Hi PAGE FOUR - fTy r 75 BRINGING UP FATHER . m I i e in VU.M TKE UAH MtlWa II , By George McMamu , i 1 i JOWTR T Uift'tT! I HELLO , , t WHAT DO YOU WANT ? i r n i nnrnru r i : u llvKiVlLCil I THAT'S ( MTHAT ( NEGLECT is doubtless tb cause of most of the ills tfcat afflict humanity. This is ao self evident that it seems hardly necessary to tell you. If your eyes are givteg trouble, have them attended to and at once. OF ALL absurdities in the kingdom of foolishness, surely the loss of oyeght through neglect is the most inexcusable. DON'T lose health and efficiency through neglect Come and seel Fred Joudry Registered Optometrist and Optician Room 3 Smith Bloek rhone 7S3 INDIAN SUMMERYGET IN YOUtH WILL SOON BE7 COAt FOB THE 1 CONE!- VI COLD GRtV J DAWN fJ i The Fall months are falling behind and you'll have Winter on before you know it. Join the "don't worry" club today and get your bin filled right away. Our slate-free coal will give you a care-free Winter. NANAIMO - WELLINGTON COAL and ALBERTA SOOTLESS COAL Albert & McCaffery Phones 11G and 117 Prince Rupert OAT HOUS Phone 381 P.O. Box 15C5 LAUNCHES, SCOWS, HOW BOATS AND CANOES SAND AND GRAVEL Equipment for Diving and Salvage Work Agents for Easthope Engines and Stump Pullers NORWEGIAN HALIBUT GEAR INN STOCK Compass Adjusting MILK -:- PRICE Reduced to 12 pints for $1.00 7 quarts for $1.00 12 pints for $1.00 Cash price tickets. McBride Street store now closed Valentin Dairy Office and Dairy - 11th St. Telephone 657. Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 575 D MIST ANGER, the TAILOR Fine Imported Serge and Scotch Tweed Suits 'made to order in our shop in Prince Rupert as low GJKET Aft as I. ANGER, Cutter and Designer 223 Sixth Street j C 1 1 " ' INVITATION TO MR. BOURASSA Noted Canadian Nationalist Lead er Asked to Come Here Under Native Sons Auspices Prince Rupert Assembly, Native Son, of Canada, at tts regular meeting last nignt. deVided 4o extead'en tarnation, through the Edmonton Assembly, to t Henri Bouressa. noted Canadian Na tionalist leader wad orator, to visit Priaoe Rupert d urine his forthcoming tour of the West. Should Mr. Bourasae come, the assembly will arrange a ban quet ra his honor and a public meet lag at which he snail speak. The nutter of sending a delegate t the district assembly at Smithers uex. etc was left In the band of the prasl dent, A. J. Prudhomme. with power to act. Instead of the regular meeting on Oc tober 21. the assembly decided to have a whist drive and danoe. A program at activities for the secono Friday of each of the forthcoming win ter month was drawn up as follows November -Debate. Deoe ruber Mock Parliament. January Whist drive and dance. February Annual ball. March Debate. April Whhrt drive and danoe. It was decided to enter telms in the whist and ortbbage leagues. The meeting which was presided over by President Prudhomme was well at ended. FISH ARRIVALS HEAVIER TODAY Total of 230,000 Pounds of Hali but bold at Fish Exchange This Morning Itallbut landings were much heavier here today totalling 250.000 pounds 01 which eight American veetela sold 199,-000 pounds for bids ranging from HJte and 6c to I4jc and 8c, while five Can. adlan boata sold 51,000 pounds for from 11.9c and 6c to 12.1c and 6c. Arrivals and sales were as follows: CANAIHAN Columbia, 38,000 pounds, Pacific FUsh- srles, 11.9c and 6c. Plonear. 