PAGE F0U3 Neglected Eyes NEGLECT is doubtleis Uie cause of most of the ills that afflict humanity. This is so self erident that it seems hardly necessary to tell you. If your eyes are giving trouble, hare them attended to and at once. OF ALL absurdities In the kingdom of foolishness, surely the loss of eyeaight through neglect Is the most inexcusable. DO.VT lose health and efficiency through neglect Come and seel Fred Joudry Registered Optometrist and Optician Room 3 Smith Block Fhone 7C3 jnwan summerYgetin vouin Swill soon Bj coai fou the ) v cone !- v colo crey The Fall months are falling behind and you'll have Winter on before you know it. Join the "don't worry" club today and get your bin filled right away. Our slate-free coal will give you a care-free Winter. NANAIMO - WELLINGTON COAL and ALIIEKTA SOOTLESS COAL Alberl &. McCaffery Phones 110 and 117 Prince Rupert BOAT BOUSE Phone 381 I'.O. Box 15G.r, LAUNCHES, SCOWS. KOW-UOATS AND CANOES SAND AND GRAVEL Equipment for Diving and Salvage Work Agents for Easthope Engines and Stump Fullers NORWEGIAN HALIWJT GEAU IN STOCK Compass Adjusting MILK -:- PRICE Reduced to 12 pints for $1.00 7 quarts for $1.00 12 pints for $1.00 Caih price tickets. McBride Street store now closed Valentin Dairy Office and Dairy - 11th St. Telephone G57. Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 575 DENTIST ANGER, the TAILOR Fine Imported Serge and Scotch Tweed Suits made to order in our shop in Prince Rupert as low QCC AA as L ANGEIt, Cutter and Designer 223 Sixth Street BRINGING UP FATHER rr PRETTY HlCM CUMB- BOT TMt VIEW WHEN W6. GE.T TO THE. "OP ib WONQER- 1 fJU' GYRO HOEDOWN FINE SUCCESS Substantial Sum Realized For Playground Fund at Event in Auditorium Last Evening Upholding the reputation of such events In the past, Uie hoedown dance held last nlatxt by the Ofrtt Club In the Auditorium wu a gnat suocsss A. members of the service vlub worked energetically to put the event over am: their effort were amply rewarded. Som 35 person were prase tit and, when vhp linal returns are known. It is expected that a substantial sum will have been realised to be placed In the club's trust fund (or children's playgrounds The event was lop rogress from 9 p.m. to 2 sjd. and for five hours the crowd fuUy disparted Itself in an Informal manner, wttB rustle glee, to the strains tuaasesne music rendered Jay tfce rWestholme Orchestra, under the direc tion of Charlie Balagao. augmented by Miss Irene Morrison, Bobble Greenfield. Kenny Rood and George Rorle Jr. Lionel Holtby was, as usual, an efficient master of ceremonies. Many sideshows gave the event a car- 1 nival air and provided amusement and comfort for the patrons as well as proving profitable lor the cause. Charlie Mills. BUI Nelsort and N orris Blot were completely In their element at the cider oouater, while BB1 Watt, Bill Tobey, Ed. Bayllss, Lou Kergta. Kettle Mann. Joe Greer and Qlen McMillan bandied the hot dog crowds In effective manner. Charlie Starr, How ard -White and Jimmy Farquhar pushed the ice cream sales to the limit. The raffles for alumlnumware proved popu- i lar under the direction of Ralph Le , Pine. Bab Robertson, Dave Balfour, ' Milt Gonzales and Joe Oaase. 