t4 ... t ECIAL TO Eastern Canada kT CENTRAL & EASTERN STATES EDMONTONCALOAKY JASPER Tickets on sale to Sept 30th. Final r. turn limit Oct. 31st. Cholcr of routes: stopover. Full, information from "City ticket office 528 Third A Venue. Phone 2u0 rTaTarffmmrimmr.nnmnrr i Canadian National tU. CANADA IN CANADA'S DIAMOND JUBILiZ YtAK IttMMJ SPECIAL NEILSON'S Jersey Milk Chocolate larc cakes, i!Oc each XEII.SO.YS CREAMY TOFFEE large cakes -Of, 3 for ."Of l Ormes ltd. lb. "7ic Pioneer Drttfjfisls DAVE 6 SIXTH ST. -TELEPHONES tt?fc20Q DEMAND "Rupert Brand" Kippers "THE DAINTIEST UREA K FAST FOOD." Smoked Daily by Canadian fish & Cold Storage Co., ji Prince Rupert. R.C. Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert Krtrhlkan, Wranr,rll, Juneau, anil Nkagway July 4, 8. II. 13. 18, T -. lz. z.i. Tn Vamoutrr, Vlrtorla anl SeattleJuly 3. . 8, 13. 16, 20, 33, 37, 30. fj HUM rs IlKATIIIC'F.. Inr Unfertile. F.at' Bella Hells, tx-ean I alls amu, Alert Hay. Campbell niter, ami vaurnuirr eery Malurdny, II a.m. Agency for all Bteamshllt Lines. Full Information from W. C. OKCIIsKH. llrnrrai .ireni. Corner of 4th Street and Srd Avenue. Prince Rupert. U.C. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED H.llln.. frt.ii, Prince lllllirrl. Tor VANCOUVER, VICTOUIA, Hwanon Bay, Alert llajr, etc, Tuesday. S IFnr ANroitVi.Ki Vtr-ruiiia tt.n ,i Alert ete.'.NaliMliJ Wrl. Ifor POKT 8PM I'M ON, ALICE ARM, INVOX, STEWART, Wale Ixlniiit, Hun-Pt day, 8 p.m. , ijor naai itlver Point and Port 8ltion, triuay p.m. 1121 Ind Ivrnn. u m bui Til rnt Prlni-e Riniert, H.I'. 5 Through ticket mild to Victoria and healtle at a rrduced rale and hstrare rherked through to destination. FOR RENT Johnson's Electric Floor Polisher $2.00 per day Let us know the day you want it I Kaien Hardware Co. Phone 3 Local and Personal Arthur's Tail. Phoct 878. BO. Undertakers. Phans 41. Dentist. Dr. J. R. Qouc. pJWbeSM -Hyde Traaataauaoat-aain. Ut. l4f-araitb-Welltugtoa Oat! Phone 680. U Father Leroy was a passenger on Um Prince Oeorge to Stewart yesterday. Tin' membership drive' for the F4UI Fair ik meeting with attoceaa. All elti- s)Muld support tbja 1 G ilckUiismoti of Telegraph Point la passing through en route to Winnipeg on today's esstbound C R. Ewtng director of refineries, arxl Tom Montgomery, chief ensjineer for the Imperial Oil Company are tn toarn today. J. E. Jack left on tola morning's train for Toronto and plana to return via OMcajo, St. Paul. Winnipeg ahd VanoouTer. Thomaa Smerthwalte, who recently arrived from Bngland. went north to Premier Mines on the Prtnoe Oaorge to join hla brolhers ExcuralonJaU! A ParBven' atnnd wUl be at the tmehall grounda at Terrace tomorrow wbere rlsjetsm, oaffe. tea, milk and strawberries and cream will be served. Among the paeaengera booked Mr the south today on the Prince Oeore are Miss Neida HOdltcn, Mrs. A. Me-K en ale and baby. Miss Ruth Rlx and Mrs. B. MaeDonald. meet J. T. Pbelan. auparmtendent ot telegrapha for B.C. and the northweet. who la on hla annual Inspeotlon -off Baptist Picnic to Dlgby, July 31. St. Andrew's Picnic, July 24. K.C. Picnic. July 31. Moose Picnic August 7. Canadian Legion Picnic August 31. LAND ACT. NOTICE Ol' INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE l..M tn Queen Charlotte Island Land Re-ordlng District of Prince Rupert, and Ituate on the west coast of Burnaby aland. TAKE NOTICE that British Columbia Fishing 8c Packing Co. Ltd.. of Van couver. B.C., occupation