V TAXI Boston Grill 25 and Ambulance Large Upstair Dining lUlL Service with newly laid d&nclna Anywhere at Anytime floor, for hire. Stand: Eichanjje IJuildlng NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. PRINCE RUPERT The latest and best for the MATT VIDECK. Prop. least Phone 457. 4 Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Vol XVII . No. 227. Price Five Cents PRINCE RUPERT. B.C.. WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 1 1927 LEAGUE SEMON VERY LABOR MINISTER League of Nations Materially Advances. Cause of Peace in the Session Branding war as crime; insistence on arbitration; and move toward allaying fears of nations are important GENEVA, September 28. The eighth assembly of the League of Nations which closed yesterday is regarded by practically all the delegates as having materially advanced the cause of peace. The most striking manifestation of the movement toward peace was the branding of war as an international crime, the insistence upon conciliation and arbitration and the determination to construct some machinery of security to allay the fears of the nations subject to attack. There was also an expression of an abiding faith that the masses of the people will encourage and support the leaders of governments in forging antiwar machinery. INDIANS HERE 300 YEARS IS CLEARLY SHOWN Tu.r Indian wire tie re at tout 325 jr -.11 ago is the deduction of the D-minion arheologist, Harlan I. Smith. wiii ha been dlfgmg on the site of f do old Indian vlUage ' 8e1 Oove. Throuc.li the co-operation of O. P..R11 of the Seal Cove Lumber Co. red cedar f ump ha been cut across and shows plainly 325 rings. Indicating that It Is 32: years old at least. This tree started af or the starting of the midden dc- McLaren to PILOT PLANE Chosen as Aeronautical Adviser to (Jencral Sutton Who Will Explore Province Major D. R. MacLaren. D.8.O., who was ensued In the aerial patrol of fi hcrles here hls summer, has been f : (pointed aeronautical adviser to General Frank Sutton who recently purchased a F ititer airplane In Vancouver for the purp se of making an aerial exploration of the interior of the province. Major MacLaren will supervise the conversion r the machine to a seaplane and will pilot the ship on 1U trip which, it 1 understood, will be toy way of Prince Rupert. General Sutton's new' machine was originally constructed for the Argentine round-the-world flyer, Major Zannl, and was recently bought from Major Us homo who halt manned to make a trans-Paclflc flight In It. MEN BURIED IN A LANDSLIDE Two Killed, One Injured and Lo comotive and Lars Huriea Near' Hluejliver' VANCOUVER. Seift. 28. N. J. Mac- I id, late of Edmonton, and D. S Poole, address unknown, were killed In a landslide which turned over the giant steam ahovel engaged at the big fill Cottuuwood Flats near Blue River. Wll- dlam Bishop, whd was Injured, is expected i(i recover. The two victims were burled under 33 feet of material and so far the bodies have not been recovered. The lo- iiu r.l .e and eight cars, also are burled. Which Closed Yesterday ? SB newti-anem riK C.tN.UH.tX .UK FORCE OTTAWA. Sept. 28. Ta meet the Increased acttrity In aviation, the Canadian ilr force will be equipped with 28 new planes, it ti reported here today at cost of H OO.OOO. " ROSE HARBOR ON ISLANDS TO HAYE POST-OFFICE NOW The poHtal department announces that new post-offices are being opened at Allison Harbor, off Queen Charlotte Bound, and Rose Harbor on the Queen Charlotte Islands. The post-office at South Port George Is being doted and from now on mall for that point will be handled at Prince Oeorge. . VANCOUVER POLICE OFFICERS EXONERATED VANCOUVER. Sept. 28. Charges against Sergeant detective Oeorge Mc Laughlln and Detective D. A. McGregor ofthe morality squad were not support ed by evidence and the officers -were completely exonerated by the police commissioner. It was announced today. ST. PAUL FLYER IS" WINNER OF RACE PORTLAND. Sept. 28. By a margin of 27 sections. C. W. Holman. the St. Paul flyer, won the 295 mile air race from Spokane to Portland and won (1,000. E. E. Ballough of Chicago came second. VANCOUVUK EXCHANGE Rid Asked Wheat 1.37 ft B.C. Silver 1.40 Coast Copper 1S.7S 18.50 Cork Province . .UI-4 .08 Dunwell .33 K .35 Glacier .06 Gladstone .13 .17 Independence .03 V4 .07 Indian .07 L. and L. .07V4 Leadsmlth .04 .06 Lucky Jim .28 28 H Marmot Metals .10 .13 Premier 2.25 2.28 Porter Idaho . . 