PAGE SIX r Perfection in ourWhisty is Due to 94 Years Experience &ODERHAMMfe iiCANAD,AN PrYE WHISKY 9 YEARS OLD This advertisement is not puhlijilioij or displayed by the Liquor Control Hoard or by tlio Hovermiicnl of ,Hritish Columbia. Mussallem's Meat Market l'ork Chop3, Shoulders, per lb 23c Loin Pork Chop, per lb, 33c Side Pork, per lb 22c Sirloin Steak, 2 lbs. , . 53c Hound Steak, 2 lbs 43c Mutton Chops, per lb. . . 33c Lamb Chops, per lb 40 Veal Chops, per lb 23c Veal Steak, psr lb 23c, Pork Sausages, 2 lbs. for 33c All kinds of Fish, Smoked and fresh. Mussallem's MEAT MARKET Perfect Sight A matter of foresight. Many cases of eye trouble are averted by early application of proper lenses. Present neglect may mean future trouble. A. E. Ireland Graduate Optometrist 319 Third Avenue. . (Opposite &.W.V.A.) WOOD Dry Jack Pine, Cedar, Rirch and Spruce Per load , $0.50 Per half load $3.50 Per sack 50c Firelighters, 48 for $1.00 delivered. HydeTransfer 13'J Second Avenue Phone 580 Night or Day WE HUY DOTTLES. LINDSAY'S. Cartage and Storage Phone 63 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal, Sand and Gravel. We Specialize in Piano and Furniture Moving. TIIE DAILY NEWS Tuculay JapU;ir y TRAGIC DEMISE M ZM OF WILL HUGHES Y IMMCD T A nt ttl.l.L KNOWN CISTO.MS Oi l Ki lt I'ELI. INTO IIARIIOK LAST MOIIT AMI SL't'COIItCII AT HOSPITAL THIS MOKMMJ A Urge number of friends were shock' cd this morning to learn of the cudden death of a pioneer citizen and war veteran William George Hughes, at the Prtrlee " Rupert General Hospital ira"" 3 o'clock this morning. Deceased was on duty as customs of. fleer yesterday on the grain ship Solne Maru which was berthed at the grain elevator and, It was about eight o'clock last evening, when the watchman on the beat heard calls for help and groaning over ths ship's side. Upon investigation tt was found1 that deceased had fallen nto the water and waa clinging to some piling awaiting rescue. Help was sum moned 'and it-ra soon evident -that medical attention was necessary and the deceased was removed to the hospital where he was attended by Dr. J. A. West. He was visited by Mrs. Hughes and his sister. Miss Hughes, who found him resting comfortably and he chatted with thcra concerning the accident and other matters, after which Mrs. Hughes and Miss Hughes retired home. Early tn the morning, however, the deceased took a turn for the worse from which he did not rally, passing peacefully away at 9 o'clock. Will Hughes, as he was commonly DEPARTMENT OF LANDS NOTICK Api'Hiiitioii fur tlmXnz !'-rmlti fur the easn of 1927. Application for permits to craze live stock on the Crown ranges within any grazing district of the Province of British Columbia, must be filed with the District Forester at Fort Oeorge, Kam-loops. Nelson, Prince Rupert. Vancouver, or Williams Lake on cr before March 31st. 1927. Blank forms upon which to submit applications may be obtained from the District Foresters at the above named places, or from the Department of Lands at Victoria, B.C. O. R. NAD EN. Deputy Minister of Lands. Department of Lands, Victoria. B.C., Janunrv 4. 1927. j If any segment of the Spine I u in an abnormal pauion ! (subluxation) prtwu.-e it I produced on the nerve trunks at that pjfnt and. aociof. T.TKKOAT T.OTOUUI T HEART T.UINC1 T.UVU T.JTOUACH T.jMAumniTMt. T.uONtrs T. SOI tU T.ArrtMXx T.lOltXUM: T.HADCU T.CXWTAU 5I ineururopractcr ! d. a. McMillan, Palmer Graduate CHIROPRACTOR Patho-Neurometer Service. Open Evenings Rooms 6 & 7, Exchange Mock Phone C91 THE SAL! OF ALL- SALES Quality First, Price Iist Men's Mackinaw Coats, best make, all wool Men's Tweed Suits .... $J.J3 Men's Tweed Overcoats i.. SI 9.85 Men's Heavy Wool Work Shirts $1.13 Men'H Overalls $1.33 Men's Wool Hose 29c .MANY OTHER