Packer. Intends The X Business Man My car is vital to the con duct of my business. And I've learned that one way to assure myself of day in ' and day out dependability and with greater fuel economy besides is to install Champions. Cfc pin It k hrr ffMrl JnWrMMsiS Mile wtl-iu turn pimt CMMriictiOTianJ ilM fW cUl aulu tUctnXit. Ckmrnpimm X foe lord. 80 Cartfhr thsn Ford 90 Phocs rebuilt like Arthur's Shoe Store the north country. Un, Mcllmoyle or CHAMPION SparJPugs WINDSOR, ONT. A CANADIAN-MADE PRODUCT Dry Birch 8c Cedar. Cameron Transfer. " I Oet the Big 4 habltl JobB Dare went sent on the Pn-'0, a TlI, pb0D, 4 ger today to Burns Lace where he will . new at was a passenger to . . 1 Stewart on the Prince Oeorge last even- Mr. and Mrs. 8. Parker of Prince . Rupert passed through. Smltoers ksst, . . , Thursday night en route to Oalgary..) B) BrkH tnd . Brass and family where Mr. Parker will attend tihe', T-,,. ,hl.t ,.. Orand Council Sons of Canada as of the Native a delegate from , enter. Prince Rupert On Friday night L. 8 J Gardens today broueht In a car McOtll left Smitbers for Calgary s M ,( pickled aalmon from Balmoral delegate rrom tne avutnara Aasemoiy. oannerr interior newa. The Princess Alice 1 due at 4 this The Prince Rupert Board of Trade teraooa and leaves for Vancouver an pampntet wnicn nas been aent to various points tnrougbout the Domln- . on u no riTin, To-ioie suhdm a prtngle, post office Inspector, was a The laM mail from the east contained rwM Wp pasM.ng on the cardena U w 1 or pen numnon w 1 cuie , morning. and photograpba appearing in the book 1 . m. rnowgrapna 01 we naunui mouse princess Beatrice was In port for try and the aerial photograph of the a lboH Ume thu moming leaving ctty were specially mentioned, ana M,ln for Vancouver at 11. the request was compiled with. These., will be used tn various trade Journals; Pusengers on the Cardena this morn- sod In a revised publication dealing in. included Mra. Bvme from Mill bar. with Central BC. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY 4 WANTED RELIABLE GIRL FOR general housework. Oood wages. Ap ply The Louvre. 4"4 4'4' 4'4 ANNOUNCEMENTS CN R. Employes Picnic. July 17. Mr. Kjpp and A. H. Olbson. Inspector Wood of 14; R.OM.P. Is having a holiday In Tefkwa where he baa taken the McDowell house. Mrs. Marenfette left on the. east- tf bound passenger for Terrace where Mr Marentette Is relieving In the bank there. Mrs. P. Basso-Bert Is leaving on Monday's - eastbound passenger for a holiday In Italy, leaving New York on the ss. Roma on July 37. Among the visitors to the summer camp of Mrs. Blrnie at,'' Lake Kathlyn near Smlthers are the children of J. C. Brady. MP. and Mrs. Brady. The parents are holidaying in Boston and Atlantic City. The superintendent of land settle ment of the Canadian National Rail ways writes to the board of trade that he Is "Greatly Impressed with the well prepared booklet" that has been Issued by the city fo Prince Rupert recently, Prince Rupert has a great prepon derance In the summer colony now at Lake Kathlyn. Included in the Rupert to appiy or lease ot tne toiiowing representation are Mrs. H. F. Kergln escribed lands: I . . ,. . Commencing at a post planted on the r'l ,wo children, the two daughters wett coast of Burnaby Island. Q.C.I. : of L. W. Patmore. and Mrs. BUnce and lHnce 3 ch'!M,L 9xxlh " daughter, Interior News, " .chains: thence west 3 chains, more or less, 10 nign water marx; menre norm along nign water marx uj point ox com-jmencement. and containing 14 acres, more or less. BRITISlt COLUMBIA FISHING 8c PACKINO CO. LTD.. Applicant. Dated June 10. 