tinneente * rr.nce Rupert i ” ihutsday, Noy, 27, 19 ~ = $ “4 ce an eee 3 ye ie a gaye aa! — : oh HoT LUNCHES | KARACHI Pakistan (CP) _ nder new Government ulations all factories in Raves a jemploying more than 250 worke will have to maintaian a e “ie | Waxes ‘fri Rut j teen, The canteens wilj be oper- | ted *On a non-profit bi i committees on which employer ru vt HG workers nave equal repres | oy i 4 ™\ ntation = nee Ie a= ER eiN e A ° o> . ao ’ en 7 : ‘\ he & , eX lOHNSOY'S = i . ‘ \ it ; fir : atone »xterior of the main lodge, looking past the ballroom towards ee. THE NEW CENTRAL BUILDING at Jas) es : viata 3 0 a with the al oad daria the nh Grae lho 90 onan of the i rior of the lounge « ro ; a . . = : A + . P ‘ f oe ati " Tuebe artist drawings show the The Jasper Park Lodge was destroyed by fe last July j TO BE COMPLETED IN MAY Canada Likely to Benefit From U.S. Demand | PACIFIC) 2 “il New Jasper Park Lodge Under Construction ms : ae | ate, IZ saat ‘ r concern of the com- — MONTREAL—In the light of its wealth of } , ; nee x concern of the com i=. sources and “timely capital expansion program, Insofar as the solutions can i Special t f f 7 x” provided within the United Pee aie ° ‘onada “mar son bly hope to benefit richly over a ee i, ASPER A + ihe rs al I Léanada May reasona pe t 4 States’ borders, the Commission IN iful l eatur Acros : ,/ the short and middle term from the colossal appetite suggests that the keys are en- artistic blending of yarie- I OM a ; a 4 - ee oh. of ale | Cres ources and technology oa . ; pos oth or materials of our neighbor to the south,” the Bank that the steering force is, or ° ia : 132 feet 11 $a e kite res. Direct Of Montreal's latest Business Review comments, hould b the. lea $ cont prin- @ ° Aur g ‘ width } t t The report adds that “if the _ Le SOS cae STE |p sue ¢ Gives th aC ws Te ing YoamamAsrance wend is toward an age of scar-} gumes about half the free — ™m a” ntelligen a » 4 é ric H'bt J : a b vert that can only be averted) world output. It currently stion ruther than hoarding.’ Peciic MAb eddb ents ¢ lasting wax bai new b i a ad: tay ta by major technological develop- uses approximately 2.7 billion avoidance f economic waste, . flavor and nourishment to «4 you've G F Drimm hief architect ms i; ments, we too may be well ad tons of materials annually integrated planning by private e roe! ever seen wood ! : v7 ae : sinetin aheiall cipes. ‘ e CNR, will bl he : : vised to dc seen seriou Of rt about I8 tons per person. enterprise and government, in » sits ‘ on : : ikine f the ynger range i . ar } . ; ey re { ay . 4s A ‘ ! his backdrop, and ensive exploration, and topoe- by the ire) Te a tl ! W tn apparent! suming that the gross national _ ® BUY B.C. PRODUCTS ‘ 4 make Sat ea will con- ®'#Phical and geological maj- |» ‘ JOHNSONS vy ’ reg S : This month's statement ap-! tin crease by three pe BOR eeeeeoeeeeeee 7 aoe SLi orey . st g i ) PS he recent Resources! cent per annum, that the pop = Beauvert Freedom” report to the UB |lation now. 137. millions witi *S2°S™ US, Ue Mt EO ee rer ere eee eye ! adminis es e x Pp jent, by the Materials Pol reach a level of 193 miilior hy PP { oS W € Commission. This, the bank | 197 that the work week ag Clas Ht a ! well-« imented and | ing it 15 per cent short Qe te f earching analy f tl poss th 150 nd that th } , r ; ie he free w 1 in! duct ri an-hour w ri bd ee 1 While | at and half » with the! cent n has mac % j “ the a sé ion it ws ‘ : Se known, demar iou tr 7 6 Ty C a Bes peti ~_ rials in the 1970-1980 pe e oe : vith the jod = ‘omit : qn I ' ich ag pan } Sp mie Will if re t nvo. t it} awe be , e 4 f Mner of t more tha 0 to 60 p hy Loe vehibr is > one eo. IN PAT ops the total use of mate S. Y f x he lake a} 4 Bu the i f minera -- or and als a in relatio ie th world night rise by 90 per cent, and hy i1round the windows CONTINUES FE ARMIN( wl Hi re i fa } outside the Tron Curtain, the her: particularly, the isk f &4 I roadway, which circles, Imperid! Oi! drilled ) United States, has only 4.5 hortages 5 faced. He b¢ i flagpole,’ oj] field to date, Retiwa friheest of Edmonton. ¥ per cent of the population and such eno: i expanded jg . a oma the 'ca't a h contintes | h th ir eight, per cent of the tand | needs are to be provided without a le and’ which it the posts GFP TO ares. yet. preduces and