Let > mpson Tops 10-Pinners; Two Teams ps Results—Old Timers 4 Bpare Woodbut« indé to 0; MA's 3, Northern Distrit putors high sing] { 201 i¥ 1; Chumips 2, Tiny Mite 2 te wwue while This week see the 300 Club bowled bowling ieague Wan Nonames and ind 2.906 4 ied up witt Woodbuteher : Due “AIH TOOT tO inability of two teams Quit; Ladies Score High Games thers copped both Lady bowlers in the ladies’ “4 e€ and high three for league turned out in grand siyle ¢ © 4, Bavoy’s 3 Of 1079 with Grace Wilkins of Sunrise I O- Ne rolling 3066 for high single in “A” division and Jey Bradley of Bil ith score respectively Mansons 3, Dom’ 2, Stars 2 ‘ lir the 2 4 ; eke 51 was first place and Hi-Baiers and An ea and Challengers gers Oppiing the kegs to U ay B" Division—7th Ave i Hu-ais end) .. i. inet Vali lay they ‘éme of 404 for high score in “B” ¢, 6; Bulgers 4, Toiler cr nips Sparks each sever points behind 3 i MUL 40F 10Okue pia} ey diviai tal Se - il , SUuigers A f 189.| the leader nave Opped out, leaving the oAROe one 7 27 ge sh Seige ie, Radio 4, Skeena 6° C ‘thee 4097 with 16 teams. Most of these bree with 712. Agnes Pierc dst 3, PR. Plumbing 1; ak Irige w : » ( ; ‘ 1 JO & t r t} wall q fo : Priz winner: ol ; week ' ire on shift work and Ls ms topped tlds wath 797 for Co-op 1; MeKay ff Jean were Greta Wilkineon of Pin find it difficult to field fu} Meh three in “A” division % Taxi 2 ot — Heads with 242, and Tommy ; . Team honors in vere tak su Sherry of Die Hare With 2901 en by New Li r } ral : nard ! 291 i ; % 1 DS v Laure} J} Sige ‘| High three winner for th oak bh ee 60. DOW | and highs thieves ; wd 2,782 HOCKEY SCORES ne jad was Clara Scthenes with ®€4 nese LW BINS Wit TON iy, op Rupe: stalled WHL + 504 and Rup Goodlad rolled 793 Off against « ther each week | 9973 for high siag icKay Calgary 9, Victoria 2 rmens hig Liiree until after t VYone MUTTON carcass of Mutton in your LOCKER at Mutton mit A9e EY Sae “ot A9ec Per Lb. 20c Leg Shoulder Chops Stew Your Locker 951 een A SIDE OF PORK IN YOUR LOCKER Maple Leaf Jubilee Sliced Bacon Sliced Bacon 'b. package 33c \,-Ib. package 99e Sunset Bacon LB. 36¢ 56c Side Bacon By the piece, as cut Half or oe Hams mao LEAF STinctesousudtt 00x high thr ouver 2, Seattle 2 ° 80; Anneties 3, Charles Scores Easy Victory CHICAGO @®-—Former heavy- | D ns weight champion Ezzard Charles | ip etn all By wd py ‘scored a first round knockde Laurel 3, Lucky | ten plodded to a unanimous 10- | ‘om's 1: | ound decision over Jimmy Biv-| aot Psince Rupert Daiiy News Thursday, November 27, 1952 COURT SENDS BOY, GOAT. GREEN PILL UP THE Hilt ins in a dull Chicago Stadium Mkt. 4,/ DCut last night s 0;| Charles, of Cincinnati, gunning Som-'for a shot at $ %, pommel — who ore A - The boy, in need of care and protection, refused to Lidy vharles four times previously, | soa 183 F _ © ne without his pet goat. Court attendants on judge's orders ee i ce | removed the back seat of an official ear and shoved the goat in The George River in northern’ Guebee flows 365 miles to Un-| n Strait. (tie).' gava Bay on B the heavyweight | Big Town, weighed 185. Bivins, Cleve- | CHATHAM, England (Reuters ;— agreement for a two-vear stay in the home with his master carsick, LAMB @ In Appreciation of YOUR Patronage We Offer You tne Following On Our Birthday Friday, Saturday Monday -Saturday Nov. 28th to Dec. 6th lane These are lean select No. 1 hogs. Average weight 60 lbs. to a side. ONLY PER LB. Fresh Pork Legs «.. But ... Look at Us Now Folks FROSTY Has Grown In + Service Per Lb. 52¢ Fresh Pork Hocks Per Lb. 25¢ Pork Shoulder Roast As Cut Per Lb. 53¢ Pork Ras | iciic sic. where con res, BAC Fresh Side Pork Per Lb. 35¢ VEAL A Side of Veal in Your Locker sight veot v. 50c » 42¢ A carcass of Lamb in your LOCKER et —48cr. Leg of Lamb « 69¢ Shoulder *« 49c Chops _— .:.69c Stew Lamb... 35¢ Shoulder Roast Red Brand Beef A9c Rib Roast .. r » 6Oc Stew Bacon Side Bacon By the piece, os cut uv 38c a Leg of Veal rer. Ole Shoulder rrr. SQe Chops rr O3C Boneless Picnic Shoulder Olt op» Whole, as cut ‘2 » S4c We a peerve the right so «. Prices in effect ‘it quantities ® while stocks last LOCKER PLANT Rolled Brisket . Short Ribs = » 30c A boy, a goat and a grey _ pill rode to a probation home yesterday under a juvezile court The green pill? That was to keep the goat from getting eonoewtle LB. 3 5c Front Quarter Beef Per Lb. 3 Oc IN YOUR LOCKER 230 SECOND AVE estates ae te 3 i alas se ec ai ils ie oe Be i , a Re Re i 4 |