PAGE TWC It Rid the System of Rheumatism Lasting relief was obtained when the uric acid poisons were cleansed from the system by Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills, Alter all there is nothing: like Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills to ret rid of the poisons in the system which cause pains, aches, lumbago and rheumatism. Dr. Chase's Liniment affords relief from the pain but to get rid of the cause it is necwary to go deeper and regulate the action of kidneys, liver and bowels. Mrs. Ada Kincade, Drayton, Ont., writes: , "For years my husband suffered from rheumatism. He tried treatment from many doctors, but received little relief. He also tried several remedies recommended, without avail. Two years ago after he had been unable to move or turn in bed for several weeks, a neighbor came in and recommended Dr. Chase's Kidney-laver Pills. I went down and purchased a box of these, Vhich seem to have entirely relieved him, for he has never had an attack since. I take great Pleasure in recommending these puis to anyone suffering from rheumatism." Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills 35 eta. per box, all dealers, or The Dr. A. W. Chase Medicine Company, Limited. Toronto. Canada. The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA. Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. H. F. PULLEN - - Managing Editor. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION. EIED Wednesday, June 15,1927 ALL JOIN JUBILEE CELEBRATION All Canada is taking part in the jubilee celebration on July 1 Every city, town and village is doing something. In Prince Rupert an elaborate program has been prepared and local people, are Deing asked to do their part in connection with the big event Doubtless the response will be spontaneous and the event will be worthy of the importance of the city. ; Men work because they have to, but woman are not always-that way and the result is they are often ill. MOST PEOPLE HAVE IDEALS Most people have ideals. Even criminals have them and they often live up to their ideals but the difficulty is that they have weak spots. One British Columbia newspaper publisher when asked to do something of which he did not approve, replied: l went into this business with certain ideals. I have a duty to the public and I intend to carry it out." Yet on the day he said that he stole money. He stole every day regularly for years and eventually he was sent to the penitentiary to expiate his offense. In many respects he was a model man but he had his weak spots. 'Vhat wonderful salesmen some of our friends would be If they could only be selling hammers. WHY BREAK UP OUR IDOLS? ' Why are some people always trying' to break op ourMdolif and pin us to the-bare facts? Why strip the glamor from daring deeds? Why always show us the feet of clay? No sooner does someone mention Currie than some other poor boob who knew him years aim noints to some of his defects. .No sooner do you. mention Aq miral Lord Nelson than- Lady Hamilton is brought into the discus-sion NW they are saying that Barbara Fritchie did not wave the American flag as described so beautifully by the poet. And so It goes all along the line. In these days we want to strip the idols from their beautiful tinsel garments and point to the feet of clay. Why do we try to minimize the great things that people have done? Possibly it is thought undemocratic to be great. Possibly it is jealousy that prompts uS At any rate it is the indication of a small mind. We all believe in the attributes of greatness but we try to rob the great of those very attributes which we admire or offset them by pointing out the defects in the characters of the heroes people worship. Beware of calling a new wife "Kitten." get her eyes open. 'all f Jlfil M Summer Excursion FARES She may People who are always asking for justice often get it eventually. There-have been socialists in British Columbia who struck it so rich that they left the party or were expelled. The man who should not advertise, is he who has nothing worth while to offer to the world. 