38,000 pounds, Canadian Fish it Gold Storage Oo 12.4c and 6c. Atlantic, 38,000 pounds, Booth Fisher -s, 12.8c and 6c. Arctic, 15,000 pounds. Canadian Fish & Oold Storage Co., ia.4c and 6c. Eureka. 15,000 pounds, Atlln Fisher ies, 14.3c and 8c. Qladstone, 1700 pounds, Booth Fish eries, 12.8c and. Cc. Brothers, 10,000 pounds. Booth Flsh- eMes, 14 2c and 8c. Sumner, 40,000 pounds, Atlin Fisher ies. 12.2c and 6c. ' , ". 'AMEKICAN. Helen, 1.800 pSundsi and Scrubs 8.- 000 pounds, Canadian Fish it Cold storage Co., 12c and 6c. White Uly, 1.500 pounds, Atlln Fish eries, ii.6c and 6c. D.8.T., 8,000 pounds. Atlln Fisheries, 13c and 6c. Prosperity a., 27.000 pounds, Canadian Fish it Oold Storage Co., U.9c and 6c. The American vessel Franklin, no wmiiea witn prices availing, proceeded to Seattle with a catch of 52.000 pounds t FOLLOWING OF FIRE EQUIPMENT BY CAR DRIVERS ILLEGAL As a result of the fire at the O.T.P wharf last night, Sergeant J. P. M. Hannah, chief of the city detachment of the provincial police, announced this morning that the practice of automoble drivers to follow the fire equipment on its way to a fire was a dangerous .and ujegal one whleh the- pollce-was determined to put $ stop .to. Aittniver the water noses i another practice agelni which wlU be taken drastic steps. Joseph p. Rogers, accountant of the Rupert Marine Products Co., Ltd., re turned on the Princess Alice this mom ing from a trip to Victoria whence he was called on account of un. Rogers' illness. Charles Hill, on a charge of intoxl cation, was remanded by Magistrate ueri'mont m city police court thh- mormng for eight days, a a, m .-- iycu lUllft lArNftEEa VWA WORLD SERIES TODAY BY TAKING FOURTH STRAIGHT (continued from page one) a bard drive. Keenlg followed with another to the same jjoi. uomDs ntwi uumk w riant, noe- thirT ala matin n.. ZuZ, .mk. wu .k watcneT L"Z 'k' ?by- 5 .-.mx in a row getting out of I a tight mk ua. xsu w iv ra NBCONII lWIMlK Plttabun. Duaan ant nnth.m'. bunt and threw him out at first. Harris ingled past Dugan. Smith filed out to tuth. Hill waa applauded by crowd ruo no " no errors, a be batted and waa paased by Moore Yankee.. Combe walked. Koeelg sac-Waner scratched an InflaWl hft h..h ' rlf loed' 001,5 1,1 lng to second. I: was tfoovs coundn't reach and the bases vert loaded. Teaser! took Barnhart's rrounder and touohed second. No runs, wo hits, no errors. Yankees Wright threw out Dugan t nrtt after a fast play. Collins lashed iUt double to left. Wright threw out taoore at first. Collins holding second right threw out Combs. No runs, one :lt, no errors., TIIIKII INNING. Pittsburg It to now dark and dlffl- ulty experienced following the ball Waner singled sharply past Dugan Wight hit Into a double play. Lazier 1 axing his grounder, touched Waner nd threw Wright out at first. Traynor ued out to Meusel. No runs, one hit, no errors. Yankees. Orantham robbed Koenig f a hit taking the ball on the grass .Hid throwing to first. . Ruth grounded ut to Harris. Orantham got Gehrig's lot shot and tossed him out. Hill was vorklng his screw ball. No runs, no nits, no errors. IOI KTH