of La Accessories tit it i nation of the advent of the new Fairs' In near future, we have decided to clMrfri ... k ii Ford Accessories. We list below s Um . ;MitH'ip) items, and you will find in Bttt m. many mailer items, on which wo Mi , Millar reduced prices. Old Mow Pitas. Prioa. sl lillLKS, per net installed ..... fUAO IMtl.Ott 151 MPEUS and ItUMI'BHVITHk stalled $1H.0 sPEEPOMETKItS, installed ItTOO JM ( VSOUNE GAUGES, installed . . I 5.00 $ JW RAM VTOK and HOOD COVERS . $ 8.50 $ 5.0H S.E.Parker Limited FOHD SALES AND SERVICE. ,.rJ tenue East Phone 83 Red and Gold Gift Boxes - iii daily use dressed up in Holiday Attire' t ho t. you. 'iim ' Lolion . '...Ii $2JW ush i .wder ::. Uim.r : n Jt n Powder Soup $1.Mi Powder iler Puff P jtv lcr Compact '' c Powder SjJl.tlo Shaving Cream After Shave Lotion Tnlcum Powder .... !. Shaving Lotion Shaving Brush Talcum Powder $HAM Jonteel Combination Cream Jonteel Cold Cream.. $l.tM Face Powder Cold Cream Combination Cream . . $1."0 Face Powder Combination Cream . . S I. Bath Baits 1 cakes Toilet Soap . . -.-" . Ln vender Uath Salts ""' Pencils 0f and lj!l.0 .u Fancy Rubber Aprons .' "((? bbbw 7fm Pioneer' DrtiofZsls THIRD AVL O SIXTH ST TELEPHONES 8?200 BURGESS Flashlights and Batteries Kaien Hardware Co. Telephone $ BssBsaBBi IKdianJ VACiric Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert 10 K: lttttmm her vkm- '". Ju'-u "d SkanHV-November 10 3. 16. 30: "'"' .rr" V"l"' " Keattle-Ntrml.er "no January 4, llrltf'Kolinf ' &ed.h, r..at 2? 4b Hee,Va. AS; grTW ' ''"' M- The Least Excitement Made Her Heart Palpitate and Flutter Vn Ambrose OrMr, Elginburg, Oat, writes: "1 suffered for eosse UM witli litttl heart waioh soemaj U La mntmlli-tl by my nerves. Tk least little evitenieiit would etuN it to Bat-tjfVwl paluUate, sad St times I would base real lad pell. I suffered ia this way for some tint wan, cue day, l.etw advertised, so derided to try tataa. I had only taken a ifew boies whoa I noticed tnat-T felt better, so I continued taking them and in a short time my heart felt entirely differwrt.' Trite .'."r a box at all druggists and dealers, or mailed direct oa reosipt of price by Tie T. Uibarn Co., Ltelteo, Teeeato, Oat HIKXtXt KEPOKT. S aja. DCAD TBS FOnrr-Oeawast. calm; barometer. 39.73; tern pets tnse, SJ; sea smooth. SOU. HABBOH. Bslnltag, UgtOBi- astwlnd; barometer 80.00; Sssapnraeure. S: sea rough. DJOBY muWD Ovwoast, ttfbt wind; barometer. KM; tentperaiore, 44; SMderate ewea. DCAD TRW ronT. Oeereast, S.E wind; barometer, 39.7S; temperature. 88; sea smooth. BULL HARBOR Intnl. light S.E wind: barometer. 8040; temperature, 48; aea choppy. HOTEL AHUIV.iL. 1-rtswr Kprt P. Orahaxn. Toronto; Or. sn O. Large. Charles Toombs and K. Qlbson. Port I. L. Seiden. Vancouver; C. Watson. Port Sb&pson: WOnam Beodea. city. Central C P. Dawaan. Victoria; B. B. Snow. Vancouver. ' Advertise tn The DaHv News niti; LAND ACT. , or TO INTtiKVION TO APPLY t.KA! LAND In Prince Rnptrt Land Becordmg Dbv rlet and situate on the wuthwesl oor-rer of an unuamed bay on the south bank ctf Port Oh anal. Orabam bland. Queen Charlotte Islands. In the Province of Brltiah Columbia. TAKE MOTICB that Arthur Bobersson. of M nun. WU, B.C.. occupaHPfk a -Sb-lntends te apply Tot a Ms of itlcwing described lands Commencing at a post planted about one chain westerly from the mouth ol an unnamed creek flowing into an unnamed bay on the south bank of Port Chsnal. Graham Island. Queen Charlotte y.iui. amhiM r.f British Columbia; thence 4 chains southerly: thence 10 chains easterly: ineuee cnaiu u-. -therly to the shoreline: thence fnliowlns the shoreline to point of oontmenoe-ment. and containing 8 acreel more or PI (Signed) A. Dated October 8 1037 BOBBBTSOS. Applicant. NOTICE