30 13 Richmond .13 Sllvcrcrest .03 Silversmith .18 .194 Surf Inlet .01 H .01 V, Bunloch .55 .70 Big Missouri . . . .31 J3 INTERVENES SETTLE ENGINEERS' PIRATES SURE j OF FLAG NOW St. Louis Cardinal Hare Hut Re-mete Chance of Capturing Pennant (Hants out of Hace NEW YORK. Sept. M. P!ttburj Piratas. cl.ng.ng to a two-game lead over St. Louis Cardinals, are almost sure winners jX the National League pennant and the rkjht to play Jw York Yankees American League leaden, to the World Series next week. With three games yet to play with Cincinnati Reds, the Pirates will have cinched the pennant if they ecu win two game, even supposing the CardaiaW toak all their regaining games. The Olants are almoit noun ted out. their loss to Philadelphia on Monday practcaUy ending their j tunc. Babe Ruth, made his fifty-seventh home run of the .Reason for New York Yankees and la . now but two behind 1 his binoer record of J92l He jhas, throeL games to go. Lou oebrtg.. RuthT team mate, made bis forty-sixth home run. MOMI.IVS U.tMEM National New York 2, Philadelphia 9. Pittsburg 1, Chicago 0. St. Louis 3, Cincinnati 1. American Detroit 3. Cleveland 1. Washington 4-11. Boston 5-1. TIESIMVN (1AM KM . NATIoS'AL LKACilK New York 6. Philadelphia 2. Pittsburg 2, Chicago 2. St. Louis 4, Cincinnati 1. AMERICAN l.E.Uil E Philadelphia 4, New York, 7. PETER HEENAN SETTLEMENT SUGGESTION Engineers and Railway Companies Agree to Consider 1'roposals OTTAWA. Wept. S8. Suggestions niiide by lion. Peter llrenaii as the basis of M-tllrmriit of the Mage dispute hrtwern Hie- Canadian Purlfle, Canadian National and Tainlscam-Ing and Northern Rallnajs unci (iren thousand locomotive engineers will he considered by the campaii-les concerned and Ihe men. It was agreed after a conference between representatives of the men and the minister of lalwir. The engineers ore askiug a wage I n (reuse of fifteen per rent and the suggestion of the minister Is on the basis of a compromise. GENERAL BRUTINEL GIVEN RECEPTION IN SOUTHERN CITY VANCOUVER, Sept. 28. Brigadier Oencral Raymond Brutlnel, i k.cb., C-M.G.. D.3.O., who arrived here from from Prince Rupert, was the; guest of honor at a dinner given by the 11th Machine Gun Battalion. Many men who served under General Brutlnel were on hand to hear hjm relate some Interesting experiences of Ah? tmes when, he was commanders 'ri-chlet of the Canadian Machine Gun Corps during the Great War. VANCOUVER WOMAN FOR VICTORIA POLICE VICTORIA. Sept. 28. Miss Margaret Walker of Vancouver was appointed police woman on the force here by the city police commission last night. a i i i i mmim j-strvr- - 7k yrcv THE GENERAL SPEAKS: An unusual snapshot of General Primo De Rivera, dictator of Spain, delivering a heart to heart military talk. Output of Seal Cove Lumber Co. Is Doubled as Result of the New Machinery They Have Installed The Seal Cove Lumber Company has just completed the In stallation of machinery which has doubled its capacity and enables it to cater to the business of Prince Rupert much more effectually than it has done in the past. It can now cut 20,000 feet of lumber a day and can also make shingles, boxes, and all kinds of lumber that is in general demand in the shingle trades. The machines just installed a large edger, a heavy saw carriage, two new motors and a refuse burner and conveyor. There is now a complete box factory, and shingle factory as well as lumber mill. C. P. Reil, the manager, states that the new machinery is already in operation and his plant is now complete and doing business. FISH ARRIVALS HEAVIER TODAY All Hut Two Small Hoats Sold for 12c and 6c at Exchange This Morning A total of 188,700 pounds of hail-but was sold at the Fish Exchange this morning. Six American vessels disposed of 183,000 pounds all for 12c and 6c, while three small Canadians sold 5,700 pounds at bids of 12c and 6c and 12.1c and 6c. Arrivals and sales were as follows: AMERICAN Sunset. 