S Vrli rC4fAJ Unw A. I K LMJNDR.V BJaCT f 1A 11. J . v ,. 1 . j Ait UV VU', U ACT. THE DAILY NEW3 PAGE FTV2 l E PIONEER SUNDRY KIDS vou VKWQVI OA t.Jll t UUk IMOlPr VlltU lift i n ri n r rnnirnan t tnm inn a ion anu newness wnen tie .fill a h il (in ii mi n Hiniin ncrnin. 1 . . II a a J IIV Ot ,. 1. Ill fctIC iJlllJL'Is ii w. nupr wn v vnn nnnf r U) U !- i.uiui uit Ui'ltll I'. : I J . iiriHHr i.Hiinnrv - - - - M Phone 118 Ladies F Hose SILK TO THR TOP Chiffons or Silk, in all color 3 TO TUB PAIR Special $2.50 The Louvre 31 6 Third Avenue Next Royal Hank EMBER ! For Montreal price tr. on Clothing for Men & Boys m Don't forget the, Montreal Importers Third Avenue J. II. Miller Proprietor Canton Crepe DRESSES from $12.50 Smart little Wash Dresses sizes 7 to 16 From $1.50 to $2.23 BENT'S LA DIBS' UBADY-TO-WBAK Third Avenue MILK -:- PRICE Reduced to 12 pints for $1.00 7 quarts for -91.00 12 pints for .51.00 Cash price tickets. Mcliride Street store now closed Valentin Dairy Office and Dairy - 11th St. Telephone 657. Wateriront Whiffs (Julel WWk on Waterfront With Expectation .f 1J2 Socle ve Run Biological Station Active that fishing there has slacked off, loor returns. Sealed Tender will be received by tbe Mlnlater of Landa. at Victoria. BC . not Warke Channel also reports. later than noon on the 21st day of,poriani u.u. inauatry. July. 1 U 27. for tlx purchaae of Licence 1 The experiment, dealing with the In- X11M. to cut 1J1T2.OU0 f.bjn of apruco. , .... . I and and eedr cedar on on an an -area area altuated altuated "" ' eauae hemlock on the North Ann Wark Channel. Kange b. Casat Olatnct. Two (2) year will be allowed for removal of timber. Further particular of the Chief Fore-ter, Victoria. B.C.. or District, Fureatr. Prince Rupert, BO. TIMBER SALE X8917 Sealed Tender will be received by the Minuter of Land at Victoria. BC, not later than noon on the lit day of August, 177. for the purchaae of Licence XBUtT. to cut 630450 lineal feet of Cedar Poles and Piling on an area on Ferguson Bay, Maxaelt Inlet, Queen Charlotte Islands. Three (3) years will be allowed for removal of timber. Further particulars of the Chief For eaier, victoria, tie. or District poreater, Prince Rupert. B C, LAND ACT NOTIt'K OF IXTKNTION TO APPLY TO I.K.tE LANK LAND ACT NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE LANK. In Range 4, Coast Land District. Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and aituate In vicinity of Captain's Cove, Pitt Island. B.C. TAKE NOTICK that OoMie Packing Co. Ltd.. of 325 Howe St., Vancouver, B.C.. occupation Ppih Packers, Intend to apply for a lease of the following described, lands: Commencing' at a post planted about , mile distant In a northerly direction from: Lot 1253, Range 4; thence north to tain point of conimetibemeht, ling- 10 acre, more or 1ms and con UUBHK f ACKINU W. Applicant. Per Chas. L. Roberta, Agent. Dated April 7. 127, LAND ACT of discolora tion of flail, are proceeding ateadlly. i Some klnda of. discoloration disappear on exposure to air, some discoloration goe alien the fish I kept on Ice. It Is only by scientific investigation and evnerlment that th. .tnu r,f IK!. PKWuCciVcd IOC thai Uhm i i ptflmnb are planned tod long ae .tepted theories Bttd eotivkeUou may be 'proved ! Wbn Um weather here u m It can Dot be. equalled for IU mnnnm! tut When It is rood a u delightful o the Wklit matt tbooeht a on hia; weekly tour of tbejrooi he found all enjoying Ov nun iM sir and teeUnc. IUe tusMelf the de4r b do nstMng sm keye run haa not commenced thoilVh the Haida Qbjef report-1 And on cdr. that it hP-td on her trip she ran through salmon for a couple of Lours: Doubt-pnj on a Tnundar afternoon iesa the cold season and the resulting cold of the river haa had hmlfwliy l to ple-nto arc BometnuiK io no wilh the alow start Report from Dundaa state 00 H P""1- .! the prate of tt weather man. On Tuesday prices for halibut Jumped. 