I.li.' Y, 00 HIS COLLARS UP 50 FINE I I "THE". WORK FOR MlNt t i ' told him About thU Shi' told him thai we r shirlwaint and her Ik iliifiK in a delightful Tht'ii he aent us a i .it u dozen collar. arvi' that this la Pioneer Laundry Phone 118 EE REMEMBER For Montreal prices on Clothing for Men & Boys Don't forRet the Montreal Importers Third Avenue J. IL Miller Proprietor Canton Crepe DRESSES from $12.50 Kmart little Wash Dresses sizes 7 to 1G Fi m $1.30 to $2.23 BENT'S UMES- RE DY-TOWEAR Third Avenue MILK -:- PRICE Reduced to v 12 pin for .$1,00 7 nuarls for $1.00 12 pints for $1.00 f ash price tickets. SMlrirlo Street store now closed Valentin Dairy Office and Dairy - 11th St. Telephone 637. "mi A) n.c Pacific Is Better Milk m JVArOHHTf1, A natron of Pacific Milk has written us an Interesting letter out asks us not to use his name, ne say preference for home in-iiH Vs a Kod 'Jea but he Pacific Milk because of I' , quality. it Js h'e wrltes, best milk I have found." PACIFIC MILK Head o(fl,,, Vancontv "orle at intt and Abltford. uuiLI) Il.C." rmsm at THE PIONEER ! HYDFR MINE iVIINF LAUNDRY KIDS i -. .imur ny uwnent of the uivcrxKie to Produce it In Commercial Quantities Production of tunas n inerclal scale win soon be an accom-;tehd fact in the Portland Canal d. rlct. says thi Portland Ouul News. ; Fieornt developments at Uk RiveraMe I mine haw disclosed tlx uoinn i srheellte. Um commercial or of tung-ten. In such quantities that the ma-"t itatfr. R. o. Mellln. Das an. lumntwd Hg intention of providing faculties Hf UK concentrating mitt (or fwving it. to.C A M KtMC Unater Ike oM regime, some whMlM 1 moaauMeeed and proved to be some-what of a nukwnce in the mill. a H gathers with the galena on the table ind reduces the grade ul tlte sMver-lcad :i Devoirs Ua. which are shlDbed to a smelter on the eoaat having no facilities wr sans the tungsten valu. In fas there are only two place in the United Stale (and none In Canada) that are prepared to treat tungiten oras. Theae are In New Jersey and Niagara Falls. But when there is enough tungsten In the ore mined to make toe saving o: it worth while, it become a valuaal asset Latest quotatlona for western K heellte are til per unit, or about 08c .x r pound, nearly ten times the amount rt "eived for the lead content of the ore treated. The amount of sebeelite ore now In sight Is, enough to warrant uch changes In mill practice as wUI be i.ecpsssry far IU recovery. ON .tl.lk.tN MIDI: fortunately for the Klvenlde mine. It la situated In the Alaskan portion of the Portland Canal mineral belt, and will raenpe the 60 per cent duty Imposed by the XJBA. against imported tungsten ores. The principal uses of tungsten are III toughening high-speed tool steel and making filaments for electric light globes. The ore has been considered as being strictly a southern product, and its occurrence this far north Is somewhat of an oddity, according to mining men. However, the scope of this dle- CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS TLMll.K (IK IKAfK TIKS Sealed Tenders addressed to the undersigned and endorsed 'Tender for Track Tlea" will be received at the oft Ice of tlte Oeneral Tie and Timber Agent. Canadian National Ei press Building. Montreal, until twelve o'clock noon. August 1st, 1937. for lUllwsy Tlea to be manufactured from douglas fir. hemlock, Jack- tamarack and cedar timber cut be-ween fiinc. September 1st. 1927. and May 1st, IU38. and delivered between January 1st, 1938 and August isth. 102a. f ob. ears Canadlsn National Railways. In accord -.ne with Specifications S-3W-I.2 revised July 15th. 1996. Tender forms may be obtained at the office of the Tie Agent at Winnipeg, and from the Pur- haslng Agent. Vancouver, or General Tie and Timber Agent, Montreal. Tenders will not be considered unless made out uu form supplied by the RaUwsy Company. