5 TAXI Ambulance and Service Anywhere Anytime j, r.rkmpr Iluildinr nil ..--,.- MATT VI DECK. Prop. Autt ' of the Prince Rupert General 'I Ui tiCKMAV ntlXCE IIE8 BERLIN Nov ' m v 2 Prince George Wll- EK.kaichewan which later! . 1 univermty of se-icapUin palntefl on tne ooara. NANCES MADE ON P.G.E. LINEi: v uv 4Vt TSJ tiiuvninj nd Irrprotemcnts and Bet terments Made in thr operating expenses i Great Eastern Railway to ( S46.000 in the last nine usuntial reductions in tne 1 and supervision expenses; the deficit materially on Shore branch; carrying out I'MMve program of lmprove- ii bcttnrmenti In brief la the no work of the new board of me last nine months. When Board of Director assumed ii" tie more than -a year ago. n loss for the fiscal year Wat i274,971. OKBER CITY NURSE IS BRIDE IN EAST and Adum Knit ' ii Mrs. Edwin Bailey, to Adam -... m iut uuring me year jwj- " rneinber of the graduate ur- "Our food is gone. We are lost. MIIOK M.IK IX UMS MI'MrilML Ot M ILS TII1UM (IIIOI T UKITAIV LONDON, Not. 2. Labor and SollalMa increased their bold on the municipal councils In various cities of Oreat Britain In yesterday's municipal elections. There were no sensational gain but a steady increase. The elections were held throughout the country. PRINCE CHARLES KIT LUTHERAN MINISTER NEARROSE HARBOR C.X.K. Mrninrr to lr liistrl llrrr on Arrltal from Vnnromrr via .'. Islands To make an tnapeetlon of the steamer Prince Charles, which touched near Rose Harbor while earning north from Vancouver via the Queen Charlotte Islands. Ales Watson assistant, superintendent engineer for the Canadian Government ! II It . . . - . i . J K MnM -"'"""in iirvrnru oi MurritiRr ; Mercnani jnsmw:. " lls Trna niwiM-th llallrv. ILX.. Oeorge this morning from Vancouver. accompanied by Mra. wawon. ouou meagre Information as can be gathered indict, that the Frmce unarms vu.-em.nu hsve bRr rved in her. i . in arririns1 s, iiiai i im&V 1U XVlllH 1 . . a4um O'no. on October IS. of Miss I U praoeea.ng uua u " we 4i Jjanv R.N.. rtitifrr.tr or ' COMING THIS WEEK St. Paul' Luther The new pastor for n Church in this crty Is expected to arrive Saturday morning anawui piwn ll Krhimnl.k ..... .i n t f rTL'ltlur SCrVlCPS Xe u.w.i wu ui oa ouuu") - - Ermine, stepson of the former 1. Rev. John Hanson and his wife and "iM with him and will live yesterday from Injuries daughter comes uhVlui i-ydc accldcut. here. NOTHER SMTHERS Ml 1UL D-J tj r I tilt LZ.O XL ft ILSJdC EJ) LflllCil FFrM' N I Found on Fishing Smack Ate Eight Other Members of Crew case of cannibalism on board where the NURSE IS BRIDE bones of victims are found by doctors of Port Townsend PORT TOWNSEND, Nov. 2. Dead of starvation i.e tne evidence that they had devoured the bodies 11 j r ' 1 1 ' ill. ill iiii'ii mi 1 1 1 1 1 1 ill i . l tim I if m w iji i 1 1 he crew of the Japanese fishing boat Kiyi Yei n, tuns, arrived yesterday aboard a pilotless c A drifting with sea currents more than 4,000 is f-vm the coast of Japan. F' i ians from the United States quarantine staler said there was no question that cannibalism practiced by the last survivors. The bones of in :r ruht human beings were found aboard. HN SCHOOLS I.. 1 r THIS DISTRICT The boat was picked up by the Marparet Dollar off the roast of Washington and towed here. Th. men apparently had been dead a month and the ship was probab ly 100 days drifting. The engine had broken down, ! ; sails were torn to sJireds, stand-1 j, Anglican and United , tat? gt twittsj aftd nebent hull r . . . ...... . iii i i j ... ur:it Negotiating With In- , wa! enrruttea uy oarnacies otbk dijn Department ring seaweed tw feet long. Paper . 1 found on the boat show that Tozi- h the Church Army j, i;kj wan the owner. held la this elty.l fn cedar in tne 8BIack ".si both the Angli- 0f the waB an incompetc og voy--rh of deth Xhe veMe, Ceared : of IoJ:i.n alla.r " ..... -iokohama , from Misaki near on :it oi industrial ,rlcl December 5, 1926. Shortly after- um like to huve wards en trine trouble developed m ftufx-n or Met- while the boat drifted farther to v.i the jAivooi!