PAGE FOUR BRINGING UP FATHER By George McMa "MHfffS I t3nwsTl i"-1-- naO. a A. t Negiectei 1 . KM AMFN r&WI I I1UUT II I Sim.- -M-'-T .1 I I I dai I I I UTt -I XHi -I I . -1 . . . Hun -TVS . . . . ' 1 . Eyes NEGLECT is doubUM live came of most of the ills that afflict humanity. This Is so self evident that it seenu hardly necessary to tell you. If your eyes are giving trouble, hare them attended to and at once. OF ALL absurdities in the kingdom of foolishBaas, surely the loss of eyesight through neglect is the raot inexcusable. DONT lose health and effl. ciency through neglect Come and seel Fred Joudry Registered Optometrist and Optician Room 3 Smith Block Phone 7S.1 INDIAN SUMMERYGET IN YOUfiT) Swill soon be a coai fob the ) V CONS!- 1 COLD CREV J Urn ii ww wC,., 'wnswmiaijuusjra The Fall months are falling behind and you'll have Winter on before you know it. Join the "don't worry" club today and get your bin filled right away. Oar Mate-free coal will give you a care-free Winter. NANAIMO - WELLINGTON COAL and ALREItTA SOOTLESS COAL Albert & Mctaffery Phones 11G and 117 Prince Rupert BOAT HOUSE Phone 381 P.O. Box 15G5 LAUNCHES. SCOWS. ROW-BOATS AND CANOES SAND AND GRAVEL Equipment for Diving and Salvage Work Agents for Easlhope Engines and Stump Pullers NORWEGIAN HALIBUT GEAR IN STOCK Compass Adjusting MILK -:- PRICE Reduced to 12 pints for $1.00 7 quarts for $1.00 12 pints for $1.00 Cash price tickets. McBride Street store now closed Valentin Dairy Office and Dairy - 11th St. Telephone 657. Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 575 DENTIST ANGER, the TAILOR Fine Imported Serge and Scotch Tweed Suits made to order in our shop in Prince Rupert as low QCZIZ ft ft as L ANGER, Cutter and Designer 223 Sixth SI reel SMITHERS The potato crop pramlve to be Jtut m scarce in thu district w anti cipated early In the iuubwc. Digging hu revealed nar aJsappotntwienU ul the harvest will be but a shadow at former years. In many part tbe Bulktey Valley, the farmer will have little more than enough to supply their own Deed during the winter. Though the dance on Hallowe'en In aM of tbe hospital wai not a largely i trended as it might have been, the mm of 1160 wa realtred. Oeorge Oultcn. Hcword Blmit. Vie Williams and George Raymond baggtd seventy-six ducks, lour geese and two moose on their recent hunting trip to the west end of Ootaa Lake. Rv. Father ValHcres. OMX. ta a pa tient In the Smitben Hospital. having recently undergone a serious operation. I Reports from the south are to tlw 1 effect that Harry Robinson, a former iSmlthers lawyer, la now married and j settled down at Creaton. Carpentera are Very busy with repairs neoeaaary for the entry upon winter .me eon- Many building are toeing Improved around town. A number of private bouse parties occupied the attention of Smlthera youth on Hallowe'en night. There was U'.tle in tbe way of malicious pranks. A fire In a eabin at the rear of the Smlthera Hotel put some euttement Into Hallowe'en aettvttlee. Tbe blaze, was soon entngulahed without much damage being done. - - ; A' Ford 'ear took to "the municipal , drainage oanal .on Saturday night. It ! rescue tbe nest morning preseoted quite j a problem although the vehicle did not : upset. There was a big turnout at tbe Catholic Women's League bridge and whHt party Tuesday night. Prize-winners in- eluded Mrs. J. R. Mclatyre. Mrs. W. H. Doodson. E. QuDderson. Dr. R. c. Barn- ford. Mrs. Bahler. Mrs. Marshall