Page two :;w:'j;g;:ri;iM!,u The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue. II. F. PULLEN - - - Managing Editor. mfj Gnien OatThin For your boy at school A Qraert Watch, moderafcly hi-iced Think of your boy's pride and pleasure in owning a real Gruen Watch a eymbp) fjf his coming manhood a source ofurwtant admiration from his companions'. We have Gruen SemTbins 'priced as low as SemiThin Juniors, $jo and $40. Others up to $75. Let us help you select. JOHN IJULGEK LTD. Jewellers The Store with the Clock. I i 11 SUBSCRIPTION HATES: Cily Delivery, by mail or carrier, pr month 78 B mMl to all parts of the British Empire and the United States, in advance, per year $3.00 To all other countries, in advance, per year $7.50 Transient Display Advertising, per inch per insertion $1.40 Transient Advertising on Front Page, per inch $2.80 Local Readers, per insertion per line 2o Classified Advertising, per insertion per word f Legal Notices, each insertion ir agate line 15 Contract Rates on Application Advertising and Circulation Telephone - 98 Editor and Reporters Telephone. - SB Mivnber of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION Thursday, Sept. 22, 1927 JAY WALKING AND FAST DRIVING Pedestrians complain of fast driving in the city and drivers complain of pedestrians jay walking. Probably both have grounds for complaint There are people, especially some of the younger drivers, who seem unable to restrain their desire for speed. They are a. decided danger to the community. On the other hand there are people' who cross the streets at any point and at any angle and they are a decided annoyance to the people who have cars and are themselves. in danger of being run down. There are certain place where it is legal to cross the street and the crossing should always De at right angles. Those who cross from Wallace s corner to the C.P.R. office in a direct line are jaywalking and are liable to punishment and likely to meet with a serious accident during a busy time. . The same thing that makes a woman sometimes breaks a man. Take cloths as an instahce."' DECEIVING THE PUBLIC The city council deceives the public at least once a month when it produces for publication the profits on the light and power and telephone systems and fails to produce for publication a statement of- the losses on the water system, if there are any. Because one is handled by the utilities department and the'other is not, makes no difference. Both are very closely connected and it is stated that the reason there is a loss on the water is 4cause it'has been loaded in the past in order to show a profit on the power and light We have grea respect for the superintendent of utilities and also for the city engineer and all connected with the three utilities, light and power, telephone and wirier, bpt some of them are making a mistake, in not giving the public the whole truth. The superintendent of utilities is doing his part. Now the city works department, or whoever is the official head of the waterworks, should be brave enough to publish the losses. Let us have the whole truth and not only the pleasant part of it. Girls who think their face is their fortune had better watch out that they are not arrested for passing counttf feit money. PROMINENT VISITORS SEE Prominent visitors who come here all seem to see nossibilttiell ujreawuiure development in 1'nnce .Rupert. Yesterday the mem ber&ofhe; Canadian. Chamber, of Commerce, who were entertained on thefr way through', all expressed their belief in the fiitnrp f Ha rilarp ....v....w (.luiiiiiicH, ieii.ui nm a xreiicn uaiiKer WfiO was nere in me eany aays ana nas just returned. He is so sure of the position of the eity that he has invested a large sum here, larger than most of the residents have