The Daily News . PRINCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMRIA Published Retry Afternoon, except Sandar. by Prince Ruert Dailjr Newa. Liirited, Third Avenue. H. F. PULLEX - - - !nirinK Editor. SUIISf -KIITIf )N 11ATHS: t-.- City Delhf r bwmafl or carrfer. WfHh . liy mail to:ll prt of the British EmAixe and Ute United The longer the vacation the more difficult it is to get back to work. To Obtain Relief From Neuritis The "nervous system must be thoroughly restored. Here is a case which illustrates this point. The twitching of nerrea tad rnuseira warned Mra. Mapletoft of tbe exhausted condition of her - nervous iratem. She aim bad frequent nervous headaches and per-BMtent neuritis in her right aide, .Only temporary relief can come from external applications for neuritis. To really fet rid of the cause of trouble It it necessary to thor-eoghly restore tie exhausted nerves by the persistent use of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. , . airs. Wm. Mapletoft, Mount-Forest, Ont.. writes. "Ft about three year I suffered from neuritis in my right side. I fcad pains throozh my back and .75 Statesn advance, per rejar. i,. . $5.00 To all other countries, in ad ranee, per year $7.50 Transient Display Advertinlnjv per feh per iiwertfoa $1.40! Transient Advertfain? en from Pir& Pr inch .,. Local Reader, per iftfertioa jer liae Classified Advertising-, per insertion per werd . . ... y i".. Legal Notice, eath ittseriiea per apate ttffe ...... Contract Rates on A PPKfj j ; Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 Editor and Reporters Telephone - - P6 Member of Audit Rureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION .25 a .IS VF Wednesday, July 27, 1927 MAIL SERVICE ON RAILWAY The decision of the post office department not to give a rail-way baggage car service daily to Prince Rupert is much to be regretted. While it is petting & little late for the commencing of a service this year it is to be hoped sufficient influence yill be brought to bear before another season to have the daily service" established. The letter of the deputy minister is a very lame one, especially 4hat part in which he says he cannot give the service here because other places would ask for it. It might be well to draw the attention, of the deputy postmaster general to the fact that this is INTOLERANCE EVERYWHERE The value of tolerance is implied in an editorial article written by a Jewish editor recently in the "Toronto Daily Hebrew Journal" in part as follows: The whole of the American, as well as the Canadian press, is now talking about Henry Ford's recantation. But what about the other big and little Henry' Fords that are so plentiful everywhere, the other prominent and obscure men of his calibre who harbor prejudices and enmity toward all who are different from them? One is a Jew, hence they have no use for him. Another likes spaghetti that is an unpardonable vice. A third man speaks French, it being his mother tongue that cherished habit is hurtful to his communal standing. Here and there lone voices are raised in behalf of tolerance. But throughout the land there nevertheless reigns animosity to men of different speech, religion and culture an animosity which gains expression in so many different ways." In the days of Moses people worshipped the golden cajf'but today they worship the silken calf. EASY TO WIN, HARD TO LOSE A lot of people make very good winners but poor losers. If they win theyare all smiles-and make4hemselve8 pleasant to everyone but let mem be on tne losing siae ana tney immediately begin to show their objectionable qualities. They not only fail to see any enjoyment in the contest in which they have been interested but they make life unpleasant for everyone around. That is the opposite to good sportsmanship. Your troubles double in importance every time you tell them to your neighbor. A good motto for a worshipper at the shrine Bacchus is "Be sure you're tight, then go to bed." of twitching of the nerves and rnufteim. I had also been operated on for appendicitis, and it left me a nervous wreck. I waTvery restless and uneasy, and bothered with frequent neuralgic headaches. My appetite was poor and 1 sometimes took weak spells. I commenced a treatment of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food and in a very short time I found relief. This medicine has done rce the world of good and I can recommend it to all suffering ai 1 was." Dr. Chase's Nerve Food 0ct. per box, all dealers, or The Dr. A. W. ChaM Medicine Co.. Limited. Toronto. Canada. AIR FORCE OF BRITAIN SEEN; Defenre of I.ondon and Itexue Party U Illustrated In CHEAT U. -POWER SHOWN the biggest city west of Edmonton and north of Vancouver and be- i oeuvre practically all the highly akflled cause it is granted a privilege is no argument in favor of granting the same privilege to Shames or Hagwilget. The person who talks a lot has no opportunity of quiring knowledge. The person who learns Is the one who listens, provided he associates with the right kind of people. PLENTY OF FAl.SE PROPHETS There are ulentv of false nronhets in the world todav iust as Features of Strength Developed