iltT Jg?r 27. 1927 WANTED AT ONCE! A few more eases of rheumatism, neuritis, paralysis, ,!iin onsti pation, hijrh blood pressure, poilre or any otbr nnt isuoed by toxemia which intrude' over1 tifneiy pef L,' all ailments. U all other treatments have failed, do not five up hope! MAGNETISM .tjs jtpst mysterious and most irresistible force fa Um pmp when applied to the human body in a frientific SMS-n(.r a5-,-t- nature in eliminating the poisonous waste that is TC r,ir-iblc for so many ailments. THE I0NA-0T0NE The ilei tric mmrnctlr appliance that Is obtaining such t'Svi nurai ulous results, assists nature in making cures of ; 'mrr,- which hitherto have not responded to medicines, escalations, surjrical oierations, hot springs or electrical '-Ci'mrni Thousands of people since the introduction of the IONA-1 Si into Canada three months, age are now enjoying good tri ..'id these people had been called incurable! In the f m xh-rn developments, hardly any disease can now be u lL.J ,m urable. FKBE TREATMENTS s -ure are we that" you will be benefJU-d by the IONA-T E that we cordially invite every peraoa in Prince Rupert ;-j nity to accept our offer of free treatments. You have c;c-rv ng to gain and nothing to lose. IONA-OTONE HEALTH CO. Rooms 10 and 11, Smith Block, Prince Rupert. B.C. Clinic at Vancouver, Victoria, Calgary and Edmonton BARGAINS BARGAINS at the FORCED of THOR JOHNSON'S large stock of GENTLEMEN'S CLOTHING AND FURNISHINGS GET YOUK SHAKE OF THE BARGAINS ' BARGAINS BETTER DENTISTRY PLATES that gives yu a natural appearance and lend lcauty to the contour of the face. Afcys Dr. MAGUIRE pfer Over Ormes Prince Rupert Auto Company " Agents fcr Hudson and Essex Super-Six Cars Second Avenue, opposite Prince Rupert Hotel. Phones 75 and 275 Local and Personal anaure Tui pboc. era. t BC Undertakers Photo , Dentist. Dr. J. R osaa. PkwoteM lwtht us. Elk . flrstta. OH ta Bt 4 habltt Tui. pfcoas 4. Bsacinc Um newly ia Clube flsst eaao. tat. Jury 17. Aushtociuan. When tblnklat, tf Hfes Traaafcsr bow inu for Udj-asalta-WlalUaejtac Ooal Phooe 500 U I ' u Msaw wa yssMSSJsr Aayxnt Mr .JseT Established 1923. DENTIST Exchange Block. arriving from u due '.oullit org from Vaiwouver tai 11.30 this Jorenuou train wasted lor Us to saul south on Um Ostala aaaUnley eruUu included 4. r. Dutbie. Muriel Lock hart Vincent Lade. Mrs. a. M Horouuj ud child. Mas AgaM McQuillan of tbc poet of-Ho atafl' lift on uht nornlng'a p urn Sjsr train far fjaafcatoon where the win Watt with Br. aatf Mn Des Hosiers the dt. ( lira. B. Curtln of ma ..,'J-i,.n rCPTnJ & -a 9 Danc- y mn- OnMnflekS Office Hours: 9 a.m. to .6 , Saturday: n.m. to 1 run. Any evening by appointment let soc. 114 174 a THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE JIB njLUU b a a ar - E H a Sir H m. K 9r H B WRIGLEYS: Is the Ideal sweet for chil dren and You too. It aids appetite and 7 digestion, and sstisfies m. i r . m mm aw A7 V R7NV Crty so: letter E. the craving for swe-fs. the Prince Rupert this morning IB Aril Barsiad left today for Oona River in the St. Hoi. the trolllne boat: lrsa stalls' Is SmwvIt sn town lns sftr mZ AfteT llZZr BawtT nt ZTt-r teB nlng damaged. . . He. received atteation at toe hoaplUl. 