obese mee o a4 * “ . ME, ; ae } aT AL ¢ Le | ’ As I See It | | | Elmore Philpott 2 Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday, November 27, 1952 independent daily newspaper devoted to the upbullding of Prince Rupen and Northern and Central British Columbia, Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations Canadian Daily Newspaper Association Published by The Prince Rupect Dally News Limitea — J. F. MAGOR, President H. G. PERRY, Vice-President Subscription Rates: 2 Ay carrier——ler week, 250; per month $1.0l; per year, £10.00 sy mati—Per month, 75c; per year, e800. wee Bisa authorized ar -econd class mail by the Post Office Department, Ottawa Uncle Sam Drags Feet Greeting the Future IT IS an astonishing, om- inous picture we now) see at the UN. Afver months of painstaking | behind-the-scenes conversations | with China, India has developed | a plan for breaking the deadlock | over the exchange of prisoners | jof war. This plan has been ac- | |cepted by the majority of the | | UN committee which is trying for wear |peace in Korea. But the United So it has been with the Canadian National's |Sto’*s ls palling tries to “go| Prince Rupert. No one familiar with this loyal old — wii ind dei all vessel will fail to experience some nostalgia over the | poth parties in the United States announcement that its days in west coast service | Would have jumped with joy at aré Yiumbered. But age, like many other things, is acceptable only in moderation, and there will be S A SHIP goes through year after year of A faithful and efficient service, it develops an individuality which becomes one of the pleasures of being-on board. With the passage of time it becomes more-comfortable and homey. Even the noises take on a familiar, soothing note in the same manner that creases in an old hat seem to make it easier to support of Canada. In fact, once again India and Canada are rec- eR YEO Sam London Free Press “A BAD CASE OF ACHES AND PAINS” — By ed OTTAWA _ Send Express Parcels Early VANCOUVER--With a heavy, To avoid DIARY volume of Christmas express Asappointmen, ; oe : Press parce} Begs os traffic anticipated this \ year, | Pp 18 ShOUId be sins a George H. Griffin, manager of | °® tres tn the proyin.. , By Norman M. MacLeod | the Express Association of \Can- | Columbia to Newfoy sr Bri me ada, today urged that express/8; to the Mar ane, | Paradox 'is a sufficient-| parcels be sent as early as \pos-| Dee. 10; t9 on © Ontaris ; mi Dee. 12; to the oe Dee, 13; and + province xo! sible to insure that they reach ly common element in the! their destinations before . the great and unpredictable) Yuletide holiday. world of Parliament to, occasion no more than) passing comment when it Prair Oo pon ia t 4 WEEKS o ys suddenly Sepmerss ) WE HAVE As a result, the fact that the; ah Speech from the Throne now TO CHRISTMAS A LAY-A-Way Qin, under debate is the gabbiest| PLAN document of its kind in many years, but with the least legis lative content of any such docu ment since the end of World War II, ian't receiving too much | attention 4 The combination of verbosity, with emptiness is the sort of * cry circles ate wel accasvomess'| RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC Call in—place a small down payment ond your Christmas Gifts are put away for BUY NOW FOR CHRISTMAS ennai you quile regardless of which polit-| : ; ich). party happens to be in | YOUR EXOLUSIVE “INGLIS” DEALER 2 power || Phone 644 Box 127 oy What is intriguing MP's on ail | sides of the House about the Merle Tingley in the | present Throne Speech is just (CP Photo) one thing,—which tsn’t either CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT ites length or ite legislative gen- eralities. It's its failure to men the Indian formula, which has gerferal agreement with the CNR that the time is all along had the whoie-hearted ognized by the whole UN as a neat when the Prince Rupert must give way to re- peace-making team. Why does Uncle Sam hang back? Why once again raise the point that ther? TGS be no forced repatriatien prisoners, when the plan. 4&@@if makes it erystal clear that there could be placement. Jt is heartening to note that, in making this decision, Donald Gordon and his advisers have taken . L.: . means ¢ ‘Oni the . ° opened a warm and close battle ne antl ahaha | = Cttinn of 2 inta,account the industrial developmertt, actual and ene rg because of the’ other day that in about 16 months recently Ottawa over the health insurance issue Oley seal Felts ak Gs a uate one econ ‘ : e ‘ +s > + SiCal TACs ° a oy sada . al tain nig“ a 2 é iLon & a on Une To 1 Gay of Decemiy potential, centering upon B.C. Since the Prince + + + eabinet ministers and civil servants spent Se ae eT or te dine 46 te eee at ten o'clock a.m., for the purpose of *electi: «Rupert serves northern ports, one can read in these THE INDIAN peace’ formula) for gir travel with Trans-Canada Airlines. administration in the United J) "epreaent tem Aldermen, School Tra ‘lin®Sa recognition of the possibilities in this part of aa ne Sinuter “and oer Ra a ny spent Rag other myasen Porgy ns Pome ant COMUSSIONET ¥ . . . . f mm | air lines, Gn trains, snips, in res iOaly nae ? ry The nod of omination of «the country whieh has long been lacking from other a. es a ones * oe taurants and hotels wasn't dis- that the Stevenson debacle foil ni ' about expronriation plans and : ONCE ONLY what they will be paid for their properties | A spokesman for the British) Pederal officials reneated that | Law Society says every husband | payment. would he fair and just is entitled to philander once in| en¢ricient for the owners to es- his life. He advises wives it i | tablish themselves comparably better to forgive once, than t0| pjeewhore They also sald that try to forget forever. But where moet familise would be notified does the wife, amd her little-shot-. . wean phead of the time their in-a-lifetime come in?» nrowerty would be perded. Ir ‘ome cases moving would be un- necessary for two or three years COVERS HINGE AREA Rural families seprematine vhomt SOR mersons liwe in the M-hyv-M-mile ereq chosén for ‘he full camy site Ravmonad Sectt. 46, a farmer at Summer Hill. is one of those op- pored to the nrotent ' “We all know that if we have '> Jeave this nrea for the wood of ' the country op whale. wehave B s eeeeeuaee “ Biltigh Columbia con prove 10 ™ % world it is in harmony with ths “4 trend, it may well hope to continue ” 4 ing the investment money vitol © 1 ‘progress \THAT FATAL REMINDER Woman, complaining about in- gomnia: “I tried counting sheep but it only reminded me of the price of lamb.”—Dan MeCor- mack’s cartoon, Tim Buck, aged 62, forecasts Canada's worst depression in 1953. One worker in every four will be out of a job, he says. Tim didn’t fee] that way when he ws" we op vaane AND wwOUsT anitisM COL UMBIA FRDERA T10 spoke in Prince Rupert sometime} to pet we don't think it is being in the thirties. What's wrong) handled properly,” he said in an with the man? l interview