invested. It is good to hear these expressions and to know that at least some of them really mean something. The man who is willing to bet his money on our future is the one who really has the kind of faith we like to see. A good recipe for success is to take a modicum of brains and stir well with a barrel of energy, covering the whole with a pretty thick layer of commonsense and courtesy. In IdeotMytfig the road beyond St. Jean and tpres. serosa the canal onto the Brielen road (where our ammunition cotumn was located), along which we had to dash at top speed with food for the gtms. Passing along this road. Bow so calm- and peaceful. It seemed lmporstble that a. few inert years, ago it eould have been ueh a shambles. t'ORMCK lfc0l..iT0 I remembered, too, how. when the bat tle of. April 22 began. Jliose resident, who had remained during the first battle for tfpres in October, 1914. began their final evacuation. Terrjr-stricken men and women rushed from their homes frantically gesticulating and pleading for help, that wa. the last they saw of the old houses which for years had been their homes. As I Mood at this scene ot former desolation and despair 1 wod dered how many of the poor fugitives of 1918 had returned to occupy the neat red cottages which now stand on the rites of the nell-smashed dwelling.. The post war Flemish child i exper lenced in the art ot begging, and he regards the British visitor to the historic battlefield, a. his lawful prey. Every few yards on the road from St. Julled I was pestered by these urchin, for "pfenning.." a group of tbee young' mendicants had assembled at the way side memorial a small block of stone THE DAILY NEWS in ., Canadian Soldier Revisits ! Battlefields at Ypres and j Tells of Big Change There l By Sergt-Maj. Percy Buttery, late of Canadian Field Artillery) YPHR3 'lklrlnm. September 22.--There is no need for mi I here to tell over again the fetory of Ypre. and of all the mjna.rie i j it holds for Canadian men and women. It was with no small feeling j of pride, mingled with sad and affectionate memciies of the many; J personal friends who sleep for ever beneath the hallowed sell of; Ypres. that I set out for the Salient for the first time since 1 was. 'there in mud-soaked khaki for T was a Canadian soldier In the j war days, and as a humble artilleryman In the 3rd brigade I was priv-) ileged to playva modest part in the unforgettable stand at St. J alien; Hi April. 1915. 'Thong the wtltUM ' j wh.h I have rod on the New Ypre.lVMl u M something of a shoek td hrV interest me. they hwked. n p,, to e the washing of tfceM I felt. that touch whtea alwayi personal dotbsa-Une eMwm lunging from s in only be swpphed by a taut to the! .trrtehed between the walls of the fa-n. ol those unforgettable events, ruifci ,im .re forever to stand a I MK.NE or PEACE mute wltats to the horror of modern' Early one mora I arrived at Poet- Mrfar On the oppose skto of the' c.peUe fry trAlnfrm Ostend It urc u , ww ot rr.uuranta and cafe; of hat hell-hate out of ee lpn- wbf w one estn get an esxetkeot meal Of mud with Mm rulni of century -old lf t4w h moatJ to w for it.! house, lying in stratfe heap over M lh, oharg,-. re alwut tore tin.. waai wss once we couuiryauw; uwwi be. M raucn vh,, to of ebarred sttinms of tree sad long v., ,,, , , v. ...i uui lino of trenches, trie outlook -was Jurt weut ,t one to the Mealn Omtf Surely! suggestive of complete peaee ol hP- tbla U the flnojt memorial of )U kind pirwa. On all trie, men long Mretohes q. ... aide of toe ma.