25 TAXI and Ambulance Service Anytime N, Uulldlnf ''.V .IV. S. IRST GRAIN ip. n a rrnt! vrrv tTT I'fl I HIM I r K Y ill A am dWftA V CONSERVATIVE IN OWN ROOMS t. it rr l Altercation ot s. waiter SUHfcsg. 1 - - MtkeV H al- ebackad. to do ao In future, with i ed with assaulting . in the Conservative ! " "-' through Increasing dh- rooms Tbursdsy. waa annual meeting Thttts-'.iiat organisation, after alleged rletim. had laid . -sint him SkUllnga . ciiarge was beckoned i hull the poliee. mmary trial but up to ii1'. pleaded. - ''iit stitches around ..e r.-Lit of the alter- uL!m mm TO A. M. HANSON ilve a Business tion NEISON. Of. 8. Hon. 8. P. Tolm'e. ConrvatiTe platform r in by -election here at a meat- Miim .i ii who the prevlmu lUght ' rr:il ulatfnrm 1 Uvo be- lie aid not intend erer to alt 0: i ..in ... . v. it, Mie Kamloona conrention and he k'rp it and his aenrk aa leader 1 ' be ai the dlaponal of the party ' w a wanted them. a; to huw he would atart to reduce Or Tolmle aald h would give 'if admlnlrtratlon, aecure a dol aiua for a dollar expended, let eon 'in tender to the lowest bidder i ii' n- n; thr estimatea. not embark ra.iway enterprlzen. REACHES HERE i rairit-H and Will l)e Taken Into Elevator on Monday Tic stream of golden grain from the f "v u aiia iro slbslX urvi w into Prince Rupert with the i ie Hrt carload in the railway ardfc lAMt nirvKt ta uiiv.in v.fA ..vrai 'JW. t. h mMrstVttir aihAIl IM ri.1l iOW Th irfaln atp4ln Plf - " i nvsu loot uigun vr a 01 hA rilran Inln .1 At a.. alt -ss.w.a imw J7TlfcVr UU Via )!lay It is anticipated that enough Miin .ill ...... .. . , . ... ua.V Ml.TCU iiriC AJ IIMU " f'.i-it vessel of the season at the lber:a Wheat Pool's local elevator OOUt llnvprnh.. 1 .UTIIOIt'M WIFE DIES. DI'NMON Oct 8. -Mrs. H. O. Wells. re ie on ted autno'-. died today of i :uc Ir reapect for law and authority our Ju dielary aa a whole will hare beoame ao stlamatlced aa to kwe all confidence and 4tem In the mind of the people." OLD COUNTRYFOOTBALL CVCI.IMI Li:.it X. Dll. I. Aaton VUla ft. Ukddleaboro 1. Blackburn Rover 1. Hudderafield 1. Bolton 1. Newcastle 3. Cardiff City 2. Totteahom 1. Derby County ft. Bury 2. Evasion ft. Manchester United 2. Leloeater 1. Liverpool 1. Portsmouth 2. Anenal 3. The Wednesday 3. Blrmlngnam 3. Bunderland 0. Bheffleid United 1. Wast Ham 2, Burnley 0. DhUlon II. Blackpool 1, Southampton 0. Chelsea 1. 8oke 0. Clapton 4. Bristol City 2. Orfeneby I. Oldham 2. I.eeds t Swansea 0. Manchester Otty 2. Hull City I. Notts Forest 3. Preston Narth End 1. Port Vale 2. Bamaley 1. Reading 2. Notts County 2. feouth Shield 2. Fulham 1. Wolverhampton 3. West Bromwteh 1. M OTTISII I.K.WH l-IHv I. Aberdeen 2, Dunfermline 1. Alrdrleonlans 1. Clyde 2. Cowdenbeath 3. Ralth Rovers 1. Hearts 1. Dundee 0. Motherwell 4. Queen's Park 1. -Psrtlck 1, ralklrk I. St. Johnstone 2. Hibernians 0. St. Mlrren 1, Hamilton 0. Boness 2. -Kilmarnock t. B.C. DELEGATES ARE OFF BOUND FOR WINNIPEG VANCOUVER. Oct 8. Hesded by four senators and eleven members of the parliament and five members of the legislature the BJC. repraseniatiTes 10 the National Conservative convention at Winnipeg next week left here last night by special train. VANCOUVEll EXCHANGE Bid. Wheat 140 . Big Missouri 9 Coast Copper 15.00 Cork Province M Dunwell 2a Oladstone Independence 05 Indian L. snd L Lucky Jim 3i Marmot Metals Porter Idaho 28' ;16 Richmond 1 Sllvercrest 03 H Silversmith 15 Surf Inlet ,Ti;l -60 Asked '30 'ab .25 .18 .03 .07 10H 31 .10 .29 .1714 .01 i 4 OKIF.KEI TO I'XAI.ASKA WA6HINOTON, Oct. 8. The coajt guard steamer Northland has been ordered to Unalaska In answer to a call for medical aid. Advertise in The Daily News day. PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper PMNi E RUPERT. DC. SATURDAY. OCTOBER 8. 