25, gener rere on 4, - eee ot horarnaniitttelboas — LAW OF INCREASING RETURNS, | - GONT. Wik MAKE B20 MILLIONS poe MORE IN SPITE OF Tax cur | 7 ~~ | | “| 'Mrs. Rudsvick 4S CONSUMPTION incREASES sh ion * be gap ispecies npn iba , [Bzecomm | | & mon THs ' } (PaeTeeTe)| ong 2 A ‘ bo TAX ; INCREASED é 3? pea @ ‘ i a do Cee ae oS + ce ’ HiREr ee ? & Momus ” | (actuary ‘ . eee sail irmmeciiieesel S| LAW oF DIMINISHING L : RE TURNG ~ ede an OF REASING BETURNS | abov K lay April ibd) yas removed in Aprij of this year ited that e VAX Was Ci the vings: Cut pie int cle d iid cook Then a readers Reasonably Gift Shoppe +t it ted in learn Defence meeting at 8 pm ome (279) Dance 8. Whist 8 Music by M Refresh Every- (279) $1.00 i tinge SPECIAL curre aes PICY APPLESAUCE family to it often. Serve it hot or cold iment for meat, as a dessert or as a| 20¥. however i gingerbread 4) EVERYBODY WSES MON Y, INCLUCING GOVERNMENT, BECALES CONSUMPTION DECLINED It trend and end of arrow points for the other end following the same directions For really glamorous ones, use equins or rhinestones for trim- 7 . om reduced cigarette takation in last April's shows the drastic deeline in sales following the imposition ana the spectacular 40.5 per cent increase in the silll further increase government revenue cent package of 20 cigarettes » eration in ice cream or puddings. TAK DECREASED a 3? pee 20 é| | federal budget first Against the loss in revenue suffered in tine government has gained about $20 million dollars in the first it, Tobacco growers say that a further reduction in the 1953 They ~ ABOUT TOWN Friends of Mrs. Grace Legg wife of Roland E. Legg, well- known mining engineer in B.C is easy to make will regret to learn that she re- cently underwent a serious op- Vancouver. She is making steady progress towards recovery Mrs. Legg was a resident of Prince Rupert in the early °30's ribbon, Make two more When her husband was in charge of mining operations of the Surf Point Gold Mine on Porcher Island for the N. A. Timmins Company Mr. and Mrs. Jack Judge have 1 rPericy oie returned to town from Los An- : Se a4 ov — oe Ske geles where they were visiting who wishes to achieve a smooth Mrs. Judge's fathers Fred Shaw, ean itiine with lipstick. I wae padre renerty —Geahenged ve. been using one for years from hospital after an opera- nd must confess 1 never actu- tion. Mr. Shaw was one of the pioneer citizens of Prince Ru- realized how important this pert. Mr. and Mrs. Judge were had become to me away for about two months ii I had my pufse stolen last! > . week, thus losing my lipstick rush. I was y lipstick from the case takes a litthe me a nuch better Not only that onger, Incidentally Cnristin: 4 our Use BROKEN, CHIPPED been nursing two along now for ntl and just m-type nails lovely sheen i my on ionger. P.S growing A FAULTY FURNACE CAN MAKE YOUR FUEL BILLS SOAR... Let Us Overhaul Your Furnace Now so you'll be ready when the southeasters roar. Thom Sheet Metal LIMITED all thumbs trying while customed to using the results are 80 but lipstick will stay on much such brush- es would make very acceptable tr gifts for some of the NAILS 4 woman's greatest problem. i ten days ist sold me a sup- i nail sealer every mht: it is quick drying, gives and I enamel stay My two problem 253 First Ave. Phone Black 887 Rupert Fishermen's Co-operative Assoc. NOTICE COMMENCING FOR LUNCH Members are PSsibie Dri to have their to delivery, Monday, December 1 THE COW BAY STORE WILL CLOSE HOUR FROM 12:30 to 1:30 specially requested where at all orders placed the day After a six-week holiday trip to Europe during which he vis- ited Germany, Sweden and Den- mark, Olle Varfeldt, Port Ed- ward, returned yesterday aboard the CNSS