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. O. P. Mac LA REN. O enrol Tie and Timber Agent. Montreal, Que.. July otn. IW7. LAND AC!" NOTIC'K OF INTKXTMIV TO APPLY to i.kam; LM In Range 4, Land Recording District of Prince Kupert. and altuate at Barnard Ccve, Princess Royal Island. TAKE NOTICE that the Mlllerd Packing Company Limited of Vancouver, B.C.. occupation Salmon Canners, Intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands:- - Commencing st a port planted alongside post marked N W. L2573; thence soutltcrly along high water mark 20 chains, more or less, to a post marked 8.W. L2S73: thence west to low water mark: thence northerly along low water mark 30 chains, more or leas, to a point west of. the point of commencement; thence east 60 link, more or. less. tt point of commencement, and containing cue-quarter sere, more or lest. , 1 1 1.LEllD,' PACK I NO COMPANY ; - ' . ' LIMITED, i i : . ', , -.jAppllcant. inwa .June in.M iuji LAND ACT. t1 MITK'i: OP INTENTION' TO APPLY TO LEASE LMI In riiuon P.hArlnft TalnnH Tnr Re- ..niinir niAtrlrt of Prince nunert. and Hnut. mt Ih. hMd nf f hj anllth firm of Ite Iji Beche Inlet, Moresby Island. LiuViin. Mr Paflrlnc rVl t.t.l nf Vfln- couver. B.C.. occupation Packers. Intends to apply for a lea.se of the following described lands: i commencing at a post planted at vne 'head of the south arm of Do La Hoc he Inlet Moresby Island: thence south 3 chains: thence east 20 chains: thence north 6 chains, more or less, to high water mark: thence west along high water (mark to point of commencement, and containing 10 acres, more or less. BRITISH COLUMBIA FISHING) & PACKING; CO. LTD., Applicant. Dated June 10, 1927. REDUCTION in Prices 15 per cent off for two weeks only Come in and inspect our stock M. T. LEE LADIES' & GENTLEMEN'S TAILOR Third Avenue P.O. Dox 977 service Industry Repeat Orders The br-t evidence cf satisfactory aervice is the number of companies who. after using one Fawhank. Morse Dieetl Engine, have sent ut repeat orders. Fairbanks-Morse DIetel Engine, are noted for their reliability, economy and long life. Two stroke simplicity with airless Injection of fueL No valve to grind; no complicated valve rockert to keep in adjustment. Uses low grades of fuel oU. EiceUent irutncruvering qualities on light loads and slow speeds. Fairbanks-Morse Diesel Engines are made in the following aires.' M h.p. -J cyL 40 h. p. 4cyL 60 hp. 3cyL 80 h p. 4 cyL 120 h.p. A cyl. 120 h.p. (5 cyL 180 h p. 6 cyl. 240 h p, 4 cyl. 360 h.p. C cyl. 480 h.p. 4 cyt. 600 h.p. 5 cyL 720 h.p. 6 cyL Q?i CANADIAN Fairhanks -Morse, 7JI Baaltf St., Vanceunr, B.C. Car. Johnon A Bru.d Sis., Victoria, B.C. 703 triet's resources is ss yet hardly guessed, and the occurrence of any of the rare minerals or metals would cause no speslsl surprise. SUMMER SALE STARTS FRIDAY AT THE LOUVRE The Louvre, Third Avenue, announces the opening of their Summer Sale on Frldsy. full details of whteh will be given In the dlsplsy advertising columns of tomorrow's paper. The whole stock of the Louvre con sisting only and solely of ladles' bats and dresses will be offered at sale prices so tbst the summer garments may be cleared out before the arrival of the fall stock. Ladles are Invited to take advantage of this great sale to get up-to-the-minute dresses at a fraction of their eoat. Adrt LAND ACT. NOTK K Or INTENTION TO APPLV TO I.K.IM: UtNII In Queen Charlotte Island Land Re-ordlng District of Prince Rupert, snd Ituste on the west coast of Burnsby slsnd. TAKE NOTICE that British Columbia Pishing At Pseklng Co. Ltd.. of Van couver, B.C.. occupation Packers, Intends to apply lor a lease or the following escrioea lanas: Commencing at a post planted on the wett coast of Bumaby Island. Q.CJ.; thence east 3 chains: thence south 45 chains: thence west 3 chains, more or leu, to nign water mark; tnence norm along high water mark to point of commencement, and containing 14 acres, more or less. BRITISH COLUMBIA FISIIINCJ ii PACK1NO CO. LTD., Applicant. Dated June 10. 