17.10c for first, and tZZZTZ Z Z n-v.r.. aiu iu nit-rtmf neon WW I Mattery. anU 15.10c more Uma uauat warmth of the water 9 for aecond beUxf ald4( thV Amefl ,Tha xpiaar aanet of the ettf hat been emu bot ruttery and IS. 10c and 1 to the Canadian Helen. Prlvea ere goed on WediMday but towirda tlx week-end they were dawn to eleven and ten. Ob Friday the Onah and AUl held their eaUhea. wmttlng tar a better price thla ntdrotng. Total arrlrala fur the wte 'were 34, Undtng. It u undenuiod that the JT' C N It. authorttlea are eonalderlng grading the way right down to their dock tnua glMug ready actaa to both, and arlng mdleaa time and trouble for I r rrt wed fully and haa been flvlnf great I J. Oybhavn and W. J - iiukv uui a luuen more a;vKfan ju.uar finwnefiaoei am I frit will De a real benefit Ui tlKM win make a walk Several aelne boat arc operating In ShawaUana paaaae but to far have not had particularly good auoceaa. Nelaon left for Mi the Delphinium on Tuenday returning on Thuraday. Cap tain Btfert wa buay adluttlng the 600 tot Amertoan and 3CX l Ca,. j f"1 of reweatlona. I Mm1M ,(Ur Uirlr turn Uw, dlan bottoma. making an aggregate of!" OB, could UPP" made i- pert aafely la aMte of U fr 73 .(XX) pouixll. The rovtntal Oovjnunent Improve-menu at tlx wet end of the tVnern-irent nan are aupolylng a long felt ant. When the work la completed titer wUl be apace for a twenty foot roadway connecting the government and the CN R. wharvea. The flrtt ateo waa the moving of the Prince Ituput Boat House atore ehed from tbe old k. a..n. j.l" 1, . . T """".on Tlwraday ' morntng. there eaniwt would be a weekly feature of the auetal . , ,v nana are praoMeally csmpleted for the evertietKl walk tu the toot of U-Brlde Btreet and. aa the material U already on tbe ground tbe work will oe earned on when tbe plana ar4 finally approved. While the dally work going on at Imivhiu ui bite efw ui ivr u.n.it. pro- o-- im .iinwu- perty. Tnu has been done and new"' ai appeaia iwjine 2&L TLMDLit SALB XI 10 1 ordinary man on the atreet. a walk through the building li extremely In-teteatlnf. Tbe equipment I fairly complete and In each of the depart- meliu experlmenta are being tarried out all with a view of Improving the. rtaulu of tlahing and the many aide-J line, connected with thla verr lm-' The Reveille wlatato haa bren engaged m packing from IIIh haa now turned ,lta attention to aetolua: mkI IU place been taken by the B. and Y. The Betma, Oapt Chrla Olaen, made a apetal trip to tbe CeM Storage on The big aelne boat. "Halda Chief, on charter to the Canadian Plahlng Company waa In port for repair during the week and H now on her way to Walea I aland cannery. Bill Ohelin ha been buay renovating the Kelpie and now ahe hardly know brrhelf. Ogopogo l being tuned up ao that! any report aa to It appearance In the Okanagan water may be expected any time. Henry White" seiner, ahe has not yet 'hrtatened. left Sat-change on coloration, whether from . chemical I fcUUK Lng" or from the presence of bacterial 1 Other experiments dealing with the utlllcatlon of by-broducta of fish In the production of glues and oil are being carried on And It la often CORPORATION u tup pixv n1 T- Nnox, Nellie, Nautilus and May- OF PRINCE RUPERT The Ward wayx have been busy thla week, among tbe boats being over hauled, repainted and generally reno- .. .. ... nu.LuM n . 