t AGE SIX in ft Free Lessons Dennison Art Craft Free Lessons will be given in Dennison Art Craft, comprising CRYSTALLINE LAMP SHADES SCISSOR PAINTING WAX WORK FLOWER MAKING BASKET WEAVING, etc Every Tuesday and Friday Afternoons from 2 to 5.30 p.m. Evening Classes every Wednesday from 7 to 10 Rose, Cowan & Latta, Limited Third Avenue (Opposite Third Street) Phone ... 234 Week-End Specials A at MUSSALLEM'S MEAT DEPARTMENT Choice Pot Roast Beef, lb. 13 Rump Roast Beef, lb. . . 22 Rolled Rib Roast Beef, lb. 23 1 T-Bone Steak, lb 33 I airioin oieaic, id :ac Brisket Boiling Beef, lb. 10 Leg of Pork (whole), lb. 32 Leg of Pork (half), lb. 33 Shoulder'Pork, lb 25 Leg of Veal Roast, lb. 30c Shoulder Veal Roast, lb. 20 Veal Cutlets, lb 30 Veal Stew, 2 lbs. for . . 23 Mussallem Grocery COMPANY, LTD. 417-123 Fifth Ave. East Phone 18 and Phone 84 Prince Rupert, B.C. II. S. WALLACE CO. LTD. Penman's FULL FASHIONED Silk Hose All Silk to top, in the newest shades $2.50 per pair H.S.Wal!aceCo.Ltd. Phone 9 3rd & Fulton St. Large Front Room suitable for office. Apply Wallaces. REDUCTION in Prices 15' per cenUoff t for two weeks only Come in and inspect our stock M T. LEE LADIES' & GENTLEMEN'S TAILOR Third Avenue P.O. Box 977 SMOKER GIVEN BY REGIMENT Shooting Trophies and Gilhuly Football Cup Presented at Function Last Evening For the purpose of presenting altoo-.-Ing prize . that were won during iht paat ituoo bj members of the regimental rifle assorts Uoav a smoking concert was held tut evening in the Armory by the Ftnt Nortb B.C Regiment. Capt. O. P. Ttfcker presided eve: a Ulte gainer ing and made opening re marks after which COL J. V Nlchojl.-. officer commanding, was railed upon tor an addreaa. Prim aa follows were presented by Col. S. P. MeMordle. D-S O. Regimental cup and gotd medal tor the highest average score of the sea-aon R.QM5. M. M. Lamb (average 93 Royal Anna Cup Pte. A. WyUe (48 out of possible 50 In tea aaote at 000 yards range). Final ahoot of the season. Cold medal. Pt. A. WyUe: stiver medal. Lieut. William Brass; bronze medal. V. Evttt (first class shots); silver medal. 8gt. A. Squire: bronze medal. Oadet B. WlUon (second etasa shots). Spoon wlnneri at weekly shoot. I ItOMMl BOUTS During theevenlng there ware four rine three-minute round bosing bouts as foUowa: Tod Morgan vs. Nick Cbea-oskl; Eddie Smith va. Mike Ourrteh: Branson Hunt va. Nina Ourvlcb; Brick B.C. Butchers & Grocers Limited Phones 4.1 and .17 1 Drowsy, Tired Feeling Completely Gone Man of Him MR. D. DUPERRON Unnatural drowiiness and continual bodily fatigue usually mem constipation. In Maivifte, Ontario, Mr. Donald Dupcrroa experienced this serious handicap. How be orercaae it be U'.a as fouowi: "After trying several so-called remedies lor constipation," bis letter runs, "I was Pte A. Wjlie. three; Lieut. W. Brass, 2: I recommended to try 'Fruit-a-tiveV, which R Q M S. M. M. Lamb. 2; Pte. R. Wilson, j 1 did. The result! are marvellous. That drowsy, tired feeling; has completely gone, 'fruit-a-tives' has made a new man of me. I cannot t -oramend it too highly." Perhaps you are bothered the same way, have headaches and drowsy spells, are short on ambition and energy If so, try "Fruit-a-lives". "Fruit-a-tives" is a splen did tonic-Iaiative. It contains the best of Skinner va. Battling durvieh. Brick i snti-consu'pation ingredients, the juices Skinner was referee of the first three cl fresh fruits, intensified and blended bouts while M. M. Lamb acted aa time- with tonics. It tones up the bowels