PAGE SIX mm I m This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Hoard or liy the (iovornmcnl of Ilrilish Columbia. Dress materials At greatly reduced prices, including Ginghams and Prints for Housedresses and Rayons which are suitable lor afternoon wear. Ginghams, reg. 35c per yard, sale, 4 yards $1.00 Ginghams, reg. 25c per yard, sale. 5V2 yards $1.00 Hipplettc, reg. 30c per yard, sale, 42 yards $1.00 Prints, reg. 40c per yard, sale, 3 yards $1.00 Homper Cloth, reg. 40c per yard, sle, 3 yards . . $1.00 Broadcloth, reg. COc per yard, sale, 2 yards $1.00 Crepe, reg. 25c per yard, sale, 4Vfe yards $1.00 I Crepe, figured, reg. 35c per yard, sale, 3Ms yards $1.00 Ginghams, reg. 40c per yard, 3 yards $1.00 Our stock consists of several patterns of each price. It is not necessary to buy. Come in and look around issa em s Have Your Eyes Examined He. 12. G. Turner, one of our many satisfied customers, in a letter received from Nelson, B.C. says: "Many thanks for fitting me up. I can truly say it is the first time I have been really fitted. There is a world of difference, an advanced degree of comfort in reading, with a sharper definition of object. 1 appreciate it very much. "Sincerely yours, "Signed "(Jtcv.) K. G. Turner." 27 years' practical experience fitting glasses assures you the best fqr less. A. E. IRELAND Graduate Optometrist 319 Third Avenue. Opposite (1AV.V.A. WOOD Dry Jack Pine, Cedar, Uirch and Spruce Per load $6.50 Per half load ....... $3.50 Per sack .,, 50c Firelighters, 48 for $1.00 delivered. HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue Phone 580 Night or Day WE BUY BOTTLES. BRING RUSSIAN CAMELS CANADA .MOVEMENT ON FOOT TO INTUO. M CE -NEW llEAST OI' 111 MIEN IV SASKATCHEWAN WINNIPEG. Feb. 1 5. Thousands of ican tohttiient.fcwhciif the greater greater par part of it was desert Years later an attempt was made. to. ' have them supplant the Prairie schooner during the gold rush to California In 1819. and now another attempt Is underway to Introduce them in Western Canada, as a substitute for the tlmehonored draft I horse, and novel scenes soon may be witnessed on farms in the vicinity of hosthern. SasS. Believing camels superior to the best draft horses in the dominion, a group of Rosthern farmers, natives of northern Russia, have evolved a plan to bring 50 to 100 camels to Western Canada to be used in agricultural work. This group has sought the cooperation of the federal government In Obtaining' permission rom the Soviet government to purchase the ancient beasts of burden In the Saratov district In the Volga region. J In the gold rush of the early days, the camels proved unsuccessful In com JUST ARRIVED And on Sale at Special Prices. Libby's Chili Con Came, per tin FREE DEMONSTRATION FRIDAY and SATURDAY 20c I ti 1 i ii ii i iiirri Libby's Mexican Tamalas, per tingreat effort. MILK UNSWEETENED fell tic culturallsts In both northern and lng home again. True, they have been southern communities, but the Saskat- a long time absent, perhaps a thousand chewan farmers want only those of the years. north territory. Animals from the: "According to authoritative state- colder district. It Is claimed, wtlt be ments the North American continent' acclimatized to conditions similar to was their original habitat. The first! petition against the prairie schooner. '-tse in Saskatchewan, and would like i ' ; The erouo orzanlred for the ourchase Eastern Acadia Codfish, 2 lb. or the camels consists of eleven Ros- boxes 50c,thern farmers, and If their plan proves Brushes . 