-! of land rich in cultivation, and aeattemt ,lte areb rt ttltIT .pproaehed by! abcut here and there mere large red- On the walla are the name 1 Ultd fara-howm and sturdy little cot- of nfty-etaM tikouund aoldim of the taga. In the field laborers were at In known gmpj wno vt no grave work end returned to the plow. The re- the canadton aection the Hat of miaftlag nln of pOl-boxea and gun ecnplaee- arttlrrmea u headed r Ounner menu alone erred' to recall trie tragic crW "raUMed In the Bane of W ' paat. and even theee were almoM hiddea Warren- l wBbered poo, warren from right by the luiurloua crop. Sane mrt, Aft nurrled ej ar the outbuilding of the farms were JuUwl WBere we to ahanddn matt roofed by aheeta of corrugated Iron, pro- ' kll. wmn was the only one of oably "serounged," as we oed to say. 4 of gug to from the of Britten war material heap, ! ving away any tobacco White we were loft behind after the Armistice, while .natchln. an' a few hours of rest in the barbed wire which formed the boon- oW tarn st jMn M m of many of the farnM, was. moav ; ntte , Bore than anything! useuy. simuany acqwrea. .., tbt warreo shared hii A walk of nearly a mile from Poci- .mm. i.r oapeUe sUUon brought me to Poei-; vhu wu wnert drlMr , m. capeue Tiuage. ooon i louna myseii on munition wane ruahlne un to the bat- the road to St Jullen and Ypres. and terKs at St. Jean with sheila, he and his was then familiar for the on ground, t nt were Mown to pieces by a shell, roads have been prered. and. except ; Pu,lng through the gate along the that they have been repaired, are the MttUn Ro, titU rira Corn4r .oo,, me m they were before they were mto .. .Ixl oulekl reached by the Germs sheila. Plank-, ripped open ,nolter spot .acred to the memory of en on owner swe oy ueras of ripening i Canadian-Sanctuary Wood It was corn, and pasting Uhgemarck. I bere that In the lummer of 1018 the soon kt the little vOlage rendered his-, rniftjon troops took part In some aan-torlc for all time by e Canadian great j tur, fhuitm. It was bee. thst exploit. It was with mixed fceUnga ttoat o,, UmM' , kfned and Oeneral x entered we tcuuini grounds tfte WIUJllfB, taken prtsW Oeneral Mer-akNBorlal to the 2.000 Dominion soldiers j c not ,Duoa Ior , lortnlfBti - . m m e a- ta lt WM diaeovered. partaaUy hurled, mmi0tit U now ! who toft, wrowfuuy upon the grave Of rZ otrts!de Prrtt' ' " " hi. In e w iTT . young woman eeUtng picture pot-lrtWp! Z "j10" oi nTher uZr ln once rsrd,. Sh. told w a T . nlr11wr In an nnUHn rMimMir anH Ht ' axiumij wDoo rs anoiner nooie me ! tb Dominion he f.K ,t . T ,n, k, troops. mcnt of the year at the Memorial, earn-' tog s meagre living by the sale of her) por-r' rds. lt H apfiroaebed by a. aeries of terraces, the "Sum j floors of which are carpeted with ever- eased I fared upon bounteous area, of ripening corn, broken only by pretty little farm house, peeping above the golden sheaves. Prom Sanctuary Wood to HUl 60 Is only a thort way. but there 1 a big difference in the. rmdltksi of the two historic places. After the Armistice, j Hill 60 was acquired by two Bfttteh of-fleers, who have recently handed It over to the British government to be maintained forever a. a memorial to the British and Dorn!nkri soldier, who fell there. Bexond the fact that trenches have been tilled in, dog-outs Mown up, and a memorial to two British regi ment, erected, nothing ha. been done to repair the equals? left by four years f w.j , Men are ill digging around the hUl for those leng parted as mjesinsj. I was told by the Englishman In charge CI the. Hin that When a hsdv' U tamA the finder is given a 'reward of tea francs. There is a small army of men digging near the sunfmrt of the Hill, ap. Ipsrently searching for souvenirs, but these .men. the Englishman told me. are "prucers.M First of all they bury an old bayonet or scabbard, a few regimental buttons and badges, and wait for a party of vKtora Then they begin to dig for all they are worth, and at the proper moment unearth these sou renin under the