and keeper. . liver, assists the kidneys and soothes the There was eommunltv singing and the stomach's lining. Obtainable everywhere. program of the evening included solos ,2Sc and 50c Co gad get it today. by Andrew Murray. Thomas Wilson. ; Walter Howarth. Johnny Hegarty and Bob James; violin solos by J. Campbell, huly Cup to J. 8. Wilson, captain of and nlstrumental selections by the Bus- the regimental team which won It. In sanlch brothers. Sid Thomson presided ! response, Capt. Wilson gave some later al the piano. DATED this 4th day of Nevember. 1927 j clal purposes upon the lands described 268 licenci: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, on the 3rd day of December next, the GROCERY SPECIALS eating records of the team's actlvtlea Another feature of the evening's pro- during the season. ceedlngs was the presentation by R. Refreshments were served and the IX. Wlnslow. president of the Prince j whole evening proved one of much en-"unert Football Association, of the Oil- I Joyment. reflecting much credit on the GOVERNMENTUQUOR NOTICE Of APPLICATION' I'Olt USCIt man- Harold Ponder and Andy Murray. Ouasta of honor included Mayor New ton and J. C. Brady. M.P. undersigned Intends to apply to the Lome C. Rogers and Ed. Yager, drivers "?r, 3nt'L52r,L! "J-Wefi of automobile, which figured In a .building known as Seal Cove Hotel, alt-I uate at the City of Prince Rupert, in I the Province of British Columbia, upon the lands described as all that portion of Waterfront Block "I," Bay of Prince Rupert. City of Prince Rupert, Provin-. of BrltUh Columbia. Map 033. Prlnre Rupert Land Registration District, and being more particularly described aa follows: "Commencing at a point which ilea In a straight line of bearing north 69 leg.. 23' 8" East a distance of 767.20 feet from the centre of circle as shown on said Plan 923. Section 7. thence south 6dej.. 35' 25" East a distance of 60 feet to a point, thence north 83deg. 24' 35" Evat a distance of 100 feet to a point, thence north Odef. 35' 25" West a distance of 60 feet to a point, thence South 83deg. 24' 35" West a distance of 100 feet to the point of commencement" for the ale of beer by the glass or by the open bottle for consumption on the premises. smash at the corner of Sixth Avenue and Pulton Street recently when three boys were Injured, were each fined 115, with the option of seven daya' Imprisonment, by Magistrate MeClymont In city police court this morning for driving to the common danger. WATER NOTICE. DIVERSION' AMI L'SE TAKE NOTICE that E. Rousseau, whose address la 410 Seymour Street, Vancouver, B.C.. will apply for a licence to take and use 1 cubic foot of water out of unnanmed stream which flows southerly and drains into Port Stephens Bay. about one mile east of Bluff Point. The water will be diverted from the stream at a point axmt 600 feet from the mouth and will lie used for commer- Applicant I notice was posted on the ground on We are changing our Egg Spe cial and will give you now a larger guaranteed Fresh Egg, 3 doz. for 81.1.1 Our Fresh Ground Coffee is in creasing in favor. Special, 3 lb. for 81.4.1 New Seedless Raisins just arrived, 3 lb. for tlOf Ginger Cookies, going fast and furious, per lb li.10 P. & G. & Royal Crown Naptha Soap, 4 bars for 11.1 Stock up on Heinz Goods now, it will pay you. Heinz Catsup, per bottle .... :$)( Heinz Tomato Soup, 3 for .. :Mf Heinz Medium Spaghetti,. Pork & Beans, and Tomato Soup, 5 tins for 0.1r J Everybody get this one One Dollar size wood box Sodas along with one Heinz Catsup and one Medium Tomato Soup. All for 81.00 Special Brooms 4.10 King Oscar Sardines, 7 for $1.00 Brunswick Sardines, 7 for . . .100 Last week for Remo Spuds at 3,v 81.0.1 Beekist Pure..JIoney,,5, lb. tip for .,.. 