Proper examination and production of the necessary lenses to insure Correct comfortable " ' vision. That constitutes our Eye- Glass Service. i n nrn IMHM Pi irl'ii' (Jewellers .THE STORE WITH THE CLOCK BLANKET Special During the month of May we will give a special rate on all Blankets. Single Blanket, each .. :Ef Double Iilanket, each .. ."Of Blankets washed without shrinking and returned nice and fluffy. ' , GIVE US A TRIAL Pioneer Laundry (1921) Ltd. Phone - 118 Spring Coats in Shades of Navy, Gray and Sand "Doners" Phone 27. P.O. Box 327. f . -ft Prince Rupert BOAT HOUSE Phone 381 P.O. Box 1565 LAUNCHES, SCOWS, ROW-BOATS AND CANOES SAND AND GRAVEL Equipment for' Diving nnd Salvage Work, Agents for Easthope Engines and Stump I'uIlerH NORWEGIAN HALIBUT GEAR IN STOCK Compass Adjus'tljCg' ANGER, the TAILOR We carry a fine stock of Imported Scotch Tweeds, Fancy Worsteds and Serge. Every garment tried on before finishing. 223 Sixth Street TERMINALS WON FROM VISITING PATRICIANS BILUARM LAST NIGHT Tb Grand Terminal Club list night tun -& vt.lTtnn. DnlAln turn a Kit- vent iuc Tkoite-Uf lauivuu vruui a t. ui- . Hards by a score of 771 to 718. The Visitors played a wonderfully good game considering they were out of practice. The scores were: Patrician McMasters ... 172 Arnold IC7 Barber 200 Langlols 179 firapil Terminal Howe 200 McDonald .200 Hamilton 171 Judge 200 Total 718 Total 771 SPORT CHAT Plenty of enthusiasm on the part of spectators has a psychological effect on players and often helps them win 'game. It may not make a poor lot of poor players Into good pjbyers. but when honors are about even, good backing from supporters helps. The sailors In port this week were strong on cheering. It was noticed, when they wo:,; the boat race Thursday evening. It Is announced by the management of the Victoria Day celebration that one third of the proceeds of the event will go to the fund for surfacing the j grounds and for that reason It Is 'thought will be supported by the pub-(lie. The sports Include half mile for boys under twelve: three quarter mils j for boys under 1G; one mile for boys "MALE MINIMUM WAGE ACT" TO EMPLOYERS AMI F.MH.OYKi: Notice Is hereby given that a public meeting, for the purpose of discussing me provisions oi the 'Male Minimum Wage Act and its application to adult male employees in every occupation, other than those already dealt with by the Board, will be held at the Court House. Prince' Rupert, B.C on Wednes day, May 25th. commencing at 3 p.m. To hear those who may be unable to attend during the afternoon a meeting j wiji dc jmuu in wie evening coiiuneuciug at 7.30 O ClOCK. Before further Minimum Wage Ord?rs are made for any industry or group of industries trie uoara oetites to near me views of those Interested. After an Inquiry is made throughout the Province the Act will be made to apply to all persons who come within its provisions. written statements are reciuestea irom any group or organization of employers or employees. j. u. MCNivtw (unainnani F. V. POSTER. . T. P. PATERSON. Members Board ,of Adjustment, admin istering the "Male Minimum wage Act,". Victoria. B.C.. May 18th. 1027. LAND ACT. PLY TO NoTiri'. of; intention to appI V' '. I KIHK I.4VII. . in if nice Kupen una iteccraing un- irici oi wueen unanovte isianas, ana situate at Maanett Indian Village No. 1. take; notice mat rne uaseit can- ners, Ltd. of Prince Rupert, B C, occu nation manners, inienas to appiv lor a lease. of the following described lands: Commenclnz at this post planted at the northwest corner of our site at Massett. B.C.; thence southerly 3 chains; mence easterly 3.23 cnains. more or less; thence northerly 3 chains: thence wes terly 35 chains, more or less, to point of commencement, and containing on acre, more or ie. THE MASSETT CANNERS. LTD Applicant rer r. ixrenr.en. Agent, Dated April 20. 