PAGE FOUR I Neglected Eyes NEGLECT la doubtless the cause of most of the ills that afflict humanity. This is so self evident that it seem, hardly necessary to tell you. If your eyes are giving trouble, have them attended to and at once. OP ALL absurdities In the kingdom of foolishness, surely the loss of eyesight through neglect is the most inexcusable? DONT lose health and efficiency through neglect Come and seel Fred Joudry I Itegistered Optometrist and Optician Room 3 Smith Block Phone 763 ( Voo Sroovo vcttr this ; , VVMN( in mind THAT VSt St. OTNER.KHD VELVET Ice Cream THE VERY I1EST! Take a brick home tonight 1 We cater for Parties, Picnics, Dances, etc. Prompt Delivery Velvet Ice Cream Co Corner Third Avenue and Second Street Phone 758 roi v.,.ui We sell superior lumber that Is the only kind of lumber to be folind in our sheds and yards. Ve have the most complete stock in Northern I).C. including fir and cedar timbers, dimension, shiplap, finishing, veneers, shingles, lath, and mouldings, all reasonably and properly priced. Albert &. McCaffery Phones 11C and 117 Prince Rupert BOAT HOUSE Phone 381 P.O. IJox 1565 LAUNCHES, SCOWS, ROW-HO ATS AND CANOES SAND AND GRAVEL Equipment for Diving and Salvage Work Agents for asthope Engines and Stump Pullers NORWEGIAN HAI.IHUT GEAR IN STOCK Compass Adjusting LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 63. Cartage, Warehousing, and Diittributlng. Team or Motor Service. Coal Sand and Gravel. We Specialize In Piano and Furnitum Moving. BRINGING UP FATHER NOW LISTEN-ll COMNA LOOt FOrXA RIVER. AN' CIT A RRIMK. I'M KlrT- CONNA OIK OF TMIRVT- tween Canadian oarsmen and rowers from across the line, who annually gather here In force. IMOItTl'NATE INCIDENT Joe Wright Is considered about the finest amateur sculler In the world. despite his loss of the famous Diamond Sculls at the English Henley early this month. The mshap which cost him titular supremacy Is already outstanding in the annals of world sculling how he was leading by a length, only 30 feet from the finish, with victory In his grasp; how his oar caught In a rope from a punt at the side boom, and how all his efforts could not straighten out his shell again while Leu of Oxford passed the finish line the winner. Joe cannot gain the Diamond Bculls at the Canadian Henley but he will go after the senior singles championship, won last year by Walter Hoover of the Undine Barge Club, PhUadelphla, a former holder of the Diamond Sculls. As Wright won the American senior singles championship at Philadelphia before going to the English Henley, It Is confidently expected that he will re-assert his supremacy on this tide of the ocean. TORONTO FOR SENIORS The Toronto sculler, always provided he returns from Europe in time, wUl surely be the favorite for the senior singles, no matter who his opponents may be. Joe made an American Hen ley record this spring 739 4-5; and he rowed his two heats In the English Henley In 8.49 and 8.57, In one of them beating T. D. Collett, perhaps Eng land's greatest sculler, and on a course notoriously slower than Canadian and American waters. Hoover's time In winning here last year was 9.14 1-5. Besides the senior singles, the Can adians have to recover from the United States the famous Hanlan Memorial Trophy, for elght-oared crews, won last year by a crack eight from Wyandotte, Michigan. CREWS FROM WEST Vancouver and Winnipeg are sending crews, and Frank Adams, well-known single sculler. Is coming from the racinc coast. Laree reDreocntatlons will come from Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, Hamiltoiv