3 TAXI Boston Grill n ii Ambulance Servicat Anywhere at Anytime Stand: Kch".nge Hulldlnc R MATT VIDKCK. Prop. XV II No 1C5. ma m m am m m m rnrn a i I ..A- I I J f I uirui Dual and Sank t't'Trl lit" A T t..1.. ir TL Ativ iima.i, iuiy i, tiiu to the bottom of the harbor ptoelon. hhe went down o quickly M not know that any vessel had Mast, narrowly escaped death. eneu the ntliat-ent Manuaru Uil and POSSIBLY FELL INTO CANYON 4 11.1 i ...I Parrel he was Carrying Found on Itiver Hank VLKEI) ALONG KITSAULT . .. f i a a ra a a fa a rt t of Accident ARM, Jiny It. -With ttop t.va end a night alar bf -waa. Mai maw- ..-j hi ior mntra vnmi rr B' rauord. an employee m in m : arr.ldntalljr met hla daatl imiuuiu mwkm iwv OT-fi wiiw m 'bag of nastb from the Tortc mtne toward the power houae. a dMance of acmrtethlng like a mile and a half. The roadlr.' run along the aide of thr Kltwult ' anyon for the gmater part ot thedlatanre Later In the morning, when aua- inveatlgatinn waa made aad the bag of Mile waa found on the bank nnar Uu. ft of '.ha ranyon. It la thought that wtford atumbled and fell from the vof the road Into the ranynn. BiVhe dCDtti Of the canvon with the ent hleh water makra the recovery flffthe body doirbtful. Mi. wf. 4 m n.H. Af t1..nL Ontario, la about forty yeara of ana no a wue residing ai vie- MUX YUX Akk TAKEN IN RAID Mount les Kxpect to Make Import ant i;i8CioHurcs in l onnecuon With Itusine.ss dollara worth of narcotlca were taken by the police yeaterday In a raid on the Bherman Hotel by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police who eipeet to make dU- Clonures (n connection wtth the smug gling activittes Lore Tip and Vong Turn have been allowad out on baU. TWO AVIATORS AT HONOLULU TxnMtT.TTT.TT Til 1 i.m tnA avil. tors Smith and Bronte were brought here last night by army alrplanm from Molokal where they were forced to lnd owine to the casollne suddiv being cx ytiitcrday afternoon and came on here Jater. - fimlth'a hlane crniihpd oil the Inland at 0.45 yesterday, Honolulu: lime, but I " .1 icRAE ORGANIZER OF CONSERVATIVE PARTY CONVENTION OCTOBER OTTAWA, July J6. Major-Oeneral McRae of Vancouver la chairman of a Domlnlon-wlde committee selected to Or?Anlzj th. ti u tmi at vm MniiantlAn at W :mlrg In October It t unnounced. an. Bid. BC. Silver lfl2 13 50 Ooast Copper Cork Province 05it 132 Ounwell Oladstone -la Iidependencef ; L. and U -08 al Premier Porter Idaho 20 Sliver Cret . . 08 m mm rnw m m m m m j m as w m r a unrio I I f nxnioaen Immediately If. a,-,-- t I - - i vriiiru oiatien jirtirui uohi luwn here yesterday following an ex- tliat fire fighters on the wharf been there. General 1 eiroleum properties. 444444444 44444 44 C.N.K. mi'LOVEKS ' M UX NOT Ml KIKE mittlemknt skak KSNORA. July 16. - MlBastrr of labor Itscnan announced at hla hoot here today that a baata of Htt!nml had beeai arrival at involving Hit management of the CNR. and the freight handlera. clerk and checkers on that line and that "all danger of a strike waa past." 4 MISSED PRIZE BY ONE POINT KriKlislimnn Won and Canadian Came Second In HiKge.st Event at lli.sley DIM.EY. July !. Oapta4tv Vernon, late ot the R.A.M.C. In England, won the King's prUw today with aa aggregate of no: Lieutenant Deamond Darke of Ottawa ?ame second with 3D I. Burke might have refieated hla victory of 1934 had he scored Juat one more point m thr second of the two for dlrtencea In the final. It waa this distance, the thousand yards, the long-eat of the whole shoot which cost hbn the highest honors for. marksmanship which the empire can bestow. In it he swwed seventy out of seventy-five. WRCKAGE PROBABLY THAT OF AYIATORS CROSSING ATLANTIC RIO JANEIRO, July 16. The wreck ge of airplane found some time ago by fishermen In (he Amazon eatuary and taken to Para haa been Identified by si) engineer Intrusted with the task of examining It, a Out of a Oollath thus strengthening the belief that It waa the plain flown by Captain St. Roman who with a companion left for Senegal on-May 9 Oi a night across the 8'ioth Atlantic and has not been heard of since. COLOMBO COMING AUGUST 24 IS NOW ON WAY FROM BERMUDA The dale of arrival of MB. Colombo has boon rimnged. according to word rprelved bv Lleut.