t. A inT i - i wrrniiirr 11 f . i . t j llS THE DAILY NEWS T PAGE THREE 1 nri i " i to.. . i is mu I 1 THE ACME'S Acme :: Annual CUT SUGGESTIONS Ladies Indian Slippers, mailed, buckskin and fur immed. Very comfy. Re-4i i value 'J.?5. mptation Sale JJ Men's Slippers A large net.v of Men's Slippers in aiber and felt. Fine for is houp or bedroom. value $150. mpution Sale Jg Men' Combination Sels of Kw- b Carters and armbands, each set packed in :' box. .Makes an inexpen-. Xnua sift. Regular T mitation Sale IV,.. 95c Men's HcM Genuine wliide fancy belts with in- ' ul in all shades and col-Regular $.1.00 value. ' mptation Sale g At.-o a large variety of hi s at 3C Men's Socks in endless ,i iv. Each pair packed in if vift box. These come ashniere wool and silk id in nil fancy patterns, i g' tar $1.60 value, mptation Sale 95C ionHi Men's Balhrohcs Nice warm comfy Bathrobes made of Deacon cloth in beautiful blending of color. Surprise Dad with one of these. He will appreciate it t Regular Temptation Sale Price 88.45 There is also a fine selection for the yountr ones, the same quality materials, suitable for 10 to 14 years. Regular $8.50. Temptation Sale Of flC price PUs70 Silk Bathreiea in a beautiful variety. Temptation Sale C W Price. cj Neckwear Five Hundred Ties, each packed in holly leaf box. Regular xelling price of the.io ties is from $1.28 to $1.76. Temptation Sale Q5(J Men's Shirts Hundreds from which to choose, including the very latest Rayon mixture weaves and self-striped Broadcloths, very neat patterns with separate soft collars to match. All Bites In white, tan and blue. Temptation Sale , QSJ swims No 1 .0.1). Orders Strictly .Cash No Charge Accounts Mail "Order I'orwnrfed fixpftbs 1'repaid Your New Yeai s Party will not be complete without a box of Crackers. They add to the fun and increase the enjoyment uf your guests. I'sed as Place Cards they are very effective and add color and cheer to the appearance of the table. They contain Head-dresses. Toys, Jharms and Novel-lies which add to the gaiety of the party. Prices are low, ranging from 'Mf to S !.-." per box. A HOX OF CRACKERS WILL MAKE YOUR PARTY A SUCCESS Or Jtc Pioneer Drugrisls TtllllD AVE. O SIXTH ST. -TELEPHONES S?(,200 Jaeger Pure Wool Underwear FOR LADIES Union Hulls, from to S7..K) suit Vests, from to ftl-IO CHILDREN'S JAEGER PURE WOOL SWEATERS from $1.50 to $3.50 H. S. WALLACE CO., LTD. Phone 9 3rd Avenue and Fulton Street KITCHEN CLOTHES DRYING RACKS Eor hanging from the ceiling. Complete with ropes and pulleys, each 2-50 Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd. 25. Third Avenue. Prince Rupert I T- M 'i Local and Personal UO Cucertsssr Dentist. Pnont ix Dr. J. R. Qtm,. PbOMSaO. Skating iUy. 2 to 4 aud 8 to 10. Till. Phone 790 Zenith tt IlW. r.taU'' (Safer- to B.11 1 1 Mart!. . 'J,. . " " "w 0t the Big. 4 hablll Wben thlnsins. of Tail, phone 4. tl AUlster McIUe sailed by the Prince Rupert tbla morning tor Vancouver. Ourles It: Brown sailed tbla morning by the Prince Rupert for Vancouver. Sam Joy sailed this morning by the Prtnce Rupert for Vanoouter on a noli-Bay trip. ' For a seleetion mating stUsdries. TniM and . riilton. of chocolates Federal News aud Co.. if Olve a Bag Party ai the Weatkolmc Hum Yaara Ev. Qka Midnight Frolle. 30 Acu of Vauderllle At the CommodOM Cafe, we will acrv frcah atrawberrtw and taepberrlea with cream during the holiday. . 300 Tour bet lor Ntw Yeara Eve The Bka' monker VaudevUi Show 11.16 P-m. Saturday. Weathotne Tbeatre. Mra. "Stanley a. Oanaldaon of Port Mbfton sailed this morning by the Unc itupert for Vasoouver on a holi day trip. CPJt. tatCT Prtnotaa Mary. Capt. 0. C 8alntey. northbound from Vaa-oouTer to Alaska jsorts. la due in port About noon tomorrow. The Ladles' Auxiliary of St. Andrew1! -Society win bold a Scottlah dance in he I O D E. Hall on Monday. January J. Oenttamon 7Jc. ladtea 60c. The city aouncU at lta meeting last night deetded to bohl orer the trafflr bylaw for the present. It will proUbty be taken up by the new oouncU The bylw ratifying the aN.R.afree-aient 1tJl the eity was finally reooo-sklered tad finally adopted at the meeting of the city eounci llut night. M. M. Stephens & Company. Ltd. are moving from their premises in the Exchange Stock to the -AUen Block next to tfce Electric Bakery. Third Avenue MLjs Ruth nix, who has been spend tf Mrs. O. Jarvlnen. who has been a mtor.,in tse ctty, will ss.,by ...ke "rtocesS Bestrlee tomorrow morning for' Vancouver en route to her borne, in Detroit. . Don't