- i - gea. They went on scant rations ot the jiiier wiu ani tne B"Uppiy nf rice ran lower t interior. and lower until the last grain was lire also planning ! . ,.. v c . e workers such as the, ... i uur last nope jjone OF OSLAND MAN ITrtly Urlnig Mlminterd quirt I) Lat lrMg mi MMn IhKM Northrra t A pretty but quaK seddlu took pla'.s . lact evening 00 award the Angl.can; mission boat Northern Cross whan Maw ; Hatter Paulen Jeiisea of Mew Wast- i :nltister secant the brtoe of Jonas ' Krlstsaansoa oJ Otnd. Canon W. r. . Hmhbrv.. k ottlclated and wltnctaa we.e I Bjoru 9ol(aon. Oapt. ArUMir Casey of U:Kions Knaland. and Be. W. Cooper Jt OreenvUlt. Mr. and Mra. Kr'J.tmn n wtu take up realdenr at Oaland whert tax graaaa haji renlded for xmx.y ysara and la wan knoarn The bride la a aradawte nunc and haa bsM kMUftd with the arrk f tb Vlctor.an Order sf ..anas. RUMANIA'S YOUNG KING enjoys a day at tin: 6eahorc and loves to "dig in" l:ke miv other little boy. PRINCESS CHARLOTTE LIBEL SUIT POSTPONED TO FRIDAY THIS WEEK KETCHIKAN. Nov 2 The libel suit agalnat the Princess Charlotte waa post poned for a third tune yesterday when the attorney for the CP.R. asked until Friday to file an answer to the Alaska Packers Co., who are demanding $200,-000 for towing the liner which went aground at Wrangel. WKATlil.U liKI'OHT. Stewart. Part cloudy, west wind. temp. 33. 42. Anyox. Heavy rain. calm. temp. 40, Alice Arm, Heavy rain, calm, temp. Alyaash. Rain, calm. temp. 40. Rosswood. Cloudy, calm. tamp. 38. Terrace. Rain, calm, temp. 41. Hazel ton. Oalm, temp. S3. . Telegraph Creek. Cloudy, calm, temp. 32. 6mlthers.-OIoudy. calm. temp. 3-3. Burns Lake. Bright, calm. temp. 40. Whltehorse. Clear, south wind, temp. 4. Dawson -Cloudy, calm, temp 14. : Watch for Tile's advertisement In tomorrow's paper of the biggest sacrifice of 1'iofr.t Prince Rupert hat ever seeu MM STRANGIER Alleged Murderer of Two Winnipeg Woirtcn is Facing Jury Today tVINMI'Kfl. Sv. X--Thr trial of Ihf allrsrd trjintlrr - who msde knrh niwtliin 'tlirou;bnut the mnltnmt in sunnirr lia run nienred hrrr. The man li lUrlo Nrloou uho I clurtrd llh the murder last June of a Mlnnlpr; woman. Mr. Cmlly I'sttrrMm, and girl hy thr. ne of .Uila 'iwan. srtnt'Mi of thr Jury v.a rum-plrtrd tlvi morning and thr -ae Is arorrrdlng. So Crrnt a thr rrush f thnsr M'NIiIns to attrnd llir trial tliut a frw Homrn iiitalnrd wmldiro and hriilom whrn thr rnurt room lmri ojrnrd thl morning, taxationTase "is" settled in fayor of this province urjilui of Co-)pftlve AowMlat Ions Must I'ay Its Miare of Income Tax NEW WESTMINSTER, Nor. 2. A decision affecting all co-operative organisations with reference to provincial taxation and affecting provincial Gov-.rnment revenue of half a million dol- ars. was handed down by Judge T. W. Howay, when he dismissed the appeal of the Fraser Valley and Surrey Farmers' Co-operative Associations against Its provincial Income tax assessment. The appeal was on that part of the financial surplus which the Associations claimed was a refund of . overchages to Its members. The amount Involved In the case was S7.855. r.(i(l-LAYIri CONTESTS OTTAWA. Nev. 2 British Columbia captures five out of six first places In the Dominion egg-lsylng congests. VANCOUVEK EXCHANGE Wheat B.C. Silver Big Missouri . . Oerk Province Dunwell Oeorge Copper Gladstone Independence L. and L. Premier Porter Idaho Richmond . Sif Islet Terte Rid. Aa&ed 1J6. 123 1.45 -28 JO .09 .10 .15 .18 3.40 2.45 .16 .18 .04 .04 .09 .09 2.26 227 36 .36 H 1314 " .01 .80 .70 1.90 2.50 ..xrcriAL MEETIXO of CONSERVATIVE 4 In Oonserrattve, Club Rooms ' TONUillT at 8.11. 4 Mete PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper PRINCE l:l-PERT. B.C.. VEDNtDA. NOVEMBER 2. 