-Commander Ponder of the Naval Reserve. The. vessel la ex pected here on August 24 and to leave nn Auiuit 27. She Is on her way from Bermuda and ahould reach UtrUimaii on July 23 and will call at various points. ' This vessel la about the same aizc as the Curlew. VANCOlJVEK EXCIfANCE Aaked 135 13.25 .07 1.34 .15 .00 .0614 3.12 .07 mmm Northern and PRINCE im m m, m m m mum siTiinr nim I ne paraae was l miles lonz ana was JL 10, 1927 An allegorical float of the first Cunard steamship, the "Britannia", which, in 1840, made its maiden voyage f ro n Liverpool to Halifax, and inaugurated the first steamship service across the Atlantic. The float represents 'the Cunard Line in the St. Jean Haptiste Day p'Ocession held in Montreal firently in connection ith me 1'iamona juunee 01 i-orueuerauon. people. LOS ANGELES WATER SUPPLY WAS INJURED Dynamite Ucd in Attempts to Cut Flow Into the City at Two Points LQ3ANOnLE8. July 16. The city aqueduct early today waa dynamited a second time within a few hours. The expiation north of Independence wracked the water gate and made necessary the cutting off bf the flow of water. The dynamiting last night waa two miles aouth of Line Pine and little damage resulted. MARKET DAY Scheme for Weekly livent Is Planned at Lakes Country Centre III KNS LAKE. Jul Hi. A weekly district market day l to he Instituted at Hums Like If the plans of the rlllrrns are carried out as a result of a suggestion made at a meeting of the Hoard of Trade. A day N being selected and the Hoard of Trade Is loaning sufficient money fur adtcrtMng purpose. The matter Hill be further discussed at a future meeting when, if there Is no change of sentiment In the meantime, the experiment will he tried, the Hoard of Trade and the town council ro-operntiiig. CANADIAN' MKTKK TKAM OtSBORNE, N.Z., July 16. The Canadian All-Stars defeated Povertlc Bay socccrttea here this afternoon, the score being II to 0. ' ' WHOOPING COUGH ' " ' : " ' Whooping Cough is a reportable disease. Any person suffering from Whooping Cough must not go at large, under penalties as provided by City and Provincial Health Act. City Health Dept. 165 PRINCE RUPERT Central British Columbia's Newspaper RUPERT. IJ.C S TIRDAY. JULY w m m m m m m mmmmmmaik m m A Famous Ship On Parade .- . - . . aw. ..it -m ; Minister of Public Works Tells People of Victoria About the 'Improvements Planned for North VICTORIA, July 1G. The minister of public "Works made sev eral announcements here of interest the interior districts, lie stated that m a or m fpt rr witnessed b nearly hall a mill on to people of Prince Rupert and plans were under consideration t niiftnmrin AKIMMllfc CHINA TODAY Leaders of North and South Arrange Temporary Peace LONDON, July lfi.-r.tn armUtlre brtHffn Oeneral Chang Iral hek, roiiimander-in-chlef of the Nanking forces, and (lenenil Cheng Tsung (hang, northern commander' at jShungtung,, lias been arranged, says a neuter's despatch from Peking, haed on Chinese reports received there. Advertise In The Dally Nsws chief topic of conversation here he Vacant scat there, everything lj speculative so far. The new premier will have the chief say In the matter but he will undoubtedly be advised by the Mberal members and especially by hla colleagues In he cabinet after they are .