Wyandotte, Detroit, Buffalo and Philadelphia clubs. The only "fly Iri the ointment" Is that the long and eagerly-awaited new grandstand Sf, not yet an actuality, There has long been a persistent aglta-i Hon for a modern well-appointed grandstand for the course, which It self Is permanent, United States competitors last year made away with the singles championship and the Hanlan Trophy, but that they did not have things all their own way was demonstrated In the point standing. . Toronto Argonauts led with 17 points; West Side, Buffalo, was second with .18; Toronto Dons third with 13. and the others finished In this oraer: Lachlne, Montreal, 12; Niagara Club, St. Catharines. 11; Detroit, R.C 8; Undines. Philadelphia, 8; Winnipeg R.C. 7; Wyandotte 6; Ottawa B.C. J; McOlll 5; Brockvllle 3 and Toronto University 2. officials The first day,-Thursday,- July 28, Is devoted to elimination heats. On the second day the competitors are reduced, to finalist dimensions and on Saturday) aU finals are decided. I The officials wUl be: referee, pj J, Mulqueen, Toronto; associate referee a.', P. M. Smith, Toronto; starter Harvey Pulford, Ottawa; associate starters T H. C. Allison, Toronto, Len Johnson, Lachlne; Judge. Robert Dibble, Toronto; associate judges, Oordon Dunlop, Ottawa, Boyd Little, Toronto; timer. J, C. MeCualg. Ottawa, S52.Uf timers, E. C. Cosslt, BrcckvUle, Stan Elliott, DOfcO IT vjfc'RS coin' to VOO - WANT' O 1927 av Int'L Ftanmc Sirvkc, Inc. Cm REGATTA PLANS ARE ALL LAID Canadian Henley at St. Catherines to See Some of Finest Contests JOE WKIGI1T COMING Canadians Hope to Recover Me morial Trophy for Light. Oared Eights ST. CATHERINES, Ont.. July 16. The return of Joe. Wright. Jr., from the English Henley, and the fact that the final Olympic trials will take place here next year, add Increased Impor tance to the Royal Canadian Henley I Rnl tigkte iiwifit I during the past 80 years it has lieen on the market, ami t'lieir child's life no doubt saved by iU timely use. J'rire, 60c. a buttle at all druggists or dealers; put up only by The T.Mil-burn Co., limited, Toronto, Out. Regatta at the Henley Course near here' Lachlne and H. P. Williams on July 28, 29 and 30. It la the 45th annual meeting of the Canadian As eoclatlon of Amateur Oarsmen, and prospects are for keen competition be and clerk of the oourte R. D. St. Catharines. Detroit; Sohram. SPORT CHAT It Is about time that the football officials got the wprighu and nets fixed. A little paint on the uprights, especially at the base would make the referee's life easier and do away wtth doubts as to whether the ball passed Inside or outelde the upright. Then It 1 claimed that the top 'goals are more than eight feet high. It Is cer tain that the low goals are way off the perpendicular. ' All these llttl? shortcomings add to the worries of tht releree and the players. Funds may be limited but these are essential Improve menu. In a match tne other evening a ball hit the upright and went out of play. Had tlie upright been "up right" that shot weuld have been a goal. The action of - the Diamond Jubilee Committee In appointing a sub-committee to Inquire tnto the possibility of extending the bleachers or Improving the stand meets wtth approval from all sport-loving individuals. It Is as The question of a tournament among the younger tennis players looks as If competition could be arranged and carried through. The first step is to get an Idea of the number who would participate. It Is proposed that the age limit be sixteen and those who would enter are