October 18, 1W7 TrTT". DAILY KKWfl PAGE FlVa ter? tmooth, ftoreeably fragrant aBo corn Waterfront Whiffs - -congenial Irsny any when t Si Bait Shortage U Becoming SeriouN ()uetion Little Damage in Wednrttday'H Storm Halibut Landings "Poker Hastds" Heavy This Wrrt rI YEARS B OLD ncf is un! pub-: 'fd by the ' i I li iard or by i ni. !.? .f IJritinh f'ulumbia I V, LAUNDER SHIRTS E AHD inlKJ TOO E I SlUITE FRSH AMD N&W - a -a ;i and hiH ohirt ,i . ' ip lo thi.i laun-i n They will de-' you our exixrt ;lite manner of er-ir moderate irice. ni to do this. ioneer Laundry I'hone 118 I to see Ladies' Coats j I Dresses Hats and nt 1 Aiitrvn 1 bb 11 u jiura Avenue 1 Next Royal Bank j J - ' I V V V I DHY BIRCH, CEDAK AND JACK I'INE Pinjrlo Load $:.r0 J)uble Load SfttJiO hurf,' Sack Titl? BUNDLES DRV KINDLING, $1.00 Phone 580 HydeTransfer AND. COAL CO. 139 Second Avenue English Made - to Measure Suits and Pure Wool Cloths By Mail. AGENTS WANTED to carry cloth patterns and take measures for English high-grade T iilortng House. Liberal commls-': m cash trade. Splendid open- tui -i' rekeeper. agent carrying e her line or man wt';h large circle of fr; nds Write, enclosing bank reference to Dept C . Com-mer ;ij Advertising Bervlce. North, Parade, iiaiubestcr England, Vules. an unfonwen adTirnmediate aonrre of bait aupply be-..tne available. IhTTJciflc coaat halibut fleet may be faced :th the necessity of havine tn tio un ami .., .. . - i- ifMi w)viBmiH i iwi 1 1 j a, month before the clone reason comes into ffct on November 15.1 or else fih for their own bait. At practically all rwirts en the I cast, includlnjr Prince Rupert, venae, are already beiBjr held! ..waiting the arrival, with nre or leas faint hot-, of a aupply from' sume iuarter. It ia a aerioua situation and one whieh. from nr-ant i ro petti-, may reduce conaiderably the year's production lo say no-iniiK of Iom In the earolncs of the . ' and men. Report, indicate tbat there : little if any bait left at any p mt on the coast. It ni reported aat there was a quantity at Klldonan ' i itnery. on the west eoawt ol Vancou-vi Uland. but. aa far olu ktkund a small one. The Canadian Plan v Cold Storage Co.. whose plant baa now been cleaned out of everything in the nature of bait, eve to sweepings did an old etock of kipper, la expecting ten torn to arrive today tram Klldonan but thla wttl do tittle as relieve lh aHllaa-l MM at 1tl n mm Im .... cine bait left at Sitka. Alaakm. The BC to boau DOM tbat k. I. .I Mi I Ita Mir nri nnwiMMt 1 home on the rebuilt aeatarn portion of the old Rupert Marine Ironwork dock. Paul Armour, local manager of the concern, has taken up hla realdttice were. The Salvage Prteree tended tow of IUJUOO fort of toga bom the J. R. Morgan camp at Rivers Bight for the Seal Cove Lumber Go 's mill on Tuea Oalloway Raped, road camp on Thurs day with supplies and men. Arl AndrrtMin, fornierijr owner and klrr of Ihe Iwal halibut iHMt Itlnro. h heen glvrn contrails to build tuo new trolling iHtats during Ihe i-omlng winter at the old marine waj t feal Cove nhlrh lie lu rentrd from the ,ot- LAND ACT. MITICE OP INTENTION TO API'LV TO LEASE LANK. In Prince Rupert Land Recording Dls trlct of Coast District, Range 4, and lt uate on and being all of Bonllla Island except that portion occupied by Indian Reserve numoer 10 l; TAKE NOTICE that I. Ole C. Austad, ITtnoa Kuperv. vtMuu Vfaneher. intends to-ipply for a leaie W 1. . nn,,inff rlaarrlnan lanas Commenclnp at a post planted at the -.rkaatriv nnint at Bonllla Island; ! thence northerly, westerly, southerly and easterly, following tne sinuosiu ui M shore line, to point of commencement, excepting therefrom