it C -br 15. 1927 The Secret of Keeping Strong and VirlSe t5 IGHT diet BOV ' -1 aflMB strength-giving food. v This is the secret. To keep strong you must keep well;' to keep well you must be well nourished. Bovril keeps you strong and well by stimulating your circulation and causing your blood stream to nourish you with the power of Beef. No Mystery Creates Energy See tbe name on tbe bottle and refuse substitutes. 79 i'earavHlS3 or scotlko C i mm 'wcmii ri 'j"1 E JasHWBr- Tbe Original ginal Libel Libel look look fr for . it .1 at t5. tbe Vendor's Vendor's and nd insist insist on on GRANT'S "BEST I'ROCUKAULt This advertisement Is not published di played by the Liquor Control Board or by (he tiov.rumeut of British Columbia u XII lull About It T I-mt recipe, "fancy quality" inirrrdiVnts, blend iv.H . an-iully, make by hand in the home-made wav and you have the reason for the taste and flavor . i Famous Chocolates. We are sole Prince Rupert ) these umou of It.C.made Fresh hiptnent - ' weekly. ITHDY'S FAMOUS C IIOCOLMi? ' ? lb.' In (he 1'urple llox. SEND PURDVS TO FRIENDS AJIKOAD. ..I'juked infHMfety-x'onUtin-r erx. Delivery guaranteed. ASK US AHOUT IT ibh k emmn wf.t km -r . sw. m a 7ic Pioneer Drttofisls fll?D AVE. b SIXTH ST. " TELEPHONES 8?t,200 fo Coal! No Ashes! No Soot! More Comfort and Cleanliness when you have a Westing-house Electric Range Cheaper in the long run! For particulars, phone C3. Prince Rupert Supply Co. .v. jsox 772. "TRY A NIP TONIGHT" tssaass. r m ; m ; J. A. llinton, Manager BEST PROCURABLE i H Arthur . fboL 87a. BC Undertakers. Phone 41. Dentut. Or. J. R. Ow Phone 5W Oct the Dig 4 tubal of Tail, phone 4. When thinking tf Repairs to Uu Provincial OownuMot Wharr hiving now been B 1jUHJ. the C P R steamer will make their lauding it that wharf now. 841 All friend who to iiiniiimly donated U1 "e urocery 8howr at Home arc sincerely committee in charge. Riotcy by the A. O. Bowie of the OovernaMtH Telegraph itaff. who has been on a holldmr trip aouth. returned to toe city oa tbe Prince Rupert tbia i--'ng W. M. Tobey. CHJt. superintendent, returned to the city on jaetsuli j after-noun t train following an asocial trip over the line aa far M f taper Park. Hyde Tranafer now agent for Al-Alberta Sootleea and Pembina PMrieM. Theee coaU are under eoeer, dont buy water, buy coal. Ill a ton oan tou beat Itf Archie Robertccn. who baa 'istar.1 to W c. Orchard In I c P R ojhom lor aome amtthe, iinquu&ed his position and left Vancouver. tf A. R. Holtbr. unerlntaadent of the B. and B. department, Canadian Na- j tlonal Railway, returned to the drJ on yerterduy afternoon's train from a' trip to the Interior on offtclal duties. J. A. Morris returned to the eity on i yesterday afternoon's train from Smith - ers where he attended 0 nallin of the district council of taw Xattve Bon of Canada aa delegate from the local aaaembly. Mrs. H. E. Thornton arrtvwd in Mrs. Watt, wife of thi Canadian Rational Railway operator In tbe station at MoBrlde. airrvad In the city from Hoapiul AuxOtarr October 38. Presbyterian ber 3. Halloween DatlJ Hill 90 Halloween Diaaar, October 29. Calendar Kabaret I O D E. lowe'en. Ilan. IU1- Ohurcb Baaaar, Novem- Daptlit Sale. November 5. Presbyterian November 9. Church Choir Concert, Anglican Baaaar, Tuesday, Nov. 15. Moose Baaaar, Nov. 18 and 17. Established 1923. Office Hours: a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday: a.m. to 1 p.m. Any evening by appointment DENTIST Exchange Clock. Phone 109 The Mailman Nothing halts His Majesty's Mail. That's why we mailmen like to see Champions in stalled in our delivery cars we know they're dependable always. Champlwn It K bttm Mrk piMf NCiiK of us flHiil4 - nbbtd stlliMM Mil mt UM lwtt-pi4K9 cmnttn mnd ilM $pt cfei malyit cUctru. OumMn X for rrrdt 80 CKflliair Cart of hrr than Fords 90 Mow ToeMlay, Mil-t-Drlr October 18. Oeorae Oad waited or, Mrs. A. Carlson, Mrs. Barcea aad W. H. Ross. , Machine are now on, demonstration In the interior em yesterday afternoon gpj. Room with her parent. Mr. and Mrs. Corrall. tti- Seoond Avenua. . Mrs. Watt waa former- ceed to Skagway. TOE DAILY NEWS . g' Local and Personal Church Notices U s rsi Champion WINDSOR. ONT. A CANADIAN-M ADE PRODUCT and Scandinavian Dunce in Han tonight at B o'clock. 1 lance, 341 Metropole This afternoon'a train, due from the act at 8:80, la reported to be on time. John Flewtn of Port Stmtwon nald th brief overnight business visit to the city city from Haaelton f on wtarday ter-, wturamg hotBe thu noon's train and will Nmaln a week here. Mr. Thornton Is at present Identified with the OV9.. cntlneorlng department in tbe city. Passenger catling this afternoon on the Cardtna for Vancouver included C." Prince Rupert Hotel. (Mai) Mataeord. special represen ly Mia Lit Oactall. , Deputy Coroner Tainock held an In qulry at MetlaaUa into the death of wJrA. steautMR Prinoaa Beatrice. ti i-t ...w .v.. CaplffK. Orayflr at 8:30 this it 1 ded death wa morning from the south and sailed at due 11 on ber return to Vancouver and I Dal ton Adding and Ch Register to accidental drowning. 343 wayporst. The Beatrice w the first; Mr. and Mr. W. H. Waldorf, who have veel of her lint to renew landing at realded in Prince Rupert for several the government wharf following extern- years, sailed this afternoon on the lve repair to that dock which have oardena for Vancouver where It 1 been In progroe for tbe put da week their intention to make their future ui" more. home. Making her flrat appearance her Business at the meetlnz of Lodze Val- elnee the waa wrecked In Seymour Nar- halla last nlotit waa of a routine na- row toward the end of Auguct. CNR tOTt. Ald. 0car Larecn. nresldent. oc- teamer Prlnoe Rupert. Capt. D. Donald 'cupled the chair and the members en- rrlved in port on time at 10:80 this toyed rtfreehment at the close of the morning from Vancouver, Powell River, meeting. and ocean ran. Tn vecaei wiu sau i at 10 o'clock tonight for 8tewart, re-1 Cpt. Hirry Ormtoton, master of the turning here tc morrow evening to sail lighthouse tender Kewlngton, who ha south at 11 o'clock ANNOUNCEMENTS Prince Rupert Drill Team Dance, October 31. Rupert East October 37. Loyal Order of Dance, Ootober 37. Orange October 37. United Church Baaaar, Moose Anniversary Lodge Concert and Dance, been on a brief trip to Victoria where Mr. Ormiaton Is 111. is expected to return to tbe city on the Catala tomor row afternoon. R. S. Sweeting, C.P.R. travelling arrived in the city from Vancouver on the Prince Beatrice thl morning and win be here on official business until Wednesday when he will pro Harry Zeffert. well known Stewart hafcerdashar. Is a passenger on the Prlnoe Rupert today returning north following