PAGE FOUR BLANKET Special. DurJnirthmonW of My ., ,.,:it ... '....fs-rri rf on all Blankets. Single Blanket, each .. .'Wf Double Hlanket, each . , .Klf Blankets washed without shrinking and returned nice and fluffy. GIVE US A TRIAL Pioneer Laundry (1921) Ltd. Phone - - 118 Spring Coats in Shades of Navy, Gray and Sand "Demers" Phone 27. P.O. Box 327. Prince Ropert BOAT HOUSE Phone 3S1 P.O. Box 1563 LAU'CHESSCOWS, ROV-BOATS AND canoes SAND AND GRAVEL Equipment for Divins and Salvage Work Agents for Easthope Engines and Stump Pullers NORWEGIAN HALIBUT GEAR IN STOCK Compass Adjusting Di.J.R.Gosse DENTIST Helgerson Block X-Ray Service. Open Evenings Phone 68C. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 63 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal Sand and Gravel. We Specialize In Piano and Furnitun Moving. Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 275 DENTIST ANGER, the TAILOR We carry a fine stock of imported Scotch Tweeds, Fancy Worsteds and Serge. Every garment tried on lie-fore finishing. 223 Sixth Street I 1 4 BRINGING UP FATHER P I THlt ELEPHAMT 1 DKiViM' ME DAFFY- UETft qo IN HERE AM BRACE. OP! SECOND ANNUAL ALL PRINCE GEORGE EXPENSE TRIANGLE TOUR TEN PAY TRIP FARE 4U0.00- Special train leaves Vancouver via Canadian National Railways, Monday, July Fare Includes meals and berth on .teamer. Prince Rupert to Vancouver. aJ all meals and berth on train, Vancouver to Prince Rupert via Jasper, and meals and entertainment at stop-over points; two full days at Jasper National Park; stay over-night at Kamloops, Prince George and Smlthers; automobile trips and entertainment at all "ttsse points, also automobile trips at Vander- hoof and Haaelton. .Pull particulars from. City Ticket Office, 528 Third Avenue. Phone 260. Arthur Dixon, district engipeex far the provincial department cf public works, announces that there will be no delay in Instituting road work In Port George district this spring. All told there will be 1126.000 spent on roads in the riding. The two big Jobs to be completed this ear will be the Olscome-Newlands con nection and the cut-off in th road to Vanderhoof in the vicinity of Swede Creek. There will be other extensive work. Mi,w Wilma Young, who "ha been - a' resident of this city for several years, la leaving shortly for San Francisco where she will remain for the summer engaged In musical studies before proceeding to New York on a concert tour. Miss Young will stage a farewell concert Sere next week. The C.N.R. concrete culvert pipe plant nere u in operation again witn ten men employed. The output of the plant will be doubled this season and It will con- Inue working until frost closes it down. Reglna is the only other place in West ern Canada that has a plant of this nature. Backward weather is holding up saw- milling In this district and the log scale for April, as a result, was lower than it has been for several years, totalling Just under three million feet as compared with over seven million feet during the same month last year. For the first four months of the current year, the district stands at 17,302.391 feet as against 21.891.397 feet In 1926. Local retail merchants are asking the city council to arrange a better street prlngllng service during the summer months. Approximately 4,000 cars of wheat pasted through Prince Oeorge to the Prince Rupert elevator since the movement of the 1926 crop commenced. The bulnessihas been profitable for the sec tion oC the railway est of Red Pass not only In the freights earned but In the saving on empty cars brought west tor lumber and Ales. B.Sjj-graves Is the first -motorist, to mare the trip this season between Vancouver and Prince Oeorge over the Praser River Canyon Highway. He states that the going was fairly good. especially on the Vancouver-Quesnel end. It was rougher into Prince Oeorge. 