I PAGE FOUR 'In2 ulLi NEwa . iir BRJNQING UP FATHER .By George McMapus Attention!! OH! VJHATS-rHE 0)E. OF I STlUL. "THINK I NOT AT ALU- WELL. AT LAVT AM MOTH IN ME TRYIN TOTHIWK OP WELL'VOU U "BOZO IS THE WE AGREE 1 IT'j VJILL CHAMG9 A NAME FOR TH E BEST NAME, BUT REAL. ELEPHANT A GOOD Prince Rupert VErVf" NWE VJE OUGHT TO NAME-BUTIFVrfE 5HAKE I'VE DECIDED ON FAOLTT VJITH EVERY I OFFER'. NA.ME UIM APTfB MOST CALL .HIM CAUL. . I I I f V 1 I A, NAjnET FOR. THE OJE I SUGGESTS PUGAM AN' CALL after Some I1HM HIM JUMBO. JUMBO', I .1 f ELE PH AMT 1" f1 Students! l HIM. - PAT"- J OJE. CASEV IS V , T-l GOING TO CALL. THE THE MArsl NlArJ'. rJ rC? V H I NV" USELESS. I II JUsiL2i Jr I I - J I I See our window! A beau vii fjr-M v i i i s ii - r -n hi it i .. - i tiful watch will be given away absolutely free. A large clock dial ha& spaces for the names of boys and girls attending school in Prince Rupert and writing on the exams in June. All you have to do is to -. come in and have your name put on. lou need not buy anything! The clock will be wound on June 20 and when the hand stops, it will point to the lucky name. Be sure to enter before June 20. it nrn (Jewellers THE STORE WITH THE CLOCK ItMERM B0Utrt THAT VOO neET aMSOWHm?W Cant BE BEAT! Ask the master builders of this tdWn where to go for lumber and they will turn your footsteps in this direction. They maintain that the kind of woods we sell is the sort that should be put into a building that is expected to live to a ripe old age. Albert & McCaffery Phones 110 and 117 Prince Rupert BOAT HOUSE I'hone 381 P.O. Kox 1505 LAUNCHES, SCOWS, HOW-BOATS AND CANOES SAND AND GRAVEL Equipment for Diving and Salvage Work Agents for Easthope Engines and StumpftPullers NORWEGIAN HALIBUT GEAR IN STOCK Compass Adjusting MILK -:- PRICE Reduced to 12 pints for $1,00 7 quarts for $1.00 12 pints for $1.00 Cash price tickets, McBride Street store now closed Valentin Dairy Office and Dairy . 11th St. Telephone 637. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone C3 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing, Team or Motor Service. Coal Sand and Gravel. We Specialize in Piano and Furnitun Moving, ANGER, the TAILOR We carry a fine Btock of imported Scotch Tweeds, Fancy Worsteds and Serge. Every garment tried on be fore finishing. 223 Sixth Street ALL IMMIGRANTS ARE WORKING ON FARMS! EDMONTON, June 15,-rLabor bureaus In the city were swamped this morning with orders lor laborers which they could not nil. At the C.N.R. Colonization office 150 men were required, and not one could be found. The Ukrainian Immigration and Colonization Associa tion seeded 80 men. while the North German Lloyd required at least 40. The majority of the Jobs offered were on farms, with wages running from thirty to forty dollars per month, and the prospect of the work lasting aU summer. A large number of men ire also needed for railway maintenance work. Commenting on the situation, employment officials stated that the large number of unemployed men, who are loitering around C.N.R. station and 101 Street, are men who have been In Canada for a year. And want work with bigger pay than farmers are willing to pay at this time of year. The Immigration offices are having very little trouble with newcomers turning down work. Thirty or forty dollars a month may not be very much in Canada, but It is a small fortune In the countries from which many of the Immigrants come. OP.R. colonization officials report that their office is clear, all applications for labor filled, and