0.10 Fancy Mcintosh Apples from per box S2.2.1 to 82.7.1 We guarantee our goods or your money back. me zom aay oi juij. a copy oi this notice and an application pursuant I thereto and to the "Water Act will be i filed in the office of the Water Re corder at Prince Rupert. B.C. Objections to the application may be filed with the said Water Recorder or with the Comptroller of Water Rights, Parliament Buildings. Victoria. B.C.. within thirty days after the first appearance of this notice In a local newspaper. The date of the first publication of this notice is August 2Q. IVY ED GENE ROCSSEAO. Applicant. Cash and Carry Grocery Sixth Avenue and Fulton Street We sell for cash only. That's why -we sell first quality grocer ies for less. And at the same time save you from 10c to 25c on each dollar expended. Here's how Any brand Evaporated Milk, 3 tins for :We Per case . ji.1..10 Mcintosh Red Apples, wrapped, per box $!!.! Remo Potatoes, per sack . . $1.1)6 Any brand of Flour, 49 lb. sack, .$2.0.1 B.C. Sugar, 10 lbs. for 7.10 E.C.D. Butter, per lb. .10p 2 lbs. for 0.1c 14 lb. box $0.4.1 Capitol Creamery Butter, per lb. 4.10 14 lb. box $0.10 Old Dutch Cleanser 100 Corn Flakes 100 Shredded Wheat, Bran Flakes, or Pep, 2 for 'i. 2.10 Try our Fresh Ground Coffee at per lb i .i. .100 Bulk Tea, per lb 000 Everything in the store is plain ly marked with price tags. Also everything guaranteed. $5.00 orders or over delivered free S. B. ADAMS, Manager Phone 301 THE PA1LX NEWS GROUNDS TAG DAY IS IN PROGRESS TODAY The Acropolis HUI Ground tmprove- I meat iMgue H antsisi a tag day today 1 for the purpose of defraying the debt owing to the city in i annecwon with ' the improvement at the grounds in the : spring. Headquarters are be.ng mid in the Pair Board office vtth Oeorg B. Oaaey.j A. J rrutlaorarot, D. .. Petersen and J 8 Witsoo ia ehargw ugteea. pupils ot the public ichosay including Betty; Capstlck. Mary Oaaey. Andrew Hady. lack McRm. roan MaUekm. Bnul Hn-dema. Rudolph Mela an. Wullaam Brean- ner. Robert Parker. William Brooks-bank. Walter Crcu. James Oreer. Rag-nald Colllvm. Elisabeth MrUscd. BUly Tbey Melville Forbes. Bert Cameron, lauterine MusaaUeca. Beulah MoKlnley, Henry Dickens and Ned Mctod. FINE RECEPTION IS GIVEN PRINCE (onul and Mr. Olof llaiwin Itrlurn Hume After lltrtkliwilnx In In-tltltle for SaeuUh Prince A apiendid reception in which the city autlkorrUe aa well a other public bodies participated was given Prince William of Swedes en bis recent trip to Vancouver states Olof Hanson. Swedish consul for British Columbia, who returned home on the Prince Rupert this morning, aooompanted by Mrs. Hanson, after having attended the fes tivities. Mr. and Mrs. Hanson went to Everett to meet the prince aa he entered British Columbia. C.P.R. TRAIN WENT THROUGH A TRESTLE WOODSTOCK. Nov. 5 Three people were killed when the Canadian Pacific freight train went through Downey Creek trestle. The dead are Fred Burton, engineer: Nell Turner, fireman; Victor MonteMh. brakeman. NO PAPER MONDAY. Monday, being Thanksgiving Day and a public holiday, there will be no issue of the Daffy News. The next regular edition will be the issue on Tuesday. DEATH TOLL I Wi. 8YD.VEY. N.S.. Nov 5. A death toll of 66 resulted from the sinking of the ferry steamer QreycIlS