PAGE SIX Our Glasses FIT and look well OUR REPAIR DEPARTMENT is equipped for accuracy and Service A. E. IRELAND (iradtiale Optometrist '31 a Third Avenue. Opposite G.W.V.A. MRS. RENT HAS JUST RETURNED "Trip and brought with her from her Summer Buying a fine selection of Cloth & Satin COATS in sizes irom 1G to 4G. Also a variety of SUMMER DRESSES AND MILLINERY new on display at moderate prices. Satin Coats from .. $25.00 BENT'S LA DIBS' READY-TO-WEAR Third Avenue REMEMBER! For Montreal prices on Clothing for Men & Boys Don't forget the Montreal Importers Third Avenue J. IJ. Miller - Proprietor WOOD Dry Jack Pine, Cedar, Birch and Spruce Per double load -.' $6.50 Per single load $.1.50 Per sack 50c Firelighters, 48 for $1.00 delivered All classes of Coal at dealers' prices, HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue Phone 580 NIKht or Day WE I1UY BOTTLES MILK From Bulkley Valley FRESH MILK AND WHIP-PINfi CREAM Quality and Service Valentin Dairy Phoned 65G and G57 Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 675 DENTIST Church Notices ! ,ST. AMIKEWS CATIIlIlltAl. (Church or England) j hector. ArchIcfrton G. A. PJx. I During the summer. Rev. Dr. Bar efoot, HA, will be responsible (or U isrrvloea und be nrenntwl ti nerform parochial duty. Services on Sun- (jigTSeKTcer at ii; Evening servloe a$. 7.30. Sacrament of the Lord's Supper at 8 a.m. on third Sunday of. month and at 11 a.m. on first Sunday of month. ' - iui'tist nu itdi Minister. Rev. W. P. Price. Mornlnj worship at 11 o'clock. Address to young people. Singing by the Junior Choir. Meditation "The God of Olory and of Grace." Sunday school at 2.30 Evening worship at 7.30. Subject': "Are the 'Ten Commandments Abolish ed?" Bright song service at 7.15. A cordial Invitation to all. II1IIISTIAN MIKNCK SOCIETY Service every Sunday morning In the Hays' Block, 24S Second Avenue. Sub ject on Sunday "Soul and Body. Testimony meeting on Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. nti;siiv ii:iti. ( in ii( ii Minister. Rev. J. R. Frlzcll, B.A.. LL.B. Residence, the Manse, Phone 463. Morning worship at 11 o'clock. Sub ject: "Poltroonery." Sunday school .'at 12.15. Evening service at 750. Sub ject: "Sour Grapes." Special music. Everybody welcome. I'M TEH Clll'KCIl The Church of Service. Morning worship at 11 o'clock. Miss Isabel Haddock will be In charge. Anthem by Junior Choir. Sunday School at 2.30. Evening service at 7.30. P. H, LInwy will be the speaker. Sermon topic: (LET S BE PREPARED FOR DEAR (MISS SPUING- WITH COAL FOR j thimg! When Miss Spring gives us promise of merry sunshine she sometimes keeps us waiting at the church in a cold drizzly rain. Just like a woman to change her mind. Don't depend on Spring to keep you warm our coal is much more reliable. Take no chances but give us your order today. NANAIMO - WELLINGTON and McLEOD RIVER SOOTLESS Albert 4 McCaffery Phones 116 and 117 LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 63 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal Sand and Gravel. We Specialize in I'iano and Furnituni Moving. New Stock of Insist on LAND ACT. NOTICE OI' INTENTION' TO APPLY TO LEASE i'OKK.SHOItK. In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate at Sewell Inlet. Moresby Island, Queen Charlotte Islandi. TAKE NOTICE that Kelley Logging Company Limited, of Vancouver, B.C., occupation Timber Merchants, Intends to apply for a lease of the foUowlng described foreshore: Commencing at a post planted approximately 8 chains south, 20 degrees east frcm the northeast corner of Lot 472, Sewell Inlet, Moresby Island; thence following the high water mark In an easterly, southerly and southwesterly dlrec- tlon to Its Intersection with the easterly boundary of Lot 472; then southerly ! and easterly to the northwest corner of : S.T.L. 6215 P.; thence In a northwesterly : direction to the point of commencement, and containing 45 acres, more or less. JOSEPH DOUOLAS WILSON, 1 Agent for Kelley Logging Co. Ltd. TVitirl 2!)th April. 