Prince Rupert rived im Vancouver by from New York plane It Manus, Mrs. Miss He ar-!' Holds Shower For Bride-to-Be held at the home of Mrs. O. Rudsvick, The guesis a.vtending were Mrs. Wm. Hoff, Mrs. Earl. Mc~' Floyd Blanchard,’ Mrs. Ellen Blanchard, Mrs. Fred Mostad, Mrs. Dave Gabel, Mrs. Ann Blums, Kaare Rudsvick, and Miss Eve- lyn Rudsvick. Thompson, Mrs. Ernest Miss Betty Osky, Mrs. Sending a gift, but unable to attend was Miss Gertrude Mat- tern Bingo was played and novelty prizes were awarded. The bride- to-be was then presented with a decorated buggy containing her many delightful gifts. At the close of an enjoyable evening | refreshments were served by the Mrs. Rudsvick and Evelyn Rudsvick assisted by Mrs. Thompson. hostesses Credit Group To Hear David Robins Speaker at the Retail Credit Grantors Assoctution fimt din- ner meeting on Friday will be David Robins, credit lection manager of and coi- on the fundamental of credit granting. The dinner will be held in the Civie Centre dining-room at 6:30 will ‘adjourn to the ladies’ lounge for p.m. Afterwards members a business meevng In a bulletin to members, the executive committee adds “As Association meetings will be held every other month, we urge all members to attend these meetings. Your program committee's aim is to provide meetings which will be of direct educational interest to you. We would remind that the meetings are being planned so that you will be free after 9 p.m. Your executive will short and keep the meetings snappy Trv Daily News Want Ads ma , in honer of bride-| * elect Therese Herouxe whose | marriage to Victor Pierce takes, place jn the near future. Frizzell’s Motor Products Ltd. He will talk principles members Roller Skates Available Now In All Sizes at Civic Centre ' Rollerskates in all sizes are now available at the! A miscellaneous shower was) Civic Centre. Arriv quiries at the main desk. Rollerskating is proving an increasingly popular recreation at the Centre, with juniors, ‘teen-agers and aduits each tak- | ing part at least once a week in growing numbers The Centre invites skaters to Make up parties and enjoy an evening of fur. and exercise. The large supply of skates for loan will make this possible for everyone In other Civie Centre activ- ities, the Teen Club has decided to buy new records with funds on hand for its next dance on Dec. 6. The dance last Saturday Was well-attended and, with a fresh supply of nit-parade music available, the next one is expected to be still better At a meeting of the Tiny Tot leaders yesterday, need of more toys for the growing classes was found to be urgent. Toddlers from the age of one to three years are an increasingly large group and toys are needed to keep them occupied. Families with toys in their homes which either have been discarded or no longer needed are asked to phone the Civic Centre which will arrange to pick them up, if necessary The Centre also puts out these reminders are Don't forget, girls. If you are keen on gym classes and are from 6 to 8 years of age, you meet on Thursdays at 3:30 p.m.| If you are 9 to 12 years old,} please come to your class on Mondays at on the right days. Be era aaa a a aa aa a aaa ‘i : UNITED CHURCH MEN'S CLUB SEA FOOD DINNER Church Hall FRIDAY, NOV. 28 Pee! tae ae a ee a eee ee EVERYBODY WELCOME a a a a a a a ft, seem a little thing but it is less trouble when you use tea bags and extra enjoy~ able when they re Salada. year ‘round. Contains Shaving Cream and an extra 10-blade dispenser, GILLETTE ROCKET GIFT SET @ Here’s a gift he'll welcome the Rocket One-piece Razor, Styrene travel case, 10 Gillette Blue Blades in dispenser—plus tube of Gillette aod < AT YOUR DEALER'S... a Gillette Hi aD Onn uN th I GIFT