1927 tUM JUS I Lh IJfcr rJVJii h OK TUB HOUSE OF "LUINNEss-1: Miss Aileen Guinness, daughter of Sir Arthur ami Lady GuinnexK of the famous firm of London -brewers. She is a grand daughter of the Earl of Ireaph. who died yesterday, and is reported engaged to the Hon. Brinsley Plunket. KMiMMI TVflsf MVIMS bllANXEL I IUM i:-t(IL.tM FOLKB8TOKC. Oct. 8. On-daunted by1 'previous failure Mis Mercedes Olletz. London typist, successfully swam tbe English channel on her eighth attempt. 8 he started from Cape Orlanec France, yesterday morning sod landed near bete IS hours and 1ft minutes later. FIRST GRAIN BOAT NAMED Opening Cargo of Wheat From Here will be Loaded by Steamer Fih Pool The flrl tessel to lJ grain at Prime Ktirrt lliW aMn will le the kteiimrr Hh -l v.lilrh will arrlte on r aWul xtoler S8 to take a full rargo'tn Hie tnlted Kingdom or ronllnent. ThH will I" rail here of the I'Mi rN.I ullhourli Imu lilw f the Mine line. Otter HmI and ."elge Pool, were here lat jear. The Alherta Wheat INiol elevator management oniiounren that ennlt hate now been Isnued for grain hlpnieiiti lo till" Hrt and the wheat flow will probably romnieiice In oluine about the middle of the month. PLANE NOT ABOARD VESSEL HERE TODAY "Pride of Yukon" Being Milpiied North rtom Seattle-lo Skngway Too Big t.tM for Alice owini to the fact that the vessel a wlngspread of forty feet, the airplane, "Pride ot the Yukon." whloh la to en gage. In the carrying oi wimw In 'ihe"kon Terrttory. was not 'on . "ii. .i!W..i;.,- I.... .L.. Doara trie riucees ajict tau luuiwut .when In port northbound. The flying machine and Its officers are Instead taking passage by an American vessel from Seattle. 0ew York Yankees Win World Series Today by Taking Fourth Straight NEW YORK, October 8. The New York Yankees and Pitts burg Pirates were tied at the eighth innings today and the crowd was on tiptoe, tense and eager to see what would happen when Coombs scored the winning run in the ninth which made the Yankees cham pion baseball team of the world. The score at the close was four runs to three, giving the Yankees four games straight and shutting out the Pirates completely. The game today opened with one run each for the opposing teams on a rather wet ground. No score was then made until the fifth when the New Yorkers added two. It was the seventh when the Pirates evened up the game and made it an interesting finish. Runs H1U Errors: beat out a hit to short. Koenlir threw Yankees 4 21 2 Pirates 3 10 2 - IIKST INNIMlS Batteries for Pittsburg, Hill and Smith. Yankees. Moore and Collins. Heavy rain during tbe night made the grounds soggy but both managers de- Med conditions warranted playing to Pittsburg. Lloyd Waner. first man that the movement In that direction will be stimulated.' -, Mr. Chard finds . that-, from the 297 .OP.R. stations In Alberta-affeeted the average reduction In, the rate to the bead of the takes la 124 cents per nun ult of tbe equalizing ot the rates on C.P.R. branches to that company's main line basis, for equivalent mileage, and of the order to other companies to adjust their rates to those put Into effect on the C-Pil As for the rates to Van- i.44 otau-. vails '.a.' out Barnhart at first. Wsner going second. Dug an threw out Paul Waner at first, his brother holding second. L. Waner scored on Wright's single to right. Wright making second on Ruth's throw to plate. Dugan got Traynor's hot smash and touched out Writing. One run. two hits, no errors. Yankees Combs singled to right on (continued on page tour Grain Rate to Prince Rupert Averages $1.77 Lower Under the Reduced Railway Freights 1 Prince Rupert gets an export grain rate from Alberta averaging $1.77 less than formerly since the reduction ordered by the Board of Railway Commissioners, but there is also a reduction to the Great Lakes. Duscussing this the Edmonton Journal says: tne proportion of grain going west will be larger and not smaller as a consequence of the recent rate judgment. Fears were expressed in Vancouver at the time that the Pacific route would suffer. There seemed to be no grounds for them and an analysis that has been made by 'the provincial traffic supervisor makes It clear on the CN R. tt is 1.77 cents, The western route is thus the gainer from the Judgment to a aomewhat 'greater extent than the eastern. The extra Inducement to use the former should add considerably to the volume of grain dred pounds, and that from 282 C.N.H that will be shipped by It during the stations it is 1-26 cents. This is a re- present crop year. This, along with the Immense production to be marketed from this province. wUl make the Pacific porta very busy places between now and next spring John Barrett. Ketchikan Insurance couver and Prince Rupert the supervisor! man. was a passenger On board the a a trip to Seattlt. rived at the s.