Thursday by the Tahiti. LOCAL NEWS NOTES Mrs. Harry Parr' of Seal Cove, who baa been spending the past three months on a holiday visit "to Vancouver, returned to the ctljt on the Prince Ru pert this morning. Rev. John H. Hansen, who comet from Minneapolis to assume the ministry of St, Paul's Lutheran Church here, arrived In the city from the south on the Prince Rupert this morning, accompanied by Mrs. Hansen and daughter. They are guests at the Prince Rupert Hotel pending securing of a house for residence. Archdeacon O. A. Rlx salli tomorrow night on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver to attend the opening next week of the new Anglican Theological Col lege in Point Orey. He expects to return to the city next week, accom panied by Mrs. Rlx who Is at present in the south. Richard Pyne. CJJJt. sleeping and dining car conductor with headquarters st Vancouver, who has been located at Jasper Park during, the summer arrived in the city from the interior on yester day afternoon's train to take charge of the local commissary for two weeks while R. L. Parry 'Is on vacation. Mrs. Pyne and family arrived from Vancou ver on the Prince Rupert this morning. HOTEL AKKIVALS. Prlnre It 11 pert D. F. Davidson. A. L. Clements. R. C. TaU saw f SAILINGS TO EDROPE MAKE RESERVATIONS NOW 1 KOM MONTREAL Nov. 11 Montroee. to Glasgow, Liverpool. Nov. 18 Montcalm, to Glasgow. Liverpool. Nov. 25 Mellta. to Belfast, Glasgow. Liverpool 1KO.M QIKBKC Nov. 16 Montnalrn, to Cherbourg, Southampton, Antwerp tltOM ST. JOHN' Dec. 6 Montclare. to Belfast, Glasgow, Liverpool Dec. 9 Montrose, to Belfast, Olas-' gow, Liverpool : Dec. 14 Montnalrn. to Cobh, Cherbourg, Southampton Dec. 15. Montcalm, to Belfast, Liverpool Dec. 23 Mellta, to Glasgow, Apply to Aftnt? everywhere or J. . FORSTEK. fl TO S.S. General Pais. Agent. lm CP.R. Station, Vancouver, & fei Telephone T Seymour Z6J0 THE DISPOSAL pair business. (KIT KKAK (XO-E IIOMi; Charlie Starr, with the assistance of Claude Klrkendall( bagged an old mother bear and a cub near the Salt Lake between that place and Phillip's Cove. It Is the first time in several yeara that bruins hare been reported to have been taken so near home. Two nice rugi wUl soon adorn Charlie's house hold and the big satisfaction will, of course, be that they are trophies of his own prowess. Aid. M. M. Stephens has the working bug again with his powerboat Vera 8. Frye the victim. The craft la now In process of being practically rebuilt at the Suga shops and, when the work Is completed, It will be a much superior eweL hardly recognizable to those who formerly knew It. Abolition of the steam trawler wai urged on the Royal Fisheries Commis sion Investigating the Atlantic Coast situation at Canso. Nova Scotia. The chief reason for this demand, according to John Kennedy, president of the Nova Scotia Fishermen's Union, was that the steam trawler glutted the market with flYh, some of which were of In ferlor quality. Thus the market for fishermen who operated in small boati was destroyed. Conditions in the Canso district were serious. Kennedy said that the gravity of the situation had not been exagger ated. The fishermen could not support their families. "If the markets are going to be controlled by big corporations and glutted by steam trawlers. there's not much use talking about any thing," he said. IIALIIUT LANDINGS Halibut landings at the port of Prince Rupert for the season to date total 23 830.430 pounds 17.768.350 pounds Am erlcan and 6,162,100 pounds Canadian