3 1 V.. H, WAIT OMTIU 1 TIE UP THlb FIVE-TON BURDEN OF m m I WW. x j The - Taxi Driver If there is one thing that counts most in getting away fast to beat traffic and speed for fast runs it's spark plugs. I use Champions every time. Cmf4tn U the better tfm'kptugktcatuevfU$ doubU-nbhtd uiluiwa-ue (rr at two-piece contttMcximnandittife rial analysis eUctredeu CfunnfMO X -f oe FarJt 80 CKampion-Canoclvrr thin Ford 90 Champion lng summer. SparJCPlugs WINPSOR. ONT. A CANADIAN-MADE PRODUCT Local car owners who are Inclined to kick at the payment of 35c per gallon for gas are - being reminded that in Quesnel the retail price still stands at 47$4c. An effort is being made by the Quesnel Baard of Trade to bring about a reduction In the price. A. P. Bertschl and family left here this week for Switzerland where they will reside for name time. Johannes Kerkhcff of Woodpecker left for a trip to his former home in Holland. Billy Corbett. one of the early real. dents of this district, has returned to the city after spending the winter In Salt Lake City. Mrs. Walter F. Oregg of Prince George lert Thursday morning for an extended Ult to her mother in Vanvouver. .QUEBEC TAKES VOTE MONDAY (continued from page . 6neJ ! Quebec In the past seven years. Premier iTasehereaxi made t plain that his policy r..'... ,i a n -.1 ' i.t. KTOM: Tllt'NDKIt Mr Sauve's criticism cf the govern ment took the form of charging ministers with profiting from administrative enterprises and he ulso accused the government of maladministration of W. L. Armstrong, station agent, is the Liquor Act. He claimed that Mr. planning further extensive Improvements Tetchtreau had stolen Xht Conservative of the railway grounds during the com- JJ-. 1' u i.. J 1 projects which redounded to the good iof the province had been- suggested to .the government by the opposition. Mr. 'Sauve Intimated clearly that he would ! cither return to Quebec aa Prime Min ister orhe would renounce leadership of the Conservative party. HOMES IIO NOT OXf. A feature of interest In the elections is that voting Is not by universal suffrage as In the other provinces. The women of Quebec liave a vote in dominion affairs but they have not yet secured this right in provincial elec-l Jons. Last session Victor Marchand, member! or Jacques Cartier. introduced "a measure that would have enfranchised the women, but It was overwhelmingly de-"eated. Women, nevertheless, have! aken an active part In the campaign, particularly in Montreal, where several candidates have pledged them-selves to .upport any similar measure that may be Introduced In future. There are 85 members of the Legislative Assembly which has been con trolled by the Liberal party since 1896. The standing of the parties after the ast provincial election. Feb. S, 1923, was: 3overnment 64 Opposition 21 LOCAL NEWS NOTES J. C. Studdy of Alyansh arrived in the city from the Naas River on the CaVdena this morning and Is registered it th Hotel Prince Rupert. Walter Broad, customs officer at Stewart, who has been on a brief trip touth, is a passenger on the Prince George today returning north. W. E. Fisher, local barrister, who hat teen on a brief business trip to Vancouver and Victoria, returned to the city on the Prince Oeorge this morning. Mrs. J. A. West. 324 Fourth Avenue West, returned home on the Prince George this morning from Vancouvei where she had been visiting for a fe weeks. A. Roe of the Empire Shipping Co. eturned from Vancouver on the Prince George this morning to be here In connection with the loading of the wheat ifclp Queenmoor at the elevator. Sergeant J. P. M, Hannah, chief of the city detachment of the provincial police, who went south at the first of the week on . escort duty, returned to the city on the Prince Oeorge this morning. Mrs. H. A. Breen and child, C2S Fifth Avenue East, returned to the city on the Prince George this morning after having spent the past month , or so visiting -'la New .Westminster nd Vancouver with relatives. . i i, The 'Prank Waterhouse' freighters Etstholm and Selkirk are in 'port to load product .from the Rupert . Marine Products plant tn . Tuck's - Inlet! The Eastholm arrived at 6:05 last night andj me Selkirk came in from victoria at 2.-30 this morning. V anted For Sale For Rent WOMAN COOK WANTS WORK IN small camp. Apply Box 41. Daily News Office. 115 FOR KENT FURNISHED SUITES FOR RENT. Apply Uusssllem Grocery. Phone 18. ROOMS FOR RENT. BOARD IP desired. Phone Black 12Q. PIANO FOR , RENT. 15.00 A MONTH. Walker't Musjc Store. ROOMS TO RENT PHONE 678. EXCHANGE tf NEW AND SECONDHAND FURNITURE bought, sold and exchanged. Papa, dopulos and Marrls, 839 Third Ave,. Phone 640. tf Spring Time is CELERY KING Time B'ew cup of this fine old vegetable took. It U all the ipring medicine you need. It driTci out winter's poisons, improve the tppetite and makes you feel tetter right awsy. CELERY KING ii good fox the whole family. At druggists. 