193T LAND ACT. NOT in: OP INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE LNI. In Prince Itupert Land Recording District of Coast District, Rsnge 4, and situate on and being sll of Uonllla Island except that portion occupied by Indian Reserve Number 18, TAKE NOTICE that 1, Ole. C. Aurtad, oi ' Prjttftr ' Rupert, B.C.. ,occupo.tlon nhcn.er,.livtenoji to spply for . a lease of the following described lands':-- v. Commencing at a post planted at the Boutheavterly point of lionllli Island; thence northerly, westerly, southerly and easterly, following the sinuosities of the shore line, to point of. commencement, excepting therefrom that portlorr of the Island occupied by Indian Reserve No. 18, and containing one thousand acres, more or less. OLE C. AUSTAD, Applicant. Datrd July 15, 1827. LAND ACT .NOTICE OP INTENTION TO APPLV TO LEASE LANII In Range S. Coast Land District. Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, snd situate on Lot 102 Humpback Bay, Por-cher Island, B.C. TAKE NOTICE that P, H. Cunningham, Board of Trade Building, of Vancouver, B.C., occupation Salmon Broker, Intends to spply for a lease of the following described landv Commencing at a post planted 150 yards south-southeast of northeast corner Doit of Lot 103. Ranee 5: thence due south 0 chains; thence south-southeast 19 chains; thence due north 6 chains; thence west-northwest along shore to point of commencement and containing 14 acres, mores or lens. FRANCIS HENRY CUNNINOHAM, Applicant. Dated 35th June, 1927, LAND ACT, NOTICE OF INTENTION" TO APPLV TO LEASE LVM. ' In Coast Range 4, Land Recording of Prince Rupert, and situate at captain's cove, put Island, B.C. TAKE NOTICE that Oosse Packing Company Limited, of Vancouver. B.C. occupation Packers,, Intends to apply for a lease oi me lonowing aesennea isnas: Commencing at a post planted at the northwest corner of Lot 1253, Range 4; thence south 6 chains; thence we.it 8 chains; thence north to high water mark; thence easterly alone hlth water mark 5 chains, more or less, to point of com mence mtni, sna containing a acres, more or less. OOSSE PACKINO COMPANY LIMITED. Applicant. Sated Jua 13, 1827. 7HZ DAILY NE773 tt PAGE FIV3 I Man in the Moon 'n . - ag HOW ey we uu forget. Tnat la why It Is neceaswy tune. advertise all the THE test ttswc in hoteU is a built In corkscrew and the down to the moment In apartments is a bulK la can opener. Next thing w:il be a built In housemaid. DO NT pta your faiti to any For all of Ipem forget. Jus, ptod alefli the road of Hie From morMBg till IP you vwM hare an Idea rewrra- bered. sen M ott trie easy payment pUn. YOU pfUbfy .have heard about Ike man wt vpm fa the police court and the magUtrat asked him if he were married. lie replied that he was nut. This vim the first tune he had been In trouble. i I IT was On Third Avenue I was re minded that there were eleven prtmn for every mottt? car in Canada, tor I -aw at! eteten HI It. DON'T take a' tramp throuch the woods. Better take y,ur brutner. THE MtpervtiMr of a Western railroad received the following note from one of his track foremen: "I am sending In the accident renort on Casey is foot when l.e struck It wtch the spike maul. Now. under 'Remarks.' do you want mine or do you want demand. I have never got one I Casey's?" I wortti of support from the city since I 1C67. In The Letter Box jl ESTION OF LICENSE. connection with my license. I have never asked for favor and wUI give no quarter. I am only one man but ran hold my own with my opponents or their co-workers. There are men carrying on wholesale two or three lines TAKE NOTICE that The Langara and Packing Co. Ltd. of Maisett. oc cupation Canners, intends to apply for a BRITISH COLUMBIA i-erjlo.' The Mineral Province of Western Canada To the end of December, 192C. Drodueed Mineral as follows: Placer Gold. J7S0l.r.lS: Ia Cold. tltfiTMlS: Silver7TFa).787.00: Lead, I10C.976.442; Copper,. J200.9C7.0C8; Zinc. $60.G12floT7; Owl and Coke, ntgU99,iaS; Structural Materials and Miscellaneous Minerals, fe0.17fi.407: making its mineral production to the end of 102C show an AGGREGATE VALUE OF $988,108,170. TRODUCTION FOR YEAR ENDING DECEMBER. 