro-i inc of British Columbia, upon the lands described a all that portion ol Waterfront Block T." Bay of Prince Rupert. City of Prince Rupert. Province of British Columbia. Map B23, Prince Rupert Land Keilstrallon Dis trict and being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at a point which lies In s strsight line of bearing north 69deg. 2D 8" east a distance of 787.30 feet from the centre of circle a shown on aald Plan 923. Section 7. thence south 8 deg. Ji' 23" east a dlstsnee of CO feet to a point, thence north 83 deg. 24' 33" eas'. a distance of 100 feet to a point, hence north 8 deg. 35' 24" west a dls- uhi. nf a1 tt tn tvilnt thAir uYtith Dnclai an arrou tped lht grtat all-sf Irabu to t A Mid. Wt,t, South and Eutt. rturlat Union Pacific is your logical route to Salt Lake City, Denver, Kansas City, St. Louis, Omaha and Chicago. laf rwaatle mn4 RsrTUon t'nloii Matlon, Seattle, I Hk fourth We. P MMaaaaaaaaassstr3i tlj3sssVjyJ 'H,,Uh Dtl'n Cross See ii doing an indispensable and Invaluable ; peace-time work are the considered 'opinion of Dr. F. W. Routley. Director ,i tn Ontario Division of the Canadian Red Cross Society, who ha Just returned from a three month's sojourn In l'ri where ba was tn charge of the 'eB-swW,r Dr Routley said 'I was highly gratl fled to find that Canada occupies front rank with the four or five fore-moat nation of the world in matters of public health. W cannot hope to do on so large a scsle the thing done In Orvat Britain and the United State, but In our atandard method, and some accomplishments we are second to none. "I found the Gurppeans Intensely interested In the Red Cross Outpost Hos pitals tn our frontier sections In our Junior Red Cross and in our Visiting Housekeepers' Centre a seen In the Toronto Branch of our Society." These ac tivities of the Cansdlan Red Cross were WATER NOTICE WVUtMON AMI ISC TAKE NOTICE that Robert U Currle, whose address la MIS 8th Ave. West. Vancouver. B.C.. will apply for a to tax ana us imy INDKItfSUOlNK Il.MMV.WH AS AUT ' It! HHIAN FAINTS M IV STYLE . ' NEW YORK, Feb. 3v Shivering alum- ber tn subways provided Inspiration fori a painting that na put the underground railway In art and brought recognition to the painter that used .them a hi boudoir. The painter, who has immortalized , the subway stations, where penniless I 'sometime aleep, i Anatol Shulkln, who ' came to New York irem Russia aa an , Immigrant In 1012, when he waa 13 year old. The painting, under the title "Half Past Five," 1 one of a group of hi canvases placed on exhibition at the Art Center Gallery as : part of Its January exhibit. Struggling masses of human! Uf strive for entnnce to a subway train, while burly guard "trong-arm" them into the doorway, in the Interpretation ofi the rush hour painted by Shulkln. In' the grotesque light of the tunnel, the crowds are caught at the moment when guard would be shouting "plenty of room up front!" although every car 1 packed. The subway scene, Shulkln aald. Is not an attempt to put something new in art, but Is a fancy born of his recollection of night spent In the subway when, without money to pay for lodging, he slept In them. Hi lack of fund was due. he aald, to the . fact that bis family would not aid him in his attempt to become an artist. It was Intended that he, should become an engineer, but when he refused to study that profession,' he was unwel- come at home. .... He attended classes, at the National Academy and made his way a best he could. At the age of 27. ShulUn'e dream of an artistic career fructified with the present exhibit, bis paintings being known with those of such famous artists as Hodler. Anlsfeld and Wes trovlc .TORONTO WOMEN SEARCH HEARTS HANGER OF rllll.UUtS (iOINU TO MIOIV.H l' ACCOM FAMEII I Itr.AI. ONE TORONTO, Feb. 3. (By Canadian Press.) There bss been much searching of heart among mothers in the city over the tragedy of the tiny children, smothered and crushed to death In a mov,n thetr ,n Montreal. serving as model for the Red Owe Plcture Organisation In other countries, he ' -""u"r" "-"- added ' ipumi oj aaujis is a very real one. i The Ontario regulation as to this reads: "A child under tneafce' of 13 year unaccompanied by an 'adult ihall not be permitted to attend any exhibition by cinematograph, moving - picture fs lions mirhlnf. or other slrallsr arjtMratu. minute of water out of tmill creelt, . per ,..,... , i. ,.4 oradmls!on to which a fee la charged, unnamed, which flow, southerly and drains into Huston Inlet. Q.c Islands, except on Saturday of each week and about 100 feet westerly from miners' 'on nubile and legal holiday, between Ndeg a aa wesi a auiance oi iw( - VCr-.. ' the hour of 0 am. and 8 pm during " v.,T"f """"""'A . n,ini h,i fnn f frr,m .nor. m-hlrh hour. . Fn.tron to h. nrnuner. I or irte aie oi oeer oy me gias or oj i '' -. - the open bottle tor consumption on the l"e. paaslng through twenty-four acre ,ud oy tnt Xhlbltor. shall be engaged 52; .k...k ... mtor'KaXl J?iv?& h theatre. hoe duty It .hall w... ..... w, ................ rt.,riKt .r,-ll.rt f, In 1.... K tn th. ronrtlirt nf uirh u a nnnn ApPj'ESSi-jJi., ititned Intends to apply to the Liquor luntrol Hoard for a licence in respect to nreralsea neluf narv oi in Dun i ding known as Central Hotel, situated at the comer of First and Seventh Streets. In the City of Prince Rupert, Province of Ornish Columbia, upon the lands described as Lots rleven 111) and Twelve (ill. Thirteen. OJ) and Fourteen (14). tn Block Ten (10). Section One II), City of Prlnw Rupert. Province of British Columbia, according to a registered map or plan deposited In the Land Registry Office at th City of Prince Rupert aforesaid and numbered 933. for the sal of beer by the glass or by the open bottle 'or consumption on the premises. DATED at Prince Rupert, B.C, this Jrd day ' of January. 1927. CORA E. BLACK. Applicant. navkjahm: waters protection ACT it.s.c cTiTptku us Kdward Llpsett. Limited, of th City of Vancouver, hereby gives notice tlut ho has under section i m w r" MINERAL ACT rnmrir.m: of improvements NOTin: Junlta. Anyor6rnbT. Alamo. Rodeo. Pinto. Wann Fractional No. 7. and Monte Fractional Mineral Claims. Iirlct. Where located t-On Wann RlverJ lTku Arm of Taulsh Laj. v ha,. TAKE NOTICE that I. Charles V. Bob. Free Miner's Certlf cat. Intend, sixty uay from the date n"'0'-to apply to th. Mining Reljr Jr .r..i.. i.,..m.nt. for the pur 5 of " obtaining-' of th. abov claim. .. . ,,.on. And runner laite num-c tinder ider aectlon M. nu.i b cfl' nl ot before ifore th Imu ot mch Certificate Imnrovements. r....i .hi. i of January, Ai 1937. ii UCN. FRAHKH. Jnt. head Ol HUJlon jniet. MoresOy rhll1i-n and of artnlts toward them nd. - .- T"1 nonce waa on the """ " " """"v' -"'"'""' f'fiV'PIfVMPVT I initOff fTi posud ground ' - ion the otn day oi tecemoer, . " .7." 1 puniuui iiiercvu ion 10 nsicr ack A . ., ... r.. copy of this notice and an LAND ACT. MiTiri-: or intkntiov to aiti.t to i..m In Oona River Land Recording District of Prince Rupert. DC. and altuat on an Island In Oona River approximately opposite Block One and Two of Lot 2199. R. S. Coast District (mostly tide flat surrounding small Island). TAKE NOTICE that John Bergman, of Oona River. B.C.. occupation fkherman. Intends 'to apply for a lease of the following- described lands: Pnmmenrlnv at a trlct of Prince RuDert. and situs Nesto Inlet. Queen Charlotte Islands. 