35c ' Saskatchewan may purchase the anl- Christies Malted Mi'lk' Puff Bis-,mla 10 ald ln worklc thelr lBnls' Commenting on the plan, the Wln- .it,!.. ii. en-' cuils, something new, per lb, 60c . . . .... ,, -n,i , . , : nlpeg Tribune ln a recent editorial, Mrs. Torters Sandwich Spread, sM. 1 each edc" 2y 'V- , c r " """'"umbla. on the 1st day of March. 1927. Soup, and Pork and Beans all day at the hour of eleven o'clock in the tviilou nA c,t,,r,u,. lorenoon. A nun; Huu uaiutuuj. uiviviic wercome, ON SALE B.C. Butchers S Grocen Limited Phones 13 and 571 NewSupplies of To entitle you to vote thereat proof of your claim must be lodged with me neiore the meeting is held. Prsxles to be used at the meeting must Heinz large tins Soup, per tin 20 j be lodged with me prior thereto. i.. ti n,. : on. Aud further take notice that at auch n;, tin 20c einz large tins, Beans, per meeUng the creditors will elect the per- rnanent trustee. And further take notice that -If' you have any claim against the debtor for which you are entitled to rank, proof or such claim must be filed with me or with the trustee when appointed. Otherwise the proceeds of the debtor's estate will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto without regsrd to your claim. DATED at Prince Rupert. DC, this 14th day of February. AD. 1927. ALEX. A. CON'NON. Trustee. ment, containing one nunarea acres, more or less, Located this 30th day of December, 1928. ARTHUR ROBERTSON. Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 575 DENTIST TI1B DAIIiY NEW3 Juniny. Fcbrua vmiimed as the luoruti standard mam wmmm SWCETENEO f QUALITY HlMMl camel or camel-like animals," said the They were turnedloose in the Arizona I auSer very little from the change. authority quoted from "lived In North desert and It is reported that des- H the Soviet government, which re- America many thousands of years ago.; cendants of the gold rush beasts still cently Imported horses from Western j when the larger part of the continent wander over the paths of the desert The Rosthern farmers, however, do not look for the. f attire of their venture. tEI (iKMKAI.I.Y In Russia, camels are used by agrt- Canada, view the plan favorably, the was a desert. When the climate grew Rosthern farmers will send a repre-'more humid, and the forests grew, sentatlve to Russia to arrange for -the 'these animals migrated, selection and purchase of the animals. J "Some crossed Siberia Into Asia-Camels are said to be much cheaper j via solid land where Is now Bering to maintain than horses. They can j Strait and others went to South work longer hours, require less food, ' America where they are now known are fast walkers and are In their prime as llamas. when 00 years of age. Another saving. The proposal of camel Immigration' Whisk Brooms and choice Scrub ! successful, many other farmers In I liitrixlurl to City Council Lat Mght and tilven first Reading A bylaw providing for the of a roadway on Summit Avenue considered the lifetime of the road. CANNY SCOT. Two Spaniards of haughty demeanour ''a -7'X '.r ' rr."'