THE PIONEER LAUNDRY KIDS Vr--ir rULU Or i-HetK,' IAkU nuft REASorVVOL For For .Montreal prices on Clothing for Men & Boys Don't forget the Montreal Importers Third Avenue . i. H. .Miller Proprietor Ladysmith-Wellington COAL Phone 580 HydeTransfer And Coal Co. 139 Second Avenue REDUCTION in Prices 15 per cent off fur two week only tome in and Inspect, our Htock .T. LEE I , ; !":l.Y laundered clot hen . i Ml clothcH. Send your .1 writ here and they v ni.- bark to you In sweet, .' unditlon. The prices v ,r-' won't disturb your Pioneer Laundry I'hone 118 REMEMBER LAMBS' & GENTLEMEN'S TAII.0K Third Avenue I'.O. Ilox 977 MILK -:- PRICE Reduced to 12 pints for $1.00 7 quarts for .$1.00 12 pints for 9 1.00 Cash price tickets. MiKrlde Street store now closed Valentin Dairy Office and Dairy - 11th St. Telephone C57. Dr. Alexander Smith DIock I'hone S75 DENTIST Waterhont Whiffs K,plu-lonM-,,n (JaslKwt, , chief Topic of Convrmati HcINiut Landings feller Than LatVik ' " ' The eWef tair ,,f .1 and th TOtfc of Kd. Anderson. Th boat WM M old one and al! " kind; of theories are being advanced a. to the cle of theJe e i plo,.o.iS TlMire it o doubt that when the tanks .Ve nearly emJtr I in the bottom of the tank much of it may vaiwrite When the tank is Wing filled the presmr. inside Increases as the yaMn enters so that the air driven out by the tent h mixed iwiui gas ans? nti highly combustible - . " ' TV CWSMtjr rf ktten wlthtlM- .. K .PWlMe ciMaoa of . spark being w overhaul due may fttrsher Increaae the fearer T wn ptant Bd u, " j as,. ,b,Ul " pM tins in order. Were Ml the Urt constructed ihu -. - u vent kxt out mmur w u p, . Uy(k U" B" sir .Aove dec there would be lw " "' cr,n t Him uiMmi. , a new propter fitted. Many f IS me claim the the ni , Dm ut M U kick It umI to hv. i nioTU4 roud the sot- tout Mtst do not M bom. out tof Tr' " the faet UmM Dm rt enrfoaton. 't1 D,t' M Wng than femweiy i"1 ,u briKbtneaa and ti avernBnt TtM onljr oonotusloc tfcat can be drawn l that It to follr to take any chance wish a f thing when ualns taa-olu. Pete Andermtr la busy on a new float nk4) he la building for the BC Towae and Llghlwnae Oompany wbone lueal rrpreacMtoUve Is Captain Paul Anaour. Tbatr neadquartara arc to be ttte old MarlA Ironwork duck near the iNaaJ VQiuvieer Remarve bead(uartera. The landing aeow to now owuplaled and a More house bpllt on K. It la j LAND ACT. .0TICK. OIV1XTL.NTION TO APPLY TO cordlng District of lrlnce llupert. and ... . .w. k.a. r. f th. 1 1 V. irm nf De La Beche Inlet, Moresby Island. I TAKE NOTICE that Hrltlah Columbia IFlshlng At Packing Co. IAd.. of Van-icouvrr. B.C., occupation Packers, Intendt ;to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted at the 'head of the south arm ot Dc La Beche Inlet Moresby Island: thence south S icnalns; thence east 30 cha.ns; thenoe 'north 5 chains, more or less, to high i ster mark: thence west along high water imark to point of commencement, and containing 10 acres, more or less. BRITISH COLUMBIA FISHING It PACKINO CO. LTD., Applicant. Dated June 10. ml. IF YOU ARE SICK allinjr, unable to get a hold , on health, write or call at an lona-Otone Health Clinic, as thousands of others have TAKE TDK FKEE TREATMENTS There ia no obligation. Sufferers of many years are finding health and ment In lona-Otone, the Magnetic Healer. THE I0NAOTONE HEALTH CO. 10-11 Smith DIock, H.U. rngimr is in a wsy rwpuaatble for lh Uck of liMtre. Ti wrf la to be repaired sod the enatiiuwr bu dtetded that (torn are In the meantime to be kept out of the warehouse. Now at the tralgM come o3 Oie teat It wont HO to the Damn shed. wWch Is being UMd tewpoTMlly. of Ms own accord. It dim to be moved. And Harry hu bad to mow it. TUat eta not be done from the office etoul aad so some of the tr of hit crown are mtartng Due ha had to hustle around too. situated beside U Martna Plaherlea . to have the Ule wharf 'rI One boat te b. b, "1' W 1 " 1 llii rlsarit n t atJ. a f . been at the dry dak but whlob to be- Wth d ,Ulg mg orattiauied. Work will betn on UVow1 tal" OOMn ln . the ti. . . ew of tnHr lacreawd cTltT on the onre. itiunwuHiiki vi uw main Tr frUal raapKe to appreciated In moat of Uic maohln shops. Tbayhave been so busy for toe past month that AVATEIt NOTICE Divr IIMOV AMI li: TAKE NOTICE that Francis Henry Cuunlitsham. who addrena is 806 Board of Trade UuUdlng. Vancouver. BC will apply lur a licence to take and use 1 