l II r o have made r- - jtli Baker's 4 oreaklast Cocoa Tic Hottsciold Choice for many Generations A delicious, pure and wholesome food beverage, made only of high grade cocoa beans, carefully blended and prepared by a perfect meclianical process, no chemicals being used WALTER BAKER 8C CO. Limited Uubluhtd 1750 DORCHIiSTER, MASS. CanaJian Mil!t at Ijlontrral Doublet t'f Choxe lUrivs tent free n 1. II .a in. I . r I Canadian national Mcamsluns to. Limi Prince Rupert DRYDOCK. ' AM) SHIPYARD ()Hinliii2 fj.T.P. 2U.O0O Ton Flouting Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists Rollcrmakcr. Hlack-.roitlts, Pattern makers, 1 ounucrx, woodworker, Lie ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDINC Ou' i !.iri i ;iM-d to h.mdie all kind of M Alt IN'! AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 4.1 and 3S3 SAVAGE ELECTRIC WASHER AND DHYKlt. Wnshc. Blue. Rinse and Pries without u wringer or lwr.ui; to ut your hands in !hr vali'i'. l.:sh Price SUM) AUo Ea)' Tcrmii KAIEN HARDWARE CO. 6 Cylinder Sterling Marine Engine for Sale Cheap M. (hum Heavy Duty 00-125 1I.P. complete with self stur- r ami -u w battery, only used eleven months. Excellent conation, bargain price- Write A. H. A IT KEN, 10121 101st Street, s Edmonton, Attn. k UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED fitting from IMiirr Kuiwrt. Ir V,(Ol U:U, KTIIItlt, inn lUy and Alrrt lUy. it. TurMl.!), I' "'. . . lur S( KI U, VIITOIIIA, Alnt " 5mwii !. ' lurd.iy, I r ?'mt NIMPHiV ANVOX, AI.U'K AltAI, STIUVAUT ami Niut Hlrr 1 nmi'Tlrr.. huiiiUi, 8 p.m. . , I I !, ttrnuf. It. M. H.MITII. Agent. ltUrrt. HC. liar ti Best I ' (THE ORIGINAL): Pure Scotch Whisky j RICHEST IN FINEST HIGHLAND MALT IVrfllrJ J. iiMhJ fcr Vil!itl Com a 9c. Umii-d. CmWiili 4 B.v.,.0M..i Oittillthu. IMI. ft 81 is ative' ilsoment Is not nulillsherl or ilisnlnyod l)V the Llqu UulM Uoard or by the Qovermnpnt of llritish Columbia 01 B.C. Undertakers. Phone 41. Burn Banquet tonight Hall it 8 o'clock prompt. HetcL in Bo ton Basketball tonight Exhlbtton Build ing- at 730. Three games. Buy Rupert manufactured shingle from Seal Cove) Lumber Co, Ltd. tf Mr. and Mrs'W, B. Ford are aalllng On the Cardeha thl afternoon for the aouth. union ateamer Cardena, Captain Qcorjeaon. returned from the north at noon today and will aall at 5 o'clock la evening for . Vancouver .and way nU. Major J. A. Motherwell, chief Inspector of fUherlea, return aouth on the Cardena thla afternoon after a abort tuj in the city on departmenui builneu. ltev. Arthur Barner, of Toronto, aup-ermundenl of Indian mlaalons for the United Church, returned to the city from Port Stmpaon on the Cardeca tbj morning. W. S. iiarrta, weJI known Hazelton mlhliig operator, who haa been In the elty on builneu for the pat week, will proceed to the Interior on tomorrow mornlng'a train. Judge Bobertaon of Ftlnec Oeorge. who arnved yeaterday from Victoria to pre-aKta at the aeaaion of the County Court bring held here thai week, mt Judg Young in Victoria. a bom he waa pleased to report, waa rery much improved in hearth. J. B. Lambert. aulUnt district e- gtneer for the federal , department of public work J with headquarters In Victoria, returned to the dty from Btewart on the Cardena thla morning and la registered at the Prince Ilupert Arrival la the city from the north on the Cardena this morning Included Mr. Haiei Johnson of littler; J. Ren nJ or Marmot ftlver. utd It. W. Kra-nedy and Mra. Carotin of Stewart, ail of whom are registered at tbe Prince Rupert Hotel. Trapper! Call and ahow your fur to tbe Old RetteJtfe House. It will pav you a we ran guarantee to give yoti higher price than nhyen eU. V.e Have big order for all Una