30c 60c city In time for the Diamond Jubilee of Confederation celebration. Miss Myra Harvey returned home' on the Prince George this morning lifter spending a few weeks holidaying In Vancouver and Victoria. Mrs. Oeorge Wilson., 323 Fourth Ave. West, will sail tomorrow night on the .rince Oeorge for the south taking her daughter. Jean, who has been 111, to Victoria where she will remain with rlends. Mrs. Wilson and son, Billy, urill return to the city in a few. 'days. Richard W. Plllabury. son of Mr. and lirs. J. H. PllUbury, 219 Fourth Avenue West. Prince Rupert, graduated with the degree of bachelor of arts at the invocation of the University of British Columbia In Vancouver this week. He had second class honors In biology and botany. Wearing a silver medal which he won In the competition, Bruce Stevens, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Stevens. 2175 Atlln Avenue, returned this morning on the Prince George from Vancouver where he represented Prtnce Rupert High School In the B.C. Oratorical Con test held this week. Advertise In the DtliT News PRINCE KUI'EirT TIDES t4vtv4 Mahay, may is High 0-28 am. 13:02 p.m Low 6:59 ajn. 18:49 pm. W. Burken, well known local barber,! MONDAY. .MAY IB left on this morning's train for Francois' High 0:55 ajn. Lake where he will sojourn m for the' 13:37 pm, next month or so under the "big low' 730 ajn. party's Uiundcr and that moat of the sticks." BJll expects to return to the - 19:20 pin. What do you get for tne pnee Dealer for Chevrolet, Pontine. Oldsntohile and Mclaughlin KAIEN (JAHAfiE (Dave Mm) Third AVenue, Prince Rupert, IJ.C. you pay VAIXF. b not a rnsttrr of price sIom. It h simply ye, I jt Ike price ye ptj. Cbrvrnlrt m low la pricr-but not at the f I-wnsf of quality. It h rcMMHniqal -brcsti t B not cheaply built It ii luiftme ia value brcstM it sivn more of toe tblntt yon want Iof the price yog pay. First ami !aay. quality tount with Chrvro-Irt. Ibrrt t quality ia Oir distinctive r'tahrr brain: In th knx, low linn: t the rkh. lustrum Hues colon; in the tmoath, powrrlul, valvfHn4Kd tncinr) In the trarn ol rr&M-mmti, lucb w citanrr, oil iiw. (U straistr; I tht Isiury ol its appoialawau sad Bcatitif tpholstrry: la the loof. rnllrnt Mjruin; ra tbi- cany, thrr4rH trananiuium. Thr ml Brautilul Chrvroltt In Oirvrolrt llktory is now Kllini at ii and lower prkn Ihr lownt (or which IMruIrt hu mt Lrcr old ia Canada. Koti-et J" Touring fall Sport RoaditM (710 Coup I7SO Cewh 1760 Stan li Cabeioln ' IS90 Landan Stdaa II0 Imperial Landau Sda ...... J97 RoadiMt DiliTtry 65 J Cwm'rcl Chatiia 40 l.Twa Truck Chawi ft4) frictl tt Futerj, Oiw Cnernmnl Jtul Ulrt CMtll ul Chewolet evrolet History 20.2 ft. 18.5 " 4 .6 " 6.8 " 20.6 ft. 18.7 " 4.0 - 7.1 " WANTED By George McManus TIFT O I I U f VtU.l 1 I 0 MAKE IT L j 1 "J ' L A "WE TWO L'J THREE! 4 J i l-l J- CENTLEMEN? J ARE". SElOEU! "( C pa . jA m iS timst mm I, ij O 1927 .r Wl FfATu-t Svk:c. Inc. ' THilS- SflPHii j M BBl art DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. f 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for lets than 50c SITUATIONS WANTED WANTED. HOUSEWORK, WABHINO. Cleaning b the hour. Phone Oreen 283. 118 FOR' SALE A CAK AT VHIK IMVN PKIPK. We have on view at our office. Third Ave. East, one 1823 Ford Sedan, upon which we Invite you to make a sealed bid. . Member and employee of our firm will not be allowed to bid. On May 24 we will sell the car to the person- who has submitted the highest offer up to 6 pjn. on May 23. This Is a bona fid effer, and we make no reservation. Bid what you are willing to pay for the car. If you cannot drive we will teach you. All bids will be placed In sealed envelopes, depoulted in a sealed box, and opened and examined by dis Interested parties, on the evening of May 23. Make an Offer S. F PAItKKIC, I.TP. t'oitit nr. mit. lis FOR SALE. BEDDINO OUT PLANTS. all varieties, rained In our own greenhouse. Prince Rupert Floral Shop. Brighten up your home with flowers. FOR SALE. TWO LOTS ON ATI IN Avenue. Harbor View. Price reason able. Phone Black 404. tf FOR SALE. SEVEN ROOM HOUSE. close In; cheap for cash. Also two lota. Phone Red 713. I1J FOR SALE. 81X ROOMED HOUSE AND lot n post office block. 