pa,e nvL The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Pu Wished Every Afteraorh, except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Paitr News. Limited, Third Avenue, r H. F. rULLIK . . Managing Editor. SURSCRIPTION RATES: City DeHverr. J mail or carrierT per uasata By mall to all part of the British Empire and the United States, ia adraace. per year Ta. ill other countries, ia adraace. per year Transient Display Advertising, per inch per insertion Transient Advertising on Front Pace, per inch Local Read, per iaeertion per line Classified Advertising, per inaertion per word Legal Notieea, each inaertJea per aerate line Contract Rata on Application Advtrtiin: and Cireulatiea Telephone Editor and Reporter Telephone - - Meniherof Audit Bureau of Grcuktten. DAILY EDITION at our store zoaayi JOHN BULGER LTD. Jewellers The Store with the Clock. 9S SajM. $7.50 $1.40 $2. . .1$ Wedaesaiav, Sept- . 17 NEW SAWMILL IX CITY Work has keen progreasin? according to sebednle at the new sawmill plant at Seal Cove being built by the Bip Bay Lumber Co. The Tiachinery will be installed soon aad everrthiBg it ia expected will be ready to commence operations in the early spring. The mill la not as Urge as the old Prince Rupert Lumber mill that was hunted dawn bat it ia owned and will be operated by a company that has been in the habit qf keeping going all the tine and aafehsK ft a fairly profitable basine. If there is a pre of basiaeAA a sfcaad shift will enable the mill to doable the output. r VawVe needed jost aach a business as Una ia Trince Rapert and we are Very glad to know that it is beiar eataMiaaed here. REIL MILL OUTPUT DOUBLED Another milling industry that ia nuking progress in the dtH is that of the Seal Cove Lumber Company which has recently installed auLcJdnery at the plant that will doable the output. While this mill is only the sixe of the new one that is being built, it if! albe plant and is already in operation snppiyiBg the needs of -lhHstia) varieus-ways. - C P. Rail has worked on this plant Tery .perist-tfy jnd great - err? tar a Wat lor tae reealta he hap outlined so nr. MIXIXC IX TIS DISTRICT A booklet designed to draw special attention to the raining f this district and particularly those aainea tribatanr to the railwar D OTTAWA. Sept 2S. iB? tlM CUi-, can !!? How a n tbat ia a cun try ukr dudt where ataiiry kM, rTr beau aa uwtttuvioa iw ward -abs- shosilrl enter Ihv lb maw yraaraaat (t jriphi.-l feature, sweh a. Oml Stare lake. Star Rrrer. assd Into Slave Laae L, fl'saat sot, rwnaiahiel by ta O- amat MiiMat w ta ti-wy r tbe Nanhweet and upon Iod:r. ru- I aai Indian pas- mail, potnta out. saay refer to afewattml crctt-Jtans ( tk placa. to artftnu ja the at a tribe wtth a region EsaaaaJe at be area fea MiiMmi Rrrer imrl aovtaat. BaaMe BJrrr I place of au-matous battle, aaat Oaiava Rleec mm ateoajeaaed by law Oataaa tithe Another paint a that IndUa trtfcea gen- rally bad taw aimae ati aaaae they aate rbasmtiii. aaa (be auw rttea tm bf tbr twtiiXK mm a ouaj ms taw aiwi what b bfa aa by the whtat au ae brea "eorajy" taaaaa bear. Taw near tbtu mrmttOm to tac efteet taas Dim mmt Jwi Gbaaa take aaw Starr Briar mat Sttjar ! aw a it Tarinat wbJch awce att a Umi pesvat uub am of tae iBaakyi vm eaafasa Watat BOfMUt eaten aa4 tnvrfiad; T gas. Sbe Ktcb lilJllan were ttab am a4 kept to taw take. ckix airiiitu: Wbe aae marr mlllt