'i TAKE NOTICE that John Dybhavn, ot Prince Rupert, DC. occupation manager, Intenda to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted on th. south aide of Nrsto Inlet, about one mile from Its hend; thence aouth 0 chains: thence, west 18 chains; thence north 0 chains to shore; thence east 10 chains, more or less, following the shore line to point of commencement, and containing 7 acres, ropre or leas. JOHN DYBHAVN. ated NovtiubW'i.lTjOae. ' 'COMlNfe ACT 1026. A of such matron to be sanctioned In IIOM.- will be iled in the office of the "no T alrt: na ln Treasurer or I 1U- m nsMSUss at DviMit- Yl riHt..ln - V .mm 1.1- JI. . , .-, - ,p uvD-nv n-u , . w m -i ikvvv at iumv. ui i u.vr. vuuivi iuai muj UKauri ill Ilia Uio- i hest dy of rcb?uanr nxt the under- tnh' IneCVecoTder ol th with' the Comptroller of Water Rlahu. of matron. Parliament Buudlng. Victoria. B.C.. , within thirty day after th first ip.-pi Olinnrn 1 11T pearance of this notice In a local news. I hA N PrrK AND uul 1 nnl paper. The date of the first publlcstlon lunt I December 20. 19M. 1 rionERT xi. cunniic I Applicant. pose planted 300 iMalted with the Minister of Public planted, and containing ten acres, more work at Ottawa and in the office ot ol )eM th District Registrar oi m "i""'!"-try District of Prince Rupert, a description of the alte and the plan of wharf proposed to be built In the Harbor of Prince Rupert In front of Lot 2, Block C. Section 1. Map 023. And Take Notice that after the eplra-tlon of one month from the date of it.. i..t nnhiirstinn of thl notice, Ed ward Llpiett Limited will, under Sec-..VJTi At th said Act. apply to the Minister of Public Work at hi office m the City of Ottawa for approval oi the aald alte and plan and for leave to construct the said wharf. . Dated at Vancouver th Ilth day of December, 19W NOTIfK Applicant. TAKE NOTICE that LIPSETT CUN-NINOIIAM Sc CO. LIMITED after the expiration of on month frum thi first publlcatlou oi this Notice intend tu apply to the Registrar ot Companies for the approval of the channe of name to "EDWARD UP8ETT (PRINCE RUPERT), ' LIMITED.' DATED at Vancouver, B.C.. this 10th day nt Devembet. A D. 1920. ; . LADNftR Ai CANTEIiON. Bolicitcrs ffr tb Appllcsnt. CONCERT GIVEN BY UNITED' .CHURCH: WJ1S. The r Women's .Missionary Society ot tha FlrsV United Church' neld a very successful tea and sal of home, cooking yesterday afternoon In the church parlors followed by a supper and program last evening as a result ot which a aubstantlal sum was realized for the missionary work ot tha church. Mrs. Q. V. Wilkinson, president of the society, and Mrs. W. B. Cornish looked feet north of northwest corner post of fr the tea room, Mrs. J. s thence ; thence l .000 feet aoutheast; was In charge of th home cooking; the 200 feet westerly: thence 1,000' . lrl. lh. nniT i posti8"1 of the C.O.I.T. were .r. In charge of. feet northwest; rthwest; thence thence 100 100 feet feet to to post k Dated JOHN BE ROM AN, Applicant. October M. 10311 LAND ACT. ok iti:mtiov to to i.kask land. APPLY In Prince Rupert Land Recording Dia ne .at Irvine the candy (tall while Mr .a. O, Hacker supervised th arrangements tor the! Got Relief . From Dyspepsia Mr. CI a rent Sealy, Bathurtt, KB., writes: "1 suffered a loug time from dypep!a. I used tableta and niedi-eimee of all kinds, but got no rtlitf until I ataiWd uslug 1 After tkkbg- two bottle I can gladly i a that 1 beeajn much, better, and I can now eat most anv kind of. food without hating to tuffer for it after. rer'th past a J ycsvni B.B.B. ha tea put up osly by The T. IXUhiu. jUasV &sW I ,.. The Well-Managed Home HTHE manager of a household is the purchas-ing agent for a large proportion of the family needs. In order to do a good job she must know what, when and where to buy. She must study goods and the concerns which make goods and have them to sell. She must put her home on a business basis and run jt on business principles in order to make the most of the family income. Information is the only basis Jor intelligent purchrsing. And the right way to get the greatest amount of necessary information is to read the advertisements. 