Successful Men - - y v J o . . . s..-h -a. - t i s ea in va. T IVJ ANY well-trxJo citizens in this country owe their start toward success to opening a savings account in early life and practising thrift in order to build up that account. ' Are you building up your success fund at the . Bank of Montreal, which for well over a century has been conserving the savings of ambitious Canadians? BANK OF MONTREAL Established l8l7 Total Assets in excess of i 780.000.000 Prince Rupert Branch; When an Army Officer Gives a Command he expects it to be followed exactly. When your doctor writes a prescription he also expects implicit obedience. When you bring your prescription to Ormes it is filled exactly as your doctor ordered it with the purest of drugs exact quantities without substitution of the "next best thing" for the "very best." es IM. Z7fi Pioneer DruoQisls THIRD AVE. SIXTH ST. -TELEPHONES 8?t,200 (CANADIAN? PACinc Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert To Ketchikan. Wrangrll, Junrau al Skagnay September C. 17, tC. To Vamomrr, Victoria and Sealile !rtrmlirr II, 21, 30. PRINCESS IIKATISICE. Tor Hutednle. Eaxt Bella Bella. Orran Iall, Nainti, Alert Bay. Campbell Rlter. and Vancouirr trrj fatunliv. II a.m. Agency lor all Steam.hlp Line.. Information from- W. C. OKCIUKK. Ienerl Agent. Corner of 4tb tltrret and 3rd Atrnue. Prlnre Rupert. B.C. Solex Electric tamps Kaien Hardware Co. Telephone 3 Advertise in "The Daily News"' Local and Personal Arthur's Taxi. Pboci B78. BC. Undertaker. Pbons 41. DenHat. Dr. J. R. Owi. Phase MS . Big AvbabUI When thlailst t a Ttit, pbact 4. u Blf Kshlbltioa Sale wis Mra. FrfeMUt . O.TJ.. wharf. ton tf Thia artataooa'a train, due from the a M :. la rapartad to he oa tlma. Oaf KaaaoB returnee! to tba city oa yeeteroay ansnMon'a trala tueuasea trip to ftntthera. Faaervdr, Palmistry as Ornn: Oaatn. Ura. Jaa. Clark. 34. Third Arenue. Ptssae Oram 183. au Pujht resume aaay be obtatiMd to night at taapraai Club. Third Are.. commencing aoon altar au o'cioek. W. If. Toboy. CJlJt. superintendent raturaad to th city yoatoraay attar-aoon'a trala tor a trip over tba Una. Wall Baforra. ,Myda Traoafar arc now afanta for Panaoiu Casaldy WaUlacton coal alao Alberta SooUaaa and PamMna Pacrlata. tf Mrs H. B. Hoc heater returned to tba city on yoatarday artarnoon'a train from Port Baatagton when aba paid a brief Mt to bar Dares U. Until t'PM M Iba Prortaelal Oov- rMMttf wharl hart been eomplatd C PU VttatM 1U Mka Undine ai No. 3 abad S. H. SeHklfeK' n known Na Hazrttoa poe afHtor. arrived In the city front tsMferMr' 'on ht nlhfa train tor a mm .NeUMae Tlalt. W. J. Alder, who baa been In the city tor tba past week on bualneaa In eon-nectlon with hla pwyaity Interest, re turn on tbe Prince Oeorge tonight to Victoria. ' W. A. BeU. lonncrly CJJ.R train gent running out of here and now In the aarrloe of the company at Winnipeg, arrived In tba city on yeaterday afterneon'a trala to Join the Canadian Chamber of Commerce special train which left for the east lut night. Announcement haa been received in the city of the birth at the Vancouver General Hospital on September 13 of a daughter to Mr. and Mra. Fred Coram Mr. Coram waa formerly aaalatant pur- aer on the steamer Prince Oeorge and la now Identified with the C.N.R. freight department at Vancouver. Twenty CJ.R. ticket men from East' era Canada and the United States arrived in the city on this afternoon's train la the course of a western educa floral tour. They will sail tonight on the Prince George for Vancouver. The carry is :n charge of Walter Do bos 01 Montreal, aaalatant to H H. Melanson. passenger traffic manager of the road IN I'HOHATE IX TIIK si tkk.mi: roritT OK IIKITISII COMMIHA In the Matter of the Administration Act: and 1 In the Matter of the Estate of Arthur C. Little. Deceased. Intestate. TAKE NOTICE that bv order of His Honor. P. McB. Young, the 30th day of septemcer. a.ij iz7. i was apooimed Administrator of the estate of Arthur C. Little, deceased, and all parties hsvlrv; claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, prorerly verified, to me on or before the 31st dav of October. AX). 