32,000 pounds, and Brisk, 35,-000 pounds. Booth Fisheries, 12c and 6c. Arrow, 32.000 pounds, Royal Fish Co., 12c and 6c. S'rlus, 10,000 pounds, and North, 50,-000 pounds. Canadian Fish ic Cold Storage Co., 12c and 6c. Brunvol. 21.000 pounds, Atlln Fisheries, 12c and 6c. CANAMAV Brant. 2,500 pounds, Atlln Fisheries, 12.1c and 6c. i N. Ss 3., 1300 pounds, Canadian Fish Si Cold Storage Co., 12c and 6c. M. A B.. 1.400 pounds, Canadian Fish k Cold Storage Co.. 12.1c and 6c. OLD COUNTRY FOOTBALL SCOTTISH I.KAOI K, DIV i. Aberdeen 4, St. Johnstone 0. KMiMMI LE.(U'K, DIV. 11. Barnsley 2, Leeds 1. Advertise In The Dally News include a box" printing machine, SOLO FLIGHT 8,000 MILES Lieut. IL IL Hentlcy Arrived at Capetown From England Alone CAPETOWN. Sept. 28. Lieut. It. K. Ilrntlry, Instructor for the South African air force, has created what Is said to be a world record long distance solo fll;lit when he arrived from llrndon, England, In a light Moth airplane. ' The distance Is bore than seven thousand miles, Lieut, licntlry started nn September 1, making the trip In long hops to Vpvr the frasllillltj of London to Capctoun air communication. LAWSUIT AS RESULT FIRE Timber Company Sues Robert Dollar Company and Counter Claim is Filed VANCOUVER. Sept. 28. The Thom ron & Clark Timber Company, Ltd, -ls'm 147.187 damages and the defend ant, the Canadian Robert Dollar Co., Ltd.. counter claims for S68.910. The ce.se orns ta the supreme court today l-cfore Mr. Justice Oregsry. The parties charge each other with aUewlng fire to pread to the other's aeoperty In the Newcastle district of Vancouver Island cn June 19, 1923. Problems of Canada Discussed by Minister of Finance and by Members of Touring Group SASKATOON, September 28. Speaking before the Canadian Club here last night, Hon. J. A. Robb, minister of finance, referring to the development of the Dominion, declared what was needed was a practical application of the gospel of sympathetic understanding one of another. Canada, the minister said, wants people but wants the right type who will become Canadians and whose sons will grow up as true British Canadians. If it is known that Canada Is prospering, and contented, that the system of government is efficient, this is .o- beit possible meatum of advertls- ing lor the country. WIXMPEa. Set. 28 Two things Impressed members of the Canadian Chamber ol commerce party on a month's tcur of Western Canada. The first Is tlr.t tlic heart U Ciaada Is truly British and that tbi people of the west are wjrta.g w.th a wli. at the problem of clldliying Canadian business life. SALE OK Pl'LP MILL t SITE REACHES ITS f IINAL STAOE TODAY Jamas A. Brown of Port Es- and Harry Saunders of Hamilton. Ontsrio. have c?me to terms whereby the sawmill and site of the former of the Ecrtall win uwviut Utter, who proposes the erection oi tne puip mm. nr. aaunaers r stated thU jndrhtni that he x- i1 -r first of next week. Terms of the dial, which Is to be finally signed this afternoon on the arrival of Mr. Saunders' counsel In the city, ere cot divulged. serratlve party here which, opens Octo-slcgtoa ber 10 and will cantlnue in session for i i , Tjoi puucrai is scarcely wconaary to m -Yi ' Outhrle 1 expected to-br-ciKXken' leader . j difference between EXPORT AND DOMESTIC VICTORIA. Sept. 23. That there Is no merit in the claim of British Columbia that western