'It's a nuisance that there is'no place at the top for more, than a few of us. . M " ' ' You can usually tell what kind of a man he Is by the appearance of his back yard. Some men are just children. They play with a lot of dolls. Canadian Tjckets on Sale from May 22nd i . Heturn limit, Oct. 31, 1927 EASTERN CANADA UNITED STATES E DM ONTON-CALG Alt Y JASPKIt NATIONAL PAHK Full information from CITY TICKET OFFICE 528 3rd Avenue Phone 260 NATI0NAl4lr 1U CANADA. IN CANADA'S DIAMOND JtWIUS YEAK -ISU INT 1 A BUSY MONTH AT HOSPITAL ST. JOSEPH'S KrCOKII MAKE IV NlMllEK PATIENTS AMI CHEAPNESS or OPERAT1NU At the Hospital Board meeting last n lit Jit James Thompson presiding, the; Installed on tte second floor, this being considered cheaper than repairing the eld one which had been giving trouble. A letter having to do with the sup plying of medicine to the patients at he bosDital was read and ordered 10 lie on the table for a month. DAMAGE CASE IS REPORTED HOSPITAL HEAKS OF CASE IX AI--KLKTA KEAKIMi OX KEMHIX-VxlHILITY OF XI KKS At the meeting of the hospital board the report of an Alberts case dealing with the responsibility of the hospital In regard to matters oj carelessness was read. In the particular case cited, nurses had applied hot water bottles tab hot to a patient and the man was Injured thereby. Damages In the amount of tS,183 were assessed against he hospital and the higher courts up held the judgment. It was pointed out in the Judgment that if the careless ness had been at a time when the nurses were in the operating room directly under the supervision of the doctor, the hospital would not have teeri responsible but the -complaint had to do with action taken after an operation and the nurse was then under -cntrol of the hospital authorities and was expected to know her work and use :easonabie care. A digest of the case will be placed before the nursing staS of the local hospital by the acting lady supeiin-tentent. Miss Janet Lee. BANQUET GIVEN FOR ELKS LODGE BOXERS Who Took Part Kecent Tourna ment Horn-red Lt Xljlit In Commodore Cale A complimentary banquet was given In the Commodore Cafe last night by the Elks' Lodge to those who took part m a boxing tournament recently ; staged for the benefit of the lodge. W. E. WlUiscroft, exalted ruler, presided. and other speakers were R. B. Skinner and Bert Morgan. It was intimated that there were prospects of a team of eight bcxers going from here to Smlth-ers to stage a tournament in connection with the Diamond Jubilee of Confeder ation celebration there. Besides those mentioned, the follow ing were in attendance at the banquet: Keno Ourvlch. Mike Gurvlch, JackMc-Auley, Oeorge Bard, Ned Byrne. Pete Cbenoskt. G. J. Smith and Herble Morgan. The football game and other at tractions cauied the ather Invited guests. Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupert I JINK 1.1. 1917. 1 G.TP. steamer Prince Rupert, dam-j aged some time ago In itrandlng on lOenn Itland. has been repaired a week ahead of schedule and will arrive here on 'a Special trip next week. Fish arrivals for sale here this morning were very heavy, over 300.000 Ibs.f being offered. Boats landing catches i were as follows: Hilda, Blp, Thelma, H, and R.. Viking, Venus, Jupiter, Homer. Sumner. Polaris, Olympic, La Paloma, Nellie. DC.F.," Soya, Nautilus. Tide. Caygeon, Agnes B.I Joe Baker, Hays, pott. Starling, Ed- Dorreen, Katwanmar.' Sprightly and Stlrratt. Hon. T. D. Psttullo, A. M. Manson. ML.A. and F. H. Mobley, ML.A.. will speak at a meeting tonight In the Westliolme Theatre over which Fred Stork will preside. Patrick Murphy, pleading guilty to a charge of coniumlng liquor In a public place, waa fined ISO by Magistrate Mc- Clrmont In city police court this morning. On a similar charge, William Murphy pleaded not guilty and was remanded until this afternoon. Or LITTI.E FOLKS ASTOMSIICII THE Members of the board expressed satisfaction with! the service now being given. Those present at the meeting were James Thompn. chairman, W. Brown, W. J. Oreer. Chris El kins. Mrs. Glassy, Dr Cade and the secretary-manager, Harry Birch. irpfEVCEl llVl jlAXNEK IN -Water i a. r A large and interested' audience en- Joyed the pialiof recital given by the ir,.nr. ronnitte. through one of the i Junior pupils of St Josephs Academy 'members. Chris Elkln. reported that , on Monday evening, 'the income of the hospital for thei The splendid ' manner In wblcit the: ' month a M.629.25 and the exp?ndl-j numbers were rendered , showed the tures 5.684.73 leaving a dencit for the most careful preparation on the bart I month, of 55.4S. JoOeacrlers and pupils. I The