ffednegday, June 15, 1927 i o Oc These dishes entice the appetite ?-- olmaifsMiis New Stock of fare! digcstioiv M7 Garden and Field Seeds and Fertilisers Pratt's Baby Chick Food and Poultry Supplies HULKLEY VALLEY HAY AND (JHAIN Our Famous Edson Coal In any quantities also Telkwa Coal Store Phone, 58. 6 The- Force of Habit Through force of habit we often act instinctively lo exactly the right thing in an. emergency. Habit is the result of repeated action. When you form a habit of using the superior service of Ormes for prescriptions and sick room necessities you will automatically think to phone H2 or 200 in an emergency Prompt Deliveries by Cyclist Messenger Ormes Ltd. yfw Pioneer Drttprisls THIRD AVE. f SIXTH ST. TELEPHONES 82t,200 PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Troticr I)ok Phone, 558 Insist on RC PRODUCTS They Lead in Quality IT i I oral anil Porcnnal B jP Arthur' Tail. Phone 878. H In June, when the new crop of vegetables is still to come, there are many dainty diahe that will entice the appetite if Colman's Mustard is used to (ive them rcliah. Here are tome that wilt deliiht the taste. In themselves appetiiing. they are made doubly so by the use of Colman's. Clip these recipes for further reference. MOCK PATE DEFOIEGRAS 1 calf's liver ,(20 ounces); HAM SUPREME Use a piece of lum from 4 to S lbs., cut from .the middle of a good sized ham, Kub a paste of equal parts of Colman's Mustard, supar and water into the ham. I'ut in baking dish. Tour Vt pink milk in pan and bake in moderate oven. Baste frequently, adding milk as needed. You will vote this "the most delicious ham you ever tasted." TOMATO CHEESE TOAST 1 tablespoon chopped onion; yi green pepper chop- 1 cup canned tomato; ?ed; teaspoon Colman's Mustard; Yt teaspoon salt; teaspoon pepper; 1 tablespoon flour; 3 tablespoons butter;' 4 slices of bread; 4 slices of cheese the size of the bread and inch thick: Brown (lie onion anJ arten rPIr" in 2 tablespoons -of 'it, add the tomato aid m until the (reen ppj' tender. Add srssoninf nd drop in Hour and t tablespoon ( butter which hare been creamed torether) boil until it thicVms. Tout one id of a (lire of bread, plac the slice of cheete on tli. other aide and toast until the cheete and bread are a foldtn brown. Tour sauce over toast and serve eery hot, , CHEESE PUDDING 2 cups breadcrumbs, 1 large cup grated cheese, 2 eggs, 1 UP vnic, Vt tea-spoonful Colman's Mustard, I teaspoonfut salt. Bake light brown in quick oven twenty to thirty minutes. tt teaspoon black or wime pepper; few grains cayenne; tt teaspoon ground nutmeg; Wi teaspoon Colman's Mustard; H teaspoon salt; 3 tablespoons water in which minced onion nas peen hnilrd! 14 cun liauor from boiling calf s liver: Cook a calf'a liver in salted water until ry tender; grind in a meat cutter. Moisten with 2 tablespoons melted butter. Work into a paste with the butter and seasoning. I'acV in iara that hare been buttered, corer with melted butter and set aside to be used lor sandwich filling or to serve on biscuit or crackera lor afternoon tea. ENGLISH MUSTARD SAUCE 1 pint milk; 4 tablespoons flour; Vt tablespoon Colman's Mustard: Vt teaspoon salt; 4 tablespoons butter: Meat the milk over hot water, cre.m together the other ingredients, drop them into the hot mi IV! and stir constantly until thick. Serve with cms, fish, ham or wherever a piquant auce la desired. Onions, olives, cari, mushrooms, iieppera or hard cooked eitcs make pleasing changes in this sauce. HSH SALAD 1 lb. boiled fish; 2 tab'" spoons oil; ? tablespoons vincnar; I teaspoon Colman's Mustard; Vt teaspoon salt; 1 cup chopped celery; lettuce; tt cup mayonnaise: Flake the fish while hot, if possible ; toss up with pit, vinecar, and seasonings and let cool, add celery and ineyonnaii. Dip a larr;e spoonful on to a leaf of curley lettuce and garnish with stripe of pimento pepper and with mayonnaise if X Ba Undertakera. Phone 41. 