Sales. John A.'Macdonald and William Grant. NEW HAZETON A couple of young la -lies made trip to tbe Silver Cup mine on Nine MUe mountain on Sunday In company with Superintendent Meurer. Oscar Llnd went down to Prince Rupert at the end of last week to meet his brother who has Just returned from a trip to his old home in Sweden. Tbe Ladies' Aid of New Hazel ton United Church Is holding 1U annual 'Thanksgiving dinner in the chureh this evening. were gwen a splendid entertainment! in the Community Hall on Hollowe'en night. a C. Scbultlk has left for Ritchie where he has secured the section foreman's Job. The provincial highway survey party is now working west of Dorreen. The road gang under Pete Carrlgan Is ttili working west of Skeena Crossing and la trying to make Orimn'a old pole camp before tbe freeee-up. Fred Peterson baa gone up to tbe American Boy mine to visit with the superintendent, W. a. Parsons, an old friend of bis. C. W. Dawson was a business visitor in Prince Rupert last week. Mr. Olson of Prin-. rwirap wbi a cent guest In Haelton of C. W. Dawson. Mr. Burnett of Klsplox took services in New Ilazetton church on Sunday morning last and In Hazelton In the evening. Rev.U; Hj- Young was doing pastoral work at-points along the Skeena River. Word has been received here of the death In Peterborough. Ontario, of J. D. Collins, father of Fred Collins, who was at one time with tbe Hudson Bay Co. in Hazelton. Uyd Wilson has returned to duty at the 8ml th store in Hazelton after having spent the summer an' the prairies. Tbe Felix Bridge Club has-been re- CAUGHT BAD COLD WHILE OUT PLAYIKS HOT PROPERLY DRESSED Mrs. L. Mantie. Millet. Alts., writest "Mr vouiigest child had a veiy bad eokl waieh tlut got b) go'tiR '"I playing in k strung, cold wmJ nut properly diesm d. "Bbe got to boar awe eouH hardly peak, aul her throat and cktit were vary sure. "I Med tTtrrthie- a Tillable, bet h veeahed no relief: until, tiuailT, I eewared a battle of Dr. Wood's Norway Pins Syrup an-1 the flrtt few dores certainly did her good. It is wonderful how it can help so quickly." "Df. 'Wood's" Xorsrav Piiw. s. I is J5e. a bottle, Urge fanuly size 60c.; 1 Dttt UP oolv br Tho T. XI 11 hum rv Limited, Toronto, Out. " ' I organised for tbe winter In HaaeUon and will meet every Thursday evening. 'being entertained this week by Mrs. Mathelaon. lady superintendent of the Marelton Hospital. Oeorge MeGralh. Hah guardian at IS-mile creek. BabUa. and Howard Oust of the Babine hatchery have arrived in Keeetton to spend the winter. Miss Ruth MiUer of Smithes has irrtveat to enter the HaaeUon Hnapltol for a three year cootm of nurses' train. Miss UUltr was formerly on the Roya Bank etaS at 6sMtbers. The first snow of the .aeaaoa fell here Monday night. P. M. MoncktOD, B.OXJ3. of Terrace advocates a provincial, nigh any rom Stewart to Kitwaaopol aad thence down the Skeena River to Kttwaaga. TERRACE Dr. and Mrs. BrummUt and baby son arrived on Wednesday and are taking a suite of rooms In tbe Suadal Block. Mrs. Robt. Haney made Prince Rupert on Tuesday, on Wednesday. i trip to returning Misses lorna and Lilian Ohrletle were hosteasea at a honowe'egt natty at their home on Maaday night when a number of girl friend were entertained in a seasonable manner. Mr. 0111 left on Tuesday for Mrs. A. W. Robtnsoii returned oij she iMHitjaahil her hi atteadtnc fee Indian M euoe la Mann there. wtw la Ooafer C. S. Hate and J. F. Borers. Van