1927. NOTICE Under and b virtus ot the provisions of Section 28 of the "Mineral Aet." no tice Is hereby given Messrs. Malcolm Smyth. Edmund Langls. Harold Hansen ana nioeri Moore, mat mere is owini o the undersigned for Assessment Worl performed on the Cord 111a Oroup of Mineral Claims, Princess Royal Island Skeena Mining Division, the sum of (393.88. and that unless said persons pay their proportionate share of the cost ot such Assessment, together with all costs of advertising, etc, to the undersigned at uuteaaie. bu, on or before May 12, 1927,. application will be made to the Oold. Commissioner, Prince Rupert, B.C., o nave meir respective interests in toe ereln mentioned Mlnlnc a roup of Mineral .Claims vested ln the under sined. , DAVID COKDILLA. . , IACOB KOSKI THE BANKRUPTCY ACT In the Matter of the Estate of John Charles Oavlgan, an Authortted . Awlgnor. TAKE NOTICE that the above-named authorised assignor has applied to tlie Court for his discharge, and that the Court has fixed the 16th day of June, 1927. at the hour of eleven o'clock In the forenoon, at the Court House, Prince unpen. B.C., lor hearing the application j. u. uiiRiariK, Authorized Trvutss The Traffic Officer " It's a safe "bet that the car which step-out with the "go" signal are equipped with Champions the better spark plug. If every car owner used Cham pions there would be fewer traffic jams. tpatk plat IccaijiM it cmmiirwctimumaJt it a pe rt 4: Ktmiyptt 4? tT4tf. CfcaiRf X fur Ford 80 Cars odWff than Ferdt 9CV Champion Sp(irJ(Pugs WINDSOR, ONT. A CANADIAN-MADE PRODUCT under 20; four mile bicycle for those under 18; pole vaulting for those un P ATRICIAN SEAMEN The BEAT STOKERS IN won from the;, stokers of ihe destroyer time of the seamen was 11 minutes and 47 seconds, while the stokers was 11 minutes, 53 seconds. In the second race It was 11 minutes SO 4.5 seconds and 11 minutes, 47 2-5 seconds respectively. A penalty which the stokers were docket in the first race for fouling at the start lost the event for them. SMITHERS At a public meeting called by the school board this week a site at the corner of Second Avenue and Columbia Street was chosen for the new High School here by a vote of 85 to 11 over a site near the top of the hill on Main Street.. It is possible that the new building may be of brick veneer. This Is the rclean-up" period Smhhers. Between May 19 and was designated by the town council as the time that premises must be put lu order. Enroute to Toronto to attend a eon-ftience with head officials of the company, 11. E. Sparks of the Huronlan and P. H. Taylor. Mr. Sparks has been in British Columbia all winter gathering data for his company. Milk and cream shipments from the Bulkley Valley to Prince Rupert Increased 22.7 per cent and 41.35 per various parts of' the town Light users are being warned by the Frank II. Taylor spent the week In town and brought most encouraging : reports of developments at the proper-l ty of the Topley Consolidated Co. at Dili F IMP MCrnWi"Tcp,ejr' The road u P"""1" m-I ULLlllU lYlLLliriU pleted and men are now at work strip-. ' ping the big showing of valuable ore seamen of ILMXiS. Patrician on the Topley group. ln the pulling event yesterday after-, The Catholic Women's League here noon with a lend of -3 3-5 seconds In has elected officers as follows: presl-the two races.