1X111 W A lady natter frora the who was here eleven jean sga enthusiastic ovwr the rhanew tJaat bad j taken place tn tbml tune and Km fine Market Prices uppsaranee of Um etty. She fssMagm it Retail price on Wie local market to wonderful that so much ootftd have day are as fsMowa: teen done. ! LAUD Mtas Anae OaSteffnan ni rare asc south- Ootii pound soc too1 p seuaei at the bectnnlnf of LUUs the wk. her d4srUrsatlon batrag IMann. BjC. fresh ptsfleU B C . wbere ber wedding to S. OorBMh BX!. fresh. flrsU win taee ptaoe Teabo. C. H tncn. H. O. Waalck Uha WrtTjwyal, C B. Rayrsolali. Oooper. Aeraitesla. t Prior to bmvtnf. Miss bjO. fMse, Osnagban was much ensertmined and Looal new taM the recipient of many uawful gifts. iimII Oranby Newa. Halibut, luf - 25c ' Salmon, red septs 3Sc i-asMBajeia amvUsg an OM Ostala SataMW. white spring, lb 16c Ulurday Inoltsded K S. 25i Oruyere 45t CMden Loaf, lb 45c Jack, lb 50c Romano Sardo. lb 75c sec 12.00 Oreea peppers, lb , JOcI Parsley, bunco loci Rhubarb. 8 lbs 25c Cauliflower. B.C. head. .25v 85c and 40t B.C head lettuce. 3 for 29' Oariic. imported, per Ib. 50c Cot-king oniona. Japanese. 3 lbs 25c Oreen onions, dozen bunches .... 25c Rati sues. 3 bunches 10c Ieks. 3 bunches ast PliCne 109 Clelery, bead 15c aad 20 OBJECTION TO SEX FILMS IN INDIA TODAY LONDON. July rt -Indian vomen in brtjht-hud sarU. women with tanned facea from the South African Tfldt and the cbutitf) dfetrleu oi Auatralla nelp-td to make a picturesque awnbly t the Royal Society of Arta. Adelphl. here women from all parta of the Empire hate attended the esnferencea of the Brttiah Oommonwealth Drafue. The ooaferrare haa been chiefly con cerned with the social and Industrial condition at women other than those of British race under the British flag and problems of government relating to the franchise and women and national Ity. Resolutions passed under the chair manship of Mrv Oorbett Aahby. Included a oatl to tbc Oovernment of India and the Colonial Office to take actio t to prohibit the emulation within the Empire of dramatic elnematograpb films unaulted to native races owing to their misinterpretation of western condition- which tend to give a false Impression of . , 'sanctioning las standard of sex con- . win a btu um vu . oun. Tbe attention of the government was specially drawn to the problems of women with regard to the care and pro- tectlon of half-eaatM: the appointment . rt run to Bamaxi a. , RjCMP. Qona4ale 6erog. formerly of trtmt In J1 MnSMSllte 11 i - -" " . i V ' town lor aaeeHoJ attention yesterday I of women at protectors of HOTEL AltltlVALS WiMt lliiert the native the sums of money set aside for health and welfare purposes, es- Ladlaa tftc. . , peclally maternity welfare: the choice ' j of competent women to act on com- etty t 11 laekMtcr -,.klru, missions and committees dealing with " sstaaal road casssanieUon aa brourhi: loc" prooiems. ONTARIO Jl ixit nits TORONTO. July 37. Mr. Justice Hsughton Lennox of the high court division of the Supreme Court of On tario, died at nla home here last nlgtrtJ aged 77. IIIDIIINO ,NTOMOLO(;i!T Mother Why la baby crying " Nurse (in neat room) He wants Mother Well, give htm what be wants . SfH'l The baby howls louder. 4JC Mother Wnv didn't you eive him eitras 4Scwhat he wanted? 60c Nurse I did. tt was a bee! tra and Mrs. Reld. George MacAIee. Soaakrd kippers, lb. IScleOorgetown: Wm. MacAdama, Vancou It. Ora Ktwwred salmon, lb. ISclver: Miss Mary Meredith. Kamloorw. - - John Ssaafcad black cod. lb 20c Central anjcutCk). FUman baddies, lb JOc) R. H. Oraham. W A. Rxns. Stewart: MEATS I Andrew Knudsen. ButU Awn: Rev. W. B. Fowt. So. I. lb 30c and 35c 1 Savor Moaetiag chicken, lb 45c 1 J- ABlson. Vancouver. R. O. Cunning' Rasa, sliced first trade ! 