Wednesday September 28. 1927 $29-85 3 SPECIAL! Certificate of Guarantee of Genuine English Blue Serge SUITS We, the undersigned, guarantee these suits to he made from Genuine English Blue Serge, and to be absolutely free from any danger of fading due to exposure to sun or effects of either fresh or salt water. We stand at the back of every Blue Serge Suit. Special Acme Importers jsshs tarn Box of Gay Adventures Eai'h box of Purdy's Famous Chocolates is a box of gav adventures Indeed, every chocolate in a revelation of how ru h, how smooth, how delicious a chocolate can be. Purdy's Famous Chocolates are made by home-made methods from oriKinal secret recipes. Ormes arc sole Prince Hu- pcrt ajfents for these most famous of IJ.C.-Made Chocolates. puunrs FAMOUS CHOCOLATES $1.25 lb. IX THE PUKPLE BOX Send Purdy's to friends abroad. Packed in safety containers. Delivery guaranteed. Ask us about it. "Tftc Poncdr Drttfislti THIRD AVE. V SIXTH ST. TELEPHONES 8? 6 200 DEMAND "Rupert Brand" 0 lpper: "THE DAINTIEST BHEAKFAST FOOD.' Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Storage Co., W. Prince Rupert. B.C. P. an ad ian National elite largefl Railway Sylem in America STEAMSHIP AND TKAIN SERVICE HAH.INMS from IMtlNCE ItlTKKT for VAM W tit, VirTOKIA. MXTWt. I", Tirl.lll n,&TT,; IsLAM.s. forlnlgl.Uy. PASSENGER TKAIN! LEAVE '"'."V'.T,,.. Tor llilNf h HI ."M.K. lllM(,N. .UMON- OAII.Y EXCEPT 81NUAY at 1 1 -10 a.m. TON, WINNIPEG, al lnl to " Cana. a. I nHri M Mrs. JAKI-EK I'AUK I.OIT.i: OPEN MAV 21 H M.PltMm.R 30. REE CANADA IN CAYtllA'S Jl IIII.I E VEAR 1867 - IS. AniNf'Y All. 0('KN STEAMSHIP LINEN. I'm- Canadian Mllonal Etp'rer- "r M.ney Order., Foreign tbe.,ue. iimi ior jour neii pmhhu.-"-. CITY TICKET OFFICE. 828 TIIIIH) AVE., IMtlNCE RUPERT. Insist on phone 260 B.C. PRODUCTS They Lead in Quality II I I in i nni a nr. Kftrcnnn uvvui uiiu 1 WUUI1U1 JI ATUur Till. Phont 878. U BO Undertaker, pbon 41. Dentist. Dr. J. R. ase. Pbons 68 Ott Uu Big 4 habul when thtntlnt i a Tin, pbaheT 4, - v . . u u. mm ttmmmxM fy the wn tte Citato yasteray afternoon frem a to WM trip to Anyox. Pkasfwork. Palmistry and. iflrnMl Oasts. Mrs Ju Clarx, 345J? Third Avenue, p&onc oim is3. a$i Thar Mnuw MNan taTHs Jk m th flmhiwiir srtetrfbos tram trip to Bttwt where Imi wmh W. A. Wllaoa. Alice Arm butcher, la a buaiMM vial tor in the city, having arrived on the Catala yesterday afternoon tram the atonh. Until repairs at the Proftnelal Oov-ersneat wharf have been completed. C.P.R. steamers wtu make landing at No. 3 abed on O.TJ. wharf. tl Mrs. M. A. Burtank. reotntly arrlTad from Prine Oeorf. U raoalTlng tor Um tint time thia afternoon at her home, Flrat Avenue and Pacific Place. Annual Tax Sale of lota to be held at Auction for delinquent taxes wUl be held on Friday. September 90 next at 10 ajn. In city mil. tie at property can be obtained at the collector oOee. W. E. Walker, manager of the Arrrn dale cannery, waa a paaMncer on the Catala yesterday afternoon going through to Vancouver for the winter. Arrandale cannery la now closed for the CNR. steamer Prince Oeorge. Ospt. Harry Kedden. arrived In port on time at 10 SO this' morning from Vancouver, Powell River and Ocean Falls and will aatl at 4 o'clock this afternoon for Mr. and Mra. Edgar Trethewey were paasenger on the Catala ysUid&t 1 afternoon bound from Alice Arm to their home In Abbotsford. Mr. Trethe-wty has bean In charge of development work carried out this season with good results on the Bunker Hill property. iar the La Rom. which Is owned' by his father. J. O. Tretheway. Passengers arriving in the city from "torthern points on the Catala