"sf ' 0 !?r THE PIONEER LAUNDRY KIDS am October 8. UK7 IhV 752 SAIL? KZWr FAGS TT7Z ft Maty HOUSE oo Free Lessons in Dennison Art Craft I ,t l.cMsoiih will le given lifimison Art Craft, cn- - ny lltYSTALLINE LAM1 x ISSOR PAINTING V AX WORK H OW Kit MAKING LXSKIIT WEAVING, etc i .1 1 Tuesday and Friday up frum 2 to 6.110 I vening Clashes by arrangement Rose, Cowan & Latta, Limited Third Avenue (Opposite Third Street) Thone - - - - 23 1 HOLD SHU S0V.VE0 ONE I I TR0ulM - NOW SHE KKOWS 8 -rrttpLPiCtTo6tD I hi fdund out that this ;la c to send the fam-i t fs he also discovered v tvnuld make her a ape- for the family laundry. ' iHu r friends about H and i) their friands about it yetting to be quite l.niiidry. Pioneer Laundry I l'hone 118 YOU ARE INVITED to see Ladies Coats Hats nnd Dresses 117 vv at The Louvre 31 C Third Avenue Next Koyal Bank DHY BIRCH, CEDAR AND JACK PINE Sinple Load IjUtVO Double Load $tiJU Larjre Sack .") BUNDLES DRY KINDLING, $1.00 Phone 580 HydeTransfer AND COAL CO. 139 Second Avenue English Made - to -"Measure Suits and Pure Wool Cloths By Mail. AGENTS WANTED to carry cloth patterns and take measures for English high-grade Tailoring House. Liberal commission Cash trade. Splendid opening for storekeeper, agent carrying other lines or man with large cir-"3e of friends Write, enclosing bank reference to Dept C . Commercial Advertising Service North raratte Manchcs England. Waterfront Whiffs Salmon Fining Season Clones Halt Shortage Hepwrted Imminent Here Tuodie Wins Big Shares for Crew Salmon fihinjr in District No. 2, an far ax nets are concerned, ia bow cloaexl. Laat night the ourtain rang down, with the cessation f fiahing on the Queen Charlotte IsJaruk, two weeka later than on the mainland, on a eaen which cannot be described better than as a comparatively poor one. The last two weeks on the islands there wag something of an improvement in the run of fall varieties but it coald produce no appreciable Rain above the half wy mark when compared with the 1U2C season. Final official figure on the pack will, it is ejqieeted, be Available In about two weeks' time. These wUl -.how that, wtoUe t ssckcye r-fti " T.t in other part, of the eot The oid sosnsrwhat down, ths Wf 4me was rf -r, ,h- . , i nomsrtte tailurt apparently exists In District No. 1 ui I WATER NOTICE. DIVERSION AMI USE I TAKE NOTICE that E. RsHuneau, whose addreee la tie Seymour Street, Vancouver. B.C.. will apply for s Uceace to take and tue 1 cubic foot of water out IN PROBATE ' IV " THE SITKEME TOfllT OF BRITISH ; COI.VM1I1A In the Matter of the Administration ' In thMatter of the Estate of Arthur C. I Little, Deceased. Intestate. ' TAKE NOTICE that by order of Ills ; Honor. F. McB. Young, the 20th day of 'September. A.D. 1927. I was appointed ! Administrator of the estate of Arthur C. i Little, deceased, and all parties having I claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly veri-! fleTto me on or before the 21at day of Ortober. AD. 1837. and all nutkn to-debted to tbe estate are required to pay the Amount of their Indebtedness to me NORMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator, Prince Rupert. B.C. Dated the 21st day of September. AXJ. 1027. . IN PROBATE.- hlvlne claims against the said estate are , K Quired to 'furnish same, properly SertnwTto me on or before the 1st day of October. AJD. 1927. and aU parties Indebted to the estate are required to pay the amount of their indebtedness to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT. , Official Administrator. ' Prince Rupert. B.O. . Dated tbe 1st dsy of 8ep.emi;ei A.u 16-.. tr hatW ta a SBSut aaUnt 1m that or the ptek ran on reltoatkm of the fact that such which the big bulk of h pack for the district aa a whole la usaatty made. The last tannery to close on the mainland la Oov. which ha. been pututg lwnc of ttK ftebennea, U tail varieties tram the Islands re cently and which wfH be dosed up on Monday. Oanneriea on the Queen Charlotte Wanda are also ckntag up this wee -end. Out of the eketeton pack of 1827, wttMh to the wat of the caamry op- :ratoea. baa been, undoubtedly, f inane I - methods as have prevtounly