couver ttafeer cruisers arrived fiwm the soutk on WMneaday t carry on cruis ing opera Hons in tbe LeJtelar Valley. O. II. tvtfelck. taslstant govenuaatH fnglnaar Of Smlthera. was an ogselal Msltor here on Tuesday and Wedneadaf O. VI. Seaafrstd was up from Bhamaa during the week A. E. OpoaHnmigh was in town on Tuesday. W. A. Ttawnpsnn of Kalum Lake la a few days In town. Mrs. A. O. Head was hostess at nicely artwaged hoUowe'en bridge party on Wedaseday eeenlng. Mrs. Oearae Dover was an afternoon tea hoatu on Tuesday and Wednesday of thai week. i L. C. Benon. Vancouver, was a busi ness rial tor here during the week. SKIDEGATE Moat of the people of Queen Charlotte OMy and a number from SkMe-gate wereaMat to bid adieu to Mrs. O. II. Skelter, wife of Or. Bleaker, who Is in at Prince Rupert. The opto ton was freely espreesed that It would be a long time before the hospital at Queen Charlotte CSfy get another couple aa popular as Dt and Mrs. Bleaker. Whan Dr. B!eekr la sufSeieartlj recovered to travel, they plan to proceed to Toronto. Ernest Unwln who ha been bunting In this dUfrlet brought down eight gcce and a number of ducks before returning to Prffkre Rupert. The eaafa was lifted from tbe store of Gordon JoUiffe at Queen Charlotte City Saturday night by someone who broke In there. Mr and Mrs. Ed. Mclean of Queen Charlotte City left on the last boat for Bulkley Bay. Tbe Cold Storage packer Chief legtae. Qaptsln Charles Svendsen. made a call here a few day ago but no one seems ataxlbus to flail here. The B.C. Forestry department I hav ing some DaugjM fir seeds planted here and much interest ta being taken In the experiment. Mrs. Weah of Massett la rtsttmg Mr. nd Mn. W. H. Rues at Skktefate Miss Dorothy Barge spent the week Wednesday from PrJ&r Ihutfc where a vWUnt friends at Bkldegate. vc a icJ or t -vea j t-J&U iiU4;jV-, 1" ' I S87 il01B.ejGrahristmas dinner tins yeaiy STEAMING plum pudding and haggis, roast turkey and cranbtrries, and the jolliest company in the world in your own family is what Christmas dinner can be for you this year. Determine now to be there in your place at the festive board. Late Fall and Christmas Sailings From Montreal - Montreal - HalUax - St. John, N.B. - HaUfax " HaUiax AUSONIA Not. JJ to PI7. Cfcrr., London. LET1TIA Nov, 25 " Bellatt. L'pooi. Claa. ANTONIA Dtc S " Ply.. Hae. London. ATHENIA Dec 10 " Belfast. L'PooL Glai. ATHENIA Dee. 11 " Belfast. L'pooL Clia. A8CANIA Dee. 12 " Ply.. Hsvr. Lesdos. Return ocean fares from J55. All information tupplitd by the neartst, agent, or, writ and L'tVtHD HTEAMJtHIP CO, LIHITF.O. llaMlnr M. HrM. Vaheeurrr or any Steamship Agency V anted For Sale For Rent A. E. Richards, aapervisar of Ulustra- tion stations, baa spent the past week n the 'Salmon Valley section watching the threshing of stover gwwn on the illustration station operated by J. B. Johnson. It has been proven that clover la profitable for district farmer, the lands being suitable aad yield satisfactory, t Is exepeted that more attention wul be given to seed production next year. lumbering H active In this district. Tbe mill at Dewey will soon have com pleted It season's cutting and logging operation wUj be carried out during the winter. Sinclair Spruce Mills are running stesdUy with about eighty men employed around the mill. The place Advartlat la The DUy Vtwt. p DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken'for lets than 50c FOR SAl.K FOR SALE WASHINGTON