yesterday afternoon Included C. Fredeflck- son. R. O. Haclee. W A Wilson CL A fOarhcYiricT M O. McLcod from Alice Arm; D. Scherk. O. P. Ptsber. Mra. T. 3ormsn. I. C. Bard well, J. Clark, C. Pemberton and W. P. Baseett from Anyox; Mr .Davidson, Don Matheson, J. Armstrong. Mlas Casey, Thor Johnson and W. Smith from Stewart; Mr. and Mrs. I. Krhara and Mr. Suzumoto from Arrandale. The CNJt. superintendents office an nounces that, effective next week, passenger trains will arrive from the East at 3 10 Tuesday afternoons, no trains coming in Wednesday afternoons. This will Involve a change In 'the mall schedule and the post-office announces that, starting next week, mails will arrive here from the East on Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday afternoons In- stead of Monday, Wednesday aad Fri day afternoon a at present. No change Is being made in the train or mall schedule out of here. Mr. attd Mrs. V.'Ullam Balagno wUl sail tomorrow night aboard the Prince Oeorge for Victoria where they will take up future residence, Mr. Balatrno la ?rarmfhg to devote hla time exclusively! to, the teaching of the violin in the capltol. For many years. Mr. Balagno has been a popular member of the Westbolme Theatre orchestra In which he will tnske his final appearance tonight. His successor In the orchestra U Frank Williams who was Identified with the Empress theatre orchestra here In the early days before the war. HHt t t4tM4 ANNOUNCEMENTS Elks Dance, October 5, Moose Hall. Rupert East United Church Basaar, October 27. Hospital Auxiliary October 28. Exchange Block. Halloween Ball, Moose Bazaar, Nov. 16 and 17. Established 1923. t s p.- r 5 Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6.p.m. Saturday: 9 a.rri. 'to 1 p.m. , , . :i-iii Any evenlnjr by appointment DENTIST THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE This afternoon "a train from the EasC due to arrive at 330, la reported to b be on time. ifc Mr. and Mra. A. Vkk of Internet! cannery, sailed last night on the CaUU tor Vancouver. E. C. Gibbons, bo bat been aouth on a brief combined business and pleasure trip, returned to the City on the Prlnc Oesrae tbU morning. rd to the Interior by train. I J. K. Gorton, Terrace hotelman. re turned on the Prince Oeorge thu montf !nc from a trip to Seattle and proceed. Mr. aad Mrs. O. J. Whatman and tastily mUl call tomorrow night on the Prince Oeorge for Vancouver where they aeapote to take upfuttye ealdence. . Oeerae Taylar travdlflg auditor for rtatn Katfana! OoasLhSteanuhtpi, arrived from Vancouver tin morning his rlalt here being on official dutlei. Mr. Horace Duhamel. mho hai been visiting for the pait four weeka with friend In Vancouver,' returned to the city on the Prince Oeorge this morning. Mr. James Richmond.' after having (pent a couple of dayi In the city re ceiving dental treatment, returned to her home In Terrace on iht morning's train. Mr. and Mn. C. E. Cullln, 654 Fourth Avenue Bast, returned to the city on the Prince Oeorge. this morning after a brief holiday trip td Vancouver and Victoria. Hyde Transfer now agents for Al- Alberta 8ootleas and Pembina Peerless, These coals are under cover, dont buy water, buy coal. 112 a ton can you beat It? tf ing, left on this morning's train for rr home In Smlthcrs. AM. and Mrs. P. H. Llnzcy. who have been on a month's holiday trip to Van eouver, Powell River and other points In the south, returned home on the Anyox and Ketchikan. The vessel Is! Prince Oeorge this morning. due to return to aaU for the aouth at 11 o'clock tomorrow night. Mrs. J. E. Allen, who arrived at th first of the week from the