TAXI Boston Grill 25 and Ambulance Largo Upstair Dining Hall, Service with newly laid dancing Anywhere at Anyllfne floor, for hire. Exchange Building NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. Stand: PRINCE RUPERT The latest and best for the 31 ATT VI DECK. I'rop. least. I'hone 457. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper1; VOL XVII., No. 20. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, JANUARY 25, 1927 Circulation 1500 Bales 423 Price Five Cents mi Am dtiwd Mb tUKiL iu mm a OVERNMENT sustained by good margin in division 1 ) at n ecu s non-onnaence Amendment Defeated at Victoria 18 to. 2S VKTOHIA, January 25. On the first motion of the session. government wan sustained yesterday afternoon by a majority of ' en when the Conaervative amendment to the address in reply to .b itci:n irom me tnronc, moved .I- the Islands, was rejected by a f rr 1 Jin vote had lif(n inVcn nn f by pacing the address in reply without division. The amendment had expressed regret that the government had not announced it iduduji: t , uo;d 1.ASKA HAVNI ' of WINTER FLOODS or M(iMTi iii: mimic IIMOIIIil.ll TA1.INA AMI (()!' I fill llltnt lilvtltltT tint l I IU ltIIM;E WASHED OUT iu:t or iiiuinvw ami lm h miawiii with ilooh NCAi Alaska Jan. 23 Winter ; -a t,t greater magnitude than have be' ire been reported In the In- of Alaaka hart awrpt the Taatina Copper niter district north of .Suva. " . the ruing watera of the Tallin 'rr w aivnouiea we creating 01 an r jam in Tfauna Lake whttn deatroyed 1 live hundred foot bridge on the uardnon highway, vtity mllea north of h.'-ina Tle water in Oopper and a ana Kivera naa ruen vo wiuun tnree ce-. of the highway at Copper Centre. t y-four mltea from the bridge andJiuilMi Irrlihlrr. Coming to Load f .rain, re than "na hundred mllea below the . will In- off Trlle Maud al MM- ite Unaeaannabiy arm weather dur- ; ' he laat two weefca haa tnelted much 1 r.ow In both dUtrlcu. I At both dutricU are epartely popu- .ed, no loaa of life la expected I deatmyed bridge waa one of the "C".: apana on Aiaakai principal ugh- 7 arniw munvi GET DONATIONS I'AVMENTH MAUI: TO MN AMI I'ltO-! ilMC IIV roNMII.IIlAIKII EN-I'OttTEIt.H WEIIi; I Oil All. M ItTMMt IN M'l.CIAL HIITIONH VANiUVER. Jan 25 -Evidence ad- 'I "i bt veaterdav' acaaion of the cus. probe ahowed that the Vancouver and Province did not receive "do-mt lrm the Consolidated Expor- t' ' Comnratlon but merelv received iy in payment for advertising carried i-" ial edition of those papers. W c Ruaaell. advertlalnc manager of t .'' Province . inmitnl . nn th standi - - - & s morning and emphatically denied .at uie province had received a single Jar from the Ornish Columbia liquor U:!-rta without ulvliii sdvertla'.ne i a u the full value Over a period :i fl.e year, the paper had received kut t,w0 sums, totaltlng 260 for ad- ' - .Sine in tmv .1 Arnm w " " t wu. .v... MURDER CHARGE AGAINST DOCTOR K.TT.E hENTIST H I'llAIKIEU WITH Mij.iMi tot urnrv.VKAit.oi.n I'AIIK.VT, I.ETITIA WIHTK. HAIL SEATTLE. Jan. 35. Format chargei murder were filed todav anaintt Dr. C Q, Dabba, dentlat. In connection with Maying Ut November of Letltla wnitehall. hta fourteen-year-otd dental I'.iutnt xh alrl'a lvi .in. a atrutwu . ..... ... '. . . iuuhu in a niougn " nine frnm BeaytriP r i i by Col. C. W. Peck, V.C.. member vote of 18 to 25. Half an hour (Kin nmnnrlmant tVia llnntn n investigation Into umpi:n fund allegation end amounted to mot:oc lick of confidence In the government Cntry and Walkrji. Provinc.aia. voted with the Opposition a did Netla:id and Droi. Labor, etoddart. Provincial, voted with the government a wet) a Burde. Independent, and Uphii! Labor Hay ward u ill and unable to be pre tent. Utter a as paired with Sloan who absent Irom the cltjr. ntu ILW iMKtttius l twunuv riMHLii CALOARY. Jan, 23-rollow. Ing a parade ot unemployed be- hind red flag, aerenteen of them were jailed on Monday fur getting meala In mtauranta and then refuting to pay They expressed themselves aa bring .hppy to be lu Jail ouf of the "' "" ' cold. aTatffTftatfttfa INNERTON DUE HERE EARLY IN MORNING, tilzhl Tunlrht Corn In to the Emmre Shlonliut Oo. to load a full cargo of grain for the United Kingdom, the Brttlah frelzhU.