-hoscn. munis A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. O. A. McMillan, Fourth Avenue East, at the Prince Rupert Oeneral Hospital on 1 .tn1 1 1!27 for a modern highway bridge over the IJulkley River at Hagwilget for use in connection with the building of the highway from Prince Rupert to Prince George and that surveys were being undertaken for the road from Prince Rupert to Terrace. The minister also spoke of the possible use of an automobile ferry on the Skeena River to connect up the ends of the read until they meet. This would be a temporary mtaaure of relief and would give con-I nectlon for Prince Rupert with the Interior at an early date and thus enable car ownera at the northern port to reach- outside points without Incurring the present high cost of railway transportation of oars. In connection with the HagwUget bridge It was announced that no de cision has yet been arrived at In regard to its location. It may be a suspension bridge or it may be a small span on a new site, everything depending upon the report of the engineers. Dr. Sutherland sees a great future for automobile tourist travel In northern and central British Columbia and states thathla department is spending a lot if money and using a great deal of ef- j ' fort to make the roads there as good as possible. In view of the developments that are coming. Speculation at Vancouver as to Political Developments at Monday's Gathering of Liberals VANCOUVER, July 1C The is the Liberal caucus to be held in Victoria Monday and the possibilities arising therefrom. What appears certain is that Premier Oliver will at once tender his resignation to the Lieutenant-Governor and'will make a recommendation as to his successor, following the gathering of Liberal members. Mr. Oliver, who is seventy years oj age and suffering from an incurable disease which may prove fatal at any time, is taking steps for the proper carrying on of the government and (or , the., continu ance of the policies which he haa been advocating. It Is expected that Hon. J. D. McLean will be his successor but until after the gathering Monday nothing definite will be known. The subject on which no one seems to be Informed is whether a general election will be held now or postponed Indefinitely. While a good many think the government wlU carry on under ,the new premier and that W. J. Whiteside of New Westminster will be taken Into the cabinet as at'nrnev general, contesting Mt a m m m m m - m iPAifTrnn a nrisKT Mahson Says Strong Liberal Government Possible at Victoria VANCOUVER, July 16. Liberal members of the Lejrialature are gathering here and in Victoria in preparation for the fiarty caucus at the capital Monday. The sole topic of discussion among them is the condition of Premier Oliver and the plans of the Government for the immediate future. The Sun today in a news story says: "It is generally conceded that the Liberal chief will announce his retirement and will advise his followers of the course which he thinks the party should follow In its reorganization. Whether or not he will recommend a general section thla fall or advise the appoint-i .neut of successor who wtll lead the onvnw v iait .arty through another session of the Leg'slsture la absolutely unknown." At a meeting here last night of Vancouver Liberals. Attorney Oeneral Man-sen waa present and declared thit "Pre mier Olivers piaco eaaiw re nuea dui we have material oif the. Oovernmerf cinches at Vlctarla from which can be selected aa gad and strdng a govern ment aa has been, known In the past fourteen. yeari. . . al 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4444444 4 SALMON Kt'N 1H 4 KKI'OKTKI) IIKTTF.H 4 Hid KI N HKilSMNO Reports from -the Skeena -this, morning would Indicate that the big sockeye run la commencing at last. Boats are reporting better catchea and It Is anticipated that the catches will be better every day. 4444444444444444 BIG FISH SALE AT EXCHANGE Prices Varied Considerably From 9c to 12.10c For First Class There waa quite a spread In prices this morning from nine cents to 12.10. Fish arrivals were Iwavy. Eight American boats sold a total of 222.500 lbs. the Eurefca getting top price at 12.10 f-r firsts and 6c for seconds.