1927 ALISM ON Agenda for Interprovincial Conference is Completed by Federal Cabinet at Ottawa OTTAWA. November 2. The cabinet council has eoaa-plcied its agerkU for the interprovincial conference which it' is understood will include the following: ' Senate reform and amendments to the British North America Act Delei mining the respective rights of the provinces and the federal Kovtrnnnt over water rights. Blue sky legislation and the possible enactment of a fed-oral Ir.w to set out more clearly the powers of companies incor-poraied under dominion and provincial letters of incorporation. Increased subsidies to the provinces. Premier J. D. MacLean and lion. A. SI. Manson, the British Columbia representatives t the conference, have arrived here and have been in conference with Premier Mackenzie King and oiher ministers in regard to the agenda. PROPOSES TO SHIP COTTONWOOD LOGS BY-PRINCE RUPERT Oeorge Little of Terrace returned to the interur yesteraay after a brief visit to the city for the purpose -ftUaterylew- :n local raUway officials with aTVew to . pesstbly arranging tor the stUnment by rafi ts rrlnce" Rupert aad, thence south by water of a million fret of cot-tenwoed timber to the mill at New Westminster of the Laminated Material1. Ltd. The logs are at present boomed at Devil's Island in the S It pens River near Terrace. Some of such logs have already keen raited dawn the river to Phelan and there picked up by tug: but there has been a. me loss In ha proceeding whiob rail shipment wou..i eliminate if suitable arrangements for it could be made. SEVENTY CARS OF GRAIN IN DURING PAST 24 HOURS Seventy oarloads of grain from the prairies for the Prince Rupert elevator arrived In the railwty yards during the night. C.N.R. offices reported this morning that 123 ears were now on the division enr jute here' with about seventy east of Jasper. INDEPENDENT LIBERALS ELECTED IN QUEBEC QUEBEC. Nov 2 P Oagnon In Kam- ouraska and Dr. Oauthier in Portneuf both Independent Liberals, were suc cessful against official Liberal In the by-election held there Monday. They both will support the government so there Is no change In the Legislature standing. McTIGUE KNOCKED OUT IN FIRST ROUND OF A TEN ROUND BOUT CHICAGO. Nov. 2 Mickey Walker middleweight champion, knocked out Mike McTlgue in the first round of a ten round bout last night. CONSERVATIVE GOES IN BY ACCLAMATION PICTON. Ont., Nov. 2. Horace S. Colllver, Conservative, was elected by acclamation In Prince Edward to succeed E. Raney, Progressive, who has been afTpofnied to the bench. P. E. Pepsonault of Winnipeg, superintendent of the Canada Railway News, arrived In the city on yesterday afternoon's train from the East and will be here until Saturday on company business. Watch for Tlte's advertisement In to- known property having been staked a number of years ago and development work done In a small war each year by the owner. Owing to the location of this group nd th showing so far. mining men In the district look upon its development aa a very important step and one that la very likely to lead to big results. "THE ANGEL OF SIBERIA." Elsa Brandstrom of Sweden, was made an honorary doctor of medicine on the 450th anniversary of TJpsala. 1UKTV DEATHS MXCE JI NE AT KINTOLITII uiiooriMi cut (in isu.. In an address at the Church A:n.y conlerence yesterday in h the Cathedral. Rev. Oliver Thome stated that since June last, a a result of a whooping cough epidemic and of the pol- sonlng cases already reported here, no fewer than forty deaths had occurred at KlneoUth. This 4- had seriously crippled the vll- lage. FISH ARRIVALS Boston Grill Large Upstair Dining HalL, with newly Uid danring- floor, for hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. The latest and best for the least I'hone 457. H Price Five Cents HE SOLD TO AMERICAN INTERESTS Important Mining Property on Hudson Bay Mountain is Bonded by Philadelphian SMITIIER November 2. A long lime working llond has been taken by Philadelphia interests on the Victory Group of mineral claims on Hudson Bay Mountain owned by Donald Simpson an old-timer in this district. The price of the property is $150,000, and so j far $1,000 has been paid down in cash, the remainder being , spread over a number of years. j The deal was consummated Saturday, the purchaser