mjaa the Commodore Cabaret StK Yr Eire. There will ,be loU of Iva. A few mere reserved seats left. The first one gets the choice of the reserves. soe Dry Ooode nd Novelty Shop Week 2nd Specials. Ladies' allk sad wool hose la six different shades. Regular lift for 11.23. Also ladtea' winter weight blocmers aad veau, regular 95c each, for 60a. each. Phone 778. Dr. Leonard B. Wrlneh. son and as slattnt of Dr. II. c. Wrlneh. Mia. medical superintendent of the Uaseiton lloaplui. reached the city on yesterday amrfioon train from the interior whence he will return tomorrow. C-N.R. steamer Prince John. Capt. E. Mlbbs. (rtun Vancouver via the Queen Chtrlotte Islands, la due to arrive In port at midnight tonight, sailing at1 8 e'cloek tomorrow evenlnj on her return south over the same route. The cDeetl powered motorboat Este- beth. Ctpt. Davie, of Ketchikan, arrived In pott st 3 o'cloak this morning from AJaika brtnglug s passenger who missed the American steamer Alameda at Wrangell and who caught the Prlncu Rupert here and proceeded south. ,. ing the Christmas " week with her. parents. Archdeacon and Mrs. Q. A. Rlx. 417 Agnew Plaes. will return by the ?rlnsess Bsatrlce tomorrow morning to Kew Westminster where she Is domestic lbce instructor tii the public schools. The dtv fire d Dart men t had Its first colt of the month this morning about S o'clock when tt was summoned to the imbop of Rakchford k Sbeoton on Third Avenue, East where the wood-wcrk canght fire from a torch, the blase being extinguished, however, before the brigade arrived on the Scene. MUs C&mfile Peters of Hell, who la teaching at Ocean Falls, returned here yesterday afternoon from a visit In Terrace with Misses Malott and Eaat-hope and plans to continue to Ocean Falls tomorrow morning on the Princess Beatrice. Miss Ethope came down ! from Terrar with her and Is her guest1 at the Hotel Prlnc' Rupert- UflWtoU r.wnrcrw. ' ANNOUNCEMENTS Elk'a Leap-yesr Dance. January 20. Legion Novelty Dance January 27. PrtDce Rupei ! 0::U Drill Team dance Pebrcary 3 Lilk. Annual Donee, rbrujry 17. Legion No. 45 meeting postponed until Friday. January 0. Mr and Mra. T. II. Johnaon allied tfcla morning by the Prince Rupert for s trip to Vmrourer and other polnta In the amilh. Tlskeu for the Elka' Midnight Matinee Mew Yearla Eve will be on tale at 11 o'clock at the Theatre. Performance rtarta at 11:15. 304 UUs Magulre of the local teaching waff returned yesterday from Terrace where ahe made a brief Tlalt , with Miaaea Malott and EaUhape. teachers At the Terrace school. A. R. Holtby. aupcrlntendent of the B. and U. department cf the Canadian National Railways, returned to the city on yaaterday ttternoori'k , train from, a 'rip up the line, oa official duties. r- Sergeant W. J. Service, chief of the lUtliCt detachment of the provincial ppollce at Smithers, arrived In the .city on yesterday afternoon's train from the interior, having a prisoner in hla cue? tody. MODERN ETIQUETTE i Skit on .tt tempt to .Mjke all Conform to Same t'sagr In Mailer of I n. ' lniNirtJiit lletaIN "When ftngerbowla are brought In on dolliaw how doe one proceed J" This memtntoua question la .propounded hi the colUtnnr'of an Island coDtsmporaxy. Other queries that follow ate: "When finished i with dessert. what ahouid one dor and "Is It proper to dip the fingers of both hands simultaneously?" It bs borne 10 upon us that we have stsver given proper thought to these osattera. We have not; even noticed whether the finger bowl were brought Un on dollies or not. Presumably they now knew, ui part, at least.' what to tin when .the prsctlce laflflowed. You "remove flngerbowl with, dollie and place at the left of your plate." This Is all right as. far aa It goes, but it dees not state what you should then do with the dollie. Do you .put It at the other aide of your plate or do you drop It on the floor. We hope to. hear from the Island at soon St possible. It Is necessary to point' out. however, thi.t no advice la given on how to deal with a flngerbowl that does not oouie in on a dollie. Should so plebeian a flngerbowl be simply, ignored or ahouid cu "place at left of, your plate," and If ao, do you pick It up with the edee of the tablecloth or use your napkin? This newspaper anxiously "awaits s reply- Then again, what do you do when finished with dessert? We have always just finished with tt and let It go at that, but the Island authority on these matters Indicates that there Is a ritual to be observed. If the waiter removes the