O Vr 8. 1927 ft I 1 1 11 rm (MM pi. - " af w Ctct Section of a Firestone Tire BuUt lor service - 2 Icj rmiiifli f7 ft 1,11 Vi fj I - iiMnrl ISTT HW li I ( . 1 r l II rfcfcaa m4 kmrin mm,. H l' Ut Aftaaau m)m at H ' ' J a. mm - -J ?W Crow Section f sn Ordinary rjNC lin "Mad to Sell" Enjoy the Comfort, Safety5 id Economy of Gum-Dipped Tires ie sections of tires reproduced above ore a part of the Ffrwtene riler program. Study these two sections and you. too. will bderstand what Firestone means by tires built for service and res tnade to selu ie Firestone Gum-Dipped Balloon Tire with it sckntifieaUy Paigned tread permits free fl eating, easkr tiding, extra comfort nd safety, while the gum-dipping prows gives it the wear itzl properties that give thousands of extra miles. he ordinary balloon tire with heavy flat tread dciirn is obviously fcLTtr ar.d rides harder. The excess rubber, placed for appearance it the cJ"rt ot the tread, is not only wasted but produces hinging ictsi causing ply separation and "sboultfer breaks." 'cur local Firestone Dealer will gladly explain the gum-dipping S rocccs end other advantages that only Firestone Gum-Dipped res can give Sec him today. FIRESTONE TIRE & RUBBER COMPANY OF CANADA. Limited HAMILTON. ONTARIO MOST MILES PER DOLLAR FIRESTONE BUILDS THE ONLY GUM-DIPPED TIRES Firestone Agents in Prince Rupert, I..C. Kaien Hardware Co. Telephone 3 THE CHOCOLATES That Are Different 'n no frequently on id of NHII-SON'S Chocolates ' y 1 have stf-iptr-d It as a slogan. The centres are delicious "d ' ' i.orolau tuaiiu: is rich and velvety smooth. :i y ,i regularly at from 76c to $1.26 per lb., but In order r,u.'. :!u-ni more widely known we are placing them on sale a w.'i k-t iid special at " 60c per lb. Take a pound home with you. Qraie "7jc Pioneer Drttocisls FHIRD AVE. (, SIXTH ST. - -TELEPHONES S?o200 Dr. MAGUIRE Dentist Over Orme"s Drug Store Phone 523. Offlw Hours D to 0 Lady Assistant " T S'0 "T" ' I Best PraraMe O (THE ORIGINAL) Pure Scotch Wliisky RICHEST IN FINEST HIGHLAND MALI BottVJ aJ fasraiktresl tvy Vtiam Crastt 4 5rnt Xm,ui ClmixUtch md Balim.0lt OMtfllcnn. Dtoff. tar -A -CUsfow, ScdaVa4. A This advertisement is not published or displ.iyod by the Liquor Control Board or ty 1 1 .;. ;;!. n.i-. .5 f British Columbia Local and Personal Arthurs Tut Phone 6TS BO OMrmtrr. neattot. Dr. J. r. ottMsi. ptmmt 4. Jtllf Pboot 41. Omml PsmmSM Wfetn tbtatinc (W "W. returned on reKrda Mr name in Tarraoc. W. H Waldorf returns to the ci HaUowata Ball. Hut 60 HsUoween Basaar. October 39 Presbytertsa Church ber -3. rresbyterlan November 9. Church Basaar, Novem- Choir a Concert, Anglican Basaar, Tuesday, Nov. IS. Moose Basaar, Nov. 16 and 17. Baptist Bale November 35. Established 1923 V Ofice Hours: 9 a.ra to 6 p.m. Saturday: 9"a.rri, Itf' l' p.'ni' Any evening by appointment DENTIST tt tlsUenunprt uon cum today a S"mt Bkkcry. Haet your order Ms) C R. OUbert. after apend::ii! M umiu yeaterday alternoui from bnaf trip to Vancouver Dears Keep of tbe CJI. invwtlica eparunent imi'M in tbe c!tj " interior on yesterday after Doon 'i trata. Caul rsln st the Pikjeuela) Oov wnmwni wnarr tare baa eompletec? i-rM. aaaasMn vill mak landing " MkM OB OT P. wkarf. tf Byot makt now agent for Al- AlberU Wnntlaai and Pembina Paerlets neet oaau are under cover, don't buy tr. buy ooal MS a ton can you oast iir tf sen. Man Bulger aad daughter. Uv aUthlaea Bulger, attar bsTtng aptnt the Ter la Taneotwer. tstuiaed to the it from the aouth oa tbe Cardan yesterday afternoon. D. T. Lutes, manager of Lowe Inlet cannery, arrived In the city from down tbe coast on the Calais yesterday after anon, returning atrnta oa the same this sketch "Icl on Park- PraacaU" wto be pt muted in the Cathedral