prevailed wouM very probably reeult In a per manent depletion of the fisheries. Con- ' of unnanmed atream which flow south-: Ttrr on Weditrnday. TIMBER SALE X1303 aueh as have already been held In the couth and wUl hortljr be held to tale dlatrtot, are proof wtflcssat of the good faith of both alone tbla Use. Whereas In the paat there has been mare or leaa of a lack of sympathy on the part of both cperatora and fishermen with tbe de partment in lta effort to Invoke and en- " - force conservation methods, there U bolievad. come llnf food to the aal- without a doubt, a dlatmct spirit moo flabertea of the coast. Esperistwe ri uatrUrb oo-oferatlon developing. of the season have ha- past , apparently n weU fr tne future presenra- .preasad strongly on both cannery opera- tton , ,n lndtute. u.hteta otherwise : tors and the fishermen themselves the 1 naoeaalty thst new and more effective would be facing disaster. coiuervatloa mesmiret must be effect-1 ovarhaul work on ttie Bis Bar Lum- d without delay. On this point accord , wtoff tn wy oI lnMalUng new pile and caps la saw under way with P. W. Andersen IB charge. After an absence frem port f about two months, durlag which time she wsa landing her eatehes at Butedale, the lo-oal halibut boat Cape Swain. Capl Red ; Fierce, landed a eateh of 2.000 pounds 1 about one mile east of Bluff Point. ; The water will be diverted from the Jimmy Hlckey, well known local pros- stream at a point a lout 600 feet from . cector. ai the latest reorult to the ranks ; the mouth i and wUl 1 ued for eomroer- . . .. . upon upon the the land Isnd deaerlbed described """"" cisl purposea aa Lot 2TS0. Range 4. Coast District. This 1 past week not lee was posted on the ground on the 30th day of July. 1037. A copy of thla notice and an application pursuant , thereto and to the ''Water Act" will be filed in the office of the Water Re- ; corder at Prince Rupert. B.C. Objections to the application may be rued , wttb the said Water Recorder or with the Comptroller of Water Rights. Parliament ; Buildings, Victoria. B.C.. within thirty days arter tne lint appearance 01 tnis notice In a local newspaper. The date of the first publication of this notice Is August 20. 1M7. EUGENE ROUSSEAU. Applicant. LAM) ACT. NOTICE OF INTENTION' TO APPLY TO LEASE I.AMI In Queen Charlotte Islands Land Re-eotCHmt District of Prince Rupert, and situate at Jedway Harbor, Moresby Island. Q.C.I ! TAKE NOTICE that Mlllerd Packing i Company. Limited, of Vancouver, B.C.. occupation Packen. Intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted at the northeast corner of lot 88. Q.CJ.: thence northwesterly and along high water mark 18 chain, more or leas, to a point N. 58 37' E. from the NX corner Lot 140; thence north 58 3T E 1-5 chains, more or lees, to low water mark: thence southeasterly along low water mark to a point N. 58 37' E. from the location i post; thence 23 ohalns, more or lest, : to the point of commencement, and con-; ulninir S acrev more or less. LIMITEU, Applicant Dated September 7, 1B27. IN I'KOBATE. IN TIIE SITKEME COI ttT OF BUITISH COLI'MUIA In the Matter of the Administration Act; and . In the Matter of the Estate of John Caddy, Deceased, Intestate. TAKE NOTICE that by order of His ' Honor F. McB. Young, the 20th day oi July, AJ) 1827. I was appointed Admln-; latrator of the state of John Caddy, deceased, and all parties having claims 1 against the said estate are hereby re-I quired to furnish same, properly verified. I to me on or before the 20th day of ' August, AC 1827. and all parties ln-I debted ta tne eStite, are required to -pay I the amount of their indebtedness to me i forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT, Official Administrator, Prince Rupert. B.C. ! noted the 25th day of July. AJ). 