192G. $67,188,812 The Mining Laws of this Province are more liberal and the fees lower than those of any other Province In the Dominion, or any colony In the British Empire. Mtiwral locations are granted to discoverers for nominal fees. Absolute Titles are obtained by developing such properties, the security of which Is guaranteed by Crown grants. Full information, together with Mining Report and Maps, may be obtained gratis by addressing THE HONORABLE THE MINISTER OF MINES. VICTORIA, HR1TJSH COLUMBIA. N'jB. Practically all British Columbia Mineral Properties upon which development work has been done are described in some one of the Annual Reports of the Minister of Mines. Those considering mining investments should refer to aiich reports. They are available without charge on application to the Department of Mines. Victoria, R.C. Reports of the Geological Survey of Canada, Winch Building, Vancouver, are recommended as valuable sources of information. Reports covering of the Six Mineral Survey Districts are published separately, and are available on application. furniture under one license, why should I be discriminated against? There is not enough business to warrant such started boatness here and any business B'1n my Una that I should get Is either put up for tender or soM privately. I am not 'asking for any favors. All 1 want Is justice and a square deul. Hoping you wfH cancel ttie payment of the business license as take Vancouver !tiv InitiiMMa th aueftSAiMers license Editor Day News. I M of ulrtlonN.r Please dim vat me In wrong. I had bv .IKtkm Qr nrtvi.te e. Hod- enough baeklMM .to appear before the lnf j,. I tiiy nwwu no wu up my leuer in j (TUjy youra. O. P. BRINE. Auctioneer, Prince Rupert, B.C VANDERHOOF of business who should be Bayirsr, r.v J. Dewar has arrived at Fort1 wholesale Hcense of 150 fur each buai-jyTaaer and commenced his work in that nees getting dear with the payment of j united Church mission field. tlO. Tfcere snottU be an Inveatlgstton 1 in rcrd to licenses and ttnse who Big game Is reported In the Nechako sliould pay themtaod tttosc who snoutd ' Valley. In the Chlloo and EUlatoy dts- not. itrtcts bears have been observed and on It Is time the ctttaens should wake, the road to Stuart take fine specimens up and find out. bow their affairs are of moose have been seen run. If I was to fall for everything that was Intended for me I would be! Considerable improvements are being a hopeless mess, ii am paying my way planned by trie Hudarm' n company and no one will suffer through trie at ttvelr post at Fort St. James. The downfall of my agents. If I cant pay buildings are to be renovated. A road up and look pleasant, then all I have Is to be bum from tfce government to say is. it la better to owe a man road to the store and other branch than otiwrt hmi. I hope Um eittrens roads will be mode. A golf course will will Judge my letter by ttie way it was ' be laid out for the use of the staff and written and Its Intentions. Tnanklngi visitor. you. Mr. Editor, 1 am the servant of ttie public until I ctace my business. O. P. BRINE, (Auctioneer.) Following la the leUer I sent the city H. Mansell. which I hope you will publish: THE LETTER. I -. . . nuH f. . I B w)ui aim wmji wuuvu. Walter Oill has been sworn In as special constable to assist Constable H. Wtlllam M. Ferrler has been