-.-. from end to ei.u waa apparent that cculd not be savtd ao eflorta were mainly devoted to saving the overhead roadway and other buildings nearby including beadquartera of the Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve. Though It was pouring rain, the sky was ooon a great flare visible from aH tbe. UJ. la absut aa hour's In fuU strength, scene. and effioe furniture. the wharf was built. n port, that the average redunton from princes Alice this morning returning 1 fimved was able to leave tbe MANY SPECTATORS Thomas Priest. Assistance was also forthcoming from among the great crowd of spectators, those giving outstanding service' Including Douglas FnzMll. Leo Oontoll. Fred Pyle and Chief Petty Officer George J. Dawes. The loss of the commissary depart ment Tbe stevedoring company's loss In cluded chains and aucb equipment, some of which had not been used since Shed No. 1. which measured about ISO feet by 40. was buUt In 1907 by the Orand Trunk Pacific Railway Com out somewhere In the top of tbe build ing, was not attributable to the wires. Tbe building and contents were fully Insured but It Is unlikely the structure will be reouUt is It Is thought that tbe commissary department may now be seormimodated In some other par oi the wharves or yards. PIBLIC CAKELESR While grateful for assistance general ly given In fighting the blaze, rtre Chief D. H. McDonald complained this morning that cars, being driven persistently over the hose lines, somewhat hampered the work of tbe firemen and made it more difficult. PREMIER FERGUSON ABSOLUTELY REFUSES ACCEPT LEADERSHIP TORONTO. Oct 8 -"That Is final, positive, unequivocal" sa'd Premier Ferguson In repeating former denials that he Intended to accept any invitation to become federal Conservative leader. MINERS TRAPPED IN MAMMOTH SHAFT, UTAH MAMMOTH. Utak, Oct. 8. -Twenty-five miners were trapped In the 1.500 foot level when a fire broke out In the Mammoth Mine last night Efforts to BostonGrjJj Large Upstair Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing floor, for hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. The latest and bent for the leant Phone 4S7. Prife Five Cents UKLU SERIES WON TODAY M THE NEW YORK YANKEES wpr jurucp nunrpY Condemns Upper Court i i wr improper Language i ' . In W..ndmA Pjmrf I 1 1 1 r r Uk. 1 f I n ( , Tapitptd tnr .,, ri nf An. ic'ia i - -.-- . ... peal hxprest-H Resentment -N 'OrVKR, October 8. In a statement yesterday in a court unh Vancouver lawyers. Chief Justice Hunter, with the en ot Justices Morrison, Gregory, W. A. Maedonald, and D. i.. i ..ild sitting beside him, replied in a statement to the statc-u'lributid to members of the court of appeal in sending back M. McCabe, a seaman on the government teamr, whose wire given in custody of relatives on the order of Air. Malison. ,'u -tire Martin had said there "had been a miscarriage of Justice of a gross kind" sad Mr. im- j tics UafhUUps had called n a "mom- 4trou order which Mgtarattsl latbsf ' from children." j CHter ."lutloe Hunter's slslmuBS salt i in put: There U hardly a iiiitw sf that oeurt when there is not one or mare of the BMsnbers of this court m4ea tar-ffet (or opprobrious sad dHparatdag rej ' marks la respect of their Judicial Mta by one or more members ot that court, j ! Bj which I do not mean to Imply that h:s can be hM at all the members st that oourt. The eourte of conduct on tbe part of the Judaea In