BARGAINS Corhe and see. We set n hard pace for others to Thor Johnson 720 Second Avenue ANGER, the TAILOR Suits made to order, in our shop as low as $50 223 Sixth Street George rorie CHARTERED ACCOUNT-ANT AND AUDITOR Phone 387 24) Second Avenue West, Prince Rupert District Registrar of the Supreme ui cue Court uouib mnnini months. Canada about twenty years ago and has j the ship is not definitely known. Nor resided in the city since his return from man A. watt, coroner, (s holding an in' the front over eight years ago. Beside quest at 8 o'clock tonight. navin Mm impth Mrtv in1 f .... NOTICE Of INTENTION' TO APPLY TO TO LEASE l.NI) In Prince Rupert Land Recording Dl-trtf t. and situate at Huston Inlet, Queen Charlotte Islands. TAKE NOTICE that Robert M. Currle. of Vancouver, B.C.. occupstton fish packer. Intends to apply for a the following described lands: 1 tease or Commencing at a post planted at 1.000 feet wes j glncer, capacity. He practised his profession; at various centres' in the United Stales! Rupert, and two married daughters In Los Angeles. Following services to be held In the terly from miners' cabins at head ofjenaP" 01 Rev. W the B.C. Undertakers this Leplne for the Shrine Club. F.Priee will officiate. LOCAL CHURCH EXTENDS CALL lti:V. 4. It. Iltl.ll.l. or VANCOUVER is r.VAMMoi s ciioici: or niKs- HVTLKI.IY CONUKKd.UION At the congregational meeting of the First Presbyterian Church last night. Rev. H. C. Prater presiding, and L. L. Christie acting as secretary, on motion of J. W. MeKlnley. seconded by DJ q. Stewart, a call was extended to Rer. J. R Frteell. D.A.. UL.IJ, of Vancouver Heights Presbyterian Church, Vancouver, to occupy the local pulpit. The motion was unanimously carried. On motion of Fred Oarton. seconded by Ben Dalgarno, Rev. Dr. Douglasjsuper Intendcnt of missions, was asked to act as commUsloner to prosecute the call through Presbytery. It Is understood that Rev. Frlzcll will accept the call which is being largely signed and will go forward to Presbytery early next week. FINANCES OF EXHIBITION itt;roiiTt;i) ox. is kt.ukmknt or MAN.wiKii riii;si;NTi:it at MEETING. LAST MOIIT The financial report of the manager, presented at thjannual meeting of- the Northern B.C. Agricultural ii Industrial Association last night, showed tatwl expenditure of 11.4)9.69 for the year and receipts of 18,724.60 or a deficit of 2,771X)S on the year's operations. The president of the board gave some comparative figures with last year to throw light on the deflclti In a statement of Jrporti and attractions a loss cf !. V 50 Ijenrs known to a host of friends, came to ing spell or slipped and plunged over . 3f Jj06 was shown on a total eipendl- ture In this classification of MJ1J9I Against the deficit Is a total of 1203 in accounts still collectable. the Great War. he also served In the It is said that the distance the de- Appended to the financial statment S.uth African campaign. ceased felt was nearly thirty feet. and. 1 was a list of the creditors of the As- Deceased, who was in his forty-sixth j while at first it did not appear that he ' soetattoa to a total sum of t3.6l3.GO. year. Is survived by Mrs. Hughes, two had suffered serious injury. It will pos- This includes $697.60 due A. C. Beatty children: Owlylym, aged eight, and ; slbly be determined at the lnauest as far work dan on the Fair nulldlns. Owladys, aged six and a sister. Miss to their full nature. I J20.12 due city and district news-Mary Hughes, of this city. In Wales, the ... L.n.r. rnr rtnuin atorri for deceased's heme In youth, he Is survived V I OTAI i IP transfer work and 83 30 for taxis as by his aged mother and two sisters!! III I I IK Li Jvf I well as sundrv other creditors. ana two Drotners. To the bereaved family who have suf fered such a