appolnt- ueirucuwu. Dr. and Mrs. Stone and famllv ore 1 wou,a DMf wore you:.D.ndln- . few wefk. Sru.rt toVe. what I call an injustice. I have taken out five auctioneer licenses In a period j A look -out station will be established of doing actual business, one year or a; u Tslnkut mountain by the forestry lime better, my business being closed ' department. down six months and suffered loss by a swindler of over 1450. I have Just re-l a gang under the public works de cently took out a license and I may partment has gone to work on the trail only be In business for one month longer In this city. I have been Informed I must also take out a business license which will make my license 40 per year. All the furniture dealers and others are handling second-hand I LAND ACT. to Manson Creek. PRINCE GEORGE William Barnet, formerly of this city, received a compound fracture of his leg by being struck by piece of flying ' roclc-.nenri Qlscombe where. blasting wis i, ,.-J mk- uTi vTinv,: ..,. ii Queen Charlotte isfi's Land Dlitflct. "tWf'' I n ti rl nemrri nt lllttMCT rr rtn. (Ml. - pen, and situate north of Lots 1058 and I neattay and Thursday. Aaigust 31 and September 1. Judge P. W. Howay of New Westmln- lease oi me lonowing aeecrioea lanM: srer, gave an inieresxing uus on me Commencing at a post Planted twenty , chains north of Yon Indian Reserve andi""""' ' " """' on the shore of Mclntyre Bay; Uience north 5 chains to the low water mark: I The Prince George band win give an thence westerly following said low water! alr co-cert on ,n front of 160 chains; thence southerly 5 chains: i t -t . .... thence easterly 160 chains to the point i the Prince George Hotel. of commencement, and containing eighty I acres, more or less. I -.i-- -f fls. nn. Blackburn LnANOARA rlSHINU Si PACKINQ I V ' ... . . CO. LTD, nd Arthur Allen took w place on Friday , Applicant. ; lant at Plnevlew, Rev. Q. B. Swltrer Dated June 27. 1027, rrca wash, Ajent. i NOTICE. There will be offered for sale at Public Auction at the Provincial Government Court House. Prince Ropert, B.C., on Thursday. August 11th. 1927, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, tne following lots: Lots S and 10. Block 1, Section 5. Lots 9 and 10. Block 23, Section 1. Lot 7, Block 3, Section 2. Lot 1. Block 8. Section 7. ' all In the City of Prince Rupert. B.C. Terms: Cash payment at time of sale, or one-quarter casn ana tne naiance in three equal annual Instalments, with interest on the deferred payments at the rate of 8 per annum, the crown arant fee to be 110 00 additional. Plana showing the lots offered for sale may be seen at the office of the Government Agent. Prince Rupert, B.C. NORMAN A. WATT, Government Agent Dated at Prince Rupert, B.C. July 4th. 1927. BURNS LAKE Mr. and Mrs. McMeekln of Prince were in town on Friday. Mrs, Alex A. Oonnon and daughter Yvonne of Prince- Rupert, are visiting at Francois Lake Lodge. Miss L. Prtngle, superintendent of the ' Burns Le)tev Hospital was taken serious ly lBvand left for Harclton Hospital. Nelr Van de wen's garden at Tlnta- set Is the best advanced farm In the district. Ootsa Lake won from Burns Lake In the return baseball game 11-9. Mrs. Fred Saul Was arrived from Victoria to visit her daughter and sons. "Pa, what do you call a man who runs an auto?" It all depends on how close he comet to hitting me." Warnin Backward : Season Ends This Week Do Your Buying Now While The Sale Prices Last Acme Importers Third Avenue DEMAND P.O. Box 667 "Rupert Brand" ippers 5.Hi DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD.' Smoked Dally by Canadian Fish & Qoli Storage (X W. Prince Rupert. B.C. No Coal! No Ashes! No Soot! Vr P.O. Rox 772. More Comfort and Clean-linens when you have a Westing-house Electric Range Cheaper in the long run! For particulars, phone 68. Prince Rupert Supply Co. J. A. Hlnton, Manager