NcvtmHr 5, 1927 ' 4' .' doyouvanttollveotig long life and good EVEN health may become ir.s in the mouth" unless one is, to some extent at Icast. financially free frcTn worry. Besides, gear rial independence is cm way to insure long life aid good health because It prevents worry. C .federation Life Pen-s:rn Bonds guarantee a dcf.r.;te income later on in life. The annual deposit is comparatively small, but it guarantee a eom-t:r,&le and independent cli age. Writ tor inttrttting boclttt, "Tht Kr tt Hppintt." Confederation Life ASSOCIATION limvtltlt I WlllANT m. - Manager. I-. . 1 1 J tn c . Vamwatcr, II.C. coixaiit j . . j agent Prlni-f Rupert. l.r. eautiful 1 1 Y7Z V TPi O Q aof0 iv i i w an a. i aV V k a a aaaaf a -a W ust Arrived . othera we have one 4- : v hand-engrared all J i fc'liah make at $50.00, -a beauty; also an-Kn'lixh Set, 4 piece, u-."d. at $26.00. Other $15.00 to $76.00 the v are glad to show our 9 ft ift! i "JEWELLERS (Li Tit STORE WITH THE CtOCl DryCleaning at Vancouver Prices J't Modern Drycleaninc I'lant in City I'hone 118 Pioneer Laundry Ltd. Third Ave. and Mcllride Street YOU ARE INVITED to see Ladies' Coats Hats and Dresses at The Louvre 310 Third Avenue Next Royal Bank Waterfront Whiffs Diwlrr Befall American Halibut Fleet-Dox VkMnx Opera-Hon Continue Steadily Many Huntinz Parties LAND ACT Heine Planned The closing day. of the season are being marUd with diaaa-ter at birt H fir a the American halibut fleet i. concerned, cmorraa at the firnt of th tau ua .u. . . . thalr final trtna of th. m.. therly to the ajioretlne. thence fottowlnf NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO I.EAM: LANTi In Queen Charlotte Islands Land Recording District ot Prince Rupert, and situate at Ferguson Bay, Oraham Island. Q.C.I. TAKE NOTICE that Soaierville Cannery Company, Limited. Vancouver. B.C.. occupation Paeken, Intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commenclne at a post dan ted at the Joying a hoiidat in VanoouTcr Oast. I Cantdiau Taaaal are tvine u .t Pnnn. " -""' pacamg aog atupart for the winter wntte Aanertcan boau Kacaod to their hoow porta in Pwaet mad or on tha Alaaka ooaat. ante of the lata Amtrteaa eaacela are rcoaading direct to BaatUe with their eatenea. aalmon around Vancouver lalaad. J R. Arnold, well known loaal aalntan I faheiman, haa eatabliahed the Prince Rupert Harbor Freight awrviee which i will eaange in general work around the One of the laat hotne pontine boatti, .," ytenmnZT at jl of the Prtoto Rupm fleet wiU be the t JT'JST INI) ACT. ' of another similar veeaet If bnalniaa ' iTiakea It nrceaaary and alao baa acows and other aaiulpment avallahle if they NOIKK r IMKNTKIV TO AITLY houl be required Til i.eam: UM I to that of the OTi In Prtnee Rua Und Itotortia Dt- p trlet and oltaate on the wKhwt cor- whar "hlch was damaged recently ner of an nnnazoed bay on the south ! when Ne. 1 abed tu burned down will, bank of Port Chanal. Oraham Island. I . " ,. amAMn4 mAoei' k. uastartakan - ,kl. thU i Queen Charlotu Islands. In the Prorlco : nf Rr'tl.h rnliimhi. . Winter and. In fart It Is exnected IX THE SITKEME CIH'KT OF IIRITISH COLUMMl In the Matter of the Administration Act: and In the Matter of the Estate of Arthur C. Utile, Deceased, Intestate. TAKE NOTICE that by order of His Honor. P. McB. Young, the 20th dy of September. AD. 1927. I was appointed Administrator of the estate of Arthur C. Little, deceeted. and all parties having claims agalnat the aald estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or before the 21st day of October. A D. 1927. and all parties In debted to the estate are required to paj.i lT.MEOJx, .