as compared with last year's total at a similar date of 25.038,500 pounds made up of 18,772,700 pounds American and 6.263,800 pounds Canadian. Thus the big decrease for this season Is In American rather than Canadian Prices during the past week averaged considerably lower than prevailed dur ing the peak week previous. The highest bid of this week for American flsr waa on Wednesday when the Eastern Point received 17.7c and 6c for 2,500 pounds. The high Canadian bid was 17.9c and 6c received on Friday by the Toodle for 3.000 pounds. Lowest bids of the week were I2c and 6c paid on Saturday for Canadian fish and on Monday for American. Hunting parties headed by Hubert Ward on the Bonanza and George Bry ant on the Harla are already off for the holiday hunting. The former left yesterday morning for Welcome Harbor and the latter this morning for Qulnlmas. Both expect to be back Monday night. Each party has four members. With the owner. Capt. a. McC. Smith. R.N. retired, on board, the big schooner Chief Skugald,. Capt. Bill Parsons, re-turned to port last evening at 6 o'clock, bringing a catch of 10,000 pounds. It was June 17 when the Skugald left Prince Rupert last and, during the Intervening time, she has landed three or irour catches at Alaska ports. This will j mark the end of the season for the I Skugald and she will tie up either here oj- ut Vancouver for the winter, of Geo. D. Tites Stock Dagg. J R. Bayne. A. O Young. E J. Dodge and W T McCulsh. Vancouver. Rev. and Mrs. John H. Hansen. Minneapolis. A. L. Weaver. Butedale. I, Reaeth. BeUa Ooota: Mrs. P. Tyler. Port Albernl: F. A. Macdonald. Victoria: L. B. Webster. Nanarmo; Mrs. H. Parr. city. Saoy A roe Barstad. Com River J. Mc Laughlin and R. Morrison. Regtna: A. Johnson. Edmontonr W. H. Thome. C.N.R.: D. Melntyre. Msssett; H. McDonald, Cedarvale. Central R. J. Pierce. C. A. Smith and W. R. Pyne. C.N.R.: N. Olarer, Vancouver. Waterfront Whiffs (continued from page flvet from Cow Bay. Next year it la probable that construction of new and more ambitious premltea, will be started to contain a progressive and gradually expanding machine ahop and marine re will continue 8 a.m. on . Tuesday, Nov. 8 Store will be closed all day Monday WESTHOLME THEATRE TONIGHT ONLY at 7 and 9 Ronald si i Lol man an in d Vilma Banky A glorious romance mounted with magnii : scenic splendor KONAU) CO UMAX, VILMA HANKY, .MO.NTAf.lK I .'iVt LASKA WINTEK, JOHN (JEOIKJE, NATALIE KINGSTON and many others CAMEO COMEDY "KEEP TKYING." PAT1IE REVIEW Admission 50c and 25c 510XDAY and TUESDAY. 7 nnd 9 p.m. Flag Lieutenant A screen presentation of the famous play of ttuf ' which much action is displayed by every naval u: i' ships, cruisers, destroyers, seaplanes, etc., etc. FllmeJ land with the sanction and co-operation of the Br;i A miralty. Henry Edwards, Lillian Oldland, Fcwlass LLcwellyn, Fred Itaynham, Humbcrstone Wright, Dorothy Scacombe and huge cast "HILL GRIMM'S PROGRESS" SERIES 10- "Assorted Xuts" A featurette with Jack Luden, Al Cooke, Kit Guard, M..r garet Morris, and all star cast. INTERNATIONAL NEWS SPECIAL HOLIDAY ATTRACTION Admission 50c Special Xotlcc Children' Guest Days On these two days only, two children will be admi'd ' one ticket. Tickets, 25c. en V. . v - al svZ ( viva Solid Oak'Dininrr oom Suile, 0 pieces, Queen Anne b' "Home Lovers' Club" terms , Jd 2 only, Solid Oak China Cabinets, one newstyle with cupl-1 space at the bottom oo c.i The second one has glass front and sides Barrie's Home Furnishings Srr! Avpn. Phone 123