INNINGS Pittsburg Clehrtg took Grantham's loppsr and touohed flnrt. Harris sin gled to right for his second hit. Smith arced Harris. Hill was thrown out at Irst. No runs, one hit, no errors. Yankees. Meusel thrown out at first Traynor threw Lasrerl out at first. Dugan singled over Traynor 's bead. lUn singled to left, Dugan making ihlrd when L. Waner fumbled the ball for an error. Moore fanned, swinging at third strike. No runs, two hits, one error. FIFTH INNINGS Pittsburg, L. Waner hit Into centre for his third hit of the game but Barnhart hit Into double play, Dugan 'o Laszerl to Oehrig. Keenlg threw out P. Waner at first. No runs, one hit. W errors. Yanks. Combs sent a slashing single to centre for his second hit. Koenig fanr-d. swinging at third strike. Ruth crashed a homer Into the right field stand, scoring Combs ahead rjf him. Crowd was frantic. Oehrig thrown out at first. Meusel out at first. Two runs two 'hits, no errors. KIXTI1 INNINGS Pittsburg. Ruth was given ovation , he walked In. Moore threw Wright nrjt. ; Traynor fanned, swinging auaij. uenrig Knocked down uran .ham's hut but runner was safe. Harris lned out to Combs. No runs, one hit no errors. Yankees. Lazzeri fanned swinging hard. It was Hill's sixth strike out Jugan fouled out to Traynor. Collins walked. Moore singled to right, Collins jotng to third. Combs filed out to Barnhart. No runs, one hit, no errors. SI'.VENTII INNINGS Pittsburg. The crowd stood up as Oehrig took Smiths grounder and tossed to Moore who dropped the ball Yde ran for Smith. Brlckell batted for hill. Lazzeri fumbled Brickwell's grounder and he was safe at first. Yde made second. L. Waner sacrificed. Yde scored on Barnhart's single, over sec ond, Brlckell going to third. Brlckell scored on P. Waner's sacrifice fly to Coombs. Moore threw Wright out at first. Two runs, one hit, two errors Yankees Mlljus now pitching and Oooch catching for Pirates. Koenig I 770 SAVfe- I H with a SiMQNDS SAW l C Stays sharp longer a fa Cuts easier. Saws faster Nga SIMONOS CANADA SAW CO. LTD. MH IfaLgg. MONTREAL fiHJ rV" VANCOUVER. SI JOHN. H.B. MM Kaft Toronto lUaaaaal .... aingled over second. Ruth hit into double ply. Gehrig high filed to Barnhart. No runs, one hit. no errors. r.iniiTii ixsiNns Pittsburg.' Dugan pet Tranter at first. OB a nrattv nlm nf a hud hannar orantham singled over Laawerl's head uwl ... , . .w. thm makta ona oocto WM Pur ranfcegmvMor threw dirt Meuaal Wed out to Harris. Colalngl-Tto '. Lasaed making third Moore swinging valr.ly at drop curve No -7 hit, no errors. NINTH INN1NOK 1 WtUbUlg. Lasseri threw out L ' W,nr " ttnt- n"" nitfS Meusel. Moore threw out P. Waner a hit for Koenig on a wild pitch. Combs went to third and Koenig to second. Ruth was purposely walked Oerhlg fanned, swinging at third strike and the crowd howled. Meusel fanned swinging on third strike. Lazxerl up. Combs scored on a wild pitch. One run. one hit, no errors. NEW BADMINTON CLUB FORMED Another badminton club has been ad- led to those alreMy functioning in the ity. The latest addition Is at Rupert last Gymnasium tinder the auspices of .ne United ChurCh Ah organisation aeetlng was held there last night at whclh officers were elected and plans .liade for badminton to be