IM THE MATTER of an application for tbe issue or a Provisional Certificate of Title for the East half of Lot 202T Caaaiar District, aald to contain 320 acres, more or leas THE DAILY NEWS Local and Personal BC Undertakers. Pttous tl. Dentist. Dr. J. B- Otms. Phone 886 Qet the.Bia.sLbabiU When, tblnilht of & Tif nhiln"4 tl " Com to HBaT IXuice Saturday night. Snappy music. Buy Taikwa Goal and help develop Central B.C. It's better coal, t! This afternoon's train, due from Hit last at SJt. i reported to be on time I Pot quick and MUsfetory work bnn. j Xma hemstitching to Dollar Store u Bon' Tower Brand Slickers, the best 'made. Bale price W.94 at Montr; Im The Women of Mooeeneert Legion will bold a Whist Drive and Dance Friday evening at 8.30 prompt. 282 BUts' Dance Saturday night from '.' tin 13 in the Helgereosj Block Bnappj music. Admission SOe. , Men's nseoc-llned USaderweer. two piece suits. aU aires. Bale price 76c par garment at Montreal Importers. j Listen! Moose Obrtstmaa Tree whli' drive and danea, Friday. December 9 Twenty dollars in eH prtees. Stsnfleld's Red Label Underwear, shirt and drawers, sale price $1.7 per garment: combteeetoo 88.50 at Mont real lmportexs. Men's PennMrs kesr U " under-wart ahtru aad drawers. Sale prtos (1.10 per garment; eomblnatlon. sale 'price SS.2 at Montreal importers. Mrs. B- There are still 200 Tessrved seata for family -Adam and Eva" at tbe Westhoime Theatre nest Tuesday and Wednesday, aatisfaetory proof of the loss of the Vaneouver. r.-tfio.t of Title covertna the above i. mi havlnr been produced to me. re is my intention to issue, after the expiration of one month from tbe first publication hereof, a Provisional Certificate of Title to the above land, m the name of MADELINE MINTOM The original Certificate of Title Is dated the 80th September, 1913. and is numbered 44 Land Registry Office. Prince Rupert. B C 17th October. 1927. H F MacLEOD. Reclstrar of Titles. Special Value ns -ar Sandwich $6 3 silver sua uie quality piate 8re are a, handle screws off so it can also be used with a small itr ind f or our new catalogue. i (Jewellers SSltiie store with the aoci your seat at ormes now, I PUlowailDs. r"1 make, tine quality ala nries 1 tor 4ec; flannelette blan kets, heavy brushed quality, sale price $1.7t per pair at Montreal lmporvers. The promotion ts announced of Oaear I. Smith of the Vooa) customs house atatf from tbe status of customs excise eleak to that of oaattter and eomtupag clerk. Mvde Transfer now agsitts for A! Alberta SooUess and Pembina Peerless These coals are under cover, don't bu water, buy coat. $12 a ton can you hafit is? tl R B. Snow of BncUer Bay reached the rltv veaterdar after trip to Van eouver and will proceed to the Queen Charlarte lalands on the Prince John Saturday night. CJJ.R steamer Prince John. Capt. E. Mabbs. from Vancouver via the Queen Charlotte Islands, is not expected to arrive before late tonight. -Up to noon tbe vessel had not reported to loca: officers The local St. Andrew's Society waa In receipt yesterday of many St. Andrew's Day greetings. Among the place beard from were Cornwall. Ontario. Charleston. B.C., OJen Falls, N.T.. San Francisco. Vancouver and North During the month of November the city fire department respondtd to Uhree alarms. In no case was damaae of a very extensive nature. The calls were as follows: November 11, C. T. Saunders.. 849 Ninth Avenue West: November 11. P. M. Rayner. 