1837. and all parVe Indebted to the eetate are rJulred to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith'. NORMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator. Prince Rupert. B.C. Dated the 21st dav of September. A D. 1027. ANNOUNCEMENTS Moose Bazaar. Nov 16 and 17. Established 1923. a Li 8 Office Hours: 0 a.m. to G p.m. Saturday: a.m. to 1 p.m: Any evening by appointment DEP Kenny DENTIST Exchange Block. Phone 109 TIIE DAILY NEWS Mooe UhM Drhe and lUnre. Friday, hept. 1. No aaaaes were p57 tart night la the city champkneup teaals aerie. Tow wUl be eome matches tonight, weather perraTtttot. J. J. Orefory. mayor of North Baltic (ard. BcakaMarwaeV, after apendnc a day vsartUkf in tfee city. left on this iconmkf ttahx o( the Baal. ( Joaapefc & Rfer, DanAer of the Ru. part Marts Pr6dHrta Co.. Ud, aaHrd afterBoen on the Princess Louise to be with Mra. Rogers who it 111. Harvest Festival services wtlt be hetd in Preebytartan Oburch oa 8tud4T, Sept. 3. The Oburch wlU be opea Saturday araatnesm to receive gifts ol Rowan, fratu sad vegetables. 333 Or. Magntre. the well kaowa loeal denttat, anaovBeetl today that he planned to open oSstea In Vancouver. Vt torla and Naoasmo but be la not ex pecting to leave here Just at pmeet. Annual Tax Sale of lota to be held at Attcuoa for delinquent uxec will be held oa rrtday, Septembtr 30 next at 10 a.o. la City HiB. List of property oaa be obtained at the collector's oOce tf Mrs. 8. W. Taylor and daughter Oorraen. will call tonight on the Prince Oeorge for Vancouver where they will take up residence1, Joining Mr. Taylor who haa been traaaferred to the Van eouver oflseea of Williams. Maaactt Se Ooncalea and who left last week for the south. Dr. W. N. Turpel of the Hazel ton Hoapltal medkMl Staff wilt arrive from the Interior on thte afternoon's train nd mil for Vancouver on .the Prince Oeorge tcnlght Dr. H. C. Wrlneb. UUH who was married In Vancou ver recently to Miss May Hogan, has e turned to Hazeiton. There waa a full delegation of Prince Rupert Board of Trade members on hand yeaterday afternoon to welcome the memters of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce as they arrived from Alaska on the Prtnoeas Louise. A large group waa aun present to give the vlaltora a send -off when their special train pulled out far the East shortly after B o'clock last night. Magistrate McOymont was occupied moat of the morning In city police court today hearing charges against D Zarellt of supplying liquor to a person apparently under the influence of liquor and creating a disturbance by swearing In a public place. The first allegation waa proven and a fine ot M0 waa Imposed. The second charge waa dismlased. City Solicitor E. F. Jones prosecuted with Milton Oonzales acting on behalf, of ,he . defence. Other cases in trie same connection are up for hearing thia afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Amadlo and son, Victor, and daughter, Marie, will sail Saturday morning on the Princess Beatrice for Vancouver enroute to Italy where they spend four months on a holiday visit to their respective homes. They will cross the Atlantic Ocean on the Empress of France aboard which they will embark from Quebec on October 13 for Cherbourg whence they will proceed to their destination by rail. During the absence of Mr. and Mra. Amadlo, their home on Fourth Avenue ast will be occupied by Ouy R. Balloch, engineer supervising the Kalen Island highway construction work, and Mrs. Balloch. FROM POLITICIAN TO MOVING PICTURES IS pcrature. 52.- 140 ONLY A SHORT STEP TORONTO. Sept. 33. Right Hon Arthur Melghen. former premier of Canada, has proved that It is only short step .from political life to the moving pictures. He was recently appointed president of the British Empire Films of Canada. Ltd, a sew film producing company recently Incorporated under Canadian federal charter. Cap tain Bruce Balrnsfather Is also associ ated with the company. WKATIIKIt KKI'ORT. Prince Rupert. Overcast, calm tem. Terrace. Cloudy, calm, temp. 44. Roaswood. Cloudy, calm, temp. 44. Aiv-ansh. Foggy, temp. 46. Alice Arm. Light rain, temp. 45. Anyox. Rain, calm, temp. 40. Stewart. Rain, calm, temp. 48. Hazeiton. Peg, calm, temp. 45. Telegraph Creek. Clear, calm, temp. Burns Lake. Clear. 