3 Deutlst- Dr. J. n.'Closse. Phone C80. Get the Big 4 habit! When thinking of a Tail, phone 4; tf SIhn-ii rebuilt, like new at Mc-Artliur'i Shoe Store. tf William Ooldbloom returned to the city on the Catala yesterday after a brief business trip to Stewart. C. T. Saunders returned to the city! on the Catala yesterday after a busl ncas trip to Anyox and Alice Arm. Modish modes for modish WQmen to be displayed by Demera at the Fashion Parade at I.O.DE. Ca'rnlval, June 16. 139 C. W. Isomer, provincial assessor, reJ turned on the Catala yesterday afternoon from a trip to Anyox on official duties. Q. E. Oullck, local manager for the Swift-Canadian Co., returned to the city on the Catala yesterday after a business trip to Anyox. ' R. E. Moore, local manager of P. Burns Co.. Ltd., returned oh the Catala yesterday afternoon from a business trip to Stewart, J. M. Hockln, local representative of McLennan at McFeely, returned to the city on the Catala yesterday afternoon from a brief business trip to Anyox. The Prince Rupert Gyro Club had an open luncheon In the Commodore Cafe this afternoon at which the mem Somewhere about seventy-five men have been let out at Anyox recently. Another furnace has been blown down Passengers arriving In the city from northern points on the Catala yesterday afternoon Included Angus McDonald, C. H. Mahoney, E. R. Workman, George Lund, A. L. Cunningham, Mrs. M. Wilson, Mrs. Lynum, A. Duncan, John Johnson, A. Cedar. Mrs. Potterton. T. Mason, J. E. Miller. W. Ooldbloom and O. b; Lawrence from Stewart; A. L. Jank and S. Lanca from Maple Bay; Mike Mlros, S. G. Larson, R. Green. J. M. Hockln. G. E. Oullck, Mrs. B. Hagens, Mrs. Wardrope, C. W. Homer, Mrs. Walters, Mrs. Ames and R. E. Moore from Anyox. W. S. Fawcett and C. T. Saunders from Alice Arm. Several persons who ahe concerned In ANNOUNCEMENTS Bummer Carnival, Exhibition Hall, June 16. Moose Picnic, June 26. Presbyterian Sunday School Picnic to Dlgby, July 7. St. Andrew's Picnic. July 24. PAIN in BLADDER Promptly Eaaed by SANTAL MIDY Ba aura to gat th Oanulns Look far h word "MIDY" Bold by ill JruiitiJii THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE fDENlfl MOUNIE 1858 'Brandy i3 zz- with , a -vr- "I. - ESBotllcd irvCoflnac- This advertisement is not published or displayed by the liquor Control Board cr by Ihe Government of British Columbia. Oiiie to the hummer Carnival! Don't forget Valhalla Picnic June 19. Mrs. Shelford Darton. will sail to-; ocean Falls on olllclal duties. morrow afternoon on the Prlnre Charles, for Victoria where she will attend the convention next week of the British Columbia Grand Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star. 139 ruder new management, Seavlew CriH-ery. Wm. Miller, proprietor, tf Mrs. A. 3. Richmond sailed last night on the Catala for Vanoouver on holiday visit. A. J. OaUand returned on the Prince Rupert this morning after a trip to Ocean Fans on customs auues. H. C. Fra-ser, snspector of schools, returned to the city -on the Prince Ru pert this morning' after a brief visit Regular meeting of Carpenters' Union will be held tonight at 8 o'clock. All members are requested to attend. Urgent business. The hospital board was notified at itt meeting last night'- that the animal Hospital Association- meeting would be bers and their guests were entertained 1 held this year on September 8, 9, and by Brick Morse and his California Col- 10. leglans glee club and orchestra. 