hospital had been busier than, ;6peclal mention Is due the tlnytots lever before In its exUtence. there being racing from : me to ten yearsKno Ino jcwn than 63 patienu there at one gave r the first part of the program Js- tlme. the total hospital days being tonisnea weir ewers oj u uegnc u. 1751 and the cost 3.8l per day for ease and precision with which they, each patient, the lowest on record. played. J For the house committee Mr. Elklns The following If the program: j reported that the sldewaia 10 me r.RT -U , nurse's home had been completed and, Trio "Contended Fairy." Misses M. other minor matters attended to. A!onne. J. Crewe, O. Mann. new electric store was ordered to be. -Ten little Fingers." Miss Joan Watt. 'Dollies Waltz." Dollie Dungate. "Peacock." (Spauldlng). Oeraldlce Mann. "Ding Dong Bell." (Spauldlng.) Daphlne HemmelL "Child's Good Night." (Spauldlng). Mary Helen Orme. "Sine Robin Sine." 1 Spauldlng.) Ade- 11a Thurber. Mill" (Spauldlng) Brown. "Little Prince. Kathryn McMUlan. Betty (Krogmann). Helen Hampton. Trio "Marching Chuldren." (Spsuld-' lng). Misses M. Moore. 0. Brown. M. Qalagno. I "Invitation to the Dance. (Herns). Joseph Naylor. Hungarian Dance" (Engelmann). Mary Ellen Moore. -Intra ta" (Bach). Helen McNaugh- ton. Irish Airs. Marie Balagno. Allegro from Sonatina in O. (Cle ment! 1. Irene Gavlgan. PAKT It Duet "AtUck." (Bctom). Misses B. Horstman and N. Hunter. Mazurka (Helns). Phyllis Brtndle. -Narcissus" (Slater). Orace LeDuke. "At the Garden Oate." (Wenrlch). Margaret McKay. "Andante." (Mozart). Leah Bleecker. -Then Enchanted Lake." (Oeslln). Gladys LeDuke. "Dance of the Sunbeams." (Cadman). Earl Gordon. ' Prelude. (Chopin). Kathleen Duncan. ' 1 ' . . Minuet In O. (Bach). Dorothy Bal langer. -The Blue Fairy." (Paldt). Elizabeth ' Pitt. Minuet In G. (Beethoven). May Mac- Donald. -Petite Valse" (Juon). Edith Kergln. -Fairies and Elves." Howard). Eliz abeth McLeod. ' 1 Doll Dance." (Mercadante). Ruth Nelson. Will of the WlsJ." (Jungmann). "Au Plalslr." (Douste). Nina Hunter. The distribution of diplomas obtained from Toronto Conservatory 01 music. July 1928. took place during the even lng. PROMINENT LOCAL JAPANESE PASSES Death Tame Suddenly In Prince Kupert (ieneral Hospital to Tre lohloka. Itn-tauraut Proprietor Tore YoshlQka, a prominent member of the local Jananee community, died sudrtmly In the Prince Rupert Oenerai Hospital at S o'clock this morning. A partner In the Maple Leaf restaurant business on Third Avenue, deceased went to his work as usual at 8 'o'clock yes terday morning and was' suddenly stricken with a spell that left him speechlftss. He was removed to his home and. last night at 10 o'clock as hH condition became gradually worse, he was taken .to the hospitals rhere be succumbed. Deceased was 40 years of age and had absence of some resided In Prince Rupert tor some tec I years. He is survived by a widow resld- ling on Fraser Street. Interment will take place tomorrow afternoon In Falrvlew Cemetery follow lng a service at the chapel of the B C Undertaken at which Rev. J. K. Ban will otnelate. Advertise In the D11v New 1 MAPLE LEAF S I High m Quality Low in Price ATrustedName and a Famous Guarantee 1-R ;..;,W:.' WVidiituday. tag 1IA1L.I nun j - . r : i i i ' ; '.. - IPIANO RECITAL i ' - . ' - " i HURRY ON by Marcovil Toute Suite SIRE OF THREE DERBY WINNERS Call Boy-thls year's Derby Winner is the third son of the famous sire, Hurry On, to win the historic Derby the blue ribbon of the racing world. The other two are Coronach, lat year's vvinncund Captain Cuttle who won in 1922. All three colu scored decisive victories. Captain Cuttle established a new track record-unbeaten until Call Boy's triumph cf this year, when he covered the difficult Derby course of one mile and a half and twenty nine yards in the remarkable time of two minutes thirty-four and two-fifths seconds. Coronach's effort was perhaps juit as outstanding, inas-much as he won, eased up to a canter, by five open lengths over the second horse. Coronach again demonstrated his class in the famous St. establishing a new track record after being left at the post. Hurry On's record as a sire of Derby win ners has never been equalled truly "Quality Tells". Hurry On, Captain Cuttle and Coronach are owned by Lord Woolavln-ton (Sir James Duchsnan) founder of the firm of James Buchanan, &. Co., Ltd. proprietors