by Various Kings of Flying Machines LONDON. July The eighth Royl Air row (Uspaay. the create of tu ktotd In the warM. approached thla year in efte-me reajlasn ao hitherto at- tuple la ft two set-plcces. Just a ch preceding display haa been notable far the twptussi laid on mow spect of asr poster, mo thla year We outaund-la plctaras were tfettse of Home Dr. fane and Empire PratesOea. Thla year, trader the gfukti act of Air-Marshal Gtt J aha Saknond. the two set-pteoas. while maintaining and even accentuating the apretaeular note, had a e-rllnlte lesson fee the people of tht Lauptre The guard lag "el the heart of the Empire from hostile air attack and the power to watch over and. If necessary, protect the scattered banda of Britcna srurktrag on the frontier of Empire are matter of vital concern, and the two abort sseesaies which ahawed the del eat f a bewbtog raid on London and the reasue by aircraft of a while population from the fury of a barbarian mob sum up la their awlft progress of manoeuvre and counter-man- and more serious military flying. smift i.iMiiiMJ The air battle for the aafety of London took place at an altitude within the view of the apeetator on the ground, hut an earlier event, In which tour single-seater tighten attempted to out-climb each other In the apace of IS minute, was an epitome of one .essen-ttal of the defending alr-eraft. Every one of the fighter aquadrona, which. there were half a century ago. It was . rather less than that wheni"h tne J"1' grow,th th the Canadian Pacific Railway Company was formed and they asked j JJ pomuMen th for money to enable them to build the road. Naturally the scheme j18 mlnuteg to cUmb three miles and was much discussed in London at the time and one London paper, a: more mvo the sky. The air battle ttaeit weekly which bore the significant title of lruth, published the following: ! The Canadian Pacific Railway Company has begun to launch Its bonds. This railway, if it be ever finished, will run through a country frost-bound for seven or eight months of the year, and will connect with the eastern part ot the Dominion a province which embraces about as forbidding country as any on, the face of the earth. British Columbia is a barren, cold mountain country, that is not worth keeping. It would never have been inhabited at all unless by trappers of the Hudson Ray Company, had the "gold-fever" not taken a party of mining adventurers there. Fifty railroads would not gal- vaniie it into prosperity. The much-louted Manitoba settlement wjll combined gunfire beat off the faater not hold out many years. The people who have gone there cannot "J1" -"orcta-their way on to stand the coldness of the winters. Men and cattle are frozen to death in numbers that would astonish the intending settler if he knew; and those who are not killed outright are often maimed for life by frost-bites. demonstrated how valuable are ascendancy in speed and rate of climb, and bow necessary are qulekneta of manoeuvre and ease of control If a determined enemy in done formation la to bt forced to relinquish Its purpose. tiKiiAT ;i povyek Equally the other aide of the picture wa aeen. In the efforts of twin-engined and alngle-engtned machines, each In their respective formations, to maintain themielves aa a clote-knlt mass and by t the objective for their bombs. The heavy twin-engined bomber?, weighing seven tons, are not so defenceless aa their bulk and comparative slowness of fovement may suggest; keen observers with giansea were able to note that forward gunner sweeps the whole air ahead and at an angle of 90 degree of each aide of the centre line of the machine; another gunner at the rear cover the aky above and all round behind the main planes; and when glasses ire focused Just underneath the fuse lage In rear of the wings a third gun will be seen fired by a man lying prone and able to ward, off aircraft seeking to rise under the taU of the machine and pump lead into the pilot's cockpit. Thus the lack of speed of manoeuvre of the big bomber Is balanced by multiplicity of gun -power. Further, when it 1 realized that, with two objects flying at over 100 miles an hour on divergent courees, effective range in limited to about 500 yards, and the avaUable time in which to get fixed gun single-seater fighter into position to take aim at the relatively email vital spots, to fire, and to awing away again before crashing into the object aimed at la. a matter of four seconds, the magnitude of the problem of utUlzlng the tareplane as a weapon will be appae dated. i, IIIUKCT OV "MIKMATIOV The object of the attacking formation was to remain a closely knit fore. The fighters, on the other hand, by repeat' edly diving in formations hope to break the regularity of the enemy"s grouping. cbate a machine to comparative Isola tion, and then shoot It down by sheer superiority of machine-guns directed miles from base. After ... .v the elafth , v nf rinttle ... . to AA VC any ' "London" the rescue of a white population from a savage race unprovided with of miles from any organized base as sume the greatest Importance. There- iore a new type, 01 wmcn a lew cum- , pies were seen