that portion of the 1.1. nri nnmmied bv Indian Reserve No. 18, and containing one thousand acres, more r ,,M' OLE C. AUSTAD. Applicant Dated July IB. 1M7. LAND ACT ll'lsl' I. In Prince Rupert Land Recording Dta trlct of Prince Rupert, and situate oa Princess Royal Island at East Side Cove from Butedale Cannery. . TAKE NOTICE that I, Jacob Koskl. Of Butedale, B.C.. occupation a fisherman, fntends to apply for a lease of the fol-lowlne described lands: 1 rnrSmenclni at a post planted about E0O yards northeast of Butedale oan Wharf: thence east 6 chains: nery thence south 8 chains; thence west t cntms- thence north 2 chslns to point of commencement and containing one acre, more or less. jacqb KOSjn Applicant. Dated August 87, 1827. - . LAND -ACT- , NOTICE OF INTEVTHIN TO APPLY TO LEAKE LANH Charlotte Islands Land Recording In Queen district of Prince Rupert, and situate at FergUBon Bay. Graham Island. Q Somerville Can-nerv TAKE NOTICE that Limited, Vancouver. BC company. JnatSn Packers. Intends to apply tor flessfof tM following described 1 lands: I thence east 80 chins: thence north 2 rnamt more or less, to low water mark; .,.t. following low water mark, rriimrnt. IHh will be 3.f,.lrr. lie helm far CharW EfltkM-n anil Ihe other liir K. Tarkrllaen. A 7-li.. IXoifKtaiHlard engine will 1 HH In Ihe Inrinrr while the motor tnr tlP hitler ha mt JH liern willed mi. lM-t whiter AndrrwHi built the tler Trttf fur Mike Mrlarfrten. BMward Ltaawtt. bead of the well known local ship chandlery concern1 fcearlaw. hla nam la kw a i - T T . --twicar visit to bit business. Prom the boat. Three la " " Mr . Meeat trip tej but It urope apparently agreed with Mm. He! " l om 'is looklag fit a. . fwdle ad sayc he las tbatr aauke. and outfit there Atu rnUne llkMrlM - r " -lalont the wrfreait preftaMttona In Alaakan porta to tfh , hlH) bKk to their own bait but. at thia late date in j the ecaeon. It la not aupfmied tbat many boat will raaort to thia jvacUoe. in i-bo um j-w wui. oouou-i. Bread way the (bur fte the ere ftod to tee Cov. eacahHahment. ysrrmizs rc,Ui m pu' fibt " tm- d jack r-r" I nBr FiYi ii Jtfy.JP ud up for for bait bait d during urine the the eamlnc ewnlni winter wlntw rw, dmiim. . ..u . ... . v,. ... .(tui , it"41" THE PIONEER LAUNDRY KIDS irs noi ni.i: paper depleUng how one man paid hie bet on the fiht by riding another down the main atreet In a when! barrow. Tbc man In the wnetbanow. where we would, of oourae. aspect our canny Doc to be. la a portent dawMe of tea Mttfee-volced member of the legal poveranifnt wharf ataff. George Punt OoamHlf , atereman at before the the Dtgby Md rtne ataatoa. returned home today Iron a holiday trip j to Vaaoouvar. L F.a pli aetoaa the IV M:u IKIMC way have bean wondertag If the faet Towage Ac Lighterage Oo that he fatfot ala permit osa&eried (' Ms vacation. Jack PUnt sustained minor injuries to hi arm recegdOf wttlie operating the ways a deer's tall erther aa witness the recent expedition down the coast . .Mtiu. Mtman aMii a naiT tmi annara ibm rho aniii rvi nan T 01 i um else that deer had an Iron hide. Besides, they felt that the animal must also be deaf, dumb and blind so they warily proceeded to Investigate. Soon our brave heroes found that they had been made the butt of what la usually described as a practical Joke. They had been peppering at a well propped bead and horn, of a long since killed, caroasa. Tata is to tell the perpetrator that his little Joke worked well on two of the best of them. DAM ltlE AT YATIIT CLl II Two of the dolphins at jthe Yacht Club fltoats-su5ered rather- severely !n 'the big blow early Wednesday morning and it Is perhaps due to the good offices of the caretaker, Shef Thompson, that pleasure boata were not strewn all over the harbor that fine day. Rotted and toredo-eaten under water. It only needed the wind to break the toDs off the eld piles and then the that some half a dozen or so of the pllea had been so damaged and. at an ". . ..... 