1937. LAND ACT ATLANTIC CAME OFF ROCKS THIS MORNING J The halibut boat Atlantic which drifted aground in Metlakatla Passage yesterday morning came off on this F m Range 4. coast Land District. Land suffered no damage and situate tn vicinity of Captain's Cove. Pitt Island. B.C. 1 TAKE NOTICE that Gosse Packing m. i,va., oeeUDStion oi ao -Fl.h iiowe Parkers 01., Vancouver. intends I run-Ann CHICAGO, July tui tn 10. .Aamn Aaron oai-B.C.. SaplPO S j to apply for a lease of the following million dollar libel suit against Henry described lands: . Ford was settled todays Saplro an- Commencing at a post planted at the northwest corner of Lot 1353, Range uncea- 4; thence north S chains: thence east J 5 chains: thence south to nort,liaatt vuuici uu. Xiao: xuene .weoieny sioug shore to point of commencement, and roulalnlng 7 acres, more or leis....,i . if QOSSi; PACKING CO. LTD.. Applicant. 1 Per Chas. L. Roberts. Agent. 1 Uoterl Ant 1 7 tttrr Spring Time Is CELERY KING Time Brew a cop of this fine old vegetable took. It is all the spring medicine you need. It dnvej out winter's poisons, improves the appetite and makes you feel better right sway CELERY KING Is good for the whcJe family. At druggists, 0c (Oc 68. WEATHER REPORT. Terrace. Clear, calm, temp. 60. Rosswood. Clear, calm, temp. 61. Alyansh. Clear, calm, temp. 63. Alloc Arm. Clear, calm, temp. 91. Anyox. Clear, calm, temp. 63. Stewart. Clear, calm, temp. 69. Hazelton. Clear, calm, temp. 72. Telegraph Creek.-vClear, calm. temp. Smlthers.--Clear, calm, temp..' 7,3. Burns Lake.--Clear, calm, temp. 60. Whltehorse--Clear, north wind, temp.' , 72. ; j Da won. Clear, calm, temp. 65. I ill) sii'iaii Church Notices AMiKlWn fAtllllllttL iCbureb oftKnalandi Rector. Arthdeacon O. A. Rl. Aaslstant, Rev W. T. Barfoot. B A. 110011111; arrrVe at II o'clock. Even- Irtf arrvkrel'al USiiiiSarraArrit'Ot &tt Lord'a Supper HJ, be; admtAUlerrd em the first Bundaj of Ue month at It ajn. third Sunday of monUi at S ajn Sunday School win resume In Septem ber. (HHIHTIW ltt'E MK1KTV Srnrtre every Sunday morning in the llaya' Block. 14 Seeend Avenue. Subject on 8unday: "Ule." Teetliaosy meettrtf on Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. PKlXIVTtKI W rill K( II Minister. Rev. J. R. iTlsreil. B-A, LL.B. Residence. The Manse. Tele phone 484. Morning vtorabtp at It efeJock. Sub ject: "Rest.'' Sunday School wHl not meet. Evening serrlee at 7 .SO. Subject: "Jesus passed by and aaw a man that was blind." t .MTtl) ( IK K( ll The Chureh of Servtre. Morning worship at 11 o'clock. Speaker. T. J. Shenton. Subject: "A more excellent citizenship." Evening service at 7J0, Subject- "The old order cbangeth" by W. J. Earl Barrle. MEDALS AWARDED Typewriter Co.. for speed and accuracy In typing. The gold medal Is for sixty words a minute, the silver for fifty snd the bronze for forty words minute. The tests have been held monthly during the past year and win ners of medala are as follows. 