all immigrants placed. A party of 12 Irishmen arrived i In the' city and had all been sent out to farmers In the surrounding district. EACH PLAYER GOT ENTIRE SUIT IN AN AUCTION BRIDGE GAME LONDON, June 15. The odds that In la game of bridge each player will re-'ceive an entire suit on the deal are 1 - 1 000 billion billions to one against. But .uis uuracic nappenea recently in a game at the Cavendish Hotel, Bedford. The exact division of the suits among the players took place in the course of the third rubber with the same pack, which as not new when the game began. If It had occurred In the first deal," said J. C. E. Robinson, a Bedford Char tered Surveyor who was one of the play- "I should have thought that some-, one had been playing Patience with the cards." All tour players have sent a certificate of the authenticity of the deal to the editor of the "Auction Bridge "Magazine." VANDERHOOF Miss Bertha Beatrice Wilson, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Wilson of the Marten Lake district, was married lastv'week to Jacob Welssbrod of the same district. The ceremony took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Graham Micks and was performed by Rev. J. T. Smeeton of Vanderhoof. The fcalrooat bunt here for the pur pose of towing the provincial govern ment scow on Takla Lake is now finished and in commission. It is 23 feet long with 6 feet beam and la powered with a 10 h p. Kermath engine. A party of New York bankers and re presentatives including V. Wallace. Ir. and H. D. Horn of New York. William A. Sullivan of Seattle and Mr. Law ot Vancouver, which has been Inspecting the Pacific Great Eastern Railway with a view to purchasing It, spent a couple of days in the Vanderhoof and Stuart Lake district at the end of last week, Last Thursday evening a successful entertainment took place In Christ Churah, Chilco, under the auspices of the Ladles' Aid. Those taking part Included Rev. J. T. Smeeton, W. A Ttnuns, .Mrs. Frank Reld and Charles Maunders. A son was bora at the nursing home here last Thursday to Mr. and Mrs, Thomas P. Smlthers. On Tuesday a son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hr- greavss. . There will 'be a special Joint Jubilee service here In the United Church on Sunday. July 3. The Nechako River has been rising rapidly of late and Is now at high water mark. R. C. McOorkel) and E. B. Smith left this week for Vancouver on business, Justus of the Ptsct D. IL Hoy at Afttr Ectry Freshen Up mm Flavored with til Juice of fresh mint leave Fort St. James fined Louise Ma Use, a Stuart Lake Indian, 110 and cots for beating up his wife. Rev and Mrs. William Sweetnam of Endako were visitors to Chilco last week. Mrs. Joseph Hartley has returned lome after a month's visit to Dewey there she was the guest of Mr. and ilr. Lewis Rawson. There will be tennis tournaments between Vanderhoof and Prince George on June 18 and 19. ALICE ARM The Alice Arm Meat Co. 'has Installed an up-to-date ice making and refriger ation plant. There was plenty of local Ice formed here last year so It will not be necessary to use the artlflcla product this summer. F. D. Rice, B.CXS. has arrived from Prince Rupert and will spend the sum. mer here doing mining survey work. The Alice Arm branch of the British Columbia Chamber of Mines has elected the following officers for the year: Honorary president, Hon. William Sloan; honorary vice-president. H. F. Kergln, M4j-A,: president, Ole Evlndsen; vice-piesident, Morris Peterson; secretary-treasurer, A. D. Torke; auditor, W. B. Bcwer. The chamber Is making active preparations for the visit here next week of the Vancouver Board of Trade party. On a recent visit. Aid. M. M. Btepnena of Prince Rupert presented 'fX' .v. .... i . .v. . talnnnt cost. Miss Cora Teleifs&Vi has returned hen after having spent taree weeks visiting with friends In Stewart. Mrs. O. W. Bxuggy has returned home 'nuch Improved in health, after having been a few weeks In Anycs hospital 1 receiving treatment. Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Brown have arrived from Anyoz and wUl spend two nonths vacation here. Norman Fleming Is building two new bungalows opposite the scIkxiI ou First Street t The Alice Arm Mining Si Development Co. may build a new road on the hillside west of town commencing at the Alice Arm Hotel and traversing the entire hill to connect with the Strom-)eck road. It would open up a choice residential section that so far has been inaccessible. William M. Cummlnga has plans well ;n hand for a fitting celebration In Alice Arm of the Diamond Jubilee of Confederation on July I. STEWART A. H. J anna n, well known San Fran-isco operator, who has been financing development of the Washington pro-,'jerty, has wired R. E. Lundvall, local nanager, that be wUl arrive here In a few days from Washington. D.C.. to In-cpect the property In which a 13-foot vein of well mineralized Iron pyrite has Just been,, discovered. The local hospital board announces .hat an assistant nurse Is being added to the Stewart General Hospital staff and will assume -her duties on June 20. The Interior of the hospital has been entirely redecorated and tenders for :alntlng the outside are being called Patsey Hogan, Emll Olsen and .'ohn Nelson have gone to work on the Sad, He property on Hastings Arm. A crew of ten men Is now at work on the Outland property at the Lead of Salmon glacier. As soon as ttw compressor Is . Installed, the crew wUl be doubled for the purpose of working two shifts. F. C. Outland of Seattle, head of the company, has arrived to take personal charge of operations. Stewart shook oS the Jinx which has been following It since the season opened and beat Hyder at baseball Jill last week. Sam McNeill pitched for Stewart. The bridge across Bear River, which Is being built by the Dalhousle Mining Something to be pleased about "All the washing is done, ready for the linen closet. Clothes of spotless white thanks to 3eckitt't Blue." Reckitt's Bag Blue In the handy bag with the Blue and White stripes M9B W anted ForgSale For Rent DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word.in advance. No Advertisement taken for leu than 50c FOll SALE FOR SALE OR CHARTER. 48 FOOT combined fish carrier and tow boat. 27 HP. Atlas Engine. Handles 7,000 humps. M. M. Stephens. FOR SALE' OR RENT. RECONDITION- ed six roomed house with bath and pantry. Apply 833 Borden Street. Phone Blue 358. 13s FOR SALE. TWENTY ROOM HOTEL with lease. Full price 1,500. Write P.O. Box C3. Hyder. B.C. 13B FOR SALE. ONE OARFORD TRUCK motor. One Hudmn motor. 175.00 each. Parker's Oarage. tf FOR SALE. SIX ROOMED HOUSE AND lot In post office block. 12,200.00. Apply P.O. Box 378. 