1 Responsible for the effective decor at-i lng scheme were Norrls Print le, Claude iKlrkendall and Norman Freeman, while Rc:y Nlcholls, Alex Hunter and Frank Dibb had In hand the difficult but unappreciated work of publicity. Charlie Balagno and Howard White arranged for the music. For the alccess of the event much credit goes to George R. Tlte who was general chairman in charge. He will have the satisfaction of being able to report a complete success to his brother memebsr. Mort McLachlan was a hardboUed doorman while Bill Crulkshank and Leo Waugb demonstrated their aptitude at gathering In the shekels at the wicket. Man in the Moon THE greatest water power know to man Is woman's tears. THE Provincial Police here make It difficult for a bootlegger to make jn honest Jiving. What are we going to Kvbouwy,. THEY say the only thing lacking at the Tory convention In Winnipeg was GrlU. THE battle Is over at Winnipeg but it la stul going on at Nelson and when that battle Is won and lout there will oe pieniy oi otner 41tOe battles to fight. The business manager of this paper says be has a continuous battle to make the business end pay the editorial expenses. x&ACHEfi Surely you know what the word "mirror" means. Tommy. 'After you've washed, what do you look at to Je If your face Is dean" Tommy The towel, sir! LAWYER. Was the man you found under the street car a total straneerr Witness (who had been toM to be careful) No, sir. his arm and leg were gone; he was only a jpatlal fetracger? u . aiyuLiua. would you ei-riftdTls me-to STi!iuuj ' u 'UmuiltUTtlil ion sensible gtrl?" Hammeraley I'm afraid you'll never ue able to marry either, old man. Saplelgb Why not? Hammeraley Well, a beautiful girl could do better, and a sensible girl would know better. BEAT ALL RECORDS IN DIVORCE ANNALS LONDON. Oct 15 Eaglib Justice has ' Hi rroutawon of tmrvinjt fast but Judge Mackinnon in divorce court step- ped on the accelerator so hard that the of Justice almost blew off In one minutes he granted 110 absolute divorces and ordered a retrial of one ease at the request of a young man, who bax come all the way from South Africa. DAUGHTER OF SIR J. FORBES-ROBERTSON ROLE OF PETER PAN LONDON, Oct. 15. The yearly problem of who la to take the role of Peter ?an In Sir James Barrie's famous plaf rf that name has been solves for the coming season here, and Miss Jean Forbes-Robertson, daughter of Sir Johnston Forbes-Robertson, the f amous .actor, lo to be Peter Pan. Bhe follows Nina ' Bouclcault, Pauline ' Chase, Gladys Cooper, Dorothy Dlclwon, and other famous actresses who have played the part of "the only aviator who never iad engine trouble." Miss FoVbes-Robertson, whom Sir James Barrie has known since she was very young, has baas successful in other plays. This year's performance will be Pete Pan's 38 rd season. Refused at first by manager after manager, and described by the late Sir. Herbert Tree as "sill. rubbish," the play has already made a fortune of over 50.000 for the author. And it looks like going on forever Clearly children, in spite of all that Is said about them, have not changec much in the last 20 years. AUTHOR ARRESTED FOR NOT PAYING ALIMONY TO WIFE SEATTLE. Oct. 15. Edward Curtis. Internationally known authority on In dian lore and noted author and lecturer, was arrested here when be walked ashstre from the steamship Alameda as It ar- THE daIux I 1 1 1 I ( vuM&Re lJ MY l If YZi . rived from Nome. Mr. Owtts was accused by hie divorced wife. Clara, wtth having been In eontiesns of court for itvea yean for his failure to par ncny vskuota is said to total I WOO. Mr Curtis' was released on a bond of i.000 after he had bean locked In Jail r s few hours. She charged tbs bar band, who had been In the fax ri h studying the Indians and Eafcl- '.he elements. Fire Chief Kubley and other members of the department have bean out spotting fire hi Bants, inspecting the whole city in sections and ordering changes made by property owners