506 Fourth Ave. East; November 20, J. PoBtulo, First Avenue. II. O. Crew, a pioneer .of this city and one of the first returned men of Prince Rupert, has resigned from the municipal engineering staff, with which he' has been Identified for several years, and wUl be leaving about the middle of this month for Vancouver where or in the neighborhood of whkh city he Diana on locating. Mrs: Grew and daughter. Joan, have been In the south for several months. Wireless reports of the vessel's position this morning Indicated that C.PJt. ! steamer Princess Mary, Oapt. Arthur Slater, southbound from Alaska to Van couver. would not arrtre here be'-i-e midnight or the early hours of tomor row morning. Over thlrty-slx hours 'behind schedule on account of snow 'and storms sne nas experienced 2tte I throughout the voyage, the Mary did v not leave Juneau until m o'clock last ff f night. The run from the Alaskan capl- Jj J tal to Prince Rupert will -take well over - n'i ilMmtnt for the PrlneeMl mis new arucie is kuuu A numbcr of ioea, paSBTOeeri awaiting the arrival of the,Mary to go south. glass dish in the centre for Penman'. "71' Underwear for boys. i i i ahirt inH drav.rs. 8ale Drice 50c Der OllveB or crscwrs suu cuecw, nt; combination, nas . a suit at "or a plain cake or sandwich TLitPti Montreal Importers. ANNOUNCEMENTS First United Church Bazaar December 1. "Adam & Eva." Westhoime Theatre, December 0 and 7. AcUi-i- C'iirss I.O.Di Novelty Bazaar December 9. Pl.,v by United Church Dein:bcr 15 Ladles. i ''. December 18 PAGE THBEE ) St - - :. v .1 ' i QheRoaririQamf" flingin the stanes and WHEN soopin them hame, there's nothing like a pipeful of " 4Tis the bonniest tobacco in the wur-r-ld," say lovers of the roarin' game. And every lover of a rich, mellow pipe tobacco will heartily agree with their Curling friends. Valuable "Poker Hands" in every package and tin. Two "Poker Hands" in the large 25c. package Still Going Strong Space and time will not permit our giving a list of the hundreds of Bargains on sale in our store. All we can say is drop in "and be convinced of this genuine price-cutting event. LADIES' HOSE MEN'S AND LADIES' BATHROBES SILK UNDERWEAR MEN'S, LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S FANCY SLIPPERS MEN'S AND LADIES' SILK SCARVES FANCY SILK HANDKERCHIEFS SILK BEDSPREADS MEN'S NECKWEAR IN FANCY GIFT BOXES Etc. at less than wholesale You can save from thirty to fiftv ner cent on your Christmas Gift Purchases . ' BUY NOW! MONTREAL IMPORTERS Third Avenue. Men's Penman's "71" Underwear, shirts and drawers, sale puce 75c per garment: combinations $1.00 a suit at! Montreal Importers. j The fur season is now open and I have targe orders from manufacturers for aU varieties of skins. Tjt ybttr' btfn benefit, don't sell before you see ooldi bloom. You'll gain by it. Mr. and Mrs James McNulty sailed today on the Princess Mary for Vancouver einoute to California where they will spend tbe winter. They will Dieo and Ttt JuaB. go at. far as San jnxiL itt.li iau SEATTLE. Dec. 1 Judge George f. Held, who roic from the telegraph clerks desk f the vice-preiden.' of: .!' Northern Pm-if-c Railway, u- dead: J. B. Miller, Proprietor. Canadian National fcfht Largeft Railway Sylem in Americc STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE Sailings from PKINCE KITEKT for VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, SEATTLE, and intermediate points, each FRIDAY, 9.00 ajn. For STEWART and ANYOX. each VVEIiXESIiAV. 10.00 pjn. For NORTH and SOITII QIEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. Fortnjghtly. HASSENCiKK TRAINS leave PKINCE ripert Each MONDAY. WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY at 11.30 aja. for PKINCE (iEORGE. EDMONTON. WINNIPEG, all points Eastern Canada, United States. AGENCY AU, OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES, llae Canadian National Express for Money Orders. Foreign Cheuaea. etc.. also for your next shipment CITY TICKET OFFICE. 518 T1I1HD AVE. PRINCE RUPERT. Phone t