Queen Char' iDtte Islands where she has been visit Motorshlp Belllngham, Capt. J. Anderson, arrived In port at 6 o'clock this morning from Ketchikan with carload of fresh halibut for transship- ment East over the- Canadian National RaUways. Paateogers sailing, last night on the Oatala for Vancouver Included Martin Kane. George H. Barnes, K. C. McCan-nel. Ms. and, Mrs. A. Vlck. Simon Han-ben. Matt WakkUa and Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Smith. T. H. Johnson, manager of the Can adlan Fish & Cold Storage Co, returned to ' the city on' the'Prlnce Oeorge this morning from a three week'a business tHp to Vancouver and other points In the south. Mrs. A. Curtis of Victoria arrived In the city from the south on the Prince George this morning and will be the guest for the next couple of months of her daughter, Mrs. O. I. Smith, 309 Seventh Avenue, East."" J. Armstrong, provincial government inspector of gas engines and equipment, returned on the Catala yesterday after noon from a trip to Anyox and Stewart on official duties and left on this morning's train for the Interior. Paul Fromberg. taxi-driver, was found guilty by Magistrate McClymont In the city police court this morning on charge of driving an automobile while under the Influence of liquor and was sentenced to seven days Imprisonment, Inspector William Splller and Ser geant Alex McNeill, provincial police, who have'beeen on a trip to Atlln and Engineer mine In connection with the hearing of a case there, are expected to return to the city about the end of this week. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Smith, who ar rived at the first of the week from Queen Charlotte City where they oper- rt, a store until recently, sailed last night on the Catala for Vancouver where It Is their Intension to take up future residence, Arriving In port at 3 o'clock afternoon from the north. Union steamer Catala, Capt. -A. E. Dickson, loaded 950 cases of canned salmon at the Tucks Inlet cannery and a carload of halibut from the Atlln Fish Co. and sailed at 7 last night for ' Van couver. Don Matheson, son of City Treasurer end Mrs. D. J. Matheson, arrived In the city on the Catala yesterday afternoon from Premier, where he has been on the mine staff during the past sum mer, and will sail tomorrow night on the Prince Oeorge for Vancouver to resume his studies at the University of British Columbia. Bob Matheson, ycunger son of Mr. and Mrs. Matheson, has left to join the staff at Premier and expects, to enter University next year. POOK OLD l'.S. ' A small boy was taken by his father W Washington to vlslt' .Congress. He Was much Interested lh the chaplain, who always opened the sessions with a prayer. Both In the Senate and the House he had observed the procedure. Finally he asked: "Papa, why does the minister come in every day and pray for Congress?" "You've "got It all wrong, son," re plied his father. "The minister comes In every day, looks over Conzress. and Phone 109 then prays for the country." Outlook. t I Plain Mr. York makes a hole in one ! ' i ; , Says Plain Mr. York: "To accomplish this feat You'll find 'twill bt helpful if Plain York you'll cat 1) it's not down in ont You'll at least have the fun Of enjoying Plain York. you uill find it a treat." Plain York adds to. anyone's enjoyment of life for it is the finest chocolate life has to offer. A wonderful chocolate bar, not too bitter, not too sweet, the triumph of 200 years of fine chocolate making, Rowntree's Plain York chocolate is always better than par. Its velvety smooth truly chocolate taste will , . HOTEL, ARRIVALS. Prlnre Rupert O. P. Fishery D. F. Davidson. C. A, Frederlckson. C. Pemberton, I. C. Bard-well, C. A. Oarrlck and J. Clarke. Vancouver; J. Armstrong and W. P. Basse tt, Victoria; M. O. McLeod. Prince Oeorge. Savoy John Cameron. Stewart: James A. Wauchope, Porcher Island; J. Marshall, city. Central W. Smith, Stewart; I. Chrlstopherson, city. Advertise in The Daily News TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY TOR RENT 5-ROOMED HOUSE AND 4-roomed flat, furnished. Apply 522 Eighth Avenue West. Phone Green 735. 