and tenants. ReaWents of the city are being asked to co-operate with the authorities .in .heir efforts to make the city safe. GREYHOUND RACING IS FINANCED BY BETTING ( Manchester Guardian) It Is Interesting news that, on the nitlstive of the National Antl-Gamb-;lng League, proceedings are to be taken to test the legalit? of betting on greyhound racing Soe idea of the magni tude of this betjing may be deiivea from the statement that the taxes upon It yield a sum of about 10.000 a week to the Treasury. In Australia the J oourts bare already been Invoked. In New South Wales a bookmaker has been fined ISO. the magistrate holding that mechanical hare coursing was "not coursing within the meaning of the Act." A message from Melbourne says -bat the Government of Victoria Is pre pared to bring in a bill making the new port illegal. The proposal seems un-leoeasarily drastic. The simple prohibition of betting would be sufficient, and It seems more probable. As It 1 organ-red in this country, greyhound racing could not live without betting. FAILED TO MAKE FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS TUNNEl Arretted to Prevent lllm Wasting Ill CaMi by netting on Champion CHICAGO, Oct. X5. The Tunney-Dempsey affair echoed In Evanston court in a somewhat strained pro-corfl;n-i On the surface it looked JUke tUg . Tg- bewelcomeu home this Qhristmas Somewhere in that happy, eager crowd gathered on the dock a little group hat assembled just for you. After the excitement of re-union there is the comfort of your old home and presence of friends to warm and cheer you. Late Fall and Chrictmas Sailings Prom Montreal AUSONIA Not. 25 to My. Cher, London. - Montreal LETITIA Nov. 26 " Belfatt. L'pool, Gist. - Halifax ANTONIA Dec, S ., " My., Havre, London. " St. John, N.B. ATHENIA Dec 10 hslfaft L'pooL Olas. - Halifax ATHENIA Dec 11 ' UsltsstTVpool. " Halifax ASCANIA Dec 12 " Hy, Havre, London. Return octanfortijrom S1SS. Tht mart it afrit wilt gladly sapply all ditailt,or writ CAlADIANf SERVICE and U C1 NAKU HTEAMMIir CO., UMITEIJ. viz llastlngH Ht .West, Vancouver or iny Stcsimshlp Agency V anted For Sale For Rent n of Alaska, evaded tfee loealcourta Just anoCber cae, Rudolph L. LaJfeahB tnoe ne ieif teaiue laie ui KETCHIKANMAKING CITY SAFE AGAINST HAZARD OF ELEMENTS KETCHIKAN. Oct 16 As the result of recent fires an effort is being made to clean up the fire traps In this city bandage over the eyes of the goddess , ind mik, clty mon. Mmin being fbd M and oasts for driving as automobile wbUe intoxicated. But there was more to It. Labahn was driving his ear toward Chioafo. Sefjftamker 22, when be met Uaut. Carl Skatan tr the Mutates polios, a friend. Labata QspHsad a 110.-000 bank roil and annminned be was on his y to sJtkjsr ttjBW) on Tunney Lieut. Skman. aa ardsot Decapsey fan. ragarded this as tare-wing mooey away He sought to ream with T atoahn. to .show hios the financial toil? on sragw-ing on TiMuaay. but his frtand Insisted Finding argwaisart uwlses. the pottee atfleer arrested lata friend oa the driving while intoxicated charge When Labann finally eCfeoted bis rrteame It was too law to wager. Tunns had won. At the hearing in Jvstloe oourt Labahn protested tbat his arrest ba4 oost him HJOQ. Eventually the tea was slightly higher, counting the ttae of 135 and costs SPORT CHAT "Kid" Gleason is endeavoring to pull it! a ten-round 'boxing rrmtit in Prince Oeorge. He wants to match Mill Hudson of Oiaeome with Buly HU1 of Victoria. The Victoria fighter baa Issued a challenge to Hudson aad Olea-son thinks there la a good chance of bringing