r. . ,l.i. Ilrilish Water Enthusiasts Have Chartered a Ship to.TaKe Them to Amsterdam AMSTERDAM. Holland. Dec. 1 Swim-diving, water polo and other nata-lal competition have a prominent i :e In the program of the Olympic. : :r to be held Here during the sura-of 1928. For the convenience of f swimming enthusiast a ateamer been chartered to make the tr.p l pr n lde a floating hotel In Amster-si Mrbor during the contests. United E - uad Finnish contestant will alao their own steamers. In fact, with various boat chartered by Olympic -CHant and newapapera of various '"trie, the port of Amsterdam will ' a veritable International fleet ljr. .it anchor during the aummer. Tue program of Olympic natatorial c "t v Held day by day la aa follow: A'.;, ''.Vie taetci taete: An " ic 4- -Morning: 1600 meter free Men HeaU). .Afternoon: 1500 tree atvle. Men (Ileata). 400 free atyle. Women (Heats). 6 Afternoon: 1500 meter tree Men iSeml-flnall: 400 meter tree tyi. Women (Semi-final). Aur 6 Morning: 200 meter breast f;ke Men (Heat). Afternoon: 1500 "tt'cra frt. !. Men (Final); 400 tellers free atyle. Women Flal) s!!"'iig board diving. Men (Beats). Aug. 7 Morning: 100 meter back -rose Men Heats. Afternoon: 200 Ter breast atroke. Women (HeaU) f" metera breast troke. Men (Semi- ,iU ' 400 meters free tyle. Men Heam. AP 8- -Morning: Soring board dlv Women HeaU). 400 meter free ' fl Men (Seml-flaall ; 100 meter irtroke Men (Seml-flnal't After 200 meter breast stroke Women nar Bprlng board diving Me a ; meter breast stfote Men divlcg. Men , Heats). Team race 490 meter Women (Hmtai: T-m race miMtr future. To ! wttto the matter., metera Men (Heal). Afternoon: 40 fa pcetal meeting of the Print Rupert meter, free tyl. Men (Final). Spring j Basketball Association 1 called for to- board diving. Women (Final): Tem I night. Tnougn wie vww iu race 400 meterv Women immji; iwu inmr ovt"" : meter back atroke. Men (Final); 200 lea-ion more vleorou. than they did, tart the aeries which It 1. to be, metera brea.t .troke. Wm (Final), year, Aug. 10-Uorotng: 100 meter trrt ,hef4 my be .ueoessiuiiy 6eu. tyle. Men (HeaUl. Afternoon: loo 1111 mow- - It will prpve a timely mid- meter, free .tyle. Mm (Seml-flnl). jterestlng. Plata hih ..,, wmen (HeaU): 100 on weMon- metera free, atyle. Women (Heat); looigue activltle here mettra back atroke. Women (HeaU). 1 Au7. nMaroinff too meter oaek .Tbe Wrtaer ue .Uu atroke, ;Wpmen Team race 800 nv Afternoon: Plain and fancy diving. Men (Final); Plain nd high dlvtog. Women (Final): 100 meter Xree tyle. Women (Final): 100 metera back stroke. Women (Final). with local player within the Mm niiTvri VVL UM UI Til au UI1IL 4Seml-fial):. loo ne-; ' . , i -I'i .7s? mtSiWm UMI IMniUl.lfU u u" ij SPORT CHAT Predictions elready made In tnl column that Prince Kupert would see the finest basketball ever ptaf ed In the city dur lnc this 1927-28 season are rapidly materialising. Tomorrow night. In the Senior league. Elka ana urana J ermine la will get together to decide who is to keep up the chase of these wild KaUre Sons of Canada who have been cleaning 'em up lately. High School and Elevator will meet In the Inter- r c. . .k.TK.n ni.vera. who mediate League with an ever popular deaned up honor. In the city last ea-1 Ladies' league engagement to round son. are deslrou of having another , out tne program. Its fine, natural flavour wins friends Quick You never tire of it. Children eat their full helpings. Cooks in 2H to 5 minutes. It sustains till noon time. Wrapped, scaled, dustproof ptv-' zgcs. "TTHZ .DAILY KEW3 !' MILD VIRGINIA W Jj CIGARETTES The Queen of Spades With all her Maids Sedately pace the sands ; They softly cry To passers-by "Pray save us 'Poker Hands'" SWIMMING AND DIVING AT THE OLYMPIC GAMES 1 r mla . . "S ; ' valuable eaT7 7 llVMtEIIlUJ. IXAdlt STAMUMJS rjlur League w. u Native Son .3 1 Terminals 2 0 Elk 1 1 InlernM-dtatr League High School S 0 Big Four 2 0 Elevator ; 0 0 IjidlrV league High School 2 0 Drill TeSro ...... it 0 -j i 'T Junior Jnjire''1 Tuxla Boy 6 Stras i 1 1 1 D. 1 3 2 0 3 4 1 2 ,0 'J 5 4 League standings to date are as Iowa: Plad Total Maple Leaf 3 2845 Cold Storage 2 1806 Grotto 2 1817 Gyro Club 3 3037 Orand Terminal 2 1653 Col. McMordle (MI) 3 a. Howe (Ml.) 3 J. HUlman (CJS.t 2 M. M. UcLachlan (M.L.) . 