PACK OF GILLETTE = BLUE BLADES IN DISPENSERS @ Months of shaving pleasure are ahead for every man who receives one of these attractive holiday packages containing three dispen- sers each holding 20 Gillette Blue $2.20 He Blades—60 blades in all $3.90 al of the skates has been eagerly|ot the membership committee |M awaited, and those interested are asked to make en- “Boys 6 to 12 years of age | Mrs C Wilkinson. Eight /mem- who are interested can meet | €T and the Senior Regent Mrs. 3:30 p.m. Advanced boys from | 74 9 to 12 years will please come! Prize winners were Miss Sylvia on Thursdays at 3:30 p.m. member to keep this time in Refreshments mind and attend regularly.” 3:30 p.m. This is} important so remember to come} 5 p.m. te 7 p.m. : | FRASER & PA} [> coe Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday, November 27, 1952 : WOTM Meet at Member's Home The regular montaoly meeting _|held this week at the home of a. — ae. 2 F. De Blass were present. Following a short business « scussion, cards were enjoyed. Swenson on Mondays at Re- Johnson and Mrs. A.: Hamilton. were served by the hostess. ay PR UaL ILI 1000 A MONEY SAVING EVENT | FOR FRIDAY and SATURDAY DRAPERY SPECIAL 10 pieces, assorted patterns, mostly tropical designs. Roughtex and Bark cloths, discontinued numbers, 48’ wide. Values up to $4.95 SPECIAL, YARD Ned numbers, $7.49 GIFT TOWEL SETS Boxed, assorted colors, large bath towel, guest towel, and ¢ 79 wash cloth : THE Sey ~ . AICFEATHER PILLOWS $9.75. ers, standard size pillows, covered with featherproof Ucking .... EACH MR. AND MRS. BOXED PILLOW CASES: Beautifully embroidered in ; colors. Made up in gift =. boxes. Good quality. PAIR $9.75 " t ‘ A niéw shipment of this special panel just arrived, outstand- $] 85 a ~~ WABASSO SHEETS 81" x 100". -WABASSO : tea Tr $8.50 Bleached Pillow Cases PAIR Good quality, ready to use’ 32... PAIR $] a 00 ing walue., 42’ x 81“, hemmed sides, double sewn, 6’’ bottom heme, $, do loving ice acd ee iu ee .. EACH ~~ MILL ENDS Silks, ‘Toffetas, Satins. Failles, and Novelty Fabries—White and colored. 1 te S-yard ends. Selling for less than cotton prints. Ladies’ Pic & Pic lacks | Ladies Pic & Pe Skins $7.95. fe te Greys, Tans, Browns, Blue, Tans, Browns, Blue Wor- Worsted. Sizes 12 to 20. sted. Sizes 12 to 20. : 9.95 EACH ; All Wool Twin Sweater Sets: Assotted. colors in pure wool, pullov2r-style short sleeve and long sleeve PULLOVER, Each $3. 5Q arvican, tech. $495. Nylon Hosiery “INVITATION” Brand This famous well-known brand, 51 gauge, 15 denier. Reg. $1.50 @.pair—First quality. TEN all new shades—Just arrived. Sizes 815 to 11 is dois, : = nite $1.19 3 pain ror. $3.50 § MEN'S and BOYS’ WEAR | Well MEN'S BATHROBES . , , all-wool Englis annel. izes $14.95 Medium and Large only. Wine, Navy and Green. Good heavy ouality. In Gift Bag SPECIAL, Each MEN'S PANT SPECIAL ~. Duraliner Slacks with one year guarantee. Perfect tailor- -_ ing. Stain, spot and rain repellent. Brown and Greys. $12.95. Heats ft - MEN'S SOCK SPECIAL . Sins 0638 ee SPECIAL, Pair All Nylon, plain and ribbed—Subs. HAPPY FOOT, with $1 00 Vid ‘at Ty cushioh soles. All perfect. Sizes 10 to 1114. SPECIAL, Pair All-wool V-neck style eer arene tops, as ; “aU : colors, Also good pullovers. Blue, Wine, Navy. $ 95 quality flannelette, assort- $ 95 Sizes 28 to 34. J EACH > SPECIAL... SUIT ?. a a SUIT SPECIAL P®ocress sranp crories made to measure suits— FOR x ; ; S 20% discount on all orders placed up to Decmber 10th. A big BOYS’ SWEATERS BOYS’ PYJAMAS Those present also includec. rs. H. Beaton, Mrs. T. Glenn, |of the Women of the Moose was!M®8. M. Montgomery, Mrs. H. pis aden So aio passin Mares Sardine bec i: Big ' Pmt, Na Bea Nga ace sible Seas Decale anole