T. THE PIONEER LAUNDRY KIDS SYoOKMGW . Haw . A - - w - w - PEA. LOW Kn-tet t ., i VJWLN 2k. L&UNQPv Bsi?OlLS HIS COU.AR.S . , WKLL, he won't holler with anything but praise when his collars are returned from this laundry. There' a feeling of romfort and newness when he puts it on and he smiles again when he it in the mirror. When yo have your collars laundered our way just once, you'll wonder why you hadn't e 'i joyed real comfort before. Pioneer Laund ry I'hone 118 "SEP WESTINGHOUS E fiecliic Ranges Easier! Safer! More convenient to operate :md give better results L (et a Westinghouse Electric Knnire. heaper in the long run. Prince Rupert Supply Co. 211 Fourth Street J. A. llinton Manager. YOU ARE INVITED to see Ladies' Coats Hats nnd Dresses at The Louvre 31 C Third f venue Next Royal Bank LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 63 Cartaire, Warehousing, and Distributintr. Team or Motor Service. Coal Sand and Gravel. We Specialize in Piano and Pomittirtr-Moving;. English Made - to Measure Suits and Pure Wool Cloths By Mail. AGENTS WANTED to carry cloth patterns and take measures for English high-grade Tailoring House. Liberal commission. Cwh trade. Splendid opening for storekeeper. Knt carrying other lines or man with large circle of friends. Write, enclosing bank reference, to Dep' C Commercial Advertising Service. North Parade. Manrrhester. EnRlund. U27 THS DAILT IIS773 PAGE YW'Z COULD STOP ' , FUTURE WARS That Im Opinion of George Her-nard Shaw as Given in Pre Interview The -Uxckatar Evening Newa" ha I ublWbed Itateevwwa with a number oi public tnB who were asked to uum fh question: "Can Ewope prevrnt the m-xt wvr The question mm out oj an ertiele by Ramaoy UacDoBaM on g:unuaiMt la the previous day's M. sue pldtai fw "A Salted State uf Europe." Bernard Shaw ul4:- "I think tbe thane omtM be done without wetting far a tanned Stales M Europe, tf any Male reaSy wanted to do It. En0aad eouM have prevented the war of lM-llafte-baiided if she had unequivocally aaBounoed ta 19 M that if dither Fraaee or Germany opened Ore on om another ahe would join the attacked party aoieiy because she would apt tolerate war on any term, and that on the same around ahe would support Germany agate a Tsarlet attack. "England. Germany, aad France could combine tor the aaatc end. aad make it morally bapoaelble tor the United State ta hoM aloof, if only tbey would take their foreign policies out of the hand of the bloodthirsty people who are aim the chronically terrified people. Holland and the Scandinavian Statea wouM join euch a combination almost automatically. This would be quite enough to begin with without waiting for tbe ad- reoloo of states which are about as I paclflat aa the SouMUh Highlands before j 1745. ''Unfortunately the Power, from mere military and diplomatic habit, are stu: manoeurrlng for tbe Inside grip in the next war, and at 111 defending military frontier which are o grossly incongruous with the ethnographic frontier that peace la Impossible until they are leeUfled. everybody applaud Chrlntmaa card platitudes about peace and goodwUl toward mac, but if anyone polnta out that the flnt qualification of a stable .'untier la that it should be undefended 'like the Canadian frontier), and aa far as passible indefensible, be la dlsmla. d from consideration a a Joker or a ru .1 Still, a fighting Mateemau whose pugnacity wa directed against war might make the beginning of a super- national police movement, for even our military amateurs are beginning to doubt whether we can a fiord ao expensive a bloed sport aa modern war." Advertise In The Dally News V Ax TIMHEH SALE X4303 , . , Minuter of Land, at Victoria. BjC., not later than noon, on the 13th day of October. 