cubic foot per second of water out of unnamed stream which flows northeast and drains Into Humpback Day. Porcher Island, about 400 yards southeast of northeast comer post of Lot 103. The water will be diverted' from the atream at a point about 300 yard from the mouth of the river and wUl be used for run. cannery and domestic purposes lion oi Lot in, nsnge a. uoui uuinct. This notice was posted on the ground on the 251 h day of June. 1927 A copy oi inn notice ana an application pur-Miant thereto and to the "Water Aof will be filed ln the office of the Water Recorder at Frtnce Rupert, D C. Obtec-uon to the application may be filed with the said Water Recorder or with the Comptroller of Wsler Rights. Par. Ilament Buildings. Victoria. B.C.. within thirty days after the flrtt appearance of this notice In a local newspaper. The lute of the first publloaUoo of this lot Ice Is August 4. 1927. P. II CUNNINCMAM. Applicant. LAND ACT MITK'K W INTKXTIO TO APPLY TO IKASK UtMl In Range 4. Und Recording District of Prince Itupert. and situate at Barnard Cove. Prlncens Royal Islsnd. TAKE NOTICE thst the Kllllerd Pack-tnt Company Limited of Vancouver. Il.C.. occupation Salmon Cannsrs. In-tends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: - Commencing at a post planted alongside nost marked N.W. L2573; thence aoutWrly along high water mark 30 chains, more or less, to a post msrked 8.W. L3S73; thence west to low water mark; thence northerly along low water m.V Qn Khllnl HIAM fT 1UI til U tKllnt i-west.f the point of commencement: mence tsjii ou uou. mure ui point of commenfement, and containing i ne-nusrter acre, more or lew. MIIXEilD PACKINO COMPANY UMITEP, - . ; -' i .Applicant. t. Dated "June 7B. fflt, ' V ; I InSTlal r r At U Prince Rupert Boat House roof painting ha been done. The Salt Lakes have been very piipular as the food weather peratota. But Captain Swatwon's Interest at present oontrea cnaialy In hi new automubUe. He Is trying to get accustomed to the obange from standing on ttie bridge and signalling to the engine room to the more prosaic steering wheel. Wltti ttie canneries not working to Hielr capacity there have been sonle of the boat calling. The Zenardl was ln on Friday. BO. Packers No. 4 also made a call during the week. The ta Dorado which brauirht In as . 000 pounds halibut Thursday, but did LAND ACT NOTICE OF l.VTKXTIOX TO APPLV TO LKAt LtMl In Range 8. Coast Land District, Land Recording District of Prince Hurxrt. and situate on Lot 103 Humpback Buy, Por vner xajsna, u s. TAKE NOTICE that F. 11. Cunningham. Board of Trade Building? of Vancouver. B.C.. occupation Salmon Broker, intends to apply for a leaie of the following de scribed landn: Commencing at a post planted 150 yards south-southeast of northeast corner poit of Lot 102. Ramre S: thence due south 0 chains; thence south-southeast 19 chains; thence due north 8 chains; thence west-northwest along shore to point of commencement and containing 14 acres, morea or less. FRANCIS HENRY CUNNINOHAM, Applicant Dated JMh June. 1937. NOTICE. There will be offered for sale at Public Auction at the Provincial Government Court House. Prince Hopert. B.C.. on Thursday, August 11th, 1927. at 3 o'clock In the afternoon, the following lots: Lots 9 and 10, Block 1, Section S. Lots 9 and 10, Block 23. Section 1. . Lot 7. Block 3. Section 3. Lot i. Block 8, Section 7. all In the City of Prince Rupert, . B.C. Terms: Cash payment t time of sale, or one-quarier cash-' and the. balance -fo three equal annual Instalment, -with. nV teret on the deftrntf b'aments,'a't' fh rate of 6H ."per annum, the Crown. Orant ftyvlpvb 110.00. additional, . . .a'J Plans shewing Uie,lote Mfrreci'for sale may be.seen at the office' 6f the Government Agent, Prince Rupert, BO. . NORMAN A. WATT. . Oo'vernmeht Agent. Dated at Prince Rupert, B.C. July 4th. 1927. NOTICE. IN THE MATTER of an application for the Issue of a Provisional Certificate of Title for Lot one (I) of Lot three hundred and sixty 360), Range five (S), Cowt District, Map 970. Satisfactory proof of the loss of the Certificate of Title covering the above land having been produced to me. It Is my Intention to Issue, after the expiration of one month from the first publication hereof, a provisional Certificate of Title to the above land. In the name of ALICE CLAPP. The original Certificate of Title to dated the 29th November. 