requested to forward their names to the Sports Editor, DaUy News. Depending oa the number of entries received, steps will be taken to have a series run off. In the office by Wednesday, July 20. j and both boys and girls' are invited to l tih liAU. .M-.tJ SUMMER COMPLAINT l"'- CAUSES MANY DEATHS j Football next week ! Include two' AMONG INFANTS gmri that will fo kmf way toward Thousands of mothers throughout dter "ttrtfig the wlRtver of the Cttyj Canada have used tor wve league leaders and It the pro- phU are riant the league will be an ettrenieh pen eveat. it la rumored that a new outside left has arrived and both Mouse and Terminals are angling for him. airier team eouVd do wish a good left winger. Ernie Warren will be In for the first match and Terminals are fidhrinf on his turalaf out la a better game than the last one. If so aad the rest or the team are all available Sam Currie and his cohorts will be hard put to stop the yotfnger ocgwtaaUati. several of the errors ecradtted to both bAeeball teams In the last en gagement were made In the left field, That Is the lower corner away from I the stand. It Is a very rough spot, The footballers also complain of the difficulty In judging the behavior of the baU when It lands there. The ground needs a lot of ruing atd leyel-Ung off If sueh errors and mtsklcks are to be avoided. It la understood that Betty Nutballr the famous English git) International tennis player Is withdrawing from tennis at the. end of the grass court tennis season Jor three month This will be to enable Betty to acquire an over-bead service. At present ahe atands three yards behind the service line and serves underhand. Her distance out of court la a handicap. a That baseball la making headway In the old country Is sometMag of a surprise. Yet reports frem Wale and Lancashire stale that the American game Is making great stride in these two sections, A crowd of 10.000 as sembled ln Glamorganshire to see a trial game arranged to. select a Welsh team to meet an English side. w roa.ieo. as u u, Tne de,,att of Yoik.hlre and -'m wuula 00 Lancashire trttket teams are generally to sport and Its supporters. explained by the fact that many of the players are now In the veteran stage and their slowness more than offsets their experience. New blood is being sought. One does not always realize the strain of . mang a big cricket score. The Sports' editor remembers a red-letter day when he made 51. But whep Yorkshire and Hampshire met recently. Brown batted for 8Vt hours to score 204 runs and Mead was In for 6 V, Names should be . hours to make 183 runs. COWAN'S Advertise In The Dally News Sh. mm gi aV mm sBST m m -4 - - us W anted ForJSale For Rent WANTED WILL THE PERSON WHO TOOK BI creie from CJJ.R. dork Isst week-end. return to Brooksbank. Third Avenue and save trouble. WANTED. ENOUSli OR SCOTTISH terrier, one or two years old. Apply Savoy Hotel. 165 WANTED. DRIVER FOR FORD De livery car. Apply LaCase Bakery. FOIt S.Al.h" FOR SALE. LOTS 34 AND 25. BLOCK 13. section 7. with two room plaster ed house. Urge garden, chttken house and fifty white Lrghorna hens. I Lot 24. block 37. section 5. Lot 81. block 39. section 8. Lots 7 snd 13, block 12. section 8. Price, 11.000 00 or wUl sell separately. Apply W. O. Smith. Phone Red 603. WILL SELL AS A OOINO CONCERN my secondhand business, and rent or sell psrtly furnished four roomed flat with toilet and bath. Modern flat over store. A good proposition " Phone 774. a. P. Brine. FOR SALE. LAUNCH "NANCY." 