1 emergent meeting of the directors of NOTICE OF INTENTION AMI TO All LI TO : tfte & y have the repairs proceeded with aa soon as possible. John Currle it Son have been assigned to do the work. Capt. Alfred Swanson brought a fine buck home from across the bay on Monday. It's a good thing some one I got one over there. Surelyenough have been trying. The meat dldnt taste like hull beef either. The fish packer Lincoln, owned by J. W. Moorehouse. chief engineer, and skippered by Capt. Joe DcamulleS arrived during the week from Massett and is moored at the dry dock. The vessel may go south, where fishing 1b Hill in progress, before tying up for the winter. The forestry boat Alpine Fir was taken Into the old McLean ways In Cow Bay on Tuesday to have some leaks repaired. Capt. Arnold also has his glllnetter Silver Star there having some minor changes 0 made before the " little vessel mcuvc "":--. ,,,,, - ,1,1-. -,nn nr f tS"nolnt " of commencement, and proceeds down the coast to engage as! iainine six (6 acres, more or less. : teender to a lo-ri" r.mo near Bwan-, (WKWC .nr.- t.v tn the w.iter Mr'. cm KW' ' will rebuUd this o at hU new Sea! Dated August 3Wm are now packed wish tuiiTH nixivo ir Should we haee bean wrikte, dawn!0 1 Mrt, of di.tn.t aovemmem QoaM at Cow Bay are be- to nu mi aam. ijunuf toe w.th the probability of an orer pply. Vur Wk aUmber ' nv' !.. : ihat good OB" oW wo Mend mend uoa mapfr- Olanoer. , . . t of th. t-otim n wui Be enwr, wi nun, WDeonw.tan waa un to a ivkv afami m th. I . Malt fLdw m tiut mmUmt such event- UAllty m ttw prMetit fxt may not aiiM. Many local halibut boata have returned to port during ttie pact week from caaoiry packing ehartera. Among theaa hae heea the Olbcon, Capt. 'Chrla. Henrtokaen: W.T.. Oapt. Cbartte Idwarda: Lielngatone. Capt. Toney Mar-ttnaett: M M Chrlitopher. Capt. All. Jacobacn and Cape Baale. Capt. Edgar Amett. gome of tbam plan making one or tew halibut trips manri cteea. .. . ! Boweeer. have jet to report to winter i i quarter. They ahould all be drifting j , In Khortly. Albert Frrbaurg! buoy, wfklefi marka the rock near the Lipeett wharf, went ! adrift in the big wind Wedneaatay morning and waa recovered at the dry I dock. Now It t back on the apot and the harbor la atie for nsvlantmn onee more. The same wtsd also eaueed the guard and cover hoards to be torn off toe teeal halibut host Iograd H.. whloh was moored at the time at ttoe Nelson Trsd4ag Oe.'a wharf Damage ta the extent of about t&O la being repaired at toe dry dock without delay. After having been engaged In packing and other duties for the Masnttt Can-1 during thr the Royal Pish , a beacon ha. been under somtructlon. j Co. s powerboat DctpMnwum arrived on, '"" a'thloc' from Matt Uat' To the. mort of huntln. trip, there DvM.vn. who .pent ten day. at uauanrbanea a tale and It la not U-lJhn uv Ui4uxici , uiur L'nA.av inj wiv tawu. are to be delivered. IW.tt and John wk. Bald tale ooet r-yy- - ----- - ----- Tom and John, tie aald, some fifteen : - The staff of the Prince Rupert Boat rounds of ammunition and aa well as House ha. bean busy thla week in j some of their dignity and a few, only a stalling a M hp FalrbMks-MWae an- few. of course . choice cuss word. They tine In the oompanyt grsveVacow. re placing an old St b p. Buffalo. A house will be bulM over the Radglta. Powerboat "23" with