rAoe tvto i The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA I'uLHsfeed Every AfAeraecn. except Sand?, bar Priwe Rupert rv. :i v.. t iitt rvtj i H. F. PULLRN '""Sr81! - - - Mwuuriiiff Kditor SUIlSCi(IIT!ON' RATES: City DeliveiTi ty oaH or carrier, per mouth J-'.75 By mall t all parti of the BritlsA Empire and the United - States, In adraac. per year $-ViOl To all other esnntries, in advance, per rear J.7- Transient Display Advertising, per inch pr iavftion .. Transient AdTertiiiijr Frsjat Page, per iacfa Local Readers, per Inisrtssn yar line ...4 .25 Classified Advertising, per insertion per word Lera! Notices, escfa HMfrrJoa jer agate Hne IS Contract Rates on Application ' Member of Audit Rureau of Circulation. DAILY EDITION Thursday, Dec. 1, 1927 SOVIET DISARMAMENT SCHEME The dicaraanent scheme put forward by the Soviet government fa not just now possible of acceptance. We have not got beyond the point where we are sure to quarrel at times and the recent movement in Russia against the British Empire which seemed to hare reached tbe boiling point as a res alt of skilful dissemination of specf&tts lies by the contrarleti frets of that country, is an indication et how necessary aa army and navy is just now. The suggestion of (MmnnaaktBt like- many of the suggestions of the Soviet Republic, is as ideal me and not at present practicable, ft is revolution!-)'. The British i4ea of making changes is to bring them about gradually. By carrying on in that way no injustice is done anyone and the country is not brought into a condition of turmoil. No citizen of the British Empire would like to see bloodshed in bringing about changes snob as was shed in Russia. We are naturally a peaceable people but we are ready to fight when necessary. Within the British Empire are tribes that only a few years ago were cannibals and even today some of them cannot be classed as any thing more than savages. Not all have made the progress that have the natives sf this coast. With such people force is necessary. Even Experience is what you get while you are looking for something else. The one thing that hurts mere than hating to pay income tax is not having to pay income tax. When the time comes for the meek to inherit the earth taxes will be so high they won't want it. PONTIUS PILATE WAS GRAFTER DECLARES DAUGHTER OF BRYAN CHICAGO. Dec. 1. A municipal dal hutbed up nineteen vcen turiea ago waa aired recently before 2Q(X) mem-ben of tbe Executive Club by Mm. Hutb Bryrfn Owen. davgMer ! the late Willi am Jfwtlnga Bryan. Poxittua Pilate. Bomao governor o! Paleettz. she aald. pocketed fund wntcn be had been given to eenatnact a water supply base in tbe hlUa near jeruaalem and was accused of graft. Tbe record" were raized and hidden near tbe water Unka and tbe charges of fraud were quashed but Engl Lata engttteere. ahe aald. uncovered tbe records while thev were Marching for a water nupplf for SHAKESPEARE TODAY IS A VITAL FORCE SUITED TO MASSES WINNIPEG. Dec. 1 (By the Catia. dlsn Press i. Archibald D. Flower, rbatrman of the Bhakespeare Memorial Theatre. Stratford -on - Avon . was a vlal- tsr to. WaBBpecntly Jrpm, EnMand.i nv unmua epreaomg tne gospel, ' OT Bbakeepeare aa a vital force throughout the weat Born in the great playwright native own. Mr Flower believe that Shakespeare xtanda today as the greatest ol cntertalnera and philosophers. Ma aim U to eradicate the idea that Bhakespeare i for the classicists and not for the maea. He regarded tbe presentation of KuwfciK ui moaern costume aa an tbe Brub army and fouBd the tank- j interesting experiment, stating its value " y Hi tlve fact that it (ifmomtnt.i Mrs. uwen, wife of Major Reginald I Shakcaneara Owen Of the PnVitl KticlnAOPSi ! was .a Cairo during war times. j Advertise In The Dally news loreBreodandMerBimU" Yoiill notice the difference at once CANADA IS NOT ; YET QUITE FREE -. r HaV Not Power to Ilevle Own TuisliluiJon But Will Gel It , LONDON. Drc. I -How tar m Oaaa4a.i the ldt at thr DoaOatMM. MSMMf a "Sovereign 8llr ati Um Manchcata OuaMMs j "Tti phrase was use :n the