1927. PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Garden and Field Seeds and Fertilisers Pratt's llaby Chick Food and Poultry Supplies BULKLEY VALLEY HAY AND GRAIN Our Famous Edson Coal in any quantities also Telkwa Coal Store Phone, 58. Trotier Dock Phone, 558 B.C. PRODUCTS They Lead in Quality THE DAILY NEWS Quality that Cannot b Duplicated at Chevrolet Price first ride in the Most Beautiful YOUR Chevrolet will convince you that Chevrolet has done the unexpected the unprecedented thing in introducing a quality which cannot be duplicated at Chevrolet price. Tower that laughs at high hills and rough ' raids I Smoothness tlut thrills you with delight! Speed and acctleration that meet your every demand 1 Long, resilient springs that cushion every shock I Beauty that makes you proud to le seen driving such a car! A rightness about every little detail that you would expect only in much higher-priced cars! All these things Chevrolet gives you . . . and only Chevrolet can give them at Chevrolet price. pJfwMost eauti Marching Orders of the Church." Come and bring your friends. .SALVATION AUMV Sunday services. Mornlne at 11. It is scarcely surprising that the Most Beautiful Chevrolet in Chevrolet History has met with a success unique in the automobile world . . . that it has, during the' four months since its introduction, achieved absolute leadership and supremacy in sales and public acceptance throughout the Dominion. The Most Beautiful Chevrolet in Chevrolet' History is now selling at new and lower prices ... the lowest for which Chevrolet has ever been sold in Canada. Roadster ... 655 Sport Roadster 730 Coach ..... 760 Cabriolet .... 890 Imperial Landau Sedan mil Waterfront Whiffs Holiness. Sunday school at 2:30. H w Evening service at 7.30. Salvation. (continued from page five) Conducted by Lieut. McEachern. fitted out for resumption of the same Meetings as usual throughout the. work and will leave soon for the week. vicinity of Lowe Inlet. AdvertUn In the Dallv News. LAND ACT. .NOTICE or INTENTION TO AI'PI.Y to LEASE LAND I OK IVDL.Hf KIAI. rinrosKS In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, 'and situate at Sewell Inlet, Moresby Island. Queen Charlotte Island.). TAKE NOTICE that Kelley Lossine Company Limited, of Vancouver, B.C.. occupation 'Timber Merchants, Intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted approximately 8 chains south 0 degrees east of the northeast corner of Lot 472, Sewell Inlet, Moresby Island; thence following the hore line In an easterly, southerly and southwesterly direction to Its Intersection with the eastern boundary at Lot 472; thence north 10 chains. more or less, to tne point or commencement, and containing 20 acres, more or less, JOSEPH DOUGLAS WILSON, Agent for Kelley Logging Co. Ltd. Dated 21th April. 