fAGE SIX THE DAILY NEWS I a Stationery Office Supplies School Supplies Kodaks Films Phonographs Records Novelties Dennison Goods Birthday ani Every Day Cards Third Avenue (Oppose Third Street) Phone 234 JAEGER PI RE WOOL Underwear For the Chilly Days Ladies' Vesta, fight yet warm Opera Style $1.50 Sleeveless Style .. $1.75 Union Suit and Bloomers in all styles JAEGER BLANKETS Two sires, 7 or 9 lb. per pair The name "Jaeger" on any article means Quality. MWallaceCoitd. 3rd Avenue and Fulton Phone 9 FRUIT SPECIALS An exceptionally low cut price on Mclntoch Red Apples, Fancy, Ier box $2J5 Mcintosh Red, Jumble Pack, per box . . k $2JK Peaches, per crate .. $1.9.1 Prunes, jx-r crate $1.25 Preserving Pears, per box f'ZJKi Crab Apples, per box $2.75 Get your preserving fruit now at the above bargain prices. Mussallem Grocery COMPANY LTD. 417-423 Fifth Ave. East Phone 18 and Phone 84 Prince Rupert, B.C. REDUCTION in Prices 15 per cent off for two weeks only Come in and inspect our stock M.T. LEE LADIES & GENTLEMEN'S TAILOR Third Avenue P.O. Box 977 ANGER, the TAILOR Fine Imported Serge and Scotch Tweed Suits made to order in our shop in Prince Rupert as low GCC ft ft as L ANGER, Cutter and Designer 223 Sixth Street MANY MURDERS IN VANCOUVER Capital Offences Prominent In Docket of Alres at Southern City I" 'ANCOUV LH. Sept. 28. Thirteen turn, iaoruaing four murder charges, came before the grand pary at the rail i Mires, opening here yesterday before Ur. Justice W A. afaedoaaM. tee ease, la which twa Japanese Buxd Wakabsrasal sad Xakamura ni remorea tma tbe As tm when the accused elected to taks a speedy trial. The low capital cbuiei on the Bet are agstas Thomas O. Clark. Dr. J. S. Oladwtn. OeoSrry Walker DoaaM. aad Ureal Took. There u 004 fitter ease which comes nader tbe heading of a capital charge. James Edgecombe, ac cused of crrminal assault. There la one attempted murder charge to be beard, that against T Wnsuo. and two manslaugBter charges, the accused being WBMaai Muggins sad Oeorge Care foot. Charges ha otter ease an the ttat are: Morris McKay Willi ims. bribery: Sam Blumberger. melting itoim property. Thomas Wsylow. ststurory: Tony Stops. (tatutory and Ltm Oim. selling drufi MANSONTELLS OF GOVERNMENT Progress of Past Ten Years Influenced by Heads of Departments TAXCOtrtxa. Sept. 28. Telling the tary of B C.w prog res during tte pact ten years Attorney General Sianson addressed tbe Lasrirr Club The produ tian of tbe fear basse Industrie, agricultural, fishing, mining and lumbering, had dubSed Id that time. Tbe industries payroQ had marc thaa doubled. "Buy B.C. prod arts ass watch B.C grow." was bis slogan. The part ! tbe government plijed in development j of tnfiustry was Illustrated by pointing ; out the leadership Ur. Pattullo had men in organizing the lumber smite !or handling export Tbe sagacity dis- . FIRST MONTH ORDERS WILL TTA RT FRIDAY. ORDER EARLY Local Greea Cabbage, per lb. Pullet Eggs, freshes "'dozen for -.v..:.:.. $i.or Miite Swan Soap, 25 bars for ! V..V .Sl.OO Pacific MHV, per ease ... $."J0 Pastry F1Br, 10 lb, sack, only ftc : Malkin's Beet Marmalade, 4's ."5c Malkin's Best Strawberry Jam, 4's 09f Little White Beans make bean soup, 4 lbs. for 25c Sliced Pineapple, 2"s, extra spe cial, S tins for 50f Malkin's Best Tea, this week only. 2 lb. for $1.35 Hallowi Dates, 2 lb. for 25c Toilet Rells, 25 for $1.00 Canadian Shaker Salt 15c Red Mexican Beans and Chili Powder Telfer'a Prince of Wales Assorted Sweet Biscuits, $&U0 values for ' Mcintosh Apples have arrived. Get our price first. Walt for, Mapara" t Concord Grapes arriving abut the 