iiaovi' iresjuttsa t tk Imfi rfxl Osnirraaoc j vhleb recofetoed tbe MBmm jat the U eness Prttlib nattsjaa, yrt a eosjtcmire at Ottawa has ut k occupied IB disrusalng whether CrLH should now ftx to achieve s luat aoartUtaon ot sovereignty, the right to amend her own Coomimusb. pssMea is Dot aa easy mm. The NMtta America Act. wife ttal atmtf-lmm highly eompjes sjaawea rr- and itieail MgMs a1 isfrgiarmng for ail Usa the aukguag and culture of the Frsmch minority, wu ' the ouicoase of a mm Ounce f ibe mo-' vinos cmkodird sixty years ago in ai British atatate Ttixl I that bo altera lion snail be m i b. It esfept with the osuot of the original contracting parties. At tfecii I tcitanec, and theirs oat J. tht Brltteb ! Partttaaem nay act. 'It h Bat maimed ea kf the sssst rdBt of famasiaa nattostaUata that tfcu tact ti chansed la asy way or the re-oJutlon of the Imperial Cooiarcnoa. Whether or net ft ehoM be altered, whether Oaaada ohswM aTlnafl bf tnter-rBetal agreeaaeat to preMtkt Wrat-alnater with a plan tor taking her Con-atlMiUos tata her tianrta la tbe aubeet of the preaent dlecuaWaa. The goreraoMot puu torward a tentative uggeaUon that formal loghsaUve autbor- tty ah9uM be aougbt from tbe BriUih pTtlmaart for Qanada to aaacad ita ConatttotioD wltbiB certain limitation that wmm aafaguard eslaUnc ricbta. with more highly civilized countries, a certain amount of force is, But sen to thu careful plan Quebec effective. It is too soon to do away with armaments, but it is not 1 and the Maritime province maintain too soon to make a beginning in that direction with a view to finally , 10 the meantime a highly critical att reaching the goal. i.nun Hawaii's KPimtAMs tuae. Sooner or later, aa tbe government' aupporten maintain, aos&e aucb It woold teem, moat be " O to to beep abreaat ol , - v-rv. . , J .. ijum uenmi ji a ufiui pfwaiavr anu oome oa jus epjgrams in-1 her namlnal atatua. But it to clear dieate genlU. Here ant some of them: (that the may wUi not be eaay and that ;so man can tell wttat rnotas lived on before Adam and Eve wore efiSthes Man wants but little here below, gene-rally a little more than he will ever get. The man who does nothing does somebody. The great misfortune to mankind is that only those out of office know how to solve great problems. . . , . jjeafimist always grumbles because there is not enough gloom to go around. Sometimes- a pessimist is the mas who backed an optimist. The optimist is certain of going to Heaven; the jssimist is certain pe won't like it even if be gets there. A jnotor car with one horn can toss a man farther than a bull with iw5 horns. loUhe poultry industry it is a diplomatic wife who makes her hnsbandbelieve he is doing it alL Today women display more backbone than men. ' It is safest to tell your wife everything but tell her before somebodjlse does, and tell her that whjeh you are sure she will find o'utSr To work eight boors a day for tWrty sbilUng a week is domes tic service. To work sixteen hours a day for nothing and appear to be pleased is marriage. an anomaly curious even nwng the many that d.Miugui'tb Bmiih Imperial relatlcna may !or a.-ine time perslet." LIQUORTRADE OF PROVINCE Threat Made That it Will be Re moved to Mexico if Legislated Out of Business VICTORIA. Dec. 1. If Parliament legislate British Columbia far-fluag liquor smuggling trajBe out of buatness at its next session, aa It la expected to do. tbe bane of the American bootleg Uuppllea probably will be moved from nere to Mexico. This t the expectation of liquor officials who have kept In close touch with export operations for Siany yean and who are tregly behind tbe movement to abolish this trade altogether. ine smuggling of liquor Into tbe United fitatea la far too lucrative a business to be allowed to perish with-1 out a fight. It la believed. After hang ing on to a precarious existence for' years in the lace of tbe Provincial Government, smugglers undoubtedly wlU do everything In their power to avoid tbe fate which la foreshadowed far them In the proposed abolition of private liquor importation. But if