played In "-he hall three nights a week Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays with the exertion of the f mt Monday in the month w-nirii is the regular monthly meeting .nd social evening' Wednesdays will be t apart largely for Instruction of be ginners. During November Mrs. Mai conn amb and Mrs. Woods will be In charge it refreshments. Officers elected are: President Walter Howarth. Vice-President Mrs. Woods. Secretary-Treasurer Wm. Horrobln. SPORT CHAT Under the auspices of the Central Interior Bkl Club, which is to be for mally brought into being at a meeting to be held In Burns Lake next week. t is planned to held a two-day winter :amlval on February 14 and IS the :irst event of It kind ever to be at-:empted in the interior this side of Prince George. The. program will In clude1 ..trotting horse rasing. ski-Jump. ag. tunning contests, hotkey games. masquerade and grand balL PrUtminary arrangements have been. 3& iprthcoming. ratDalljjsea,son. it .plannieff ,) have" win iK-jiea ana mens division witn four teams in each league. Satisfactory arrangements have been 'made for the rental of the Smithers Hall and E. E. Orchard has presented a trophy for ompetltlon among men's teams and vhiih will be required to be won by the same team for three years before -ecomtng its permanent possession. , BADMINTON CLUB HAS ITS OPENING NIGHT BOTH COURTS BUSY The Prince Rupert Badminton Club opened Its season last night In the De Luxe Hall where it has played for mt jral yeras past. In spite of the very Inclement weather, there was a fair attendance of players and good progress was reported by those present In the signing up of members. Mlas Violet Cameron, assisted by Mrs. Oeorge Bryant, sejyefl tea and both courts wereJctpt busy all evening., u,.-. T). I n. M ri.finll. i.v.. e-r-!T lnmTiv wun. unanotte Islands. Her sifllne time u the club will continue to play during ; not yet set but It wliT probabW be the winter in the De Luxe Hall, a com- Monday afternoon or evening .ntttce having In hand the matter of l3catlon- Motorshlp Berilngham, Capt. J. E. Anderson, arrived in port at noon to- C.N.R. steamer Prince Charles. Capt. 'day from Ketchikan with four carloads Nell Mcl-an. amved at 230 this after-'of frcsen and fresh halibut and one uoon from Vancouver vi,i Ocean Falls carload of mild cured salmon for trans, and will .all at 10 o'clock tonight for shipment East over the Canadian Na-Stewart. returning here to sail south tlonal Railways, it !1 o'clock tomorrow night. This Is I ae u-st trip of the Charles on this run i.z z: ;. r:" .r , t""-" i"uui i V anted For Sale DAILY For Rent 2c per word in' WANTED WANTED. MEN MECHANICALLY" IN-cllned who would like to work at the world's greatest paying Industry. Auto mechaniea. garage work, electrical m-parts. welding, battery and vuteanss- ing. We guarantee to qualify you for big bating positions. Only a short time required. Write or call Hemphill's Auto Engineering School. ! 