15th. . . Pure Ted Plum Janv 4's, 2 tins for 95e Canned Corn SpeeiaL 7 tins for $1.00 Sunkist Oranges, 3 sizes, 48 for 81.00 36 for $1.00 and per doz. 50 B.C. Butchers & Grocers Limited Phones 45 and 574 Wood DRY BIRCH. CEDAR AND JACK PINE Single Load $3.50 Double Load $0.50 Large Sack 50f C BUNDLES DRY KINDLING, 91.00 Phone 580 HydeTransfer AND COAL CO. 139 .Second Avenue Purity Above All "SALADA" TTEsCTal ataftd by Mr Sloan in maintaining sts-ayJ attae iMjaajw sii'sii 'nsii !4w snl tbe eatcrsfia shown by Ur Barrow in bringing. Use- hereto waste area In Sumas flats under culttratlon. Reductions u taiattoa. saw ad social Vsgtstauon maklns labor eaat rated. prexerraUoa of tbe provinces credit by sow ad rmaaetal mariagemeat er other governmental palters ooatributhag to the tacrease mi prosperity. There was a tmnesswoui to- crease la laeorporaUon of new naalea which showed capital was betag attracted to come to B.C. WONDERFUL PLAYING OF VICTORIA PIANIST Mme. Gertrude lloatly's KeeUsI rtte tag Tour of Earspe was Wonderful Xlsay people were lmsbtr to gam ad mittance at the Quadra Street Uetro-patltaa Institute on tbe occiaeatm of Hist. Oevtrade Huntly's recital h)i 3 Victoria Times, tbe first atnse her lastera tour and ber nswrifioa at Lea-doa and Paris last season. Local hater-est in tbetr feUow-dtawn has at ear waned It baa always beta keea. ea-couragtng and satbuati stag. lade em. iweogaitsoe aad adsaajatsga of ber high gtfta are greater tbaa ever, and no per re:.'. Canners would be T4 Paclled under spotless conditions. o-.v.r io Duct ecju.pmeot aad no ses would be issued to sr.? but ing LOST RIVER NEAR JASPER Disappears Into Medicine Lake, Which Has no Viable Outlet I MSm Sept 28 La Wuliikfdon rd all members of nce-rsgs! frty were keenly Inseras'.ed in what tbstr guide had So tan them about the I lost UaUgne Htecr. It runs full and eliuam tor tstve anQss to Medietas Lake sad Umr It Is spent tor Medicttw Lake hss saa esrUet. Fartfear aloesj. bowewer. It sprouu cut of he neks only tweaty jxr osast of fas street, and roas tor esgbtees atOes to 'Jf Canyoa. But oambag out of the caayon It baa sw ctapented to half Its anginal star. The mystery of tbe iiadnanjund river is still a mystery. PROVINCIAL HEAD OF EASTERN STAR HERE woader, ataee ber mtersattnasl rrpute. aadtn; to ber destined future honors IM Ro rampbefl. WorthT Grand sad Itorlei. Nattwally poseeseeel of rare ' Matron. Rearhr City lor Official musical girts, there la no aeaytag that VMt ra time goes on aad with the gam or experience esseaUal to aB who asatte to greatnesa. Ume. Haatty bas broadened ta her art coastderaaty. UK eeoa-m neored one of ber life's trtn-norn tbe &8n from tbe south OWB cs "" Oeorge Inspired, no doubt, by magarflrleat reception aeooroed her. aad knowing nwralag and on ytiday naghl wUl W aJ x to BeUl Cbaptsr of ber audience as she does, she ptayed sunerlatlrelT. and the aooeal she made B-f" JsroeeeeSng on Saturday to those nreaent was instant, stuoen- tnoralag"s train tram fo to Prince Prince George George doua. PROPOSED REDUCTION OF FISHING GEAR IS maim in south VANCOUVER Eept 28 Following the recent announcement of Major J. A. Miss Rose Campbell grind ns of Bitttoh the roslif Star, CSjtUsabta. ajilvstl ta ta VanccuTer. i tbe Orand Order of tat etty to nan tbe chapter at that point Con-, asaerable entertalnmert to boaor of Usss Campbell dunng ber stay here a atannrd by local meahen.of the Star VANCOUVER ISLAND INDIANS COMMITTED ON A MURDER CHARGE Motherwell, chief inspector of fisheries.) tht the British Columbia salmon pack; VICTORIA, Bept 28. Three Indians thja season