1B27. a amau oignieen-ioiH open boat wtth C tCp. Erteta.e engine from John Sweeney and has removed it from the Yaafet Club float. The local halibut boat Belsae, Capt. John Orvlk, which has been packing salmon far the past two months for Bens Bella cannery, returned to port thla week and outfitted preparatory to proceeding on Friday to the banks to resume halibut fishing. As far as tbe automobile traffic la concerned, tbe rocking of the dry dock road beyond Cow Bay has undoubtedly made a peat Improvement but It Is sure tough on the pedestrians' shoe leather. Raiay weather the past few days has prevented the completion of the sur facing. Itlltll SEASON MH The real honest-to-goodcens opening of the Prince Rupert hunting season Is now In sight with the opening of the duck and geese shooting season coming on October 16. a week from today. It la reported that some of the boys nave already taken down the old shotguns from their summer resting places and that a campaign of oiling and cleaning Sealed Tenders will be received by the Minister of Lands, at Victoria, B.C.. not later than noon on the 13th day of October. 127. for the purchase of Pulp Licence X4303. to cut 48.408,000 fJun. Spruce. Hemlock and Cedar on an area attustcd on Copper Bay. Moresby tdanrt oueen Charlotte Islands District. Thirty t30) years will be allowed for removal of timber. , ' Viirthw nartieulars of tse?.Cblef For .... ipimi. h n nr District Forester. Prince Rupert. JM3; 'Stt. TIMBER SALE X4298 kii Tenders will be received by the Minister of Lands, at Victoria, B.C., not later than noon on the 13th day of October. 1857. for the purchase of -Pulp Licence X4298. to cut 12,092.000 f.bjn. Spruce. Hemlock and Cedar on an area situated on Orey Bay, Moresby Island, Queen Charlotte Islands District Thirty (30) years will be aUowed for removal of timber. Further particulars of the Chief ror-este. Victoria, B.C., or District Forester. Prince Rupert, B.C. TIMBER SALE X4297 Sealed Tenders will be received by the Minister of -Lands, at Victoria. B.C.. not later than noon on the 13th day of October, 1827, tor the purchase of Pulp Licence X4287, to cut 38.375.000 I.bJn. Spruce. Hemlock and Cedar on an area situated on Copper Bay, Moresby Island, Queen Charlotte Islands District. Thirty (301 years wUl be allowed for removal of timber. Further particulars of the Chief For-este. Victoria. B.C.. or District Forester. Prince Rupert. BO. IN PROBATE IN TIIE SITKEME COI KT OF HUITISH COLUMIUA im tiif Ri'PKEME coi'Ht OF BRITISH In the Matter of the Administration ltn the' Administration In the Matter ot the Estate of Joe Elman of In th the Matter Matter ui w (otherwise) Joe Herman, Deceased. -C. v..,,., nf the Estate of Duncan TAKE TAKE NOTICE NOTICE that that by oy order oraer oi of His his " nnwuVKM Deceased Intestate. TNOTICThat border of His Honor F. McB. Young, the 11th day ol ttZr Twing. the 27th day of August, AD. 1927. I was appointed Ad- Honor. r F. McB ate?- . .' . iriiniatmtnr of t.h tte of Joe Elman mlffi'stw ut of the estate of Duncan Oil- (otherwU) nunisirsiui .it nartlm all ttartles said estate are hereby required to fur- nlsh same, properly verified, to me on or before the 21st day of Beptember, A.D. 1927, and aU parties Indebted to the estate are reaulred to pay the la now in m unless so that no time mav I F be lost In getting away after the dawn of the great day. Numerous parties are avtready talking about pulling out next Saturday wtth Big Bay the most popu lar objective. Those already planning t j go there are George Bryant. Alex. Uac- dooald. Jack Hlnton and their respective parties. Meanwhile deer bunting proceeds In full swing wtth accent on the "hunt ing" for. from all reports, that is about all the most of the ambitious nlmrods have, so far, been doing. At that, they are having a good time if they don't get anything more than a good tonic of fresh air. For some reason or other the country scroas the bay seems to be a very favorite point of attack Just now. If the crowds turn out there again like tbef did last .Bunday. It might not be amiss to suggest to the powers that be (hat. in addition to the pone wardens, they might also lnstal a traffic fiquad so there will be no danger f the boys tramping each other down and also so that they might be directed how tnaay are to shoot at one deer so that something may be left of It and no dis order will arise ss to who really ahot it. There seems certainly no need to feel lonely about H, either, when, on turning every 4ree corner, you