Cm wnt an tk TUfutb MH the ttAxa as abe Tttr RUtt tbry eaaae tKaaa tbe aoaafa' aawmf tbtir raaces tkm. prooreOrd It hi tkatetarr many ts bt haw war parUe af Ortca, that. be UkHlaac ladUas bt aieim tbcar MB aar-Uke mU Ca aa4 fcleaa. tbaabl abaw tttr aaapt ay bntawmc aw m UkA avcan (ate eaaabrt "aaasak" or Tbe am vbstr mm to rbtt Ortat Saire labe was eaaaaet Bean ao ratrbf tbc auuO i iMctti porttaa ot it lake ba ITTt- He Ubt aaa eet any Kara laaaaaw aaa taw aasie be applied to tbc Jake vaa -AfbaawiieWL- aaealag. u. fatbty. tbe take af Oae Atbiaaacaa Io diaaa. Tb aaaae ks not kaowa today, d lafta latrrrlsj u Uw take H take.- It kt to Peaer Pond mat se owe tba pmeut aaaaa. Oa au caapa. ITtr aw flad tbe hat ipwblihed by the Caaadiac National derurtmeut of natoral L-r Utm of EtcbwrotrjK. -omt reascrces. This booklet draws special attection to recent drwUm-i''-" and -siare.- ments along the railway between Pnrce Rapert and Prince George The booklet giwea good maps showing exactly where the properties are situated, tells awaething about the work being dose and theHnd of ore taken out and also gives for tbe me of visitors or iimnfgrants the mining laws of each province so that no miatakes may be made The work has been prepared by C. Price Green, com-rfjssfcr of tbe department. TELEGRAPH WIRES DOWN The tesegiaph wires were down yesterday and tbe result was that the nans ap-to-thc mocatat news of the sartside world were net available. This Is the first time in months that we have been en-tfetir eat off. It doss not happen often, perhaps not as often as on the southern lines. There they have alternative route and on sotae occasions all the news has to come into Vancouver and Victoria over the United States wires. Speaking generally, the teUgraph service here is vwrr well maintained, as readers of this paper know. That is why they mi a the news when it does not came. ALL UP IX, THE AIR Very soon we shall all be up in the air. Tbe development of aviation' has reached such a atoe that it is bodnd to advance rapidly. The little setback canted by the loss of life of those trying, perhaps foolishly, to cross the ocean by airplane, is nothing compared with the steady general advancement In an address here before he went south. Major MacLaren said be thought trans-ocean flights would have to be made in lighter than air machines rather than in airplanes. The inauguration of an air raail for the Yukon is the beginning of the practical application of air travel in northwestern Canada. Air mail has been carried regularly to aad from Victoria by Seattle planes. It is to be hoped that the next move will be the es-tabhfhraent of a regular air base at Prince Rupert and the establishment of a mail and passenger service between this citv and YeiH-ouver. Orura Cartmdic 14 t. wUl pii CSSC.Z& A new Gruen Cartouche in solid go Id $401 Here is truly remarkable watch value! A dainty wristlet, newly created by Gruen, with an adjusted movement xssed in goll at half bbe Crke VOUd rrrv-t tn mv fnr r,U ? ' As giftar watch foe your personal use, no more satisfactory watch purchase could possibly be made a; this price. See these remarkable timepieces i-rwr saave Laxe at mesaaaaed 07 Sir AteaaaHei Mwfreaate wbo taarced ot 1 e take la ITM bom todaaa auBtcta. tbe tatacr tbat tt was eaBed tae Lake by tbc Ores after Ba orlg In The Letter Box MIE BBKillT rVTl'BE Editor. Dally Near. 1 in a atnaser.m Rupert; I bat only been here oae T'h Dining tbat tSae I bare used ay powers of obterra tion aad I (nBy reespitw afeat a treat city, m eewne of Ume. Rapert la to be. I miA a Nora Sootaui froro tbe bonaia hUU aawvaaea jot tbe Domanioa hoe .tborea ate waabed y tbe AUantat Oeoaa. tbe btrt&pUce of Bcae. Tup-Pr. Tbarapeoa. Bordea and AeyticcaJl treat eapire bonders. 