Our Glasses FIT and look well OUR REPAIR DEPARTMENT Is equipped for accuracy and service A. E. IRELAND Graduate Optometrist 319 Third Avenue. Opposite G.W.V.A. SALE Everything for the Holidays Boys' Khaki Shirts .. $1.25 Boys' Khaki Pants .... $1.33 Chi Ids' l'laysuits 95c Childs' Cotton Hose .... 25c Men's Cottqn Shirts .. $1.00 Men's Flannel Shirts .. $1.00 Ladie3 Bloomers, Dimity 53c Ladies' Combinations. . $1.00 Pure Thread Silk Hose . . 95c Ladies' Bed Jackets . . $1.75 Baby's Coats $2.0p Girls' Comhbmations .. 75c Men's Cotton Sox , 20c Mussallem Grocery COMPANY LTD. 417-123 Fifth Ave. East, Phone 18. Phone 84 REMEMBER ! For Montreal prices on Clothing for Men & Boys Don't forget the Montreal Importers Third Avenue J. H. Miller Proprietor II. S. WALLACE CO, LTD. Bathing Suits Made from finest all wool yarns PENMAN and UNIVERSAL MAKES Prices SjKi.I." to !r.7.- LADIES' and CHILDREN'S SIZES In all the wanted colors H.S.WauaceCo.Ud. Phone 9 3rd Ave. and Fulton St. For Ladysmith-Wellington COAL Phone 580 HydeTransfer And Coal Co. 139 .Second Avenue PLACE BRITISH IN SETTLEMENT INDIAN KOKUVE OI'ENLI) K1K FAMILIES .ET TO CANADA IX UL'K EMI'IKE .SCHEME EDMONTON, June 15. Th opening of the Saddle Lake Indian Reserve and he placing of British Immigrant families on it, is one of the best if not the best, immigration and land settlement schemes yet tried In western Canada. The plan, which is being carried on by the Land Settlement Board In co-opera' tion with the government of Great Brit' Lain, elves every Indication of being i complete success. The 12 families that are now in their new homes on the re serve are enthusiastic about their proa peels, and more than satisfied with the farms which they were allotted. Under this settlement scheme which Is officially known as the "3000 British Families Settlement Scheme," SI fam ilies are being sent to the Saddle Lake reserve. Beside the families which have already reached their farms, twelve more are eh route from Winnipeg, and the remainder have left England. For WATER NOTICE DIVERSION AND ISE TAKE NOTICE that the Oosse Packine Company Limited, whose .address Is Vancouver, B.C. win apply lor a licence to take and use 250.000 gallons of water out of un-named stream which flows northerly and drains Into Labouchere Channel, about southeast corner of Tlm- local newspaper. " The date of the first i B.C, publication of this notice Is June 14, 1927. GOSSE PACKINO COMPANY LIMITED. Applicant. By Charles Roberts, Agent. Cash and Carry Grocery Sixth Ave. and Fulton Street Phone 301 $5.00 Orders Delivered The economical wife who pays cash buys where her dollars have the most purchasing power. Quality considered. Any brand Milk, per case . . $5.50 Any brand Flour, 49 lb. sack $2.75 Terrace Potatoes, per sack . . $1.95 14 lb. E.C.D. Butter $6.25 14 lb. box. Capital Creamery But ter 5.90 Regular $1.00 boxes Soda Biscuits . 70c 10 lb. Sugar 75c Malkin's Best Pure Jams, Malkin's Best Pure Jams, Straw berry, 4 lb. tin 70c Toilet Rolls 5c, or 22 for . .. $1.00 China Rolled Oats, each 40c Old Dutch Cleanser, per tin 10c INVESTIGATE MV PRICES Before you buy elsewhere. S. II. ADAMS, Manager Neglected Eyes NEGLECT is doubtless the cause of most of the ills that afflict humanity. This is so self evident that it seems hardly necessary to tell you. If your eyes are giving trouble, have them attended to and at once. OF ALL absurdities in the kingdom of foolishness, surely the loss of eyesight through neglect is the most Inexcusable. DON'T lose health and effi-ciency through neglect. Come and seel Fred Joudry Registered Optometrist and Optician Room 3 Smith Block Phone 763 When the weather changes SHREDDED WHEAT Always crisply tlavorsome And full of Springtime eneigy. For breakfast witli milk or fruits these 51 families there are 56 quarter ither off. During this probationary sections of land three farms having 320 year, a supervisor will visit the farms acre. On each of these farms the 'Land at which they are working and collect Settlement Board Is building a four-room Information as to their progress in learn- cottage, a barn which will hold five ing Canadian farming methods. , hones and six cows. Is digging a well. At the end of the year, each man who and breaking 40 acres. Green feed and shows himself capable