Ball under the directorship of A. A Oonaoa on Thursday, Octobe. is at S is. Admission He. With a light last f psaasrigiri.CP3 'earner rrtnpses Alice. Cspt. Tbomas CUT. arrteed at 11 o'clock this morning from Taneourer. sailing during the noon hoar for Alaska. Th t easel due to touch here souShaound nc Wsdnesassv I. . Hsrry .Sotite. a former Member of the crew s the Ughtbous tender Mewing ton ana. dartag the past summer, in charge of a Lowe Inlet cannery boat arrived from Low Inlet on the Oar dena yesterday afternoon and will pend two weeks here. Mr. Victor Baaeo-Bert aad daughter Miss Lea Baaeo-Bert. after having spent tii past five years lrr Turin. Italy, returned to Prtaee Rupert on yesterday afternoon 'a train. They cross il the At lantic on the SSXKW ton Italian liner Itome which made the nssaasi from Oenoa to New York In tea days. union steamer Csrdena. Cant. A. Johnsune. arrived from the south at J 4.3 yesterday afternoon, salting at 4 18 for the Hew River. Returning this morning, the vessel sailed on her return to Vancouver and wayports bar ing bar calls at Port Rsslngtoa, Bal moral and Claxton on the way aouth Best week, the Oardeaa toes on winter schedule when she wUl have addition al calls to make oa the way north going no further north than here and ailing for Vancouver at the aac scheduled time a now. 0 Saturday mornings. ANNOUMCHM ENTS Qyro Hoe-Down, October 14. Prince Rupert October 31. Drill Teaaa Due. Rupert East United Church Basaar, October 37. Loyal Order of Dance. Octosea-.X. Hospital Ausfltary October 36. Moos Anniversary TIIE DAILY NEWS PASE TUREE Those Wretched Bilious Attacks Fruit-a-tives " Always Stops Them lock. L1 MR. LEO. GO0IN "I u always MEoui and never seemed to digest my food properly," writes Mr. Leo. Godm, 2371 Clark St, Montreal. TMs kept me very wcik. A friend, who bad been coojpleUly rt'Jcvrd of these troubles by 'Frvit-a-tim', advised me ta try this fruit medkiae. I dd to, and now I am so well that I wast to congratulate 'FrttrM-tivti' on iu unftiUnj eCective- MM." If you suffer with poor digestion, upset stomach, bilious attacks or chronic con-stipatioa, take Mr. Codia't advice and try Fruit-a-trves". This natural' remedy, Baede from icteniificd fruit juicA com-Bmed with tonics, win nrely correct these trevbtei and bring you back to heal. Doat put it off buy a bot today, tac the tiUets rrgalarly, and see how qdck'y you will Improve. J5e and SOc Scandinavian dance tonight in tbe ietropole Ball. This afternoon train, due from tbe act at 3:30, is reported to be oa time. Col. 8. P. UosJordls sailed this morn. Relieving chief Officer J. Mulr wbo is ashore In Vancouver on account of his wife's Kinase, Chief Officer E. Shepherd from the Osmosun came north oh tbe ardena this week. A letter from the Canadian Chamber of Commerce was received by tbe Board of Trade at Its meeting last night thanklns th local neonl tnr tK. n. cotony then A number of local fori Io-,j,n, tertalnment that bad been provided K. pie have gone out to attend the fes O. Larssa. well known Juneau fisher- ar.an. arrived in the city from the East an yesterday afternoon's train, having come direct from Ncrway wltb his bride. They proceeded north oa the Princess Alice this afternoon. Tbe fish packer Lincoln. Capt. Joe Dssntuus apd her part ,owner, J. W. Maoreaotise. oa board as engineer. arrived torn. Maesett this morning. The vessel reports having had quite a dust ing coming across Hecate Straits. At tbe meeting of the Board of Trade last night a letter was read from the Ketona Board of Trade asklns that tbe local board interest hotels and restaurants in featuring BO. fruit. The letter was referred to a committee. Joseph Slgmund. formerly of this c;ty and now In business st Queen