1912. and la numbered 2805 I. Land Registry Office, Prince Rupert. B.C. July 15, 1927. If. F. MacLEOD. Registrar of Titles. SEALED TENDERS Sealed Tenders marked "Steel Pipe" will be received by the undersigned up to 12 o'clock noon of Mondav. Auirust 16th, 1927. for supplying and delivering approximately six thousand (6,000) feet of 18-Inch steel pipe 3-16 to 1-2 inch MUCK. Instructions to bidders and Bonifica tion cart be; obtained at th Office of the City Engineer, City Hall, Prince nupert, The lowest or any tender not neces sarily accrpiea, D. J. MATHESON, 182 Purchasing Agent rat dail? Ait cat t'6 worA. 1 1 not sell, to one of the tlneat halibut boat that nave txvn seen here. Fully ? ft. ktag and Uttd with 4 ISO h.D csswkie, ah w the strbtoM of much UfpHile oomaacat. th ecsjIAe Is a Dotgkr and tM boat to catned by John Jotirnan who fumwrly owned the AHany. , N. Mclean sine he parked up and went to Seal Cove has bren mainly w- etrpied ln budlng hu bouse. This I nearly completed and he hope to move In by the end of next week. He ha the piles on find for the aheds. and plana are finished so that the building of the new quarter wul be proceeded wtth forthwith. Many of the QaAadlan halibut boats are under charter to the canneries and the waterfront ho been unusually quiet this week. j Halibut landings for the week Sat-, urday to Frtdar totalled 672.000 Mm.' Thl I 4S.OO0 lbs. more than test week ttt I40W0 lbs. less than the week be-'ore. Of Shht nineteen American boats' landed 609 jOOO pound and fifteen Canadian boat' brought 103.000. I The canneries are having a quiet: time so far thOMg one reports more! cockeye ttten we put up last year.1 Others are not dng nearly so well though there Is time yet If the run start In any considerable quantity to prevent the season from being as bad: MRAVS nV mVSPHVATlfiV vessel (continued from page two) a to the movement of mature flsn. accurate statistics as to previous con ditions, such as abundance, amount of mahe ESSEX THE SUPER-SIX PRINCIPLE AMAZINGLY REVEALED PRICES Five Passenger Essex Super-Six Sedan, complete, fully equipped .. $1,360.00 live Passenger Essex Super-Six Coach, complete, fully equipped .. Sl,'-G0.00 Five Passenger Essex Super-Six Coupe, complete, fully equipped .. $1,260.00 Hudson Hrougham, complete, fully equipped S-,0l,".00 Prince Rupert Auto Co. Second Avenue. as some state. j I foUowlng which the Commission will HANCOCK TELLS pleased to listen to any statements HALIHUT AND POSSIBLE i1" ,nT halUut hermeu. captain. owner oc buyer may wish to The date of uoh meeting will: be announced a far ln advance aa pos- j slbie. All interested U1 be welcomed. I In conclusion let me express to ai: The principle of closed areas must not. j those engaged In the halibut fishery on the one hand, permanently Isolate Jihe appreciation of the Commissioners and remove from uw any stock ot Ash. and their staff for the full measure of ' as would be done by absolute seclusion assistance that has been rendered in ot non-migrating fish population. But furthering the Investigations, on the other hand, the principle might' , prove the moat elastic and. best adapted one for the protection of migrating adults. The fishery tends to be sew-sonal ln character and. were the area concerned in the tnovenient of adult migrant closed partially In accordance with the season of various fisheries. Sir Henry Thornton and all the other) tt might wrtl be possible to gradually ranway magnates are nere woay so rets impose a considerable degree of pro- a" wink scout transportation tectlon without Injustice to any section of the fleet. Is there any other method cf protection of which this can be said? Is It not everywhere admitted that the present closed season affects only the fishermen who go beyond Icy Strait. -a dlatlnct class of vessel? Any extension or modification of the sea sonal closure must necessarily be un- ectual ln Its aDollcatlon. and exceeding- Iv hard to anolv unless framed dlf- s" Man in the Moon THEN here' to the men Who cheer us up when We're blue as the very hades. We welcome them hearty To our luncheon party And we're glsd they brought the ladles. fcrently for the various area. If the im J"c- lne icy am" m wu adult are migratory, the various areas concerned must be treated differently, or the fish nrotected In one area would be exDosed to Intense flsbln ln lJ " "J " another, but It the aduIU are not ml. Jof Cuekkoschay. One can hardly N nttn Ior. changing it to jack gratory.