see s fellow creature. But It is deuced annoying when one la looking for something else betide human company. The party consisting of Jarvls Mc- J3d. Bob B la nee. BUI Nelson and Doc Lou Kergln. which visited the north arm of PorCber Island at tbe end of last week aboard the Eleanor Mac, leav ing town Saturday noon and returning Tuesday morning- had better than usual success. Each member of tbe party came back with a tine antlered buck and reported having had a splendid time, under Ideal weather conditions, on the sunny southern alopes of tbe popular Island. Tom Watt and John Wick, following their abortive .start a week ago Sunday when they struck a log at tbe mouth of the harbor and had to return to port for repairs, finally got away the Tuesday following and, returning aboard the Myfanwy on Wednesday of this week, had two bucks each to testify to their prowens. Banks Island and the country south of it yielded a genersus. rtore of mulligan tor the Prince Rupert Boat House during the remainder of the week. ''The various units having been en gaged during the past summer In a 1 number of. separate activities, the entire is excected t'tr!acirtaftsfeftefi i&lJ4onnMr' of 'nwfc? week, The Pachena, Capt. Harvey Dumas, will be home after a packing charter to Lowe Inlet and South Bay canneries; the Azurlte, Capt. Ole Skog. will have returned from tbe Queen Charlotte Is lands, and the Bertha O., Capt. Alex. Oh man, and Zanardl. Capt. Walker, will also be both back from South Bay cannery. Each of these four boats will make a brief stay Is port before proceeding to Vaacouver Island to complete the season by seining for chums off that coast. Powerboat Myfanwy of the Prince Kupert Boat House fleet has been on the Ward Wsys this week for overhaul. The "28" went out to Galloway Rapids road camp on Thursday afternoon with a scow of supplies snd made a rush trip back with Dave Thomson who had met with sn accident. The Salt Lakes swimming season being practically ended, the "23" la about to be tied up for the "winter. THE POOR ALBINOS Monday will be execution day at tbe Prince Rupert Fisheries Experimental Station with H. N. Brocklesby. acting director. In the stellar role of Lord Hands" are now packed with THE DUALITY CIGARETTE 1 RR1T1SH COLUMBIA The Mineral Province of Western Canada To the end of December, 192G. Has produced Minerals as follows: Placer Gold, $78,018,548; Lode Gold, $12G,972,318; Silver, 180,787,003; Lead, $100,976,442; Copper,. ?209,0C7,0C8; Zinc, $50,512,5577; Coal and Coke. $2499,138; Structural Materials and Miscellaneous Minerals, $60,175,407; making iU mineral production to the end of 192G shown AGGREGATE VALUE OF $988,108,470. PRODUCTION FOR YEAR ENDING DECEMBER, 192G, $67,188,812 The Mining Laws of this Province are more liberal and the fees lower than those of any other Province in the Dominion, or any colony in the British Empire. Mineral locations are granted to discoverers for nominal fees. Absolute Titles are obtained by developing such properties, the security of which Is guaranteed by Grown grants. Full Information, together with Mining Reports and Maps, may be obtained gratis by addresing THE HONORABLE THE MINISTER OF MINES. VICTORIA, BRITISH COLUMBIA. N.B. Practically all British Columbia Mineral Properties upon which development work has been done are described in some one of the Annual Reports of the Minister of Mines. Those considering mining investments should refer to such reports. They are available without charge on application to the Department .of Mines, Victoria, B.C. Reports of the Geological Survey of Canada, Winch Building, Vancouver, are recommended as valuable sources of information. Reports covering of the Six Mineral Sur.'y Districts are published separately, and are available on application. lowing special diet treatment. 