BOSTOCK AND J. A. GAUTHIER SENATOR DENIES THAT HE J.tK Till; MAN THE LETTER qiOlED IN Tilt; AITIDAtlT VICTORIA, June 13. Senator Buttock gave John A. Oauthler an ordinary business letter of Introduction In which the word "credentials" was not mentioned and gave him no warning that large powers were being conferred upon him, Senator Bostock said at the resumed sitting of the Royal Commission investigating liquor churges before. Mr. Juitloo Morrison. ' The letter quoted In the Oauthler affidavit was different from the one the senator wrote, he told the commission. "You designate that as what?" Inquired II, D. Twlgg. reading from the letter from the Oauthler affidavit. As tiot the letter I gave him," replied Senator Dostock, BOAT EXPLODED AT KETCHIKAN UAIIASH HADI.Y DAMAtiEl) AM NK PERSON INURED ACCORDI.MI T VVOllll ARRIYINU The fishing boat Wabush exploded yesterday when lying at the Standard Oil Company's dock at Ketchikan and had to; bo beached, according to word received by fishing boats arriving here today The boat wa badly damaged and one person was Injured. Captain' Pierce Is the skipper of the Wabash. He Is a brother of the skipper of the Tahoma. MOTORSHIP PATTERSON DOCKED AT.UNALASKA DUTCH HARBOR. June 13. The first Of t.VlA A-m.i. . . . , -V- i . jtntr trading snips w -- fcehring sea this year was the motorshlp tii. . . . ,. . viraon which docked at unaiass. to await reports on the Ice conditions In the north, r'REM'il AVIATORS REPORTED fc QUEBEC, June IS. It ! unofficially reported that the French aviators Nunge&ser and Ooll have been found alive. The information comes from the dls trlct north of the Saguenay River. FISH ARRIVALS Fisheries, at 12.70c and 8c. Proierlty A.. 19.000 pounds, to Cold Storage, at 13.60c and 7c. HIREI.ESS REPORT. g a.m. 110 LI, HARBOR. Overcast, light S.E. wind; barometer, 20.84; temperature, 50; light swell; 8 pm. Sxk steamer Oaxaca anchored at Carter Bay; 8 pjii. soke motorshlp Norco. Ketchikan for Seattle, 171 miles from Ketchikan; 8 a.m. spoke steamer Catala, entering Mllbank Sound, south bound; 8 ajn. spoke motorshlp Ollnda, Prince Rupert for Vancouver, In Wright Sound. DEAD TREE POINT. Raining, strong southeast v4)ud; barometer, 20.00; temperature, 42; sea rough. DIOBY ISLAND. Raining, calm; barometrr, 29.80; temperature, 32; sea smooth. NOON BULL HARBOR. Raining, light S.E. wind; barometer, 20.83; tompcruture, 50; light swell. DEAD TREE POINT. Raining, strong southeast wind; barometer, 20.G0; temperature, 49; ta rough. DIOBY ISLAND. Part cloudy, calm; barometer, 39.08; temperature, 53; sea smooth; 10:40 a.m. spoko steamer Catala left Bella Bella at 10.30 am. ' southbound. U KAT lli:U ItKI'OKT. Prince Rupert. Raining, calm;' temperature, 83. Terrace. Cloudy, calm, temp. 84, Rowwood. Cloudy, calm, temp. 33. Alysnsh. Part cloudy, calm. temp. 63. Alice Arm. Cloudy, calm. temp. 86. Anyox. Clear, calm, temp. 88. Stewart. Part cloudy, calm., temp. 83. Hatelton, Clear, calm, tamp. 70, Telegraph Creek. Cloudy, calm, temp. 48. Smltheri. Clear, calm. temp. 60. Burns Lake. Cloudy, calm, temp. 53. Whltehorse,- -Clear south wind, temp. 83, Total Sold TimUv Aniuiiiitrd In 213.IHMI I'd 11 11 iN of Ulilrli 3!.(NH) U111 I rum Canadian Duals ' Hsllbut landings at this port this morning totalled 121, COO pounds, five American vessels brought KO.000 and two Canadian 32.000 pounds. Saleo were as follows: American North, 32.000 pounds, to Booth Fisheries, at 14.10c and 7c. President, 36,000 pounds, to Cold Storage, at 13.00c and 7c Lunen, 10,000 pounds, to PaclMc Fisheries, at 14.00C and Cc. Alkl, 6,300 pounds, to Pacific, at 14.00c and 8c. Reliance, 4,500 pounds, to Pacific FUiierlCH. at 14.00c and 8c. CuiiucII.iii Rom- Spit, 13,000 pounds, to Atlln 1 D. F, Saunders, court stenographer, arrived on the Prince Rupert this morning to keep omclal records at the sessions of the Supreme Court to bo held herp and at Prince Oeorge, 25 TAXI andj; Boston Grill Ambulance mix Service Large Upstair Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing Anywhere nt Anytime floor, for hire. Slnml: Exchange lluilding 1;.. '"ff nnmrr ni rnrn-r NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. MATT VIDECK, Prop. The latest and best for the least. i'hone 457. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 15, 1D27 REIGN OF TERROR IN SOVIET RUSSIA PKINCE EDWARD ISLAND FATHERS OF CONFEDERATION Reign of Terror in Russia is Increasing and Suicides and: Executions Are Very Numietius TRADES INION mix commons committee LONDON. June 13. By application of the gullotlne, limiting debate to sixteen days, the House of Commons last night cumpleled the committee stage of the Government's trades union bill designed to outlaw Illegal strikes and lockouts. . MANY HORSES IN ROYAL HUNT ASCOT England, June 15. -L. M. Boussac's Istlirgus won the Royal Hunt Cup. J. B. Noel's Priory Park came second and Held Walker's Delias was third horte in a field of 20. SULPHURIC PLANT AT TRAIL SMELTER WILL BE CONSTRUCTED NOW TRAIL, B.C. Juno 13. Extensive plana aro being made and construction will be proceeded with Immediately of a large contact process sulphuric plant at the Consolidated Mining & Smelting Company's plant. This plant will make sulphuric acid from the 'smelter fumes, and the first unit .will cwt approximately (250,000, according to announcement made by the. management here. In conjunction with this plant, nn experimental phouphato fertilizer plant will be erected, using phosphate throughout from the fields In the Crowsncst district, where the Consolidated has located large beds. vAny sulphurlo acid which will be made and used In this connection will reduce the sulphurlo dioxide In fumes to that extent and consequently will reduce smoke damage. Not enough prison accommodation: for the thousands arrested so victims are sent in freight trains to Siberia LONDON, June 15. A despatch from Russia flay3 the new reign of terror has more than doubled the number of suicides in Moseow, where there are now from ten to fifteen daily. Moscow and Leningrad do not' possess enough prison accommodations for the additional thousands of persons arrested during the past few days so they are guarded in freight trains, which are leaving both cities nightly taking their victims to Siberia. Further executions are reported from various places. The news filters through to the border towns and is 'sent out from there. A Riga despatch says 28 more ex-si ... . czarlst officers were shot In Moscow. The number of reprisals for th'e assas- slnatlon of Voikoff now exceeds one ! 4, hundred. Itl .MOKM DtMKI) LONDON, June 13 (noon). Rumors arc current here of a new terror In Russia with numerous summary executions, wholesale arrests, drastic military preparations, and an Impending declaration ot martial law, Crowds of foreigners are fleeing from Moscow. The report come from Warsaw, Riga and other centres which are notoriously given to spreading anti-Soviet reports. Moscow despatches to Warsaw from officials of Soviet Russia deny the reports published from other centres of a reign of terror In Russia. LEAGUE OF NATIONS THINKS TIME RIPE GENEVA, Juno 15. Statesmen attending the League of Nations meeting here reported they were Increasingly convinced the time had Imperatively arrived to take preventive steps to avoid any outbreak of war, 1; VANCOUVER EXCHANGE. B.C. 8llvcr i. Cork Provlnca Dunwell. ..,., Olacler Gladstone , , , , U te It. Lucky Jim .. Sunloch Bid. 1.30 07 H lis .08 ii ...33 '.O8K .83 Advertise In the Dally News. Asked .08 1.41 08 K .38 .08 H .31 .86 CONSTITUTIONALISTS SUSTAINED IN THE IRISH ELECTIONS Government Sustained in Irish Elections but mime uuins DUNLIN, June 1C The Constitutional party is returned to power nerc, me opposition or republican group having increased the strength of their opposition from 46 in the last Dail to 50 in this. I!oth the Fianna Fail or Dc Valera group and the Sinn Feiners are opposed to the present Irish Constitution but all others sutmnrt it. All returns are now in except for one for the National University and one for Dublin University. The results with the two polls to SUPREME COURT OPENS SESSION I KIM I KIHMJS OPENED THIS AITER-NOON WITH Mil. JISTHE HEMS .Ml W HY PRESIDING With appropriate remark by Mr. Justice Denis Murphy who commented oi "he satisfactory fact that six month had elapsed In Prince Rupert and district without any auch serious crime being committed aa to require the attention of the higher courts, the regular spring session of the Supreme Cour Assizes was . opened In the city at S o'clock this afternoon. Four dlvorc applications two civil casei and tw ctr orart proceedings are to be heard ana the first proceedings after the formal opening of the court were to arrange the order of heating with counsel. There were no Jurymen summoned owing to the fact that there are no criminal cases on the docket. It Is expected that three days at the most will see the completion of all cases coming up for hearing. His Lord hip and other court official will then proceed from here to Prince Oeorge where Assizes will be held next week.. "hear from are as follows: Government party ;.. 4.3 Fianna fall 44 Labor , 22 Independents 12' Farmer? n National League ." 8' Sinn Fein a - 111(1 .MONEY IS HE I NO . MA HE IN OPERATION' OK MILL AT M.WVtl.l, STEWART. June 15. The Dun-well mill Is making a dally profit of from 4500 to 600 according to returns from smelter shipments ot concentrates and It Is predicted that there will be a dally profit of 900 before fall. A diamond drilling program has been Inaugurated In the lower levels for the purpose of determining the extent of further crosscuts and drifts. (I) Cot, the Hon.JOHN HAMILTON GRAY, President Eiccutirc Council, P.E.L (2) Hon. GEORGE COLES, M.P.P., P.E.I. (J) Hon. EDWARD PALMER, Attorney General, P.E.L (4) Hon. A. A. MACDONALD, M.L.C, P.E.I. (5) Hon. T. HEATH HAVILAND, M.P.P., P.E.L () Hon. EDWARD WHELAN. M.P.P., P.E.L (7) Hon. WILLIAM H. POPB, Colonial Secretary, N.S. POLICE AFTER STRANGLER SI'EKIUNtl IN At TOMOItll.ES TO FOLLOW ItKI'OKT OK HIS ItEIMl AT ELS TOW, SASK. WINNIPEO, June 15. A squad of Saskatchewan provincial police tinder command of Inspector John Kelly are upeedlng by auto to Elstow, Sank., following a report that the "gorilla man" wanted In a score of U.S. cities and In Winnipeg for the murder of women and children, was seen, there last night. The police are heavily armed. Despite reports that the killer. Is In Saskatchewan, the police continue to guard, the border points. CHICAGO CUBS NOW NEAR TOP tllANOE IN NATIONAL IK AO IK MTKEMACY IMMINENT ItAIN JTOi' OAMES NEW YORK, June 15. Rain through out the East yesterday caused the post ponement of most of the big league rixtures. Three games were played In the National League and none In the American. Chlrago Cubs made It four straight over the New York Olants and are now but one full game behind the National legue leaders, Pittsburg Pirates, who. with the Brooklyn Dodgers, were idle. St. Louis improved Its hold on third place by defeating Philadelphia and the Cincinnati Reds continued their drive to Et out of the cellar by defeating Beaton. The stage Is now set for a dramatic battle for National League leadership between Plttrburg Pirates and Chicago Cubs. The latter now have won ten games without a single loss and the last four were at the expense of the Olants for a cleat) sweep of the series. 