1927. for the purchase of Pulp Licence X08. to cut 4B.408.D00 f.bjn. Bpruce, Hemlock and Cedar on an area situated on Copper Bay. Moresby toI2d:.Qlia. Charlotte Islands District, Thirty (SO) years will be allowed for removal of timber. Further particulars of the Chief For- este, Victoria. B.C.. or District Forester. , Prince Rupert, B.C. TIMBER SALE X4298 Sealed Tenders wlU be received by the later than noon on the 13th day of , October, 19Z7. lor the purcnase oi ruip Licence X43V8. to cut 12.092.OO0 f.bjn. Spruce. Hemlock and Cedar on an area situated on Grey Bay, Moresby Island, Queen Charlotte Islandi District. Thirty (30) years will be allowed for removal of timber. Further particulars of the Chief For-este, Victoria, B.C., or District Forester, Prince Rupert. B.C. TIMBER SALE X4297 Sealed Tenders will be received by the Minister of Lands, at Victoria. B.C., not later than 'noon '-on the ISth day of October, 1927. for the purchase of Pulp Licence X4297. to cut J8.375.OO0 f.bJn. Knnire Hemlock and Cedar on an area pittuated on Copper; Bay. Moresby Island. Queen Charlotte'Ulanos District. Thirty (30i years s wut1 wlIKb allowed lorj,,,- Itoetopat-of'irimeuceoiW- . ' ;ttiiW,wo thaVpornotf-ttT the its of he -Chief Fof-T laianfl occtTDled by Indian Reserve No. 18, removal or ximoer. " 'Further Dartlculara este. Victoria. 3.Ga.pr District Forester, ' " ' Prince Rupert. B.C. IN PROBATE IN THE KITH EM i: roi'KT OF HUITISII COLUMllIt In the Matter of the Administration Act; and . , In the Matter of the Estate of Joe Elman (otherwise) Joe Herman, Deceased, Intestate. TAKE NOTICE that by order ol HI Honor F. McB. Young, the 11th day of August, AJJ. 1927. I wa appointed Administrator of the estate of Joe Elman (otherwise) Joe Herman, deceased, and all parties having claim against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or before the 21st day of September, AD. 1927. and all parties Indebted to the estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT, Official Administrator, Prince Rupert, B.C. 1927. Dated the 34th day of August. AD. IN PK0HATE. IN THE SfPKEME COFIIT OF ISKITISII roi.r,Miti. In the Matter of the Administration Act; and In the Matter of th Estate of Duncan Ollbert McKay. Deceased. Intestate. TAKE NOTICE that by order of His Honor, F. McB. Young, the 27th day of August. AX). 1027, I was appointed Administrator of the estate of Duncan Ollbert McKay, deceased, and all parties having claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or before the 1st day of October. AX). 1927. and all partle Indebted to the estate are required to pay, the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT, Official Administrator, Prince Rupert, B.C. Dated the 1st day of September. AD. 1927. YOUR CHILDREN NEED THIS PURIFYING TOILET SOAP It's all in the day's plsy to get hands and face innocently dirty. Yet in the dirt, there may be lurking dangerous germs of disease. There is no simpler, turn protection against this danger than lifebuoy Soap. Its gentle lather removes germs as well as dirt ea-GRM DISEASES mar be earned by thtUnds." Lift txtnun Itmima LB711 LIFEBUOY HEALTH SOAP Purifies and Protects V T il 1 1 . n - 1 GENERAL ASHTON ON WAY TO THIS CITY lu.irtrrmai.trT Oenrral Saw Several Wild Animals When Mopping at Jasper JASPER. Beat, M. U)or General E. A. Ashton, of Ottawa, Quartermaster Oeneeal of Canada, and Mrs. AatitoB who are staying a taw days at Jasper National Park on their way to Prince Rupert aed Vaaoaaver had a thrtUteg experience today when tbey made a motor trip to MaUglte Canyon. Tfcey enjoyed the drive Itself very much, ao tbey told fellow guests at tbe Lodge, and tbey were much impressed by the weird rock formations hollowed out by the turbulent little stream that dachas from Medicine Lake to tbe Athabasca, but Uir'T freateet delight was the un- expected sight or a number oi big game " uumoi. in a " trio of only ' six mllsi r ' two " non rm' on and a bear. "I know tbe animals are pumttful in the park " aad are often f" . , . . " lodge," General Ash- ton said, "but this was a real surprise Th, were maanlflcient heads and they stood right out In the road. We oouHtnt have had a better view of them." Tbe Oeneral la due at Prince Rupert ourBal Advertise In Tbe Dally News LAND ACT. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE LAND. In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Coast District. Ranee 4. and situate on and being. all of Bonllla Island except that portion occupied by Indian Reserve Number 18. TAKE NOTICE that-1. Ole a Austad, of Prince Rupert, B.C., occupation rancher. Intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted & the southeasterly point of Bonllla Island; thence northerly, westerly, southerly and, otrlv fr.llnwlnff t?i alnnnnJtta- nt ."The and contatDjng one. Ihousand acres, -more or lass. OLE C. AUSTAD. Applicant Paled July 18. 1927. IN PROBATE IN THE SITKEMK COl'UT OF HUITISII t'OLL'MIII.l In the Matter of the Administration Act: and In the Matter of the Estate of Arthur C Little. Deceased. Intestate. TAKE NOTICE that by order of H'- I Honor, F. McB. Young, the 20th dav ni I September. AX). 1827. I was appun.'f! .' Administrator oi we estate oi Artnur t. Little, deceased, and all parties h:r .--n-. claims against the said estate uro l-cre ' required to furnish same, properly ve-i fled, to me on or before the 21k' C:in i October, AD. 1927, and all parties indebted to the estate are required -: pa' the amount of their Indebtedness to mr forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator Prince Rupert B.C Dated the 21st day of September. AX). 1927. IN PROBATE. IN THE fUTKEME COI RT OF I1KITISH COLUMBIA In the Matter of the Administration Act; and In the Matter of the Estate of John Oaddy. Deceased. Intestate. TAKE NOTICE that by order of His Honor F. McB. Young, the 20th day of July. AX). 1927. I was appointed Administrator of the estate of John Cacfjy deceased, and all parties having claim against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or before the 20th day of August. AJJ. 1927. and all parties indebted to the estate, are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator, Dated tb 25th day of July. AX). i27. NOCTOVISION LATEST FAD ; All Actions of Person Telephoning in Dark Seen 200 Mile Away i LONDON. Sop; M Slrtaag in a dark-, enad roans at : he top of Metograph House. Upsxr Street, MarantVLane. vv.c, one aaght recently, a Dally New reporter sew ttv- face of a DaUy News -illeaguo w1aM9 nad been , om 300 miles o. spare Iran the tloa OJtioes'at Isati by of L. Banfrs new Noctovision aaparatuai, 1 This sraj the Uggest aBarialtc made In MoctoviMon Prevkoussy IB&ii&s had been transmitted only over aajan i distances. 'While the reporter ta Tnwdaa watabed ; the tare of has colleague flit In ataeeato ' line -irroes a narrow atrip of growad glas which asrved aa a aoreea.' the Dally Hews ajama aaya. "I spoke to aim 1 on tbe tflapoone He sat la a room I Leeds. I faaed aim to move the re ' ce:ver. graap It in his left hand and take aay the tsaaahoa stand front the f ont ol his swouth h obeyed all xay reque.u protaptly. and I was ass to watcb htm anal check his in naaiiiiil "The ln.ayi Was saffleleauy otear tar nie to rr gnaw isrea. though a rurtasn emsunt of aUatDrtlon appeared laeetV j able. ! "Mr BaJM explained to ate over the phone during the dewonetraUoe that : N.iot-vlslon la an lmproveasaat oa tei-i.slon. "In Ulevtatoa." he aaM. "the aubjact siu in a arullant light, whereas la Ko'toruaion tbe apparatus aad the aub- -t are In total dsrkness. The tratav- : a.kulcn through ipso in alone by toe invisible infra-red rsyn J "Hitherto by means of television we. have ent figure from Glasgow a davj tauce c.f 400 mllet but thai Is tbe first occaslcci we have used Mocto vision over 'o greirt a dletsn e a 300 males. Man in the Moon ' A BARBER is always raady to take maetMng off for cW. PSAIRIE cltkM are running ome of the ooeet cities very ekan. Portage La Prairie baa a test rat of 4a YOU stay possibly haw heard about that man who edited a sxtwepapar without a sciMor. Doat beiieve It. Its a fairy tale. Look at yesterday's local sheet. T YOU all know haw noted the Freadh are far dry r-eShtag- Yes. there a 1 bath tab in France tor every six hundred prtaon Tbey ought to be skilled I dry