'Advertisements lell you what is new and good in merchandise. They reveal improvements and inventions to make your home life easier, more comfortable and more convenient. They give you information about a thousand and one things that are useful. Every manager of a household every member of the household who shares the responsibility for the family's welfare should make a habit of reading the ads. Read the advertisements in order to buy wisely WATER NOTICE DIVERSION AM i:SE TAKE NOTICE that James Field, whose eddresa Is 213 2nd Ave, Prince Rupert, B.C.. wUl apply for a licence to take and use 1 cubic foot per second of water out of unnamed creek, which flows I easterly and drains Into Crescent Inlet, i Moresby Island, Q C.I, about one mlle from the bead of the Inlet on the north shore. The water will be diverted from -the stream at a point about 1,000 feet from the mouth and wlU be used for; domestic and cannery purposes upon the 40 acres of land described aa unsurvey-; ed land, for which purchase is applied I about IS chains southwesterly from the mouin oi tne stream. This notice was posted on the ground pn the 29th day of November, 1926. A copy ot this notice and an application pursuant t her to and to the "Water Act." will be filed In the office of the Water Recorder at Prince Rupert, B.C. Objections to the application may . be tiled wiur 'the said Water Recorder or with the Comptroller of Water Rights, Parliament Buildings. Victoria. BO, within thirty days after the first appearance of this notice In a local newspaper. The date of the first publication Is December 20, 1920. JAMES FIELD. Applicant. supper. Mrs. W. J. Klrkpatrlck was responsible for the program which was given following the supper. Th program, which was enjoyed by the large number who attended, consisted ot violin solo by Katherlne Bulger, accompanied by Miss Bowen; vocal duet by Mrs. J, McGregor and Miss Bowen, accompanied by Miss Way, solo by R. W. Howard, accompanied by Mrs. H, C. Fraser; flute solo by Capt. Kuwana ot the Yogen Maru; readings by Adella Thurber and Mrs. O. a. Hacker, and community singing led by R. W. Howard. Mrs, a V. Wilkinson presided during th evening. AUOWMIMADE FOR GRANBY COMPANY Provincial Court of KetMou Flnlhe lis Work ami Adjourns Th. provincial court ot revision xcom--Dieted it work yeurdy; -afternoon 'when certain adjustment, were allowed ' by John Dybhavn, Judge, to the Oranby J company, aii omr appeals umu uj I th board wer of minor character and In several minor adjustment wer. mad. This dispose ot the assessment roll tot th ensuing year which was compiled by th. provincial assessor C, W. Homer. , i AdvsrtUs in th Dallv Nw. Canadian National Steamships Co Limited prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating U.T.P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists Hoilermakers, Blacksmiths, Patternmakers Founders, Woodworkers Elc. ELEQTKIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped to handle all kinds nf MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 3S5 -TRY A NIP TOMGHT" BEST PROCURABLE 61 VI ilfMiCli 40 Vai.vtwC'M.f Wfft twiom icon The Original Label -look lor ll at the Vendor's and insist on GRANT'S "BEST PROCURABLE" This nilvertisenieul not pnhlished or displayed hy the . Liquor Control Hoard or hy the Oovernment , - ' British Colunibia. . . iJ .,