55c I nam. H. Taylor. Smlthcrs. The UMUsa- AM of the Rm Vattad Ham whole first grade 42c boss uBMi rmnf m. nam. picnic. lb 2254CI , the borae ef Mrs. Jeuuar. all. Mfth r.. . Ave West. Tbursdav. July M. floss Bacon haek sliced : am-1 O-' ao 7 nan. aaals es snsne amsrlnsr sOsr- ..j. ... bsswu. SMST ....3C UJ 3JC I n... ....... . .. tea and supsar wm be served. An Purk An, it as. IIJIHI-K SAI.L AB347 u iwvuia fsms-nan sn in .swrs I man- AVrehire bacon, lb S5c Besled Teniler. win h rA.i. .k. v-wi mti m s wiisiii vcsu. saouider 25C i lsier 01 lianas ai victoria, oju.. not to all. VeaL loin nrlu"r tntn noon 011 tbc 1(t daT r 7 . " - August, im. jot the purchase of Licence Vsmi. MK 40c1XHQ47 tn rut Bin 1 "in linjsl fur tr ana asn. w. vrmaanann sn ran, shoulder jsc I cedar poles and Piling on an area on Una morning on taw train. Xrs. Oi k- Pork, tola oenr,utn , T Utlu,e" In-et- Queen shanks Is gota to Wlnarpeaj where ahe pork. w 40c -f ... ve, wlll k. .nowed fQr r. will visit for a i CniUutoanks will th or ao and Mr. Beef, not roast . taue to. ia moval of timber. I TJS .V... -V. , toe nam Of Beef, bolllne 12r ti isr. .""' V,.A " VHl" "r" tourists on sa Moan perancaally can- Beet, steak t.30c to 45c Prince Rupert, B.C. ducted trtensral ar toor and will return iw ms nrims hx with them. The teurina tmrta la eclumb. ahen. '1 snJ TENDERS WANTED tWMftinl tn snttss HaM An ahiwrtss ivan. 1 , v. . i .i... ... JTTTT I x Sealed Tenders addressed to the Secre in. ing and wlU win soutti on the eat Mon , go Mutton, leg 40c tary and marked "Tender fcr OH Burner' day. lmb. leg 4gc "-U received by the Board of School Tru""- covering Oil Burner, and tank Mutton, ehona k- f. 1 wlth capacity of 2 000 Oallona. Installed Mr Mr. .mi and Mr. Mrs u..m Edward v P. n.,. Doyle, of f Mutton .. Z shoulder 0c In the Booth Memorial School, until 8 iMruano. ore. accompanioa by or. ana, IlliTTER 10 clock p.m. oi Wednesday. July 27th. Mrs Palmer of Portland. Ore., arrived Brooktteld. Shamrock and Woodland. t.H., n llk h. ...k TV. ! ,w I -. . ' v""-i' - j - la sicisuriiv aocemed and Mrs. Palmer made the round trip E.CJ.. lb j 47Wc J- L. CHRISTIE. to Skacway while Mr. and Mrs. DoyJa , Capital. 2nd grade, lb 4JKc Secreta7 wtU natt with Mrs. Doyle's moths. Mrs. A. Kenny, for a lew days and will thereafter aooompany Dr. and Mm. Pat- 7e W.IUNINO Is danger from blasting. There Valley, lb 60c IN PROBATE. New Zealand, lb i.. 50c Clll KSE - - IN T,,E Sl'I'KEMK COI KT OK BRITISH mer outh on their return from Sfessj- i Oamembert cheese. 8 oz. pkg 65c way. Mr. ooyie was formerly a mem ber of the ftrm of MoOaJrery, OtMmne it Doyle. COLlMllIA Kraft Umberger. hi' 35c In tn Matter of the Administration ,W4 In the Matter of the Estate of Harry Stilton, lb 0 Charles Campbell Black, Deceased: Kraft 45t TAKE NOTICE that by order of His Norwaoisn Ont i Monor- r MCB Yung, the 16th day of Kanoienfl IJmherper . Vn, tttntn. .v.. -..- .1 , new hihtn hMmnrf tn. rnw ' - " - rr"-,..".'"? "f-J.i rics limits is closed to the public. Roquefort ; 75c I t-ampoeii oisca, aeceasea. and an parties Swifts' Brookfteld, lb. 1 Oorgonaola. Ib 76. Mt44t4ttti McLaren's Cream. Jars .... 4fw and 8V AWnilVrPMPV'TC 4. oromuma rswiss cneese. id. pkg. BxW Canadian cheese; lb. pkg a a. a KC Picnic. July 31. Moose Picnic August 7. Canadian Legion Pteale August 21. ..I having claims against the said estate are perly verified, to me on or before the 16th day of August. AX). 