of carrying ou large patch of potatoes have been a farm of hli own. will receive a loan planted to help the newcomers through of 300 from the British government, for the winter. and situate on the south shore of La Bouchere Channel, B.C. TAKE NOTICE thai Oosse Packing to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted at the southeast corner T.L. 10390. Range 3, Coast land District; thence south 5 chains: thence west 10 chains; thence north 6 chains to ahpre; thence easterly along shore to point of commencement, and containing 5 acres, more or less. OOSSE PACKING CO. LTD Applicant. Per Chas. L. Ro belts. Agent. Pi ted April 7. 1927. LAND ACT NOTICE Of INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE LAND. In Range 4, Coast Land District. Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate In vicinity of Captain's Cove. Pitt Island. B.C. TAKE NOTICE that Oosse Packing Co. Ltd., of 325 Howe St., Vancouver, B.C occupation FWh Packers. Intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted about !4 mile distant in a northerly direction from Lot 1253. Range 4; thence north 5 chains; thence east 20 chains; thence south to shore: thence west along shore to point of commencement, and con- . ) taming 10 acres, more or less. rAUKIKU CU. LTO, Applicant. Per Chas. L. Roberts, Agent. Dated April 7. 1927 LAND ACT. NOTICE Ol' INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE LAND. 2 lb. Icing Sugar, pkge 20c; In Coast Range- 3, Land Recording 2 lb. Package Lump Sugar . . 2jC the south shore of Labouchere Channel. 3Vs lb. Brown Sugar 25c ; take notice that oosms Packing Silver Leaf Pure Lard, lb. .. 20c occupation Parkers.. Intends to aDDly for High Grade Bulk Tea. per lb. 60c i lase of the following described lands: Plum north 5 chains; thence west 10 chains: . . thence south 5 chains, to shore; thence -IOC easterlv alorur hlzh water mark to nolnt cl commencement, and containing 3 acres, more or less. GOSSE PACKINO COMPANY LIMITED. Applicant. Dxted June 13. 1927. LAND ACT. NOTICE Of INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE LAND. In Coast Range 3, Land Recording District of Prince, and situate three v.v 1 tj is isits ir a-' an v bui IV' ner of Lot 740. Ranee 3, Coast District. , ' TAKE NOTICE that Oosse Packing 'Company Limited, of Vancouver. BC occupation Packers., Intends to apply for 1 a lease of the following described lands; Commencing at a post planted 3 chains easterly from the. northeast corner of Lot 740. Range 3, CD.: thence west 2 chains: thence south 4 Sties, west 14 chains: thence south to shore: thence northeasterly along shore to point of commencement, ana containing iu acres, ;more or less. OOSSE PACKING COMPANY LIMITED. Applicant. 1 Dated June 13. 1037. VELVET Ice Cream THE VERY BEST! Take a brick home tonight I We cater for Parties, Picnics, Dances, etc. Prompt Delivery Velvet Ice Cream Co Corner Third Avenue and Second Street Phone 758 the purpose of buying stuck and maca- These families are handplcked from inery. The repaying of this loan Is the hundreds of applicants In the Brit- Ispread over a period of twenty-five years. isb Isles. Upon, caching their Canadian Due to the care with which these set-homes, the men are given work for a tiers have been chosen, and the fact that year on farmi In the surrounding dls- Over 90 per cent of them have had ex-trlct, while the family live In the cot- jperlence In farming In the Old Country. age anoiiea mem. ine ooara win mate it a eipcctcu uu an wm pass me pro- diverted from the' stream at a point jevery endeavor to find work In the lm-, nation test. aooui zuu leei irom ine mourn ana win : mediate district lor me men, dui in Jn'S.HS11 ,hat ta impossible they will be nt far-1 Durooses unon the land described as i r application to lease by applicants. This . '."rv" i7Vr ' notice was posted on the ground on the' LAND ACT 30th day of May, 1927. A copy of this I notice and an application pursuant I NOTICE OK INTENTION TO AITLY TO hereto and to the "Water Act4 will be I LEASE LAND. lied In the office of the Water Recorder at Prince Rupert, B.C. Objections to the I In Range 3. Coast Land District. Land application may be filed with the sa d ' Recording District of Prince Rupert, Water Recorder or with the Comptroller of Water