of furv especially mink. Wm. OoMbiooan. Second Avenue. Pheee 623. tf The Universal Trading Company will done for stocktaking -next Macaaay and Tueadsy. In view of the poaalbtllty of thl buslneu being disposed of to but' side people, we would advise the pub lic to take advantage of this special sal price betaren now and Stturifiy. Just before the council adjourned Salvation Army inrnt. February 4. Musical Entertain- Knight of Pythias 81. Valentine's Juvenile Masquerade Ball. February 14. Established 11)23. Office Hours: 1) ii.ni. to (i p.m. Saturday: a.m. to 1 p.m. Any cveiiintr by ujijiointmeiit MEM DENTIST Exchange Mock. Sore Throat gORENESSor Infliiiiniaiioa of throat often leads to laroygiti and bronchial caiarrb. Pep tablets are Ibe st. soothing remedy. Tbe medinnal ftmtt given oSt tbe dissolvicg I'ep. destroy mischievous germs, end soreness and irritation and purify and invigorate tbe wbole of the breathing passages. A Pept in lit mnith keeps imectun tut I PEPS Rebeka!) whist drive tl. nc. to morrow January 26 B j ton Hall Orchesira and refreehiuen .. J a McBae, chrgl with aacault. ap-jieared before Judfe Rou-mion and elected for apeedy trial He will com'-before Hia Honor on Thuruy 'of thla week. Mra. J. M. HoeUft. Wr.l-jr on apart -menu, underwent a unt-r-ul opera-Uon in (he Vanooueir Or:irl Hospital on January S3 accord. n.; to aord re-ceiveO In the city. Hon. Vernor Ssritb and Mra. Smith entertained at dinner on Thursday Dtfht when their gut were tbe member of Use ei ecu the of the OJ".WA. and the UJX Cover were laid for ten. Edmonton Journal. S- DOG'S STRIDES ARE BEING DISCUSSED Itoundltig (lalloji l More Ki'lttrliliiR Tlun Trmcl uf llure PttlXMUl HARBOR. , Jan JS. (By Canadian Prsa). WStat I tbe best stride you- dog can make? Wlnur affords a good opportunity for dog ueain to make aem Uttarsaunc disootenet about their peta' methods oi propulsion. If your uog la an active animal, and moat doa njoy a run In the soow you will 0e astoiUabed on measnrmg the space between different sets of tsack. at the distance tpinned In the course of Ms bounding gallop. The record here, made by a blick and tan terrier running over a patch of fresh snow, wws nine feet. A grey- jhound'a leaning atnd would easily last evening. Alderman Brown referred double that. to certain parte of MtBrtde Street. Ful- ihla may have some bs-ytag on why ton Street and Fourth Avenue Eat engineers object to baling dogs on which were unprotected by any guard bridges under construction It Is stated rail, being dangerous during tbe period that Ice waa on the streets. He moved that the board of work be asked to report on aame. the motion being carried. , LAND ACT MlllCt: Of INTf.XTION TO APPLY TO to rriuiMM: lam In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate on the north ahore of the South Arm of Taaoo Harbor. Moreaby Island, Queen Charlotte Islands. Province of British Columbia. TAKE NOTICE that Jamea Field, of iTince Rupert. B.C.. occupation Marine Broker, intends to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted on the north shore of South Arm of Tssoo Hsr-bir, Moresby Island. Queen Charlotte Islands. In the Province of British Columbia, about A chains from the rnd of the Government trail; Uience 10 chain northeasterly; thence 10 chains northwesterly: thence in chains southwesterly: thence 10 chains southeasterly, and containing twenty (30) acres, more or less. JAMES FIELD. Applicant. TViled November l IBM. Ttlf ttttttV ANNOUNCEMENTS ! that the disturbance created by their gait exceeds thst caused by the average bone. PARDON IS SOUGHT FOR WOMAN WHO POISONED WELLS EDMONTON Jan. 35 By Canadian PrrsM, An eftert u beln made to se cure