them together In the Interior town. The basketball season was opened in 3ml thers on Tuesday night of this eek. The CO XT. defeated the High School 14 to 2 in the Junior girls' game while the Town ladies' team downed he Pirate 10 to 6. In the men's iiviaton. the Boku team, last year's hamps. were beaten by the Church 38 jo 21, while the CNJt. won over the Town in the fourth aaaie. While United States repreeentottoa in be 128 Olympic Dames to be held in Amsterdam has been cut about O0 from that of 1821, the nation wilt be entered In practically all the events The only games the Americans will stay out of will be rifle, trap and re volver shooting and rugby, for tiie first time In history, American women will take a major part in the Olympics being entered In sprinting. Jumping, liscus throwing, relay racing, gymnas-.cs and fencing. LIVE WIRE ATHLETIC CLUB IS FORMED FOR WINTER SPORT NELSON NELSON. Oct. 15 Members of the Clve' WireBajkehaU. flub, juhlcfa .earned x good name for Itself In that line of sport in the summer have reorganized under the name Live Wire Athletic dub. Arrangements were completed for obtaining the use of the gymnasium kxmo in the Kootenay Hotel, and first work suts in boxing were held. A few mem xrs failed to show up on account of Arlous objections of their parents, and l special meeting nas been called to ilacuss these objections. It Is hoped o come -to .some satisfactory agreement with the parents in question, and, if they care to, they may attend the meeting and participate In the The Live Wires are an Independent group or under 19 years, banded together for the promotion of all kinds of sport. They handle all their affairs themselves, the executive being eiecxea irom ana oy the boys. The present omcers oi the dub are-; Prenl. dent, Cy Jaekman; vice-president Paul nuiiuu, eLtti j, An waters: and treasurer, Stanley Leno. Lam Hunden was captain of the baseball team. HOTEL ARRIVAL. SAVOT Jack Johnson and H. Wong, city: Louis Ooldthorpe, Jasper: W. H. Thorne CNR ; Arthur F. Gothard, Goat Harbor. Central Mrs. Carlson and family, 8 Ness TroKve Lund and J Herbert Arnott olry; D. 8. Clsrke. cltv Prince Rupert Mr and Mr 11 E Thornton Hazel. tQft; C E, .Imeson Vangouver William By George McMaau, I II I I I - - . . A 1 II JaV V l VI II - -1 .rxi-- I I I J Tror l L - i at .csCVL "?J. S I OUT OF IT-. I (WP -UK5-.J W kij ' ' O '92' Int l Tiaturc Scitvtec. Inc wfeHMhii. tlltH- ' iti "' it" it ifa' r-Wsai r?V X '.SbVn-. gf n t vaa at i at. m g rm ss, av ... ni III! W llin Vl4 I f B sa sa, sri si I. II a m. , imii. I iii.iiii i ,i ,r-)i li )i i pi. if Mil. i 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken'for lest than 50c WANTED W AkOTD. KN aOaTHANICALLY Iti-cliaed wbs weasM like to work at the world's greatest paying Industry. Auto mechanic, garage work, electrical sc-peru. welding, sal May and vuloanrs-ing. We guarantee to sjualify you for big paying pnsKlrms Only s short time requtrad Write or call Hemphill Auto laglnesrlng School. 10 Hasrings St . E Vanoovvee. BC WABTWD fllRl. OR WOMAN TO TAKE charge of family hounrholu at Smith-era. Apply Box 81 Dully News oJBoa. 344 WANTED OOOK JOB BY WELL RC- Japanese Apply P.O 103 or phone Black 3W) 340 MAiO WAMTKD POR GENERA I HOOBK- work Apply Mrs D O Si wart. 400 Pourth Avenue West 344 BOOM WANTH) IN PRJVAT1 HOME lor two areas. close In. Apply P.O Boa 18M. U SITUATIONS VACANT TaWOORAPMBM EXAMINATION FOR British Columbia Civil Barrier will be held on Saturday after noon and evening. October 30. 