- In the first race, the tlent, Mrs. J, A. Macdonald; vlce-presl- irlflPMsl T able to stand the strain of the day's work." r "Will Morning Never Come? F I could only sleep I . believe my nervei would soon be all right, but night after night I lie awake, and think about everything under the sun. "What chance Is there of; getting better so long aa this, goes on?" "None. Nerve force is being exhausted nearly twenty-four hours of every day, and there is no rest and, sleep in which to replenish the waste." j "One thing sure I cannot stand it much longer, for I know that every week yes, every day finds me more restless and nervous, and leas "I suppose the doctor could give me sometMqg to' make mi sleep, but I don t want that. I am weak enough now. I want something- to build up strength rather than to tear down tfac tissue ot the body." "I believe I will try Dr. qhase's Nerve Food. I nave often heard of it, but neverthought I would need to use It. I waa always so strong sod healthy." "This nervous trouble Is a peculiar ailment. No one woujd ixlieva what I suffer from sleeplessness and nervousness. I do not look like aa Invalid, but I certainly am one." "0n thing wirt I shall, not spend another sleepless night before I begin using Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. I expect It will take a little time to get my nerve right, but I shall l halt a down boxes and give it a try out. Something seems to tell in that I shall not o. disappointed," Dr. Chase's Nerve Fxxxi 60c a bot all dealers or Tat. Dr. A. W. Co Medicine Co Limited, Toronto 2, Canada. N anted For Sale For Rent SITUATIONS WANTED QUALIFIED SINOLE MAN, TWELVE years general store owner. Canada: trained accountant and typist; all round office man; fair shorthand; Scotch; desires position anywhere. Pre early June. P.O. Dor 100, Mer-rlu, B.C. OIRU EXPERIENCED IN QENERAL housework, wants work after school closes. Phone Red 295. '121 In'OIRL 28 11. WANTS WORK. FOR RENT PHONE RED 123 FOR RENT. NEWLY DECORATED modern house; slso small fumlslied he use. Apply 215 Fourth Avenue East. Belt Co. of that city was a visitor hrel roHNISHI.D BUITES fx)R RENT ties In this district with L. S. McOlll Apply Mussallem Orocery. Phone 18. ROOMS FOR RENT. BOARD IP desired. Phone Black 120. PIANO FOR RENT. $5 00 A MONTH. Walker's Music Store. ROOMS TO RENT. PHONE 678. BOARD. THE INLANDER, Second Avenue. Phone 137. tf cent respectively' according to report I EXCHANGE of P. B. Chettleburgh. secretary of the NEW AND SECONDHAND FURNITURE Bulkley Valley Dairymen's Association. bought, sold and exchanged. Papa. ; I dopulos and Marrla, 839 Third Ave. A committee from the Native Sons of j phone 646. tf Canada now has1 the Job In hand of i - plintlng one hiihdml maple trees In j BOARD 830 der 14; a school relay" for four boys Smlthm Electric Ltd. that thev must' dents. Mrs. J. N. Carr Mr. I. n w.r. 10 years and under cover J half mile.' 0 ln tne,r use o electricity. Ow-iner and Mrs. J. P. Downev: treasurer J inere aiso is a DaseDau game aiinreelln to overload, the cenerator burned between the Qyros and Native Sons.tout tt the p!ant and 8mltht. xne management is asking tnat en-:wa!1 ln darkness last week from Wed-trles for all the events be" in not Itrjnesday to Saturtiay, than Monday afternoon. Mrs. F. II. Johnson; secretary. Miss Margaret McDonnell; delegate to national convention at Montreal, Mrs. II. D. Thompson. Donations made to the. local homltal as a result of National Hospital activi ties totalled $250. The walk to serve residents ln the ftclnlty of the Fair Ground has been completed and work has now bxeti started on a new sidewalk on the south side of Second Avenue. Having minor operations at the Jnilthers hospital during the week "vere Mrs. S. A. Eby and J. Connery. Two large auto trucks, which were In use at the Duthle mine for a sliort Ume two years ago 'and which were the subject of a recent court action In Seattle, were loaded onto a flat car this, week for 'return to 'the'' "United States. . . , ' Mrs . 'Mary ' Mckenzie.' 'daughter Of Mr.'