-thelr condition and needs be- Ing Individual. they should be dealt Sharkey. with aeparately. The power then to regulate must be flexible the estab JAKE want's to know why It Is that transportation men are always such That's how they got the themselves; Try It. THE real name of the man who ABOUT one hundred British editors nlln Canida 1015 Dlonth' but are llshment of a system of nones within aie w aoiaiin in ine lacv mat which the power to regulate may vary. KKM'LTS tJNKJ0VX It must be remembered that ln any 11M a,.. - hoi' UtV A- lull A Can- "n Brttrsn editors are as- bod as I adlan. measiireswhlch kre adopted the result. B pj operated' bh,(the: 'liillten" fawtfys mn W beable ib 'tarry present' 'ho oasi of experience V.-1UI . oher epecles upon which .any expec-' 1 np nT,.n uncy can be based. Were It possible YUILt UMilh VtAU to as yet unknown what level there j FORBADE MARRIAGE should be raised. In consequence final' restriction at this time Illogical appear ,Voman Took Follr UNband, llt rMri un wm.b-. " " " 1 lii lihon-e Eillirf One tlon must be determined by trial, witn facilities for modification at hand. The principle of "closure of areas" means the power of applying flexibly ..shadc. KASHA W, Slovakia, Aug. 6. Olea Ohimlnetz blames her first husband's ui wa...ii(ci.u.., ocai.uv, wiirrv lb u $17 000 ' 000 be studied by such halibut fishermen,1 captains, vessel-owners and buyers as may find It convenient, to call. The director of Investigations Dr. W. F. Thompson or members of his staff. will be at hand to afford full Information to all callers. 1 t is the Intention of the commission to hold public meetings this fall at Ketchikan. Prince Rupert. Vancouver and Seattle At these meetlnga a digest I 1 1111 v of th data collected will b submitted. operating from the other reguj?u. ... ""-lWOrld. for her four-fold bigamy . lM " """"""', The husband was Jealous. Madame Such knowledge must take the form 0 , ln. and torbade her to marry again. She sought relief from loneliness by marrying four men ,...... ca. - m succession. Each time, however, the posed regulations from year to jesr. cf di,d tint choIce . By no other mean, can regulaUon be r , K.ll Intall o-stnt sn1 Km (tlait I f IaH r ' ""u' " ' . fled Jiwn her new nuts, going to before the puW c either reason ol. where M the original ac Ion or the results at. d b,M even from the psychic talned. Statistic, to be worth -any- M Bbt tning must 'testified, and ln her flight ahe neglect A. already stated the Commission has divorces. ..Aa .at ammini -. JatallaM In- 0 -.vv. . " Madame Chlmlnets was sentenced to as 10 u ana lormauon pusi present ... m,fh. , .. condition ot the halibut fishery. Much of the data has been 'tabulated. It 1 band. at toe ACommlaslon's , all assembled in fBtf Canada exported S93.000 woraing muSu... a ine uiuve , worth of fu Jn 1925 thl, figUre Advertise in The Dally New. PAIN from Bladder Irritation Soon aid by 8ANTAL IY1IDY Btwar of Imitations Look ler th wrS "MIDV" 101a dt tu druftiiu Kallosd by Super-Six Opposite Rupert Hotel PAGE FIVE iding is Like Hying You can never forget thU thrilling difference from all other transportation!! Smooth Indifference to road condition'. Silky smooth neH in all performance. Hiding in the Efwex Super-Six h actually like flying. The dramatic appeal of a single ride is the hast of the greatest sales in our history. You, try thN totally new experience in motoring. T1IEHE AUG FIVE I1EAUTIFUL NEW MODELS IN THE ESSEX SUI'EH SIX CHASSIS THE (iltEATEST VALUES IN ESSEX IIISTOKY. Phones 75 and 275 BETTER DENTISTRY PLATES that gives you a natural appearance and lend beauty to the contour of the face. Always Dr. MAGUIRE p vjjcii Over Ormea one 525 Canadian National Steamships Co. Limited V Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD , ' OperaUns (i.t.P. 20,QbO Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Hoilermakers, IUacksmiths, Patternmakers, Founders, Woodworkers. Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDINfl. Our plant is equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 385 ' UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT CENTRAL HOTEL The place called "Home" 120 Rooms, American and European Plan. Hot and Cold Water. Bus meets all trains and boats. Sample Room Phone 51. L. Martin, Manager. Hotpoint Electric Ranges Kaien Hardware Co. Telephone 3