Rights. Parliament Building. Victoria, B.C., within thirty diys after the first appearance of thli notice In a REGIMENT WINS DOMINION GAME The Regiment drew first blood from the Grand Terminals by a score of 3-2 Co. Ltd.. of 325 Howe St- Vancouver, t . Ihm , , rv.,, tv, m. Intends Intends. occupation Flih Packers, Cup football series last night. Incidentally, It was the best soccer game played here so far this seavm as well as being the best attended. In the first half, there was only one goal, that being made sent In by Nor-rlngton for the Regiment. In the second half, each team stored twice Doherty and Wilson for the Regiment and George Howe and Branson Hunt for the Terminals. Beautiful soccer was played by Wilson. Tinker and Norrlngton for the Regiment while Splro durvlch. In goat, Oeorge Howe and Branson Hunt starred for the Terminal!. Toward the end of the game, Harry Menzies retired from the Terminal line-up, having been illghtly Injured In collision with another player. Oeorge RuseeU refereed with R. Strachan and A. Clapperton acting as linesmen. Teams were as follows: Grand Terminals S. Gurvlch; R. Howe and II. Menztes; George Hill, Branson Hunt and Cliff Cameron; Jlmmle Hamilton. T. Haddsn, A. Dickens, George Howe and Jock Strachan. Regiment H. Corbett; Jlmmle Harris and P. Hunter; Wallace. Angus McDonald and Percy Tinker; Walters, P. Russell. J. S. Wilson. P. Doherty and C. J. Norrlngton. SPORT CHAT In th matter nf th. nhirvnnnt f rt i A r rr 1U rn ujimnencmK at a pent piamea at wic . -- rresn urouna lollee,, per ID. out southeast corner of TI 10390; thencs the Diamond Jubilee of Confederation every town and village of Central British Columbia la following the example of Prince Rupert, In fact the example -of every place In the Dominion, Is preparing for 1 'elaborate festivities. The day gives promise of going over big at every point between Prince George in the east. Stewart In the north', Ocean 'Falls' In the south and Port Simpson in the west. When the season of festivities is over Central British Columbia will have had, like the most parts of Canada, the greatest celebration ever held In the history of the Dominion. DOGS IN POSSESSION OF NEW MADE GARDEN (W. A. dcOravcs in Edmonton Bulletin) All the world In the war lm' over In China. The annual fued between garden makers and dogs has started, and al ready the police station has been called In to arbitrate In a number of ca-'es. "I planted sunflowers and spring beans, and all I 'w tnrliv la rintr PAGE SIX THE DAILY NEWS Wednesday, June 15i tracks." said one irate eardener. Later ' I-C he softened down enough to dlacuss tho how and why of putting In a garden. "It'i the wlfe'a fault really." he explained. "She wanted fresh lettuce latt year and said If I didn't want to go to church I could put in a garden. I did penance, believe me. I bet I could have bought a whole carload of lettuce for the price. I pald In pain and liniment. But that vu beside the point. My wife wanted to'- put in a garden where she pouid play around. Well, I've put In a garden and' now the dogs are doing the playing around. I'm c. Sun HOTEL On I nil K. C. Ferguson and A. E. Marks, CNIt.: Mrs. M. Wilson and W. Red- ford, Vanvouven George B. Lawrence and E. R. Workman, Stewart; Warren! Scott. Victoria; W. Bijou, Edmonton; Ernest Ludwlg, Ketchikan; D. Price, Clinton. Prlnrr K 11 pert Mrs. C. W. Melltsh. Digtoy; J. E. Miller. T. Mason and S. T. Larson, Victoria: Mrs. B. Ames. Niagara Falls; R: Green, A. U Cunnlngton and Hy C. Alexander. Vancouver; A. J. Jank, Ches-ley. Ont. satoy C. H. Mabonry. Angus McDonald, Alex Duncan end A. Cedar. Stewart; G. D. Church, city. Week-end Specials EXTRA SPECIAL Canned Fruits 4 large tins for 95c Assorted as follows: 2 tins Bartlett Pears, 2Mr's, regular 43c each. 1 tin Ited Plums, 2'i'8. regular 25c each. 1 tin Crabapplcs, 2'Vis, regular 23c. This Is without a doubt the big- Vest value we have ever attempted 1 in Canned I-ruit. Cranulated Sugar in Bulk 13 lbs. for 93c Limit, 2G lbs. to each customer This special is good only until Friday Our famous India and Ceylon Tea The kind wc sell at 65c icr lb. Special, in lb. bags . . $1.67 Pork and Beans in Tomato Sauce 9 oz. tins, Individual size. Special, 3 for 25c Combination Special G for 95c Regular $1.50 value 1 jar Queen Olives 1 bottle Worcester Sauce 1 jar Beefsteak Sauce 1 jar Orange Marmalade 1 bottle Sour Chow Pickles' 1 bottle Tomato Catsup. 