1927. At the Ward Ways a 20 h p. Vivian cngrne Is "being taken out of an old boat and placed in a new seine boat built during the winter In one of the Cow Bay yards for the B.C. Packers. The Prince RUfrt Rowing & Yacht 'Club plans the holding of another .regajfja some fine Sunday In July, the 'date to be announced definitely In the I near future. Alex Macdonald. having made such a successor last year's affair, I ha, hfpn nmrf Pnnra1 .halmiin 4a take charge of tUe next. The lines of i previous years will be pretty well followed with each Improvements as past 1 experiences maf have suggested. There 'will be water rates and sports and re- iresumenu jor cnupren. A new lea-ture wUl be a parade of decorated boats, the best one' to receive a substantial prize. There wlU be another meeting ef the club executive next Friday to go more fully into plans for the gala. ' A feature of the week having been the comparative paucity of American halibut, on three days only Canadian fish being offered, landings at this port from Saturday yt i Friday (Inclusive) totalled 458.000 pounds of which American vessels brought 232.600 pounds and Canadian, 225.500 pounds. The total for the season to date now stands at 7,534.200 pounds 5,532.100 pounds American and 2.002.100 pounds Canadian as compared with a total of 8.999,150 pounds at a similar date last year. The high American price of the week 15.1c and 8c was paid on Tuesday to the Eureka for 6,000 pounds while the high Canadian 'bid -was 14.9c and 9c to the Mildred II. for 15.000 pounds on Thursday. The low American price for the week was 12.3c and 6c ort Saturday and the low Canadian 12.2c and 7c on Monday. An Improvement in trolling at Wark Channel was reported by Bert Flewln LANDACT. NOTICE OP INTENTION TO APPLY TO I. KANE tOKEXIIOKE. Ill Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Prince Runert. and situate at Moresby Island. Queen Charlotte isiana. TAKE NOTICE that Kelley Lcwzlng Company Limited, of Vancouver. B.C.. occupation Timber Merchants, Intendi to apply for a leone of the following described foreshore: Commencing at a post planted approximately one-half mile south 30deg. east of the mouth of the Tassoo River, Moresby Island, Queen Charlotte Islands; thence following the high water mark In a northwesterly, wenterly and southwesterly direction for a distance of one and one-half miles; thence In an easterly direction to the point of commencement, and containing 160 acres, more or less. i JOSEPH DOUOLAS WILSON, Acting as Agent for Kelley Logging Co. Ltd. Duted 30th April, 1927. LAND ACT. NOTICE Or' INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE tOKEKllOUE. In Prince RUDert Land Recordlnz District of Prince Rupert, and situate at Sewell Inlet, Moresby Island, Queen Charlotte Islands. TAKE NOTICE that Kelley Logging Company- Limited, of . Vancouver. B.C., occupation Timber Merchants, Intends to apply ror a lease of the following described foreshore: Commencing at a post planted at the southeast corner of Lot 471 8ewcll Inlet, Moresby Island. Queen Charlotte Islands; thence in a northeasterly direction, following the high water mark to me soumeast corner of Lot ton; tnence In a southwesterly direction to the point of commencement, and containing 140 acres, more or less. JOSEPH DOUOLAS WILSON. Agent for Kelrey Logging Co. Ltd. uaira dnia Apru, iwil. Touring ..... 655 Coupe 730 Sedan 865 Landau Sedan 930 ev3rlet tnthevrolet History cr-soju 975 Roadster Delivery, 6 J J Commercial Chasaia, 490 l.Ton Truck Chaina 64) ttka el Factory, OlknoGownrntnl Txtt Extra who was In port with the Taplow yesterday to land 2.100 pounds, the Elmer C. coming In with a similar cargo. The season so far has been slow but new heart is 'taken ha a result of a much more plentiful run which has Just appeared. Improvement round Dundas Island Is also reported. LAND ACT. NOTICE Of INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE LAND KK INDLHTRIAL PI It PONES In