115 FOR SALE. FIRST CLASS RESTAD- rant. Do not Sow your occasion I Apply PJ3. Bo 725. tf FOR SALE. 28 FOOT CRUISER. SNAP for cash. Phone Red 511. tf ROWBOAT8 FOR BALE. PHONE RED 335. t BOAKD BOARD. THE INlJVNDER, 839 Second Avenue. Phone 137. Co. to shorten the trail to the property will be com Dieted within a few dv ac. cording, to beorge Cameron, locator ot the property, who was In town last aeek. The steamer Border Queen recently took out from Hyder 102 tons of con. centrales from the Riverside mine. It was the heaviest shipment ever made from the property. Mrs. W. B. George has returned home after spending the winter in Vancouver and Victoria. Mrs. Angus McLeod has returned to 8tewart after having spent nearly a year visiting In Vancouver. Miss Rowena Champion and Miss Stewart, surgical nurse, of Anyox, art visiting up the Salmon River. John and James McNeil, owners of the Red Top group near the head ot Bear, River, havereturned from Seattle where they spent the winter. , A crew of -Boyle Bros, dismond dm lers, hat started work on "the Rainier tunnel on the Silverado. Theer ire rumors current that ileal Is on for the sale of Rufus nrouertv near the head of Bear River. It Is said that a cash offer of sooo.ooo for the company'i holdings was refuted. BURNS LAKE Burns Lake merchants announce that stores In the town will remain closed both on Friday. July I, and Saturday. July 2. so that full advantage may bt taken of the Diamond Jubilee of Oont federation festivities which will spread over the week-end. Rev. W. R. Ashford visited Wlsfsrls last week, bringing wltli him a Unite,. Church college student from Toronto who will take charge of the field during the summer months. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Walker thnii tbelr tenth wedding anniversary with a party at their home of Mrs. Walker's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Walker. t rTancoia ute, . Mrt. N. E. Walker and Miss Alberta Walker of Kendrlck, Idaho, passed through here last week enrbute to Blckle where tliey will visit with mends. The local tlemen'a orpni.Hr.r, . . . w, elected officers as fol)ows: president; u. covington; vice-prsaldent, U. A. Smith: secretary treasurer. P .t n...n. executlY. C Janntck, Oluf Ilultcruntr., Blvert Anderson, Phil BrunnelJ and F, Ssranovlch. The organization now has a membership of twenty. WANTED FOR SALE. BEDDING OUT PLANTS, WANTED. BUSINESS MAN WITH til varieties, raised In our own green- capital to Uke half Interest In my house. Prince Rupert Floral Shoo.! business. G. F. Brine. Austloneer Brighten up your home with flowers. P.O. Box 303, Prince Rupert, B.C. WANTED. --CAPABLE MAID FOR OEN-eral housework. Phone Blue 441. 140 SITUATIONS WANTED QUALIFIED SINOLE MAN, TWELVE years general store owner. Canada; trained accountant and typist: all round office man; fair shorthand; Scotch, desires position anywhere. Free early June. P.O. Bor 100. Mer-rltt. BC. FOU KENT FOR RENT. NEWLY DECORATED modern house: slso small furnished bouse. Apply 215 Fourth Avenue East. FOR RENT. SEVEN ROOM MODERN house: also four roomed flat fur. nlshed. Phone Oreen 735. 144 FOR RENT. FURNISHED APART- mcnt by the dsy, week or month. Phone Red 607. tf FURNISHED SUITES FOR RENT. Apply Mussallem Orocery. Pbont 18. ROOMS FOR RENT. BOARD IF desired. Phone Black 120. PIANO FOR RENT -43.00 A MONTH. Waller's Music Store. ROOMS FOR RENT -EMPIRE BATHS. Pbont Red 241. 138 ROOMS TO RENT. PHONE 878. AUCTIONEER OOI F.ATN CAFE Mrs. Unger. Proprietress Third Avenue. Next G. W. V. A. OimmI lnie Conked Meals. Phone Dlark 700 TAXI I'hone 67 Taxi (Call Ceorire. Puul or fiuatl tf IF THERE IS ANYTHINO YOU WANT and cannot find, look me up, I buy, sell or exchange anything of value. Face value and results my aim. AU auction sales guaranteed. Phone 774. O. F. Brine. Auctioneer. PLAsmilNG' NEW WORK FROM 55c to 75c a square yard. , All material supplied. Repair plaster work by dsy or Job. Phone W. a. Smith. Red 503. 