eye. of the credulous vlsl tors, iho In many ease, are ready pur ehaefs. t-KIKMlLY ESTAMINKT That same afternoon I went by light railway from Ypre. to Kemmel, and Ranoutre, another . spot which will be well remembered by Oanadlans. At this me this section was comparatively quiet after the terrible experiences which preceded lt. I saw the position on the side of the road in front of Kemmel little larger than an ordinary Enzllah ' 11111 nd faoln? Mwlces where our guns milestone situated on the Wleltje road were Pac'd during this period. Our to mark the furthermost point reached I"0111 wfre on the other side of the by the Germans In their endeavor to rd under the very tram track ovef capture Ypres. - . - .. During apause to f try to visualise the scene as Hhe W4der commenced the oi$ retreat Vhleli was the beginning of the end "of the Great World War, I vu relieved of all my small change. tAMot C.Tlli:iK.tL The ruins of the Cloth Hall in the I . -jum Mi ipre. remain mucn j a. they wre. but the rebuilding of the Cathedral of St. Martin : as nearly as pen-i slble like the original Is proceeding. The sld of the square outside the Cloth Hall is occupied by cheap and Hash-looking souvenir stalls and a sort of fun fair complete with round-a-bouts, etc.. the owners of which Uve tn cara- or fiacluiche . ife- which t had Just ridden. One of the "tamlnes near here waa kept by an -Id lady with two daughter. Julie and tack. These 2J90O brave soul Ue buried , PrT k. y u te ..nln-Wm etploston of vf a . shell. Kmma Many of my old comradss wlU ...u, . K. .... ,. the hU!. fUb' flm. Copse, a short distance to the , emember JT our lathering ..thertM. at at this this eetam- estam wbito iu a sauaa, aunpie in & sanctuary Waed IU grandeur. ,rmounted by the fure TKII KI1ILE m met, and the kindly way we were received by .these two girls. If we had :u money Julie would supply our wants n credit, and account, were always ettled when the paymaster arrived, rheae estam lnets were destroyed later m. but new ones have been erected in r.etr stead. I called to we lf Julie and had returned after hostilities rbey had not, but I found that , M,.!!! . . . V . I. K .w. . ' .W. A .1 M . . J u mjv mun re whihi aov wvii mimamm My sensation, a. I "walked' loca the road from the Memorial to "7" . Wleltje were far different from thoae which assailed me wnenT last traversed a part of .it to 1915. Our guns were ell up Ijeyaad Wtrldje when the gas attack opened, but after replying for sane tkne we were forced to fall baek. Wo part of the surrounding country df course was recognieabte. but I remembered the direction of that retirement to wen that I needed ho guide. I was able to locate approximately all three df our gun poaltlenr. t bad no difficulty v.wws v. j mi au. .hoc. rTTJcn oerv in: 1 young- man. who as a boy. used to wll chocolate to the troop. In the Kenv j .ael area. ' He told me that the old lady j '- dead, and that Julie and Kmma are ! jospttal nurses at Bsilteul. I returned to Ostend from my tour: jf the Salient convinced that there ls mly one way for an old soldier to; visit the places he knew so well In war j "Inve. and that la on foot. Motor coach ( trips will perhaps serve the purpose of; those who have no persons) association ltn the scenes of aacrU lee. but I want more tune at 8t. Jullen. Sanctuary Wood. Kemmel and other plaoe. than these stereotyped excursions follow. notice or LAND ACT: INTENTION TO APPLY TO EE.tfcfc LAM) -In Queen Charlotte Island. Land Resorting District of Pratace Rucert and situate at Jedway.lllrndr. Moresby Is I land, Q.C.I. ft ,-' 7 f TAKE NOTICE thatilillerd Pscting Ckampany, Limited, of Vancouver, B.c" 1 ccupatlon Packets. Intends to apply for 1 a lease of the following described land.: Commencing at a post planted