ten day January 28, 1&27 7E2 DAILY KET73 PAGE PIVB Ehe eed Diamond Never Be Id Fashioned I'm ou stones never wear out . ,. , I 4 n tm Vl. in tl Idto I ft Men's Clothing am- Third II Miller njr regularly Tor Price and (ualily Dtm't Forget Montreal Importers Arnue Proprietor ' TM& WCUSS !fi CutO BcU'AHE ) OF USQM. f tHi NET9 -"OMB C0AUSJO US J m record time. There's no need for your house -hiverinir iU timbera when our roal aerxlcc is no further away than your tele phone. t.ive us your order today ! and wc will speed heat to you The 1M in Coal and Delivery Service. NAN A I. MO WELLINGTON and McLKOI) KIVEK S00T1.ESS Albert & McCaffery Phone 11G and 117 Closing : Out SALE NOW IN FULL SWING .Many Unrcnln in COATS DRESSES HATS J. BENT I .ad lea Rrady-lo-Wear I Third Ave. Pllonc 631 MILK From Hulkley Valley 1'RESII MILK AND WHIP PING -CREAM Quality and Service Valentin Dairy Phone 657 HOSPITAL W.A. HOLDS MEETING WORK Ol' 10 ltCli:UKI) AMI NEW oriif r.H ri.rnr.K Mits. riicn PVI.K I'UOIIiF.NT Tn annuJ mettlnf of the Women nuiiijr w me rune jiupcih uciiriai j, me "uii.cn ..v... ... ... li.-ni,,! w h(,1(, .,-,.- .fi-rnoon In often found In aettlnxn is arc .oun.u tbuiv.r wn, t,ulinM1Mn. , h seem unlovely to modern ,ut(d of th fading of report for the i . iPt year ana the election 01 oifirera For nurnriMnjfly little money, fw.ien, U may have the stones of aft old Tbe annual financial report showed hjoncd jewel mountedjn in ex-, rP yesr nc toiaiiea , -itc new netting that, wJII en-i'"" "n" . ."T r . - I n,- the lieauty of thcti many . bd t Mlde ,n peeW fund f0f " . . iTtnure needs Ut u 9 show you the lnttst A Jewellers ifinic stoe with the clock INewSupplies of anr during IBM included the annual birthday party at the Nunc' Home in April: the conducting of the candy and let cream concmloa at the Trade ic Labor Oouncll'a celebration on Labor ! Day: a raffle during Exhibition week; itbe annual hospital ball on Hallowe'en, land Christmas cheer at the hospital. ! donation including nine pain of men 'slipper, two pair of women' allppera. J eleven boxe of cigarette, and twenty-Itli pound of confectionery. new oiuckhs Officer for the year 1927 were elected m follow: Honorary President Mrs. T. McCly- mont. presidentMr. Fred Pyle. Firt Vice-President Mr. R. C. Second Vlce-Prealdeot Mr. D. W7 itcrrtey. Secretary Mr. A. J. Oalland. Representative to th Hospital Board-Mr II. P. Olaaey. The AuUliary now ha a membership of fifty THE HANKHUPTCY ACT." in tin; i:tui: or jmi;h haiio i wilmiv Anlluirie4 lf.nfir. NOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN that. ! JAMES WARD WILSON, of the Town of , ttuwart. in tb ProvuK of DrltUh Columbia, did on the lltb dty of January. I AO 1977. make an authorised aaslgn-merit of all hi property for the benefit lof hi creditor and that II. P MacLeod. : Em) . OrfHclal Receiver, ha appointed me jui be ruatudian of the estate of the debtor until the tint meeting of credl- 1 UjTi Notice it further given that the first ALEX CONNON. Custodian Let a Cold Qtia Start Vapors Check a Cold Overnight The rj'art mahy.'way to treat a cold but wiry' .DIRECT way with va. por that eahte Inhaled. Vapor ptreirii Immediately Into every corner of the air passage ("id lung, aoothirg njd healing with eveVj breath. Vlck la o remi.flcl.tlT successful In The principal activities of the AuiUI- j treating cold trouble because It acta like a "vapor lamp In aalve form." When rubbed over throat and cheat the body heat release vapor of Menthol, Camphor. Eucalyptus. Thyme and Turpenttoe. At the tame time Vlck I absorbed through and cumulate the akin like a poult! re or planter. Thl double, direct action often check tha wont cold overnight. VICKS Vapo Rub Ovu 21 Million Jars Used Ye am. r RAILWAY TAXATION in rin nipmtpprn (lit fouiwll tVitl Hate Mertlng Tn-tiKirrutr Aftrrmmn with C.X.It. COiniiiloxKin evtnlng from R. R. N it hoi. uz com lAlssioaer for the Canadian National RaUways. aiytng that he would be arriving from the south again on Wednesday boat. The mayor aaked that the council to convene on Wednesday afternoon to confer wttb Mr. NicboU in regard to the expiration and renewal of a taxation agreement with the company. After the council meeting adjourned, the mayor and aldermen discussed In- i meeting 01 creatuirs in toe soot mw i . will be held at (be office of the omclal , formally .. for . some time the old agree Receiver. Court House. City of Prlnc mrnt with the Canadian National RaU Ruptn aforraaM. on in tin day w it ruary. 