Capt. Bob ware poking along in search of the A number of Indian boats have de- land. nKrovtitr.it crank Mitrr , A succeasful operation waa conducted wfly when, to and behoW. over a log by the be. Towage & ugnterage va. wu een the head and horns of a tour on Thursday when lta diver went down rmnr buck. "This looks like good off the wharf of the Nelson Trading Oo. abootto'," says Tom to John and both and recovered the erankahaft of the Thomas at the helm, made a trip to let fly. But that bllnkln- buck took 1 old engine from the Toodle which had 11 they had to give him without even been .subsequently bought by Axel batting an eye. After sending a few Anderson, ine snaii nan inaoverianuy overboard when the Toodle had a more over, thev beaan to mutually gone doubt their capacities aa marksmen or 1 change of engine, recently. James Mc Rae, diver for the aalv&ge company, went right to the spot and soon located tlie all-important piece of machinery. day, dock following recently extensive repairs thereto. Hans Berqulst 'was discharged on Tuesday from the' Prince Rupert General Hospital where he was recetrlng treatment for an Injured leg. Hans is now at the Knox Hotel, completing bis recuperation from the effects of the accident at Klnaham Island fox farm where he fell over the wharf on a pitch-dark night recently. floats started playing tag with one Today marks the opening of the sea- Lnother. Further examination showed son for the shooting of duck, and geese In this district. Despite unlavor able weather conditions,, many huntsmen are planning embarking on thla It will not be the hunters' fault H. Mork, formerly with ;B111 SeUg on the Onah and In the halibut fishing fleet for several years, has quit seafar THE DUALITY CIGARETTE RRITISH COLUMBIA The Mineral Province of Western Canada To the end of December, 1926. Has produced Minerals as follows: Plucer Gold, $78,018,548; Lode Gold, $120,972,318; Silver, $80,787,003; Lead, $10C,97G,442; Copper, . $209,967,068 ; Zinc, $5Q,B125T7; Coal and Coke, $28499,133; Structural Materials and Miscellaneous Minerals. $60,175,407; making its mineral production to the end of 1926 show an AGGREGATE VALUE OF $988,108,170. PRODUCTION FOR YEAR ENDING DECEMBER, 192C, $67,188,842 The Mining Laws of this Province are more liberal and the fees lower than, those of any other Province in the Dominion, or any colony in the British Empire. Minerdl locations are granted to discoverers for nominal fees. Absolute Titles are obtained by developing such properties, the security of which is guaranteed by Crown grants. Full information, together with Mining Pkeports and Maps, may be obtained gratis by addressing THE HONORABLE THE MINISTER OF MINES. VICTORIA, BRITISH COLUMBIA. N.B. Practically all British 'Columbia Mineral Properties upon whieh derolopment work has been done are described in some one of the Annual Reports of the Minister of Mines. Those considering mining investments should refer to such report. Theg are available without charge on application to the Department of Mines, Victoria. B. fieports'of the Geological Survey of Canada, Winch Building, Vancouver, are recommended as valuable sources of information. Reports covering of the Six Mineral Survey Districts are published separately, and are available on application. H. Phippen. Capt. Jim Morrison, left 011 Thursday morning for Georgetown and, returning that evening, brought in a acow of box lumber from the Big Bay sawmill for the Canadian Fish 6c Cold Storage Co. The Phippen went out to Georgetown again last night and returned this morning with two scows-one containing lumber for the company's local yard and the other having