HEATBft topen grstei and mat I1T Apply First Aid man. Dry Duck. PRINCE GEORGE John Henderson, president of the Fanners' Institutes in District "C." who jaa Interested blaasetf la the organisation of a cheaae factory and dairy supply station la Prince George, si meeting lth much enoouriiewisnt la tbe can- a be la aaaktog of Ptnevlew. Mud Otvar as Sainton Valley dtstrleta. A jig aaeeting. which It la hoped will put the project on 1U feet, wul be held on .fovsMber 1 and win be attesaoed by .epraseatatlve fanners of the dtstrtet as aeU aa iwpraaeatativea of the city council, board of trade and retail merchants' iiiotlatot. Those present will nclude Arthur Morton. Domlntop sheep "d swine promoter for British Oolusn-sla: J. Bailey, prealdsnt of the Praaer Valley MUk Produeers' Aasoclatlon. and rh!tney Otlfflth. secretary of the pro-'incial advisory board. The Jameson Const ractiea has about twmty men working on a fin east of Undup. - SatMaetory amelter return from Trail on sasnpfe shipment made by the Pioneer and Ut Cbenee mining pro-.jsrUea on Oovemment Creek have been received by a local syndicate consisting of Joe Peters, Harry Ewtag , William Bonner. Thomas White and T. R. Rush. It has been decided to continue takts: ore from the Last Chance during the winter and eatenetve developments are lianned. The property Is about two miles from the line of the POX. Railway and Is within 41 miles of Prince AGENTS WANTED 100 WHKLT IASY BTHCB 8XX sailing our cleaners and clothes pin . FOR KENT FOUND FOCKD.-OOLD R1MO OWMBB CAN l-nm ., have same by proving propsrty ana; xaeawaf s ( paying for this advartliament tt Tnnrsday as r AUCTIONEER NOT BROKE BOT BADLY BgJTT UP to November 17 name any article in my store and your prior, it la yours. Brine. Phone TH. built and a hotel befog almost coed ' v upv " A ' ' 1 pleted. Jack Turnbull is bunding hi 1 r winter camp about one mile west of Hut ton and has sixty men employed Tr iurnnwr camp opposite tonzwortfi 1 closed:fov ,Uhei'AfnteT..felnttrf Orain Orowera at Hutton still have a dozen men on the payroll and expect to have all the lumber shipped and everything cleaned up within tbe next two months. The sawmill at Longwortb through with tbe cut of logs, about twenty men being still employed. The mill at Penny has finished Its cut for 'be season, the placer bring still In operation. Charles A. Pyne and W. L, Armstrong, who were members of the Prince George Board of Trade delegation to Edmonton in support of Oeneral Sutton's Peace River railway plana, returned home this week. They state thst the general la still confident of the maturing of plan There will be no grand or petit Jurors at the next session of the Supreme Court Assizes In Prince Oeorse. there oemg no criminal cases on the docket. J. M. McLean has been at Williams Lake this week appearing for the crown in the prosecution of "QUly Cornwall of 150-mile house who Is charged with theft In connection with a fur deal of several years' standing. Cornwall elect ed for speedy trial before Judge RobwU T". & Y A .. I , . 