. auarrtlled and. belm unable to wttl. j 11 - i - " ' tors. Notice is further dven that the first meeting of creditors ln the above estate '.1-111 tu hM ml fh nfflf nf th Official inings like ordinary human beings, they decided to fight a duel. In order to perform this feat without attracting , too much attention, they thought It best to take a train, into the country. The first Spaniard bought a return s4nsVn ieJ"E 4 r s dlf. ITntno Tni iZZ ntrt RnCrPre o "cket., but hU opponent, of Scotch Men Clothing arriving regularly For Prices and Quality Don't Forget Montreal Importers Third Avenue J. B. Miller Proprietor MILK From Bulkley Valley FRESH MILK AND WHIPPING CREAM Quality and Service Valentin Dairy Phone G57 LAND ACT NOTICE Of INTENTION' TO APPLY TO In Prince Rupert Land Recording District, and situate at Huston Inlet, Queen Chsrlotte Islands. commencing at a post planted at i cork." northeast corner about 1,000 leot westerly from miners' cabins at bead of Huston Inlet: thence westerly 20 chains; tbence southerly about 12 chains; thence easterly 20 chains; thence northerly about 12 chains, and containing 21 acres, more or less. ROBERT M. CURR1E. AoDllcsnt. LAND ACT. PI lU IIASi: LAND TAKE NOTICE THAT I. Arthur Robertson, Massett, B.C., occupation Mlllman, intend to appiy tor permission to pur- chiute the followlnz described land: Commencing at northeast corner of Lot 1965, Q.C.I. District; thence south nrty chains; thence east forty chains; thence north to shore: thence following i hlghwater mark to point of commence descent, took only a single. "Carambal" exclaimed the first. "This is an omen. You expect not to come back eh. my friend? I always get a return." "I never do' answered the Scotch-Spaniard quite calmly. . "I always take the return half from my adversary." AN EXPLANATION Shenstone: "Why did Lot's wife turn to a pillar of saltr Mary: "She gave the city of Sodom an acid look. It was base of her to do this and because of that she was neutralized." CANNY, Cakeater went Into Lang's drug store to get an empty .bottle. He selected one and asked the price. "Well," said Malcolm, "If you want the empty bottle Ml be five cents, but TAKE NOTICE that Robert M. Currle. I If you want something nut ln it we of Vancouver. B.C.. occupation fish won.. cnsrze anvthlna" I packer, intends to apply for a lease of ,f nyin,n' 'the following described lands: "Well," saH Cakeater, "put ln a SECOND HALF WHIST LEAGUE NOTICE OI INTENTION TO APPLY TO "AMI TO HE I I.AVEO HE- THEEN NOW AND MARCH 3 i RELEASED 11V hECKETAItY The following schedule for the second half of the men's section of the Fraternal Whist League has been released by the secretary. P. E. Wermlg: I Ellltl'AltV 17 Knights ot Pytblaa vs, St. George's (Seal Cove). St. Oeorge's (City) vs. I.O.O.P, Sons of Canada Vs. Elks. Moose vs. St. Andrew's. 24 St. Oeorgc'a (Seal Cove) vs. Elks. t.O O.P. vs. Moose; ' St. Oeorge's (City) vs. Knights of Pythlaa. Sons of Canada vs. St. Andrew's. MARCH 3 St. Oeorge's (Seal Cove) vs. St. Andrew's. Elks vs. St. Oeorge's (City). Sons, of Canada vs. Moose. I.O.O.P, vs. Knights of Pythias. , f 'n MIDNIGHT GRASS FIRE ALARMING Comer if Third Atrnuc nml Third Mrtrt wan Alilas tint Nlftht CaiiM-d Alarm but no Damage A grass fire at the corner of Third Avenue and Third Street at midnight caused considerable alarm but, fortunately, no damage. At one time, the entire ground between the Federal Block and the corner was ablaze. The fire department, upon being called to ' the scene, quickly quelled the flame much to the-relief of many residents lln that vicinity. IJASKETDALL 'SCHEDULE nnitiAKY 18 Celts vs. Tuxls. Adanac vs. Maple Leafs. Elevator vs. Hankers. Terminals vs. Elks. 22 Tuxls vs. Stars. Bankers vs. Terminals. Grotto vs. Elevator. Elks vs. Native Sons. 3S- Stars vs. .Celts. Miple Leafs vs. Adanacs. Elevator vs. Bankers. Native Sens vs. Terminals. MARCH 1 Colts va. Tuxls. Orotto vs. Banker. Stars vs. Maple Letts. Terminals vs. Elks. 4 Tuxls va. Stars. Maple Leafs vs. Adsnae. Terminals vs. Elevator, rnks vs. Native Sons. Dimes will be played lit the order given