'calm, temp. 40. Whltehorse. Cloudy, calm, temp. 42. Dawson. Cloudy, calm, temp. 30. nori.i, Aliltl V.tLS. Prince It 11 pert Alf. H. Living, C. J. Rowbotham, M. N. KeUey. J. 8. Appenzellar and E. D. Jean. Vancouver; J. ET'Nix, Edmonton; A. B. Taylor, Mrs. W, Anderson, and Mra. B. Anderson, Terrace; J. Oxqjory. North Battleford, Sask Robert -Irwin, Victoria: C. R. Browri, Peterboro. Ont.; Mr. and Mrs. Phllllpaon and MUa H. Jensen, North Pacific Cannery;. Mr. and Mra. E. H. Griffith. Minneapolis; Mr and Mrs. B. N. Strike. Montreal; General R. Brutinel, Mile. Brutlnel and maid. Paris; Oeorge Single. Pittsburg; S. H. Senkplel. New Hazeiton; Mrs. C. A. Moore, Port Esslngton; R. O. Thorn- burg. Anchorage, Alaska; Mr. and Mrs. Prank Edgar,- Santa Barbara, Cal.; W. F. Blnns, Balmoral cannery; Mr. an:t PAGE THREE Certainly, she can have another ! Jap Inlet . Cen Ira I W. S. Evans, Olaoome; Eatelle Letts, Badage, Mich.; Mra. J. Rosenburg and children, Carmacks, Y.T.; E. W. Sibley, CJfJt. Advertise in The Daily Newa TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY 4 LC ST. SPARE TIRE FOR FORD CAR. Finder please advise Dally News. 332 SEALED TENDERS addressed to the undersigned, and endorsed "Tender for Wharf Repairs. Port Simpson, BjC." will be received until 12 o'clock noon, Tuesday. October II, 1937. for repairs to wharr, at Port Simpson, Skeena District, B.C. Plana and form of contract can be een and specification and forms of tender obtained at this Department, at the office or the District Engineer, Post Olflce Building. Victoria. B.C., also at the Post Offi;ej. Vancouver, B.C.; Prince Rupert, BC and Port Simpson. B.C. Tenders will not be considered unless made on printed forms supplied by the department and in accordance with con-dltlotyi contained therein. Each tender must be accompanied by an accepted cheque on a chartered bank, payable to the order of the Minister of Public Works, equal to 10 per cent of the amount of the tender. Bonds of the Drmlnlon of Canada or bonds of the Canadian National Railway Company will also be accepted as security, or b:nds and a cheque if required to make up an odd amount. Note. Blue prints obtained at this Department by depositing an accepted oheque for the sura of alO.OO, payable to the order of the Minister of Public Works, which will be returned if the intending bidder eubmlt a rezular bid. By order, S. E. O'BRIEN, Secretary. Department of Public Works. Ottawa, beptemper 12. 1927. 222 Why Not Be Well? ."Forytil wMtmueb ttouilti with b4 Sf4tfcAfs, aerveus c'ripeptia jatf livrtioublt. Thtnki Is' Fruit' fires' I Mm tntittlr well." Mt. RojA. Bovr. Treat a. Oat. "Fruit-a-tives" quickly relieves lazy bowel, stomach, kidney or liver conditions. It is a natural remedy, made from intensified freih fruit juices combined with tonics. 2Sc and 50c at all druggists. My dear it is plain that I'll have to explain Oixr and over and over again Plain Tor'i really great It's the best chocolate With flavour and quality splendid for Jane, Mothers and fathers who have'tried Plain York chocolate realhe at once how pure It is, how wholesome. Not too bitter, not too sweet, but with all the deliciousness of pure plain chocolate, Plain York Ss the triumph of 200 years of experience in fine chocolate making. Just I'hone 525. Mra. Aldcroft and son. Dawson, N. A. Watt. Prince Rupert. Savoy Mr. and Mrs. Orbson and- children. Port Esslngton: Mr. and Mrs. W. Cos- telkj. Big River. Ont.; H. Wolfram, Juneau; John F. Murray and Olaf Ouse. ; DEMAND "Rupert Brand" THE DAINTIEST BKEAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Daily by Canadian psh &oki Storage Co., Ltd. Dr. Prince Rupert. B.C. MAGUIRE Dentist Over Orme's Drug Store Office Hours 9 to 9 Lady Assistant UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT CENTRAL HOTEL The place called "Home 120 Rooms, American and European Plan. Hot and Cold Water. Bus meets all trains and boats. Sample Room Phone 51. Martin, Manager UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED2J Mailing from Prime Ituperi. tor VANCOUVER. VICTORIA. Swanion Hay, Alert Bay, etc, Tuesday, p.m. For VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, Bated ste, Alert IU). etc, Saturday 9 am. For PORT HfMPSO.N. ALICE ARM. INVOX, STKU'AKT. Males Hun. day, a p.m. For Naas Hirer Point and Port Clnion, Friday p.m. 113 2nd ATrnue. R M. SMITH. Aeent, Prince Koiert, ILC . Through tickets sold to Victoria and Seattle at a reduced rate and barrage cheeked through to destination.