8ince the Cubs have played two more games than the Pirates and lost two more they are still a few points behind in the standing. Western teams marie a clean sweep yesterday. The day's scores were as follows. .NATIONAL I.EAOIE Philadelphia 4, St. Louis 6. New York 3, Chicago 4. Boston 0, Cincinnati 1. Others rain. AMERICAN LEA (HE ' Rain. l.ii.MU E STANHIMiS National PitWburg . 32 Chlrago . ........ ,V33 St. Louis ....... , 20 New Yor'k 20 ..; Brooklyn 23. , Boston IS Philadelphia ...'. Cincinnati 10 American New York 36 Chicago 39 Washington 35 St. Louis 24 Detroit 23 Cleveland 24 Boston 13 U Pet. 17 .653 10 38 20 .583 23 .510, 31 .4461 25 .432 1 29 .398 34 .350 17 .679 33 .558 1 25 .5001 27 .471 1 27 .460 30 .444 , 36 .263 . ALBANIAN MINISTER LEAVESJUGO SLA VI A BELORADE, Albania, June 15. M. Pals, minister to Jugo Slavla, has requested and received his passports and with the legation staff Is leaving the country today. CAUGHTFIRE TAKING OIL t'ANNEKV MOTOHSIIIP MET MISHAP. AT SEATTLE III IININO INTERIOR AND HIKMNO WOMEN SEATTLE, June -15. Two young were severely burned and a ien women and children thrown: Into when fire destroyed the Interior a wooden cannery motorshlp Don-illane at Point Wells yesterday morn-g- The heroic action of the crew In ragging women and children through he portholes resulted In the rescue -of !I the members of the saltery crew. The vessel had stopped to take gas and oil and a member of the crew ropped the hose Into live hold where .t struck a light 4ulb and the waste all Ignited. WOMAN'S HEAD BATTERED IN MAN FOINO 1IKSIIIE 1IKII WITH TllltOAT CTT AND JIAMMER AND RAZOR IN ROOM VANCOUVER. June 15. Mrs. Annie Donald, 35 years of ege, was found this morning lying on a bed in her Camble Street home with the-slde f her head battered fn On the floor" lay lhe.'bo3y of her husband, O. W. Donald, 35 years of age, with blood flowing from a ter-hible gash In his throat. In the room the police found a car penter's hammer clotted with blood and a bloodstained razor on the chair beside the bed. Llttlie hope Is held for the recovery of th! -woman although the man may survive. IDENTITY OF WOMAN FOUND 4 KAN K. EDWARD WHO WAS MIR- DE-RED IS REALLY MRS. N. C. McKlNNON VANCOUVER, June 15. The police cleared up the Identity ot Jean K. Edward, the woman found murdered here on Sunday. Her real name was Mrs. N. C. McKlnnon whose husband lived apart from her, It Is believed at Belllngham. The body of the murdered woman was found in the bush Sunday morning near First Ave. and Vine Street. JAPANESE DROWNED INJKEENA RIVER lloily of TaklJIro slilmle l Hrroiered and Police ure Making Imehtlgutloil Before Interment TaklJIro Shlnde. Japanese employed by the BX3. Packers at Standard camp In the Skeena River slough, appareutly fell off a fish boat on Tuesday afternoon and was drowned. The body, floating In the river, was recovered and taken to Port Easing ton where the provincial police Is investigating the circumstance"! of the fatality. Later the remains will be brought to the city and placed In charge of the B.C. Undertakers for Interment, APPEAL IS ENTERED AGAINST FOUR YEARS MANSLAUGHTER SENTENCE VANCOUVER. June 15. An appeal has been filed against the, sentence of four years for manslaughter on behalf of Angus Nicholson, The conviction arose out of the death ot Marshall Douglas. Ball Is being sought and the appeal Is not likely to take place until autumn. nc.HTINO IN CHINA. 6HANOHAI, June 13. The Nanking Nationalist forces captured the town of Sachow near Shantung border' after fierce flghtlwr.