10 Hastings It.. E Vancouver, B.C. ' CALENDAR AND ADt"ERT18lNO &PBC- laity Salesman. Start at once. Ix-cluelve line, highest eeannuaoioas. Good contract for right man. State ; qualifications. Apply Box eao. Loo- j don. Ont. 341 i WANTED RSUABLE OHO, FOR I general houee work. Phone M2 or Blue 360 after 6 o'clock. tf ROOM WANTED IN PRIVATE HOME for two weeks, dose In. Apply P.O. Bos 1098. tf FOK SAl.K FOR SALE. LOTS 3S AND M. BLOCK 8. section 3. On grade, close la. good view. Will ooMlder any reasonable offer for quick sale. Apply Pott office Box 1M6. Prince Rupert. B.C. FOR SALE TWO CHILD'S DOTS; POLO-ing camp bed and mattress; Pranknn heater; 38J6 eailbre rifle Phone Red 78. OREEN SHINGLES ARE BEST. 83.00 a thousand. Seal Cove Lumber Co. FOK KENT FOR RENT FIVE ROOMED FOIUIISH. ed house. Apply 257. Seventh Ave.. West, or MeCaffery & OIMtona Ltd. TOR RENT. FOUR ROOMED FHR-nlslied apartment with bath and water paid. Phone 617. U FOR RENTr FURNISHED BED ROOM In private home. Central location. Phone Green 282. tf FOR RENT FTJHNI8HED APART ment by the day, week or month. Phone Red 807. tf FOR RENT. Pianos, phonographs and Singer sewing machine. Walker's Music Store. HOUSE FOR RENT FIVE ROOMS AND bath, close In. McCaffery, Olbbons, ltd. 237 HOUSE FOR RENT. 6 ROOMS AND BATH. Apply Munro Bros. tf hOusesfqu tiENX worn up. ap-. Ply 315,v4th Ave. E. ' r t FOUND FOUND. OOLD PIECE ON THIRD Ayenuej October 7. Owner can hav same, byjapplylng tq Jf., S. Parker. UPHOLSTEKING rUKNITURE REPAIRINO; UPHOL-sterlng of all kinds Chesterfields recovered and made to order. All work guaranteed. Phone Green 803 G. M. HUNT. DANCING MISS MYFAMVY CAMPBELL Teacher of classical, operatic and toe dancing. Children's class or private tuition. I'lioue Illack 013. of, .dry., dock at. Vancouver following repairs being made as a result of her recent wreck. Though only one passenger for the East is reported to be coming on the Charles, the train Is being held pending her arrival. Sailing from Vancouver on Wednesday afternoon, nearly four days late, CJI.R. steamer Prince jphn. Capt. e! Mabbs, Js not expected to arrive before Mondav from Vanmnvar i v. I .. . . " ' XUtrni J. D. Skinner, editor of the White "orBe Btar wm ,d th u mom- mg on nis way nonh. NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. advance. No Advertisement taken'for lets than 50c IVNI) FOK SALE THE O T P DsTVKLCPiiOrr CO.. LTD. will now consider apol lean ions lor' purchase of Its holdings In the Town - alto of Prince Rupert and also adjoia- lug acreage. For particulars ajstiy to O. I". TINKt'lC CO. I.TII. AgenU MOLEK HEAUTY COLLEGE Miiat KuTekful rnllege on the Cmitlnret la pert Instructors in all swanaass of beauty culture, including water waving and pfrnaaiwnt waving. Taints: fctbler, 10 Hastings St. S. Vancouver. B.C. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES UBN AND WOMEN LEAKN BARBKR1NO Expert instructors in one of the beat I paying buaine . s Barn while you learn and become independent Call or write Moler Barber QoHsaa. 10 Hastings St. E.. Vancouver. B.C. AUCTION SALE MY SY8TSM TOO KNOW WHAT you are getting before a eats. I buy sell or guarantee. Brine. 774. EXCHANGE NEW AND SECONDHAND FURNITURE bcught, sold and taonenged. Papa-dopulo ' and Miras. 