100 EXCHANGE NEW AND SECONDHAND FURNITURE bought, told and exchanged. Papa-dopulos and MsrrU, 839 Third Ave. Phone 648. tf UPHOLSTERING FURNITURE REPAIRING; UPHOL-tterlng of aU kinds. Chesterfields recovered and made, to order. . AU work guaranteed. Phone Oreen 603. O. M..HUNT. ITKMTTUK AXH nVNCli:. CHESTERFIELD SUITES, BEDROOM Bultes. dining room suites, beds, prlngt and mattresses. Axmlnster and Wilton carpets. Linoleum and linoleum rugs. Complete home furnishings tt reasonable prices. A.Mac-Kenxle, Furniture. Phone 775. RESTAURANTS Six and Seven Passenger Htude- naicers at your dlxnonnl any time. ROSS RROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Rlock. (Across from Empress Hotel) PlIIMPP IMTIiriT Tinpo A. - - ..VIA 1,11 I All' I.. J 44 4t WElNr.Krt.W, JI'XK IS n'n ix0 a.m. ao.9 ft. 13:69 pjn. 18.8 " kw 7:48 a.m. S.t " 19:35 p.m. 8.3 " TlintMIMY, JINK (t ,Il8h 1:86 .m. 81.JU, 13:39 p.m. 18.3 " U,w 8:24 " am. 2.7 20:13 p.m. 8.3 " Advtrtiss in tb Dally Ntwi ' ' - Articlei Lot and Found.&c MAIL SCHEDULE OL'T-41UiN(j tut the r.at Mondsys. Wednesdsys and Bstur&n vtTt ! T Isnrouttr SttuMtys t' June 11. 18. 12. 29 ;la First clsss msll U also deiptcU4 tt Vancouver on Mondays, WedDsiji u4 Saturday by ON R. trains. To Apyoi and Alice Arm Bvndsrs 1u Wednesdsys 9 Jl' To Men art and Premier Sundsyt 7 p Saturdsys tUft To IX ftlmMon and Nsm Klirf (mim. Thursdsys To Alka Points-June 13. 24. 27 .. ,a To (Jueen I'hsrlottet June IB Si l.N-COMINO Iron I be Kast Mondays, Wednesdays. Prutip IJCjm From Vsucuuirr Bundsys , fa. Wednesdsys lojs sa Thursday! bjb. Baturdsyi 1030 sa June IS, 34. 27. from Anjoi and A I Ire Arm Tuesasys 10 . UUIMIJI - yjlt. Irora 'tewart and Prrmto Tuesdays sau Sundays I pm. I'rum Ft, MmpMin and ss tit. folnt- Saturdsys from Alaska Points-June II, 18. 22. 29 P I'rero (Heen Chariot Irs June 16, 30 . mix coixr.cTioMi am. r Orahsm It Atlln Ave 100 1M 1st Ave. 6t 8th St, US 6th Ave. 6t Fulton St. ' 8th Ave. A Thompson HI 1i! l!th M Snsrbrooke Aves. ' 11th Ave. 81 Conrad Bt. ,fl 6th Av. it Ilsys Cats 6th Si Hsyt Cove Circle liJ W 8th Ave. St Cotton St 1 Sth Ave. & McBride Bt. ,u Prev. Oovt BIdgt 50 W Prov. Oov. Wharf MS U a.TJ. Whtrf I'00 ' a.T.P. station - 1 2nd Ave. & 2nd St. 10.10 3rd Ave. it Fulton Bt. 11 3rd Ave. Aj 6th 81. 1030 f STEAMSHIP MOVEMENTS For Vanmoter Bupday-es. Prince oeorgs Csttlt 1 f Tuetdty ss. Thursdsy ss. Prince Rupert It P Ssturdsy ss. Csrdena s Princess Bettrlce 11 June 11 es. Princess Louise t June 18-ss. Princess Chsrlotte P June 22 ss. Princess Louise June 29 ss. Princess Chsrlotte P From Vsnmnier - Sundsy-s. Catala ; 'T Wednesdsy-. Pr. R"Frt ,(U0 , ' Thursdsy ss. Cardent Saturday -tt. Princess Baturdtv as. Prince Oeorge 10J" June 13-. Princess Charlotte June 20 ss. Princess Louise .,. 17--m Princess Chsrlotte For Port Hlmpson and Ns" Wfr" Thundty fs. Ctrdena trnm Port W.pn and ss f Baturday i". t;ararn Fur Anjot f.f. Sunday -s. Catalt Rup"t 10 P Wednesday -as. Prince From Anyov tl Tuesdsy-. Catsla '"..,. f Thursdty-sa. Prince ituprt lor "lewtrt , Sundty-t. CtUlt tf Saturdty-t. Prince Oorge From Htewarl .-. Bunday-as. Prince a.wg Tuetdty . Cttala for (fiieen I'htrlolles f June 18 ss. Prince Vohn From yueen nitrlotle June 16-s. Prince John June 80 . Prince John Tor Ala June 13-s. Princess Chtrlot" June 24-at. Princess Allc June 37-e. Princess Chtrlotte rrom Altikt . . ' p Jun. 11-ss. Princess CharlotU v Jum 18-st. Princess June 23-s. Princess Junt 29-is. Princess Chtrlott