at the northeast corner of Lot 88. Q.C.I ; thence 1 northwesterly and along high water mark 18 chains, more or le. to a point N 3T E. from the HE. turner Lot 140: thence north 56 37' E. 1-J chains, more Or less, to low water mrv thnu southeasterly along low water mark to a pvim it. ao a 1 c. irom the location post; thence 3.2 chains, more or less, to the point of commencement, and containing 9 acres, more or less. MJU.ERD PACKINQ COMPANY. LIMITED, . Applicant. Dated J September t 7, 1927. LAND ACT NOTICE OF INTENTION' TO APPLY TO LEASE LAN!) In Queen Charlotte Islands T.on c cording District of Prince Run situate at Ferguson Bay. Graham Island, i TAKE NOTICE that Somervllle Can-! nery Company, Limited, Vancouver B C . ! occupation Packers, Intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands- ' iommemnng si a post planted at the northwest corner of Lot 1571, ' aci1' thence east 30 chains: thence chains, more or less, to low water mark-thence west following low ?. I 30 chains; thence south 2 chains, more or ! '" vo puim 01 commencement, and wuwiuii.H .or cre, moTe or leu WATER NOTICE. DIVERSION A Nil LE TAKE NOTICE that E. Rousseau, whose Brighten Youn. Home lor tfftriftit u Home-builders With desires that mutt necessarily be c urbed by A moderate income Congoleum po!d Seal Rugs are the ideal thing. Ttie mint attractive, colourful rug patterns possible to obtain an vwhef c.The eayto-clean, improved, longer-wearing surface will withstand years of hard wear.. Unconditionally Guaranteed to votirSatUf action., and, at prjee that allow a comfortable margin for other things in fact, a genuine ff Congoknm (oM Heal Rug 9 x Osize costs only " "j-- ONGOLEUM Iff COLO SEAL I V MKUMHTMI GOLD SEAL Rugs Inmi on t"uine Cm-Koleum uith the Cold Stal on the lurfacc -that It the only kinJ that is Jully GuoranteeJ. THE -:- ACME'S Genuine Price-cutting NOW IN FULL SWING Mail Orders i -promptly Filled at Sale Trices Acme importers P. an ad ian National rhc Largeft Kailway Sylcm in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE S.UI.INflH from PltlNCE Kt'PERT for VANrOI VEK. VlrTOKM. M- and Intermediate ixilnt., each Till ltAi and f' lor .INYOX and KKTf illKAN i;sf h VKINEMAI, M l" ..n. For KTEWAKT Each HATI.ICIIAY. 10.WI p.m. fo" fortnlltitfr. lor NiiUTII AND MRTII Jl F.i'.N t'll tHLOTTE IUNI)-. ?r.n TfiAiNH ieave .rLiSnr. r- inii.v r.xrr.rr himmi at 11 J ,.'',,:,i iie I"-!' .ML'"- i!r.nv t?.na; ii:prEM..?;u "ni.n l.tliK I.DIMil. IflJ.. m. - tan. HEK r-Axtii tv fsvttit'4 Jl llll.i:i: tlAH A0ENCY Al.f. OCEAN STEAMSHIP MNES. Lse Canadian National Btpr or .Money iraer, r'"i" ete alw for lour neit shipment.-" ' - vhnnt W . . . . . . .. Muiwr-K .1 . rr.ii 1 . tir ticket urr (K. H2H ti i u sir... SOMEBVIUE CANNERY COMPANY, u LoViKZhe 4,-Cout itr'ThU ! -S A a . ' -Kva. I vJvl WU DOBlCtl DD Iflfl ffrOUnQ Oil I this notice and an application pursuant thereto and to th "Wster Act will be filed in the office of the Water Recorder at Prince Rupert. B.C. Oblec tlons tti fh flnn1lfaflnn tviatf k. address Is 410 Seymour Street. Vancou- 1 Hh the said Water Recorder or with the ver B.C.. will apply for a licence to Comptroller of Water Rights, Parliament take and use 1 cubic foot of water out Buildings. Victoria. B.C.. within thirty of unnanmed stream which flows mutt, davs aftr th rirt nd drains , into Port Stephens Bay, '. notice in a local newspaper. The date ul oiuu roint. " ww iirsi puDiication of this notice u The water will be diverted from the ; August 30, 1937. stream at a point axut COO feet from ptiopmp nnnaan. it EUQENE the mouth and will be used for coamer- ! ANGER, the TAILOR dJ Imported tA Kerire Serge Pine Scotch Tweed Suit. . m order in our shop Frt" Rupert as low 55.UV as "' I. ANGER, Cutter and Desisner 223 Sixth btre