1 11 . Miss Florence Donald, daughter of Mrs. Potterton. wife of Provincial Capt. D. Donald, master of the steamer Constable Lance Potterton. of Stewart Prince Rupert, is here today making reached the city from the north on the the round trip to Alaska on her father's Catala yesterday. On Saturday morn- hip. ing, Mrs. Potterton, accompanied by Mrs. E. Shrubsall of this city, will leave for .Montreal on the way for a visit in England. Miss Patricia Fuyarchok of the C.NJI. offlcea ln Vancouver la making the round trip north on the steamer Prince Rupert which Is ln ' port today bound for Skagway., there, leaving only" one. furnace and two ent at Skafcway. a of the small converters atlll In Senior Baseball tonight at 6:43. Son of Canada vs. Ojros. Hyde Transfer now agents for Lady- smith-Welllngton Coal. Phone 680. tl This afternoon'a matt train from the East Is 40 minutes late and la expected to arrive-at 4:10.' Motorshrp tanker Ollnda was In port during the night discharging oil at the Union Oil Co.'s local' tanks. C. W. Da-wson. proprietor of the Omlneca Hotel at Hazelton, returned on the Prince Rupert this morning after a business trip covering various south era centrea and proceeded to the In terior by train. Attention Moose I AH members are urgently requested to attend a special meeting on Thursday night at 8 o'clock on Important business. District Deputy- organizer Bro. Wallstedt 1 will address the Lodge. Do not fall to come 140 W. II. Maclean, Victoria barrister, ar rived in the city from the south on the Prince Rupert this morning. He Is appearing In one of the civil cases to be heard at the session of the Supreme Court assizes here. C.N.R. steamer Prince Charles, Capt. ficll McLean, Is due to arrive at 5 o' clock this afternoon from Vancouver via Queen Charlotte Island points. The vessel will sail this evening for Anyox returning here to leave at 4 o'clock tomorrow afternoon for Vancouver. and daughter are points; two .full days at Jasper National i ,.. paasengers aboard the Prince Rupert Park; stay over-night at Kamloops, atlon. Unfavorable condition of the today returning north after having copper market is believed to be res-Pnt the wlnter ln Vancouver. onlble for the shutdown. , Mrs. Ethel Walnman of SanU Bar- E. Sabourln was sentenced to seven ' " J K m 1 n rr fmm t Via ml IT h unrl Will i days Imprisonment by Magistrate Mc- , A-Clymont be ne fr th who found him guilty in city Wc,c , 01 her COU8ln' Mr8' mnk Vlclt"5' 202 police court yesterday afternoon on a Ninth Avenue East. , J.,. t.ti. ...k,,.' WWC Ult4il( (111 AUIUH1IVUI1C niialC under the influence of liquor. On a second charge of driving without a license accused was fined 5 with the option of seven days' Imprisonment. Passengers from northern porta on the steamer Catala yesterday afternoon bound south Included William Rumble from Stewart for Namu; P. Austin from Anyox for Victoria; Mr. MacKen-le. Mr. Almas, Vic Tomlch, P. Flva, G. Sunonette. Helen Blackburn, Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Evans, W. Bourne. John Hood and R. S. Eby from Anyox for Vancouver: Marguerite Hausklns from Stewart for Seattle: Peter Bell, It. E. Olsen. Oerald Upton. Mrs. McAlecnan, Mr. Knowles and Charles McOulie from Stewart to Vancouver; McLecd and A. McDonald from Anyox to Port Hardy. L. S. McOlll, Smtthers barrister, arrived from the interior on this afternoon's train. He will appear ln one of the civil cases to toe heard at the ses- Inaugurating the company's summer Alaska fcervlce, CN.lt. steamer Prince Rupert, Capt. D. Donald, arrived from the south at II o'clock tills morning and will sail thl satternoon at 4 o'clock tot Skagway. The vessel rails