the releaa of Mrs. Teresa Podhan- luk. or Angle take, who was sentenced in the summer of 1925- to imprisonment tor four years on a conviction for pois oning wells. After serving one and one- half years of that sentence her pardon 1 now being sought by resident of the district, who have circulated a petition to that effect. MRS. EDWARD LEIGHTON DIES AT METLAKATLA Conducted by tht lvtUloo Army, the funeral service of Air Edwajrd Loicbton. who died on Friday f last week at MetlakaUa. was. held yesterday at the Indian village, Interment being in the Indian cemetery. PRIM E . lil'PERT SCHOOL boy In connection or Miii Professor Pryce h;- decided to form a Junior musical dub tor girl and Rupert School Of Music and will be pleased to enrol any Interested In music as a member. The first meeting will be held on Monday. January 31. at 7 JO to elect officer. FuM particular, phone 674. Prince Rupert School of Music. 34 HOTll. A K RIVALS, savoy , C. B. Fiewln, G, E. Brown and Chas. E. Morses, Port Simpson, v Prince Ilupert rhone lOi) Jmit li 'i ton, princa Cccr.s. i . ttl Flavor Local and Personal NEWCOUNCIL METLAKATLA A"hur' Tail. Phone 678. IMtl.t.V AOKN'T C'OLLl.tON PKENllli:!! AT ELECTION YESTEKIIAV 1-ILt t:ZA l'Ki:VAILI.VU Indian Agent W. E. Colllaon returned to the city last night from Metlakatu where he conducted the election of councillor for the ensuing yean There I considerable Influenza of .a mi: type prevailing in the Indian vUlage to the election thla year, were rather quiet. The meeting of the new council board to elect the chief councillor for the year and to appoint the municipal officer for the year had to be pot poned on account of some of the councillor being confined to their home. Thl meeting will be held at an early date. Tbe new council thla year- a .a re sult of the election 1 a lollowa: Wll 11am Leask. John .D. Lelghton. Peter Haldaue. C. P. Ryan. W. M. Lelghton and Oeorge H. Clifton. Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupert JAMAItf 2., 1317. O TP. ateamer Prince Jphn la ashore In Wrangell Narrows according to wtrtleas report received today. W. It. Bell of Edmonton, who Is In spector of fisheries for the Alberta government, t a visitor In the city. . T. Nation, provincial' secretary of the Canadian Patriotic Fund, was greeted by a crowded bouse last evening at the Wrsthoitne Theatre when he ' delivered an addw ess the Work of the Patriotic Fund organisation In British Columbia. R. O. Jenntnga baa gone to Amsbury to commence development work on mining claims he holds there. R. Curry, assistant manager of the Grand Trunk Hotel McDonald at Ed-mpoton. i a visitor in the city. Capt. J B. Oillatt at Sandsplt visiting in the city. WEATHER REPORT. Prince Rupert. Raining, strong southeast wind, temperature. 44. Hazelton. Cloudy, calm, temp. 38. Telegraph Creek. Cloudy, calm, temperature 4. Smitten. Cloudy, calm. temp. 38. Bum Lake. Cloudy, calm. temp. 28. 'retrace. -Cloudy, calm. temp. 37. Rcsswood. Cloudy, calm. temp. 36. Alyanah. Cloudy, calm. temp. 28. Alice Arm. Cloudy, calm, temp. 32. Anyca Rain. calm. Temp. 31. Stewart. Heavy, wet snow, calm-temp. 30. Whlteborse. Cloudy, aouth wind, temp. 4. Dawson. Cloudy, calm. temp. 10 below. Stewart River. 23 below rero. AdvertUe In the Dally News. . TIM HER SALE X6S30 Sealed Tenders will be received by the Minuter of Lands at Victoria, B.C not later than noon on the 11th day of February. 