plate it la all plain sailing, of course. But If the waiter dees not. there you are. all cluttered up with the remains of dessert on a plate In front af you when you want the flngerbowl In that position. In theee circumstances you gmtly edge the plate a little to one side (don't on any account set It on top of your neighbor's plate) and "draw your flngerbowl near enough to use." Then as to dipping with both hands at once, contrary to what might be generally supposed, this does not depend on the size of the flngerbowl. Oh. no. "One at a time Is the more graceful method." We congratulate the Island newspaper on Its enterprise In taking up these vital questions. The press is too ant o concern itself with the way they eat pork in Bulgaria rather than the way one handles a fork on. say. Vancouver Island. Yet one may live, s lifetime and never eat perk wtthjb'a Bulgarian, while one can hardly alt., down to a meal on Vancouver Island, Sr. even on tre mainland of BrlUi Columbia, without finding a fork beside one's ' plate. j . . The article on flngerbowla from which we quote -Is merely a hint of what can be done along these lines and we hope the Island contemporary will next question to be taken up, whether it is more comme II faut to drop the ashes of one s after-dinner cigarette supposing ashtrays have been omitted) n the saucer of one's coffee cup or to fUft Itol fiff .sWreptlMoiWli'.Vnder.Jhe ' Mil n - '"H mt'o.-i FKKSII (iltmVN SI'IXACH ST. CATHERINES. Ont., Dec. 30. Canadian housewives are rejoicing that for the .first time on record home grown field spinach in the Niagara fruit belt has been marketed, in ' " ' 'L : The production of salt in j Canada In 192d was 262,547 tons having a value or $1,400,149, an increase of ' 12 (.cut n tlis protluttluu of' 1823. per COMING SESSION 1 OF parliament! SuiiUtlon That Changes Will be Made to Tariff in 1928 (By R. i. Deachman) OTTAWA. Dec. 30 The Cabinet of late, has been busy with the details of l.ne coming .session. There Is in evidence, a desire ftr shorter sessions. If the work can be put in shape before oand, these things can be rushed along A session before an election Is usually stormy. The opposition is looking for arguments and sometimes mud, to throw at the government. After an election, the storm la still In evidence the Government then wants to taunt the other aide with failure, and returns the mud all this takes time. It Is a safe guess that the coming session will be quiet quiet, but Interesting Politics la waking up a bit. There Is no longer the old faith In political parties there la an Increase of tempered Interest, that Is the hopeful sign. TAKIH SKSSION KOItAliLi: This Is s guess and one guess Is as good an another, but this will be a tariff seaslon. Practically s hundred applications for tariff changes nave come before the Tariff Board. Last year Mr. Robb told the House that nothing could be done because the Board, had not had aufSclent time. That ansVn cannot be given now! On the other hand, there cannot be a complete revision of the tariff. Iron and steel la one ' of the bssic factors In tsrlff making. Iron and steel was the first application before the Tariff Board, but nothing baa been done about It. Shortly after the application was made, the British Empire Steel Company got into financial trouble and It was felt that time might atrulghten out that tangle. Had the government acted at once, the men behind the steel companies would prcbably have sold the tariff favors received by unloading stock on the public and the govern' ment was not willing to stand aa step father for stock Jobbing operations. With steel untouched, there can ba no general revision too much- hangs on steel. Meanwhile there are rumors that the Unltrd Statea Steel Corporation Intends to open out Its long contemplated plant m Canada. That will bring s dllcrem factor Into the operations. There sre rumors also that the government con templates a bounty on steel; This was the plan adopted some years ago by Mr. Fielding. ' It never was overly popu lar with the Liberals It Is doubtful 1 the western strong men of the party would take tt even If favored by tariff reductions elsewhere. TKere are however, numerous ltema cn which the government can act. Thorough investigations have been mate on woollens, cottons, linen, boots and- shoes, harness, enanelware. alum inum are and numerous other separate ltema. Then there Is the excise tax on cigarettes. A reduction on this item would make it possible to sell cigarettes