on Monday southbound. a. A. McNlcholl, C.N.R. general passenger agent, and Reginald Beaumont, assistant to the Pacific Coast manager of the C.G.M.M., accompanied by their wives,, are making the round trip to Skagway on the steamer" Prince Rupert which is ln port today. civil cases coming up at the session of I Come to the Summer Carnival to- the Supreme Court Assizes, opening morrow night at 7 In Exhibition build here today arrived from Stewart yesterday including E. R, Workman and G, B. Lawrence. ing. ; Fashion parade by local merchants, fancy dancing. Jazz dance, drawing for' 5. all for SOo.v Ice cream, fortune telling, hot dogs, aide shows, etc. A good time guaranteed.- F. M. Rattcnbury. Victoria architect extensively Interested Itt central Interior lands, arrived from the south, on the Prince Rupert this morning, ;ibelng here In connection, with a 'civil case to be heard at the 'present aaaslont'of the Su prcme Court Asslnes. Mrs. Rattenbury i'lso ' t Is her. Besides local passengers and tliooe for the train, the steamer Prince Rupert, arriving today, brought 180 tourists who will 'make the round trip to Alaska. Included In the list for the north is a party of 3J members of the Longbeach (California) Chamber ot Commerce, under the leadership of C. F. Beach, who are going through to LOADINO (1UAIN T.OAT. Some 2.000 tons of grain was poured Into the freighter Yomel Maru at the local elevator yesterday afternoon. The vessel Is to take some 6,000 tons here And It Is expected she will get away by tomorrow ; night. , $300 REWARD. n-iio Pacific. I rule I Kavleatlon Co Ltd, will ijay the above reward for thej recovery of identiiiea way oi ouuucr McB Smith, lost overboard from tug ; "Pacific Monarch" Sunday, June S In Urenvtlle Channel. Notify Northern Shipping Co.. Ltds., gent. P.O. Box 1094, Prince Rupert. B.C. SECONDANNUAL ALL EXPENSE TRIANGLE TOUR TEN DAY TRIP FARE 1110.00. Special train leaves Vancouver via Canadian National Railways, Monday, July 45. Fare Include meals and berth on steamer. Prince Rupert to Vancouver, alvi all meals and berth on train, Vancouver to Prince Rupert via Jasper, and Mrs. L. B. Jones, wife of the C.N.R. meats and entertainment at stop-over. Prlnce George and Smithers; automobile trips and entertainment at all these points, also automobile trips at Vander- hoof and Hazelton. ; Full particulars from City Ticket, Office, 628'Thlrd Avenue. Phone 260. i LAND ACT. I NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE I .AND. In Coast Range 4, Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate at Captain's Cove. Pitt Island. BX3. I take NOTICE that Gosse Packing comrjanv Limited, of Vancouver. B.C., don of the Supreme Court Assizes occupation Packers,, Intends to apply for tow ln progress here. j lease of the following described lands: ' Commencing at a post planted at the northwest corner of Lot 1253, Range 4: Mr. Justice Denis Murphy, who ar-,thepre nouth 5 chains; thence west 5 rived from Vancouver on the Prince chains; thence north to high water mark; . , , . thence easterly along high water mark Rupert this morning to preside at sea- 5 chain8, more or less; to point of com-slons of the Supreme Court Assizes here mence ment, and containing 3 acres. and at Prince George, Is being accompanied on the trip by Mrs. Murphy. Mrs. A. Wardropc and Mrs. a. Ms-gins of Anyox arrived ln the city from the north on the Catala yesterday afternoon and left by . this morning's train for Montreal whence they will embark on a visit to their former homes ln Scotland'. more or less. GOSSE PACKING COMPANY LIMITED. Applicant. Dated June 13. 