cleaner. YES, 'many yean age It seem I cahed my girl a skirt But now I know if I called her that The epithet- would hurt. THIS warm autumn weather la hardly a fair deal far the cool man. but I suppose be wUl get his Innings. SO far Prince Rupert la not decorated by one of those artistic filling stations that cover a corner lot and provide facilities for motorists including free air and water. JAKE says there' plenty of free air and' water here how without a fllllne station. I AM a strong believer in the Darwinian theory, the survival of the fattest. CAN you wonder at the truth hurting when it la stretched so much? , The other day" the office boy was Agreeably aged, smooth, fragrant m ' ingenlal com pany anywhere OLD This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia now is- " makes the AMONG and winter-long because so thousands of How can The answer Heating System principles. guarantees an seventy McOary't and Ventilating code (or installing Sutuhine Furnace less to maintain in every room. UcOtrr't Veatibtsil u sn exclusive famr of McCUrr Suaahia Furuct, which burn toft coal cquall r as well M hud ml rok or .wood. It nii prs. huttd tr wnh soft coal gucf tml awnvwa them into Sum thm limin:ifia wot, wMa sad tluu. Fill is sad mall attached coupon, and ill Mad you B4UM and sdUirou ol the nearoot KtfQary'a oWor bo will itatanm a "Cod Iintallod" hoating ) whkh will " lilotims aatufscusn. SUNSHINE FURNACE Can Also be Fitted With Miles Automatic Furnace Fan Where Required , Agents for McClary Furnaces - Ratchford i asked If the editor was In. "I should say he was in." was the Impish reply. "He's In wrong. The people dont like his editorials, the subscriber are not getting their paper and I feel like quitting because he asked me to step out while be talked to a visitor. Bhe is In there now. Yes, air, the bos Is' surely In. Co and knock at his door Knock loud or he wont bear." THE days are getting shorter and the long winter evenings are coming, ao what about It THERE come the winter evening All cheery and all bright To see the young folks round the Are Ii sure a pretty sight. THE recent storms remind us that the rain still falls on the just and on the untust. on the sood and ibsAthe isiny good, on uie wtj.rt-WBea anuoo the hunters, on thet'muslcar and, those who think they can. sing, on the people' who do thing and on those who stand aside and critlcfse. No matter which vlaV'yoit''b'eWg to the only way to avoid having the rain fall on you Is to stay at home or hire a taxi. OIL IIUSTRY LAKE TITICACA Steamship Yap lira Again Brought Into Commission Among Clouds WASHINGTON, D.C., Sept. 28. Another page Is to be written In the ready colorful history of the steam -ihlp Yapura. first vessel to navigate Uie waters of Lake Tltlcaca In the Andes mountains, the highest steam navigated lake to the worldT Growth of the oil Industry, reports to the commerce department say, brought her out of retirement. Many years ago, before the Southern Railway of Peru was extended to Lake Titicaca. the Yapura was brought from England to Mollendo, Peru, completely dismantled, mounted on flat car and (hipped to the railhead of the Southern. From -that point the vessel's parts were carried by mule and llama to Puno, on the lake, and reassembled, and she then was placed Into service at an altitude uf 12,545 feet above sea, level. Natives became greatly exeltel when the vessel, of about 1,000 tons, made her lofty maiden voyage, belching forth clouds of black smoke aa she churned the waters near their basket boats. After many year of service, during which time two steamers and a motor-boat Joined her on the lake In the clouds, the Yapura was retired. Bollv- Warm Air Heating most efficient system known to Science! heating experts warm air is known a the most healthful economical form of domestic heating. It forfers healthgives comfort. It costs about one-half that of other systems. Yet, many warm air furnaces are unscientifically installed, householders are not getting the results they