of the famou. " Illatk fit hlw" brand of Scotch Whisky. Lord Woolavtngton may again be JumIv proud of hi recced a. a breeder of champion blooditock and equally proud of hit record a a producer of finest ol bcouli Whnklcs. " Quality Tells" Land act. NOTICE OP INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE LVI I OK INDI'ttl KIAL Pl'RPOSE! In Prince RuDert Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate t Sew til inlet. Moresby Island, Queen unarictte isiano. TAKE NOTICE that Keller Logginr smDanr Limited, of Vancouver. B.C . ccupatlon Timber Merchants. Intend apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted approx imately 8 Chains south 20 degrees easi j: the northeast comer of Lot 473, Seweli Inlet, Moresby Island: thence tallow-:m the lhsre line In an easterly, south erly and southwesterly direction to 1U uiiersecuon wttn me eastern Dounaar I Lot 472: thence north 10 chains, store or less, to the point of commence- jient. ana containing zu acres, more or CSS. JOSEPH DOUGLAS WILSON, Agent for Kelley Loggln3 Co. Ltd. Dated 23th April. 1837. LAND ACT. OTICE OP INTENTION TO APPLY TO l.KASE lOKEMIOKE. In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and altuate t seweu inlet, More&oy isiano. wueen Charlotte Island. TAKE - NOTICE that Kelley Logging rompany Limited, of Vancouver, DC. ccupatlon Timber Merchanta. intend a apply for a lease of the following 'escribed Icresbore: Commencing at a post planted approx-oiately 8 chains south, 20 degrees east rem the northeast corner of Lot 473. Seweli Inlet. Moresby Island; thence lol- wmc uie nun water mars in an east- erlv. coutharlv and southwesterly dlrec- ion to its intersection wim me easterly joundanr of Lot 473: then southerly and easterly to ine norinwesi comer 01 S.Ti. 8315 P4 thence in a northwesterly direction to ine point 01 commencement and containing 43 acres, more or leas. JOSEPH DOUGLAS WILSON, Dated 33th April. 1827, Agent tor Kelley Logging Co. Ltd. LAND ACT. OTIt'K Of INTENTION TO APH.V TO l.KASE rOKESIIOUE. In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate A Seweli Inlet. Moresby Island, Queen harlotte Ulands. TAKE NOTICE that KeUey Logging Company Limited, 01 Vancouver, u.c occupation Timber Merchants, Intend- to apply ior a tease 01 101 j&nuwinp 1 described foreshore: 1 Commencing at a post planted atl the southeast corner of Lot 471 Seweli Inlet. Moresby Island, Queen Charlotte 1 Islands: thence In a northeasterly dlrec-, tlon, following the high water mark to. the southeast corner of Lot 469; thence In a southwesterly direction to the point of commencement, and containing 140 1 acres, more or less. JOSEPH DOUGLAS WILSON, Agent for Kelley Logging Co. Ltd. j Dated aatn Apru. ivti. LAND ACT NOTICE OP INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEAKE LAM). In Range 4. Coast Land District, Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate In vicinity of Captain's Cove, Pitt Island, B.C. TAKE NOTICE that Oosse Packing Co. Ltd. of 335 Howe 8t Vancouver B.C. occupation Pish Packers, intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted at the northwest corner of Lot 1251, Range 4; thence north 4 chains; thence east IS chains: thence south to northeast corner Lot 1353; thence westerly along shore. to point of commencement, and containing 1 acres, more or less. OOSSE PACKINO CO. LTD.. Applicant Per Chas. L. Roberts, Agent. Dated April 7, 1937. Backward : Season SALE SPECIALS FOR TIiyitSDAV MOKNINC ONLY Ladies Sweaters In 100 per cent Pure Wool and in all color In coat and ra" ' styles. Ilcjrular values to $7.50. Backward Season S e I'r t $2-95 The famou England. JteKul Boys' Golf Hose UCNMUIANJ Wpimriri a SL Market's llrand, in pure wool, made liar $1.15 value. Backward Season Sale 1 rice 65c Acme Importers a .... it.,. Third Avenue. P.O. !m 66 KOK KENT Johnson's Electric Floor Polisher ."jSH.OO per day it I Let us know the day you want Kaien Hardware . Co. Phone 3 Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services f Sailings from Prince Rupert .an. Wrangell. Juneau, and SkngwajJi'"' 'J; ' 1 ter, Victoria anil Seallle lune II. To Ketchikan. To Vanrnuirr. . PRINCESS HKATHI"" t uy, " li.r llutMlale. lUlln lulls. Orean alK sni. Campbell iiher. and Vancouier eTery Saturday. on frmit- W. C. ORCIUKI). (Ieneral Agent. , nc. Corner of 4IH Mreet and 3rd Aenue. Prlnrt itui