1927. at 240 o'clock m the alter- noon To entitle you to tote thereat proof I' of your claim must be lodged with me before the meeting I held, pro les to be used at the meeting Imuit be lodged with me prior thereto. And further take notice that at auen meeting t!i creditor wUI elect the permanent trustee And further take notice that u you way in regard to taxation matters. THE HANKRU1TCV ACT. IN llir ESTATE Ol" HENRY ROIIERTH. Authorized A NOTTCK IS HEREBY GIVEN that. Henry Roberta, of the town of Port elements, hi the Province of British Col umbia. dUt on the 4th day ol January. nd use I cubic foot per second of water meeting the creditor will elect the per-out of unnamed creek, which flows manent trustee easterly and drains Into Crescent Inlet. : Aur further take notice that If you ! Moresby laiana. y (.J.. aDout on rou nave any claim ajamst tne debtor I or from ui bead of lb Inlet on the north which you are entitled to rank, proof shore Tbe water wUI be diverted from ! of auch claim must be fUed with me the stream at a point about 1.000 feet. or with the trustee when appointed; from the mouth and wUI be used for I otherwise the proceed of the debtor'., domestic and cannery purposes upon the relate will be distributed among the 40 acre of land described aa unsurvey- parties entitled thereto without regard to ro isna. iot wnicn purcxissv 1 appuru your claim. about is chain southwesterly from the mourn or tn atream. This notice wa posted on the ground on the 29lh dty of November. 1928. A -1 3T of this notice and an application pursuant thrrto and to the "Water A-t " will be tiled in th office of the I Wstef Recorder at Prince Rupert. B.C. Obiection to the application may be 1 tiled with the aald Water Recorder or ' with the Comptroller of -Water Rights, 'Parliament nuUdlnga. Victoria. U-C. ' within thirty day after th first p-, pearance of tht notice lf a local newa- The da( of tbe first publication. Caper. 1 December 20. 1920. TAKE NOTICE that JAMES new Applicant. LAND ACT NOTICE Or INTENTION TO APPLY TO i.civr, itmr.Mioui: DATED at Prince Rupert. B.C thla 10th day of January. 1927. ALEX. CONNON. Custodian. THE IIANKKUITCY ACT. IN TIIK F.HTATE Of I1AYKIAN . , I Notice Is further given that the first t Charlotte In Graham Wand, 9wm , ln lbt boy, ute t.i.nii ind Recording District of Prince . , j .v ... . w Ilupert. and situate at , Ferguaon Bay- Receiver. Court House. City of Prince HKll lit, Wt MMBU, . Rupert aforeasld. on the 24th day of ntM. l"0eu mver . tart -. nvwv m h Company Limited of Vancouver. B.C. . for,noo'n. occupation MsnuisciuiTi.. iuk.iu m. k-ply for a lease of the following described lands Commencing at a post planted at th northeast corner of Dl. 1571: thence westerly, following northern boundary of aald Lot to the northwest corner of aald Lot: thence westerly, northerly and easterly, following the high tide mark of Ferguson Bay to the eitreme eaaterly point of Echinus Point: thence south-trri tn tn mint of commencement. and containing ISO acres, more or less. POWELL RIVER COMPANY. LTD. Agent, J. Douglas Wilson. Dated 4th Nnvrmher 1B3S NAVIGAI1LE WATERS PROTEC' TION ACT ii.s.r.. rTiTnr.n lis Edward Lipsett. Limited, of the City of Vancouver, hereby give notice that ho , has under section 7 or tne aaio c r-ipralted with tb Mlnlter of Publlfl Work at Ottawa and in the nfflce of the District Registrar of th Land Regl-, try District of Prince Rupert, a oecrip- tlon of the lte and the plan, of whrf proposed pa be built in the Hsrbor of Prince Rupert In front of Lo. 2. Block O, Section 1. Map 923, And Tak Notice thst after tb Vplri; tlon of one month from the date w lli first publication of thl notice. Ed- 'wrd Upsett