28 foot, in first eisss condition. East-hepe engine: 18 hp. 4 cylinders. O. Borie. Phone 387 or Red 313. tf FOR SALE. PLEASURE BOAT. 19 FT. long. 6 h p. engine; In good running condition. Valentine." Phone 179. PLEASURE BOAT IN OOOD CONDI- tlon for sale at one third of Its value. Phone Red 720. tf FOR SALE FIRST CLASS RESTAU- rant. Do not lose your occasion! Apply PJ. Box 725, tf FOR SALE. BABT BUOOY. 330 Fourth Avenue East. Phone Blue 608. FOR SALE. ONE 1925 FORD COUPE; excellent condition. Parker's Oarage. THEATRE SEATS AND FURNITURE for Sale. Apply Brother Moody. 187 ROWBOATS FOR 8ALE.- 335. FOUND -PHONE RED tf FOUND. PAIR OP HEAVY RIMMED spectacles. Apply Dally News Office. TERRACE Jas. Nelson returned on Wednesday from a business trip to Smlthers. early, In the week after befiig patient In -the Prince Rupert hospital for the past two weeks as the result of an accident In , which- both nkleiiwere brok'en. ' It wlU be some time before he will be able to walk about. Mrs. Simpson of Anyox. who with her daughter has been holidaying at Hill Farm, left on Thursday for her home. Her daughter will remain here for the remainder of. the holidays. Mrs. F. 8. Watson and Miss C. A Watson of Edmonton were visitors here during the week In the course of a holiday trip through B.C. Mrs. Oeor; Little and. guest Mrs. Allen of Honolulu left on 'Thursday for Smlthers where they will spend the next week with Mrs. Olsf Hanson it Lake Kathlyn. a, C. MacKay of the public works department, Prince Rupert. Is In the district on an official visit. t R, H. Leighton, of the Forestry BrSnch, Prince Rupert, paid the local office a visit on Thursday. 'fair ooara executive held a 9'frUag ihome of the secretary. Mrs, OUT Bundal'on Thursday even- ing wtth a full attendance of members. Committees were formed snd plans furthered in the hope of making considerable improvement In this yeaVs fair to be held Saturday, September 2. Wtth assurance from the Fair's Association that a stock judge will be sent thU year it Is expecte-J that there will be a much better stock exhibit and several new classes have been added to this section of the prize list. Printed prize lists will be available In a. short time snd may be obtained from the secretary. . . . FOIt KENT By Ueorge McManm AM- DINTT WOULDN'T SSiKSiJNMh 4 WONOtR COME ALONCJOST LOOK . lSS T7 1Y WAI? A V-STl Full, lrTHEM league. Terminal! have two matches ' and If tfcef win both they are well on the wiy to eoHeet one trophy for the seanon But both Moose and Rlmeat expect jLtn two matches wMI spell defeat iiiih w vn hw fi ininia fii i... m f- . in . ii i i i.a. i-a i m. rn.rn.mA m. a. i u s s a- uaji iuliis . m u mm as. r FOR RENT. FURNISHED APART ment by the day, week or month. Phone Red 607. tf FOR RENT-FOUR ROOM FURNISHED suite; steam heated. Apply Smith Ac Mallett. Ltd. tf FOR RENT. PLASTER E-D HOUSE. BIX rooms and bath. Apply 315 Fourth Avenue East. FURNISHED SUITES FOll RENT. Apply Mussallsm Oroeery. Phone 18. FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET. APPLY Hyde Transfer, Second Avenue. 179 ROOMS FOR RENT. BOARD IF desired. Phone Black 129. PIANO FOR RENT. 5 00 A MONTH. Walker's Music Store. AUCTIONEKK THERE IS NOT1 1 1 NO MEAN OH YEL lew about me. Let every person fight hu own battle. I am game I You furnish the girl. I will furnish the furniture and throw a baby buggy in. No reasonable offer refuted. I will sell my stock at reduced pricea up 'to August 15. Phone 774. Q. F. Brine. Auctioneer. For t lie East PI.ASTEKINU NEW WORK FROM 55c to 74c ' a squsre yard. Ail material supplied"! Repslr plaster work by day or job. Phone W. Q. 8ml th. Red 603. 