- The Daily sold 35.000 at 12c and 6c for Bltka delivery. Six Canadian boats sold D5,50O lbs. tcp price being 10.50 for firsts and 6.50 for seconds to the RosespLt with 22,000 pounds. Total landings were 318,000 pounds. made up aa follows: AMERICAN Atlantic. 40.000 lbs. to Canadian Pish end Cold Storage Co. at 0.10 and 5c. Sunset. 45,000 lbs., to Booth Fisheries at 9.20 and 5c. Dally. 35.000 lbs., to Royal Fish Co. for Sitka delivery, 12c and 6. Spray, 28.000 lbs. to Canadian Fish and Cold Storage Co.. at Do and 5c. Venus. 20.000 lbs., to Royal Fisheries 9 20 and 5c. Eureka, 15.000 lbs. to Booth Fisher les. at 12.10 and 6c. Anna J., 15.000 lbs., to AUln Flsher- les at 11.40 and 6c. Lola. 6.560 lbs. to Booth Fisheries at 12c and 6c. Onah, 18.000 lbs to. . Canadian Fish and Cold Storage at. .11.60 ,and, 6, CANADIAN' Signal. 26.00 lbs. to Atlln at 9.10 and 5c. Tramp, 21.500 lbs. to Pacific Fisheries at 10.10 and Sc. Margallce. 3.000 lbs. to Atlln Fisheries at 10c and 6c. Ingred H.. 8.000 lbs. to Atlln Fisheries, at 10 and 5c. Rosesplt. 22.000 lbs. to Atlln Fisheries at 10.50 and 6.50. Atll, 15.000 lbs. to Canadian Fish Se Cold Storage at 10.10 and 6c. NO SETTLEMENT YET . OF RAILWAY WAGES OTTAWA, July 16. Commenting on the despatch from the minister of labor. A. R. Mosher. president of the Canadian Brotherhood of Railway Employees said last night that the minister was evidently misinformed as no definite aet-tlemen had been arrived a' yet Large Upatalr Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing floor, fur hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. The latest and best for the least. Phone 457. Pri Kiv p Vnts m m a imv m KfcBLLLlUN SUPPRESSED IN AUSTRIA I.aw Courts Ruined by Fire Started by the Mob OTHER DAMAGE DONE All Workmen In Vienna Idle Result of Strike Orders Issued VIENNA, July 16. An official communique Issued at the office of Chancellor Selhel today said that yesterday's rebellion haa been suppressed. Twelve persona were killed and 119 Injured. Material damage from yesterday's rioting In Vienna la reported to have been extensive. The law courts building waa ruined by a fire started by the mob and It Is reported that the ministry of ports was also set on fire. The Parliament House, Opera House and several other buildings were more or less seriously damaged. f Measures are being taken t prevent a recurrence of the trouble. Practically all the workers In Vienna are Idle today as the result of a strike order of the Socialist Party and the executive of the Austrian Trade Unions. It has been obeyed nearly 100 per cent. Troops are guarding the legations to day. CUBS LEADING BIGLEAGUE Pirates and Cardinals Second and Third Places Following Victories NEW YORK. July 16. The Cubs, Pirates and Cardinals were doing triumphant lockatep through Eastern baseball parka today, leading the league In that order as the westerners moved to face new foes with the Impetus of clean victories over their latest Eastern opponents. The win yesterday over Boston gave the league lead to the Cubs In four out of five games of tie series. I while the second place of the Pirates VM umuc uj .a.itig mure vu, v. iv.u, from Brooklyn! The Cardinals won, their position In four out of five starts against the Phillies. AMERICAN LEA (1 I E . Philadelphia 3-13. Chicago 1-10. New York 10, Cleveland 9. Boston 2, St. Louis 3. NATIONAL LEAGUE Chicago 9, Boston 6. Pittsburg 5. Brooklyn 2. Cincinnati 3. New York 4. St. Louis 9. Philadelphia 7. TWO KILLED ON RAILWAY, SOUTH KAMLOOPS. July 16. Albert Johnson, who waa badly Injured when struck wtth a freight train east of here, lay on the tracks all night and waa found by section men and brought to Kamloops where he died In the hospital. A decapitated body, badly crushed, of an unidentified youth waa found on the track west of here. .1 Ml