1 tvf ur The arrival at the Yacht Club on II ." r I Riding is lie Hying You can never forget thin thrilling difference from nil other transportation!! Smooth indifference to road conditions. Silky KmoothnrsK in nil performance. Hiding in the Hx Super-Six is actually like flying. The dramatic appeal of a single ride is the Imsis of the greatest Antes in our history. You try this totally new experience in motoring. THERE ARB FIVE BEAUTIFUL NEW MODELS IS THE ESSEX SUPER-SIX CHASSIS-THE GREATEST VALUES IN ESSEX HISTORY. ESSEX Super-Six THE SUPER-SIX PRINCIPLE AMAZINGLY REVEALED PRICES Five Passenger Essex Super-Six Sedan, complete, fully equipped . . Five Passenger Essex Super-Six Coach, complete, fully equipped . . Five Passenger Essex Super-Six Coupe, complete, fully equipped .. Second Avenue. much better than the average this sea- sen so far. An occasional visitor to port has been the twin-power boat "Sanlta" of New Westminster. In charge of Frank De Orey. she la operated by the Provincial Board of Health for quarantine and rn-ipeetton work and Is making a sanitary survey of canneries and Industrial plants on the coast. The Halda Chief, a big Seine boat, bunt at Ertckson'a. North Vancouver, and on her way to Wale Island Cannery where ahe la under charter to Canadian flower. irisning company was in harbor lor re- i u pain during the week. George (Pegleg) TAKE NOTICE THAT ' Tht packer Nippon Current under Blrrell, formerly of tbe Star Welding I. The Council of the Corooratlon of charter to the B.C. Packers la at the' Works, was acting skipper. She baa a n.tcrt a'rCt ,K '"we.ve'fee? dock undergoing repair. Stranded, new Atlas Imperial delsel engine and wide on the south aide of Third Avenue on a ree in uie souin aire capmzru mm -"'s " " from a point ten feet east of tbe westerly rilled with water. The hull Is damaged was keeping a fatherly eye on Its be- poundary or 6tn street to the west i havlor. What with watching It and Recording DUtrlct of Prince Rupert, and ocl Improvement, and intends to aituate on Lot 102 Humpback Bay, lor-cher Island, B C. TAKE NOTICE that P. II. Cunningham, Board of Trade Building, of Vancouver, B.C.. occupation Salmon Broker. Intends to apply for a lease of the following described land: Commencing at a post planted 150 yards south-southeast of northeast cor-ner pent of Lot 102. Range J: thence due south 6 chain; thence south -southeast 19 chains; thence due north chains; thence west-northwest along shore to point of commencement and containing 14 acre, more or leas. FRANCIS HENRY CUNNINGHAM, Applicant. Dated 25th June, 1827. breaking In a new set of molars, George a pec tally asset tbe coit upon the land This week ha seen "a large number bad his hands and his mouth full. !uchUnr Uo'of'the coat" Wn'm flsn,ne PrtlM- Picnic are a daily! . attreelnUrsectlona00" evening feature of the social life! The 8uga Yards are busy Installing a 2. The estimated coat of the work U too. - I new 16 horse-power medium duty en- 11400.00. of which 1121.21 I to be paid; . ... , '&lne on- the new n,llbut 1x381 Bm80 by the Corporation, and the estimated . . , , annual apeclal rate per loot frontage U i Our weather prophet are betting on ( 1.7782. The special asseasment Is to be. four good days. There was rog on John Currie and Son have the con-paid in 10 annual Instalment. .! Thursday morning, and It waa the .rt fnr drtvin the new -iu, t th Persons desiring to petition against undertaking the work must do so on or before tbe 10th day of August. 1927. E. F. JONES. City Clerk. Dated thla 6th day of July. 1827. LAND ACT. change of the moon. Albert and McCaffery wharf, and work U proceeding. Thursday morning of the unusually Frank Allan has been practising fine motor yacht the Inomar It. has -musical engine" on the Confer re-attracted much attention. It Is the centlv. He took out tne old enelne and NOTICK OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO Property of Harry (Hank) Haskamp. then found he could not get hi new LEASE tOKESIIOKE. In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate at Sewell Inlet, Moresby Island, Queen Charlotte Islands. TAKE NOTICE that KUley Logging Company Limited, of Vancouver, BO., occupation Timber Merchants, Intends to apply for a leaso of the following desert tied JorshoTe Commencing at 'a post" planted , at the southeast corner: of, Lot' 4T1 Seven Inlet, Moresby Island, Queen Chktlotte Islands: thence in a northeasterly .dlrec-, Uon. following the. hlxrt walef mar--t 5 chaltn,.thence east 20 chains; 'W'reW?