2 W. E. WlUlscroft (O.T.I.. 1 F. Williams (Mi.) J C. Youngman (O ) 1 Ben 6elf (O.T. 1 D. Brown (Orotto) 2 O. Waugh (Grotto) ... . 2 A. Macdonald (C.S.) .... 2 F. O. Pyle (O.T.) 2 J. Hamilton (MI) ..... 3 W. J. Kelson (QC.) .... 3 A. Murray C,S, C. Balagno(a.C.lT..R W HtSig (CaV.'. jBA, 2 3. Beesley (O.T.) ..;.'..'Ti O. A. Woodland (O.C.) . . 3 I John Bulger (CJ5.) 2 IB. Morgan (OS.) 3 J. Judge (Orotto) 2 I J. Brown (O.) 1 IO. Krause (OX) ........ 1 M. Andrew (MI) 3 O. P. Ttoker OC.), .... 3 J, Andrewa (O.T.jj 3 R Young (Orotto) 1 F Zleman (O.T.) 1 I 600 eoo ' 400 400 200 2O0 200 200 397 a&s 395 393 U5 674 376 657 367 179 534 348 519 329 165 159 460 43 295 130 117 PU. 7 4 2 10 4 0 4 2 6 foi 909 879 826 200 200' 400 200 200 200 200 200 199 198 194 197 195 191 188 186 184 179 na 174 173 165 165 159 153 iti 148 10 U7 The ckl camlral which 1 annually cesslve year, world'a records have been broken at the competitions held on the Revelstoke hill. st: (Staged by the Refcelatoke Ski Club In JMount Bevelstoke national park 1 be-i ii one ot the most popular affairs In The Letter Box ui Kvirii-f-oKKu: boxing imht Gdltor. Daily News. Have read two articles In your paper regarding Dido Gurrleb. As far a boxing Corkle Is concerned, we wanted :B,jhim: to come here- under much better rCTxiriqpfwiiAnyoaippsjngjior a. ,pyp moter such as Fned Brown was a very I trying ordeal. First, our arrangements Arer. jwltb Brown was to have a capable re-948 feree.. He selected James McAleenao 943 I of Stewart who we accepted but on ar- rival found that he was not there. We were then told by reputable peo ple In Anyox that there was a man to town by the name of Steve Dumas, who was capable and we asked Fred Brown Cor him and he would not accept him. He selected a referee from there and we were told by people was lncadable which we found out. I then demanded two Judges and was given the names of tour reputable businessmen there. Of the four, there was not one selected. Fred Brown selected his own Judges. As we were fighting winner take all it looked like we were In for a bad night (We are not casting any reflection on the judgea selected) but we are Just showing Fred Brown's sportsmanship and we do not care for a repjtltlon of that. A far a George Corkle Is con cerned, Ourvlch win fight him here and let him have a voice in th selection of officials as any fair minded pro moter would do. Hoping Corkle will come here. I remain CHA8 H. BROWN 1 Rub Viclcs on forehead; also melt in cup of hot water and inhale vapors V1CKS We Vapor u b fhiro i7 klii lulu I.r"Jrrn. Vh anitation in PAGE FIVE The Laundry Hygeia, March, 1927 A kitchen I3 properly a. food shop and ' should be used fori little else. It Ms' distasteful to think of the possibilities attending jaundjy work in the kitchen in the winter when doors and windows are closed to keep out the cold and when VrA.'..'.! .,XX i'v'-rtv:i. .1 11. t iv. j : .i-ii t'WMjiwJjLiiiciJJuiicjB, aim liuei xruui uie urviiix ciuiucb are befng. prepared. THE LOGICAL CONCLUSION Send it to the Canadian Laundry and Dry Cleaners 515 Sixth Avenue W. Dr. MAGUIRE Phone 525. Dentistf Over Orme's Drug Store Office Hours 9 to 9 Phone 8 Lady Assistant UNION STEAMSHIPS. LIMITED Railings frsai I'rlru-e Kupert. lor VANCOUVER. VICTORIA. Swan ion Bay, Alert Bay. ete, Tuesday. S Fur VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, Hu ted ale. Alert IU -tr Saturday Sam let PORT SIMPSON'. N.tAS KIVEB POINTS, ALICE ARM, ANVOX. STEWART, Wale Isrfaad. Sunday. 8 p.ra. 1!J Snd Arena. K. M. SMITH. Atent Prince Rupert. aC. TnrtMieJb. Urket told 1 Victoria and brattle at a jreduced rate and " fcsgsagecheckeo; ttuwcgli to destination. Mm HI T 1 t HZ ifi.