1 To explain more fully, the rats have; been deprived of that mysterious j though allegedly valuable food content j of vitamin D. and reduced to a sad! state of rickets and other ailments. Then they have been fed flab oils. etc. of uncertain contents and. If they come to, It Is proven that the oil con tains vitamin D. and it thus has valu able .properties as s food or medlclna Everything may be fair In love, war and science but we would rather not be the white Tats In the Prince Rupert Fisheries Experiments! station. EarteBsive rebuilding operations at the government wharf by the Pacific Stevedoring On. are now approaching completion -and order will have been res tored to such sn extent that the stsemer Princess Alice, arriving from the north next Wednesday afternoon, may be accommodated there once again. Substructure braces at the westerly end of the work are still to be put in &n a guuu ueiu ui uec&u i TOaTjBoremnjneigv. Still firmly bellevuVg, "Hke ntsThus-trious ancestor, that there may yet be some virtue In the old adage "If at first you dont succeed, try. try again." Doc Clapperton, for the third time, is attempting to successfully raise and keep a canine. This time Doc has fallen heir to an allegedly thoroughbred Chesapeake pup (which. It may be Interesting gossip for our readers to knew, was but one of a family of twelve which arrived at Charlie Lar- kina house the other dsy) and the spacious warehouse at the government wharf is solely and exclusively devoted to the housing of the dog. It always being more pleasant when there Is lots of room and fresh air around a normal pup. Doc is to be commended on his patience and we hope that Pete, after Pete Meuse, who negotiated the deal for Doc, may prove a more permanent and graceful mascot to the government than the two predeceased pets of Doc. . While,Doo is .getting . bJg..dog broken In. Hsrry 'Dafgett his .decided Ithst discretion is the tetter part W valor where smelly pupa are concerned so Is taking his annual vacation not far from the family hearthstone. High Executioner. On that day, sixteen Minus her rudder which she lost on of the twenty-three white Albino rats, the grounds but with Jury gear ln- on which experiments have recently stalled, the halibut boat Rose Spit. been made. wUl be put to death by thejCapt. Axel Olsen, arrived rn port on persuasive means of chloroform. Nor j Wednesday with a catch of 8,000 lbs. aviil tlim aihlnra )nv outlived their i T7nnir)t wpre effected with desnatch at amount ox their Indebtedness to me usefUlness then though, indeed, they T the dry dock and the Rose Spit was forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT. jmay " be dead. Their bodies wtl) be out again yesterday. Official Administrator, dissected and cross -sectioned with a 1027 ince Rupcr. n n , to .gctrtiining Um) caj,, urn and Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co s content of ces fol- (coatlaued on pags six) Dated the 34th dsy of August, AX), phosphorus thu Canadian National Steamships .Co. Limited Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating G.T.P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dw:k Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers. Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc EIJICTKIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. y,bur plant Is equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL "WORK. PHONES 43 and 285 Canadian National cfht Largcft Kailway Sylem in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE SAILINGS from PRINCE Rl'PEKT for VANCOrVER. VICTORIA. SEATTLE. and Intermediate points, eitrh THURSDAY and KUNHAY, 11.00 p.m. For AXVOX and KETCHIKAN Each WEIINES1IAV, 4.00 p.m. For STEWART Each SATURDAY. 10.00 p.m. lor NORTH AMI SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, fortnightly. PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT DAILY EXCEIT SUNDAT at lLSfl a.m. for PRINCE OEOROE. EDMONTON, WINNIPEG, all points Eastern Canada, United States. AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. Use Canadian National Exprexs for Money Orders, Foreign Clieq'oe. etc., also for your next shipment. CITY TICKET OFFICE. 828 T11IHD AVE PRINCE RCTERT; Pbon 180 EVERJET ELASTIC PAINT For painting pipe lines, smokestacks, railings, roofs, sidings, machinery and any metal surface where superior black carbon paint is required. Per gallon $1.75 Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd. 253 Third Avenue. Prince Rupert