-1.. .L mence outh tdalHrff- ttience wnt, along ahorit"- totithwesterly direction to the point NOTICE OF INTENTION TO Al'I'LY TO LEASE LtM. In Range 3, Coast Land District. Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and aituate on the south ahore of La-Bouchere Channel, B.C. TAKE NOTICE that aos.- Packing Co. Ltd., of 325 Howe St., Vancouver, B.C., occupation Fish Packers, intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted at the southeast corner TJ- 10390. Rang 3, Coast Land District; thence south 6 chains; thence -west 10 chains; thenr north 5 'Chains to ahore; thence easterly along shtre to point of commencement, and containing 6 acres, more or less. OOSSE PACKING CO. LTD, Applicant, per Chas. L. Robeita, Agent. Dated April 7. IB27. LANDACT. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO ATPLY TO LEASE LAND In Queen charlotteTTsiand Land Recording District of Princ Rupert, and ltuate at the head of the south' arm of De La Beche Inlet, Moresov isiana. TAKE NOTICE that British Columbia Flahlng & Packing Co. Ltd.. of Vn-couver B.C., occupation Packera. lnttr.ds to apply for a lease of the following described lands: . . Commencing ai p J"" " V"? head of the south arm of De La Beche Inlet Moresby IsUnd: thence south 5 chains; thence east 20 cnaiiia; north chains, more or less, to high water mark; thence west along high water mark to point of commencement, and containing 10 acres, mors or Jew. BRITISH CULUlimn I""""" ft PACKING CO. I-TD..ppiic(nt Dated j-sc 10, 19". of commencement, and conta'nlng 140 acres, more or lea. JOSEPH DOUGLAS WILSON. Agent tor Kelley Logging Co. Ltd. Dated 2th April. 1B27 LAND ACT. .NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE LAMl I'd It IMIL'HTIIIAL PURPOSES In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and. situate at Sewell Inlet, Moresby Island, Queen Charlotte Islands. TAKE NOTICE that Kelley Logging Company Limited, of Vancouver, B.C., occupation Timber Merchants, Intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted at the southeast corner of Lot 470 Sewell Inlet, Queen Charlotte Islands; thence north 60 chains; thence east BO chains, more or less, to shore: thence following the shore line In a southwesterly direction to the point of commencement, antf containing 180 acres, more or leas. JOSEPH DOUOLAS WILSON, Agent for Kelley Logging Co. LM. Dated asth Aorll. 1B27, LAND ACT., NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE, LAMt. In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Queen Charlotte Islands, and situate at Massett Indian Village No. 1 TAKE NOTICE that The Mauett Can-nera, Ltd., of Prince Rupert, B.C., occu- fiatlon Cannera, Intend to apply for a ease of the following described lands: Commencing at this post planted at the northwest corner of our site at Maasett, B.C.; thence southerly chalna; thence easterly 3.29 chains, more or less; thence northerly 3 chains; thence westerly 3.25 chains, more or less, to point of commencement, and containing on acre, more or less. THE MABSKTT CANNER8, LTD. Applicant Per V. Lorsnzen, Agtnt, Date April 20, 1827. Hank was in Prince Rupert in iBii on tn. in time for the Regatta. He and 1912 and had to come back and WM able to get his old engine back for give It the once over again. The yacht the regatta which did not come off. and la forty feet long, eleven foot beam ' then he had to get It out again as the and engined Accompanied with a by his 100 h p. Scrip. . buyer wanted It. Now the new engine two sons and j., aboard and Frank figures he has daughter and Mr. Lyons. . Harry leftnough npwer to travel faster than Vanoonuver. qn.;july 2. and Is making