1937, for the purchase of Licence X6830. to cut '4.120.000 f.bjn. of Spruce. Hemlock and Cedar on an area situated on the North Shore of Scwrll Inlet: Q CJ. Two (3i years wiu be allowed for removal of Umber. Furtl.er particulars or the Chief Forester. Victoria. B.C.. or District Forester. Prince Rupert. B.C. LAND' ACT. NOTICE Of INTENTION' TO TO I.EAE LANII. APPLY In Prince Rupert Land Recording Dls trlct of Prince Rupert, and "situate at Nesto Inlet. Queen Charlotte Islands. TAKE NOTITE that John Dybhavn, of prince itupert, u c. occupation manager, Intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: - Commencing at a post planted on the ou th side of Nesta Inlet, about one mile from It hend: thenre south 6 chains, thence west 18 chains: thenco north 6 chains to shore: thence eaat 10 chain, more or lr. following the ahore line to point or commencement, ana (containing 7 acres, more or less. JOHN DYBHAVN. Applicant tutnd November 33. 1938. COMPANIES ACT TAKE NOTICE that LIPSETT CUN-NINOIIAM & CO. LIMITED after the ex-nlratlon of one mouth from tht first publication of thla Notice intends to . ,nnT, In th D.ffltlrur nf IVmN.nlH fnf the approval of the change of name to EDWAnD LIPSETT (PRINCE RUPERT) HMTFD.,,' DATED at Vancouver, B.C.. thla 10th viitn the Prince. unNm s riAim:in. H.r.CTI.O Jf ICY TldAI Joe Ralne appeared before Jude Roberfetwn yelrdy 1 'aflernoou and elected to be tried by Jury on two charges of theft. Solicitors for the Appllcanta. Used after Shaving Dr. Chase's OINTMENT Keeps the Skin Soft, Smooth end Velvety IfutKewLife : fljp- "Left-over" Meals r " OXO " Cubes work wonders with CHILDREN'S PUZZLE The children will love tbe "OXO" Picture Purrle 72 piece J purzlei in one. Sent postpaid for 30 "OXO" Cube wrappers. A the " left-overs " of previous dinners. They restore the taste, save the waste, and add the rich nourishment of prime beef from which they are made. You can use "OXO" Cubes in score of novel and enticing; ways to add savour to soup and sauces; stews, hash, croquettes and meat pies; salad and salad-dressinj. Send for the " OXO " FREE Cook-book today; it's a wonderful help. OXO LIMITED, 156 St. Aatoia Su MaatreU OXO C5JBES The Great Beef Economy Tin of 4 cubes, 15c. - tin of 10, 30c N IL T tatart quick dlitoWlfif, Ir the enbe Into hat witrr. lent! nnounceme The Prince ICupert laundries I.ttL capital stock $100,000.00, had keen organized to take over and operate the local industries known as the "Pioneer Laundry Ltd." and the "Canadian Steam laundry." This move is in line with the present day trend toward concentration of production is not a stock selling or promotion scheme but is entered intfj in order that the local laundries may effect the economies which result where duplication of processes is eliminated. It is the sincere desire of the laundry interests of Prince Kupert to furnish the public with efficient laundry service at the lowest possible cost. With this in mind, we have decided to place certain lines of work exclusively with each plant. The public will greatly assist us in this by allowing us this privilege. They will benefit by better work and better service. Thanking you all for past patronage and bespeaking for the new company your further goodwill, we are, yours for better laundry service," " PIONEER LAUNDRY LIMITED CANADIAN STEAM LAUNDRY. Th. WL Store For middle aged and elderly people, children and weak men and women. VINOL with its iron and cod liver peptone, is a wonderful aid in conditions of general weakness, anaemia, loss of appetite and physical exhaustion. Price, per bottle - - - - lSZi Our stock is fresh. The patent oval shaped bottle is a guarantee of the genuine Vinol. Ormes Ltd. The Pioneer Druggists Three registered Pharmacists 3rd Ave. and 6th St. Phones 82 and 200 DEMAND "Rupert Brand" Kippers "THE DAINTIEST UREA K FAST I'OOD.-f "'1 Smoked Daily by . ft Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co.J Ltd. Prince Rupert, HC.