Prince Rupert Land Record In? District of Prince Rupert, and situate at Sewell Inlet, Moresby bland. Queen Charlotte Islands. TAKE NOTICE that Kelley, Logtln? Company Limited, of Vancouver. B.C. occupation Timber MarchanU, Intends to apply tor a tease or tne following described lands : Commencing at a post planted at the southeast comer or Lot 471, Sewell Inlet, Moresby Island. Queen Charlotte Island, north, 31.43 chains: thence east 51.17 chains; thence In a southwesterly direction, folowlng the shore line to the point of commencement, and containing 30 acres, more cr less. JOSEPH DOUOLAS WILSON. Agent for Kelley Logging Co. Ltd. Dated 29th April. 1937. SAILINGS TO EUROPE MAKE RESERVATIONS XOW 1HOM MONTREAL To l.lterpool June 3, tJuly 1 Montcalm July 1 Marloch June 10. July 8 Mlnnedosa June 17, July 18 Montclare June 24. July 22 Montrose tThls sailing calling at Olasgow To llrlfukt-OlaoKow June 9. July 7 Metagama June 23, July 21 ....Mellta To Antwerp July 20 Mfrbum t ltOM H Kltl.C To ClirrlmuK-Sulluinttuii-Anlnrrp June 1. June 28 Montroyal June IS, July 13 Montnalm Tit ClierlMtiirg-Noutliuiiiiton-Hamburg June 8, Juna29. .tEmpress of Prance July 6. Empress or Australia June 22. July 20. Empress of Scotland To Cherbourg-Southampton only AddIv 1 r c , . SSI IO.At;nt tvry ). . J. j. FORSTEfl FORSTER. n. General i Ti Pit.. , . Station, Station, Van C.P.R. Vancouver, m Telepho Telephone Seymour 2(10 Come In AND INSPECT OUR NEW IRICilDAIRE We are able now to keep u slock of Cooked Meats, Cold Roiled Ham, Rolojrna, Sausajres of all kinds and guarantee their freshness. Also all kinds of Fresh Fruits: Strawberries, Grapes, Rananas, etc. Better Coods at Lower Prices. Satisfaction guaranteed. Fresh Milk and Whipping Cream Cash and Carry Grocery Sixth Avenue and Fulton St. Phone 301 S. II. Adams, Manager 0 fejlil g Dculer for Chevrolet, Pontine, Old.smobllc mid Mclaughlin KAIKN (iAItAtiE (Dave Ross) Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. WESTHOLME THEATRE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, 7 and 9 p.m. Saturday Matinee at 3 p.m. Thomas Meighan "The Canadian" An intense drama of the Canadian wheat fields. M cent Canadian scenery. All Star Cast THOMAS MEIfiHAN, MONA PALM A, WYNDIIA.M STANDING, DALE FULLER, CHARLES WINNUiKK, RILLIE BUTTS and many others COMEDY "SOMEBODY'S WRONG." PATHE REVIEW Admission 50c and 2.c DEMAND "Rupert Brand" - Kippers - "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish 4 Cold Storage Co., IM Prince Rupert, B.C. Canadian National Ofte Largcft IKailway Syftem in America Steamship and Train Service S.ULIMIS from PMIN'CK KITKKT for VANCOUVMl. VICTOMU. M:TH''. rinli Tllt'KSIlAV and SUNDAY. 11.00 t.m. . ... ,..., ., KM"' ' lor ANYOX ,., tVr:lNi:SIV. lor HmVAKT HATMUlAY, I0.IHI PjW; i-KINCE JOHN for VAM'OUVMt la OUEKN CHtltlON'- I.AVIMI f ...I- . Ml .1, IK III IT. Plliil'v,,. .......... VI'L' iMHTItT IIAII.V r.M KM'BI'T Krr Si:.MAY i'.iay ul ui u.m. u.m. for for I'ltlM'K tium'k umh (IMMKII 'rnv 11 ia.v ... . . . . .. hi: III.MOV WINNII'KO, all point Kmtrrn ChiiikM. t'iilte-l !tiln . SVMI I'AIIK I.OIKIK OI'KN MAY XI TO SITTKMIlUt . .'. UK f'ANAIll IV Pltllliiv Jl'ltlll'l' VtMIt Will !' ....... ... II w . ......... AUKNCl OCEAN HTEAMSmr l.l.r.. rhwlllM. etc., lino for your nut ahlpmrnt. tm I CITY TICKET OFHCE. 528 TIIIIIU AVP. MllNCE HUTEKT. I'll"" I FISHING TACKLE For Amateur and Professional Anuiers LINES LEADERS RODS REELS AXES AMMUNITION BASKETS BAITS FLIES FLOATS SINKKRS SPOONS We can furnish everything except the trout. Thompson Hardware Go., Ltd. 255 Third Avenue. Prince Buperl, 1W