eVr,' '.. ' a 'leisurely' . .'tour Jf. the northern j' -., t yt. ' -' Mer. i. . ... t ji-Tajitlpg pcrtuslcthe 'waterfront Is "Ed. Qlbbons met Hank lnyancbuver ( , ago'g oVeftJIne performirice that overya- .year ago andb)tervmcn- John E. Davey iJuVtfp'JnthegSirBc af tlonccf Mat' -li- wis getting, a new boatthe Presbyterian picnic. By coming last j the Inomar II. When , EaV returned John E. acquired the booby prlre and M from a' trip to- hf dottage land saw. the receiving congratulations on his flne: Inomar at the, club, he recollected the v,orr, while the whole waterfront are mention of the boat and oh liivestlga- congratulating themselves on their dls- j tion found that sure enough It was tlngulshed athlete. as he had thought, ana 01a acquain tances were renewed. The NevUine, seiner of the Oammon Interests, arrived from Walker Lake riulv aiithnrlud arent bf Frank' Patter aon. Free Miner's Certificate No. 89137 C. I PAIN from Bladder Irritation toon aataa by 8ANTAL MlOY war f ImlUtlaas Laok for tha word "MlOY" geld, by all druigiiii Rsilavt er The fog Is responsible for much, but Its success In creating angels out of some of the more or less ordinary peo- . pie on the front 1s out of the ordinary. Cannery on Wednesday and left on Dx CUpperton and wrat 0, nla tTienu Thursday for the Naas district. Since vfn ga2lng the quay on on! of the start of the season sheiad landed tne foggy mornlngs wnen to Doc's sur-1,000 onl a fair catch, but sockeye. Ue he dlsllnctly aaw nlm9eIf wlth B lest he ' ..i.,ri . i"VT -1 halo. halo. Scarce Scarce daring daring to to speak speak Alllr,llAijauiiji (Form F) CKItt IFICATE OF l.MPKtivEMKNTS NOTICE "WESTERN HOPE," "TRIXIK." and "OLD KENTUCKY" Mineral Claims situate in the Skeena Mining Division of Prince Rupert DlatrlcV Where Located --On Porcher Island. TAKE NOTICE that Lewis VU Patmore, Free Miner' Certificate No. 89151 C, the break the spell he noticed that bis associates were, seemingly spell-bound, too. True enough all were seeing themselves arrayed with the heavenly crown. But no one could see his neighbor's halo. And we have only their own word for It that at least for a short period they were decorated with the celestial Thf Prince Rupert and j. Vancouver intend, sixty days from the date hereof, j Steveorlngand'Plle Driving Company to apply to the Mining Recorder for BP8 SMiaafd'l$wen to the Certificates of Improvements, for the, TimsdWhrtril i. Is purpose of obtaining a Crown Grant of iOVnJpU-invtr the above claims. now IipWttIouTand "onlyJOje detoy In 'And further take notice that action1. Ue arrival of the timber 'iTTioldlng up under Section 83, must be commenced . , . before the Issuance of such Certificate of tbe work. The timber U due In a Imorovements. Dated this 6th dsy of Mav. 1S27. LEWIS W. PATMORE, couple of weeks. Margaret N- Captain Fritz, has been on the ways at the drydock and is now looking very spruce after her visit to renovators. . The scow completed at the drydock for -George Bushby was entirely made of local lumber If all local Interests used local products to the same extent the town would fc batter for It $i,neo.oo $ i, t!6o.no Prince Rupert Auto Co. Opposite Rupert Hotel Phones 75 and 275 CAMP-FIRE PERMITS This year it is necessary to havea permit from some Forest Officer-before any camp-fire may be set in any forest jjbr woodland Be sure to get a permit for your camp-fire and follow the instructions printed on the back of it BRITISH COLUMBIAFOREST SERVICE PREVENT FOREST FIRES YOU CAN HELP DENTIST Dr. J. R. Gosse Helgerson Block X-RAY SERVICE Phone 686 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Evening Appointments UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT CENTRAL HOTEL The place called "Home" 120 Rooms, American and European Plan. Hot ahd Cold Water. Qua meets all trains and boats. Sample Room Phone 51. L. Martin, Manager.