2-in-l Floor Wax. Special, per tin .VJc old Dust Scouring Powder. It's sudsy and docs the work. Social, 2 tins for 19c Fels Naptha Soap, per carton of 10 bars 79c Brunswick Sardines; 4 for . . 25c Malkin'SvJelly Powders, assorted flavors, 4 for 25c Malkin's Orange Marmalade, 4 lb. tins, special 52c Fruits and Vegetables Strawberries, 2 baskets 33c Cherries, per lb 50c Cantaloupes, 20c and 25c Watermelons, per lb 15c Gooseberries, 2 lbs , 33c Strawberry Rhubarb, 5 lbs. .. 25c Sunkist Oranges, 15 for . . 25c California Grape Fruit, 3 for 25c Florida Grapefruit, 2 for . . 33c No. 1 Hothouse Tomatoes, lb. 35c Imperial Valley Tomatoes, lb. 23c Head Lettuce, each ...... .,-10c Spinach, lb 10c Solid California Cabbage, lb. 13c B.C. New Spuds, 2 lbs 23c California New Carrots, a lb. 25c Bunch Beets, Turnips or Carrots, 2 bunches for 25c Large No, 1 Cukes', each .... 25c Local Radishes, 3 for 10c Sweet Spuds, 2 lbs 2 Green Onions, dozen 25c Comb Honey, section 30c j Note. We have our own ! buyer In Vancouver who per-; sonally . selects all our fruit ' and vegetables. That ex-I plains why quality and price I is right. Provisions Fresh Pullet Eggs, 3 dozen ' f or.. v tft, .v sv; 14 . i $ 1.00 New Zealand Uuftcrf XbTK '.' .'55c Maid of Clover Creamery Butter in bulk, 3 lbs $1.10 Lard in bulk, 2 lbs 35c Breakfast Bacon, machine sliced, per lb 45c Cooked Ham, lb. 65c Cold Roast Porkt lb. 65c Jellied Tongue, lb. .4 60c Head Cheese, lb. .......... 25c Baked Meat Loaf, lb. ....... . 10c Swiss Cheese, Vi'lb. pkge. .... 30c Limburger Cheese, Vi lb? pkge. 35c ... un, t'lv.iu.,,, X, r--L ri II Carlos Bank in a. suburb of San "rwrgian nuai iuevni!, iu, Francisco of that name. Is. a passenger; Roquefort Cheese, lb 65c 73c going north on the Prince Rupert to- tired 'FrlsTbSn Tbfe SUDdIv Co vl.lllng visiting S be two weeks In the north, Dawson and Altln Lake. Both attended the Oyro Club luncheon as guests Phones 210 and 211 WANTED-AT ONCE! 1327 A few more cases of rheumatism, neuritis, paraly-chronic constipation, high blood pressure, goitre or any other ailment caused by toxemia which includes over ninety tier cent of all ailments. 11 If all other treatments have failed, do not give up hope' MAGNETISM the most mysterious and most Irresistible force In the universe when applied to the human body in a scientiin rrnt:; uer, assists nature "in eliminating the poisonous waste that I responsible for so many ailments. THE I0NA-0T0NE The electric magnetic appliance that is obtaining u almost miraculous results, assists nature In making cim j ailments which hitherto have not responded to medi. t manipulations, surgical oerations, hot springs or ele "r; treatment. Thousands of. people since the introduction of the I0NA-OTONE Into Canada three months ago are now enjoying K , , health and these people had been called incurable! I :C light of modern developments, hardly any disease can now tc called incurable. FKKK TREATMENTS So sure are wc that yob will be benefited by the OTONE that we cordially invite every eifon in Prince Itupr and vicinity to accept our offr of free treatments. Y iu everything to gain and nothing to lose. I0NA-0T0NE HEALTH. CO. Rooms 10 and 11, Smith Block, Prince Rupert, U.( Clinics nt Vancouver, Victoria, Calgary and Kdmonton WESTHOLME THEATRE MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY Commence 8.15 p.m. Doors open 7.13 p.m. RETURN VISIT of the CALIFORNIA COLLEGIANS GLEE CLUB Under the personal direction of Brick Mr The World's Greatest College Entertainers 19 Talented Artistes 19 Glees, Solos, Trios, Quartettes, Dances, Instrumental N. First-class jazz band America's Premier Whistling Soloist Many new and entertaining novelties COMPLETE CHANGE OF SPECIALTY NU.MHKKH TONIGHT. New Choruses with some of the best of the old, Reserved Seats at Ormes Drug Store Rertcrved Seats $1.25. Rush Seats, $1.00 DEMAND "Rupert Brand" - Kippers - "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Dally by Canadian pish & Cold Storage Co., L- Prince Rupert, B.C. BETTER DENTIST Always Open Dr. MAGUIRE Over Ormcs RY PLATES that gives you n natural appearance and lend beauty to' the contour of the fucc. Phone 525