- Innerton will arrive early tomorrow morning from England. The veasel at noon today reported heraeif aa due at 12 JO tonight off TriDie ttlanda whence Capt. Larry Thomaon of the Federal ' rilote of DritUh Columbia left this af-1 Cernoon to pick her up. WIKI.I.KV llll'OKT R a.m. DIOBV ISLAND Rain, atrong ulh- eaat wind; barometer. 30.78; tempera ture. 44; vea rough; 8 pjn.' ipoke steamer Anyox. bound from James Island to O ran by. 122 mdrs from Oranby. BULL HARBOR Overcast, fresh southeast wind; barometer. 20 82; temperature. 42: aea moderate; ll-J pjn. spoke strainer Prince John, anchored oft Alert Bay. northbound; 8 'pm. apoke ateamer Alamrda. bound from 8ltka to Juneau. OS miles from tiitka; midnight apoke steamer Victoria leaving Wrangeli for Juneau, DEAD TREE POINT Barometer. 29.42; temperature, 33. Nmm DIOBV ISLAND Rain, atrong southeast wind; barometer, 29.84; tempera ture. 44; sea rough. BULL HARBOR Overcaat, fresh south- eaat wlud: barometer. 29.28; temperature, 43: aea moderate; 11 a.m. apoke ateamer Prince John, bound from Alllaon Harbor to Jrdway. 10 mllea from Pin Island. DEAD TREE POINT-Barometer, 39.40; temperature, 40, VANCOUVER EXCII ANfi B Hid. Asked. Wheat . . . U9Vi DC. Silver 1.47 1 63 Dunwell 1.49 1.60 ' .11 .12 limuvbuuu .27H .29(4 n,M, 33.00 Howe Sound 38 00 ' 40.00 Independence .11 ; .13 Indian .03 H .08 .14 Marmot rremler 1.98 2 00 Porter Idaho .14 U4 Victoria Richmond .10 ja3 .KMv flHffuKavl ' i i'wL ill flx3KBwnwf AEfHBHflnH"(HN Jd 'HK)kMl lasen w -i 2 M!Wg 4HHfiBK49k& HBuHBt ' "VINCENT LOPEZj noted orchtra leader. eelebiid his 29th birthday at the: Casa Lbjiejr,. bjf playing Adam Carroll's lr-0 pnze modern Ame -n musical composition entitled "Mj,' United States." The piece portray the early pioneer h s jry of the States. Attentive listenwf. are 96-year-old Ezra Meeker, blazer of the Oregon trai uid Chief White Horse Eagle, famous 105-year-old Indian scout Three Infantry Brigades with Heavy Equipment Are Leaving Under Major General Duncan WOULD MAKE DRASTIC ACT ioi:kn.mi:.t wil l, ham: 1nm- TII1ATION INTO CAMIMKIN -'MS AMI, l- MXKS. KM(V. (OVTKOI. TIIK.M tlCTOIIIX. Jn. tX Premier Ollter dri-Uml lit the IrjMaturr )elrnlay I hat. If (he flnii-liiC nf I lie riiloin ninmlil priiir In Hue llli prrs rrrt nf Hi liitrMlgulliiii, the prut liirlal giitrrniiiriit on hi Intrtitliirr Irgls-lat Ion at llili orooluii tci tout ml the ImiKllIng of i-uuipaljtii ftniiU It) iHilltliul iKtrtlrv lie ilrrlitml Iliat. If mi) nirmlirr of the House iibide definite rhargrt In rminreUiiii ulllw Kuril fiinl, an lmrtl;all(in unuld lollow luiiiirdhitrl). LEGATION IS A NECESSITY MM !::! MASSI'.V KIsClSSKS STATE-Ml. NT THAT HO.MIMOV DII'I.O-.MAt:V MAY THREATEN IM-I'KIHAL IH'TY TORONTO. Jan. 25. Discussing the statement that the "entry ot the Dominions into diplomacy will' Impair the diplomatic unity of the Empire and. therefore, may threaten Imperial unity Itself," In an address before the Can- Indian Club here yesterday, Hon. Vincent Massey, Canhdlan ambassador to the United Statra, characterized the legation he would ahortly establish In Washington as" necessity, not a luxury," Advertise ia the Dally Ntwa. Shanghai defence force composition