Umitetl will, under Section 7 of the ald Act. apply Minister of Publie WorU at hU office in th City of Ottawa for JPProval of the aald sit and plan and for leave to construct the aald wharf. DiUed at Vancouver thl lllh day oi ' Dscsiubet, 1BJ8. , To entitle you to vote thereat proof of your claim must be lodged with me before the meeUng Is held. Proxies to be used at the meeting must b lodged with me prior thereto. Aur further take notice that If you have any claim against the debtor for which you are entitled to rank, proof of auch claim must be filed with me or with the trustee when appointed: otherwise th proceeds of the debtor's estste will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto without regard to your claim. DATED at Prince Rupert. DC. thla 10th day of January. 1027. JOHN L CHRISTIE. Custodian. MINERAL ACT rCRTIMCATE OF IMPROVEMENTS NOTICE Juanlta, Anyox. Oranby, Alamo, Rodeo, Pinto, Wann Fractional No. 2. and Monte Fractional Mineral Claim, situate In th Atlln Mining Division of Casslar Die-trict. Where, located: On Wann River, Taku Arm of Tattsh Lake. TAKE NOTICE that I, Charles V. Bob, Free Miner's Certificate No. BS7GH. Intend, alxty days from the date hereof, to apply to the Mining Recorder for a Certificate of Improvemente. for the purpose of obtaining a Crown Orant of the above claim, And further tak notice that action, under section CO, must be commenced before the Issue of such Certificate of Improvernenta. Dated thl 1V27. 1st day of January, A XI H. MCN, riUSER. Agaot, PRESBYTERIANS' ANNUAL MEETING l-IIIMIKKSH MIOWN IN KEPORTH HB-MITTKII TO I'ONOKKAatION I.AMT NlflllT NEW OITHT.RM CHOSEN The annual congregational meeting of the First Prettbyterlan Church wa beld in the church lat night with a large number of member present and Tboma McClymont presiding. Varioua report of the church, namely from Ladies' Aid, Sunday School and treaturer. all Indicated good progres. The year wai'fln-'ithed up with a credit balance of 971 after meeting all obligation. The Ladle' Aid ha 1250 on hand. W. W. C. OKelll wa appolnter secretary to the congregation and. lu place of three manager retiring. Fred Stork. L. Aroll, and W. W. C. O NelU were appointed for three year term, i. L. ChrUUe wa re-elected treasurer and Fred Dawson, O. R, Naden and Hon. A. M. Manaon. KX;., were re-elected trustee. Vote of thank were passed to the Ladle' Aid. Sunday School superintendent and teacher, choir and choirmaster and board of managers It was announced that, on February 5, the second anniversary of the opening or the church, ipecial services would be beld. On the conclusion of the meeting, the congregation adjourned to he aoclal hall where the Ladle' Aid served ireahmenla. NAMES COMMITTEES GYRO CLUB FOR 1927 C4ty Solicitor E. F. Jone read a : xtie following conunlitee of the Oyro tell gram at the council meeting lat aub for the year 1927 have been ap- hve any claim agatntt the debtor for tW7 mt an ,uthorul assignment of hla men 7 m"" . all on property fnr tor th tne Viu'lt oenern 01 nf m of rueh claim tnuat be fBed 1U me Himmnn 1... h v vtsLeod. Kso polmed by President-Elect E. A. Mann: Civic H. Birch. O. A. Hunter. Reception Milton Oanzale. Roy Mc-Naughton, Stan Taylor. Initiation Joe Greer. Howard white. Sergearrt-at-Arm C. A. KirkendaU. Playgrounds D. Balfour. O. A. Mc Millan. L. W. Kergtn. Bulletin A. L. Holtby. Frank Dibb. Entertainment R LePine, L. W. Vaugh. H McEwen.. Athletics O. R. Tlte. Douglas Kelson. A 8. Paul. Membership D. Stork and two to be appointed by himself. Song LederF Dlbb. leaving hi the snow. FLIES TO MEETING .8EATTLE Jan 25 The with the uwtee when app4nlA other- Uftletol receiver, ha appointed me to Piaster of the A-F A 'Ait. iv i a,mm w. . mw r msuxjian or me estate 01 me oeotor . GRAND MASTER OF WASHINGTON MASONS urua of the mill be dMtributed unonc the partlra ,T7irnitiBii t rrMiun waarungton Bute jurisaKroon. waiter entiued thereto without regard to your ( No(lce (l lunber given that the first F Meser. has brought into use an "dTteD at Prince Rupert. DC, X'JSMX' "ad ?l?l im nay 01 rfanuary. 