1937. Por application forma and further Information, apply to the nearest Oovernaarat Agent or to A H Cos. Civil Service Commissioner, Victoria. B.C. SITUATIONS WANTED WOMAN WANTS WOBK AS OOOK IN small camp, hotel housekeeper, or Institution work. Apply Boa SB, Dally Hews osaoe. 4S AGENTS WANTED 14.00 A OAT PAID MM OR WOMEN for distributing raugioua literature until Christmas, spare or full time. For particulars write Mr. Conrad. Bpadlaa Building, Toronto. 3M PERSONAL OBfJETINO CARDS - - Agent wanted to take orders for the Unset line over shown In Canada Regal Art Co. Manufacturers. S10 Bpadlna Avenue, Toronto. FOIt SAl.K HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE FOR SALE: also wicker baby carriage. 10W Third Avenue. Phone Bed S3B. 347 GREEN SHINOLB6 ARE BEST. MOO a thousand. Seal Oove Lumber Co. FOR RI3NT FOB RRNT. FOUR ROOMED FDU-nUhed apartoMO -with hatb and water paid. Pbane 647. FOR RENT. PI ansa, . phonographs and anger sewing machine Muddle. .. v AUCTIONEEH Wljke HOWE FOR RENT. 8 ROOMS AND BATH. Apply Muaro Bros. tf HOUSES FOR RENT. ISOiK) BP. Pr 311. 4th Ave. E. AP TO BE SOLD AS A OOINO CONCERN to the highest bidder by public auction on November 18, store with four roomed suite on two year lease from April 1. 1S27 to April 1. H, rent 130 per month for first year and Hi per montn second year, together with that wdl established business known as Brine's Auctioneering and Secotul- nand business, together with all stock, fixtures and effects Ftor further Information, see Brine. Auction eer. Phone 774. No reasonable offer refused up to dsy of sale. It Hoss. Balmoral: J. B. Brooks and .Thomas "B. Marsh. Terrace: Mr. and Mrar oe Hafiu Aberdeen, Wash,; John Jlewln Port Biaitmn: it. 'li..t - -i : Nerves on Edge? "Mr nerret were eempUttlj toe: 1 ow wr pttttnt good ktthb is 'Fiuit-m-tirtM'." lit. J. 0. Blagbelm. WydandsL B.C. "Fruit-a-tives" soothes the digestive tract, gently energizes sluggish organs, makes you feel great. Made from intensified fresh fruit Juices combined with tonics ZSc ?r 50c a box. Know pnod health again UNI) FQK k"4 mi ptx . z wtt now ooiu d; purchase of it ... site of Prince Kup-tng acraagc Por . P. TIN KMC ra. Am MOIJIU HEAITY n Most bucreMful ('u!!e ( beauty cul'.un ru(lnrnl lag and perms - r Moler. 10 Hsk: . ! BjC. rIIIAnl n 1 t,Vft r- rv. . .1.1111111. n 1,11 r 11XN AND WOMEN Expert instruc t, paying buaxr.ef leara and beccac or write Meier C H asanas st E HOAIH) AM) ROW ROOM AND BOM : Section Two 1 with spacloiu. Harbor view s people. Tranj. town. Phoue tlrr- DANC'IN'ii MIHH MYI'AMVV CAMrBl Teacher of elsaal' i. ?e danetog. Children taltlon. Phone lllark r EXCIIANf.E (? AND 8ECONDHA bought, sold mrl ' and reatauraii' Papadopuloa arxi li Am. Phone 046 PIANO Tt'MU NOW llf KE ixh ih r rw fee many yean "' 4B. Bag.. Martin -" Masea Ac Ftlsch. Tr ' adjustoietiu of r: - Orands a special tv Phone Kril V UPHOIiJTEHlMi FtJRNITtJRE REPAIRINO: sterlni of all kinds. CWn recovered and made to orl wark ruarantred. P'jrnr 0' Q. M. HUNT KA1EN OAR I I ItTlll lt IlKlll TTI0 In ruirE Commerdal Chawir detlvery Toartng Roadster Roadster Delivery Sport Roadster . Z if wwpe Sedan CtobrkJet f Landau Sedan . ' . utility Express. 1 ton Disc wheels (25.00 ex" nana s. present Tot demo rtratlon if.'' lwr! wtai Y-gtwj LSsl j Jll-ws- a.-i j nmravtj1 TTaof (' ' I rora uoupc, 1029, wait Jfll ggiuiinaA, rord Sedan. 1B25. ' 125 per month. KAIEN G.tRAfiE Dave R .. Dealters In all Or Dwulnna' '', uooayear and nrc Wrecking Service D: Phone B? , TAXI PLni 7 Tail (Call George, Paul or alx and Rhvpti Passer?" bakers at your fHnposa' tf 1 ROSS nnos. TOOL KX1 Me-ker lllork. A m m Bill intrmj irom trnpi'""