would fall far abort of t x-' Edward Joe. Jacob Oeorge and Vnnon DeetatkaBs a riM-rtin is tx-mr arranaed David, were eonunltted lor trial on ai by caanen to consider what step may j 00 moroeruig e. a. iscn. iisx be taken to protect tbe Industry oc 1of;no - " It st understood that aa agreement ( will be reached whereby tbe amount of gear win be reduced, as weal as the length of nets. Orders tor aqulawmt ; for the 128 season must be gteca ta! establishment, or re-eerabUahment. of aeroplane patrols for proteettag of tbe Industry against illegal fishing Prominent canners state that they are tuny allre to the neeesstty of reducing operations, and some fseor cut Cash and Carry Grocery 6th Avenue and FuKon Street ie sell for cai why we sell for less. chasing Jh you are a on your investment Quality is high, and prices low. Everything in store plainly marked with price tags. Come in and look things over. Seeing is believing, or phone :04. Five Dollar orders delivered free. S. B. ADAMS, Manager. RECKLESSNESS (Bdaaontoa BoUettai Ttie Attorney Oeaeral of October. It Is stated, so that acttoa may: be taken ta tbe nar future. Another matter which wUl peon- PRINCE KUPEIfT TIDES ably be dtocassed at the meetaag U the ting the number of seine loenes tafBlgfa 1 IX am. half and the number of gffl nets by 3 LAND ACT. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO AIrTT TO LEASE LAND In A Uln Land Reoerdins DHtrtct of the Casslar District, and situs te at the month of Wann River, about 500 feet easterly ateog the shore from the northwest corner of the Ekylark Mineral Claim. TAKE NOTICE that I. Horace Mc-Naughton Fraser. of AUln. oocupatlas B.C. Land Surveyor, acting as agent for the Engineer Gold Mines Ltd, lac Intends to apply tor a lease of the fallow ing oescrioea lanas: Commencing at a post planted about I 500 feet easterly along tbe shore from i the northwest corner of tbe .Skylark 1 Mineral Claim: thence northerly 225 feet, thence easterly 100 feet; thence i southerly ISO feet, more or less, to high ' water mark: thence westerly 100 feet, more or less, to point of commencement, and containing O S acres, more or less. ENGINEER GOLD MINES LTD.. INC.. AvpUcant. I H. MrN. Praser. Agent. Dated August S. 1BZ7 IVEIINEMIAY. P-LTT EMBER S High I 38 am. 1M ft. 14)41 bjsl 24A " Low 8r43 in. 7 - 21.-06 pa. A " TIII RIAY. SEPTEMBER 39 1 11 pa. Low 1:11 am. TIM an. f RIIlAV. CrTEMilEK Hash 1 48 am. 15:42 ana. Lew 9:42 am 22:14 pat. SATl'RUAY. OCTOBER Hkgh 4 ta. 16 14 pm. Low 10 18 am. 22 55 am. 30 HJ ft, 2A " 6.4 - ft. 108 " 7J " wharf, at Port Stauieon. Skeena District Twenty mater accidents in and arc una Bdeaonton during fie last wek-end suggest that life wou'd be safer on tht atreots and roadways at the same curb to recklessness were applied ta Alberta . M ;;. - i -g I rare. BC. BjC. i Ham. 1TA ft. 19J " 8.4 " 6l rtj f rn mms-DK .i .i ...i i a tlu Meurket Prices Tooays priced on the toeal markM HaUhatt. Is underalgned. snd enflubed Tender lor'BMfi LA BO curis Chuaga, fusts red sprasg .. vhtt ssriag. Etmoked kippers, lb. .. ICJafiered salmoB. lb. .. Seaoked black eed. Ib. Fsanan baddies. Ib. ... tb. 2SC 20r m tie 2S: Sr l&e 15c 25c 30c 20c MEATS Fwwt. No. 1, lb 30c and 25c Baaatteg ehtckea. Ib, 45c Horn, stked. first grade 55c whale, fast grade 41c atoaac. ah. 25c Osttafe MBa, lb 30c Baoaa. back. sBeed 60c Bsoob, stde 50c ao 80c Pork, dry salt ... 