-4yar NORMAN A. WATT, Official Administrator. Prince Rupert, B.C. Dated the 21st day of September. AD. 1927. . IN PROBATE IX THE SITREME COCKT Of BRITISH COI-l.Mltl.t In tlte Matter of the Administration Act; and In the Matter of the Estate of Joe Elman (otherwise) Joe Herman, Deceased, Intestate. TAKE NOTICE that by order of Hia northwest corner of Lot 1571. Q.CX: ! Honor P. McB. Young, the 11th day of thence east 30 chains: thence north 2 1 Auzust. AD. 1927. I wat appointed Ad- chains, more or less, to low water mark; i mlnlstrator of the estate of Joe EUnan thence west following low water mark, i otherwise I Joe Herman, deceased, and 30 chains; tlience south 2 chains, more or i all parties having claims against the less, to point of commencement, and ; said estate are hereby required to fur-containlns; alx (6) acres, more or less. 1 nlsh same, properly verified, to me on SOMERVILIJ5 CANNERY COMPANY. ! or before the 2:st day of September, limiilu. applicant i a u. wii, ana au parties indebted to Dated August 31. 1937. Wood DRV BIRCH, CEDAR AND JACK PINE Single Load $3-f50 Double Load $0.50 Large Sack SO? BUNDLES DRY KIND-LING, $1.00 Phone r80 HydeTransfer AND COAL CO. 1SD Second Avrnve ! the estate are required to pay the - - I amount or their indebtedness to me forthwith. IVZT, NORMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator, Prince RUDert. B.C Dated the 24th day of August, AD. IN PROBATE. IX THE SlTREMTj COLRT OF BRITISH rOLITMIHA In the Matter ot the Administration Act; and In the Matter of the Estate of John Caddy. Deceased, Intestate. TAKE NOnCE that by order ot His Honor F. McB. Young, the 20th day of July. AD 1927. I was appointed Administrator of the estate .of John Caddy, deceased, and all parties having claims against the aald estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or before the 20th day of August, AD. 1927, and all parties In-debted to the estate, are required to pay the amount of their indebtedness to me forthwith. r'v-.T'r A. TV ATT Official Adtnm it' i alor. Prince Rutwrt DC - bated the 23th day of July, AD. 1927. THZ DAILT NEW3 pags nva the engine of ! little powerboat Pup. la WbtCO he M Starting M to go (rem town to Digby Island, broke town mk! be started le drift Ils4 ly craw the harbor Hi plight tu observed; fos Ae lmatuwtn of Ikt K. Towage Llgblrae Oa. Mri the iir. Past! Armour dispatched the' katbar boat SsJvaren to b ut Just M be wesjseertng the roeka near the aassjth Mrlfieboli Crrek. where j uj mm miHta ummw; nave Deed) Macau --far ' u salvage boat a line imbi aao a aue nan w Hit de u of the harbor na with - uw iom several Doata. i" , ... . . . . .. .Now the tttrbiilMt L Uti weather on the hank has resulted in lors1 lw" " avinK been reported during the past week. Both casualties occurred on the Yakutat banks where mountainous 8 0 ut Oa Man swept the men overboard. A giant wave eaue-ht John JT Jl,nMB0-mUUo. JohLlpoe,bort ' and Carl AvU,t ff .h- ?, 7. CaUh.t and lavernee. canneries on , . , - "v- " "wnoii Htnooner armoV Thursday wtbh Mr n"HR niie tne lauer was lortuitouaif land junk Tvacuaa aooiba Aaaarwn vaa awpt off the dack of the audatotw. alao , , "U""! for ",ot!"er Andean, and. daaatta tne tfforta of trtP capt. Themick and hia nto to ir.tct a raaeua. be too u loat Both tetlma were Seattle man quite moil knamn TW Mlneboat Br.-ta Ot.rain. h.rh n Cant lUi JL I ,un'a" Tou, W.tu. ha. and famUy to whom katea a wMow general aympaUir m be eatended. With tne daw aeaaen now but ten la now landing their oetche here have chartered tor three moutha by one of fleat i act aid Kerr. Seattle aerap the Naa Hirer and !t main dock on the BX3. Towage A Lighterage r - " -Pl-cn h-Ult in Pruioe Bu- v..n.n. xaeni utud h will not be taken the reduction plauta on the weet ooaeti ,. w. 1 -"Tmg w Vaaooanar lalaad to to pack naak harrlw fcarrtec Mg power tog salvage PYlnceaa. which day. dWtont. oa. f the hUfbut rea- fuU5 OD a w u riiw. is 11 ureveni en tow of loga from Morgani enaap tor ti Seal Cove Lum- bound Boat rMght. Of the aeek at River's TAKE NOTICE that Arthur Robertson, that the