boxes far the Booth Fisheries. During the week the M.TJ. Capt. Reg. Green, made a trip to Rivers Bight ahd brought up a boom of logs whieh la being tied up with several boom at IUnd to Owing to the capstans having not,0" been yet bolted down and a boom being in the way. the government wharf could not take the steamer Princess Alice on Wednesday ss was expected. The Princes Qestrlee. landlns there to- ready to be put through the new mill f the Big Bay Lumber Co. at Seal Cove when that plant gets into operation in the spring. On Wednesdsy. the PJt.T.. Capt. Har- IT 1 0 fn. D.. 1 Tin .Vw.v a I- .V. !. nn . oa V- - I 1 ffcv.i, 1V1 k w -vail ..M.wv. - dogfish prospecting tour with George Binhby, head of the concern on board. The P.R.T. got back on Thursday even ing and left that night for Welcome Harbor, tie present headquarters of the km, aog Tuning iieei. - . The Oumshewa has been picking up the last offal of the season at the Skeeha River canneries during the week lng to engage tti.he. no less perilous 8S1.000 pounds of which 691.500 of railroading game. 7 He will help Blrj which 691-500 pounds was American Henry Thornton bring the golden har-land 159.C00 pounds Canadian helped vest of grain to Prince Rupert thia . to reduce the shortage from last year winter. ibut It Is considered unlikely that there K.M.P. FLEET HISV Rupert Marine Products power tug F. " Q and the Tide Rip, Capt. Jeff Lambly, has been employed In the fragrant task of cleaning hoppers. With unfavorable weather general and a bait shortage Imminent, there sterna little chance now for halibut Jandmgs at the pert of Prince Rupert this year to catch up with last year's first day for their favorite haunts. If (record before close season becomes ef- Club Thursday night. It was decided to (some good bags are not brougt home jfective on November IS. Juat a montb hence. Landings for this season up to yesterday totalled 22.436.750 pounds as compared with a total of 23.1S4.300 pounds at a similar date In 1920. Heavy landings during the past week totalling will be another week as heavy. Of the total for the present season to date 18,- 1 44S.3S0 pounds has been landed by American vessels snd 5,967.400 pounds from Canadian. The Canadian catch is not far behind the total of 6.040.900 pounds last year at a similar date, the big decrease being In American fish which Is down from 17.114,400 pounds. Owing to the heavy landings, prices have been comparatively law during the week, the beet bid for American flin having been 16c and 6c which waa paid the Eastern Point by the Atlln Fisheries on Friday for- 4.000 pounds whUe the highest Canadian mark waa 12.6c and 5c bid by the Atlln Fisheries on Thursday for the 2.000 pound catch of the Brant Lowest blda were 10.8c and 6c on Wednesday for American fish and 10.1c aX"9c -on- Tlrorsday for Canadian, i ASK ME ANOTHER? Here are the National Prizes: 1st prize .. .. (10.000 4th prize 1550 8th prize 400 2nd prize 5.000 5th prize 1,000 9th prize 250 3rd prize 2,000 6th prize 700 10th prize 100 7th prize 600 CANADIAN LAUNDRY PRIZES 1st Prize 12 months Soft Finish Laundry Service. Approximate value $75.00. 2nd Prize 12 months Thrift-T-Service. Approximate' value $60.00. 3rd Prize 12 months Wet Wash Service. Approximate value $10.00. For full details of above prizes, as well as 1,200 valua'ble awards, consult the booklet, "Ask Me Another About the Laundry," obtainable at the Canadian Laundry & Dry Cleaners Phone 8 515 6th Avenue W. BADMINTON Supplies Kaien Hardware Co. Telephone 3 Dr. MAGUIRE Dentist Phone 523. Over Orme's Drug Store Office Hours 9 to 9 f Lady Assistant 'a Insist on B.C. PRODUCTS They Lead in Quality