1937, and all -larties indebted to the estate are re-utred to pay the amount of their indebtedness to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT. Official AdmlnMrator. Prince Rupert. B.C. Dared the 16th day of July. 1927. Oammekwt. K lb 30c IN THE XlTKEMi; C'OI RT OF HltlTIMI SUUAR I t'Ol.lMIIIA WsWsj ins s r " "- in the Matter of the . per iuu Act and FLOCK tm... da: xt. v. .... i semen, cernaien. uecessea . .wu., 1. uiiu ..real, U M I TAKF NOTin! th.t h nH r,f Ml. Pasrry flour. 10 s 65c I Honor Judge F. McB. Tounz, the 6th dar Pastry flour. 49's $3.00 1 31 JU'T- A D- 1827- 1 w appointed Ad- irnpTini ItutiABLts r . miainrawr oi me juiaie oi jonn Beu- Bernditen. Deceased, and all nsrtles ixicrvs. 9 euiicaes lur . ., soc I naving claims againstuxne said estate are Cucumbers.' each 16c, 20c and 25c h"" required to lurnisn sime. properly .. . .. I verified, to me on or before the 6th day n.j. Oarrota,. 4 lbs. for 1 new. 25c ini Aufrut. AX. 1927. and all parties New B.C. bunch carrots, 6 bunches 25c I debted to the Estate are required to pay New Potatoes, 8 Jtxi. 25clIW amount 01 ineir inaeDiedness to roe 1 u. ,ui ivu. IN PROBATE. "Administration In the Matter of the Estate of John NORMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator, Prince Rupert. B.C. PAIN in BLADDER Promptly Cst4 by SANTAL IKIDY Bt sure to get the Osnulns Look for the word "WIDV Sold t all drugrisii Maple Bud and the New Package AS b protection against imitations the shape of Maple Buds and the style of the package have been changed. The Buds now have a rounded base, stamped with a large "C". The packages are a handy triangular shape with royal purple the dominating color. Maple Buds are now ri crier smoother better tnsn erer. They are a superb blend of chocolates delicious smooth satisfying. Try them. Cowan's cMapleBuds 60c m pound alio 5c, 10c and 25c pachagtt Richer, Smoother, Better than Ever Confidence In a million ways every day Human Beings trust one another. When you board a train or boat you trust your life to the Engineer or Pilot. We call this trust "confidence." There is no greater proof of human confidence than when you trust someone with that priceless possession your health. You can come to Ormes with the complete assurance that your doctor's prescription will be filled accurately and with the freshest of the most pure drugs. THOUSANDS HAVE CONFIDENCE IN OUR SERVICE Ormes Lid. Ufic Pioneer Druggists THIRD AVE. t SIXTH ST. -TELEPHONES 82 u 200 Canadian National Steamships Co. Limited Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating G.T.P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock EnaUneera, Machinists, Roilermakers, Hlackxmithn, Patternmakers, Founders Woodworkers. Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORM. PHONES 43 and 385 UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT CENTRAL HOTEL The place called "Home" 120 Rooms, American and European Plan. Hot and Cold Water. Bus meets all trains and boats. Sample Room Phone 51, L. Martin, Manager. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Sailings from Prince Kupert. Tor VANCOUVER. VICTORIA. Swanson liar. Alert liar. etc. Tucwdaj, 5 p.m. Tor VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, Bntedale. Alert Bay. etc. Saturday S a.m. Tor PORT 8FMPSON, ALICE ARM. INYOX, STEWART. Males Island. Sunday, S p.m. For Naa River Points and Port SlmpMn, Friday pjn. 1M !nd A ten ne. R. M. SMITH. Aient. Prince Rupert, ar. Through tickets sold to Victoria and Seattle at a reduced rate and "aerate checked through to destination.