order to start tk. -or Mil ! b oered as he thought that lQ"TdfCto iSS-S - The tod wm not be '.: foUowtag deacrltsd taawai rebuilt, the company having plenty of Comrueuclnr at a peat planted about i ja avsllahle elsewhere ' ne chain weateily from the mouth of , In lK- lh ntlme- ,K ot f Tt' an unnamed creek flowing into an un-1 named bay on the south bank of Port : building the approach to the wharves Chanal. Oraham Island. Queen Charlotte . being continued, the nilea and sun-Itland. ' Provlnee of BriUab Columbia; ' JTj. , .heaoe 4 chains southsrty: thence M " vFrer., I chains easterly: tnenee 4 chains nor Until more permanent neadquartera r AVSilafel far him I. R Parrv ' ' the shOHllae t noint of commence I . . . . ment. and eontoinlng 3 seres, more or ! w' casnmisaary mwem. m (Baaneeli A. Dated October . 19T7 BOBERTbON. Applicant. I-IXD ACT. NOTICE or IXTIATIOX TO .tPrLV TO Ltiti: i.imi la Queen Charlotte Islands Land Re f-wtHi District of Prince Rupert, and sitoatt at Jedway Harbor. Moreaby l-land. Q.O.I. TAKE NOTICE that Mlllerd Packing Company. Limited, of Vancouver. BO, oecupatlen Paeken. Intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted at the northeast corner of Lot SB, Q C.I ; thence northwesterly and along high water mark M chains, more or leaa. to a point N. M 3T E. from the HE corner Lot 14-. thence north 56 37' E. 1-i chains, more or leas, to low water mark: thence southeasterly along low water mark to a point N. 66 ST E. from the location post: thence 13. chains, more or less, to the point of commencement, and containing a aeres. more or less. MILLERO PACKIKO COMPANT. LIMITED. Applicant. Dated September 7. 1927. NOTICE IN THE MATTER of an applteaUon for Uir issue of a Provisional Certificate of Title for the Eaat half of Lot 3027, Casslar District, said to contain 330 acres, more or lees Satisfactory proof of the tors pf the Certificate of Title covering the above land having been produced to me. tt la my Intention to issue, after the expiration of one month from the first publication hereof, a Provisional Certificate of Title to the above land, in the name of MADELINE MINTON. The original Certtfleate of Title Is dated the 364b September, 1913, and la numbered 44TOI. Land Rettetry- Office. Prince Rupert. BO. Registrar of Titles. one oi ue can an toe wnan spur. A TIIRIIJIVO EXPERIENCE Dick KUday. carpenter at the marine station, had one of the best thrills of bis young life in the big blow on Tuesday morning of this IN PROBATE. IX THE SlTltl.ME COURT Or IIRITISH in In the Matter of the Administration Act; and In the Matter of the Estate of Duncan Ollbert McKay. Deceased. Intestate. TAKE NOTICE that by order of Hia Honor. P. McB. Young, the 27th day of August. A D 1937. I waa appointed Administrator of the estate of Duncan Ollbert McKay, deceased, and at! parties having claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or before the 1st day of October, A D. 1937. and all parties Indebted to the estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT, Official Administrator. Prince Rupert. B.C. Dated the 1st day of September, AD. 1937. IX PROBATE WwBt JoblHty Wilson did not get ! It ttnkeel has rt Mrd-buntlne; trip of .he in i Hal even if for a while he :bxiaglH he was going to be. It happened that wise; the rest of the party vent aroera-d by land to the bead of a bay wbUt Johnny came alone the beaebMae to a rowboat. Everything, waa going nicely and Johnny waa pt3 lng hints elf to be something of sn loaraman sa wn as a coachman when ja white bird learned wp on the land- There waa a mad scramble as plunged overboard to get a etoady footing and sure aim aa well aa soafeang wet but Johnny brought down the bird. Much to hie disgust. It waa only a aeagnll As they started nonet, other unset ban of the party MM of a fine bird tbey had castrated and .'ohnny wondered, nay finally