the neoessary legislation la passed by Parliament at Its next session, after being rejected three times by the Senate, of ficials cannot see how the export trafflr- out of British Columbia can live. It will have to find another base and Mexico is considered Ideal for this pur- KXI'WTj KTItOMl KKHIT The necessary legislation, however, is Tot yet through Parliament. While tbe Federal Government haa agreed to introduce it. and while the House of 3ommons haa voted In favor of It .hree times before, tbe proposed amendment to the Canada Temperance Act. Voblblttng private liquor Importation, las yet to run the gauntlet of the Senate. A strong Xlght. against tbe bill at Ottawa Is expected here. Liquor hv erests will contest it on the ground hat it will Interfere with private righti nd win Inaugurate a restriction on' (Thlcb the public of British Columbia ias never voted. This was the "argu- nent used with success in the Senate before when similar legislation was vetoed. Even if tbe private importation of iquor is abolished, liquor exporters naJ tlnd some way of escaping the ln-:eotion of tbe new legislation. Un doubtedly all these possibilities will )e explored by the liquor interests but if the legislation is drafted along the. ame lines as In the past British Col-, ambla officials do not see how the ex- wrters here can escape it. If all pri vate importation were forbidden it ap pears that the exporters wUl be unable o secure .supplies to ahlp into the United States. It la some clause in tbe eglsluUon by wblcb the exporters would ue Die to get supplies somewhere, jomehow that is feared here EXPECT MOVE If ho aue.b loophole is available how-, ver the vast llauor oreanizar.ion whii nas been built up in this Province since " problbKlon VlvuiWUii times lUlHTS will Will not HOI allow SHOW its American trade to perish Is the opinion or " hos most closely cioseiy in in touch loucn. THE DAILY NBW3 THE ACME'S values. As an example, read these: STANFIELD'S RED LABEL Men's Underwear. Regular $5.00 value. Temptation Sale 3.85 no difficulty in establishing In Mexico, bases like those now operating lo Van couver and in tbe Interior of British Columbia. Meanwhile the export business not only is flourishing but is expanding. Judging from the recent incorporations completed at the Parliament Buildings A number of firms formed recently 1 1 ermlssion. wui engage in the bandUng of liquor for export official underatSBS. Tbe Federal Government la not allowing the creation of anf fiw bonded liquor warehouses but there rs nothing to prevent the lneorpoca(tlon ol concerns handling liquor armiactur this Province or brought In by owners of existing warehouses. - Man in the Moon SiMONDS SAWS BECAUSE guaranteed to cut 10 more timber in same time, with lest labor than any other saw. tlMONOS CANADA IAW CO. LTD. momthcal n SOME men are norn great, some achieve greatness and ether Just grate on you TfllNK whp- vcaxastraphe it would Use CEE-TEE Men's Pure Wool Combinations. Regular SO value. Temptation Sale, Price gg85 MEN'S SUITS Five hundred Ilea's fine Tweeds and Worsteds at drastic price reductions. 22.M Tweed Suite SH.(I. $26.00 Suits to clear at Kl(i.( $30.00 Suits for eniy Sll).(Wi 1:.60 Worsted Suits at $24.05 $45.00 Navy Bae Serge SWEATERS Men's Heavy Weight Wool Sweater Costs. Regular values to $8.50 T-mp'.ation Sale 1 95 Tk famous I) Lo V Men's Sweaters, the double duty coat for fair and stormy weathfr! Bejrnlar $4.50 value. Qf Temptation Sale Price t?-:.i7J OVERCOATS 76 Men's Tweed Overcoats. Drowns, grays, fancy checks; double breasted or plain models. Sizes 34 to 44. Wation Sale gjgg $35 Men's Overcoats in Novelty Tweeds. Gray, midnight blue, etc., full check back, atl taped and smartly tailored. Temptation Sale 3J.9 95 Plush Lined Overcoats in fcigh grade Tweeds in fancy blue and checks. Re gular $37.50 value. Temptation Sale Price No C.O.D. Orders. 