announced by British War Office English and Indian infantry besides soldiers and sailors from LONDON, January 25. All doubts as to the magnitude of Urilish preparations to deal with possible events in China were cleared last night when the War Office announced the composition of the "Shanghai Defence Force" which will defend the British concession in Shanghai. Major General John Duncan will be in command und he sails for China forthwith. His new forces consist of about twelve thousand men including the Thirteenth and Fourteenth liritish infantry brigades and the Twentieth Indian infantry brigade with artillery, armored cars and other equipment. The baUallcn of British forces in cruisers have been despatched to the Malta and the remainder In Britain, in- Far East. Effective on the spot. It la eluding a thousand marines previously estimated that 16,000 men will be avail-ordered to China, and naval ratings of able for the defence of British interests. Missionary Back from China Thinks Britain, States and Japan May' Yet Produce Order VICTORIA, January 25. Among former residents of the British concession of Hankow who arrived here yesterday afternoon aboard the Empress of Asia was Rev. J. S. Helps and family who are proceeding to Boston to tnke up their future residence. "Htw will it all end?" said Helps, who conducted a printing establishment at Hankow in connection with his missionary duties, when asked for his opinion regarding the Chinese disturbances. "That I cannot say, I have lived in Hankow for twenty-five years and have had enough of it. I believe, however, if Great Britain! United Statea and Japan stand together. -r- they will be able to make China aee that its best Interest does not He with the SovJt." Mr. Helps said that the Soviet influence was first openly . displayed , at Christmas time and resulted in the de-itrurttou of propc-ty 0f the Christian Malta churches. Clay Porter, manager of the Porter-Idaho Mining Co. on the Marmot River, waa an arrival from "Stewarton the Cardena thla morning and is regis- tored a t Me Hotel Prince Rupert Both Conservative and Liberal Agents Admit to Probe Receipt of Contribntionsjor Campaign VANCOUVER, January 25. Campaign fund contributions Again absorbed the attention of the royal commission investigating the customs during Monday. Thomas H. Kirk, Conservative, and W T. McArthur, Liberal, appeared before the commission and admitted receiving contributions on behalf of their respective partiet from the Vancouver Breweries. The amount received by Kirk, according to vouchers produced by N. W. Rowell, K.C., commission counsel, was $5, ICO. That which, went to McArthur, on behalf of the Liberal campaign funds in the 1925 election, was approximately Both wltneaaea atated that they .ad urced the fund ever to the parties .i :S tbey represented. Henry Relfel. president of the Van--0U' e Breweries. cxp?eed the opinion that " something over SIOoAm" would coTer 'he cntrlbutloot to campaign fuccU. He explained that the mone7 ; aad been divided - betaeea the Coaser-; vatlvea ar.d the M3dfrtlJn League.! There were ns atrtngs to the contribu- i liana, be aaid. Wltneaa declared t3'. no : ay..ier.u Sad teea made to any gov-1 eminent official aa far aa he waa aware. H3 Jiad received no prccnisea when the mney was handed out. "What did you give , It for?" atked Rowell. -I dint know." replied Relfel. of Brltlah Columbia's Lowell pointed out hat the payment.;" development were under the ae&d of "asturance an: protection" In reply to which Relfei aaid he waa "alck and tired" of bearing about "aiaurance and protection." There would be no mors paymenU of that kind, he declared. AIOIIE" MONRVEOIt-TOKIKST Alex. H. Douglas. Vancouver, testified