Charlotte City, is a visitor to the oltv. He arrived from tbe Islands by gasboat princess jesreroar aitemoon and will return there aboard tbe steamer Prince John at tbe fjrst of tbe week. Capt. Harry Ormlston of the light rouse tender Newlhgton sailed this Booming on tbe Cardena for Victoria mad win be away on a week's holiday while bit ship Is undergoing overhaul la tbe dry dock. Mrs. Ormlston and family are already in Victoria, having been there since June. The question of reminding the rail way company of the desirability of a change in schedule to allow steamer and train pawnee jjA more time In Prince Bupirtwgf to the Naviga tion and TiTwtFEsknyltet after a brief discussion bybe Board ofTrade at Its monthly meeting last night. At the meeting of the Board of Trade last night a report was received f.-om Philip M. Ray. chairman of the I NavK'Bt ion Committee, reporting pro- -TT T"v-n. vi Txr p:"- regard to the effort being made R-.l i ENNY " ' ! IVC R1PP Rk- In Seymour I-'ar- JL X - JL I rows removed. So far the committee I teen enffac.-d In collating informa- : tl' n in rpffrirri :0 It. anil infrNt n Exchange. Illock. Phone lOa'cii er bed. u the idea. a Church Notices I"- T. AMIKKIV'H Clll K( II. (Church of England) Rector. Rev. a. A. Rli. Assistant. Rev. O. R. Proctor. Uorning tervtre at 11 o'clork. Even-ag service at TAOf , RatjajiKOt of the Lord's Supper will be adaUalatered on the first Sunday of tbe meatb at 11 stn third SiUsway of Mlfeoata at 8 a m Sunday school M iM. Sun-dsy school at 110 ua. la St. Peter's Church. Seal Cove. XWVlTsT Cllt KCII. Ulrisier. Rev W. F. Prle. Uorning worship at 11 o'clock. Subject The Story of a Modem Reistlou Reviv.il." Sunday school at 30. Even-.ng worship, subject: "Uss RvUetoa any value for the present life It shows he way to Heaven Is It worth thing for Eartb." You are Invited to bear this important tbeme discussed. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MKIETY Service every Sunday morning la tbe Hay 'a block. 345 Second Avenue. Subject on Sunday "Is Sin. Daease aad Death Real." Testimony meeting oa Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. 1 1 It ST INITIO CIIIKCIL Rev. A. Wilson. B-A.. pastor. Mies I. Haddock, deaconess. Uorning at 11 o'clock. Public Worship. Evening worship at 7 JO. Subject: Tbe most potent cause for failure." Sunday school at 2 JO. Monday. Young Peoples Society meet for supper at 6 JO. PHEMIVTEKIAX Clll KCII Minister. Rev. J. B. Prtsell. B-A.. LL.B. Residence. Tbe Mans. Telephone 4S3. Morning worship at 11 am. Subject. "Knowing the Unknowable." Evening worship 7 JO. Subject: "The Matcblesa Christ." CANNERY MANAGER IS WELL PLEASED SEASON'S FISHING R. O. Johnstone, manager of Inverness r.g by the Oardeaa for Vancouver on and Kleartu canneries, la one district i business trip. canneryman. at least, who la satisfied with tbe salmon pack of this reason Grocery shower at the Ridley Home. Mr. Achnetone, who' will sail tomor-Wednesday. October IX. from 3 to 8. row nlgtat on the Prince Charles for Tea srul be served and Inspection of Victoria on a brief business trip, stated Home lavlteat this morning that Invernan cannery, t which closed down yesterday, had put At the instance of George Arnold tbe op a pack this season of slightly over Board of Trade last night deckled to 30,000 eases. Considering that this was empower the president to appoint a an off -season, the comparison Is favor- real estate committee able with tbe average pack of the plant I which Is 36,000 cases. Of tbe 41 paaeengers arriving from) Mr. Johnstone la also very well satis-the smith on rtfi Princess Alice thl i,y with the paek recorded by the new -iioming. eight' "are making tbe xiemtu cannerv which out uo 8.400 round trip