con- Mdue increase n feal ; 65 72 by ro foot lobby. Here are i eo. cee we aN aaNet aaa STN MMMM NAMM OO ee le fi oca le be ap- - Z ’ € t quarters, ) deil boys Hiss Denied . ih cael : of iat uy te i» IS IT HARD TO. SELECT i the lower level ° ; } . Off the east side of the lobby Pa role , im “ as is the administration wing, S 7 ‘ * 4 > & ; V IN (AF r} 6 ~~ *S kg *vhich in its 120 foot length and . . ‘ « b J 75 foot width houses lodge 8 op ll ces ce ee . : ol iat ° * uf offices, telegraph and _ ticket , ; i. 5 ee offices, telephones, reservations 7 . : 1) ' Cig : i desk, transportation desk, news- ; C > (= ae stand and shops. From here Ps ~~ . Zz ~ & : bs also a Stairway leads to the ; , - \ *% &9 lower level whose windows take ; 5 ' om ae idvantage of the lawn which ' " SHOBRPRAAKE A VERY PRACTICAL GIFT | ¢ = jopes ‘dov to the lakef ecrel & *s : a th * &8 Ol wn to the aKefront c o A NC Ww E : Vv A GOOD SELECTION TO CHOOSE FROM. / " 5 ‘ A eM { Dy is s . Pe 2 . 1 ¢ ¢ j «i2Z , ‘ os ' o o — < a ” . 90 ce st f ” 21208) um write down the numbers inside an old pair jy e 3 : ird t s ' ' \ T 2 4 ided ee os ed “ Gag “BW!!! give you his size in the shoe you select “ ae Tif ai eni 7 ‘ " er * 4d mut — 2 t mamta On od with hard-wearing 2 tt IO 5 f ‘ ‘ - ” 4 te > and Storm Welt. All sizes. 6 to 12 * of I PRINCE RUPERT s WAQz : ya , 1 LITTLE THEATRE }, 3 apnea Sey at dary $ fa v}j the *s y @ roms AS ‘nin0'§Q 95 iy “ ‘ ” . i » I i Ask Me No Questions’’¢ % : \ * ty re tur “ ie e'% . Dé Civic Centre Auditorium i 5 ad ary an Dec. 1 & 2 $:30 pm < ror the boy who wearg men’s size we have @ ag y t r A ‘ - * - * Py ee Tt Children 3 j Adults 75 ) “ a smart Three-Eyelet Oxford with Gro Ss WZ i ut} s r ' — ' 5 *# a . . “ Cork soles Developed to meet all “ ag 2 wide ) 5 requirements in pricing and styling plus 5 bg é Ye ay S * the kind of Value-Quality that spe IIs, : i vir ee ls a lad 5 tisfaction. Sizes 6 to 11] “ og : ie a : . s - * 7 1eck roon | ASK F T a : ; 2 From'tt ee ae OR SCOTLAND'S 2 Priced at Only So : ee FAVOURITE SON Sn o uf f I ad Ling P) Si ning ro the ba yom and ‘ $ 45 2 bY te tl Ope i rtyard with f 5 . . ai | = SOHNNIE : / iy end the Daily courtyard irre r i? 1 a b ou are i gu i hape and e “ be : measuring 82 feet in length and - - E “ %6 | { mse wiosiet aoemmees © WALKER 7 a ews to a reialive + ‘ * ° & 01! is,.i eC proximately, 5 * be the car ‘ € 4} on + . *. 2\ 0 es om mp. enclose ae 2 5 yi . i Wail = /, \ *, . z room k bar a h BORN 1820— , J te eg — ‘ of h h yer lived The dining r . ss ae , _ . 600 guests at ous attting i tee ~~ oad S : : - ++ who want the best. You cannot beot ‘ J W 0 a5 eC - 5 t zg N d la ‘ 175 foot by 62 foot area. Mas- - 2 the Hartt Shoe. ¢ a . . ina { will sive stone pillars from floor to o % Qe in rince “per f ceiling add a further touch to FI . We have a good stock of these * iv the rustic appearance of the NE By abit, >| s ; new lode. The orchestra wi : ‘ 2 0p Quality aes. ¢ like to read fhe ¥ idé' Ginner m from a OLD Ss or *. hg Slaud aleng th nn wal f t « a rE j i the dining re Koes \ : IF IT’S MEN’S SHOES YOU WANT... WE HAVE THEM! 2 | bY al y PWS. i ‘ a . i Meals ll be prepared in a| SCOTCH 3\B\ & LOAFERS .. .. STRAPS... . ELASTIC GORES ab gleaming kitchen 132 feet by 99 " 8 feet whieh adjoin the dinin WHISK el Sia : h ining y : s. | Wa ty oe GIFT CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE i bscripiio con" : FIC / at year’s subscription I * * 7 he HONOR ST. LAURENT / * =| of ee US YOUR ORUI , LONDON (CP) The honorary Distilled, Blended and : “ 4 * degree of Doctor of Laws will be ‘ Bottled in Scotland " “ @F | Weel conferred’ on Prime Minister St Contents 261 on 5 : ry Laurent ‘of Canada at a cerem- JOHN WALKER & sons LTD : ta rae % } “a ony at Yiiondon Univedsity on Scotch Whisky Distillers oun - = * ya % Nov. 28 that 1s the day after th ot amanda ee SO . a ; KILMARNOCK, SCOTLAND ? . 2 , Nov. 28. that is the day, afte’ 42 | % LIMITED : of . ® the opening of the Commar,-| teens = c bg ro wealth Prime Minjsters’ C jy, + oie Se eee 5 Box 638 CHARLIE ROBERTS Phone 357 2 wy ea ference here ana” oo eae paca ” S| a oy Be” > mare Board or by the G » © | Stowe, tm. 7 se ; ‘ ’ : ay, 3" Dee the man-was inthe houg wha] British Columbia Aa aaa MMM Pa ttt P a aP PPMP MMM tet PM Aahtateratasttatstaateatateet! , iv wai wea iat SD Ew Ree DER Le PLR LiMn