became convinced, if has was not alao a white Mackenzie Rivar goose. Steps were re-traeed and., sure enough, it waa found that Johmty'a was indeed one of these apeehfiento. So, Johnny didn't get skunked after an. Capt. B. C. Harsh, former harbor master here. Is reported to be investigating the poeatlnaky of esubUening a new ceawern here for the buying and shipping of cod Bah during the winter. Such a venture would seem to have good possibilities, particularly during the dose season on halttrat. Pish are abundant and. It ia believed, would frad a ready market. Capt. Larry Thomson of the Federal Pilots of British Oolumbla is aceom- paaytag the freighter Flshpool to Union Bay where It wUI eeal foUowlag the completion of loading yesterday a full cargo of grata at the local elevator for the United Kingdom or continent. If Capt. Thomson does not return in time. It is, probable that Capt. J. R. Elfert. harbor master, will handle the next grain hlp. King James, which la due about November 10. Oalt Freighter Salvor. Captain Rush. was in port on Monday from Vancouver ettsehargtog over the Albert & MeOaCery wharf a cargo wbtoh Included tile, steel and contractor's equipment for the business Moek being erected for Oner Besner. Many Indlsn boats, bringing delegates to the Anglican Church Army confer ence which was held In the city this week, have been tied up at the Cow Bay government floati. The proceedings concluding on Thursday night most of )the visiting boats have left by today for their vartous village home In the district. , I' DOO FISHINO Dog fishing operations for the Ru pert Marine Products reduction plant continue satisfactorily. Boats during the past week have averaged better than a ton each per day, these being small boats with limited' gear equipment Some of the smaller halibut boats may engage in the Industry now that the close season la approatbmg for It s believed that vessels with nine of ten skates of gear can make large hauls. Headquarters camp is stlU located on Dolphin Island at the far end of Og-den Channel. With- better weather In prospect, many hunting parties are tbeing arranged for the Thanksgiving holiday week-end. Some of them will make departure tonight to visit rather far removed fields. With snow coming down- on the hills conditions are better for the pursuit of deer but the most of the parties will be in quest of the wUy ducks and geese. George Bryant and' Billy Ful'on took a Thursday afternoon Jaunt across the nstih ation IS.ali-B Certainly, she can have another ! Plain York's really great It's the best chocolate With flavour and quality splendid for Jane. Mothers and fathers who have tried Plain York chocolate realize at once how pure it is, how wholesome. Not too bitter, not too sweet, but with all the deliciousness of pure plain chocolate, Plain York is the triumph of 200 years of experience in fine chocolate making. Just try a bar to-day. harbor after deer. It is hot known whether Billy Invited the mayor along. Acting Director H. N. Brocklesby and Louis Smith of the Fisheries Experimental Station have been making a number of trips to the Tucks Inlet reluct km plant engaged in research work in connect loo with the dogfish reduction operations there. The trips have been made In the station's powerboat Surveyor which somebody says would look better if the government made an appropriation with a view to having it painted. powerboat Pachena. Capt. Harvey Dumas, which made a trip to Anyox on Monday with freight, took the provincial public works engineer on i trip to Poreher Island yesterday. The "28,. Capt. Alex. Saint, also went to Poreher on Friday, having on board the mines Inspector who gave .he Patterson mine the once-over. Boats of the PJt.BJI. fleet have been busy recently taking supplies to the government road camp near Oalloway Rapids. . " Rebuilding of the