1 1 ii i 11 I 'J',l I'l I FOR TYPEWRITING In connection with the Commercial derjartment of Kins Edward Hlzh J School, gold, silver and bronze medali Whn talntlnt have been given by the Underwood tf Muriel Brewcrton hss been awarded a bronre. a silver and. a gold medal and Maud Wyatt Ada Mlnzgohr and Mary Dowther have each won a bronze and a, sliver medal. HOTEL AKKIVALN Prlnre Rupert Margaret and Marjorte Christmas, Los Angeles; W. Rowan and Mrs, Rowaa. II. Atkinson, Vancouver: J. and Mrs. T. A. Simpson. Waukegan, Quebec: M. Base. Juneau; C. R. Ewlng and Mra. Ewlng. Toronto: T. Montgomery. Sarnla; Wm. Grundy. Art. Wheeler. Vancouver; J. P. Ludbam and Mra. Ludham. Bawlf. Alta.; A. R. Ora ham, Luella Oraham. Bawlf. Alts.: Chllds. Seattle; C. and K. Gardiner. Toronto; J. W. Smith, Victoria; R. Nod well, Mr. and Mra. R. D. Nodwel! Hillsborough. Ontario; John Besett Reglna; Mrs. A. Collins, Vancouver: E. O. H. Ncwcombe. Lowe Inlet. Central R. and L. Trtmlett. Oakland, Cal.; E, O. Newnham, Naas River; R. Fuller, Kamloops: J. D. Lynch, Vancouver; 8. Oould, Smlthers. .vor R. J. Collins. Vancouver; S. May, Vancouver; W. and Mrs. Lofore, Ocean Falls; J. and Mrs. Hill. Amesbury: H Kefnp. Lowe Inlet; T. O. McManamon, Telegraph Point. Rev. W. F. Barfoot has returned rrom a visit to the Islands and will preach at the Cathedral tomorrow. Last Sunday he preached at Terrace. LAND ACT. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE LAND. In Coast Range 4, Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate at Captain's Cove, Pitt Island. B.C. TAKE NOTICE that Oosse Packing Company Limited, of Vancouver. B.C.. occupation Packers.. Intends to apply for a lease or tne toiiowing described lands: Commencing at a post planted at the nortnwest corner 01 Lot 1253, Range 4 thence south 5 chains; thence west 8 chains; thence north to hlKh water mark: thence easterly along high water mark a cnains. more or less, to point of commence ment. and containing 3 acres, more or leu. OOSSE PACKINO COMPANY LIMITED. Applicant. Dated June 13. 1927 .IV NOTICE. There will be offered for sale at Public Auction at the Provincial Government Court House. Prince Ropert. B.C.. on Thursday. August 11th. 1937. at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, the rollowmg lots: Lots 9 and 10. Block 1. Section S. Lots 9 and 10. Block 23, Section 1. Lot 7. Block 3. Section 3. Lot 1. Block 8. Section 7. all In the City of Prince Rupert. B.C MJTItr, Or INTENTION TO Al I LA Ttl ,,,.. 1,1-1, .irtJ, anH m..i.ti v,. I Terms: Cash pavment at time of sale, or LEASE LAM. one-ouarter cash and the balance In catch at the Fish Exchange today. She I.IIIEL Si IT SETTLEU three equal annual Instalments, with Interest on the deferred payments at the rate of 6 per annum, the Crown Orant fee to be 110.00 additional Plans showing the lots offered for sale may be seen at the office of the Government Agent, Prince Rupert. B.C. NORMAN A. WATT. Government Agent. Dated at Prince Kuperc. a.u. July 4th. 1927. fVr&HoicJmdSaws .N Fast Eosu-Cuttini fSIMONDS 5 4CAVtZ - . j 1 P from our own steel O I SIMONOSCANAOA MWCO. LTD. fj I MGNT.I.L A I VANCOUVIH.ST.MHNJ..SW V I I TOIMNTO !3 Coming ! ..V THE OFFICIAL RECORDING OF THE CARILLON BELLS ACTUAL MOMENTS during the playing of THE CARILLON HELLS in the Victory Tower Parliament Bldg., Ottawa Jubilee Celebration, July 1st. - on - Victors-Record 216504 Ask your "Ilia Master's Voice" dealer to reserve a record for you! BARGAINS BARGAINS at the FORCED SALE of THOR JOHNSON'S large stock of GENTLEMEN'S CLOTHING AND FURNISHINGS GET YOUK SHAKE OF THE BARGAINS BARGAINS tt Thompson Hardware Ca., Ltd. 255 Third Avenue Prince Rupert Adjustable Window Screens 50c to $1.25 Assorted Screen Doors $3.75 to $5.00 Puritan Two-Burner Oil Stoves $27.50 Bread Boxes and Pantry Cabinets $2.00 to $5.00