35c Ayrsatre bacon, lb 35c Veal, shoulder 25c Vest, lain 40c VeaL leg 40c Park, shoulder 28c Park, lete 40c Park, leg 35c Beef, pot roast I2e to 18c Beef, botttaf Mc to Ur wnan nepain. run nunpson, oju. wf HVl "b be recelTBd untU 1! orioVknooB, Tors- I F day. Ortober 11. lm. for repairs to Lsmo. cnops Lamb, shoulder .. Office Building. Victoria. BT also atiMntun thoul'3er the Post OH Ices. Vancouver. BC: Prince i BUTTER ..2c to 48c 20c 60c 35c Plans and forma of contract can be!""011, le seen and specification aad forma of . Iamb. 11 .................... 48c tender obtained at this Department, at vjuttoo. chops 40c SOe Rupert. B.C. and Port Simpson. B.C. 'Brookfletd. Shamrock- and Woodland. ..-. Mm will W. - - nnUii i made on nrlnted forms sunsUed by the ' 10 department and in accordance with con- ' E-C-D.. lb 60c tmiom contained therein. nmti mt a. ... artt Each tender muf. be accompanied by --, .-.,. fh .. . .-1 Ian accepted cheque on a ehamred bank, , -paysbietojane orcer of trie auusster ot ;, Public Works, equal to 10 per cent of Csmembert cheo. 8 oz. pkg. 65c SoctiisianW jCaaada" orBHonds of tfe Krart. I litter, Canadahmrrstlonal RaHway Company Ontario solids win also be accepted as security, or stllton. Ib 403 oonos U3 a curque 11 requireu so suk up an odd amount. limit tic Note. Blue prints can be obtained at Norwegian Ooat gSe tjls Department b) depositing an ac- Napoleon Llmberger 70c PS raoie to toe order of the Minister 01 ' buc worxs, wnien wm be returned a ttwrris srooEiiesa. 10 acj (h. l,tln kMik, .iilwrtl - MMi.l.r ... 1 " b - oorgunaais, in. vac By order. lUcLaxen's Cream. Jars .... 45c and 85cJ B. E. OXRIEN. I Brook! Md 8wiss cheese. lb. pkg. 20c Department . , of , Fubllr w. Works. . Secretary. Erootfleld Canadian cheese. H lb. pkg. Ottawa, September 12, 1227. 222 1 256 Wednesday SpeTr,, Special Values cne Uv-uasnd motor l:oenses nave bee., aaneelied m that prov , l ; lor cause - ir :ng for riolanoti of the law for Month-End THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY EVERY ONE A WINNER! Table Oilcloth White or Colored. QCp Children Cahrhrre lloe Brown, liia. . si.oo ausausaammaaaausssauaasaBsaausss Ladies" Silk lloe Clearing lines values 77 . , , .. " ci tk fiCra Children a Itajon 14Ie Ilo!e While Sa- : 95c rjx. si-oo Udie Itainroats ! to. Green or Red. t.j:. ld Sttealer - i clr t- .lu,. i for Keohir D'D ?Lr S2.50 Six Only. Ladies' Coats These are laat IS I)rcM-IaclujiBr Sergev Repprs, 1 , ymr and nt be cleared alue. nets and 3rn Silk, to SI 4.50 Qn qc To clear at v Striped Flannelette In Blue, Pink. ;-. Ladies Coreletle la size K to 04 OrT eU. Q-f nn A,fitf 40. Very special 6 yanes far Ol.UU Crrpe-de-Chine Is a beautiful ran?? of Comfortcm Caw ssj a pood rradt- . r 91.50 Oa-.OU Yaatr cWe. per yard Each Our tables arc loaded with Seasonable Merchandise, at Special Prices for this occasion. The H. S. Wallace Co., Ltd. 3rd and Fulton Phone 9 32a, WESTHOLME THEATRE'l WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY. 7 and 9 p.m. 1 "Winners of the Wilderness" A romance of the Great West. TIM .McCOY, JOAN CRAWFORD, FRANK CURRIER, ROY D'ARCY, EDWARD 11 EARN, LOUISE LORILA1NE and otbera. COMEDY "A ONE MAMA MAN" AESOP'S FUJI FAULES Admission Sic and 10c Canadian National Steamships Co. Limited Prince Rupert j DRYD0CK AND SHIPYARD Op rating G.T.P. 20.000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Enainrern. Machinists. Boilermakers, Blacksmiths. Pattern makers. Founders, Woodworkers Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipjd to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 385 Join Our Christmas Kroehler Gi ONLY ?10.(M) DOWN NOW $85.00 December on delivery, and $25.00 per month January i -to October 1st, 1928. eends to your home the best Chesterfield Suite made. Barrie's Home Furnishings Box 808 Phone W