.and. Mrsr'Johri McKenzle,' has 'left some time continuing her musical studies Several officials of the department of fisheries, Ottawa, were ln town this week to examine progress of fish liatched during the past two years. Another planting of eggs will be made at Lake Kathlyn about the middle of June. Amputation at the first Joint of her Index finger was made necessary for Miss Alice Latimer following an acci dent while splitting wood. W. It. Doodson has been laid tip at his home during, the week with In fluenza and nervous trouble. Tom Carr, one of the well known Carr brothers of 8mlthera. has re turned alter an ahwnce of several years. Mrs. Norman Kllpntrlck has returned to Smlthers after having ient three weeks . vUltlng with her pnrents, Mr, and Mrs. William Grant. Mrs. D. D. Munro has left here to take up her summer residence at Ter race. Thomaa King has returned to town aiier iiavmz kjieui several weeks at Prince Rupert where Mrs. King Is serkmftly 111. Alter an iwwenre or several weeks In tlie south, Ernest Woodworth of Ute provincial department of public works returned to Smlthers thr week. FOR SALE i!J ioiti m:ih Just a few days left now, In which to make your bid for this car that is going to the hlghext bidder, on May 23. . " Somebody may pick up this car at a bargain. Why not yon? Put In your sealed bid at I'tKKKK'.H (lAKlCK, Third Avenue, . FOR SALE. SEVEN ROOM HOUSE with bath; open fireplace: section S. Five room nous with bath, St-ctlon Two. Two lots, section 5. Phone Red 713. 119 TOR SALE. BEDDI NO OUT PLANTS, all variftlrs, raised In our own greenhouse. Prince Rupert Floral Shop. Brighten up your home with flowers. FOR SALE.-CRUISER. 3 X 10, 20 hp. Buffalo engine: sleeps five; cheap. Trial any Ume. Phone Red 713. 119 FOR SALE OR RENT. SEVEN ROOM Houne; furnace, fireplace, modern. Seal Core Circle. Helgerson. 120 FOR. SALE. SIX ROOMED HOUSE AND lot In post office block. 12.20000. Apply P.O. Box 378. US OPPORTUNITY! 15 00 A MONTH NOW buys your future homeslte. Walker's Music Store. AUCTIONEER NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC! ON Ac count of the late Spring In Alberts, the land not being yet fit to seed, the sale as advertised of the residence and residential site on AUIn Avenue will be postponed until Thursday, May 28 at 2.30. This Is a peculation worth looking Into. O. T. Brine. Phone 774. IlltKSSMAKIMI EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKER. FOR. merly of New York and Edmonton. Mrs. C. Smith, at Hyde TranMsr, 139 Second Avenue. Phone 480. DOMINION I I K.MTI KE KXf'll IVOE Drwiurriy flsennn, proprietors 144 Third Avenue riMinr Itlurk 411 Furniture of all sorts bought, sold or Exchsnged. UPHOLSTERING FURNITURE REPAIRINO: UPHOL. tering of all kinds. Chesterfields recovered and made to order. All work guaranteed. Phone Oreen 603. O. M. HUNT. RESTAURANTS . lOOI) E.TH CAFE Mrs. Unger, Proprietress Third Avenue. Next O. W. V. A. Hood Home Conked Meals. Phone Blark 700 TAXI Phone 67 Taxi (Call George. Paul or Gustl Six and Seven Passenger Stude- bakers at your disposal any time. miss bkos. POOL ROOM Meeker Block. (Across from Empress Hotel) NOTICE. IN THE MATTVij r.r .n ..n...i. lur me issue or a Prr alnnsl .nirnni. ?iftl,or 101 one hundred and sixty (160) Queen Charlotte District, said to one nunured and sixty (100) acres, more or less, excepting thereout ...... acres '.iT thereof. acres ana live ' 101 ' Certificate of Title covering the above iana riaving been produced to me. It is mJL'nntlon to ,M,, ftftfr th llri tlon of i.... one mnnth fim .v.. Hfli 5!rr Pro'l'loJUil'CerHftcate April. 1922. and 1s numbered 148921. n.cano,thIXy!rf02O7!nCe' " RUPrt' r. MACLEOD, Registrar of Titles ASTHMA CMso'uR.'