and eight disembarked here. : cases with only seven seine boats In op eration. Mydrogrsphic survey steamer Llllooet. , which to engaged In surrey work In neighboring waters, arrived in port this rrfjrulng, and Is tied up at. tbe ocean WEDDING AT OSLAND ON THIS AFTERNOON Mi Marraret Murclieal to Heroine llrlde of John JolniMin at 4 O't-loi-k Ceremony An Interesting wedding will take place this afternoonat Coland. Smith Island, when Mtss Margaret Moreshead will be united in marriage to John Johnson, a well known member of the Icelandic tivities following the nuptials. TIME IS NOT RIPE FOR ESTABLISHING SMELTER At the board of trade meeting last night George Woodland, chairman of the mining committee reported In regard to the prospect ot establishing a customs emelter near Prince Rupert that It was doubtful if the time was ripe for an Independent concern, lie suggested rather that the better plan would be to Interest one of the big operating companies In tbe location. Most of the producing mines were controlled by one of the big companies. The report was filed for fuUire H, W. 6chofWd. district passenger agent at Vancouver for the Canadian Pacific Railway, was a passenger on the Alice this moraine bound north. He Is making the round trip to Skagway. Adam Mackle, Inspector 6f fisheries, returned to the city on the Princess Alice this morning from a trip to Vancouver. Mrs.' Mackle, who went south wlthher husband., is. , visiting ID t Vancouver for a while longer.' f J NOTICE To Whom It may Concern: Take notice that tbe partnership known as Crawford and Meore. carry ing on business as logging contractors was disolved by mutual conrent On the 3nd day of August. 1837, and -all. liabilities of the above? named partnership are assumed by E. H. Crawford, and all accounts due the aforesaid partnership are to be paid to E H. Crawford. PAIN from Bladder Irritation Soon saasd by SANTAL MIDY ! Beware of Imltatlona Look for th word SIDY' Sold hy sU drug-guta Rsllsttg by A NOW- You Can Heat those "Hard to Heat" Rooms home owners blame their furnace MANY for cold rooms. Yet most furnaces produce enough heat to keep the entire house warm. The difficulty is that sluggish heat lags in the pipes or follows the path of least resist once up the chimney and out of doors. Why not eliminate this waste by attaching a Miles Automatic Furnace Fan to your present furnace ? On cold winter mornings you simply press a conveniently placed switch. In less than five minutes Miles Automatic Fan forces warm, healthful, circulating air into every cor ner of every room. This greatest of all home heating inventions will give you quick and uniform distribution of heat Four changes of air every hour in every room From 60 to 100 more heat volume I Cool air through registers in summer, nuking your furnace a year-round servant. Can be attached to any warm air furnace, old or new. . Mail coupon for particulars. arys Distributors of Miltt Automatic Furnac Fan for all Makt$ of Warm Air Furnattt, Old or Yew Agents for McCIary Furnaces KATC11FOUI) & SHEXTON Phone 33 For Winter Weather! Boys' All Wool Mackinaw Coats G.W.G. Make, the best on the market. Very strongly tailored. In all sizes and many patterns to choose from. Price from $5-45 TIME NOW TO l'UT ON STANFIELD'S UNDERWEAR We carry a full range in all weights and sizes from Jj!.u0 up. Acme Importers 7-imm. JAPANESE OVAL RAG RUGS Fringed. $1.7" each. Just the thing for the Bedroom or Bathroom. Barrie's Home Furnishings Box SOS. ' UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT - V J Phone 123 13 i CENTRAL HOTEL The place called "Home" 120 Rooms, American and European Plan. Hot and Cold Water. Bus meets all trains and boats. Sample Room Phone 51. L. Martin. Manager.