1 a . Hin Aio oi Gonnauvht itm Lutheran Church is 1x4 (Mm its n...i bazaar this afternoon In the Kali o tne mnce oeorge Hotel. Mr. and Mr. Ernest PhUer left this week for a three weeks- vt,t to Great ciia, Mumana. i for Rgarr. pour roombo pur- nlahed apartment with hath and water paid. Phone M7 U FOB BBHT. riano. phonogrsphs aad Dliigei sewing machine Walker's i Mane Store FOR REHT. Apartment by the day. week or month. Phone Red 001. It HODM FOR RaOTT. - ROOMS AND BATH. Apply Munro Bros HOCSIB FOB RKNT. tao 00 UP. AP-ply 311 4th ve E tf I'hone 67 Taxi (Call' George, Paul or Gust) Six and Seven Passenger Stude bakers at.your disposal any time. koss nuos. POOL ItOOM Meeker Illork. (Acroaa from Emproae Hotel) .Arid Lou tound, STEAMSHIP MOVEfl sellers. Unusual high ,or nrum free Letsovre St Co.. Alesandrla. Oat. P. A.) wnday si r Tueeday-ss ( Thutseky- si aturnay u ! I'r Mrwart i Sunday a c Pi. Ncv is- ss r ; Nov I' Itooi Vsnreuirr Sundsy -as (' Wednc 4ay e 1 Saturday, at Saturday si P- 3 : Saturday-r-u V Mov. 12-es p; v Nov 26 m 1 ; ftt Port Hlmon an4 Ncsi Vm. Sundayan ( f rom port flmp. a tcj Xi u Tuesday- e ( Far Anyet Wenaeaaay -t. V- Cr( TO BC SOLD AS A OOINO CONCBRN ! Saturdsy- i to the hlKhett bidder by public auction on November 17. store with tour roomed suite on two year lease from April 1. 137 to April 1. 10X1. rent ISO per month for first year and MS per ' month seaand year, together with that well established business known ss Brlae Auctioneering and Seeond-bead business, together with all : stock, nature aad eCeata. For fur- j tber Information, a Brlae. Auctioneer. Phone Tit. Mo reasonable oaTer refused up to day of sale. (III. INKY SHirP II. i. 71MKr.HR Oeneral Handy Man Furnaces aad Steve Cleaned and Re paired. Ch lnmi Swept. Cemetery Plots Oared For. Phone Red 34S. Prince Bunert. TiV. l"KIfK Itl'PKItT HAKIIOR M.KVKK lltlMOIIT J. R. Arnold. Proprietor Go anywhere soytlme. Day or night. Always on board. Terms very moderate. Two boats always available. H ItUMCTinNS in . ". Commercial Cbasal. V4-ton delivery 103860 Touring $811.00 Roadster 1811.60 Roadster Delivery 1811.00 Sport Roadster I860AO Coach 194900 Coupe 964X)0 Bedan I1.OS2.00 Cabriolet ,'.tl)86JX) Landau Sedan tl.ll9.00 Imperial Landau Sedan 11.188.00 UUllty Exprees, 1 ton truck.. 1792 80 Disc wheel 1200 extra In all model. A complete line of 1923 models on band at present. Phone or call for demonstration and learn about our easy payment plan. Guaranteed Used Car on Ford Coupe. 1935. 1100 cash, 25 per month. Ford Sedan, 1928, (100 cash, 25 per month. Hand. balance balance KAIEN (1AKACJE, Have Rons Dealters In , all General Motor ..Pjrpdutela Goodyear, Jind Firestone STlres. Wrecking Servlc Djjj n fflght. Plwina 'St ' - TAXI I rom Stewart' Sunday - P Tufixii.'. ( lor (Jueen Charlottr Nov 5 -a Pr: Nov 19 Pr Itom Queen Charloltcs- Nov. 3. a P- :e 1 Nov. IT as Pr roe links weanssdsy I rm Alatks P- r Thursnay Nov. la- r NOV. 9 s T' Pi I MAIL SCIIEDUU OCTOItrR, I'" I'or the Eat Mnaday. Wedneda:'i. 6-' " I Iront the Fjit Tuesdays. Thurwt r de To Vaneoaver Sundaya Tuesday Thumday Saturdays OP.I1. Nov. X t . From Vanrouvcr Sundays Wednesdays Saturdays Saturdays ' C.P.R Nov 13 -1 To Anjov and AMre Arm Suadav c Weddys From Anyot and Alice Arm Tuesdsy w,l To Metvart and Prrmlrr Sunday Saturday . . . A I.rmler I rom rirwan - . owutnfn l Tuesday To sa Hirer roim- ,.i Sunday -. . . .. ) n t K 1 rrom ami iuki ta( ts..... .' - A invui To Alanka Points Nov. 13 and 28. Frim Alaska Points Nov 1 If and 30 To Queen ri::irlotte linu Nov. 5 and 19 From Queen Nov. 3 and 17 Charlotte M"1 C.N.R. TRAINS For Ihe East Dally Except Bundsyt Front ?he Eai Dally except Wedn" l'liliVI IVIU f 4 K.VTI'KHAV, NOVEMIiEB ' ( High 10 23 am J(J 22:40 p (J Law 3.S2 Kl.-NII.tY. NOVEMIW High .. 11:06 m f) 23 33 p tn ,j Low 44 atn 17 27 pa l'i 1 f Til Ml "I If 1 1 11