!ONCMITlf AND BKONCHIALCOLOS, Wav rcvtR BIIRAZ.MAH capsules. Bend ScfortrlsL Teropleums. Toronto. SI at rur druciM's. RAZ-MAH jjjrturda May j, PAGE FOUR THE iJAIL'i BRINGING UP FATHER By George McMapm SAY,JlCG-VOU ELEPHANT OUST 1 Ol NTT-TAKE CARE don't be long nnrainrnMV WHitnc a., ... BULGER'S THl ULEPHANT DEClOE .wuil'pR BtTTER OFTHit ELEPHANT Abrr-l NOT , H TO RUNAWAY-I WONDER 1 WOVE COT MY WHISKERS. Xn- CI CAR- TALKTO VOL HIM, HER COME OR IT DOVVN CO IN THE KEEN 04 TAKIN WHILE I UOn I uvtii riNuw i i o N ANl Eye Glass HOTEL MAGGIE' AN Oct CARE. OF A BIRD Service Painstaking. effQrt,based upon scientific knowledge of the construction of the eye and its relative functions with respect to the other parts of the human organise tion. ' av ifi mm DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for leu than 50c Articlu .Lost and Foutid.ic LAND AIT NOTICE tlf IMKVTIOV TO Afrit tn In nange 4. Coast Land Dmr- i. . Recording District of Pt; .. and situate In rtclnlty f la'pii. V " Pitt Island. BC. TAKE NOTICE that Qcm h Co. Ltd, of 325 Howe 81 V BO. occupation Phh Puckc to apply lor a lease t:i ; :: described lands: Commencing at a post . -the northwest corner of Lot u 4; thence north 5 :hai;- iae. ( " 15 chains; thence south ta -corner Lot 1253; thence . u-r. l shore to point of cemmf: I containing 7 acres, more ur let-OOSSE PACK1NQ C . Ap" T " Per Chas. L Robert Dated April 7, U27. LAM) ACT. NOTICE OF lTKNTIO TO AIT1V tt l.KK MM HIK IMitMKIU I'l kiii:m In Prince Rupert Land Rtc -j Duirlct of Prince Rupert, and i at Sewell Inlet, Moresby ViuA. Que: Charlotte Islands. TAKE NOTICE that Kellrv lo--. Company Limited, of V- r.-ie tt occupation Timbe Mr iu -a to appiy lor a lease M ue tc. described lanas- Commenclng at a post stater i the southeast corner of Lot 470 Sr Inlet. Queen Charlotte UUndi; lls north 80 chains; thence rut to ji more or less, to short; Ukom latki the shore line In a soulhteitrrt' dirr fciuii ui viic uuiiiv ui cviiuot, .TrritiJi UN containing Ivo acres, mort tr km Dsted 29th April Kelley Loft,i) C 14 . 1KI7. MINERAL ACT (Form I) CEKTIII(!ATK OF IMPBOUUENH NOTICE wnrrsiiM liopr-' -nuxn. iM "OLD KENTUCKT" Mineral CUM - uate In the Bkeena Minuqt a ITInce Rupert District wnere Located- -on ron-arr u-Tjitcr. Hrrnrv. tht iu W, P'a Fr Miner's Ortiflcste No 8iil C C duly authorized agent of Frani rvar son. Free Miner' CertUtcat No Win' intend, sixty days from ne atw n'-to apply to the Milling R Certifies tm of Improtemenu purpose of obtaining a Crown 0: tne arjove claims. , . And further take not: re thai te under Section 85, must be lefore the Issuance of 'UM improvements. Dated this Cth day if Mr. LEWIS W PATM0HS LAND ACT NOTICE OF INTENTION TO trrtV V u:sk umi. In Range 4. Coast Land DJtn Recording DUtrlct of Prim, Bf and situate in vicinity of Cap; -Pitt Island. BC, -..w.,,, TAKE NOTICE that Ocst Pactw Co. Ltd.. of 325 How St Vafc BC. occupation FHh I?ffoS to apply for a lease of the WW described lands: . , , . ,kji Commencing at a post P,t 5 V, mile dUtant in a northerly em from Lot mi, JUinge 4; fi 5 chains; thence eut 20 eha'"1 south to ahorei thenr wnt act to point of commenceraeal u. ' talnlng 10 acres, more or less OOSSE PACKINO CO. Per Chas. U Roberts, Aps' Dated April 7. 1927. LAND ACT. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO trrit K) In Prince Rupe7tLand trlct of Prince Rupert . " chain ea-nt of northwest cornel 68. Range 3. Coast DIl,rlcL. PtW TAKhf NOTICE that dot J . Company. Limited, of Vancouve. Fish fanners, intends patlon lor permlsslM to les'e tte i described ln '! . , ni.ntr4 Commend! at a V?J'Ef chains east of northwest Lot w lln, 3, Coast District: thencs nortn 1( to low. water mark: thence chains: thence south west 10 Chains, to point ofV, n i ment, and. containing o acres, OOSSE PACKINO COMPANT LlMITEUplltWt per H, Moorfh0" Drttj 2nd. April. ll37, rpipri t irA'TE OF ? 7" a MENTS .....hI e IRON DUKE FRACTION, claim, Vol No. 2340, sltuai w Charlotte Mining WJtf. , district, located on vw wi TAKE NOTICE that I. Ale Lockei'ort. B.C.. Free MI"rTwW V No. 27948 C, Intend to OT,nc,a Minin mrnrrier for a w hUiir improvenieni iui r--r ei"-. Ing a crown grant of t e W tw uj And further take not'ee unler section 85 of the M M & must be commenced M'0ITf oi lmpto" a nee of such certificate Dated this lllh day o BOQ?8