1817. iii. neeelver. Oturt House. City of Prince ' " "r " J Rupert aforesaid, on tbe 21st day of ' vialt. ,J"T; " n oc,ock la Caught In a driving bllxxard twenty WATER NOTICE J Ts eotlU you to vote thereat proof mllea from Okanagon. Wash, he sent a J...r-. of your claim must be lodged with me B,,,e from there to Seattle andi ...... .. litt l:i(v(IN AMI v.. I E Ibefor the meeting Is held. j . . . . . rivm vftTin? th.i i.m f-i-i1 hwl tw.i . i k. niin. I secured a plane whlrn camea him toi address Is 21S-r2nd Ave, Prince Rupert. 'must be lodged with me prior thereto, i Wena tehee In tune for the meeting li t . wui appiy tor a licence u use ; And runner take notice mat at aucn automobile marooned FAIR ASSOCIATION ADJOURNS FOR WEEK; THEN IT WILL HE DECIDED WHETHER OR NOT IT CARRIES ON. (continued from page two) awarded only at the discretion of the Judge when there wa only one there was .no support might he Just a well to call It off for a year at least. Fred Scadden. Harry Breen and Mr. Vance thought that the Fair must be 1 - -- The Well-Managed Home HE manager of a household is the purchas? ingf agent for a large proportion of the family needs. In order to do a good job she must know what, when and where to buy. She must study goods and the concerns which make goods and have them to sell. She must put her home on a business basis and run it on business principles in order to make the most of the family income. Information is the only basis for intelligent purchrsing. And the right way to get the greatest amount of necessary information is to read the advertisements. Advertisements tell you what is new and good in merchandise. They reveal improvements and inventions to make your home life easier, more com-fortable and more convenient. They give you in formation about a thousand and one things that are usejul. Every manager of ,a household every member oj the household who shares the "responsibility for the family's welfare should make a habit of reading the ads. ' . Mr. Munro wa Inclined to think it iter should be present at the meeUng. JOHN C'll tltLEH 1 miaht be advisable to droo the Fair. I n.rt Vffnrn .flM that fin. Af trip Autliurired Assignor. NOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN that. John Charles Oavlgan, of the City of IMn,. Dun... in tA.ln.a rt n-l.l.K Dan Jabour waa Inclined to a similar idea of his -motion wa to get the opinion. There waa lack of uppbrtipnMic, n,, particularly the creditor. On the part of the public and often ! interested. Columbia, formerly carrying on buslnem t member, pt the board e-er did not, do as Rupert Table Supply Corn pan y and 1 their PaHi If Universal Trading Company, did. on th forthcomtn It It th t.. nf J.miin IBM nt.ka an .11. Hwwcuming, thorlzed aawlgnment of all his property for the benefit of his creditors, and that II. F. MacLeod. Esq.. Official Receiver, haa appointed me to be custodian of the estate of the debtor - untU tbe first meeUng of creditors. Read the advertisements in order to buy wisely possible to test out public opinion on In I the quettlon of carrying on or discon tinuing. Thl motion wae seconded by O A. Hunter. Harry Breen suggested that a committee might be delegated to make a canvass of the situation. It would be no use electing directors If they would not act. Frank Dlbb thought It waa a pity it nothing could be done to relieve the creditors. Step should be . taken to tak care of them. Harry Breen thought that the credl- In the matter of an outstanding account,, ofv697.K.due v A. ' C. Beatty for making permanent repair to .the building,- Mr. Thomson thought the city should put up thl money. Mr. Munro pointed out that the carried on even If It wa only to mee j oullding did. not belong to the city. It financial obligation. It would buj it ti ut too." replied I Mr. Thonv a different matter If there were no cutsanding accounts. Then the Pair might be abandoned. Frank Dlbb suggested thst a might be appointed to decide Bert Morgan moved that another ; whether or not the Fair would be con-meeting he called in the near future unued. to elect director. Then It would be