1927. LAND ACT. NOTICE OF INTENTION' TO APPLY TO I.EAfE LANI FOR INTUS TUIAL PIKPOSE.S In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate at Sewell Inlet, Moresby Island, Queen Charlotte Uland.v TAKE NOTICE that Kelley Logging Company Limited, of Vancouver, B.C., occupation Timber Merchants. Intend to apply tor a lease oi me luuuwuuti described lands: 1 Commencing at a pot planted at tne soiuneRst corner w uu, in. uc.ui Inlet. Moresby Island. Queen Charlotte Island, north, 31.43 chains; thence east 51.17 chains: thence ln a southwesterly direction, folowln the shore line to the point of commencement, and containing 30 acre, moro or lean. JOSEPH DOUGLAS WILSON, Agent for Kelley Logging Co. Ltd. Dated 29th April, 1927, LAND ACT. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO) LEASE LAN1 FOR INIU STKIAL I Pl'KPOSES In Prince Rupert Land Recording . District of Prince Rupert, and situate, at Sewell Inlet, Moresby Island. Queen i Charlotte Island. . . j TAKE NOTICE that Kelley Lostglnal Company Limited, of Vancouver, B.C.. occupation Timber Merchant, Intends to apply for a lease of the following I described lands: Commencing at a posi pianiea ai the aoutheast corner of Lot 470 Sewell Inlet. Queen Charlotte Islands; thence north 80 chains; thence east 90 chains, more or less, to shore; thence following the alre line In a southwesterly direction to the point of commencement, and containing 190 aorea. more or leaa. JOSEPH DOUOLAS WILSON, Agent for Kelley Logging Co. Ltd. Dated 29th April. 1927. 'I I Ull !! I I U-. I . J. O ".;' iTr ALT' - a.;.v ...v r0; tik.:,r . lX o, ' l0r o? Tbt abon lettn, I rof n ' (o .'oji-.-. written by Vera M. I 7, ' ff I Ontario, is an, jndt' y ' I cat'on " it fatier I flik Women praise LUX I WA do it, wort well-ana 1 - " VrJBl lyfc-jl And mnrrovcr. wnrnn II ' 7 I everywhere, who use. I n I iflL u 1 I H LUX for many purposes I 1 I U I sinter if i tru KicrVlt I , m T - rm if MMMM) LUX. Ranadian National Qfo Largeft Kailway Syfttm in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE KAILIM1S from PRINCE Kl'PEKT for VANCOI'VEK. V1CTOIUA. SEATTLE, rarh MONDAY and TIIUtMDAY. 1.00 p.m.. HATI KDAY, Ml lira. For ANYOX and STEWART MONDAY, FKlll.U, 4.00 p.m. For I-SKA WEDNESDAY. 4.00 p.m. For MASSETT INLET MONDAY. 4.00 p.m. For SKIDECIATE INLET and SOUTH Jl KEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, fort- nlghtlj. pASSESO(.R TRAIN'S LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT DULY EXCEPT SUNDAY at 11.30 a.m. for PRINCE (SEOKOE, EDMONTON. WINNIPEG, all points Eastern Cunuila. t'nltrd States. JASPER PARK LODOE OPEN MAY 21 TO SEPTEMBER 30. SEE CANADA I.N CANADA'S JUBILEE YEAR 1867 - IU37. AOKNCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. Use Canadian National Expresa for Money Orders, Foreln Cheques, etc.. also for your next shipment, CITY TICKET OFFICE. 528 TIIIIID AYE, PRINCE RUPERT. Phone t60 7T Prince Rupert Auto Company ' Agents for Hudson and Essex Super-Six Cars Second Avenue, opposite. Prince Uupcrt Hotel. Phones 75 and 275 Sovereign Lite Assurance Company of Canada Head Office Winnipeg Man. The SKCUIUTY afforded by this Company to its policy holders is not exceeded by any other company in Canada. The high rate of interest earned on our investments, coupled with careful management, assures a favorable dividend rate to our policyholders. This is just ONE of the advantages of insuring with "The Sovereign." 0. P. TINKER, District Representative. Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd. 235 Third Ave. Prince Rupert, IJ.C. ItOTTI.E CAPS, gross , 50f WOODEN FAUCETS, each W WILLOW CLOTHES RASKETS, each 2.i EARTHEN MIXING HOWLS, 8", each 4Kk ICE CREAM FREEZERS, from 3.00 to JjHO.OO SCREEN DOORS and WINDOWS in all sizes.