899 TMrd Ave. Phone 048. tf PIANO TUNING NOW lir.KE. LOUS F. POLKS for many years with Brtnsmsad. Lon-doa. Bag., Martln-Onne. Ottawa and Mason St Risen. Toronto. Repairs and adjustments of Player Pianos and Orands a specialty. riione Red 103. KAIE.N O Alt AGE I t ItTMEK UElU CTIONH In CIIEVROLKT PRICES Commercial Chaasla, V4-Un ' delivery tSM.eo Touring MH.eo Roadster 1811.80 Roadster Delivery 8811.60 Sport Roadster 880.00 Coach J949.O0 0upe WM I1.08S.0C Oabrlolet tlM8.00 Landau Sedan 1 1,1 19.00 L Imperial Landau Sedan 11,188.00 utility Express, 1 tontrucV. 8792.601 Disc wheels 125,60 extra to all models. A complete Une of 1048 .models on nana at present. Pbxme or calU (a la..l..ll a .1 3 .w. uminnrsiaion bb , learn,, atioui our easy iMyfeent la'ni ' Guaranteed Used Oars on Hand. Ford Ooupe, 1938, 8100 cash, balance 26 per month. Ford Sedan. 1920. 8100 cash, balance tts per month. KAIBN OARAGE, Ia.vr Kosa Dcalters in all General Motor Producets Good year and Firestone Tires. Wrecking Service Day and Night I'linne 52 TAXI I'hone 67 Taxi (Call George, Paul or Gust) . Six and Seven I'aasenornr KtiuW bakers at your di-posal any tfme. KOSS HKOS. I'OOL KOOM Meeker Illock. 'Across from Emnross Hotel) " 4 4.444'4'44 . .PRINCE KIJI'ERT TIDES MATUGiAY, GCTOHEU 8 HlKh Hiirh uw 11:46 ajn. 10.8 ft. 23:ft6 pm. 20.7 " 5:28 ajn. 43 " 17:48 pjn. 6.0 " SUNU.W, OCTGIIER 9 1834 p.m. 213 ft. 6:12 ft.m. 3A " 18:81 p.m. 4.2 " MONDAY, OCTOHEIt 10 0:43 a.m. 21.6 ft l'irO) p.m. 22 3 " 6 r)3 m !) I 19 18 pjn, 2& ArtidJ Loatarxjl Found,4t STEAMSHIP MOVEMffl I r'" Vaneouter j BtMMtay as. l'rlnoe CUa I Tussisy Cat a In Thursday as. Prinoe Uc Saturday -as Cardena at. Prinoeas Br Oct VI is. PrUiceaa A. Oct M -ss. Prlnoeu . ? Nov 2 as. Prlncras A, I'roin Vanrouef ' Sunday as. Catala Wednesday as. Prince Oec-jc as. Cardena Baeurday as Prtnceas Bra: ; Saturday as Prince Ch.i-v Oct. sa. Prinoeas AJ.oe Oct. IS at Princess A! Oct. So. as. Princew AJ o tor lort NlmruMn and Naas Rl.n- Cardena . Irom Pwrt Mmpon and Naas KlmJ Saturoajr sa Cardena l"or Anjoi Btatntof st. CaUls . Wostoesdaf ss. Prince Oe 1'runi Anok Tuesday- at Caula Thuraday as. Prince George lor Nlrwurt Sunday a. Catala Saturday as Prince Cliarlea I roiii Meurt Sunday as. Prince Charles Tuesday ss. Catala Vmr Jueen Cliarlolte Oct. 8 as. Prince John Oct. 3 as. Prlaee John Prom Queen Cliarlntlea Oct. 6 as. Prince John . Oct. 20 as. Prince Pohn for Alaska Wednesday ss. Prince Oeorgt 4 Oct. 8. ss. Princess Alice Oct. IB ss. Prlneesa Alice Oct. 29 as. Princess Alice Irnni Alaska Oct. 12 as. Princess Alice Oct. at as. Princess Alice Nov. ss. Princess Alice MAIL SCHEDULE 8EPTEMHEK, 10S7 for the Kat Mondsys, Wednesdays, 8aturdf" closes If From the East Tuesday, Thursday and 8un ' due To Vanrouv Sundays . 1! 11 Tuesdays 4.V Fl Thursdays in Saturdays 1 CJ.R. Oot. 12 and 23. No; I'rnm Vaneuvrr Sunday , Wednesdays IP Fridays Saturdays lPW CJR-Oct. 8, 19 and 29, To Anyo and A Ike Arm Sunday mail closes ' Fl Wednesdays ' fl iTom Aiiji and Alice Arm-Tuesdays Thursdays mall dus fl To Stewnrt rnd Premier Sundays 'If Saturdays K' fl Irom Nlewart and Premier Sundays 'II Tueadava 1 To Naas Itlver Points- Thursdays mall closet II From Naas River Points Saturdays .mall u ? To Alaska Points Oct. 8. 19 and 29. From Alnsko Points Oct. 12 and 23. Nov. 2. To Queen Charlotte Island Polne- Oct. 8 and 22. From Queen Charlotte Maud rol1 Oct. 6 and 20. cnFtrains For the fast . Dally Except Sundays '30 From "tir East- Dally except Wednesday! 3J0 11