21.65 WOLSKY Pure Wool Men's Combinations. Regular per suit Temptation Sale Price 4.95 BLUE CHINCHILLA OVERCOATS Regular 340.00 value. Now only FOR BOYS High Grade Overcoats. Regular $16.M and $140 values. Sizes 2C to 34. Temptation Sale jjjJ gEj 84 Boys' Pure Wool Tweed Suits. No suit in this, lot sold in the regular way at feas than $JS.O0. Temptation Sale Trice . Temptation Sale Price . Strictly Cash. tie 11 there sere not enough turkeys to i!D around at Christmas! THE boundary between Canada and he United Btatca may be Just an imaginary line but It may prove to be more than that If any person fancies he can crass K without the necessary A YOUNO fellow was driving along a eountry road southwest of town when he overtook a group of school children, and when he offered to give them a lite tney piled Into his machine. There vatnt room for aB of them on tbe wts so one of the girls had to alt on the driver's tap. "Do you like school? tie Inquired. "Tri, Mt," she replied. Do you attend school every day.' "Good little girl," be remarked, kissing ner on ute catees:. "And do you Bke jour teacher?" "I'm the teacher," she replied. GET rid of the groueh habit, the feeling sick habit and the hospital habK, but cutttvate the laugh habit, the smtle habit, the health habit and the gcod cheer habit. THOSE who visit the local restaurants should not get the Idea that knives and forks ad table napkins are medicines to be taken after the meal. WE like the women. Their cute little ways They have no fcoeket Bo man alwayf- pays. Pcidispar nas beeti mined In Canada ence 1890 ne grer te part of the out-wu: belns IIM I I I DPlIlf 'TTIT' xnc tea 1 T , . . s. United States VANO0UVEH. Wt MN. KJ. TORONTO waere aen ucn, ln the potteries S7.35 Bore' Tweed ittoomers. Values $2L? aad fS ML Pare Wool "Seratch" Tweeds, with belts and watch pocket. In sizes 27 to 34. Temptation Sale Price . S1.75 St. Mar caret "a Diamond and Double-Knee Utocktaga, in all sixes. Regular value up to $1.75. Temptation Sale Price, while they last Qt per pair fit. Margaret's Cashmere Stockings, in all sizes. Regular up to $1.25 value. Temptation Sole Price, while they last, 7Cp j.er pair 1 St. Margaret's Jerseys, all Wool Cashmere in fancy, brown and navy with polo collar. Regular $3JjO value. S1.95 Boys' Fancy Sweaters, all Wool, in pullover and lumberjack styles. Monarch knit. Regular values up to $545. Temptation Sale t?0 QC Price 0&VO ANNUAL OF MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING AND FURNISHINGS STARTS FRIDAY, DECEMRER 2 Positively the Biggest Bargains in B.C. Resides the regular stock of the Acme Importers, consisting of high-nrade Mens and Boys' fVh . ... . . .. " iJJ' - I I ;l I -a. ! t ii i n nig, we nac iuaut- a itj special purcnase ai a very special price ior casnf inroui;n uauit IJros. Ujj $ part of the stock of Jas. Thomson & Sons, of Vancou ver, who have none out of business. This stoti consists of Men's and Boys' high-grade Furnishings and we are thus enabled to offer absolutely ash VIKIV, Men's I'm:, r . natural Regular ?7 ' tation Saic Price gy- MEN'S SHIRTS lfe Aa Men's fcitfh gi d Those hsohide BatgliKh M ttay Cord. Novelty K ford Stripe. Delhi Via- . SIM Cordis, e Retriu. TemptatioB Sale VrU , G. W. &. AU Wool Fane Wool Flannels. Temptation Sale Price ReK UNDERWEAR heavy RibVed Uaderwai fksldo, ai) Wool. Shirt. Temptation Sale Fru. per garment Stanfieids .Medium Wei? wear. Regular $4.00 Temfrtation Sale Prico Turnbull's Natural Wool wear. In Combination a- ' Drawer Regular $4.50 Temptation Sale Pri. Stanfield's Silk and W : wear. Regular $70 Temptation Sale Price Turnbull's Ribbed Men's 1'- i fleecy and warm. Con1 Regular $4.00 value. Temptation Sale Price The Acme Importers Third Avenue. S2.85 S2.95 $135 82.95 $2.95 $6.45 S2.65 No charge accounts. .ssSBsasi ;tajsuiia.- DOT. UJt s lu r .... ' - - - --z frr rzwmmmmm ss, -sau -'! new jctt Ol.io Ol.ic. anrt and in in tV,. the I DEMAND "Rupert Brand" Kippers THE DAINTIEST HKEAKFAST FOOD.' Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & (,oA Storage Prince Kupert. ILC Thompson Hardware Co., ... Ltd. T?.me 253 Third Avenue. "Mai Orders carefully filled l'rince jjuperi 7' ' SNOW SHOVELS z FURNACE SCOOI'S , k CALVANIZED TUIiS, 2T 1 k AJLtll ISLAsT lAiV J t'.ta