being John ; J. O'Brien of Philadelphia, who announces that active development work is to commence immediately in order first to prove up the Jvlnc from the present working!. - i There are five claim to the group rsrkrlr,-iTm a rtiTxi- rwx which it located one mile north of the UU VL ll I A III llu III Ifr&deraan croup from which the Duthij illjkjJjl 1 1 ii 1 1U1 1 1 U unrraata na been aniDDUif ore rexu- larlT for several yeera. It la a well SHIP'S CAPTAIN CapL, F. Tate, Master of First (rain Uoat of Season, Honored by Local Board of Trade PLEASED WITH I'ORT Cast. F. Tate, master of the British .relghter Flahpool, first vessel of the eon to load wheat at the Alberta Wheat Pool's Prince Rupert elevator, was presented on behalf of the Prince Rupert Board of Trade yesterday after-jooa In the Prince Rupert Club with i suitably engraved fountain pen as a souvenir of the occasion j- JThecere-t aviny was of an Informal nature and I the gift was made by W. O. Fulton, pres.dent of the Board of. Trade, who spake briefly pointing out some of the desirable featurea of Prince Rupert as a port and suggesting that. If Captain Tate had any complaints or suggestions to make, he lay them before the Board of Trade. In response, Capt. Tate bad a few kind words to say In appreciation of the presentation and the splrt in which it nad been made. He expressed nia high pleasure at the treatment the ship and its personnel had received In Prince Rupert from officials and others. He stated that be had found the merchants reasonable and accommodating and he was generally pleased. The friendliness and hospitality of the people of Prince Rupert was another gratifying feature to himself and his officers and men. Chief Engineer Frier of the Fishpool also made a few remarks. TWO ATTEMPTS GAIN LIBERTY Man Wanted in Connection With Kifiin? Liquor Store at Vancouver VANCOUVER. Nov. 2. Robert Cress, wanted In connection with the robbery of a liquor store on Cordova Street recently and who last Wednesday escaped from Beningham Jafl where he ' was held on a charge of smuggling liquor Into the United States, was arrested here last night. Total of (.5,1110 Pounds of Halibut bold m an attempt vo regain nis uoeny at Lxtliange Today for Improved "r he nd ben " lnto cudy. jTlPM I he was shot In the leg . by an officer A total of 65.100 pounds of halibut was sold at the Fish Exchange this morning at Improved prices. Three American vessels disposed of 52,500 pounds at bids ranging from 10c and 7c to 17.7c and 6c. while a similar number of Canadians sold 12.600 pounds for from 16.8c and 6c to 17c and 6c. Arrivals and sales were as follows: American Foremost. 40.000 pounds. Booth Fish-cries. 16c and 7c. Blanco, 10.000 pounds, Atlln Fisheries. 17.5c and 6c. Eastern Point, 200 pounds, Canadian Fish & Cold Storafe Oo 17,7c and 6c c"Knr..rtlv,s jjtn Johanna. 8.000 pttihcj, 'Atlta Fisheries. 17c and 6c. Fish it Cold Storage Co.. 16.9c and 6c. Brant. 3.100 pounds. Atlm Fisheries. 16.8c and 6c. MEU FROM INJ1KIKS. VANCOUVER. Nov 2 M. Kankel died and recaptured. This morning he pleaded guilty to complicity In the robbery and also to the charge of theft of a motor truck and was remanded by the police magis trate until November 4 for sentence. CHINESE COMMITTED FOR TRIAL ON THEFT CHARGE THIS MORNING Harry Wong. Chines, who la alleged to have rifled the safe In the Travellers Cafe ' recently, extracting money therefrom, was' committed for trial by Mag-lttte tMcOymont in city police court this morning and will shortly appear before Judze Touns for election. Cltv Caygeon. 1500 Canadian ! pounds. s-..... F nre,,t, .hit. J. Clynes appeared tor the defence. lOtXH NOT tll'ILTY. VANCOUVER, Nov' J. Oeorge Care- foot was found not guilty of man- this morning as a result of Injuries i slaughter in the&sslze court In morrow's paper of the biggest sacrifice i received when his auto crashed Into a ! tlon with th. death of Mrs, Elizabeth ti of profits Prluct Rupert Uat ever seen. ' reet lx September li. ed-wu.k a: tm uvj collision, ca Miy 4. r 4.