shock will go out the sympathy cf the entire community In thjlr loss. Funeral arrangements, which wUJ be arynounred later,, are in t be hands of the 'BE. Undertakers. Deceased mt a member of the Masonic Craft. Details are very meajre at the present time as to the manner in which deceased came to his death. It Is Known that recently he had mentioned being weak and whether he suffered from a faint- IN PRORATE. In the Matter of the Administration Act and nrnrni e t ninn i.LAiKit i. munis, tno:i i;im;i;i: IsSt: AWAY IS I'KINIK HI -I'KUT (il.NUt.M. IIO.M'IT.U. YKSTlltll.W Complications following an attack of Influenza resulted tn the death at the Prince Rupert Oentral Hospital, whet he has a been a patient far the last fortnight, of Elmer U. Harris, chief engineer for the Canadian Fish ii Cola In the Matter of the Estate cf Vagn Bnn rv. - V Th.i... Th.Urn rwrari rw..H. t TnlMil. ......... oiorage u.Sc vj- utreuni, ww asa mn Every man should keep a fair-sued IBrlHlH lAI 1 1 1 H cemetery tn which u. bury ;h Iul' I of his friends. Week-end Specials MEAT DEIT. TAKE NOTICE that by order of the In Prince Rupert for only a law! Eastern Salt Herrings, Special, 3 'of British Columbia, the i8th day of . . . , J " ',' "1 'I',',".' , January. 1927. I was appointed Adminla-) November to accept his posltkm with Nova Scotia Salt Cod. 2 lb. brick, iiiiar vi me estate 01 vsgn ineisen. me uota oiorsgr uo. succeeding U. u. neial 33c deceased, and all parties having claims Helndel resigned rr,1nM- had Ma beaam Deco!ne xn Tefy c . . ... 7. against the said State are hereby re- , Smoked KIpj)erS. vvr lb 13c quired to furnish same, properly verified, popular among all with whom he had v ctw MP n. llp to me on or before the 10th day of come In contact during his brief real- ,. , . ' " V. .Zt? February. AD. 1937. and all parties In- denee h, here .n1 n1 hu hl. demise ,. v,. will bo eal Pot Roasts, ' per lb. .. l4c debted to the estate are requlied to pay , , ,J th amount of their indebtedness to me generally regretted with sympathy go- ':a, ieKt !H.r tu c forthwith. 1 lng out to hU relatives RolUlllf Bef. Ir lb 12' jC Official Adminimator j B0 ln Central suus asnve fifty lllarabumer. per lb 13c Prince Runert. B.C. Tears aio. the late Mr. Harris wu n'l!ef Sanaa ee. tier lb 1 5c Dated the i 20th dZof January. 1937. experienced steam and retrtgeraUr Oven RoSt. Jr ib. .. 20c to 23c LAND ACT epeMii m an insuuin Fresh Crabs and Shrimrw. mark'. price. I'ipnlf lfnm nar lit ifll.r and. before coming to Prince Rupert.) p urf 3 b. tin 63c had been located for several years at , ...... t, tn Los Angeles He U xrvlved b, hi. UrC ,b: J widow, who hasi been resident In Prince!1 ure 10 ,b' t,n I2-1'' California Table Piga. 2 lbs. for 25c We have only a limited amount of Huston Inlet: thence westerl 20 afternoon, the remains win be for-' above. Phon vour order earlv SSTTa ou,h "".Nev Seatton'. Uulk Daten, 2 lbs. therly about 12 chains, and containing -aroena tor ounat in ios Angetea. Thei for 23c 31 acres, more or less. ROBERT M. CURR1E. Applicant. IN PROBATE IX THE si piu:me7:oT kt OF BHITISII COLf.MIHA In the Matter of the Administration ; Tinker and W aci; ana Daniels. Deceased. Intestate. TAKE NOTICE that by order of Hw I Honor, Judge Robertson, the 15th day of December. A.D. 1928. I was appointed ! Administrator of the estate of Alberta I Daniels, deceased, and all parties having claims against the said estate are hereby reoulred to furnish same, pro- verified to me on or before the ?erly 6th day of January. AJD. 1927, and all ! parties Indebted to the estate are re- aulred to pay the amount of their In-ebtedness to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT. ! Offlctal Administrator. Prince Rupert, D.C. D.ited the 16th day of December, AX). 