don' to the huUdlng of roads and the JhU morning that he had received opening of the' province for aettlement $7300-aa a eampwlgn-nrndirtrttaiMoiJ-l-'uwest Ut, lndeJ&tfrt iaor, be from the Vancouver Breweries for the brought from China to do this work Central Conservative fund during the under contract In not less than three last Dominion election campaign. ' cd ot more thn years." Prof. Gofforth aald that wages could 4. b fixed at twenty-five cenu a day . I.IIMI JOt ItNEV TIIKOL'lll ICY WATEHH OE ALASKA RCBT. Alaaka. Jan. 23. A two thousand mile Journey by dog team, railroad and steamship through frigid Alaska faced Senator John Dunn of Ruby when be left here yesterday for Juneau to attend the territorial ..! legislature which opens Its :! I biennial session on March 1. FAIRBANKS TO HAVE ANNUAL DOG DERBY Mnrr Than a lioxen Team Will be Entered In Mvtj-flvr Mile Itare Taking flare Next Month RUBY, Alaska, Jan. 23. Driving a team of fifteen malamutes of wolf blood. Oecrge KoUcer Is enroute ts Fairbanks where he wUl compete In the alxty-'flve mile dog derby on February 22. The Journey to Fairbanks will take about ten days. More than a dozen teams from Interior Alaska towns will be entered In the race. JOINT ENGAGEMENT , OF ATTRACTIONS IS SUGGESTED TO FAIR At the meeting ot the Exhibition As soclatlon last night, a letter was read from L. B. Warper, secretary of the Bulkley Valley Fair Association, aug- geatlng Joint engagement ot outside at tractions to play th. f.i ith and there on the bails of .division 0f cost. The letter suggested that greater Interest could be stimulated 'by such means In the fairs at both places which could probably get together with advantage. FOURTEEN OF CREW OF SPANISH SHIP LOST OFF PORTUGAL CIOON. Spain, Jan. 23. Fourteen members ot the crew of the Spanish steamer Retuerto were drowned when the ship foundered off the Portuguese coast In spite of the efforts of watchers on fcere-to render aid. Pire we-e saved USE 111 OF CHINESE IN THIS PROVINCE UtfJIIX PKOIXSSUR WOt Ll 111 YE THEM DO r.tUE-t'OUK IN Dl VEtOP.MUNT OK WEST OTTAWA, Jan. 24. The euggeatton that what he called "apade-work" In from China waa made by Prof. W. W. GoScrtli of VlcGill Untveralty'a 'department of political science. He aald In kn addreu. T3rltUh Columbia la the ',!eaat develcped of the provinces. There ch spade work that needs to be and. the men returned to China on the completion of the contract. iflREDAMAGED BUILDING SHIP 1 LIMES SWEPT DAYIHMIIiriU'lLIIIMt YAltll YESTEKIIAV AND C.UKII IXJt ltY TO PARTLY COMPLETE!! BOAT I.O.-S St20.0K) QUEBEC. Jan. 23. Fire swept the partially completed ateamer St. Laurent at the Davis Shipbuilding and Repair Co. yards at Lauzon. Quebec, yesterday, causing damage estimated at 4250,-0C0. It is said that It will now be Impossible tor the builders to deliver the ship to the Canada Steamship Line on June 1. The vessel Is to replace the steamer Mount 'Royal of the company's Montreal-Quebec aervlce which was burned last tall with a loss of three lives. EARTHQUAKE IN SCOTLAND MIOCK EXTENIIEII IN ZONE FROM MIKTLAMi ISLVNHS TO PIT-LOmitY AHEKIlEE.V AMI I'KI EKIIEAII .SHAKEN EDINBURGH, Jan. 25. Many Scottlah towns and villages. In a cone extending from the Shetland Islands and the Or It. h,rele' to P'chry felt the effects of an l""h5u;'k! " UomU3r . Bolh Aberdecn ana re.erneaa wrr laiun, BANK BANDIT HANGED TODAY W il l Hill IIONNIN PAIII PENALTY lOlt K 1 1.1.1 Ml ON WINMPEO MALLOW THIS MOIt.MMI WINMPEO, Jan. 2S.-rrWllfrld Bonnln, 24-year-old slayer, of Maurice Oarvle, during the hold-up of the Royal Bank laat May, paid the penalty for his crime on the gallows thla morning. He met deM4 v,V,vwlr Ufll to aooue." I V