domestic grain rates should be reduced to the level of the export rate is the Interpretation nf the detailed Judgment of the railway board received at the Parliament Buildings today. "WILDCAT" CARTER IS VICTOR OVER FOLEY SEVTTLE. Sept. 28. Leslie "Wildcat- Carter of Everett, lightweight boxer, was awarded the decision in six fast rounds against Vlo . Foley of Vancouver here lat night. . i WEATHER REPORT. Prince Rupert. Raining, light south east wind; temperature, 54. Hazelton. Cloudy, calm, temp. 50. Smlthers, Cloudy, calm, temp. 50. Burns Lake. Cloudy, windy, temp. 50. Terrace. Rain, calm, temp. 50. Rosswood. Rain, calm, temp. 51. Alyansh. Rain, windy, temp'. 52. Alice Arm. Rain. calm. temp. 50. 1 Anyox. Rain, calm, temp. 52. Stewart. Rain, calm, temp. 51. WIRELESS REPORT 8 a.m. DIOBY ISLAND. Raining, light southeast wind; barometer, 29.94; temperature,- 54; sea smooth; 11 pjn. spoke steamer GrtSeo, towing Qriflnlt, left Maple Bay at 9 p.m for Anyox; 8 pjn. spoke steamer Salmon King, Ketchikan for Seattle, 350 miles from Seattle. BULL HARBOR. Cloudy, fresh southwest wind: barometer, 29.64; tempera ture, 52; sea moderate; 8 ajn. spoke steamer Nootka. at Koprlno; 8 ajn. spoke steamer Catala at Butedale south bound. DEAD TREE POINT. Raining, calm- barometer. 29.60; temperature, 49; sea smooth. NOON" DIOBY ISLAND. Part cloudy, calm: barometer. 29.67; temperature, 53; sea smooth: 10.15 am. in steamer Prince George northbound. BULL HARBOR Part cloudy, fresh southwest wind: barometer. 29.65; temperature. 54: sea moderate. DEAD TREE POINT Overcast, calm: barometer, 29.78; temperature, 52; sea smooth. STRIKE CONSERVATIVES ARE PREPARING New Leader With New Policy Expected to be Chosen by Iiig Convention WINNIPEG. S;pt. 28. Anybody who Is anybody In the Conservative ranks Is expected to be in attendance at the great national convention of the Con- several days. While the question of leadership Is the Ftit to be decided. ths.jquestlon s l' tn1 lne outstanding, feature of.. .the putform U expected to bea modlflcatfon o: tne old national policy or niga tanrr to suit the prairie farmers Jot whc benefit this convention, is being staged... ' An effort is to be made to convert them to the neW Toryism which will be pro-' pounded at' the gathering. ', Every effort Is belng.jnade to give the convention a spectacular glamor which wUl be Impressive. The new leader wrth a new policy It la thought should make a strong public appeal. The response to the Invitations to ap point delegates has been complete and on the 10th of October' Winnipeg will have wrthtn Its municipal .boundaries more Tories than have ever been there at one time before. AIR SERVICE FOR DAWSON Yukon to Get Mails and Passengers in Five Hours Instead of Twelve Days VANCOUVER, Sept. 28. The monoplane Queen of the Yukon, piloted by Lieutenant A. O. Crulckshanlc, formerly ' of the Royal Air Force, arrived today from Los Angeles after making several stop-overs and will be shipped north to give a passenger and mail service between Whltehorse. Mayo, Keno, Dawson and other Yukon points. The air service, it is claimed will re duce the winter maU time of twelve to fourteen days between Whltehorse and Dawson to a total of five hours. DAGSLAND CASE APPEAL TODAY Case Being Heard at Vancouver Against Judgment of Admiralty Court VANCOUVER. Sept. 28. Appeal Is , proceeding In the exchequer court before Mr. Justice A. K- Maclean In the case in which the Union Steamship Company is appealing from the Judgment of Mr. Justice Archer Martin In qip. adr-traltf, qoyrUfldeflniYhlch $2Q.-00p, damage nwf awarded.. Mrs, Mar-( ,tha 'DagMand tp; ,tbf .flripjjnl pf her husband Erik Dagsland. -Whose boat was struck by the Catala 03 the mouth of the Skeena River on July 19, 1M5. BROTHER OF HENRY DIED LAST NIGHT DETROIT. Spt. 28. John Ford, 62, brother of Henry Ford died of heart. ' d:aeae last night. He was a real estate dealer. vi