12.200.00. Apply P.O. Box 378. HJ FOR SALE. 160 ACRES LAND ON UP- per 8keena. IU00O0. Apply Box 4J. Dally News Office. na FOR RENT. SEVEN ROOM MODERN house and four roomed furnished flat. Phone Oreen 734. TAXI 118 .1 FOR SALE, CORONA PORTABLE typewriter, practically new. 3S.OO. Phone 774. jj4 OPPORTUNITY I 5 00 A MONTH NOW buys your future homeslte. Walker's Music Store. HOARD BOARD. THE INLANDER. Second Avenue. Phon 137. AUCTIONEER 830 NOTICE TO THE PUBLICI ON Account of the ,lale Sprint In Alberta the land po, being yt fit W seetL tne sale as- adverjJdof the ,and rrdetitlAi 'lslW'o'n Atlln Avenue will be postponed Until Thursday. May 26 at 2.30. This Is a - speculation worth looking Into. O. F. Brkir. Phone 774. DltCft.SMAKINO EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKER. FOR- tnerly of New York and Edmonton. Mrs. C. Bmlth. Drexel Rooms, 139 Second Avenue. Phone 680. I.OMIMOS HHMTIHE EXriUNflK Vmiirdy rUgnnn. prnprlelori m Third Avenue I'lione lllat-k 411 Furniture of all sorts bought, sold or Exchanged. UPHOLSTERING PURNITURE REPAIRING; UPJJOL-(terlng of all kinds Chesterfields recovered and made to order. All work guaranteed. Phone Oreen 603. O. M. HUNT. RESTAURANTS IOOII r'.ATS CAFE Mrs. Uuger, Proprietress Third Avenue. Next Q. W, y. A, ImmI Hnine CMke4 Meals. Phone Black 700 Phone 67 Tnxl (Call Georjre, Paul or OustJ Six and Seven Pnsseinrer Stutle-hnkerii at your disposal any time. ROSS nROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Work. (Acrois from Empress Hotel) UNI) ,UT ArticL Lot and ound,&t MITIU' fl' iviivii,... . In Range 4, C ,;. 1 r Recording Distr, and situate In vn ,:, Pitt Island. BC TAKE NOTICE t Co. Ltd., of 32J H w f B C, occupation t I ! to apply for a Icle: 1 described lands Commencing at a the northwest con ' 4; thence north 5 1 ' IS chalnv, theti-e corner Lot 1213: shore to point of containing 7 acrr : UUSSE PAt Ai Per Chas I r Dated Apr T 1927. "PROVINCIAL ELECTWa' A IT I'ltlM'F. Ill PI KT njTTOUl MtlKKT MACKENZIE M ITIOim iy 3 NOTICE Is herebv f rc on Monday, the 15; c 1 at tne hour or 10 1 . noon, at the Cour-.h; r hold a sitting of .1 for th purpose 1 1 voters for the said Z and of hearing ai'.d and all objecti.n to any name on the t. 1 registration as a voter u for registration; and fi pones set forth In the P tlona Act." Dated at Prince Runt B day of April, '1927 NORMA 1 r 114 Rf LAND ACT. I.EAM; I.AM' In Range S, o-Recording ' ' Pistr: and situate on n Arm. B.C. TAKB NOTICE Co. Ltd- Of 32$ ' D C, occupation F t to apply for a Ii ancrlbed lands '.Commencing nt. 1 i " r thalna distant tlon from norrhe . Range 3: thence west IS ebaiiu thence eaetcrly ' commencement, a d more or l OOS3E PAt r.r l Per Chaf T i Diited April 7 1951". LAND A T NOTIf i: OF INTENTION J" Ar LEASE I.A : In Prlnea Rupert I r trlct of Wueen en viluate at Mawef li TAKE NOTICE u,y nera. Ltd.. of Prtn e " patlon Canners, r.,tc. lease of the follow) Comment! 'at ' the northw '. cornr Massett. B C thence thence east- y 3.25 thence northerly 3 terly 3.23 chains, m ' of commencemeni acre, more or les " THE MASSETT Per P I Dated April 80 " NOTICE tTndr and bv Virtue Of i8ectl0n 2B 01 inn tm hi.rh llVfll Hmvth Krtmund I-Str ,f ''it Ml M III and Albert Moore ha' I o th undersigned . on the Cordi' Eerformed llneral Clslmi. Pflncc . Bkeena Mining Division- 1393.88. and thai umw -their proportionate snare such Assessment, togeinc- - of adverting. l" or , c- c Butedale. BO on 1927. application wl M Gold Commissioner, I . 0 have their "p rein mentioned UM Mineral JACOB 1 NOTICE OF INTENTION' TO rr J LEASE LtND. In Prince Rupert L 1 1 trict of Prince Rupe chalm east of nor t . 68. Range 3. Coan DU'r TAKE NOTICE r Company, Limit 1 ' nation Fish Cs lor permission ' v devrrlbed lands Commencing at a pr' chains eat of rJiir'hwe. I i. Coast District; --nen.-e to lew water man chains', thence tost' -t a west 10 chains tu ment. and contn'n t c " 1 lean. OOS3E PACKINC '3T"" - 'JC 3C r .... . . a y: .1 .1 Dated 2nd April !'- LAND ACT NOTICE OF INTENTION' TOAflt' t If