should. this condition be remedied ? is "Code Installation". A "Code installed" Warm Air is a system instr.'led according to tried and proven scientific There is no guesswork. "Code Installed" warm air unfailing abundance of moist, circulating healthful heat degrees in every room during sub-zero weather. are the only Canadian members of the National Warm Air Heating Association aa association Vhich has adopted a scientific warm air furnaces. By insisting on a McQary "Code Installed you are guaranteed a hearing system which coxa In to buy and than more elaborate systems yet provide 70 dVgree of heating MAIL. THIS COUPON THE M.XXAKY MFC CO, LONDON, CANADA Plcoao tend bum of neatest McQary fealr who ieaisib Sunalono I'uaoacaa according to Standard Coda. Name Ailtlrcaa mcMrys WATER NOTICE. DIVERSION AND t'SE TAKE NOTICE that E. Rousseau, whose address is 410 Seymour Street, Vancouver, B.C.. will apply for a licence to take and use 1 cubic foot of water out of unnanmed stream -which flows southerly and drains Into Port Stephens Bay, about one mile east of Bluff Point. The water will be diverted from the stream at a point a'xut GOO feet from the mouth and will lie used for commercial purpoMs upon tbe lands described as Lot 2750, Range 4, Coast District. This notice was posted on the ground on the 26th day of July, 1927. A copy ol this notice and an application pursuant thereto and to the "Water Act" will be filed In tbe office of the Water Recorder at Prince Rupert, B.C. Objections to the application may be filed with the aald Water Recorder or with tbe Comptroller of Water Rights, Parliament Buildings, Victoria, B.C.. within thirty daya after the tint appearance of this notice in a local newspaper. The date of the first publication of this notice is August 30, J927. , ' Applicant. LAND ACT. NOTICE OF INT ENTION.TQ APTLY TO LEASE LA Nil,1' i In Queen Charlotte Islands Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate -at 'Jedway Harbor, Moresby Island. Q.C.I. TAKE NOTICE that MUlerd Packing Company, Limited, of Vancouver, B.C., occupation Packers, intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted at the northeast corner of Lot 88, Q.CJ..: thence northwesterly and along high water mark in chains, more or less, to a point N. 58 37' E. from the NX1. corner Lot 140: thence north 50 37' E." 1-5 chains, more or less, to low water mark: thence southeasterly along low water mark to a point N. 56 37' E. from the location post: thence i3 chains, more or less, to the point of commencement, and containing 5 acres, more or less. MILLERD PACKING COMPANY, LIMITED. Applicant. Dated September T. 1027. Ian Industries, however, recently found it advisable to burn oil. so the old Yapura Is now being reconditioned and fitted out as a tanker with a capacity of 1.200 barrels. She will carry crude petroleum from Puno across the lake to, Qulqul for Bolivian consumption. RADIOGRAMS MAY GO AS PICTURES CHICAGO, Sept. 38. Radiograms of the future wlU be sent by the square inch instead of by the word. General James O. Harbor, president of the Radio Corporation of America, predicted here recently. "Tbe transmission of pictures across the Atlantic has been so successful," he aald, "that within a, year facsmilee of messages will be sent at so much per square Inch or so much a page Instead of so much per word." l & Shenton, Phone 33 Thor Johnson for Mens Clothing and Furnishings The home of "SOCIETY BRAND-CLOTHES IF ARE 1 ailing, unaMe to get a hold on health, write or call at an Iona-Otone Health- Clinic as thousands of others have done. TAKE THE FREE TREAT' MENTS There is no obligation. Sufferers of many years are finding health and contentment in Iona-Otone, the Magnetic Healer. THE IONA-OTONE HEALTH CO. 10-11 Smith Block, Prince Rupert - - B.C MILK,-:- PIC Reduced to 12 pints for $1.00 7 quarts for $1.00 12 pints for $1.00 Cash prico tickets. MeBrldc Street storfs now closed Valentin .Dairy Office nnd Dairy - 11th St. Telephone 657. s i -it-" i J 'I I i in 1 I 4 ft 1