160 UPHOLSTEIUNd FURNITURE REPAIRING: UPHOL- sterlng of all kinds. Chesterfields recovered and made to order. All work guaranteed. Phone Oreen 603. a. M. HUNT. F.UKNlTUKE NEW SHIPMENT AND NEW PATTERNS of fifty linoleum rugs and 800 squsre ysrds of linoleum. The demand la good and this lot ought to be cleared out this month. So come early. Furniture and ranges always in stock. A. MacKenzie. Furniture Plone 773. . EXCHANGE NEW AND SECONDHAND FURNITURE bought, sold and exchanged. Papa-dopulos and Marrla. 839 Third Ave. Phone 648. tj KEMT.W RANT 7Mrt.Uftfcr, Proprietress-: tv' . again personally In chare. Third Avenue, Next O. W. y, A. ., ttnmrilome Cooked Meals, Phone Black 700. K.UE.V OAK (1; Agents for all n km: it a i. motors runnier Another carload of Chevrolet Justlnl Prices: Rd"r msoo Roadster Delivery 825.0O TourlnK $825.00 CPe S98S.0O ?rth 905,0O Se,lln 11,075 00 Landau Sedan ., 11,120 00 Cabriolet ..A 81.100 00 Commercial ChassU 1645.00 Delivery Express Chassis . . . $805.00 29 x 4.40 Balloon Tire itsndard equipment on all models except Delivery Express chassis. Call or phone for demonstration. KAIKV (IARAOK Third Avrnue Phone 83 TAXI Phone 67 Tail ,(all George, Paul or fiuat) , Six and Seven Passenger Siide-oakers at your disposal any time. KOSS HltOS. POOL KOOM Meeker Work. fArroRa.frnm Rnmroan !nth C.N.R. TRAINS Dally Except Sundays 11:30 a jn From "he Fast-- Dtlly exesp. Tutsdtys. . .80 pa. " w UUM 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for leu than 50c STEAMSHIP MOYF lor Vine-outer Monday- - pruue acr. Tuesdy-s. Catan Thursday -a, pi . Saturday-as. Carde i as Prln-.--4 Bn: , ss. Prince K pr July 9 s. Princess t 13ss. Prince -j u. " 18 Princess Al :t " 20 as. Prince ; " 23 as. Priucess U j " 27aa. Princess A: ; 30 as. r'rince'j t From Vancouver Sunday a. Calau . i . , Wednesday- -ssji cc - Friday as. Prince It " ss. Cardena Saturday as. Prm, -, . July frJ-e. Prtnces3 U II s. Princess a: i " 15. Pn ! c -" 18 as. Prtnce?j U. x " 23 as. Prlnee&s K : " 25 ss. Prince-5 ( " 29 as. Prtm-esi L. ur run mtpon and Nsutr Friday s Cardena Frum INirf .l,ntk,in anil u,k' Saturday ss Carder Fnr Anyox, Meastt. ete unty M - QaUla Monday.. ss, Prince C '-i Frldsy a. Prince Ruptr l'nn Anjnx, Mrwart, He Tuesday a. Cataia Thursday, .ss. Prlna ' Ssturday ss. Prince R;.?r lr North ijneen flisrlultr- From Norlh Jueen Chsrtntl Thursday as. Prince C jfn i rr Houlli (Jueen riiarlutlr- July 18 as. Prince J; From South Ijueen Chsrlotl'' July 13ss. Prince Jcj " 27- -ss. Prince Jc.i For Alaska- Wednesday as. Prjnce dec?1 July 8 as. Princess uc .J " II ss. Princess Al f " 15 . Princess CfcartoM " 18. a. Princess Lotus " 23 ss. Princess A'.. ",25-es. Princess C-k. " 29--as. Princess U-if rrnm Alaka Monday ss. Prince Oeor if July 9 M, Princess C " 13 M. Princes LculM " 16 . Princess Allc ' " Z3s-ss: Prihcess Lcj.3 " '37 MftPrtnceM Alice " 80 as. Princess C-!M MAIL SCHEDULE for the KaVr-i- f rom the F.ait-r- ' JI'LY IIW7 Monusya, Wednesdays, . , , wonoays.; Wednesdays, due ....i,; To Vanrnuter Monday Tuesday Thursdays Saturday C.P.R. Jul, 9, 13, 18. From Vancouver ? 20. Mondays .Mail u Wednesdays 1051 Frldavs .... I'" v.r.n. July S, II. 13. 1. - T Anyox, Atlre Arm. fr""1" . .Slewarl Sundaes mull cloM Fridays from Anyox, Alice Arm, rr'"1" Xtewsrt . ,, tit oaiuraavs .m " Tuesday To Naas Itlirr Points rnursday mail "p" I rum Na River Points- Saturdays msU To Alukks Points July 8, II, 15, 18, 23. 33. From Alaska Paints-July 9. 13. IB an 23 27, 30. Lower T,li.x fulf ll i ruin ineen rimrlolle lwna Lowsr Minds. Wednssdsys I i'-i Advrrtlii la tb DUI 2""