above. TI.MItKIt SALE N6830 wuuld be in harness. Only a very 'is a novel one. But ho doubt those' m .., k. .. .... ,,,. crude home-made construction would who want the Interesting and. In' clr- Auction at the office of the District be needed. The harness consists of a :' cumstanccs, useful animals, know where Forester at Prince Rupert, B.C.. at 10 wide strap around the camel's first hump, attached to a large ring, to which the traces are fixed. Work camels from Northern Russia weigh between 2.000 and 3,000 pounds and can pack along 1.000 pounds without ' a.m., the 2th of 1927. . on . day February. ft win fi w,.. ,v. It will fit in between the horse and the ,lcell.e XM30 'cut iilV)jaj& fDm tractor, as a draft animal cf economic of Spruce. Hemlock and Cedar on an upkeep and suitable for the mush rca tuatcd on the north ahore ol .Sewcll inlet. Q.C.I. v of , ., the work prairie pioneer.' BYLAW FOR PAVINTC SUMMIT AVENUE Provided anyone unable to attend tb auction in person may submit a aeued tender to be opened at the hour of auction and treated as one bid. Two (2) years will be allowed for removal of timber. Further particulars of the Chief Forester. Victoria. BC. or District Forester. Prince Rupert. B.C. NOTICE. ESTATE Of JAmTh-WAUll Mll.sON. Al III(IUIi:i ASSjdNOH Tenders will be received by the under- on the local Improvement basis was signed on the Stock In Trade and Fix- "If the Russian camels are brought Introduced at the council meetlne last ture of the ,llov( nmd J. W. Wilson eek Freans' Shortcake arid .ijjutaj sorted Cream Biscuita, per lb. 60c and 70c CANNED TOMATO SPECIAL Malkin's Best, Nabob, or Orchard Citv ' Notice Is hereby given that William large tins for 9oc Charlotte Islands. Province of British or per doz. THE BANKRUPTCY ACT. IX THE ESTATE OF WIl.l.lVM MOROAN, Al Tll()ltl.l:l) ASSKJ.VOIt iu.i;, .vt. u.a&v u Muwuiuni .1 5 C medium tins for -c ment of all hu property for the benefit nr or jwr tvr im uoz. .......... ... . $1 i ot his creditors, and that II. F. MicLeod, official Receiver, has appointed me See our tomato Window to be custodian of the Estate of the debtor until the first meeting of credl- coverlnz construction of roadwavs In'W Kennedy. Barrister . Stewart. B.C. the eltv and the pout will h .nr.,H Tenders to be kubmttted on or before tne city and the cost win be spread ! rtbruary lfl, I927 SUthnt or any tender over a period fit ten years which Is not necessarily accented ALEX. A. CONNON. Trustee. Prince Rupert. B.C. SYNOPSIS OF LAND ACT AMENDMENTS PRE-EMPTIONS Vaint, unreaervoil, surveyed Ciu-aii lundt may be lire rnptJ by Hrillhh snbjk..i over It year of an: an 1 I'jr j lions m declaring Intention Ut-uiiid lit ItUli sulijects. condl-tlunu.1 iaon raldenee, occjj-V-lon. jid improviment for acriculturaj iiuroooea Pull Information com-trnlna: rru-.atlons rRnrJInK pre-empllons Is iclv-n In Uullelin No. 1. I-ind Belies, "(low to Pre-empt Iind," copies of tihicli can be obtained free of chares y addreaalng the I)iurtinnt of Uimls, Victoria, Il.C. or to any Uov. eminent A sent V Iteconls will be cranted covering only land suitable for agricultural purponea. and which Is nut timber-lunu. I.e.. carrying r,-er 1,000 board fet ier acre west of the Coast lUngt and 5.000 feet per acre east of tbal lUinKo. Aptillrtlons for pre-amptlons are to be addressed lo ths Land Commissioner of the Lnnd Recording Division. In which the land applied for Is altunted, and are made en printed forma, copies of which can be obtained from the Land Commissioner. Pre-emptions must be occupied for five years and Improvements