Was So Nervous The Least Noise Made Her Jump Mrs. W. II. Tatrs, Aahern, Man-, write i' I wa bothered very much with my beirt and nervm, and tbe least noise would malt me jump and almost stop my heart lating . . T i.l l .v.. V. 1. .1 and she said that she had been j otiincrea ui Mine way ana toia m to get a box of ilf.jijjktiLa TOitB I had tales the on box I felt quite, a lot belter and by the time I had taken three boxes I ft relief." Price 30e, a box t all dealer, or -sailed direct on receipt of price by Th T. Milium Ob., Lu-Itd, Turoato, A .... . To raise money. Mr. Scadden suggested that Kmc dances might be put on. TO RAIE MONEY Mr. Vance ug8eid that the As sociation hold a celebration on May 24 with a boxing tournament th night 'prevlou. Vie Foley might be obtained or some other prominent pugilist and ' julte a crowd attracted. Foley had agreed to com here on a percentage j basis so the Association did not stand to lose anything. Mr. Munro did not think tbe Exhlbl- tlon Association should be turned Into an athletic organization continuing IU activities all the year around. That was not It purpose and he ventured the opinion that if a straight fair were conducted It cotUd be run for the amount of last year" deficit. WATER NOTICE DIVERSION ANI CSE TAkE . NOTICE that Robert . M 1 Curtie. Whose addresa la 1416 8th Ave-West. Vancouver. B.C, wUI apply. for a licence to Uke and use fifty gallon. per minute of water out of small creek, unnamed, which flow southerly and drains into Huston Inlet, Q.C. Islands, about 1.000 feet westerly from miners' cabin at head of Huston Inlet. The water wUI be diverted from the stream at a point about 200 feet from snort line, passing through twenty-four acres applied for under lease, and wUI be used for Industrial purposes upon the land described as applied for to lease at head of Huston Inlet. Moresby Island. Thla notice waa posted on 'the ground on the 6th day of December. 1926. A copy of thl notice and an application thereto and to the "Water Act. Pursuant 014," wUI be filed In tbe office of the Water Recorder at Prince Rupert. BXX Objections to the application may be tiled with the aald Water Recorder or with the Comptroller of Water Rlghtv Parliament BuUdlnga. Victoria, BC within thirty days after the first appearance of this notice In a local newspaper. The date of the first publication la December 20, 1920. ROBERT M. CURRIE. Applicant. LAND ACT NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO TO LEASE LAND In Prlue. Rupert Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and altuate 03 the north ahore of Crescent Inlet Moresby Island, Queen Charlotte Islands, in tbe Provlzlce of British Columbia, and being about one and a halt miles from the head of the Inlet. 1 TAKE NOTICE that James Field, of President .,., Vance ,,. .-j and -,,., othera .text, in-, in.HTtnce ,k t Kuperi. ... occupation for 1 wsrui. nt dined to dispute this opinion but Mr. tne following described landa: Munro expressed hi conviction tht. Commencing at a post plnted on the .... . . .. ,,,,. ,V north shore of Crescent Inlt. about with losing sports and attraction and one , mnea rrom the head of tb such Ilk, the attempt waa being maae inlet; thence nortnwesteriy au cnains; to run the Fair on too large a acale. After aome further discussion, the motion of Mr. Morgsn was adopted and the meeUng adjourned until February 1. .- thence southwesterly 20 chslnai thene southeasterly 20 cbslna: thence northeasterly 20 chsins. and containing forty ' (40) acres, more or less. JAMES FIELD. Appltcsnt. Dated Notember 37. 1826. u IT V JAP-A-LAC Household Finishes Jap-a-Lac Varnish Stain Jap-a-Lac Enamels For floors, furniture, wood- Provide a solid covering to work, etc. Full directions on the surface and jfive a lasting each can. and delightful result G LID DEN'S ENDURANCE AUTO FINISHES When your car needs a Glidden Auto Finish do not put it off PUT IT ON. For Sale by Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd. uemers n January Clearance SALE Phone 27. NOW ON P.O. Rox 327. Dr. Alexander Smith lilock Phone S7S DENTIST