1 PrevsVus to Cona-drratJon that peat SSova Scattan. Jowpb Hove. aaM by tsany t be tbe peateat zoaa aaat Canada ever produced, made a prapbeey tareteOUig vbat wowU bappea bet arm ibe SaH and Weat of Canada aboadd OaoiederaUoa bt earned. Wefl. aa wt all know. CoBfederaUon took place and Bowfa propbeay baa oatne Uae. New. aar. I aa not a prapbet. nettber am I tbe aoa of a prepbet. I make bead boereeer. to propbeay That to SO lean time Rupert wUl hare a popala-tlon of over lOOOOO and teatead af oor (rain elevator, aa at present, the vtf bare aeveraL aB boaOy eaaatrd C lianrllint grain for dtotttbaUea to tbe I four eorrjera of tbe eartb." One does cot need to bare treat 1 foresight tb tee what ia ahead of Ru- ; pert Let any -one take a walk tbrongti he atreeu of tbe city and atand at tbe top of one of Jts numerous tuila and the magnincent barber tbat Kea to frent. tben tum to tbe eaat and nortb-eatt and ataaanze what U beyond, only .COO miles away tbat Eldorado, tbe pea: Pice Rirer country witb tti mil!;oaa of a cm of the flneat wheat : trowing Und in -the world waiu&t for :he plow and- barrow to Vara t orer 1 and that the nktoral otrtlet to the world's marketa for tbe eoonnou ; aval-.h in agricultural produeu that the Peace Puirr country will produce, it Prince Rupert. Then wt must realm be lu-.ure deatmy of tbe city. 80 1 aay jet busy and look Into rour finances aad aee If you hare any rnonry to spare for tnreatment. If you bare, then take my adrtce, buy aotne town :ou In Rupert for the place la !u:t rt:nto boom. The boom, tn ay opinion win set in in 1930 and the Our-Jea of tbla century wUl be treat aay. and don't mUa tbe ebaace if you aaat to make money. GEORGE E. VAN BOSEIRS. wavts utrut to turttKn. EdMor. Dairy jtrra. t made appUcatasn some time ago for tbe appointment as aoettowrer far tbe real estate vbatb wBl be aSered for sale 00 September M. benertac bet ter results could be obtained by aa m- dependent auctioneer thaa by a erty ofncUL Alao I made appUcaUoa some montbs aco for a copy of tbe bylaws concetabat my butra. Botb of my letters bare been Ignored. Oooiidaiava of this Ha tore aesdom come to light but I tblnk as a elMreo f Prtace Rupert I aboutd get coeatder- aUon. I hope I shall (tt replies to my letters. Uy kick Is only srKb ceupto of oouaciHon and a few empSojees of tbe city and tbe quieter tbey wake up to the fact tbat tbey are only the public aerranta and not owrneza. tbe better It win be for an concerned. O. F. BSISZ. C.tlaen of Prrace Rupert. Ten Years Ago in Princo Rupert fEPTEMBEB IS, HIT. TEZ DAILY SET73 aneda. SLAVE LAKE GOT ITS NAME FROM INDIANS Some fall it Ule I.ale Hat Ur 0 wr- i mo. r ) I 1 U-flier. Callej Slat meSSS sood good mattress! mattress! Of mffjw Ostermoor Tie Meat and staVar rt taw sit aaattreaa atavde. FiOfd aaaU tVa iaesf wMta cot eft auai Aad taaVrvd. SnowElake 3a fittt wmttrm mad at its avd&a price. AaaW with pars aew pa melted Sftwflak a6 aft Star EM ni a awry waaJti ate priet (his tkmn SmmtfltkO a caws, liars fsaaart aad