In Canada at prices approaching the American prices. As It stands at pre sent, the Canadian price la so hlKb that Mr. Smuggler finds It very profit able to bring tbem in and his ways of doing so are many and various. In all thete matters we ha-re a new factor to consider that factor la the tourist. If prices in Canada are made unduly high by taflffa or excise taxes. It blocks the tourist trade and tourists In a year, spend about $200,000,000 in Canada. A purse like that must be re spected even In a national sense It has Its Influence upon affairs. What the government will do I do riot know. On one other Item, prediction is easier. The sales tax was never dodu- lar. To chop It off st once Is dlfflculf It's a gTeat revenue producer. Still it will probably get another touch this year. Then the rich are protesting about the Income tax. This does not Interests the average man. but the men It dees Influence are powerful, so something may be done about It. ORANGE LADIES' XMAS TREE HELD THURSDAY enjoyable Event Willi Many Yoim;vteri In Alteiidaiice ut Mrlrnpole Hall YrMrrday Afternoon With s goodly number of kiddles In attendance, the annual Christmas Tree entertainment of the Ladles' Orange Btncvolent Association was held yestcr-day afternoon In the Metropole Hall. There was an enjoyable program In which Cathie and Betty Eastman. Norma Archie. Grace Hall, Freddy and Betty Barber. Ethel and Ida Moore-house, Rosle Cox. Jim Currle. Hazel Smith. Irene Boulter.' Rosle Smith, Trlxle Brewerton. Doris Leek. Merle West. Nancy Dodd, David Houston. Freda. DorothV and Ada Mussallem. Dorothy Davles and Allan Davles Refreshments were then served and keep on doing It. We suggest aa the Santa Claus arrived on the scene, dis tributing glfta and delicacies to all. The committee In charge of the event consisted of Mrs. S . Cox, Mrs. Brewer- ton. Mrs. Dawes. Mrs. J. Durran. Mrs Anderson and .Mr. and Mrs. Mihaffey. "My -rkar.""7emartfedB43whi hie! just iinisned reading a book on "The Wonders of Nature." tlils Is a 'remark able work. Nature Is marvellous) Stu pendous I When I read a book like this It makes me think how puerile, how Insignificant Is man." "Huh!" said his wife. "A woman doesn't have to wade through five hun dred- paces to discover that." Advertise la tJw Dally Newa. 20 New Years Eve WESTHOLME THEATRE Acts of Vaudeville 1,000 NOISE MAKERS AND COTTON SNOW BALLS at 11.15 p.m. right, right after the Regular Picture Show Elks Christmas Cheer Fund Admission $1.00 The following Artists will appear: 31 A FAWNY CAMPBELL In Cabaret Dances E. J. COBB . . In a Misinterpretation of Webster's Dictionary HARRY ASTORIA In Songs' and Imitations RUSSELL GRAHAM In Trix and Chatter FRANK MOORE Singing Comedian DR. MALLOV .' In the Farce Way to Health FRANK FORTUNE In Songs PROF. OGO POdO Mental Marvel Sees All, Knows All, Tells Much BILLY FULLER and GARFIELD McKlNLEY .... Cornetists ELIZABETH McLEOD ...In Scotch Dances ALEX. CONNAN , . Impersonations BOB FRIZZELL . ., Chatterbox CURRY & RICE In Painless Nonsense TOM SPAGONI In Cousin Caruso LEMUEL KEG ,. Poor Fellow S. A. McPIIERSON Baritone, in Songs, Talkalogues, Serious and Otherwise CHAS. BALAGNO And His Orchestra i! 'I ' HaHHHHHHHHHHssfiHaS i ; . Clearance GREATER BARGAINS THAN EVER COATS DRESSES HATS Hosiery and Lingerie P, an ad ian National Clhc Largtfi Railway Syftem in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE Sailings from PKIXCE KLI'EKT tor VANCOUVER, VICTORIA. SEATTLE, and Intermediate points, each FRIDAY. 9.00 ajn. For STEWART and. AN VOX, each WKHXEwnAY, 10.00 pjn. For NORTH and SOUTH Ql'EEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, Fortnightly. PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT Each MONDAY. WEDNESDAY and .SATURDAY at 11-30 im for PRINCE GEORGE. EDMONTON, WINNU'EO, all points Eastern Canada. United States. AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. Jse Canadian National Express for Money Orders. Foreign Cheque. etr,. alM for jour next shipment. t-" CITY TICKET OFFICE. S2S TIIIIMl tVL. PRINCE RUPERT. Phone t6 OJNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED S r . - Sallliiry from Prlnee Rupert, n -"558 For, VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, ftwanson Bay. Alert Bay. ete 'TuSoS. S p.m. - .y lnt VAM'OFVKR. VICTORIA, Unfed ale. Alert Uay. etc Saturday 8 sum. STEWART. Wales Island, Sunday. 8 p.m. I?S tnl Atenue. R M. SMITH, rei Prle Rnuerl Br n.r?en,tiort ,0 V,t,r,a Sf"""' baa! tbKkt Advertise in "The Daily News" a