in the parade of expert- ' mental aircraft, is being evolved. It , has been called the general purpose machine, and robust construction, simplicity of engine deaign, and the reduction of every-Dosslblfe; spurce of trouble to the mUitmunv are. '.the first requirement rather than ertheme speed. It must be grejh6un3'and cart-horW.'jCom-blned. able to fly off with guna and bombs, to nip ln the bud the raids of a turbulent border tribe, and equally able to load Itself with -spares and equipment. This type 1 aa yet only under trial and haa not been supplied to overseas units. Its need was Illustrated ln one of the pageant's episodes. Oun fire and bombing from the air set up a barrage between the hostile tribe and the white man fleeing for safety to tbe open coun- I try; food, water and 'ammunition waa O'he New and Finer PONTIAC Now r PRODUCT OF GENERAL brought by air to the refugees. Tbelr ; striking power in co-operati9n with the j army wa shown when large twin-engined aeroplanes arrived with armed In-ifantry. light guns, and supplied for em-I ployment in a country supposed to be !3 INFANTRYMEN Oreat Britain alone of the nations has r,tf-u4tiH .lmaft rtf th Ivn. nf the aircraft may seem a simple matter, but. Vlckg y, wnlch nrry ln. if the need for high performance andun q equipment quick maruvre smk, into relative in- and w watr food significance other quaUt lea of long en- medlcU Smaller macnln durance, extreme rel ability, and tj the Mmf type-holdmr up to 16 men to fly for considerable period, hundreds ; as 1923 in an j actual caie of necessity, removing 200 men from inaccessible, spots ln Iraq to tbe base hospital in Baghdad ln leas than five days. The great Importance of these carriers is obvious. Five of them can carry 100 men with full equipment and stores hundreds of miles away from a base In a few hours, and by means of their use much economy ln men and material should be effected. A SAFE WAfiEK. Solicitor On-a London court) I understood you had only three children, not four. The Mother. You are' wrong. You can always bet on tbe mother knowing. Ttt-Btts. "How did your Uttle boy enjoy his vlsrt to the circus?" "Oh, he was highly delighted A monkey offered r"m a peanut." Strand- at I SEA CADETS WERE HOMEJO FRIENDS, The Sea Cadets were at home on Sunday last to their parents and friends. They had a splendid time. The most rurprMng feature for tbe parents was the development that their young hopefuls ' have made ln the capacity of put- ting away tbe eatables. It was hoped to put on a display for the parents and the friends but the cadets found It so, difficult to restrain their guests that the afternoon resolved itself Into a general festival of fun with everybody very happy. Transportation was provided by J. E. Bodttle. Dr. J. P. Cade, D. Stewart. C. Elkln and C. S. Obata. On the lake the sea cadets provided the sea transportation in the launch loaned by tbe city council. Altogether the eighty persons will remember Jthe''Ur as one of the best thla year, and when the camp breaks up on Saturday it will be with regrets that tbe boys will return to their homes ln the city. Their first camp haa been an unmitigated success. Spring Time Is CELERY KING Tima Brew a cop of this fina old vegetable It to all tha tptiog median yon seed. It drives put winteri poiioni. Improves the appetite and nulei vou fVti becu right away CELERY KING U rood kx tlx vkiU family. At druggists, S0c at ttt, Wedjie.aa an HONTIAC SIX adds vet m$ another achievement to its glowing record. Vj Introduced by General Motors to fill the insistent V demand for a low-priced quality six . . . accorded the most enthusiastic reception ever given any new car . . . further improved and refined at the outset of its second record-breaking year . . . Pontiac Six now announces PRICES STILL FURTHER REDUCED. Compe - SgcIsisi t2 Dr3 " Sp?t Roadster Passenger Sp&zi Cabriolet Pa.seng Lamdau Sedan De Luxe Landau Sedan Panel Delivery Prices at Factory, Oshaua, Ontario, S $ 930 990 930 999 loss 1153 965 Government Taxes Extra Kaien Garage - Prince Rupert, B.C. Vim MOTORS OF CAN A A, LIMITED Canadian National cThc Largcfl "Railway Syftem in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE"" HAILIMJS from PUIM K KITKKT for VANCOfVKH. VICTORIA, HEATTI-fc eaeh MOMIAY and Tlll'ltSDA V. 4.(10 p.m., KATl'ltlltV CM pm. For ANVOX and HTEWAKT MOMMY I'BIOAY P'm' for AI.AKKA YlKllMKIlAY 4.WI p.1- far MASKIWT 1XIXT MOMMY, 4.00 pin- tor HKIDMJATK INLET and, KOt TII OI.'KKX CIIAIil.OTTK W.tMK 'urt' nightly. PAfiSENOEB TRAINM LEAVE I'ltlM K KI'PFHT IIAILY EXCEPT Hl'MMY St II JO a.m. for I'KI.M'E OEOKOE. EDMONTON, HINNII'EO, all points Eastern Canada, Cnlled Ktales. JAKPF.K PAKK IOIKJE OPEN MAY !1 TO KEI'TEMIIEK SO. KEE CANADA IN CANADA'S JI'IULEE YEAIt x7 . Ml. AGENCY ALL OCEAN HTEAMNIIIP LINES. L'se Canadian National Express for Money Orders, Foreign Cbeq""1 etc-, also for your next shipment. CITY TICKET OFFICE. 8(8 TIIIIID AVE.. PIIINCK ui kkht Phosf "Whirldry" Electric Washer It washes, blues, rinses anl dries, chine which requires no wringer. A wonderful new m" Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd. 255 Third Avenue. Prince Rupert