232 FOR SALE. MONARCH RANGE IN very good condition. Apply American Consulate, mornings. 228 LAND ACT. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE LAND Queen Charlotte Islands Land District. Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate north of Lots 1C58 and 1657. TAKE NOTICE that The Laneara Fish ing and Packing Co. Ltd. of Mauett, oc cupation Canncrs, intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: commencing at a post planted twenty chains north of Yan Indian Reserve and on the shore of Mclntyre Bay; -thence north 6 chains to the low water mark; thence westerly following said low water leu cnams; tnence southerly 5 chains; nence easterly too cnains to the point -f commencement, and containing eighty icres. more or lew. LnANOARA FISIIINO St PACKING CO. LTD. Applicant. Fred Nash, Agent. " Dattd Junt 27. 1927 LAND ACT NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE LAND In Queen Charlotte Islands Land Re cording District of Prince Rupert, and suuaie at rerguson Bay. oraham island, Q.C.I. take NOTICE that Somerv 1 e Can nery Company, Limited. Vancouver. B.C.. occupation Packers, Intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: uommencmz at a post planted at the northwest corner of Lot 1571. Q C.I.; thence east 30 chains: thence north 2 chains, more or less, to low- water mark; thence west followlne low water mark. 30 chains; thence south 2 chains, more or less, to point of commencement, and containing six .(6) acres, more or less. SUMERVILI.E CANNERY COMPANY, LIMITED, Applicant Dated Ausrust 31. 1927. PAIN in BLADDER Promptly Eatsd b SANTAL MIDY B sur to ast th Gtnulns Look for ths word "MIDY" Sold by all druggists (canadiah; tii.wv delicious treat Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings fr"olnTn"nce Rupert To Ketchikan, IVrangell, Juneau and Skagtvay September 6. 17, 26. To Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle September II, 21, 30. ritlNCESS BEATRICE. For Ilutedale, Eaut Bella Bella. Ocean Falls, Namu, Alert Bay. Campbell River, and Vancouver every Salurdij, II a.m. Agency lor all Steamship Line. Full Information from VT. C OltClltRlt. General Agent. Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue. Prlure Rupert, B.C UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Sailings from I'rlnie Kuperi. Fur VANCOUVER, VICTORIA. Swanton Bay, Alert Hay, etc. Tuesday, a p.m. For VANCOUVER, VICTORIA. Ilutedale, Alert Itay, tic. Satnrday S a.m. For PORT 8FMI-SON, ALICE ARM, 4NYOX, STEWART, Wales Island, Bun-day, 8 p.rru For Naas River Points and Port !Mmon, Friday p.m. 123 2nd Avenue. R M. SMITH. Agent. Prlnre Rupert. ILC Through tickets sold lo Victoria and Seattle at a reduced rate and haesaee rherked through to destination. "61" Floor Varnish Kaien Hardware Co. Telephone 3 UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT CENTRAL HOTEL The place called "Home" 120 Rooms, American and European Plan. Hot and Cold Water. Bus meets all trains and boats. Sample Koom Phone 51. L. Martin, Manager. Dr. MAGUilRif I Phone 525. Dentist Over Orme's Drug Store Office Hours 9 to 9 a Lady7 Assistant