mads to value of 110 per acre, Including clearlnc and cultivating at least five acre, before a Crown Grant can be received. , For more detailed Information see the llulletln "How to Pre-empt Land." PURCHASE Application are received for purchase of vacant and unreserved Crown lands, not being tlmberland, fur SKilcultural purposes; minimum price for first-class (arable) land Is ti per acre, and aeeond-claes (grating) land 12.60 per acre. Further Information regarding purchase or leaae of Crown lands Is given In Bulletin No. 10, Land rterles, "Purchsse and Lease of Crown Lands." Mill, factory, or Industrial sites on timber land, not exceeding 40 acres, may be parclissed or leased, the conditions Including psyment ot etumpag. HOMC8ITE LEASES Unsurveyed areaa, not eiceedlng It scree, may be leased as homesltee, conditional upon a dwelling being erected In the first year, title being obtainable efter residence end Improvement conditions ars fulfilled and land baa been surveyed, LEASES For grazing and Induetrlal purpose areas not exceeding 140 acree may be leased by en person or a company. . QRAZINQ Undr the Orating Aot the Province Is divided Into grating dlstrtou and the rang administered under Orating Commissioner. Annual grazing psrmlts ar Issued based on numbtr ranged, priority being given to established owner. Stoek-oirner may form sitDclatlon for range management. Free, er partly free. prm'.U ar available for settler. Some folks' Idea of politeness Is to; oa-ttpsrs and uavUrs, u u Ua put "please" In.' front of "remit at' Mavd. , 0 once." . I t! ' GET THAT at WESTHOLME THE Tl'KSDAY ONLY. 7 and 0 p.m. Foot! TIN roner s Our policy Is to jjlve customer the ulm.t value and service. Hcul HiitUfadion In a sured for those who buy a diamond from ui. We have some specially iood values in unu.-aiijy fire diamonds, mounted in pierced eighteen carat white Klil ( S25.00, $50.00, $75.00 and 1 00.00 Max Heiibroner Di.'imiiMil SiU'i'I;ilit V7.VXI -ILi . " ""iu AtriDf II ATI oose Widow Hilarious rorred -dr.Tiy I.OUISK FAZKNDA, JAtlit'HI .ISK .V X jx ItOIJAHDS, NKKI.Y KDWAHD.S, MACK U V AHTHUH 1IOYT and noted cant COMEDY "AI.O.N't; CAMK A I NTH, A(Imiion ,13c and P? Amazingly Truthful Reproduction Makiiw every record do'ltn Lest. This new Drunwiik quickly won the hearts of music lowers everywhere The case, too, is beautiful beyond the uxual. Come i ard say 1 want to hear th new " ucnmvswick rOHoeaMi am MtoiM v J. LORNE MacLAREN, LtdL Third Avenue, Corner Fifth Street P. an ad ian National Q7d Largcfl Railway Sylcm in Amcrict Steamship and Train S rvice A I'lllM i; lit I'l.KT will lrae l'HIN( : III I'MIT lr V.M UM TflftfA, MK.ITTI.K. and liilrnnf ill.itr xlnt r;n li I It 1 1 V ' .. ritiMi: ia i'i:ur sii.w.tur mi ni.iM: iv ,: f I'iiinm; John ii.r visi tiivi it u ui i:i:v iiutir't r l.tMl.H. forliilfhllj. iasm.mii.k iiiiinh I'liiMi; niri.ui l.ii.h MUMilV. tUHMIHlitv and 4irilllV at II 30 r,.H, tlClllttilL IIIMOMIIV uivlllii nil ln.lrril t p ' Malm. AUIIM'V .til. OCKAN Ml I'.tMMIH' I.I.NKf. t l uimillan Nalloiul t;tire for M.inry )rdrr, I i"r 1 -r. j w i ms (llirni. J Cltf ..a.a a,., m.. . - tif llllinf iv nr. in i it r. nz i iiiiiii i : i'iiim i: in i i.iu - easssaa a ''mmttamtwfwfmmmmixmmammmmmtftmitmK sasaaBSBaaBaBsaasBBM11" Al Wn & est ProciiraMe (THE ORIGINAL) Pure ScolcSi Whisky RICHEST IN FINF.ST HIGHLAND MALT rtnttNnl tml ,iiiltJ If VKllI Cmitl i Sunt limivt CJliHJii ii U4i..u,i, cui.n.i. Dull- JbiW7rt I'liis odvcrllsomcnt Is not imiI1 IstietJ or ilisplnvCl1 M Liquor Gonlrol Hoard or ly tho nt)vcninii'''( of Uritlili Coluuibia;