oftaramf teaaA preaf are Qrfs7 aatashhVs. FWtd with ntm uMU ewMan ganutted ftiL r of Ckaaa A. nader tbe llttltan Service Aet, are ordered to report for aaeeBeal etsmtnattoss wbash j t. caa. dueted ta tbe XUIaWyre Ball by Ueut. loner. CJtAtjC. aad Dr. J. P. Cade. Word was referred thai Timt by W. J- SaaJtbers. manaaer of the local It will give you more years of greater comfort But be sure it is a Simmom r is in the interests of comfort, of health, of economy, to buy a good mattress a better mattress than the majority of people sleep on. For a better mattress contributes to better sleep and better health, and costs less in the long run. But whether'you wish to pay only 'a few dollars, or fifteen, twenty-five, fifty or more, you will get the soundest value for your money in a Simmons. The Simmons label is the outward guarantee of inward cleanliness, and of honest, dollar-for-dollar value. Be sure this label is on the mattress you buy. ' t -v.-; Simmons makemattresses to sell at all prices; but the price of each is the lowest at which a mattress of its quality can be built of safe, clean materials and by sanitary methods. Simmons are the largest manufacturers of mattresses in the British Empire, the oldest manufacturers of mattresses in Canada. Their volume of output and their manufacturing experience enable them to put the greatest possible value into every mattress they sell. MATTRESSES BEDS SPRINGS PI BUILT FOR SLEEP years far Rupert. Take beed of wbat 1 ! Rsapert, bo are aSeeted by tbe calling ' a tbe Baak of Brmab North tbat J. W Uaekeaaaea. foraaer. fj oa tke local ataS. bad been klled la actwsa. R makea taw third meeaber of the ataS to make taw supreme sacrifice, tbe others baaing been Frank Holland aacW; K. Beate. Mrs. Alex Ctopprrton aad Bttte aoa bare returned to the city from Tefkwa where the) rheme was recently dsatany-cd by Ore. Mr. Caappertoa ia at pre-aant to the Hewaon Creek country. LAND ACT NOTICE Or IVTE.VTIOX TO APPLT TO LAE UD la Prince Rapert Land Reeordlnr DU- j trlrt of Prince Rspert. and situate oc ' Prtsca-aa Royal Island at Hut Side Core! tram Buteda Cannery. TAKE XOTTCZ tbat I. Jacob Koakl. of ' Butedale. BC. ocecrnauon a naherman.' intends to apply for a lease of the tc4-lowlnc described lands: i OommtadBf at a post planted about: SCO jarda northeast of Batedalc Can-i aery Wharf; tbenee east i chain, thence soma 2 chains: tbenee? -srewt s chains: thence north 2 chains to mtnt' of oommeacetnent and ecatainlnc o&e " .i-re mat iir Imx JACOB KOSSX. Keit week au yount men m Prince, r.j AajJTUt ( ls77 appucant. L L O W S ASK ME ANOTHER? Here are the National Prixes: tat price .. .. 110.000 4th pru 1-M0 Slh pri.w 2nd pruw S.0O0 5th pnae ... 1 000 Bth pr; 3rd prtee 2.UO0 Ctb prtae 703 IMS pr jw 7th prbw SO0 CANADIAN UUNDKY PRIZES 1st Prize 12 months Soft Finish Laundry Service. A, mate value (75.00. 2nd Prize 12 months Thrift-T-Serviee. - Approsim-N! S60.00. 3rd Prize 12 months Wet Wash Service. Anproxirra--$10.00. For full details of above prices, as well as 1.200 u awards, consult the booklet, "Ask Me Another A- u' Laundry," obtainable at the Canadian Laundry & Dry Gleaners litth-Avrnue W Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd. 255 Third Avenue ALUMINUM WARE GALVANIZED TUKS LAMPS AND LANTERNS HEATERS AND RANGES Prince Kupert WEATHER STRIP IlUlLDERSr HARDWARE STOVE PIPE AND ELROW'S CROSS CUT SAWS & AXES