ao SPECIALS GOOD UNTIL WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 3rd Magarene ee ss. 31¢INABOB COFFEE'"-95c ne hpple Juiceq Al FIRST GRADE —— 67¢ | FRESH MILK 28c pe, Clear, an ie ICE CREAM 29¢ ICE CREAM 55¢ —_ DELUXE TEA BAGS $4.25 east y age! 12c rorsenins Ac : H's Jewel, Lb DUZ GIANT somes 6 7c ORN 15cl Ac | PEACHES 35¢ Valley, Kernel, Tin LIBBY’S STUFFED OLIVES 5c | Rice 2. 33c BETTER LIVING MAGAZINE Be | CHernies 23¢ lomatoes City, 20-oz. Tin 2Zl1c This Saturday marks the close of Super- WIN™: MAPLE LEAF SOAP FLAKES Valu’s, province-wide “Win A Car’ contest. 0D Pr oduct le Leaf ’s 5 at these low ie Plates 29¢c ries, your Gxtest fon Waa ance See Sis os A inum, EACH immediately Triple Size 89c ALL FORMS MUST BE IN SATURDAY | 2% Soap Flakes 34¢ R . + Meple Leaf Toilet Soap 2 Bars 19¢ Doll: oll PREM. Reguler Price $3.95 $2.49 | sic. 30c GREEN BEANS «~~~» 15¢ C Of All Nations OUR BIRTHDAY SPECIAL EACH 0. S. 25¢ COCONUT CRAB MEAT MAZOLA - CAKE MIXES Queen Charlotte OIL Little Dipper Martin’s \,-Lb. Tin 59¢ PINT 39 27c Vo-Lb. Pkt. 15¢ Grane 2 Ibs 25c Popping Corn tr 24c PRUNE PLUMS novos, 15-02 13¢ | Fruit Cocktail Asparagus Sunlight Soap tet Potatoes Hunt's, 15-02 Tin DAE Cuttings 3 bars 29c a O. 2 Ibs 25¢ Thornton's . Quality 20-07 2 tins 25c Toilet Tissue eli ‘iclous Apples Kadana Tea Bags c ae | 10c 15° Grol LB. M.D., the best. ROLL e . b PEACHES — 20° | CATCHUP : 29 Nubar Royal City, 15-02. tin Ayime., per botth he ‘i Rac ; a , 15] ) ORANGES $1 1 9 . PER BOX oa. tatoes BUNDLE 2 boxes $2.35 trta Ge ms aa, . $4.39 UPER-VALD Prince Kupert Daily News Thursday, November 27, 1952 Thanks A MILLI: _ FOR YOUR PATRONAGE IN THE LAST TWELVE MONTHS It is just a year this week-end since Sheardown’s Super-Valu opened its doors for business. To celebrate, we offer our customers this page of | bargains and we promise to bring prices down - even further in the coming year ALLEN, OATS Quaker—Pkt. HARRY and BILL. 32c|, Jelly Powders 5 ct 3 pkts. SOAP Woodbury’s—-4 sars Brimfull, Choice, 15-oz. PER CASE (24 Tins) \ SALMON Fancy Keta, ',-Lb. Tin Dog Food Dr. Ballard’s 2 Tins Cat and Champion Included 19¢ Z5¢ Sardines 29¢ | MEATS Frankfurts 49 No. 1, Cello Wrapped, Lb. Dominion Bacon 49c Burns, Whole or End Pieces, Lb. Rib Roast Standing, No. 1 Beef, Lb. 69c Cottage Rolls No. 1, Half or Whole, Lb. Sliced Bacon Jubilee, '3-'b. Cello, Pkt. re ‘ ste il § 5 ot ate < . he ree . , } fartes a 22 “a Rost, | Chicken 9c No. 1, Lb. Boiling Fow! No. 1, Lb. 49c