question. If I. baa not already Injured the ebaracter Fire Last Night Razed Building Canadian National Dock Valued at About Six Thousand Dollars Only the partly burned western wall remains of No. 1 G.T.P. whari shed iii which fire of mysterious origin broke out last nuht causing damage estimated this morning at at least $6,500. The building contained the railway commisaary offices and warehouse v.ho'e loss is placed at something over $2,000 and a quantity of old equipment belonging to the Pacific Stevedoring Co. also va'ued at aoout $2,000. Little, if anything, else was contained in the structure which was burned to the wharfs edge and the value of which ' i.s put at something in the neighborhood of 2,50O. Except for, per-tapi. the tiaeawr.g ttti wnar: iiutad " " " ilm:c damage ::or w.-.s tiere any great fi p.jr irqn t fT mf lot- lu connection With Ue ovrljad MVk f 1 I f A 1 V A III lioxdwio which p.s.s imiuaoiately be- 'xlUia. Vlliil.ii 11 U.d and above it I I; wa abjui il I alarm was tur.ieu jn.eir. c.pparenuv ( i hcau of tae c . . I tion g.ven '.. on the waurfron tc p:ii. that tbe first u.: j cm fire oapart- '.,.ii t iu.e oc in tb : r all the laforma-; .t t .ere was a lire Further lnforma- Ion was obU:'. .b.e iro.a the telephone exchange and when the brigade ar CONSULT OVER THE FISHERIES The board of trade last night decided lldies were issuing write to the fisheries department at ' the building. It 0VUw, asking If representations had .ne structure iisen bceai made to them for a change In the regulations and If so to delay making changes untU rich time as Prince Rupert district bad been heard from. Therewas acme discussion la regard vi this. Colonel HlchoUs suggested that is a delegation ways coming here to nonsuit with the local people.' the action wsrfts?. iStasncs- hose 3pt 300 feet fraa the railway cenneeted with five hydranu. one as far away as Second Avenue and Second Street, the flames were brought under control although it waa about 4 o'clock before the fire department, out 'it sent and It waa so ordered. SNAKE BITE ANTI-VENOM Yeoman service was given the fire i department in fighting the coaflagra-1 . o t Rushed From Spokane to tion by tbe Canadian jJatwnai Rati- pupp'y ways night yard crew under foreman I Vernon to Try to Save Life of Bitten SPOKANE, Oct. 8. When R, Whlttall of Vtrnon. B.C., was bitten by a rattlesnake, customs barriers fell and speeding, automobtict. and alrplinrn were called upon to rush anti-snake bite included about 1 1.000 worth of ' f rum to save his life Friday. Thirty lmen for tbe railway sleeping and dm- thousand units of anti-venom left here lag cars as well aa stores of provisions ; iast night by fast ar when It was found that airplanes were not available. HOY IHEIl TODAY VERNON. Oct. 8. Rdland Whlttall, 11 i years of sge. Is dead at. Coldstream as a ! result of a snake bite, He used too short a stick In an attempt to kill the , snake yesterday and died this morning. pany being the first shed of any steel on the whole wharf It w of -PTOMMY LOUGHRAN had been used but little. All electric! wiring was In conduit so tt Is thought that the fire, which apparently broke BEAT McTIGUE IN FIFTEEN ROUNDS NEW YORK. Oct. 8 Tommy Loughran. of Philadelphia, lifted the tight heavy weight championship from Mike Mc-Tigue. getting the decision at the end of fifteen rounds. br.ng the trappe.l men out of the shaft and 5 p.m. futile Re .-iir r-few.s are at-' :'ker.- ; GENERAL SUTTON BUYS ANOTHER OF VANCOUVER BLOCKS VANCOUVER. Oct. 8. Oeneral F. A. Sutton, known -to 'some as "Lucky Sutton," has purchased the Mutual Life Building on Pender and Homer Btreeta in this city, tbe price being in the vicinity of 400,000. NOTICE. Persons desiring to register as Householders bf License Holders for the forthcoming Municipal Elections are re- minded that such registra- tions must be made with the City Clerk during the pre- sent month, otherwise they will not be eligible to vote, at such election. Registrations must be made between 9 a.m.