a trip to point In the eoutl and et. Mr. Zeffert ha embarked Oi a trip to England. Mr. and Mrs. Bestwlck who have been vlalttng with relative at Goat Hubor, arrived from that point on the Prince Beatrice thl morning and proceeded, through bv the steamer to their home In Ocean Falls. A meeting of the Whist League will be held in the City Hall, October 19 j at 8 pjn. League now open to all organizations in Prince, Rupert. All wishing to enter a team, communicate! I with P. E. Black 451. Wermlg. secretary. Phone ST. .IMlKEtV'M CATIIKDKAL (Church of England Rector. Rev. O. A. Rlx. Aacuunt. Re. O. R. Proctor. Morning service at II o'clock. Evening service at 7 JO. Sacrament of tbe Lord's Supper wUl be administered on ftret Sunday of month at 11 am.: third Sunday of rrraetb at 8 am Sunday School at 3.30. nti'TisT nuitdi. Ulntaler, Rev. W. P. Price. Uornlag worship at II 'lock. Subject: "Cbrtofe Wltnceeee." Sunday school at J AO. EventBg serrtce at 7 JO. Sermon topic: "What I the relation of character to SalratlonT Are men tared because they are good" Bright singing. Everybody welcome. niKismv hciKMi: mx-iety. Service every Sunday morning In the Hay' Block. 345 Second Avenue. Sub Ject on Sunday "Doctrine of Atone ment.' Testimony meeting on Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. I'KIXIYTCKIAN ( III RCII. Minuter. Rev. J. R. FrtceU. B.A..LL.B. Reeidence. The Manse. Telephone 483. Morning worship at 11 ain. Subject: "Robinson Crusoe Text." Sunday School tt 13.15. Evening service at 730. Subject: -Circe's Palace. The I land of Pleasure. The Siren" Song.' A metstge for young men and women. I'NITEO CllllU'll. Rev. A. Wilson. B.A, pastor. Ml I. Haddock. deaooMM. Morning service at It o'clock. Sunday School at 330. Evening Service at 7.30. 8uject: "The supreme teat of Chrtt!E dlsc;plhlp " Young People's Society meeting on Mondsy at 7.30. DIRECT IMPORTATION OF NORWEGIAN PRODUCE Scandinavians! Lock here!! The following gesd are to come direct from tbe old country by steamer, due to arrive at Prince Rupert In about eight day: OJetost Mfiost Kekkelcat EdamercM Oaudaost Saelteerost Prtmulacat Appetltost Otmmetoat Anajos Oaffelblter (krydret) .Sardlner P.9ket makrel Flakepuddlng Flakekaker KJotUker KJotbolIer Beef med lok Rype 1 flotesaus Snlttebonner Sukkererter Kavrlnger Krlugler Flatbrod These articles are absolutely pure and of the very best quality. They will be handled all over the city and alang the waterfront. Advt. Mr. and Mr. C. Etherlngton, who hve been spending part of their honeymoon In Prince Rupert, sailed this afternoon on the Cardena for Alert Bay where they will make their home. Mrs. Etherlngton was formerly Miss Muriel McAuley, R.N.. a graduate of the Prince Rupert General Hospital training school for nurses. PRINCE RUPERT TIDES 4 ,... a. ! SATIKOAY. OCTOUKK 13 High 4:34 am. 195 ft. 16:34 pjn. 30.9 " Low 1030 am. 7.6 " 23:08 pjn. 4.0 " Sl'NIIAY. OC'TOUUt 16 High 5:36 am. 17.9 ft. 17:21 pjn. 19.2 " Low 11:14 ajn. 93 " .MONOAY. OCTOUKK 17 High 7:04 am. 16.9 ft. 18:43 pjn. 17.7 ' Low 0:10 ajn. 6.5 " 13:24 p m. 10.7 " TtKSOAY, OCTOUKK 18 High 8:29 am. 16.7 ft. 20:12 pjn. 17.0 " Low 1:22 ajn. 6.6 - 14:12 p.m. 11.1 " LAND ACT. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE I. AMI OoverT mheSSenger 5l?S5t Oovernment Telegraph, returned to the ! ituate at Jedway Harbor, Moresby la- clty on the Prince Rupert lb. la morning I land. Q.C.I. after a trip soutli' Io the purpose of LTAKE NpcE Pac"" Uklng naval training' at Esquimau. He occupation Packers. Intends to apply for also paid a brief visit to hi aunt ima leace of the following described lands: New Westmlntaer. Lieut. R. P. Ponder, officer commanding the local detachment of the Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve, returned to the city on the Prince Rupert . thta. morning, .accompanied, by Mr. Ponder. Lieut. Ponder has been taking a, oourie'6f training, at Esquimau barracks. tTnion steamer Cardena. Capt. A. Johnstone, arrived at 13:15 noon today rn.m the aouth, having (pent the mora; ix in the Skeena River, and aalled for Vancouver and wayport 'as soon a she hat", completed discharging local freight The Cardena is now operating under winter schedule which requires her to cill nt a number of additional points "ii "he way up the coast, going no ft.i.aer north inun Prtuc Rupert, commencing at a post planted at the l northeast corner of Lot 88, Q C.I.: thence i northwesterly and along high water mark ! 18 chains, more or le.u, to a point N. I 58 37' E. from the N.E. corner Lot 140: j thence north 56 37' E. 1-5 chains, more or les, to low water mark: thence ! southeasterly along low water mark to a point N. 56 37' E. from the location post: thence 3.2 chains, more or less, i to the point of commencement, and con-1 tatnlng 5 acres, more or less. MILLERD PACKINQ COMPANY, LIMITED. Applicant, Dated September 7. 1937. PAIN from Bladder Irritation Soon ttsd by SANTAL MIDY Btwar of Imitations Look for th word "MIDY" Sold by all drug-ruts Rtlltti- by i'AUE TUKEE motM)rried ! " ., (f Ut e t.?r I r X '"aif rf . V I N It or'e tfr eo, The abm letfir, tL Seefietk. I 7, fjr Ontario, is an iiuU- " f cathn the y 3 I tf favor LUX has uisi " millions cf utmtn. V C V' Wcmen Praise LUX 1 (? fiW J I CC3U9C 011 always pw, Qf v Ojf1 depended upon to . wjj do its work well and ' ' without danger to y MSB yCv i I n ntoreover, women n ill W every'fiere. who use n 1 I j LUX fcr many purposes LA J a V VI say that it is the height H V All economy. - j ' A DEMAND "Rupert Brand" Kippers "THE DAINTIEST RREAKFAST FOOD.' Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ui Prince Rupert. B.C. MASON & RISCH PIANOS arc built for a lifetime of pleasure giving service. Compared from any angle, with any other piano, Mason & Risen instruments will at once appeal to your better judgment. One Price from Coast to Coast Monthly Payments gladly arranged We have a splendid floor display of Brunswick Phonographs and Mason & Kisch Piano3 J. LORNE MacLAREN, LIMITED Table Torcheres, Bed Lights and Floor Lamps Triced from $0.00 to ijU-.oO Just the thing for a Christmas Gift. ijBarrie's Home Furnishings Mix 80S rl'honem UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED callings from Prince Rupert, lor VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, Swanson flay. Alert Bay. etc, Tuesday. S p.m. For VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, Miitrrtale. ,l,ri Mj. ete.. Saturday Ram lor PORT SIMPSON, NAAS KIVEK POINTS, ALICE ARM, ANYOV. STEWART. Males Island. Sunday, 8 p.m. 123 nd Avenue. R M. NMITII. Arent. Prince Rupert. B.C. Through tickets sold lo Victoria Mnd Seattle at a reduced rate and baggage checked though to destination.