102 Fullers Tea is (rood lea. WE WANT YOU TO TRY IT. Include a pound package in your next order. The regular price is 75c. If you will take two lbs. this week the price will be 2 lb. for $1.15 Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Specials This Week are: Sterling Catsup, per bottle . . 20c Heinz Catsup, 3 bottles for . . 95c Heinz Pork and Deans, 15c size, C tins for 70c Only & few cups and saucers left on the "Jif" deal. Get yours now, only ", 25c 50c Navel Oranges at 2 doz. for 75c Nabob Pure Strawberry Jam, per tin .,.,.'. . 75 c Nabob Pure Plum Jam, per tin 50c B.C. Butchers & Grocers Limited Phones 15 and 571. mourning widow wjn accompany the body. Deceased was a member of the Masonic craft and a Shrlner. The Iocs', pallbearers will be Col. J. W. Nlcholls ! and J. Boddle. representing the Cana dian Fish tt Cold Storage Co. O. P. R. v. a C03II1INATION SPECIAI, 1 tins Canned Fruits 93c Your choice of the following: Nabob Red PJum, Z't. Malkin'a Sliced Peaches, tails, l's J. Nelson, representing MalKln's Rartlett Pears. 2's. la the Matter of the Estate of Alberta I th Msorilc lodges, and A. Haines and!Quaked Pitted Red Cherries. 2'n. Malkin's Apricots, l's, tails. Sacnich Loganberries, ?'s, talis. I tln.s assorted, 93c Evaporated Peaches, per Ib. . . 25c llllack Figs, 2 lbs 35c White Figs, 2 lbs 25c Market Day Raisins, 1 lb. pkg. 60c Hut-ma Rite, 3 lbs. 25c Table, Raisins to clear, per pkg. . ................ 15c Jelly Powders, all flavors, 1 for 25c ! ' ' - c 1'cctl Lines at Clearance Prices llarley Chop, per sack $2.20 Whole Hurley, per sack .... $2.10 Crushed Oats, per sack $2.50 Oat Choi), per sack $2.50 Feed Oats, per sack $2.10 Ground Oilcake, per sack . . $.1.75 Developer, per sack $.1..1. J Uaby Chick Feed, per sack $XC5 Van Camps Soups, 2 for 25c Vegetable or Tomato. Ureakfast Hacon, machine sliced, per Ib 3ic Penlck Salad Oil, made from pure! corn-Pints 35c; quarts, 70c; Vi gal. $1.35; gallon, $2.00 STOC KTA K I Xfi S PEC IAI.S Pure Spices, any kind, at 3 tins tor 25c Pure Extracts, all flavors 2 oz. special 22 Vic 4.oz. special. , c 8 oz., special 75c Above lines are Malkin's Rest and above prices aretmade to facilitate stocktaking This is your chance to stock up and save money. Rupert Table Supply Co Phones 210 and 211 ..e it.. Ii ..nil iH 11.. h . 'V "Paieek" China At priccH equal to any in Canada Vi3it Our Basement Store We Sate You Money Max Heilbfoner Diamohd .SH-cialUt 527.321) Third ,wu WESTHOLME THEATRE TUESDAY AND HDNKSDAY. 7 and 9 p.m. T Offl MIX ' "Hard in n IS Boiled HKI.KNi: niADWKK. "TONY" and Mrong COMKDIKS "Till: MAD RACER," and 'WANDVnlNo WILLIES." AdoiKHion 35c and 10c Canadian Nats on ai Thc Largcft TKailway Syflcm in Amcna Steamship and Train Srvt e a.. I'UINC K IUTt:HT Kill lesie I'WIMT. Ill fl.HT lot V 1NCOI t I K III TOKIA, M:.tTTI.I aad InlermeHUIe points mkIi IKIOtV at f .. I'iciNri: in tikt rr smvtiiT n.i anvon. l . ntiNCi: joiin lor v.txorvLH ita oLrrv riitituirfi l.tNIH. foftnljthtlj. rAHftCNOI It TKtINX 1.1. ti: tKivc i: hi rtKT lUch MONUW. Ul:llMllt and HlTIIthW at IIJO un. I. MtVI (IMMtllt. CliMONTOV UlNMri.O. all twinl MUrrn Canada. AOtNfV tlX OCK.tN JtTr.tMHIir LINf.. 1m I'anaillan .Vallonal l:prra lur lonj Otilm, roerlgn ( -r.' tit.. alo fr jour rtnt lilpmrnl. IITV TICKET Oiling IM TIIIMO t. rillNCK Ktl'lUT thaM JANUARY Clearance SALE EVERYTHING REDUCED Ilarpnlnn In all Departments The H. S. WALLACE Co., Ltd Phone 'J. 3rd Aye. and I'ulw THE ACME'S FIFTH ANNUAL Temptation SALE During the'stocktaking period the balance or our d" Men's Overcoats is offered at each $15.95 These are all made of pure wool materials In "''"' and .cut In the latest models for men anil young my"-GET YOURS NOW! Acme Importers Terms Strictly Cnnh. Thli'd Avenue No charse acc irounti I