burned, selneboat K. Bd 8 which the Prince Rupert Boat House 'recM&tly 'purchased, la- proceeding with Bob Thomas in charge ot operations. On completion, it la likely that the vessel will be renamed "29." Captain Swanson has absolutely run out of originality as far as nomenclature is PJ3.B.H. gravel soow. which has been tied up for the past month undergoing installation of a new engine and winch, it Is expected, will be ready-to resume operations on Monday. A number of trips will be immediately made to the Skeena River. AX INTERESTING TRIP Though no game was got. It was a trio not lacking In excitement which the Edac had last Saturday night. Fresh with her new crankshaft and a general overhaul and with Skipper Doc Cade, Rupert Benson and two boys on' board, departure was made about 9 pm. un der auspicious conditions which, as It turned out, however, were not long to be. As Miss Edac turned the corner around the Prince Rupert cannery, her Q My dear it is plain that I'll have to explain Oi er and over and over again wings gave a sudden flutter and she laid right down on the Job. Examination of sparZ plugs and other gadglts chowed positive reaction of water and no matter bow many replacements were made the result was the same. It was a dark night with an adverse tide running but, nevertheless, Ben realized that duty called his two strong arms S3 soon the dinghy set out and In the wee ema hours finally reached the Cold Storage plant. There the town'a best taxi was called into commission and Ben soon reached the Yacht Club floats, bent uf bringing Polnsettia to the rescue But a sudden shower of rain came down end rjlnsettu Vent out. Central was BADMINTON Supplies v Kaien Hardware Co. Telephone 3 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Sailings from Prince Rupert, lor VANCOUVER. VICTORIA. Swanson Bay, Alert Bay, etc-. Tuesday, S p.m. For VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, Butedale. Alert liar. ete Saturday t a.ra. For PORT SIMPSON, XAAS RIVEU POINTS, ALICE ARM, ANYOX, STEWART, Wales Island. Sunday, 8 p.m. 133 3nd Avenue. 11. M. SMITH. Agent. Prince Rupert, at Through tickets sold to Victoria and Seattle at a reduced rate and 1 baggage checked through to destination. mdely awakened from her clumbers as alao rwas Charlie' Minna who, after due persuasion,' wnsenied,!. hyath.t.Jbi-lng pressed Into service. Then 'began the second part of the midnight matinee with Ben getting back to the Cold Storage where Me finally sorted the dinghy out from a mess of scows and off to Tucks Inlet again. A glimmering light In the northeast guided Ben on his course and, at length, safe return waa made to the Edac. No matter bow those boys spend a night, ft hey are always ready for action at 4 am. so a battle with that blinking motor commenced and. after a general campaign ot destruction and construction, it came to life again and the hunters came home, had breakfast and went to bed. They got no' game but were glad to get home. Liauuc ACKDum, Having sccurra jease of 100 feet of waterfront between the Prince Rupert Feed Co. and the Im perlal Oil, is starting on the installation of a plant there which It is ultimately planned will Include aand and gravel bunkers and other facilities. A float has already been put In and the Wigwam is moored there. Having secured a location on the Prince Rupert Feed Co. leasehold.' H. B. Stiles plans the ultimate removal to that alte of the Star Welding business (continued on page six I PAIN from Bladder Irritation Soon sassd by SANTA L MIDY Beware of Imitation Look for the word "Wioy Sold by all dm r run Relieved br Thor Johnson for Mens' Clothing and Furnishings The home of "SOCIETY LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 63 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal Sand and Gravel. We Specialize in Piano and Furniture Moving. i i 4 4 l 1 i